<itemvalue="min_max"label="Analyze both minimal and maximal delays"/>
<itemvalue="max_rise"label="Analyze maximal delays for rising fronts"/>
<itemvalue="max_fall"label="Analyze maximal delays for falling fronts"/>
<itemvalue="min_rise"label="Analyze minimal delays for rising fronts"/>
<itemvalue="min_fall"label="Analyze minimal delays for falling fronts"/>
<itemvalue="end"label="Shows the endpoint of the path only, with calculated timing values."/>
<itemvalue="summary"label="Displays the startpoints and endpoints with slack calculation."/>
<itemvalue="short"label="Displays the startpoints and endpoints with calculated timing values."/>
<itemvalue="full"label="Displays the full timing path, including startpoints, through points, and endpoints."/>
<itemvalue="full_clock"label="Displays full clock paths in addition to the full timing path."/>
<itemvalue="full_clock_expanded"label="Displays full clock paths between a master clock and generated clocks in addition to the full_clock timing path."/>
<itemvalue="slack"label="Sort results by slack value."/>
<itemvalue="group"label="Sort results by path groups."/>