Commit a4d12418 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Added per-port textures to non-everlapping textures outpout (16x16)

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......@@ -2413,7 +2413,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void generate_RBGA(
min_agree, // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
dust_remove, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
texture_rbga_stride, // size_t texture_rbg_stride, // in floats
gpu_texture_tiles, // float * gpu_texture_rbg, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -3218,6 +3218,7 @@ __global__ void convert_correct_tiles(
* min_agree minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) (3.0)
* @param weights scales for R,B,G {0.294118, 0.117647, 0.588235}
* @param dust_remove do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average (true)
* @param keep_weights Was not here before 10/12/2022. return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
* @param texture_stride output stride in floats (now 256*4 = 1024)
* @param gpu_texture_tiles output array (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles) float values. Will not be calculated if null
* @param inescan_order 0 low-res tiles have the same order, as gpu_texture_indices, 1 - in linescan order
......@@ -3228,7 +3229,6 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
int num_cams, // number of cameras
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// int num_tilesx, // number of tiles in a row
// declare arrays in device code?
int * gpu_texture_indices,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
int * pnum_texture_tiles, // returns total number of elements in gpu_texture_indices array
......@@ -3240,6 +3240,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
float params[5],
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // Was not here before 10/12/2022. return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024)
float * gpu_texture_tiles, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -3302,7 +3303,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
min_agree, // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
dust_remove, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
0, // size_t texture_rbg_stride, // in floats
(float *) 0, // float * gpu_texture_rbg, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -3339,7 +3340,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
* @param min_agree minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) (3.0)
* @param weights scales for R,B,G {0.294118, 0.117647, 0.588235}
* @param dust_remove do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average (true)
* @param keep_weights return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed)
* @param keep_weights return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed). Now (11/12/2022): +1 - old meaning, +2 - replace port_weights with channel imclt
* @param texture_rbg_stride output stride for overlapped texture in floats, or 0 to skip
* @param gpu_texture_rbg output array (number of colors +1 + ?) * woi.height * output stride(first woi.width valid) float values (or 0)
* @param texture_stride output stride for non-overlapping texture tile output in floats (or 0 to skip)
......@@ -3366,7 +3367,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)? Now +2 - output raw channels
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
size_t texture_rbg_stride, // in floats
float * gpu_texture_rbg, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -3433,7 +3434,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
float * mclt_tiles = &all_shared[offsets[0]] ; // [num_cams][colors][2*DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE21]; // 16*1*16*17=0x1100 | 4*3*16*17=0xcc0
float * clt_tiles = &all_shared[offsets[1]] ; // [num_cams][colors][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1]; // 16 * 1 * 4 * 8 * 9 = 0x1200 | 4 * 3 * 4 * 8 * 9 = 0xd80
float * mclt_debayer = &all_shared[offsets[1]] ; // [num_cams][colors][MCLT_UNION_LEN]; // 16 * 1 * 16 * 18 = 0x1200 | 4 * 3 * 16 * 18 = 0xd80 | to align with clt_tiles
float * mclt_tmps = &all_shared[offsets[2]] ; // [num_cams][colors][DTT_SIZE2][DTT_SIZE21]; // 16*1*16*17=0x1100 | 4*3*16*17=0xcc0
float * mclt_tmps = &all_shared[offsets[2]] ; // [num_cams][colors][DTT_SIZE2][DTT_SIZE21]; // 16*1*16*17=0x1100 | 4*3*16*17=0xcc0. Used only with Bayer, not with mono
float * rgbaw = &all_shared[offsets[2]] ; // [colors + 1 + num_cams + colors + 1][DTT_SIZE2][DTT_SIZE21];
float * port_offsets = &all_shared[offsets[3]] ; // [num_cams][2]; // 16 * 2 = 0x20 | 4*2 = 0x8
......@@ -3691,7 +3692,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
min_agree, // float min_agree, NOT USED? // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
weights, // float * chn_weights, // color channel weights, sum == 1.0
dust_remove, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights and rms after A in RGBA (weight are always calculated)
(keep_weights & 1), // int keep_weights, // return channel weights and rms after A in RGBA (weight are always calculated)
debug ); // int debug );
__syncthreads(); // _syncthreads();1
......@@ -3712,7 +3713,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
float * rgba_i = rgbaw + i;
// always copy 3 (1) colors + alpha
if (colors == 3){
if (keep_weights) {
if (keep_weights & 1) {
for (int ncol = 0; ncol < colors + 1 + num_cams + colors + 1 ; ncol++) { // 12
*(gpu_texture_tile_gi + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(rgba_i + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21));
......@@ -3721,8 +3722,15 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
*(gpu_texture_tile_gi + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(rgba_i + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21));
if (keep_weights & 2) {
float * mclt_dst_i = mclt_debayer + i;
float * gpu_texture_tile_raw_gi = gpu_texture_tile_gi + (colors + 1) * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2); // skip colors + alpha
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams ; ncam++) { // 8
*(gpu_texture_tile_raw_gi + ncam * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(mclt_dst_i + (ncam * 3 + 2) * (MCLT_UNION_LEN)); // green colors
} else { // assuming colors = 1
if (keep_weights) {
if (keep_weights & 1) {
for (int ncol = 0; ncol < 1 + 1 + num_cams + 1 + 1 ; ncol++) { // 8
*(gpu_texture_tile_gi + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(rgba_i + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21));
......@@ -3731,8 +3739,14 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
*(gpu_texture_tile_gi + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(rgba_i + ncol * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21));
if (keep_weights & 2) {
float * mclt_dst_i = mclt_debayer + i;
float * gpu_texture_tile_raw_gi = gpu_texture_tile_gi + (colors + 1) * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2); // skip colors + alpha
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams ; ncam++) { // 8
*(gpu_texture_tile_raw_gi + ncam * (DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE2)) = *(mclt_dst_i + (ncam * 1 + 0) * (MCLT_UNION_LEN));
#ifdef DEBUG7A
if ((tile_num == DBG_TILE) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)){
......@@ -3747,8 +3761,8 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_accumulate( // (8,4,1) (N,1,1)
if (!tile_code){
return; // should not happen
if (gpu_texture_rbg && (texture_rbg_stride != 0)) { // generate RGBA
// if no extra and no overlap -> nothing remains, return
if (gpu_texture_rbg && (texture_rbg_stride != 0)) { // generate RGBA (overlapped)
#ifdef DEBUG7A
if ((tile_num == DBG_TILE) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)){
// printf("\ntextures_accumulate accumulating tile = %d, tile_code= %d, border_tile=%d\n",
......@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@ extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
float params[5],
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // Was not here before 10/12/2022. return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024) // may be 0 if not needed
float * gpu_texture_tiles, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles // may be 0 if not needed
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
// #define NOTEXTURES
#define SAVE_CLT
//#define NO_DP
#define NO_DP
......@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ void generate_RBGA_host(
float cpu_params[5], // mitigating CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G should be host_array, not gpu
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed)
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats
float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ void generate_RBGA_host(
min_agree, // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages)
weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
dust_remove, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
texture_rbga_stride, // size_t texture_rbg_stride, // in floats
gpu_texture_tiles, // float * gpu_texture_rbg, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
int keep_texture_weights = 0; // 1; // try with 0 also
int keep_texture_weights = 3; // 0; // 1; // try with 0 also
int texture_colors = num_colors; // 3; // result will be 3+1 RGBA (for mono - 2)
......@@ -1163,6 +1163,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
gpu_generate_RBGA_params = (float *) copyalloc_kernel_gpu((float * ) generate_RBGA_params, sizeof(generate_RBGA_params));
/// int tile_texture_size = (texture_colors + 1 + (keep_texture_weights? (NUM_CAMS + texture_colors + 1): 0)) *256;
// in Java always allocated as for keep_texture_weights = 1;
int tile_texture_layers = (texture_colors + 1 + (keep_texture_weights? (num_cams + texture_colors + 1): 0));
int tile_texture_size = tile_texture_layers *256;
......@@ -2325,6 +2326,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
gpu_color_weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R
1, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average
keep_texture_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed) (should be 0 if gpu_texture_rbg)?
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
dstride_textures/sizeof(float), // size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024) // may be 0 if not needed
gpu_textures, // float * gpu_texture_tiles,
......@@ -2350,6 +2352,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("cpu_pnum_texture_tiles = %d\n", cpu_pnum_texture_tiles);
printf("tile_texture_layers = %d\n", tile_texture_layers);
......@@ -2501,7 +2504,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
generate_RBGA_params, // float cpu_params[5], // mitigating CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
gpu_color_weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R
1, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA
keep_texture_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA
dstride_textures_rbga/sizeof(float), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats
gpu_textures_rbga); // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
......@@ -2532,7 +2535,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
gpu_color_weights, // float weights[3], // scale for R
1, // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average
0, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA
keep_texture_weights, // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA
dstride_textures_rbga/sizeof(float), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats
gpu_textures_rbga); // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
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