Commit 5c95f009 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Implemented full synthesis control parameters

parent 10b43301
......@@ -26,6 +26,10 @@
<paramtype kind="number" lo="0" hi="65535" format="%d" />
<typedef name = "Cardinal_1">
<paramtype kind="number" lo="1" hi="65535" format="%d" />
<typedef name = "LongCardinal">
<paramtype kind="number" lo="0" hi="2147483647" format="%d" />
......@@ -81,6 +85,9 @@
<syntax name="None" format="" />
<syntax name="CopyValue" format="%%ParamValue" />
<syntax name="ParamListSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="Dash" format=" -%%ParamName %%ParamValue" />
<syntax name="DashList" format=" -%%ParamName %(-s%%ParamValue%| %)" />
<syntax name="DashName" format=" -%%ParamName" />
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
<menuitem name="Vivado Test"
label="Send a command to the remote Vivado session"
label="Send a 'Hello World' command to the remote Vivado session"
<menuitem name="VivadoSynthesis"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<interface name="FPGAPprojectInterface" extends="project_interface">
<interface name="FPGAPprojectInterface">
<syntax name="RemoteRootSyntax" format="%%ParamValue/%%ProjectName" />
<syntax name="SourceListSyntax" format="%(%%SourceList%| %)" />
<syntax name="FilteredSourceListSyntax" format="%(%%FilteredSourceList%| %)" />
<syntax name="ProgramSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<!-- typedef -->
<package name="FPGA_package"
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<interface name = "project_interface">
<!-- All renamed to match Basicinterface.xml
<typedef name="String">
<paramtype kind="string"
<typedef name="Stringlist" list="true">
<paramtype kind="string"
<typedef name="Pathname">
<paramtype kind="string"
<typedef name="Filename">
<paramtype kind="string"
<syntax name="CopyValue" format="%%ParamValue" />
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<interface name="RemoteInterface" extends="FPGAPprojectInterface">
<syntax name="ProgramSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<!-- <syntax name="ProgramSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%|\n%)" /> -->
<tool name="RemotePython" project="FPGA_project" label="RemotePython"
......@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
<interface name="MyControlInterface"
<interface name="MyControlInterface">
<typedef name="MyType1">
<paramtype kind="number"
......@@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
<interface name="VivadoInterface" extends="FPGAPprojectInterface">
<syntax name="ProgramSyntax" format="%(%%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<syntax name="read_xdc_syntax" format="%(read_xdc %%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<syntax name="read_xdc_syntax" format="%(read_xdc %%ParamValue%|\n%)" /> -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<interface name="VivadoSynthesisInterface" extends="VivadoInterface">
<syntax name="read_xdc_syntax" format="%(read_xdc %%ParamValue%|\n%)" />
<typedef name="FlattenHierarchyType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="rebuilt" label="rebuilt: Attempt to rebuild hierarchy after synthesis is completed"/>
<item value="full" label="full: Flatten hierarchy of the design"/>
<item value="none" label="none: Preserve hierarchy (prevents optimization)"/>
<typedef name="GatedClockConversionType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No conversion of the gated FF clocks"/>
<item value="on" label="on: Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where possible"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Convert gated clocks to use FF enables where beneficial"/>
<typedef name="DirectiveType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="default" label="default: Full optimization"/>
<item value="runtimeoptimized" label="runtimeoptimized: Some optimization skipped"/>
<typedef name="ModeType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="default" label="default: Insert buffers around imaginary property modules"/>
<item value="out_of_context" label="out_of_context: Mark Imaginary Property as OOC, do not insert buffers"/>
<typedef name="FSMType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No FSM extraction"/>
<item value="one_hot" label="one_hot: Extract one-hot FSM"/>
<item value="sequntial" label="sequntial:Extract Sequential FSM"/>
<item value="johnson" label="johnson: Extract Johnson FSM"/>
<item value="gray" label="gray: Extract Gray FSM"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Automatically decide on the FSM type to extract"/>
<typedef name="ResourceSharingType">
<paramtype kind= "enum" base="String">
<item value="off" label="off: No sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="on" label="on: Enable sharing of adders and such between different signals"/>
<item value="auto" label="auto: Automaticxally enable sharing of adders and such between different signals where beneficial"/>
<tool name="VivadoSynthesis" label="Load Source files to Vivado"
......@@ -40,6 +87,51 @@
type="String" format="CopyValue"
visible="true" readonly="true"/>
<!-- synth_design arguments -->
<parameter id="name" label= "Design to open after synth"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="part" label= "Xilinx device to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="constrset" label= "Constraints set to use"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="top" label= "Top module of the design"
default="%%TopModule" visible="true" omit="" type="String" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="include_dirs" label= "Include directories for Verilog `include"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="generic" label= "name=value list of VHDL generic entity or Verilog parameter"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="verilog_define" label= "Verilog macro=text definitions"
default="" visible="true" omit="" type="Stringlist" format="DashList"/>
<parameter id="flatten_hierarchy" label= "Flatten Hierarchy during LUT mapping"
default="rebuilt" visible="true" omit="rebuilt" type="FlattenHierarchyType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="gated_clock_conversion" label= "Conversion of gated clocks to FF CE where possible"
default="off" visible="true" omit="off" type="GatedClockConversionType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="directive" label= "Skip some of the optimization algorithms"
default="default" visible="true" omit="default" type="DirectiveType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="rtl" label= "Elaborate HDL source files and open RTL design"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="bufg" label= "Maximum number of global buffers to use"
default="12" visible="true" omit="12" type="Cardinal" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="no_lc" label= "Disable LUT combining feature"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="fanout_limit" label= "Maximum fanout applied during synthesis"
default="10000" visible="true" omit="10000" type="Cardinal_1" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="mode" label= "Imaginary property synthesis type"
default="default" visible="true" omit="default" type="ModeType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="fsm_extraction" label= "Finite State Machine encoding"
default="off" visible="true" omit="off" type="FSMType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="keep_equivalent_registers" label= "Prevent merging of equivalent registers"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="resource_sharing" label= "Share resources (adders and such) between different signals"
default="auto" visible="true" omit="auto" type="ResourceSharingType" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="control_set_opt_thershold" label= "Use dedicated FF control input if fanout exceeds this value"
default="4" visible="true" omit="4" type="Cardinal_1" format="Dash"/>
<parameter id="quiet" label= "Ignore errors, return TCL_OK in any case"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<parameter id="verbose" label= "Temporarily override mesage limits set with set_msg_config"
default="false" visible="true" omit="false" type="Boolean" format="DashName"/>
<!-- hidden (calculated) parameters -->
<parameter id="FilteredSourceList" type="Stringlist"
format="FilteredSourceListSyntax" default="" readonly="true" visible="false" />
......@@ -56,15 +148,35 @@
<group name="Synthesis">
<!-- mkdir -p vdt/npmtest -->
<line name="vivado_copy_pre_synth">
<!-- "echo"
";" -->
"ssh -l"
......@@ -87,7 +199,7 @@
"cd ~/%VivadoProjectRoot\n"
"set outputDir ~/%VivadoProjectRoot/build\n"
<if ResetProject="true">
"reset_project -quiet\n"
"file mkdir $outputDir\n"
"read_verilog %FilteredSourceList\n"
......@@ -97,10 +209,33 @@
<if-not ConstraintsFiles="">
"synth_design -top npmtest -part xc7k70tfbg484-2 -flatten rebuilt\n"
"write_checkpoint -force %SnapshotSynth\n"
"puts '@@FINISH@@'\n"
<!-- -top npmtest -part xc7k70tfbg484-2 -flatten rebuilt\n" -->
<line name="vivado_copy_after_synth">
"mkdir -p %VivadoLocalDir ;"
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