Commit ee0cfc3b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

converting to varaible num_cams

parent 18d8e56b
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -44,10 +44,13 @@
extern "C" __global__ void convert_direct( // called with a single block, single thread
// struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS], // changed for jcuda to avoid struct parameters
int num_cams, // actual number of cameras
int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono
float ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_kernels, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
......@@ -60,15 +63,17 @@ extern "C" __global__ void convert_direct( // called with a single block, single
int * pnum_active_tiles, // indices to gpu_tasks
int tilesx);
extern "C" __global__ void correlate2D(
int num_cams,
int * sel_pairs,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
float scale0, // scale for R
float scale1, // scale for B
float scale2, // scale for G
float fat_zero, // here - absolute
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks, // array of per-tile tasks (now bits 4..9 - correlation pairs)
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks, // array of per-tile tasks (now bits 4..9 - correlation pairs)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int tilesx, // number of tile rows
int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
......@@ -99,6 +104,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void corr2D_combine(
float * gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile)
extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
int num_cams, // number of cameras used
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// int num_tilesx, // number of tiles in a row
......@@ -121,6 +127,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
extern "C"
__global__ void imclt_rbg_all(
int num_cams,
float ** gpu_corr_images, // [NUM_CAMS][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT]
int apply_lpf,
......@@ -142,6 +149,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void imclt_rbg(
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
extern "C" __global__ void generate_RBGA(
int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
......@@ -275,11 +275,13 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
//#ifndef DBG_TILE
const char* ports_clt_file[] = { // never referenced
const char* result_rbg_file[] = {
......@@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char* result_corr_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main_corr.corr";
const char* result_corr_quad_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main_corr-quad.corr";
const char* result_corr_cross_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main_corr-cross.corr";
/// const char* result_corr_cross_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main_corr-cross.corr";
const char* result_textures_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/texture.rgba";
const char* result_textures_rgba_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/texture_rgba.rgba";
......@@ -296,39 +298,65 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char* correction_vector_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main.correction_vector";
const char* geometry_correction_file = "/home/eyesis/git/tile_processor_gpu/clt/main.geometry_correction";
// testing with quad RGB
int num_cams = 4;
int num_colors = 3;
int task_size = sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - num_cams);
float port_offsets[NUM_CAMS][2] = {// used only in textures to scale differences
// FIXME: update to use new correlations and num_cams
float port_offsets4[4][2] = {// used only in textures to scale differences
{-0.5, -0.5},
{ 0.5, -0.5},
{-0.5, 0.5},
{ 0.5, 0.5}};
float port_offsets[NUM_CAMS][2];
if (num_cams == 4){
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < 4; ncam++){
port_offsets[ncam][0]= port_offsets4[ncam][0];
port_offsets[ncam][1]= port_offsets4[ncam][1];
} else {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
// double alpha = 2 * Math.PI * (i + (topis0 ? 0 : 0.5))/num_sensors;
double alpha = 2 * M_PI * (ncam) /num_cams; // math.h
port_offsets[ncam][0] = 0.5 * sin((alpha));
port_offsets[ncam][1] = -0.5 * cos((alpha));
int keep_texture_weights = 1; // try with 0 also
int texture_colors = 3; // result will be 3+1 RGBA (for mono - 2)
int texture_colors = num_colors; // 3; // result will be 3+1 RGBA (for mono - 2)
int KERN_SIZE = KERN_TILES * 4 * 64;
int CORR_SIZE = (2 * CORR_OUT_RAD + 1) * (2 * CORR_OUT_RAD + 1);
float * host_kern_buf = (float *)malloc(KERN_SIZE * sizeof(float));
// static - see
static struct tp_task task_data [TILESX*TILESY]; // maximal length - each tile
static struct tp_task task_data1 [TILESX*TILESY]; // maximal length - each tile
float * ftask_data = (float *) malloc(TILESX * TILESY * task_size * sizeof(float));
float * ftask_data1 = (float *) malloc(TILESX * TILESY * task_size * sizeof(float));
trot_deriv rot_deriv;
/// int corr_indices [NUM_PAIRS*TILESX*TILESY];
int texture_indices [TILESX*TILESYA];
int cpu_woi [4];
// host array of pointers to GPU memory
float * gpu_kernels_h [NUM_CAMS];
struct CltExtra * gpu_kernel_offsets_h [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_images_h [NUM_CAMS];
float tile_coords_h [NUM_CAMS][TILESX * TILESY][2];
float * gpu_clt_h [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_corr_images_h [NUM_CAMS];
float * gpu_kernels_h [num_cams];
struct CltExtra * gpu_kernel_offsets_h [num_cams];
float * gpu_images_h [num_cams];
float tile_coords_h [num_cams][TILESX * TILESY][2];
float * gpu_clt_h [num_cams];
float * gpu_corr_images_h [num_cams];
float * gpu_corrs; // correlation tiles (per tile, per pair) in pixel domain
float * gpu_corrs_td; // correlation tiles (per tile, per pair) in transform domain
......@@ -348,7 +376,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
float * gpu_generate_RBGA_params;
int num_corrs;
int num_textures;
int num_ports = NUM_CAMS;
/// int num_ports = NUM_CAMS;
// GPU pointers to GPU pointers to memory
float ** gpu_kernels; // [NUM_CAMS];
struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets; // [NUM_CAMS];
......@@ -356,8 +384,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
float ** gpu_clt; // [NUM_CAMS];
float ** gpu_corr_images; // [NUM_CAMS];
// GPU pointers to GPU memory
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks;
struct tp_task * gpu_tasks; // TODO: ***** remove ! ****
float * gpu_ftasks; // TODO: ***** allocate ! ****
int * gpu_active_tiles;
int * gpu_num_active;
int * gpu_num_corr_tiles;
......@@ -413,7 +444,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&gpu_rot_deriv, sizeof(trot_deriv)));
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
/// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
host_kern_buf, // float * data, // allocated array
kernel_file[ncam]); // char * path) // file path
......@@ -426,8 +458,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
KERN_TILES * (sizeof( struct CltExtra)/sizeof(float)));
// will get results back
gpu_clt_h[ncam] = alloc_kernel_gpu(TILESY * TILESX * NUM_COLORS * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE);
printf("Allocating GPU memory, 0x%x floats\n", (TILESY * TILESX * NUM_COLORS * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE)) ;
gpu_clt_h[ncam] = alloc_kernel_gpu(TILESY * TILESX * num_colors * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE);
printf("Allocating GPU memory, 0x%x floats\n", (TILESY * TILESX * num_colors * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE)) ;
// allocate result images (3x height to accommodate 3 colors
// Image is extended by 4 pixels each side to avoid checking (mclt tiles extend by 4)
......@@ -460,8 +492,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
TILESX * TILESY); // int height);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
host_kern_buf, // float * data, // allocated array
image_files[ncam]); // char * path) // file path
......@@ -473,19 +505,21 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
//#define DBG_TILE (174*324 +118)
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
(float *) &tile_coords_h[ncam],
ports_offs_xy_file[ncam]); // char * path) // file path
// build TP task that processes all tiles in linescan order
for (int ty = 0; ty < TILESY; ty++){
for (int tx = 0; tx < TILESX; tx++){
int nt = ty * TILESX + tx;
task_data[nt].task = 0xf | (((1 << NUM_PAIRS)-1) << TASK_CORR_BITS);
task_data[nt].txy = tx + (ty << 16);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
task_data[nt].xy[ncam][0] = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][0];
task_data[nt].xy[ncam][1] = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][1];
task_data[nt].target_disparity = DBG_DISPARITY;
......@@ -495,6 +529,28 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int tp_task_size = sizeof(task_data)/sizeof(struct tp_task);
int num_active_tiles; // will be calculated by convert_direct
for (int ty = 0; ty < TILESY; ty++){
for (int tx = 0; tx < TILESX; tx++){
int nt = ty * TILESX + tx;
int task_task = 0xf | (((1 << NUM_PAIRS)-1) << TASK_CORR_BITS);
int task_txy = tx + (ty << 16);
float task_target_disparity = DBG_DISPARITY;
float * tp = ftask_data + task_size * nt;
*(tp++) = *(float *) &task_task;
*(tp++) = *(float *) &task_txy;
*(tp++) = task_target_disparity;
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
*(tp++) = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][0];
*(tp++) = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][1];
int tp_task_size = sizeof(ftask_data)/sizeof(float)/task_size;
int num_active_tiles; // will be calculated by convert_direct
......@@ -507,7 +563,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
task_data[t].txy = ((DBG_TILE + t) - 324* ((DBG_TILE + t) / 324)) + (((DBG_TILE + t) / 324)) << 16;
int nt = task_data[t].ty * TILESX + task_data[t].tx;
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
task_data[t].xy[ncam][0] = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][0];
task_data[t].xy[ncam][1] = tile_coords_h[ncam][nt][1];
......@@ -518,6 +575,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// segfault in the next
gpu_tasks = (struct tp_task *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) &task_data, tp_task_size * (sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float)));
gpu_ftasks = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) &ftask_data, tp_task_size * task_size); // (sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float)));
// build corr_indices - not needed anymore?
......@@ -546,6 +604,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// build texture_indices
num_textures = 0;
for (int ty = 0; ty < TILESY; ty++){
for (int tx = 0; tx < TILESX; tx++){
......@@ -556,6 +615,22 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
num_textures = 0;
for (int ty = 0; ty < TILESY; ty++){
for (int tx = 0; tx < TILESX; tx++){
int nt = ty * TILESX + tx;
float *tp = ftask_data + task_size * nt;
// int cm = task_data[nt].task & TASK_TEXTURE_BITS;
int cm = (*(int *) tp) & TASK_TEXTURE_BITS;
if (cm){
texture_indices[num_textures++] = (nt << CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) | (1 << LIST_TEXTURE_BIT);
// num_textures now has the total number of textures
// copy corr_indices to gpu
gpu_texture_indices = (int *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu(
......@@ -580,11 +655,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
3.0 // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
gpu_port_offsets = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) port_offsets, num_ports * 2);
gpu_port_offsets = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) port_offsets, num_cams * 2); // num_ports * 2);
gpu_color_weights = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) color_weights, sizeof(color_weights));
gpu_generate_RBGA_params = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) generate_RBGA_params, sizeof(generate_RBGA_params));
int tile_texture_size = (texture_colors + 1 + (keep_texture_weights? (NUM_CAMS + texture_colors + 1): 0)) *256;
/// int tile_texture_size = (texture_colors + 1 + (keep_texture_weights? (NUM_CAMS + texture_colors + 1): 0)) *256;
int tile_texture_size = (texture_colors + 1 + (keep_texture_weights? (num_cams + texture_colors + 1): 0)) *256;
gpu_textures = alloc_image_gpu(
&dstride_textures, // in bytes ! for one rgba/ya 16x16 tile
......@@ -599,14 +675,15 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
&dstride_textures_rbga, // in bytes ! for one rgba/ya 16x16 tile
rgba_width, // int width (floats),
rgba_height * rbga_slices); // int height);
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&gpu_diff_rgb_combo, TILESX * TILESY * NUM_CAMS * (NUM_COLORS + 1) * sizeof(float)));
/// checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&gpu_diff_rgb_combo, TILESX * TILESY * NUM_CAMS * (NUM_COLORS + 1) * sizeof(float)));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMalloc((void **)&gpu_diff_rgb_combo, TILESX * TILESY * num_cams * (num_colors + 1) * sizeof(float)));
// Now copy arrays of per-camera pointers to GPU memory to GPU itself
gpu_kernels = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_kernels_h, NUM_CAMS);
gpu_kernel_offsets = (struct CltExtra **) copyalloc_pointers_gpu ((float **) gpu_kernel_offsets_h, NUM_CAMS);
gpu_images = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_images_h, NUM_CAMS);
gpu_clt = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_clt_h, NUM_CAMS);
gpu_corr_images = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_corr_images_h, NUM_CAMS);
gpu_kernels = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_kernels_h, num_cams); // NUM_CAMS);
gpu_kernel_offsets = (struct CltExtra **) copyalloc_pointers_gpu ((float **) gpu_kernel_offsets_h, num_cams); // NUM_CAMS);
gpu_images = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_images_h, num_cams); // NUM_CAMS);
gpu_clt = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_clt_h, num_cams); // NUM_CAMS);
gpu_corr_images = copyalloc_pointers_gpu (gpu_corr_images_h, num_cams); // NUM_CAMS);
#ifdef DBG_TILE
const int numIterations = 1; //0;
......@@ -621,7 +698,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
dim3 threads_rot(3,3,3);
dim3 grid_rot (NUM_CAMS, 1, 1);
/// dim3 grid_rot (NUM_CAMS, 1, 1);
dim3 grid_rot (num_cams, 1, 1);
printf("ROT_MATRICES: threads_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_rot.x,threads_rot.y,threads_rot.z);
printf("ROT_MATRICES: grid_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_rot.x,grid_rot.y,grid_rot.z);
......@@ -661,7 +739,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
dim3 threads_rd(3,3,3);
dim3 grid_rd (NUM_CAMS, 1, 1);
// dim3 grid_rd (NUM_CAMS, 1, 1);
dim3 grid_rd (num_cams, 1, 1);
printf("REVERSE DISTORTIONS: threads_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_rd.x,threads_rd.y,threads_rd.z);
printf("REVERSE DISTORTIONS: grid_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_rd.x,grid_rd.y,grid_rd.z);
......@@ -725,7 +804,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
dim3 threads_geom(NUM_CAMS,TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1);
/// dim3 threads_geom(NUM_CAMS,TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1);
dim3 threads_geom(num_cams,TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1);
dim3 grid_geom ((tp_task_size+TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM-1)/TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1, 1);
printf("GEOM: threads_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_geom.x,threads_geom.y,threads_geom.z);
printf("GEOM: grid_list=(%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_geom.x,grid_geom.y,grid_geom.z);
......@@ -775,9 +855,12 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct tp_task * old_task = &task_data [DBG_TILE];
struct tp_task * new_task = &task_data1[DBG_TILE];
printf("old_task txy = 0x%x\n", task_data [DBG_TILE].txy);
printf("new_task txy = 0x%x\n", task_data1[DBG_TILE].txy);
// printf("old_task txy = 0x%x\n", task_data [DBG_TILE].txy);
// printf("new_task txy = 0x%x\n", task_data1[DBG_TILE].txy);
printf("old_task txy = 0x%x\n", *(int *) (ftask_data + task_size * DBG_TILE + 1)) ; // task_data [DBG_TILE].txy);
printf("new_task txy = 0x%x\n", *(int *) (ftask_data1 + task_size * DBG_TILE + 1)) ; // task_data1[DBG_TILE].txy);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++){
printf("camera %d pX old %f new %f diff = %f\n", ncam,
task_data [DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][0], task_data1[DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][0],
......@@ -786,6 +869,23 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
task_data [DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][1], task_data1[DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][1],
task_data [DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][1]- task_data1[DBG_TILE].xy[ncam][1]);
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++){
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++){
printf("camera %d pX old %f new %f diff = %f\n", ncam,
*(ftask_data + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 0),
*(ftask_data1 + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 0),
(*(ftask_data + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 0)) -
(*(ftask_data1 + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 0)));
printf("camera %d pY old %f new %f diff = %f\n", ncam,
*(ftask_data + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 1),
*(ftask_data1 + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 1),
(*(ftask_data + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 1)) -
(*(ftask_data1 + task_size * DBG_TILE + 3 + 2*ncam + 1)));
#if 0
// temporarily restore tasks
......@@ -812,7 +912,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("grid_tp= (%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_tp.x, grid_tp.y, grid_tp.z);
/// cudaProfilerStart();
float ** fgpu_kernel_offsets = (float **) gpu_kernel_offsets; // [NUM_CAMS];
float ** fgpu_kernel_offsets = (float **) gpu_kernel_offsets; // [num_cams] [NUM_CAMS];
for (int i = i0; i < numIterations; i++)
......@@ -823,11 +923,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
convert_direct<<<grid_tp,threads_tp>>>( // called with a single block, CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS threads
num_cams, // int num_cams, // actual number of cameras
num_colors, // int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono
fgpu_kernel_offsets, // struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets,
gpu_kernels, // float ** gpu_kernels,
gpu_images, // float ** gpu_images,
gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [NUM_CAMS][TILESY][TILESX][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams][TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
dstride/sizeof(float), // size_t dstride, // for gpu_images
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles) // number of tiles in task
0, // int lpf_mask) // apply lpf to colors : bit 0 - red, bit 1 - blue, bit2 - green
......@@ -857,9 +960,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef SAVE_CLT
int rslt_size = (TILESY * TILESX * NUM_COLORS * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE);
int rslt_size = (TILESY * TILESX * num_colors * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE);
float * cpu_clt = (float *)malloc(rslt_size*sizeof(float));
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy( // segfault
......@@ -881,9 +985,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
dim3 grid_imclt(1,1,1);
printf("threads_imclt=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_imclt.x,threads_imclt.y,threads_imclt.z);
printf("grid_imclt= (%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_imclt.x, grid_imclt.y, grid_imclt.z);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
gpu_clt_h[ncam], // ncam]); // // float ** gpu_clt, // [NUM_CAMS][TILESY][TILESX][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_clt_h[ncam], // ncam]); // // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams][TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
ncam); // int ncam); // just for debug print
getLastCudaError("Kernel execution failed");
......@@ -908,10 +1013,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("threads_imclt_all=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_imclt_all.x,threads_imclt_all.y,threads_imclt_all.z);
printf("grid_imclt_all= (%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_imclt_all.x, grid_imclt_all.y, grid_imclt_all.z);
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [NUM_CAMS][TILESY][TILESX][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_corr_images, // float ** gpu_corr_images, // [NUM_CAMS][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT]
num_cams, // int num_cams,
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams][TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
gpu_corr_images, // float ** gpu_corr_images, // [num_cams][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT]
1, // int apply_lpf,
NUM_COLORS, // int colors, // defines lpf filter
num_colors, // int colors, // defines lpf filter
TILESX, // int woi_twidth,
TILESY, // int woi_theight,
dstride_rslt/sizeof(float)); // const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
......@@ -920,17 +1026,20 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("test pass: %d\n",i);
// TODO: *** Stop here for initial testing ***
float avgTimeIMCLT = (float)sdkGetTimerValue(&timerIMCLT) / (float)numIterations;
printf("Average IMCLT run time =%f ms\n", avgTimeIMCLT);
int rslt_img_size = NUM_COLORS * (IMG_HEIGHT + DTT_SIZE) * (IMG_WIDTH + DTT_SIZE);
int rslt_img_size = num_colors * (IMG_HEIGHT + DTT_SIZE) * (IMG_WIDTH + DTT_SIZE);
float * cpu_corr_image = (float *)malloc(rslt_img_size * sizeof(float));
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
// for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy2D( // segfault
(IMG_WIDTH + DTT_SIZE) * sizeof(float),
......@@ -966,14 +1075,18 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// FIXME: update to provide sel_pairs
num_cams, // int num_cams,
0, // int * sel_pairs, // unused bits should be 0
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [NUM_CAMS] ->[TILESY][TILESX][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
3, // int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
color_weights[0], // 0.25, // float scale0, // scale for R
color_weights[1], // 0.25, // float scale1, // scale for B
color_weights[2], // 0.5, // float scale2, // scale for G
30.0, // float fat_zero, // here - absolute
gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles) // number of tiles in task
TILESX, // int tilesx, // number of tile rows
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
......@@ -1036,14 +1149,19 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// FIXME: provide sel_pairs
correlate2D<<<1,1>>>( // output TD tiles, no normalization
num_cams, // int num_cams,
0, // int * sel_pairs, // unused bits should be 0
gpu_clt, // float ** gpu_clt, // [NUM_CAMS] ->[TILESY][TILESX][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE]
3, // int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
color_weights[0], // 0.25, // float scale0, // scale for R
color_weights[1], // 0.25, // float scale1, // scale for B
color_weights[2], // 0.5, // float scale2, // scale for G
30.0, // float fat_zero, // here - absolute
gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles) // number of tiles in task
TILESX, // int tilesx, // number of tile rows
gpu_corr_indices, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
......@@ -1131,7 +1249,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// cudaProfilerStart();
// testing textures
dim3 threads_texture(TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE, num_cams, 1); // TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK, 1);
dim3 grid_texture((num_textures + TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1);
printf("threads_texture=(%d, %d, %d)\n",threads_texture.x,threads_texture.y,threads_texture.z);
printf("grid_texture=(%d, %d, %d)\n",grid_texture.x,grid_texture.y,grid_texture.z);
......@@ -1150,7 +1268,11 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Channel0 weight = 0.294118
// Channel1 weight = 0.117647
// Channel2 weight = 0.588235
// FIXME: update to use new correlations and num_cams
cudaFuncSetAttribute(textures_nonoverlap, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, 65536); // for CC 7.5
textures_nonoverlap<<<1,1>>> (
num_cams, // int num_cams, // number of cameras used
gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// declare arrays in device code?
......@@ -1238,8 +1360,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
// FIXME: update to use new correlations and num_cams
cudaFuncSetAttribute(generate_RBGA, cudaFuncAttributeMaxDynamicSharedMemorySize, 65536); // for CC 7.5
generate_RBGA<<<1,1>>> (
num_cams, // int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
tp_task_size, // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
......@@ -1327,7 +1451,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
free (host_kern_buf);
// TODO: move somewhere when all is done
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++) {
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
......@@ -1367,6 +1491,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
free (rByRDist);
free (correction_vector);
free (ftask_data);
free (ftask_data1);
......@@ -41,9 +41,10 @@
#ifndef JCUDA
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_CAMS 4
#define TEST_LWIR 1
#define NUM_CAMS 16 // now maximal number of cameras
#define NUM_PAIRS 6
#define NUM_COLORS 3
#define NUM_COLORS 1 //3
#define IMG_WIDTH 2592
#define IMG_HEIGHT 1936
#define KERNELS_HOR 164
......@@ -55,11 +56,13 @@
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_NORMALIZE 4 // increase to 8?
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_COMBINE 4 // increase to 16?
#define TEXTURE_THREADS 32 //
#define CORR_NTILE_SHIFT 8 // higher bits - number of a pair, other bits tile number
// only lower bit will be used to request correlations, correlation mask will be common for all the scene
#define CORR_PAIRS_MASK 0x3f// lower bits used to address correlation pair for the selected tile
#define CORR_TEXTURE_BIT 7 // bit 7 used to request texture for the tile
#define TASK_CORR_BITS 4
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