Commit f04d8933 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

DP works with RGB (40544<48K) but not with LWIR (58880>48K)

parent eaf9cd49
......@@ -2077,7 +2077,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
num_cams, // int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// Does not require initialized gpu_texture_indices to be initialized - just allocated, will generate.
gpu_texture_indices, // int * gpu_texture_indices,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
......@@ -2090,9 +2089,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
gpu_geometry_correction, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
texture_colors, // int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
(texture_colors == 1), // int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction
// gpu_generate_RBGA_params,
generate_RBGA_params, // float cpu_params[5], // mitigating CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
gpu_color_weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R
1, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA
......@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
// Avoiding includes in jcuda, all source files will be merged
#pragma once
#ifndef JCUDA
#define TEST_LWIR 1
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_CAMS 16 // now maximal number of cameras
//#define NUM_PAIRS 6
//#define NUM_COLORS 1 //3
// kernels [num_cams][num_colors][KERNELS_HOR][KERNELS_VERT][4][64]
//#define TEST_LWIR 1
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
//#define DEBUG6 1
// #define DEBUG7 1
//// #define DEBUG7A 1
#define DEBUG7A 1
#define DEBUG7 1
#define DEBUG8 1
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