Commit 6c76931e authored by Palani Johnson's avatar Palani Johnson

ran formatter

parent 4648cb20
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......@@ -41,147 +41,152 @@
#include "tp_defines.h"
extern "C" __global__ void convert_direct( // called with a single block, single thread
// struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS], // changed for jcuda to avoid struct parameters
int num_cams, // actual number of cameras
int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono
float ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_kernels, // [NUM_CAMS],
float ** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int lpf_mask, // apply lpf to colors : bit 0 - red, bit 1 - blue, bit2 - green. Now - always 0 !
int woi_width,
int woi_height,
int kernels_hor,
int kernels_vert,
int * gpu_active_tiles, // pointer to the calculated number of non-zero tiles
int * pnum_active_tiles, // indices to gpu_tasks
int tilesx);
extern "C" __global__ void convert_direct( // called with a single block, single thread
// struct CltExtra ** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS], // changed for jcuda to avoid struct parameters
int num_cams, // actual number of cameras
int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono
float** gpu_kernel_offsets, // [NUM_CAMS],
float** gpu_kernels, // [NUM_CAMS],
float** gpu_images, // [NUM_CAMS],
float* gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
size_t dstride, // in floats (pixels)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int lpf_mask, // apply lpf to colors : bit 0 - red, bit 1 - blue, bit2 - green. Now - always 0 !
int woi_width,
int woi_height,
int kernels_hor,
int kernels_vert,
int* gpu_active_tiles, // pointer to the calculated number of non-zero tiles
int* pnum_active_tiles, // indices to gpu_tasks
int tilesx);
extern "C" __global__ void correlate2D(
int num_cams,
// int * sel_pairs,
int sel_pairs0,
int sel_pairs1,
int sel_pairs2,
int sel_pairs3,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
float scale0, // scale for R
float scale1, // scale for B
float scale2, // scale for G
float fat_zero2, // here - absolute, squared
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks, // array of per-tile tasks (now bits 4..9 - correlation pairs)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int tilesx, // number of tile rows
int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
int * pnum_corr_tiles, // pointer to a number of correlation tiles to process
size_t corr_stride, // in floats
// int corr_stride, // in floats
int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15)
float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data
int num_cams,
// int * sel_pairs,
int sel_pairs0,
int sel_pairs1,
int sel_pairs2,
int sel_pairs3,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
float scale0, // scale for R
float scale1, // scale for B
float scale2, // scale for G
float fat_zero2, // here - absolute, squared
float* gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks, // array of per-tile tasks (now bits 4..9 - correlation pairs)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
int tilesx, // number of tile rows
int* gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
int* pnum_corr_tiles, // pointer to a number of correlation tiles to process
size_t corr_stride, // in floats
// int corr_stride, // in floats
int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15)
float* gpu_corrs); // correlation output data
extern "C" __global__ void corr2D_normalize(
int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process
const size_t corr_stride_td, // in floats
float * gpu_corrs_td, // correlation tiles in transform domain
float * corr_weights, // null or per-tile weight (fat_zero2 will be divided by it)
const size_t corr_stride, // in floats
float * gpu_corrs, // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
float fat_zero2, // here - absolute, squared
int corr_radius); // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15)
int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process
const size_t corr_stride_td, // in floats
float* gpu_corrs_td, // correlation tiles in transform domain
float* corr_weights, // null or per-tile weight (fat_zero2 will be divided by it)
const size_t corr_stride, // in floats
float* gpu_corrs, // correlation output data (either pixel domain or transform domain
float fat_zero2, // here - absolute, squared
int corr_radius); // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15)
extern "C" __global__ void corr2D_combine(
int num_tiles, // number of tiles to process (each with num_pairs)
int num_pairs, // num pairs per tile (should be the same)
int init_output, // !=0 - reset output tiles to zero before accumulating
int pairs_mask, // selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross)
int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
int * gpu_combo_indices, // output if noty null: packed tile+pairs_mask (will point to the first used pair
const size_t corr_stride, // (in floats) stride for the input TD correlations
float * gpu_corrs, // input correlation tiles
const size_t corr_stride_combo, // (in floats) stride for the output TD correlations (same as input)
float * gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile)
int num_tiles, // number of tiles to process (each with num_pairs)
int num_pairs, // num pairs per tile (should be the same)
int init_output, // !=0 - reset output tiles to zero before accumulating
int pairs_mask, // selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross)
int* gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair
int* gpu_combo_indices, // output if noty null: packed tile+pairs_mask (will point to the first used pair
const size_t corr_stride, // (in floats) stride for the input TD correlations
float* gpu_corrs, // input correlation tiles
const size_t corr_stride_combo, // (in floats) stride for the output TD correlations (same as input)
float* gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile)
extern "C" __global__ void textures_nonoverlap(
int num_cams, // number of cameras
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// int num_tilesx, // number of tiles in a row
// declare arrays in device code?
int * gpu_texture_indices,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
int * pnum_texture_tiles, // returns total number of elements in gpu_texture_indices array
// TODO: use geometry_correction rXY !
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction
float params[5],
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024) // may be 0 if not needed
float * gpu_texture_tiles, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles // may be 0 if not needed
int linescan_order, // 0 low-res tiles have tghe same order, as gpu_texture_indices, 1 - in linescan order
float * gpu_diff_rgb_combo, //); // diff[NUM_CAMS], R[NUM_CAMS], B[NUM_CAMS],G[NUM_CAMS] // may be 0 if not needed
int num_tilesx);
int num_cams, // number of cameras
float* gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// int num_tilesx, // number of tiles in a row
// declare arrays in device code?
int* gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
int* pnum_texture_tiles, // returns total number of elements in gpu_texture_indices array
// TODO: use geometry_correction rXY !
struct gc* gpu_geometry_correction,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction
float params[5],
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
// combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null )
size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024) // may be 0 if not needed
float* gpu_texture_tiles, // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles // may be 0 if not needed
int linescan_order, // 0 low-res tiles have tghe same order, as gpu_texture_indices, 1 - in linescan order
float* gpu_diff_rgb_combo, //); // diff[NUM_CAMS], R[NUM_CAMS], B[NUM_CAMS],G[NUM_CAMS] // may be 0 if not needed
int num_tilesx);
extern "C"
__global__ void imclt_rbg_all(
int num_cams,
float ** gpu_corr_images, // [NUM_CAMS][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT]
int apply_lpf,
int colors,
int woi_twidth,
int woi_theight,
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
extern "C" __global__ void imclt_rbg_all(
int num_cams,
float** gpu_corr_images, // [NUM_CAMS][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT]
int apply_lpf,
int colors,
int woi_twidth,
int woi_theight,
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
extern "C" __global__ void erase8x8(
float * gpu_top_left,
const size_t dstride);
float* gpu_top_left,
const size_t dstride);
extern "C" __global__ void imclt_rbg(
float * gpu_rbg, // WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT
int apply_lpf,
int mono, // defines lpf filter
int color, // defines location of clt data
int v_offset,
int h_offset,
int woi_twidth,
int woi_theight,
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
float* gpu_rbg, // WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT
int apply_lpf,
int mono, // defines lpf filter
int color, // defines location of clt data
int v_offset,
int h_offset,
int woi_twidth,
int woi_theight,
const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels)
extern "C" __global__ void generate_RBGA(
int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// declare arrays in device code?
int * gpu_texture_indices,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
int * num_texture_tiles, // number of texture tiles to process (8 separate elements for accumulation)
int * woi, // x,y,width,height of the woi
int width, // <= TILES-X, use for faster processing of LWIR images (should be actual + 1)
int height, // <= TILES-Y, use for faster processing of LWIR images
// Parameters for the texture generation
// TODO: use geometry_correction rXY !
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction
float params[5], // mitigating CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed)
const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats
float * gpu_texture_tiles); // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
int num_cams, // number of cameras used
// Parameters to generate texture tasks
float* gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
// declare arrays in device code?
int* gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7)
int* num_texture_tiles, // number of texture tiles to process (8 separate elements for accumulation)
int* woi, // x,y,width,height of the woi
int width, // <= TILES-X, use for faster processing of LWIR images (should be actual + 1)
int height, // <= TILES-Y, use for faster processing of LWIR images
// Parameters for the texture generation
// TODO: use geometry_correction rXY !
struct gc* gpu_geometry_correction,
int colors, // number of colors (3/1)
int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction
float params[5], // mitigating CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_PTX
float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G
int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average
int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA (was removed)
const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats
float* gpu_texture_tiles); // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles
extern "C" __global__ void accumulate_correlations(
int tilesY,
int tilesX,
int pairs,
float* num_acc, // number of accumulated tiles [tilesY][tilesX][pair]
float* fcorr_td, // [tilesY][tilesX][pair][256] sparse transform domain representation of corr pairs
float* fcorr_td_acc); // [tilesY][tilesX][pair][256] sparse transform domain representation of corr pairs
......@@ -74,50 +74,47 @@ __constant__ float COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 = 0.541196f;
__constant__ float SQRT_2 = 1.414214f;
__constant__ float SQRT1_2 = 0.707107f;
__constant__ float SQRT1_8 = 0.353553f;
__constant__ float COSN1[] = {0.980785f,0.831470f};
__constant__ float COSN2[] = {0.995185f,0.956940f,0.881921f,0.773010f};
__constant__ float SINN1[] = {0.195090f,0.555570f};
__constant__ float SINN2[] = {0.098017f,0.290285f,0.471397f,0.634393f};
__constant__ int imclt_indx9[16] = {0x28,0x29,0x2a,0x2b,0x2b,0x2a,0x29,0x28,0x27,0x26,0x25,0x24,0x24,0x25,0x26,0x27};
__constant__ float idct_signs[4][4][4] ={
{ // quadrant 0, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{ 1,-1,-1,-1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1}
},{ // quadrant 1, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{ 1, 1, 1,-1},
{-1,-1,-1, 1},
{-1,-1,-1, 1},
{-1,-1,-1, 1}
},{ // quadrant 2, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{ 1,-1,-1,-1},
{ 1,-1,-1,-1},
{ 1,-1,-1,-1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1}
},{ // quadrant 3, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{ 1, 1, 1,-1},
{ 1, 1, 1,-1},
{ 1, 1, 1,-1},
{-1,-1,-1, 1}
__constant__ float HWINDOW2[] = {0.049009f, 0.145142f, 0.235698f, 0.317197f,
0.386505f, 0.440961f, 0.478470f, 0.497592f};
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // does not scale by y[0] (y[7]) by 1/sqrt[0]
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // used in GPU_DTT24_DRV
inline __device__ void dttiv_shared_mem(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // used in GPU_DTT24_DRV
inline __device__ void dttiv_nodiverg (float * x, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // not used
inline __device__ void dctiv_nodiverg (float * x0, int inc); // used in TP
inline __device__ void dstiv_nodiverg (float * x0, int inc); // used in TP
inline __device__ void dct_ii8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void dct_iv8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void dst_iv8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void _dctii_nrecurs8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void _dctiv_nrecurs8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
__constant__ float COSN1[] = {0.980785f, 0.831470f};
__constant__ float COSN2[] = {0.995185f, 0.956940f, 0.881921f, 0.773010f};
__constant__ float SINN1[] = {0.195090f, 0.555570f};
__constant__ float SINN2[] = {0.098017f, 0.290285f, 0.471397f, 0.634393f};
__constant__ int imclt_indx9[16] = {0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0x2a, 0x29, 0x28, 0x27, 0x26, 0x25, 0x24, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27};
__constant__ float idct_signs[4][4][4] = {
{// quadrant 0, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{1, -1, -1, -1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1}},
{// quadrant 1, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{1, 1, 1, -1},
{-1, -1, -1, 1},
{-1, -1, -1, 1},
{-1, -1, -1, 1}},
{// quadrant 2, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{1, -1, -1, -1},
{1, -1, -1, -1},
{1, -1, -1, -1},
{-1, 1, 1, 1}},
{// quadrant 3, each elements corresponds to 4x4 pixel output, covering altogether 16x16
{1, 1, 1, -1},
{1, 1, 1, -1},
{1, 1, 1, -1},
{-1, -1, -1, 1}}};
__constant__ float HWINDOW2[] = {0.049009f, 0.145142f, 0.235698f, 0.317197f,
0.386505f, 0.440961f, 0.478470f, 0.497592f};
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // does not scale by y[0] (y[7]) by 1/sqrt[0]
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // used in GPU_DTT24_DRV
inline __device__ void dttiv_shared_mem(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // used in GPU_DTT24_DRV
inline __device__ void dttiv_nodiverg(float *x, int inc, int dst_not_dct); // not used
inline __device__ void dctiv_nodiverg(float *x0, int inc); // used in TP
inline __device__ void dstiv_nodiverg(float *x0, int inc); // used in TP
inline __device__ void dct_ii8(float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void dct_iv8(float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void dst_iv8(float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void _dctii_nrecurs8(float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
inline __device__ void _dctiv_nrecurs8(float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point to 8-element arrays each // not used
......@@ -140,11 +137,9 @@ inline __device__ void _dctiv_nrecurs8 ( float x[8], float y[8]); // x,y point t
* \return None
#ifdef BBBB
extern "C"
__global__ void GPU_DTT24_DRV(float *dst, float *src, int src_stride, int dtt_mode)
int dtt_mode0 = dtt_mode & 1;
int dtt_mode1 = (dtt_mode >>1) & 1;
extern "C" __global__ void GPU_DTT24_DRV(float *dst, float *src, int src_stride, int dtt_mode) {
int dtt_mode0 = dtt_mode & 1;
int dtt_mode1 = (dtt_mode >> 1) & 1;
......@@ -162,1185 +157,1151 @@ __global__ void GPU_DTT24_DRV(float *dst, float *src, int src_stride, int dtt_mo
// horizontal pass
if (dtt_mode > 3) {
dttii_shared_mem (block + (OffsThreadInCol + threadIdx.x) * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE + OffsThreadInRow - threadIdx.x, 1, dtt_mode0);
dttii_shared_mem(block + (OffsThreadInCol + threadIdx.x) * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE + OffsThreadInRow - threadIdx.x, 1, dtt_mode0);
} else {
dttiv_shared_mem (block + (OffsThreadInCol + threadIdx.x) * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE + OffsThreadInRow - threadIdx.x, 1, dtt_mode0);
dttiv_shared_mem(block + (OffsThreadInCol + threadIdx.x) * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE + OffsThreadInRow - threadIdx.x, 1, dtt_mode0);
// vertical pass
if (dtt_mode > 3) {
dttii_shared_mem (bl_ptr, DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE, dtt_mode1);
dttii_shared_mem(bl_ptr, DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE, dtt_mode1);
} else {
dttiv_shared_mem (bl_ptr, DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE, dtt_mode1);
dttiv_shared_mem(bl_ptr, DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE, dtt_mode1);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DTT_SIZE; i++)
dst[i * src_stride] = bl_ptr[i * DTTTEST_BLK_STRIDE];
#endif //#ifdef BBBB
#endif //#ifdef BBBB
inline __device__ void _dctiv_nrecurs8(float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
float u00 = (COSN2[0] * x[0] + SINN2[0] * x[7]);
float u10 = (-SINN2[3] * x[3] + COSN2[3] * x[4]);
float u01 = (COSN2[1] * x[1] + SINN2[1] * x[6]);
float u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * x[2] + COSN2[2] * x[5]);
inline __device__ void _dctiv_nrecurs8( float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
float u00= ( COSN2[0] * x[0] + SINN2[0] * x[7]);
float u10= (-SINN2[3] * x[3] + COSN2[3] * x[4]);
float u02 = (COSN2[2] * x[2] + SINN2[2] * x[5]);
float u12 = (-SINN2[1] * x[1] + COSN2[1] * x[6]);
float u01= ( COSN2[1] * x[1] + SINN2[1] * x[6]);
float u11= -(-SINN2[2] * x[2] + COSN2[2] * x[5]);
float u03 = (COSN2[3] * x[3] + SINN2[3] * x[4]);
float u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * x[0] + COSN2[0] * x[7]);
float u02= ( COSN2[2] * x[2] + SINN2[2] * x[5]);
float u12= (-SINN2[1] * x[1] + COSN2[1] * x[6]);
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float u03= ( COSN2[3] * x[3] + SINN2[3] * x[4]);
float u13= -(-SINN2[0] * x[0] + COSN2[0] * x[7]);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
y[0] = SQRT_2 * v00; // w0[0];
y[1] = v01 - vb11; // w1[0];
// j == 1
y[2] = v01 + vb11; // w0[1];
y[3] = v02 + vb01; // w1[1];
// j == 2
y[4] = v02 - vb01; // w0[2];
y[5] = v03 - vb10; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
// j == 3
y[6] = v03 + vb10; // w0[3];
y[7] = SQRT_2 * vb00; // w1[3];
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
__device__ void _dttiv(float x0, float x1, float x2, float x3, float x4, float x5, float x6, float x7,
float *y0, float *y1, float *y2, float *y3, float *y4, float *y5, float *y6, float *y7, int dst_not_dct) {
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
u00 = (COSN2[0] * x7 + SINN2[0] * x0);
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * x4 + COSN2[3] * x3);
u01 = (COSN2[1] * x6 + SINN2[1] * x1);
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * x5 + COSN2[2] * x2);
y[0] = SQRT_2 * v00; // w0[0];
y[1] = v01 - vb11; // w1[0];
// j == 1
y[2] = v01 + vb11; // w0[1];
y[3] = v02 + vb01; // w1[1];
// j == 2
y[4] = v02 - vb01; // w0[2];
y[5] = v03 - vb10; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
// j == 3
y[6] = v03 + vb10; // w0[3];
y[7] = SQRT_2 * vb00; // w1[3];
u02 = (COSN2[2] * x5 + SINN2[2] * x2);
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * x6 + COSN2[1] * x1);
__device__ void _dttiv(float x0, float x1,float x2, float x3,float x4, float x5,float x6, float x7,
float *y0, float *y1, float *y2, float *y3, float *y4, float *y5, float *y6, float *y7, int dst_not_dct)
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
u00= ( COSN2[0] * x7 + SINN2[0] * x0);
u10= (-SINN2[3] * x4 + COSN2[3] * x3);
u01= ( COSN2[1] * x6 + SINN2[1] * x1);
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * x5 + COSN2[2] * x2);
u02= ( COSN2[2] * x5 + SINN2[2] * x2);
u12= (-SINN2[1] * x6 + COSN2[1] * x1);
u03= ( COSN2[3] * x4 + SINN2[3] * x3);
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * x7 + COSN2[0] * x0);
} else { // DCTIV
u00= ( COSN2[0] * x0 + SINN2[0] * x7);
u10= (-SINN2[3] * x3 + COSN2[3] * x4);
u01= ( COSN2[1] * x1 + SINN2[1] * x6);
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * x2 + COSN2[2] * x5);
u02= ( COSN2[2] * x2 + SINN2[2] * x5);
u12= (-SINN2[1] * x1 + COSN2[1] * x6);
u03= ( COSN2[3] * x3 + SINN2[3] * x4);
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * x0 + COSN2[0] * x7);
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
*y0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
// j == 1
*y2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
// j == 2
*y4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
// j == 3
*y6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
*y1 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
} else {
*y1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
u03 = (COSN2[3] * x4 + SINN2[3] * x3);
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * x7 + COSN2[0] * x0);
} else { // DCTIV
u00 = (COSN2[0] * x0 + SINN2[0] * x7);
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * x3 + COSN2[3] * x4);
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct)
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// invert odd input samples
u00= ( (*x0) - (*x7));
u10= ( (*x0) + (*x7));
u01= (-(*x1) + (*x6));
u11= (-(*x1) - (*x6));
u02= ( (*x2) - (*x5));
u12= ( (*x2) + (*x5));
u03= (-(*x3) + (*x4));
u13= (-(*x3) - (*x4));
} else { // DCTII
u00= ( (*x0) + (*x7));
u10= ( (*x0) - (*x7));
u01= ( (*x1) + (*x6));
u11= ( (*x1) - (*x6));
u02= ( (*x2) + (*x5));
u12= ( (*x2) - (*x5));
u03= ( (*x3) + (*x4));
u13= ( (*x3) - (*x4));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00,u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float w00= u00 + u03;
float w10= u00 - u03;
float w01= (u01 + u02);
float w11= (u01 - u02);
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20= ( COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30= (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
float w21= ( COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31= -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
float v11 = w20 - w21 - w30 + w31;
float v12 = w20 - w21 + w30 - w31;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// Invert output sequence
*x0 = (w30 + w31)* 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
*x1 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x2 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x4 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x5 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x6 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x7 = (w00 + w01) * SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8
} else {
*x0 = (w00 + w01) * SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8
*x1 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x2 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x4 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x5 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x6 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x7 = (w30 + w31)* 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
u01 = (COSN2[1] * x1 + SINN2[1] * x6);
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * x2 + COSN2[2] * x5);
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct)
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// invert odd input samples
u00= ( (*x0) - (*x7));
u10= ( (*x0) + (*x7));
u01= (-(*x1) + (*x6));
u11= (-(*x1) - (*x6));
u02= ( (*x2) - (*x5));
u12= ( (*x2) + (*x5));
u03= (-(*x3) + (*x4));
u13= (-(*x3) - (*x4));
} else { // DCTII
u00= ( (*x0) + (*x7));
u10= ( (*x0) - (*x7));
u01= ( (*x1) + (*x6));
u11= ( (*x1) - (*x6));
u02= ( (*x2) + (*x5));
u12= ( (*x2) - (*x5));
u03= ( (*x3) + (*x4));
u13= ( (*x3) - (*x4));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00,u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float w00= u00 + u03;
float w10= u00 - u03;
float w01= (u01 + u02);
float w11= (u01 - u02);
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20= ( COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30= (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
float w21= ( COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31= -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
float v11 = w20 - w21 - w30 + w31;
float v12 = w20 - w21 + w30 - w31;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// Invert output sequence
*x0 = (w30 + w31)* 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
*x1 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x2 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x4 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x5 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x6 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x7 = (w00 + w01) * 0.5f; // SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8 //*** no 1/sqrt(2)!
} else {
*x0 = (w00 + w01) * 0.5f; // SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8 //*** no 1/sqrt(2)!
*x1 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x2 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x4 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x5 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x6 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x7 = (w30 + w31)* 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
u02 = (COSN2[2] * x2 + SINN2[2] * x5);
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * x1 + COSN2[1] * x6);
inline __device__ void dttiv_shared_mem(float * x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct)
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
u00= ( COSN2[0] * (*x7) + SINN2[0] * (*x0));
u10= (-SINN2[3] * (*x4) + COSN2[3] * (*x3));
u01= ( COSN2[1] * (*x6) + SINN2[1] * (*x1));
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * (*x5) + COSN2[2] * (*x2));
u02= ( COSN2[2] * (*x5) + SINN2[2] * (*x2));
u12= (-SINN2[1] * (*x6) + COSN2[1] * (*x1));
u03= ( COSN2[3] * (*x4) + SINN2[3] * (*x3));
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * (*x7) + COSN2[0] * (*x0));
} else { // DCTIV
u00= ( COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10= (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01= ( COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
u02= ( COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12= (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
u03= ( COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
*x0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
*x1 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
} else {
*x1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
u03 = (COSN2[3] * x3 + SINN2[3] * x4);
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * x0 + COSN2[0] * x7);
inline __device__ void dttiv_nodiverg(float * x, int inc, int dst_not_dct)
float sgn = 1 - 2* dst_not_dct;
float *y0 = x;
float *y1 = y0 + inc;
float *y2 = y1 + inc;
float *y3 = y2 + inc;
float *y4 = y3 + inc;
float *y5 = y4 + inc;
float *y6 = y5 + inc;
float *y7 = y6 + inc;
float *x0 = x + dst_not_dct * 7 * inc;
// negate inc, replace
inc *= sgn;
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00= ( COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10= (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01= ( COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
u02= ( COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12= (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
u03= ( COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
*y0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*y2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*y4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*y6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
*y1 = sgn * (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = sgn * (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = sgn * (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = sgn * vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
*y0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
// j == 1
*y2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
// j == 2
*y4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
// j == 3
*y6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
*y1 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
} else {
*y1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
inline __device__ void dctiv_nodiverg(float * x0, int inc)
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00= ( COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10= (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct) {
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// invert odd input samples
u00 = ((*x0) - (*x7));
u10 = ((*x0) + (*x7));
u01 = (-(*x1) + (*x6));
u11 = (-(*x1) - (*x6));
u02 = ((*x2) - (*x5));
u12 = ((*x2) + (*x5));
u03 = (-(*x3) + (*x4));
u13 = (-(*x3) - (*x4));
} else { // DCTII
u00 = ((*x0) + (*x7));
u10 = ((*x0) - (*x7));
u01 = ((*x1) + (*x6));
u11 = ((*x1) - (*x6));
u02 = ((*x2) + (*x5));
u12 = ((*x2) - (*x5));
u03 = ((*x3) + (*x4));
u13 = ((*x3) - (*x4));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00,u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float w00 = u00 + u03;
float w10 = u00 - u03;
float w01 = (u01 + u02);
float w11 = (u01 - u02);
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20 = (COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30 = (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
float w21 = (COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31 = -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
float v11 = w20 - w21 - w30 + w31;
float v12 = w20 - w21 + w30 - w31;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// Invert output sequence
*x0 = (w30 + w31) * 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
*x1 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x2 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x4 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x5 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x6 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x7 = (w00 + w01) * SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8
} else {
*x0 = (w00 + w01) * SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8
*x1 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
u01= ( COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
*x2 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
u02= ( COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12= (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
*x4 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x5 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
u03= ( COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
*x6 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x7 = (w30 + w31) * 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
inline __device__ void dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct) {
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// invert odd input samples
u00 = ((*x0) - (*x7));
u10 = ((*x0) + (*x7));
u01 = (-(*x1) + (*x6));
u11 = (-(*x1) - (*x6));
u02 = ((*x2) - (*x5));
u12 = ((*x2) + (*x5));
u03 = (-(*x3) + (*x4));
u13 = (-(*x3) - (*x4));
} else { // DCTII
u00 = ((*x0) + (*x7));
u10 = ((*x0) - (*x7));
u01 = ((*x1) + (*x6));
u11 = ((*x1) - (*x6));
u02 = ((*x2) + (*x5));
u12 = ((*x2) - (*x5));
u03 = ((*x3) + (*x4));
u13 = ((*x3) - (*x4));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00,u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
float w00 = u00 + u03;
float w10 = u00 - u03;
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
float w01 = (u01 + u02);
float w11 = (u01 - u02);
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20 = (COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30 = (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float w21 = (COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31 = -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
float v11 = w20 - w21 - w30 + w31;
float v12 = w20 - w21 + w30 - w31;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTII
// Invert output sequence
*x0 = (w30 + w31) * 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
*x1 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
*x2 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
*x4 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x5 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
*x6 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
*x7 = (w00 + w01) * 0.5f; // SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8 //*** no 1/sqrt(2)!
} else {
*x0 = (w00 + w01) * 0.5f; // SQRT1_8; // v00 * SQRT1_8 //*** no 1/sqrt(2)!
*x1 = (w20 + w21) * 0.5f; // v10 * SQRT1_8; z00 * 0.5f;
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
*x2 = v01 * SQRT1_8;
*x3 = v11 * SQRT1_8;
*x4 = (w00 - w01) * SQRT1_8; // v02 * SQRT1_8
*x5 = v12 * SQRT1_8;
*x0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
*x1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
*x6 = v03 * SQRT1_8;
*x7 = (w30 + w31) * 0.5f; // v13 * SQRT1_8; z10 * 0.5f
inline __device__ void dstiv_nodiverg(float * x, int inc)
float *x0 = x + 7 * inc;
// negate inc, replace
inc = -inc;
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00= ( COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10= (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
inline __device__ void dttiv_shared_mem(float *x0, int inc, int dst_not_dct) {
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
u00 = (COSN2[0] * (*x7) + SINN2[0] * (*x0));
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * (*x4) + COSN2[3] * (*x3));
u01 = (COSN2[1] * (*x6) + SINN2[1] * (*x1));
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * (*x5) + COSN2[2] * (*x2));
u02 = (COSN2[2] * (*x5) + SINN2[2] * (*x2));
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * (*x6) + COSN2[1] * (*x1));
u03 = (COSN2[3] * (*x4) + SINN2[3] * (*x3));
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * (*x7) + COSN2[0] * (*x0));
} else { // DCTIV
u00 = (COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01 = (COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
u02 = (COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
u03 = (COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
u01= ( COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11= -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
u02= ( COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12= (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
u03= ( COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13= -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float ua00= u00 + u03;
float ua10= u00 - u03;
*x0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
if (dst_not_dct) { // DSTIV
*x1 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
} else {
*x1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
inline __device__ void dttiv_nodiverg(float *x, int inc, int dst_not_dct) {
float sgn = 1 - 2 * dst_not_dct;
float *y0 = x;
float *y1 = y0 + inc;
float *y2 = y1 + inc;
float *y3 = y2 + inc;
float *y4 = y3 + inc;
float *y5 = y4 + inc;
float *y6 = y5 + inc;
float *y7 = y6 + inc;
float *x0 = x + dst_not_dct * 7 * inc;
// negate inc, replace
inc *= sgn;
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00 = (COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01 = (COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
u02 = (COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
u03 = (COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
*y0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*y2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*y4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*y6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
*y1 = sgn * (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*y3 = sgn * (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*y5 = sgn * (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*y7 = sgn * vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
inline __device__ void dctiv_nodiverg(float *x0, int inc) {
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00 = (COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01 = (COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
float ua01= u01 + u02;
float ua11= u01 - u02;
u02 = (COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
float v00= ua00 + ua01;
float v02= ua00 - ua01;
u03 = (COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
float ub00= u10 + u13;
float ub10= u10 - u13;
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float ub01= u11 + u12;
float ub11= u11 - u12;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float vb00= ub00 + ub01;
float vb01= ub00 - ub01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float vb10= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub11;
float vb11= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2*ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2*ub11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
*x7 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x5 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x3 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x1 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
*x6 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x4 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x2 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x0 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
*x0 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x2 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x4 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x6 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
*x1 = (v01 - vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x3 = (v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x5 = (v03 - vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x7 = vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
inline __device__ void dstiv_nodiverg(float *x, int inc) {
float *x0 = x + 7 * inc;
// negate inc, replace
inc = -inc;
float *x1 = x0 + inc;
float *x2 = x1 + inc;
float *x3 = x2 + inc;
float *x4 = x3 + inc;
float *x5 = x4 + inc;
float *x6 = x5 + inc;
float *x7 = x6 + inc;
float u00, u01, u02, u03, u10, u11, u12, u13;
u00 = (COSN2[0] * (*x0) + SINN2[0] * (*x7));
u10 = (-SINN2[3] * (*x3) + COSN2[3] * (*x4));
u01 = (COSN2[1] * (*x1) + SINN2[1] * (*x6));
u11 = -(-SINN2[2] * (*x2) + COSN2[2] * (*x5));
u02 = (COSN2[2] * (*x2) + SINN2[2] * (*x5));
u12 = (-SINN2[1] * (*x1) + COSN2[1] * (*x6));
u03 = (COSN2[3] * (*x3) + SINN2[3] * (*x4));
u13 = -(-SINN2[0] * (*x0) + COSN2[0] * (*x7));
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float ua00 = u00 + u03;
float ua10 = u00 - u03;
inline __device__ void _dctii_nrecurs8( float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
float ua01 = u01 + u02;
float ua11 = u01 - u02;
float v00 = ua00 + ua01;
float v02 = ua00 - ua01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ua10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ua11;
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float ub00 = u10 + u13;
float ub10 = u10 - u13;
float ub01 = u11 + u12;
float ub11 = u11 - u12;
float vb00 = ub00 + ub01;
float vb01 = ub00 - ub01;
float vb10 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
float vb11 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * ub10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * ub11;
*x7 = v00 * 0.5f; // w0[0];
*x5 = (v01 + vb11) * SQRT1_8; // w0[1];
*x3 = (v02 - vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w0[2];
*x1 = (v03 + vb10) * SQRT1_8; // w0[3];
*x6 = (vb11 - v01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[0];
*x4 = -(v02 + vb01) * SQRT1_8; // w1[1];
*x2 = (vb10 - v03) * SQRT1_8; // w1[2]; - same as y[3]
*x0 = -vb00 * 0.5f; // w1[3];
inline __device__ void _dctii_nrecurs8(float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
float u00= (x[0] + x[7]);
float u10= (x[0] - x[7]);
float u00 = (x[0] + x[7]);
float u10 = (x[0] - x[7]);
float u01= (x[1] + x[6]);
float u11= (x[1] - x[6]);
float u01 = (x[1] + x[6]);
float u11 = (x[1] - x[6]);
float u02= (x[2] + x[5]);
float u12= (x[2] - x[5]);
float u02 = (x[2] + x[5]);
float u12 = (x[2] - x[5]);
float u03= (x[3] + x[4]);
float u13= (x[3] - x[4]);
float u03 = (x[3] + x[4]);
float u13 = (x[3] - x[4]);
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
// _dctii_nrecurs4(u00, u01, u02, u03, &v00, &v01, &v02, &v03);
float w00= u00 + u03;
float w10= u00 - u03;
float w00 = u00 + u03;
float w10 = u00 - u03;
float w01= (u01 + u02);
float w11= (u01 - u02);
float w01 = (u01 + u02);
float w11 = (u01 - u02);
float v00= w00 + w01;
float v02= w00 - w01;
float v01= COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03= COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v00 = w00 + w01;
float v02 = w00 - w01;
float v01 = COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w10 + COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w11;
float v03 = COSPI_3_8_SQRT2 * w10 - COSPI_1_8_SQRT2 * w11;
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20= ( COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30= (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
// _dctiv_nrecurs4(u10, u11, u12, u13, &v10, &v11, &v12, &v13);
float w20 = (COSN1[0] * u10 + SINN1[0] * u13);
float w30 = (-SINN1[1] * u11 + COSN1[1] * u12);
float w21= ( COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31= -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
float w21 = (COSN1[1] * u11 + SINN1[1] * u12);
float w31 = -(-SINN1[0] * u10 + COSN1[0] * u13);
// _dctii_nrecurs2(u00, u01, &v00, &v01);
float z00= w20 + w21;
float z01= w20 - w21;
// _dctii_nrecurs2(u00, u01, &v00, &v01);
float z00 = w20 + w21;
float z01 = w20 - w21;
// _dctii_nrecurs2(u10, u11, &v10, &v11);
float z10= w30 + w31;
float z11= w30 - w31;
// _dctii_nrecurs2(u10, u11, &v10, &v11);
float z10 = w30 + w31;
float z11 = w30 - w31;
float v10 = SQRT_2 * z00;
float v11 = z01 - z11;
float v10 = SQRT_2 * z00;
float v11 = z01 - z11;
float v12 = z01 + z11;
float v13 = SQRT_2 * z10;
float v12 = z01 + z11;
float v13 = SQRT_2 * z10;
y[0] = v00;
y[1] = v10;
y[0] = v00;
y[1] = v10;
y[2] = v01;
y[3] = v11;
y[2] = v01;
y[3] = v11;
y[4] = v02;
y[5] = v12;
y[4] = v02;
y[5] = v12;
y[6] = v03;
y[7] = v13;
y[6] = v03;
y[7] = v13;
inline __device__ void dct_ii8( float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
inline __device__ void dct_ii8(float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
_dctii_nrecurs8(x, y);
_dctii_nrecurs8(x, y);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
__device__ void dct_iv8( float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
__device__ void dct_iv8(float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
_dctiv_nrecurs8(x, y);
_dctiv_nrecurs8(x, y);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8 ; i++) {
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
inline __device__ void dst_iv8( float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
inline __device__ void dst_iv8(float x[8], float y[8]) // x,y point to 8-element arrays each
float xr[8];
float xr[8];
#pragma unroll
for (int i=0; i < 8;i++){
xr[i] = x[7 - i];
_dctiv_nrecurs8(xr, y);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
xr[i] = x[7 - i];
_dctiv_nrecurs8(xr, y);
#pragma unroll
for (int i=0; i < 8;i+=2){
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
y[i+1] *= -SQRT1_8;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i += 2) {
y[i] *= SQRT1_8;
y[i + 1] *= -SQRT1_8;
//=========================== 2D functions ===============
__device__ void corrUnfoldTile(
int corr_radius,
float* qdata0, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float* rslt) // [DTT_SIZE2M1][DTT_SIZE2M1]) // 15x15
int corr_radius,
float *qdata0, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float *rslt) // [DTT_SIZE2M1][DTT_SIZE2M1]) // 15x15
int size2r1 = 2 * corr_radius + 1; // 15
int crp1 = corr_radius + 1; //8
/// const int rslt_base_index = DTT_SIZE2M1 * (DTT_SIZE) - DTT_SIZE; // offset of the center
int rslt_base_index = size2r1 * crp1 - crp1; // offset of the center
float * qdata1 = qdata0 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
float * qdata2 = qdata1 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
float * qdata3 = qdata2 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
int i = threadIdx.x;
if (i > corr_radius) {
return; // not needed, only use inner
// printf("\corrUnfoldTile() corr_radius=%d, i=%d\n",corr_radius,i);
float corr_pixscale = 0.25f;
int i_transform_size = i * DTT_SIZE1; // used to address source rows which are 9 long
int im1_transform_size = i_transform_size - DTT_SIZE1; // negative for i = 0, use only after divergence
/// int rslt_row_offs = i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
int rslt_row_offs = i * size2r1;
int rslt_base_index_p = rslt_base_index + rslt_row_offs; // i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
int rslt_base_index_m = rslt_base_index - rslt_row_offs; // i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
rslt[rslt_base_index_p] = corr_pixscale * qdata0[i_transform_size]; // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_m] = rslt[rslt_base_index_p]; // nop for i=0 incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
/// for (int j = 1; j < DTT_SIZE; j++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= corr_radius; j++) {
int rslt_base_index_pp = rslt_base_index_p + j;
int rslt_base_index_pm = rslt_base_index_p - j;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] = corr_pixscale * (
qdata0[i_transform_size + j] +
qdata1[i_transform_size + j -1]); // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] = corr_pixscale * (
qdata0[i_transform_size + j] +
-qdata1[i_transform_size + j -1]); // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
if (i == 0) {
/// im1_transform_size = i_transform_size - DTT_SIZE1; // already is calculated
float d = corr_pixscale * qdata2[im1_transform_size];
rslt[rslt_base_index_p] += d;
rslt[rslt_base_index_m] -= d;
for (int j = 1; j <= corr_radius; j++) {
int rslt_base_index_pp = rslt_base_index_p + j;
int rslt_base_index_pm = rslt_base_index_p - j;
int rslt_base_index_mp = rslt_base_index_m + j;
int rslt_base_index_mm = rslt_base_index_m - j;
float d2 = corr_pixscale * qdata2[im1_transform_size + j];
float d3 = corr_pixscale * qdata3[im1_transform_size + j -1];
//rslt[rslt_base_index_mp], rslt[rslt_base_index_mp] are partially calculated in the cycle common with i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_mp] = rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] - d2 - d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_mm] = rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] - d2 + d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] += d2 + d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] += d2 - d3;
int size2r1 = 2 * corr_radius + 1; // 15
int crp1 = corr_radius + 1; // 8
/// const int rslt_base_index = DTT_SIZE2M1 * (DTT_SIZE) - DTT_SIZE; // offset of the center
int rslt_base_index = size2r1 * crp1 - crp1; // offset of the center
float *qdata1 = qdata0 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
float *qdata2 = qdata1 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
float *qdata3 = qdata2 + (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1);
int i = threadIdx.x;
if (i > corr_radius) {
return; // not needed, only use inner
// printf("\corrUnfoldTile() corr_radius=%d, i=%d\n",corr_radius,i);
float corr_pixscale = 0.25f;
int i_transform_size = i * DTT_SIZE1; // used to address source rows which are 9 long
int im1_transform_size = i_transform_size - DTT_SIZE1; // negative for i = 0, use only after divergence
/// int rslt_row_offs = i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
int rslt_row_offs = i * size2r1;
int rslt_base_index_p = rslt_base_index + rslt_row_offs; // i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
int rslt_base_index_m = rslt_base_index - rslt_row_offs; // i * DTT_SIZE2M1;
rslt[rslt_base_index_p] = corr_pixscale * qdata0[i_transform_size]; // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_m] = rslt[rslt_base_index_p]; // nop for i=0 incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
/// for (int j = 1; j < DTT_SIZE; j++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= corr_radius; j++) {
int rslt_base_index_pp = rslt_base_index_p + j;
int rslt_base_index_pm = rslt_base_index_p - j;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] = corr_pixscale * (qdata0[i_transform_size + j] +
qdata1[i_transform_size + j - 1]); // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] = corr_pixscale * (qdata0[i_transform_size + j] +
-qdata1[i_transform_size + j - 1]); // incomplete, will only be used for thread i=0
if (i == 0) {
/// im1_transform_size = i_transform_size - DTT_SIZE1; // already is calculated
float d = corr_pixscale * qdata2[im1_transform_size];
rslt[rslt_base_index_p] += d;
rslt[rslt_base_index_m] -= d;
for (int j = 1; j <= corr_radius; j++) {
int rslt_base_index_pp = rslt_base_index_p + j;
int rslt_base_index_pm = rslt_base_index_p - j;
int rslt_base_index_mp = rslt_base_index_m + j;
int rslt_base_index_mm = rslt_base_index_m - j;
float d2 = corr_pixscale * qdata2[im1_transform_size + j];
float d3 = corr_pixscale * qdata3[im1_transform_size + j - 1];
// rslt[rslt_base_index_mp], rslt[rslt_base_index_mp] are partially calculated in the cycle common with i=0
rslt[rslt_base_index_mp] = rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] - d2 - d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_mm] = rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] - d2 + d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pp] += d2 + d3;
rslt[rslt_base_index_pm] += d2 - d3;
__device__ void dttii_2d(
float * clt_corr) // shared memory, [4][DTT_SIZE1][DTT_SIZE]
float *clt_corr) // shared memory, [4][DTT_SIZE1][DTT_SIZE]
// change to 16-32 threads?? in next iteration
// vert pass (hor pass in Java, before transpose. Here transposed, no transform needed)
for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++){
int is_sin = (q >> 1) & 1;
dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(clt_corr + q * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) + threadIdx.x , DTT_SIZE1, is_sin); // vertical pass, thread is column
for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++) {
int is_sin = (q >> 1) & 1;
dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(clt_corr + q * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) + threadIdx.x, DTT_SIZE1, is_sin); // vertical pass, thread is column
// hor pass, corresponding to vert pass in Java
for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++){
int is_sin = q & 1;
dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(clt_corr + (q * DTT_SIZE + threadIdx.x) * DTT_SIZE1 , 1, is_sin); // horizontal pass, tread is row
for (int q = 0; q < 4; q++) {
int is_sin = q & 1;
dttii_shared_mem_nonortho(clt_corr + (q * DTT_SIZE + threadIdx.x) * DTT_SIZE1, 1, is_sin); // horizontal pass, tread is row
__device__ void dttiv_color_2d(
float * clt_tile,
int color)
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x), // [0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1); //int inc);
// __syncthreads();// worsened
if (color == BAYER_GREEN){
dstiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE, // clt_tile[1][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1); //int inc);
float *clt_tile,
int color) {
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x), // [0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1); // int inc);
// __syncthreads();// worsened
if (color == BAYER_GREEN) {
dstiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE, // clt_tile[1][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of row
1); // int inc);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#ifdef DEBUG222
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal pass, color=%d\n",color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, (color== BAYER_GREEN)?3:1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal pass, color=%d\n", color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, (color == BAYER_GREEN) ? 3 : 1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + threadIdx.x, // &clt_tile[0][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
// __syncthreads();// worsened
if (color == BAYER_GREEN){
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + threadIdx.x, // &clt_tile[0][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
// __syncthreads();// worsened
if (color == BAYER_GREEN) {
dctiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
__device__ void dttiv_mono_2d(
float * clt_tile)
// Copy 0-> 1
float *clt_tile) {
// Copy 0-> 1
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (0 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); //int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (0 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); // int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (1 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); //int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (1 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); // int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (2 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); //int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (2 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); // int inc);
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (3 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); //int inc);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x) + (3 * DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
1); // int inc);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#ifdef DEBUG222
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal pass, color=%d\n",color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, (color== BAYER_GREEN)?3:1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles after horizontal pass, color=%d\n", color);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, color, (color == BAYER_GREEN) ? 3 : 1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
dctiv_nodiverg( // CC
clt_tile + threadIdx.x,
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dctiv_nodiverg( // SC
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 1 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dstiv_nodiverg( // CS
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 2 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dstiv_nodiverg( // SS
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 3 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
dctiv_nodiverg( // CC
clt_tile + threadIdx.x,
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dctiv_nodiverg( // SC
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 1 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE),
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dstiv_nodiverg( // CS
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 2 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
dstiv_nodiverg( // SS
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + 3 * (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE), // &clt_tile[1][0][threadIdx.x], // pointer to start of column
DTT_SIZE1); // int inc,
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// Uses 16 threads, gets 4*8*8 clt tiles, performs idtt-iv (swapping 1 and 2 quadrants) and then unfolds with window,
// adding to the output 16x16 tile (to use Read-modify-write with 4 passes over the frame. Should be zeroed before the
// first pass
//__constant__ int imclt_indx9[16] = {0x28,0x31,0x3a,0x43,0x43,0x3a,0x31,0x28,0x1f,0x16,0x0d,0x04,0x04,0x0d,0x16,0x1f};
__device__ void imclt(
float * clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float * mclt_tile ) // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
float *clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float *mclt_tile) // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
int thr3 = threadIdx.x >> 3;
int column = threadIdx.x; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7;
int column4 = threadIdx.x >> 2;
// int wcolumn =column ^ (7 * thr3); //0..7,7,..0
// int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) -1) ^ thr3; //0..7,7,..0
int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) - thr3) ^ thr012; //0..7,7,..0
float * clt_tile1 = clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float * clt_tile2 = clt_tile1 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float * clt_tile3 = clt_tile2 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
int thr3 = threadIdx.x >> 3;
int column = threadIdx.x; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7;
int column4 = threadIdx.x >> 2;
// int wcolumn =column ^ (7 * thr3); //0..7,7,..0
// int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) -1) ^ thr3; //0..7,7,..0
int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) - thr3) ^ thr012; // 0..7,7,..0
float *clt_tile1 = clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float *clt_tile2 = clt_tile1 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float *clt_tile3 = clt_tile2 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
#ifdef DEBUG3
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles before IDTT\n");
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// perform horizontal dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 1
// perform horizontal dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 1
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * (thr012 + 2*DTT_SIZE * thr3), // pointer to start of row for quadrants 0 and 2
// perform horizontal dst-iv on quadrants 2 and 3
dstiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile1 + DTT_SIZE1 * (thr012 + 2*DTT_SIZE * thr3), // pointer to start of row for quadrants 1 and 3
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
// perform vertical dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 2
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * (thr012 + 2 * DTT_SIZE * thr3), // pointer to start of row for quadrants 0 and 2
// perform horizontal dst-iv on quadrants 2 and 3
dstiv_nodiverg( // all colors
clt_tile1 + DTT_SIZE1 * (thr012 + 2 * DTT_SIZE * thr3), // pointer to start of row for quadrants 1 and 3
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// perform vertical dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 2
clt_tile + thr012 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) * thr3, // pointer to start of row for quadrants 0 and 1
// perform vertical dst-iv on quadrants 1 and 3
clt_tile + thr012 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) * thr3, // pointer to start of row for quadrants 0 and 1
// perform vertical dst-iv on quadrants 1 and 3
clt_tile2 + thr012 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) * thr3, // pointer to start of row for quadrants 2 and 3
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
clt_tile2 + thr012 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE) * thr3, // pointer to start of row for quadrants 2 and 3
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#ifdef DEBUG3
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles after IDTT\n");
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
float hw = HWINDOW2[wcolumn];
int clt_offset = imclt_indx9[column]; // index in each of the 4 iclt quadrants, accounting for stride=9
float * rslt = mclt_tile + column;
int clt_offset = imclt_indx9[column]; // index in each of the 4 iclt quadrants, accounting for stride=9
float *rslt = mclt_tile + column;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i < 3){
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
val = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = val;
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i < 3) {
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
val = __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = val;
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
// if (i < 7){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
// }
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
// if (i < 7){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
// }
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 7; i >= 4; i--){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i > 4){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 7; i >= 4; i--) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i > 4) {
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i > 0){
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i > 0) {
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val); // w*d0 + val
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#ifdef DEBUG3
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0){
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
if ((threadIdx.x) == 0) {
printf("\nMCLT Tiles after IMCLT\n");
debug_print_mclt(mclt_tile, -1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
debug_print_mclt(mclt_tile, -1); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// Uses 8 threads, gets 4*8*8 clt tiles, performs idtt-iv (swapping 1 and 2 quadrants) and then unfolds to the 16x16
// adding to the output 16x16 tile (to use Read-modify-write with 4 passes over the frame. Should be zeroed before the
// first pass
//__constant__ int imclt_indx9[16] = {0x28,0x31,0x3a,0x43,0x43,0x3a,0x31,0x28,0x1f,0x16,0x0d,0x04,0x04,0x0d,0x16,0x1f};
__device__ void imclt8threads(
int do_acc, // 1 - add to previous value, 0 - overwrite
float * clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float * mclt_tile, // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
int debug)
// int thr3 = threadIdx.x >> 3;
// int column = threadIdx.x; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
// int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7;
// int column4 = threadIdx.x >> 2;
// int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) - thr3) ^ thr012; //0..7,7,..0
float * clt_tile1 = clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float * clt_tile2 = clt_tile1 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float * clt_tile3 = clt_tile2 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
int do_acc, // 1 - add to previous value, 0 - overwrite
float *clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float *mclt_tile, // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
int debug) {
// int thr3 = threadIdx.x >> 3;
// int column = threadIdx.x; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
// int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7;
// int column4 = threadIdx.x >> 2;
// int wcolumn = ((thr3 << 3) - thr3) ^ thr012; //0..7,7,..0
float *clt_tile1 = clt_tile + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float *clt_tile2 = clt_tile1 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
float *clt_tile3 = clt_tile2 + (DTT_SIZE1 * DTT_SIZE);
#ifdef DEBUG7
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)){
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles before IDTT\n");
debug_print_clt_scaled(clt_tile, -1, 0xf, 0.25); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
debug_print_clt_scaled(clt_tile, -1, 0xf, 0.25); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// perform horizontal dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 1
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 0
clt_tile + threadIdx.x, // pointer to start of row for quadrant 0
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 1
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (1 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 1
// perform horizontal dst-iv on quadrants 2 and 3
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 2
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (2 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 2
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 3
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (3 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 3
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
// perform vertical dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 2
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 0
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x, // pointer to start of row for quadrant 0
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 2
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (2 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 2
// perform horizontal dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 1
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 0
clt_tile + threadIdx.x, // pointer to start of row for quadrant 0
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 1
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (1 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 1
// perform horizontal dst-iv on quadrants 2 and 3
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 2
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (2 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 2
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 3
clt_tile + threadIdx.x + (3 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 3
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// perform vertical dct-iv on quadrants 0 and 2
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 0
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x, // pointer to start of row for quadrant 0
dctiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 2
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (2 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 2
// perform vertical dst-iv on quadrants 1 and 3
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 1
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (1 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 1
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 3
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (3 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 3
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 1
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (1 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 1
dstiv_nodiverg( // quadrant 3
clt_tile + DTT_SIZE1 * threadIdx.x + (3 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1), // pointer to start of row for quadrant 3
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#ifdef DEBUG7
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)){
printf("\nDTT Tiles after IDTT\n");
debug_print_clt_scaled(clt_tile, -1, 0xf, 0.25); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)) {
printf("\nDTT Tiles after IDTT\n");
debug_print_clt_scaled(clt_tile, -1, 0xf, 0.25); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
// re-using 16-thread code (thr3 was bit 3 of threadIdx.x).
for (int thr3 = 0; thr3 < 2; thr3++){
int thr3m = (thr3 << 3);
int column = threadIdx.x + thr3m; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7; // == threadIdx.x
int column4 = column >> 2; // (threadIdx.x >> 2) | (thr3 << 1) ; // different !
int wcolumn = (thr3m - thr3) ^ thr012; //0..7,7,..0
float hw = HWINDOW2[wcolumn];
int clt_offset = imclt_indx9[column]; // index in each of the 4 iclt quadrants, accounting for stride=9
float * rslt = mclt_tile + column;
for (int thr3 = 0; thr3 < 2; thr3++) {
int thr3m = (thr3 << 3);
int column = threadIdx.x + thr3m; // modify to use 2*8 threads, if needed.
int thr012 = threadIdx.x & 7; // == threadIdx.x
int column4 = column >> 2; // (threadIdx.x >> 2) | (thr3 << 1) ; // different !
int wcolumn = (thr3m - thr3) ^ thr012; // 0..7,7,..0
float hw = HWINDOW2[wcolumn];
int clt_offset = imclt_indx9[column]; // index in each of the 4 iclt quadrants, accounting for stride=9
float *rslt = mclt_tile + column;
#ifdef DEBUG7
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)){
printf("\nUnrolling: thr3=%d, thr3m=%d, column=%d, thr012=%d, column4=%d, wcolumn=%d, hw=%f, clt_offset=%d\n",
thr3, thr3m, column, thr012, column4, wcolumn, hw, clt_offset);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0)) {
printf("\nUnrolling: thr3=%d, thr3m=%d, column=%d, thr012=%d, column4=%d, wcolumn=%d, hw=%f, clt_offset=%d\n",
thr3, thr3m, column, thr012, column4, wcolumn, hw, clt_offset);
debug_print_clt1(clt_tile, -1, 0xf); // only 1 quadrant for R,B and 2 - for G
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
float val = *rslt;
// facc
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i < 3){
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
// val =__fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
// *rslt = val;
*rslt = do_acc? __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
float val = *rslt;
// facc
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][0][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i < 3) {
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
// val =__fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
// *rslt = val;
*rslt = do_acc ? __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
// if (i < 7){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
// }
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc? __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][1][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
// if (i < 7){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
// }
// *rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc ? __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 7; i >= 4; i--){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i > 4){
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
//*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc? __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 7; i >= 4; i--) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][2][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i > 4) {
clt_offset -= DTT_SIZE1;
//*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc ? __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--){
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0+= d2;
if (i > 0){
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
//*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc? __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
for (int i = 3; i >= 0; i--) {
float val = *rslt;
float w = HWINDOW2[i] * hw;
float d0 = idct_signs[0][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile + clt_offset));
float d1 = idct_signs[1][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile1 + clt_offset));
float d2 = idct_signs[2][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile2 + clt_offset));
float d3 = idct_signs[3][3][column4] * (*(clt_tile3 + clt_offset));
d0 += d1;
d2 += d3;
d0 += d2;
if (i > 0) {
clt_offset += DTT_SIZE1;
//*rslt = __fmaf_rd(w,d0,val); // w*d0 + val
*rslt = do_acc ? __fmaf_rd(w, d0, val) : w * d0; // w*d0 + val do_acc - common for all thereads
rslt += DTT_SIZE21;
#ifdef DEBUG7
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
for (int ccam = 0; ccam < NUM_CAMS; ccam++) {
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == ccam)){
printf("\nMCLT Tiles after IMCLT, cam=%d\n", threadIdx.y);
mclt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports)
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
for (int ccam = 0; ccam < NUM_CAMS; ccam++) {
if (debug && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == ccam)) {
printf("\nMCLT Tiles after IMCLT, cam=%d\n", threadIdx.y);
mclt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports)
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
......@@ -45,57 +45,56 @@
* with Nvidia Nsight, driver API when calling these kernels from Java
#ifndef JCUDA
#define DTT_SIZE_LOG2 3
#define DTT_SIZE_LOG2 3
#pragma once
#define DTT_SIZE (1 << DTT_SIZE_LOG2)
#define DTT_SIZE1 (DTT_SIZE + 1)
#define DTT_SIZE2 (2 * DTT_SIZE)
#define DTT_SIZE21 (DTT_SIZE2 + 1)
#define DTT_SIZE4 (4 * DTT_SIZE)
#define DTT_SIZE2M1 (DTT_SIZE2 - 1)
#define BAYER_RED 0
#define BAYER_BLUE 1
#define DTT_SIZE (1 << DTT_SIZE_LOG2)
#define DTT_SIZE1 (DTT_SIZE + 1)
#define DTT_SIZE2 (2 * DTT_SIZE)
#define DTT_SIZE21 (DTT_SIZE2 + 1)
#define DTT_SIZE4 (4 * DTT_SIZE)
#define DTT_SIZE2M1 (DTT_SIZE2 - 1)
#define BAYER_RED 0
#define BAYER_BLUE 1
#define BAYER_GREEN 2
// assuming GR/BG as now
#define BAYER_RED_ROW 0
#define BAYER_RED_COL 1
//extern __constant__ float idct_signs[4][4][4];
//extern __constant__ int imclt_indx9[16];
//extern __constant__ float HWINDOW2[];
// extern __constant__ float idct_signs[4][4][4];
// extern __constant__ int imclt_indx9[16];
// extern __constant__ float HWINDOW2[];
// kernels (not used so far)
#if 0
extern "C" __global__ void GPU_DTT24_DRV(float *dst, float *src, int src_stride, int dtt_mode);
#endif// #if 0
#endif // #if 0
//=========================== 2D functions ===============
extern __device__ void corrUnfoldTile(
int corr_radius,
float* qdata0, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float* rslt); // [DTT_SIZE2M1][DTT_SIZE2M1]) // 15x15
int corr_radius,
float* qdata0, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // 4 quadrants of the clt data, rows extended to optimize shared ports
float* rslt); // [DTT_SIZE2M1][DTT_SIZE2M1]) // 15x15
extern __device__ void dttii_2d(
float * clt_corr); // shared memory, [4][DTT_SIZE1][DTT_SIZE]
float* clt_corr); // shared memory, [4][DTT_SIZE1][DTT_SIZE]
extern __device__ void dttiv_color_2d(
float * clt_tile,
int color);
float* clt_tile,
int color);
extern __device__ void dttiv_mono_2d(
float * clt_tile);
float* clt_tile);
extern __device__ void imclt(
float * clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float * mclt_tile );
float* clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float* mclt_tile);
extern __device__ void imclt8threads(
int do_acc, // 1 - add to previous value, 0 - overwrite
float * clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float * mclt_tile, // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
int debug);
int do_acc, // 1 - add to previous value, 0 - overwrite
float* clt_tile, // [4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1], // +1 to alternate column ports [4][8][9]
float* mclt_tile, // [2* DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1+ DTT_SIZE], // +1 to alternate column ports[16][17]
int debug);
......@@ -37,16 +37,15 @@
#ifndef JCUDA
#include "tp_defines.h"
#include "dtt8x8.h"
#include "geometry_correction.h"
#endif // #ifndef JCUDA
#include "tp_defines.h"
#include "dtt8x8.h"
#include "geometry_correction.h"
#endif // #ifndef JCUDA
#ifndef get_task_size
#define get_task_size(x) (sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - x))
#define get_task_size(x) (sizeof(struct tp_task) / sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - x))
// Using NUM_CAMS threads per tile
///#define CYCLES_COPY_GC ((sizeof(struct gc)/sizeof(float) + THREADS_PER_BLOCK_GEOM - 1) / THREADS_PER_BLOCK_GEOM)
......@@ -57,9 +56,8 @@
#define DBG_CAM 3
__device__ void printGeometryCorrection(struct gc * g, int num_cams);
__device__ void printExtrinsicCorrection(corr_vector * cv, int num_cams);
__device__ void printGeometryCorrection(struct gc *g, int num_cams);
__device__ void printExtrinsicCorrection(corr_vector *cv, int num_cams);
* Calculate non-distorted radius from distorted using table approximation
......@@ -67,774 +65,777 @@ __device__ void printExtrinsicCorrection(corr_vector * cv, int num_cams);
* @return corresponding non-distorted radius
inline __device__ float getRByRDist(float rDist,
float rByRDist [RBYRDIST_LEN]); //shared memory
__constant__ float ROTS_TEMPLATE[7][3][3][3] = {// ...{cos,sin,const}...
{ // azimuth
{{ 1, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0,-1,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,1},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 1,0},{0, 0,0},{ 1, 0,0}},
},{ // tilt
{{ 0, 0,1},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{1, 0,0},{ 0, 1,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0,-1,0},{ 1, 0,0}},
},{ // roll*zoom
{{ 1, 0,0},{0, 1,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0,-1,0},{1, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,1}},
},{ // d_azimuth
{{ 0,-1,0},{0, 0,0},{-1, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 1, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0,-1,0}},
},{ // d_tilt
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0,-1,0},{ 1, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{-1,0,0},{ 0,-1,0}},
},{ // d_roll
{{ 0,-1,0},{1, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{-1, 0,0},{0,-1,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
},{ // d_zoom
{{ 1, 0,0},{0, 1,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0,-1,0},{1, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
{{ 0, 0,0},{0, 0,0},{ 0, 0,0}},
__constant__ int angles_offsets [4] = {
offsetof(corr_vector, azimuth)/sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, tilt) /sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, roll) /sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, roll) /sizeof(float)};
__constant__ int mm_seq [3][3][3]={
{6,5,12}, // a_t * a_z -> tmp0
{7,6,13}, // a_r * a_t -> tmp1
{7,9,14}, // a_r * a_dt -> tmp2
}, {
{7,12,0}, // a_r * tmp0 -> rot - bad
{13,8,1}, // tmp1 * a_daz -> deriv0 - good
{14,5,2}, // tmp2 * a_az -> deriv1 - good
}, {
{10,12,3}, // a_dr * tmp0 -> deriv2 - good
{11,12,4}, // a_dzoom * tnmp0 -> deriv3 - good
{-1,-1,-1} // do nothing
__constant__ int offset_rots = 0; //0
__constant__ int offset_derivs = 1; // 1..4 // should be next
__constant__ int offset_matrices = 5; // 5..11
__constant__ int offset_tmp = 12; // 12..15
//inline __device__ int get_task_size_gc(int num_cams);
inline __device__ int get_task_task_gc(int num_tile, float * gpu_ftasks, int num_cams);
inline __device__ int get_task_txy_gc(int num_tile, float * gpu_ftasks, int num_cams);
//inline __device__ int get_task_size_gc(int num_cams){
float rByRDist[RBYRDIST_LEN]); // shared memory
__constant__ float ROTS_TEMPLATE[7][3][3][3] = { // ...{cos,sin,const}...
// azimuth
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}},
// tilt
{{0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}},
// roll*zoom
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1}},
// d_azimuth
{{0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}},
// d_tilt
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {-1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}},
// d_roll
{{0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{-1, 0, 0}, {0, -1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
// d_zoom
{{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, -1, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
{{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}},
__constant__ int angles_offsets[4] = {
offsetof(corr_vector, azimuth) / sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, tilt) / sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, roll) / sizeof(float),
offsetof(corr_vector, roll) / sizeof(float)};
__constant__ int mm_seq[3][3][3] = {
{6, 5, 12}, // a_t * a_z -> tmp0
{7, 6, 13}, // a_r * a_t -> tmp1
{7, 9, 14}, // a_r * a_dt -> tmp2
{7, 12, 0}, // a_r * tmp0 -> rot - bad
{13, 8, 1}, // tmp1 * a_daz -> deriv0 - good
{14, 5, 2}, // tmp2 * a_az -> deriv1 - good
{10, 12, 3}, // a_dr * tmp0 -> deriv2 - good
{11, 12, 4}, // a_dzoom * tnmp0 -> deriv3 - good
{-1, -1, -1} // do nothing
__constant__ int offset_rots = 0; // 0
__constant__ int offset_derivs = 1; // 1..4 // should be next
__constant__ int offset_matrices = 5; // 5..11
__constant__ int offset_tmp = 12; // 12..15
// inline __device__ int get_task_size_gc(int num_cams);
inline __device__ int get_task_task_gc(int num_tile, float *gpu_ftasks, int num_cams);
inline __device__ int get_task_txy_gc(int num_tile, float *gpu_ftasks, int num_cams);
// inline __device__ int get_task_size_gc(int num_cams){
// return sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - num_cams);
// }
inline __device__ int get_task_task_gc(int num_tile, float * gpu_ftasks, int num_cams) {
return *(int *) (gpu_ftasks + get_task_size(num_cams) * num_tile);
inline __device__ int get_task_task_gc(int num_tile, float *gpu_ftasks, int num_cams) {
return *(int *)(gpu_ftasks + get_task_size(num_cams) * num_tile);
inline __device__ int get_task_txy_gc(int num_tile, float * gpu_ftasks, int num_cams) {
return *(int *) (gpu_ftasks + get_task_size(num_cams) * num_tile + 1);
inline __device__ int get_task_txy_gc(int num_tile, float *gpu_ftasks, int num_cams) {
return *(int *)(gpu_ftasks + get_task_size(num_cams) * num_tile + 1);
* Calculate rotation matrices and derivatives by az, tilt, roll, zoom
* NUM_CAMS blocks of 3,3,3 tiles
extern "C" __global__ void calc_rot_deriv(
int num_cams,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv)
__shared__ float sincos [4][2]; // {az,tilt,roll, d_az, d_tilt, d_roll, d_az}{cos,sin}
__shared__ float matrices[5 + 7 +4][3][3];
float angle;
float zoom;
int ncam = blockIdx.x; // threadIdx.z;
int nangle1 = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x; // * >> 1;
int nangle = nangle1 >> 1; // 0: az, 1: tilt, 2: roll, 3:roll
int is_sin = nangle1 & 1;
if ((threadIdx.z == 0) && (nangle < 4)){ // others just idle here
float * gangles = (float *) gpu_correction_vector + angles_offsets[nangle]; // pointer for channel 0
/// if (ncam == (NUM_CAMS-1)){ // for the whole block
if (ncam == (num_cams-1)){ // for the whole block
angle = 0.0;
zoom = 0.0;
/// for (int n = 0; n < (NUM_CAMS-1); n++){
for (int n = 0; n < (num_cams-1); n++){
angle -= *(gangles + n);
zoom -= gpu_correction_vector->zoom[n];
if (nangle >= 2){ // diverging for roll (last two)
angle = *(gangles + ncam);
} else {
angle = *(gangles + ncam);
zoom = gpu_correction_vector->zoom[ncam];
if (!is_sin){
angle += M_PI/2;
float sc = sinf(angle);
if (nangle ==2) {
sc *= 1.0 + zoom;
sincos[nangle][is_sin]= sc;
int num_cams,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv) {
__shared__ float sincos[4][2]; // {az,tilt,roll, d_az, d_tilt, d_roll, d_az}{cos,sin}
__shared__ float matrices[5 + 7 + 4][3][3];
float angle;
float zoom;
int ncam = blockIdx.x; // threadIdx.z;
int nangle1 = threadIdx.x + threadIdx.y * blockDim.x; // * >> 1;
int nangle = nangle1 >> 1; // 0: az, 1: tilt, 2: roll, 3:roll
int is_sin = nangle1 & 1;
if ((threadIdx.z == 0) && (nangle < 4)) { // others just idle here
float *gangles = (float *)gpu_correction_vector + angles_offsets[nangle]; // pointer for channel 0
/// if (ncam == (NUM_CAMS-1)){ // for the whole block
if (ncam == (num_cams - 1)) { // for the whole block
angle = 0.0;
zoom = 0.0;
/// for (int n = 0; n < (NUM_CAMS-1); n++){
for (int n = 0; n < (num_cams - 1); n++) {
angle -= *(gangles + n);
zoom -= gpu_correction_vector->zoom[n];
if (nangle >= 2) { // diverging for roll (last two)
angle = *(gangles + ncam);
} else {
angle = *(gangles + ncam);
zoom = gpu_correction_vector->zoom[ncam];
if (!is_sin) {
angle += M_PI / 2;
float sc = sinf(angle);
if (nangle == 2) {
sc *= 1.0 + zoom;
sincos[nangle][is_sin] = sc;
#ifdef DEBUG20
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)){
printf("\n Azimuth matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f, zoom = %f\n", ncam, sincos[0][0], sincos[0][1], zoom);
printf( " Tilt matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[1][0], sincos[1][1]);
printf( " Roll*Zoom matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[2][0], sincos[2][1]);
printf( " Roll matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[3][0], sincos[3][1]);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
// Create 3 3x3 matrices for az, tilt, roll/zoom:
int axis = offset_matrices+threadIdx.z; // 0..2
int const_index = threadIdx.z; // 0..2
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[threadIdx.z][0]+ // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[threadIdx.z][1]+ // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
axis += 3; // skip index == 3
const_index +=3;
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[threadIdx.z][0]+ // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[threadIdx.z][1]+ // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
if (threadIdx.z == 0){
axis += 3;
const_index +=3;
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[3][0]+ // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[3][1]+ // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)) {
printf("\n Azimuth matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f, zoom = %f\n", ncam, sincos[0][0], sincos[0][1], zoom);
printf(" Tilt matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[1][0], sincos[1][1]);
printf(" Roll*Zoom matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[2][0], sincos[2][1]);
printf(" Roll matrix for camera %d, sincos[0] = %f, sincos[1] = %f\n", ncam, sincos[3][0], sincos[3][1]);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
// Create 3 3x3 matrices for az, tilt, roll/zoom:
int axis = offset_matrices + threadIdx.z; // 0..2
int const_index = threadIdx.z; // 0..2
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[threadIdx.z][0] + // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[threadIdx.z][1] + // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
axis += 3; // skip index == 3
const_index += 3;
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[threadIdx.z][0] + // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[threadIdx.z][1] + // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
if (threadIdx.z == 0) {
axis += 3;
const_index += 3;
matrices[axis][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][0] * sincos[3][0] + // cos
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][1] * sincos[3][1] + // sin
ROTS_TEMPLATE[const_index][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x][2]; // const
#ifdef DEBUG20
const char* matrices_names[] = {"az","tilt","roll*zoom","d_daz","d_tilt","d_roll","d_zoom"};
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)){
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
printf("\n----Matrix %s for camera %d:\n", matrices_names[i], ncam);
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++){
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++){
printf("%9.6f, ",matrices[offset_matrices + i][row][col]);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
__constant__ int mm_seq [3][3][3]={
{6,5,12}, // a_t * a_z -> tmp0
{7,6,13}, // a_r * a_t -> tmp1
{7,9,14}, // a_r * a_dt -> tmp2
}, {
{7,12,0}, // a_r * tmp0 -> rot
{13,8,1}, // tmp1 * a_daz -> deriv0
{14,5,2}, // tmp2 * a_az -> deriv1
}, {
{10,12,3}, // a_dr * tmp0 -> deriv2
{11,12,4}, // a_dzoom * tnmp0 -> deriv3
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
int srcl = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][0];
int srcr = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][1];
int dst = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][2];
if (srcl >= 0){
matrices[dst][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][0] * matrices[srcr][0][threadIdx.x]+
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][1] * matrices[srcr][1][threadIdx.x]+
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][2] * matrices[srcr][2][threadIdx.x];
// copy results to global memory
int gindx = threadIdx.z;
int lindx = offset_rots + threadIdx.z;
const char *matrices_names[] = {"az", "tilt", "roll*zoom", "d_daz", "d_tilt", "d_roll", "d_zoom"};
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
printf("\n----Matrix %s for camera %d:\n", matrices_names[i], ncam);
for (int row = 0; row < 3; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 3; col++) {
printf("%9.6f, ", matrices[offset_matrices + i][row][col]);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
__constant__ int mm_seq [3][3][3]={
{6,5,12}, // a_t * a_z -> tmp0
{7,6,13}, // a_r * a_t -> tmp1
{7,9,14}, // a_r * a_dt -> tmp2
}, {
{7,12,0}, // a_r * tmp0 -> rot
{13,8,1}, // tmp1 * a_daz -> deriv0
{14,5,2}, // tmp2 * a_az -> deriv1
}, {
{10,12,3}, // a_dr * tmp0 -> deriv2
{11,12,4}, // a_dzoom * tnmp0 -> deriv3
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
int srcl = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][0];
int srcr = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][1];
int dst = mm_seq[i][threadIdx.z][2];
if (srcl >= 0) {
matrices[dst][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] =
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][0] * matrices[srcr][0][threadIdx.x] +
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][1] * matrices[srcr][1][threadIdx.x] +
matrices[srcl][threadIdx.y][2] * matrices[srcr][2][threadIdx.x];
// copy results to global memory
int gindx = threadIdx.z;
int lindx = offset_rots + threadIdx.z;
#ifdef NVRTC_BUG
// going beyond first dimension
gpu_rot_deriv->rots[ncam + gindx * NUM_CAMS][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
// going beyond first dimension
gpu_rot_deriv->rots[ncam + gindx * NUM_CAMS][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
gpu_rot_deriv->matrices[gindx][ncam][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
gpu_rot_deriv->matrices[gindx][ncam][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
gindx +=3;
if (lindx < 5) {
gindx += 3;
lindx += 3;
if (lindx < 5) {
#ifdef NVRTC_BUG
// going beyond first dimension
gpu_rot_deriv->rots[ncam + gindx * NUM_CAMS][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
// going beyond first dimension
gpu_rot_deriv->rots[ncam + gindx * NUM_CAMS][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
gpu_rot_deriv->matrices[gindx][ncam][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
gpu_rot_deriv->matrices[gindx][ncam][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = matrices[lindx][threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x];
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)){
printf("\n----All Done with calc_rot_deriv() for ncam=%d\n", ncam);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
// All done - read/verify all arrays
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (threadIdx.x == 0) && (threadIdx.y == 0) && (threadIdx.z == 0)) {
printf("\n----All Done with calc_rot_deriv() for ncam=%d\n", ncam);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG20
// All done - read/verify all arrays
extern "C" __global__ void calculate_tiles_offsets(
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
float * gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv)
/// dim3 threads_geom(NUM_CAMS,TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1);
/// dim3 grid_geom ((num_tiles+TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM-1)/TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1, 1);
int tiles_per_block_geom = NUM_THREADS/ num_cams;
dim3 threads_geom(num_cams,tiles_per_block_geom, 1);
dim3 grid_geom ((num_tiles + tiles_per_block_geom - 1)/tiles_per_block_geom, 1, 1);
//#define NUM_THREADS 32
if (threadIdx.x == 0) { // always 1
get_tiles_offsets<<<grid_geom,threads_geom>>> (
uniform_grid, // int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
num_cams, // int num_cams,
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
num_tiles, // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
gpu_geometry_correction, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
gpu_correction_vector, // struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
gpu_rByRDist, // float * gpu_rByRDist) // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
gpu_rot_deriv); // union trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv);
// __syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
// cudaDeviceSynchronize();
// cudaDeviceSynchronize();
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
float *gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc *gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
float *gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv) {
/// dim3 threads_geom(NUM_CAMS,TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1);
/// dim3 grid_geom ((num_tiles+TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM-1)/TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM, 1, 1);
int tiles_per_block_geom = NUM_THREADS / num_cams;
dim3 threads_geom(num_cams, tiles_per_block_geom, 1);
dim3 grid_geom((num_tiles + tiles_per_block_geom - 1) / tiles_per_block_geom, 1, 1);
//#define NUM_THREADS 32
if (threadIdx.x == 0) { // always 1
get_tiles_offsets<<<grid_geom, threads_geom>>>(
uniform_grid, // int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
num_cams, // int num_cams,
gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// gpu_tasks, // struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
num_tiles, // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list
gpu_geometry_correction, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
gpu_correction_vector, // struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
gpu_rByRDist, // float * gpu_rByRDist) // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
gpu_rot_deriv); // union trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv);
// __syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
// cudaDeviceSynchronize();
// cudaDeviceSynchronize();
* blockDim.x = NUM_CAMS
extern "C" __global__ void get_tiles_offsets(
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
float * gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv)
int task_size = get_task_size(num_cams);
int task_num = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; // blockIdx.x * TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM + threadIdx.y
int thread_xy = blockDim.x * threadIdx.y + threadIdx.x;
int dim_xy = blockDim.x * blockDim.y; // number of parallel threads (<=32)
__shared__ struct gc geometry_correction;
__shared__ float rByRDist [RBYRDIST_LEN];
__shared__ struct corr_vector extrinsic_corr;
__shared__ trot_deriv rot_deriv;
/// __shared__ float pY_offsets[TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM][NUM_CAMS];
__shared__ float pY_offsets[NUM_THREADS][NUM_CAMS]; // maximal dimensions, actual will be smaller
float pXY[2]; // result to be copied to task
// copy data common to all threads
int cycles_copy_gc = ((sizeof(struct gc)/sizeof(float) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy);
float * gcp_local = (float *) &geometry_correction;
float * gcp_global = (float *) gpu_geometry_correction;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_gc; i++){
if (offset < sizeof(struct gc)/sizeof(float)) {
*(gcp_local + offset) = *(gcp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
int cycles_copy_cv = ((sizeof(struct corr_vector)/sizeof(float) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy);
float * cvp_local = (float *) &extrinsic_corr;
float * cvp_global = (float *) gpu_correction_vector;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_cv; i++){
if (offset < sizeof(struct corr_vector)/sizeof(float)) {
*(cvp_local + offset) = *(cvp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
// TODO: maybe it is better to use system memory and not read all table?
int cycles_copy_rbrd = (RBYRDIST_LEN + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy;
float * rByRDistp_local = (float *) rByRDist;
float * rByRDistp_global = (float *) gpu_rByRDist;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_rbrd; i++){
if (offset < RBYRDIST_LEN) {
*(rByRDistp_local + offset) = *(rByRDistp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
// copy rotational matrices (with their derivatives by azimuth, tilt, roll and zoom - for ERS correction)
int cycles_copy_rot = ((sizeof(trot_deriv)/sizeof(float)) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy;
float * rots_local = (float *) &rot_deriv;
float * rots_global = (float *) gpu_rot_deriv; // rot_matrices;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_rot; i++){
if (offset < sizeof(trot_deriv)/sizeof(float)) {
*(rots_local + offset) = *(rots_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
int ncam = threadIdx.x;
if (task_num >= num_tiles){
int imu_exists = // todo - calculate once with rot_deriv?
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[0] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[1] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2] != 0.0);
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
float *gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc *gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
float *gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv) {
int task_size = get_task_size(num_cams);
int task_num = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; // blockIdx.x * TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM + threadIdx.y
int thread_xy = blockDim.x * threadIdx.y + threadIdx.x;
int dim_xy = blockDim.x * blockDim.y; // number of parallel threads (<=32)
__shared__ struct gc geometry_correction;
__shared__ float rByRDist[RBYRDIST_LEN];
__shared__ struct corr_vector extrinsic_corr;
__shared__ trot_deriv rot_deriv;
/// __shared__ float pY_offsets[TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM][NUM_CAMS];
__shared__ float pY_offsets[NUM_THREADS][NUM_CAMS]; // maximal dimensions, actual will be smaller
float pXY[2]; // result to be copied to task
// blockDim.y
// copy data common to all threads
int cycles_copy_gc = ((sizeof(struct gc) / sizeof(float) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy);
float *gcp_local = (float *)&geometry_correction;
float *gcp_global = (float *)gpu_geometry_correction;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_gc; i++) {
if (offset < sizeof(struct gc) / sizeof(float)) {
*(gcp_local + offset) = *(gcp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
int cycles_copy_cv = ((sizeof(struct corr_vector) / sizeof(float) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy);
float *cvp_local = (float *)&extrinsic_corr;
float *cvp_global = (float *)gpu_correction_vector;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_cv; i++) {
if (offset < sizeof(struct corr_vector) / sizeof(float)) {
*(cvp_local + offset) = *(cvp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
// TODO: maybe it is better to use system memory and not read all table?
int cycles_copy_rbrd = (RBYRDIST_LEN + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy;
float *rByRDistp_local = (float *)rByRDist;
float *rByRDistp_global = (float *)gpu_rByRDist;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_rbrd; i++) {
if (offset < RBYRDIST_LEN) {
*(rByRDistp_local + offset) = *(rByRDistp_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
// copy rotational matrices (with their derivatives by azimuth, tilt, roll and zoom - for ERS correction)
int cycles_copy_rot = ((sizeof(trot_deriv) / sizeof(float)) + dim_xy - 1) / dim_xy;
float *rots_local = (float *)&rot_deriv;
float *rots_global = (float *)gpu_rot_deriv; // rot_matrices;
int offset = thread_xy;
for (int i = 0; i < cycles_copy_rot; i++) {
if (offset < sizeof(trot_deriv) / sizeof(float)) {
*(rots_local + offset) = *(rots_global + offset);
offset += dim_xy;
int ncam = threadIdx.x;
if (task_num >= num_tiles) {
int imu_exists = // todo - calculate once with rot_deriv?
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[0] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[1] != 0.0) ||
(extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2] != 0.0);
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("\nTile = %d, camera= %d\n", task_num, ncam);
printf("\nget_tiles_offsets() threadIdx.x = %d, threadIdx.y = %d,blockIdx.x= %d\n", (int)threadIdx.x, (int)threadIdx.y, (int) blockIdx.x);
printGeometryCorrection(&geometry_correction, num_cams);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// String dbg_s = corr_vector.toString();
/* Starting with required tile center X, Y and nominal distortion, for each sensor port:
* 1) unapply common distortion (maybe for different - master camera)
* 2) apply disparity
* 3) apply rotations and zoom
* 4) re-apply distortion
* 5) return port center X and Y
* line_time
// common code, calculated in parallel
/// int cxy = gpu_tasks[task_num].txy;
/// float disparity = gpu_tasks[task_num].target_disparity;
float disparity = * (gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 2);
float *centerXY = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_centerXY_offset;
float px = *(centerXY);
float py = *(centerXY + 1);
int cxy = *(int *) (gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 1);
int tileX = (cxy & 0xffff);
int tileY = (cxy >> 16);
// if (isnan(px)) {
// if (__float_as_int(px) == 0x7fffffff) {
if (uniform_grid) {
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("\nTile = %d, camera= %d\n", task_num, ncam);
printf("\nget_tiles_offsets() threadIdx.x = %d, threadIdx.y = %d,blockIdx.x= %d\n", (int)threadIdx.x, (int)threadIdx.y, (int)blockIdx.x);
printGeometryCorrection(&geometry_correction, num_cams);
printExtrinsicCorrection(&extrinsic_corr, num_cams);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// String dbg_s = corr_vector.toString();
/* Starting with required tile center X, Y and nominal distortion, for each sensor port:
* 1) unapply common distortion (maybe for different - master camera)
* 2) apply disparity
* 3) apply rotations and zoom
* 4) re-apply distortion
* 5) return port center X and Y
* line_time
// common code, calculated in parallel
/// int cxy = gpu_tasks[task_num].txy;
/// float disparity = gpu_tasks[task_num].target_disparity;
float disparity = *(gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 2);
float *centerXY = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_centerXY_offset;
float px = *(centerXY);
float py = *(centerXY + 1);
int cxy = *(int *)(gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 1);
int tileX = (cxy & 0xffff);
int tileY = (cxy >> 16);
// if (isnan(px)) {
// if (__float_as_int(px) == 0x7fffffff) {
if (uniform_grid) {
#ifdef DEBUG23
if ((ncam == 0) && (tileX == DBG_TILE_X) && (tileY == DBG_TILE_Y)){
printf ("\n get_tiles_offsets(): Debugging tileX=%d, tileY=%d, ncam = %d\n", tileX,tileY,ncam);
#endif //#ifdef DEBUG23
px = tileX * DTT_SIZE + DTT_SIZE/2; // - shiftX;
py = tileY * DTT_SIZE + DTT_SIZE/2; // - shiftY;
*(centerXY) = px;
*(centerXY + 1) = py;
float pXcd = px - 0.5 * geometry_correction.pixelCorrectionWidth;
float pYcd = py - 0.5 * geometry_correction.pixelCorrectionHeight;
float rXY [2];
rXY[0] = geometry_correction.rXY[ncam][0];
rXY[1] = geometry_correction.rXY[ncam][1];
float rD = sqrtf(pXcd*pXcd + pYcd*pYcd)*0.001*geometry_correction.pixelSize; // distorted radius in a virtual center camera
float rND2R=getRByRDist(rD/geometry_correction.distortionRadius, rByRDist);
float pXc = pXcd * rND2R; // non-distorted coordinates relative to the (0.5 * this.pixelCorrectionWidth, 0.5 * this.pixelCorrectionHeight)
float pYc = pYcd * rND2R; // in pixels
float xyz [3]; // getWorldCoordinates
xyz[2] = -SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * geometry_correction.focalLength * geometry_correction.disparityRadius /
(disparity * 0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize); // "+" - near, "-" far
xyz[0] = SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * pXc * geometry_correction.disparityRadius / disparity;
xyz[1] = -SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * pYc * geometry_correction.disparityRadius / disparity;
// next radial distortion coefficients are for this, not master camera (may be the same)
// geometry_correction.rad_coeff[i];
float fl_pix = geometry_correction.focalLength/(0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize); // focal length in pixels - this camera
float ri_scale = 0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize / geometry_correction.distortionRadius;
if ((ncam == 0) && (tileX == DBG_TILE_X) && (tileY == DBG_TILE_Y)) {
printf("\n get_tiles_offsets(): Debugging tileX=%d, tileY=%d, ncam = %d\n", tileX, tileY, ncam);
#endif //#ifdef DEBUG23
px = tileX * DTT_SIZE + DTT_SIZE / 2; // - shiftX;
py = tileY * DTT_SIZE + DTT_SIZE / 2; // - shiftY;
*(centerXY) = px;
*(centerXY + 1) = py;
float pXcd = px - 0.5 * geometry_correction.pixelCorrectionWidth;
float pYcd = py - 0.5 * geometry_correction.pixelCorrectionHeight;
float rXY[2];
rXY[0] = geometry_correction.rXY[ncam][0];
rXY[1] = geometry_correction.rXY[ncam][1];
float rD = sqrtf(pXcd * pXcd + pYcd * pYcd) * 0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize; // distorted radius in a virtual center camera
float rND2R = getRByRDist(rD / geometry_correction.distortionRadius, rByRDist);
float pXc = pXcd * rND2R; // non-distorted coordinates relative to the (0.5 * this.pixelCorrectionWidth, 0.5 * this.pixelCorrectionHeight)
float pYc = pYcd * rND2R; // in pixels
float xyz[3]; // getWorldCoordinates
xyz[2] = -SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * geometry_correction.focalLength * geometry_correction.disparityRadius /
(disparity * 0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize); // "+" - near, "-" far
xyz[0] = SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * pXc * geometry_correction.disparityRadius / disparity;
xyz[1] = -SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * pYc * geometry_correction.disparityRadius / disparity;
// next radial distortion coefficients are for this, not master camera (may be the same)
// geometry_correction.rad_coeff[i];
float fl_pix = geometry_correction.focalLength / (0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize); // focal length in pixels - this camera
float ri_scale = 0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize / geometry_correction.distortionRadius;
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("\nuniform_grid=%d\n", uniform_grid);
printf("Tile = %d, camera= %d\n", task_num, ncam);
printf("TargetDisparity = %f\n", disparity);
printf("tileX = %d, tileY = %d\n", tileX, tileY);
printf("px = %f, py = %f\n", px, py);
printf("centerXY[0] = %f, centerXY[1] = %f\n", *(centerXY), *(centerXY + 1));
printf("pXcd = %f, pYcd = %f\n", pXcd, pYcd);
printf("rXY[0] = %f, rXY[1] = %f\n", rXY[0], rXY[1]);
printf("rD = %f, rND2R = %f\n", rD, rND2R);
printf("pXc = %f, pYc = %f\n", pXc, pYc);
printf("fl_pix = %f, ri_scale = %f\n", fl_pix, ri_scale);
printf("xyz[0] = %f, xyz[1] = %f, xyz[2] = %f\n", xyz[0],xyz[1],xyz[2]);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// above is common code, below - per camera (was cycle in Java, here individual threads //for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++){
// non-distorted XY of the shifted location of the individual sensor
// -------------- Each camera calculated by its own thread ----------------
float pXci0 = pXc - disparity * rXY[0]; // [ncam][0]; // in pixels
float pYci0 = pYc - disparity * rXY[1]; // [ncam][1];
// rectilinear, end of dealing with possibly other (master) camera, below all is for this camera distortions
// Convert a 2-d non-distorted vector to 3d at fl_pix distance in z direction
/// double [][] avi = {{pXci0}, {pYci0},{fl_pix}};
/// Matrix vi = new Matrix(avi); // non-distorted sensor channel view vector in pixels (z -along the common axis)
// Apply port-individual combined rotation/zoom matrix
/// Matrix rvi = rots[i].times(vi);
float rvi[3];
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("\nuniform_grid=%d\n", uniform_grid);
printf("Tile = %d, camera= %d\n", task_num, ncam);
printf("TargetDisparity = %f\n", disparity);
printf("tileX = %d, tileY = %d\n", tileX, tileY);
printf("px = %f, py = %f\n", px, py);
printf("centerXY[0] = %f, centerXY[1] = %f\n", *(centerXY), *(centerXY + 1));
printf("pXcd = %f, pYcd = %f\n", pXcd, pYcd);
printf("rXY[0] = %f, rXY[1] = %f\n", rXY[0], rXY[1]);
printf("rD = %f, rND2R = %f\n", rD, rND2R);
printf("pXc = %f, pYc = %f\n", pXc, pYc);
printf("fl_pix = %f, ri_scale = %f\n", fl_pix, ri_scale);
printf("xyz[0] = %f, xyz[1] = %f, xyz[2] = %f\n", xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// above is common code, below - per camera (was cycle in Java, here individual threads //for (int ncam = 0; ncam < NUM_CAMS; ncam++){
// non-distorted XY of the shifted location of the individual sensor
// -------------- Each camera calculated by its own thread ----------------
float pXci0 = pXc - disparity * rXY[0]; // [ncam][0]; // in pixels
float pYci0 = pYc - disparity * rXY[1]; // [ncam][1];
// rectilinear, end of dealing with possibly other (master) camera, below all is for this camera distortions
// Convert a 2-d non-distorted vector to 3d at fl_pix distance in z direction
/// double [][] avi = {{pXci0}, {pYci0},{fl_pix}};
/// Matrix vi = new Matrix(avi); // non-distorted sensor channel view vector in pixels (z -along the common axis)
// Apply port-individual combined rotation/zoom matrix
/// Matrix rvi = rots[i].times(vi);
float rvi[3];
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j< 3; j++){
rvi[j] = rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
// get back to the projection plane by normalizing vector
float norm_z = fl_pix/rvi[2];
float pXci = rvi[0] * norm_z;
float pYci = rvi[1] * norm_z;
// Re-apply distortion
float rNDi = sqrtf(pXci*pXci + pYci*pYci); // in pixels
float ri = rNDi* ri_scale; // relative to distortion radius
float rD2rND = 1.0;
float rri = 1.0;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
rvi[j] = rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.rots[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
// get back to the projection plane by normalizing vector
float norm_z = fl_pix / rvi[2];
float pXci = rvi[0] * norm_z;
float pYci = rvi[1] * norm_z;
// Re-apply distortion
float rNDi = sqrtf(pXci * pXci + pYci * pYci); // in pixels
float ri = rNDi * ri_scale; // relative to distortion radius
float rD2rND = 1.0;
float rri = 1.0;
#ifdef NVRTC_BUG
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < RAD_COEFF_LEN; j++){
rri *= ri;
rD2rND += ((float *) &geometry_correction.distortionC)[j]*(rri - 1.0);
for (int j = 0; j < RAD_COEFF_LEN; j++) {
rri *= ri;
rD2rND += ((float *)&geometry_correction.distortionC)[j] * (rri - 1.0);
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(geometry_correction.rad_coeff)/sizeof(float); j++){
rri *= ri;
rD2rND += geometry_correction.rad_coeff[j]*(rri - 1.0);
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(geometry_correction.rad_coeff) / sizeof(float); j++) {
rri *= ri;
rD2rND += geometry_correction.rad_coeff[j] * (rri - 1.0);
// Get port pixel coordinates by scaling the 2d vector with Rdistorted/Dnondistorted coefficient)
float pXid = pXci * rD2rND;
float pYid = pYci * rD2rND;
pXY[0] = pXid + geometry_correction.pXY0[ncam][0];
pXY[1] = pYid + geometry_correction.pXY0[ncam][1];
// new for ERS
pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][ncam] = pXY[1] - geometry_correction.woi_tops[ncam];
// Each thread re-calculate same sum
float lines_avg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i ++){
lines_avg += pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][i];
lines_avg *= (1.0/num_cams);
// used when calculating derivatives, TODO: combine calculations !
float pY_offset = pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][ncam] - lines_avg;
// Get port pixel coordinates by scaling the 2d vector with Rdistorted/Dnondistorted coefficient)
float pXid = pXci * rD2rND;
float pYid = pYci * rD2rND;
pXY[0] = pXid + geometry_correction.pXY0[ncam][0];
pXY[1] = pYid + geometry_correction.pXY0[ncam][1];
// new for ERS
pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][ncam] = pXY[1] - geometry_correction.woi_tops[ncam];
// Each thread re-calculate same sum
float lines_avg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i++) {
lines_avg += pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][i];
lines_avg *= (1.0 / num_cams);
// used when calculating derivatives, TODO: combine calculations !
float pY_offset = pY_offsets[threadIdx.y][ncam] - lines_avg;
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("pXci0 = %f, pYci0 = %f\n", pXci0, pYci0);
printf("rvi[0] = %f, rvi[1] = %f, rvi[2] = %f\n", rvi[0], rvi[1], rvi[2]);
printf("norm_z = %f, pXci = %f, pYci = %f\n", norm_z, pXci, pYci);
printf("rNDi = %f, ri = %f\n", rNDi, ri);
printf("rD2rND = %f\n", rD2rND);
printf("pXid = %f, pYid = %f\n", pXid, pYid);
printf("pXY[0] = %f, pXY[1] = %f\n", pXY[0], pXY[1]); // OK
printf("lines_avg = %f, pY_offset = %f\n", lines_avg, pY_offset); // *
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
float drvi_daz [3]; // drvi_daz = deriv_rots[i][0].times(vi);
float drvi_dtl [3]; // drvi_dtl = deriv_rots[i][1].times(vi);
float drvi_drl [3]; // drvi_drl = deriv_rots[i][2].times(vi);
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("pXci0 = %f, pYci0 = %f\n", pXci0, pYci0);
printf("rvi[0] = %f, rvi[1] = %f, rvi[2] = %f\n", rvi[0], rvi[1], rvi[2]);
printf("norm_z = %f, pXci = %f, pYci = %f\n", norm_z, pXci, pYci);
printf("rNDi = %f, ri = %f\n", rNDi, ri);
printf("rD2rND = %f\n", rD2rND);
printf("pXid = %f, pYid = %f\n", pXid, pYid);
printf("pXY[0] = %f, pXY[1] = %f\n", pXY[0], pXY[1]); // OK
printf("lines_avg = %f, pY_offset = %f\n", lines_avg, pY_offset); // *
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
float drvi_daz[3]; // drvi_daz = deriv_rots[i][0].times(vi);
float drvi_dtl[3]; // drvi_dtl = deriv_rots[i][1].times(vi);
float drvi_drl[3]; // drvi_drl = deriv_rots[i][2].times(vi);
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j< 3; j++){
drvi_daz[j] = rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
drvi_dtl[j] = rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
drvi_drl[j] = rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
float dpXci_dazimuth = drvi_daz[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_daz[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_dazimuth = drvi_daz[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_daz[2] / rvi[2];
float dpXci_dtilt = drvi_dtl[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_dtl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_dtilt = drvi_dtl[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_dtl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpXci_droll = drvi_drl[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_drl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_droll = drvi_drl[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_drl[2] / rvi[2];
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
drvi_daz[j] = rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_daz[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
drvi_dtl[j] = rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_tilt[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
drvi_drl[j] = rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][0] * pXci0 + rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][1] * pYci0 + rot_deriv.d_roll[ncam][j][2] * fl_pix;
float dpXci_dazimuth = drvi_daz[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_daz[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_dazimuth = drvi_daz[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_daz[2] / rvi[2];
float dpXci_dtilt = drvi_dtl[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_dtl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_dtilt = drvi_dtl[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_dtl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpXci_droll = drvi_drl[0] * norm_z - pXci * drvi_drl[2] / rvi[2];
float dpYci_droll = drvi_drl[1] * norm_z - pYci * drvi_drl[2] / rvi[2];
#ifdef DEBUG210
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("drvi_daz[0] = %f, drvi_daz[1] = %f, drvi_daz[2] = %f\n", drvi_daz[0], drvi_daz[1], drvi_daz[2]);
printf("drvi_dtl[0] = %f, drvi_dtl[1] = %f, drvi_dtl[2] = %f\n", drvi_dtl[0], drvi_dtl[1], drvi_dtl[2]);
printf("drvi_drl[0] = %f, drvi_drl[1] = %f, drvi_drl[2] = %f\n", drvi_drl[0], drvi_drl[1], drvi_drl[2]);
printf("dpXci_dazimuth = %f, dpYci_dazimuth = %f\n", dpXci_dazimuth, dpYci_dazimuth);
printf("dpXci_dtilt = %f, dpYci_dtilt = %f\n", dpXci_dtilt, dpYci_dtilt);
printf("dpXci_droll = %f, dpYci_droll = %f\n", dpXci_droll, dpYci_droll);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
float disp_dist[4]; // only for this channel, to be copied to global gpu_tasks in the end
float dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[2][3];
double [][] add0 = {
{-rXY[i][0], rXY[i][1], 0.0},
{-rXY[i][1], -rXY[i][0], 0.0},
{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; // what is last element???
Matrix dd0 = new Matrix(add0);
Matrix dd1 = rots[i].times(dd0).getMatrix(0, 1,0,1).times(norm_z); // get top left 2x2 sub-matrix
float dd1[2][2];// get top left 2x2 sub-matrix
dd1[0][0] = (-rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][0]*rXY[0] -rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][1]*rXY[1])*norm_z;
dd1[0][1] = ( rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][0]*rXY[1] -rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][1]*rXY[0])*norm_z;
dd1[1][0] = (-rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][0]*rXY[0] -rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][1]*rXY[1])*norm_z;
dd1[1][1] = ( rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][0]*rXY[1] -rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][1]*rXY[0])*norm_z;
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("drvi_daz[0] = %f, drvi_daz[1] = %f, drvi_daz[2] = %f\n", drvi_daz[0], drvi_daz[1], drvi_daz[2]);
printf("drvi_dtl[0] = %f, drvi_dtl[1] = %f, drvi_dtl[2] = %f\n", drvi_dtl[0], drvi_dtl[1], drvi_dtl[2]);
printf("drvi_drl[0] = %f, drvi_drl[1] = %f, drvi_drl[2] = %f\n", drvi_drl[0], drvi_drl[1], drvi_drl[2]);
printf("dpXci_dazimuth = %f, dpYci_dazimuth = %f\n", dpXci_dazimuth, dpYci_dazimuth);
printf("dpXci_dtilt = %f, dpYci_dtilt = %f\n", dpXci_dtilt, dpYci_dtilt);
printf("dpXci_droll = %f, dpYci_droll = %f\n", dpXci_droll, dpYci_droll);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
float disp_dist[4]; // only for this channel, to be copied to global gpu_tasks in the end
float dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[2][3];
double [][] add0 = {
{-rXY[i][0], rXY[i][1], 0.0},
{-rXY[i][1], -rXY[i][0], 0.0},
{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; // what is last element???
Matrix dd0 = new Matrix(add0);
Matrix dd1 = rots[i].times(dd0).getMatrix(0, 1,0,1).times(norm_z); // get top left 2x2 sub-matrix
float dd1[2][2]; // get top left 2x2 sub-matrix
dd1[0][0] = (-rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][0] * rXY[0] - rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][1] * rXY[1]) * norm_z;
dd1[0][1] = (rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][0] * rXY[1] - rot_deriv.rots[ncam][0][1] * rXY[0]) * norm_z;
dd1[1][0] = (-rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][0] * rXY[0] - rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][1] * rXY[1]) * norm_z;
dd1[1][1] = (rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][0] * rXY[1] - rot_deriv.rots[ncam][1][1] * rXY[0]) * norm_z;
#ifdef DEBUG210
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("dd1[0][0] = %f, dd1[0][1] = %f\n",dd1[0][0],dd1[0][1]);
printf("dd1[1][0] = %f, dd1[1][1] = %f\n",dd1[1][0],dd1[1][1]);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// now first column of 2x2 dd1 - x, y components of derivatives by disparity, second column - derivatives by ortho to disparity (~Y in 2d correlation)
// unity vector in the direction of radius
float c_dist = pXci/rNDi;
float s_dist = pYci/rNDi;
//#undef NVRTC_BUG
float drD2rND_dri = 0.0;
float rri = 1.0;
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("dd1[0][0] = %f, dd1[0][1] = %f\n", dd1[0][0], dd1[0][1]);
printf("dd1[1][0] = %f, dd1[1][1] = %f\n", dd1[1][0], dd1[1][1]);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// now first column of 2x2 dd1 - x, y components of derivatives by disparity, second column - derivatives by ortho to disparity (~Y in 2d correlation)
// unity vector in the direction of radius
float c_dist = pXci / rNDi;
float s_dist = pYci / rNDi;
//#undef NVRTC_BUG
float drD2rND_dri = 0.0;
float rri = 1.0;
#ifdef NVRTC_BUG
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < RAD_COEFF_LEN; j++){
drD2rND_dri += ((float *) &geometry_correction.distortionC)[j] * (j+1) * rri;
rri *= ri;
for (int j = 0; j < RAD_COEFF_LEN; j++) {
drD2rND_dri += ((float *)&geometry_correction.distortionC)[j] * (j + 1) * rri;
rri *= ri;
#pragma unroll
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(geometry_correction.rad_coeff)/sizeof(float); j++){
drD2rND_dri += geometry_correction.rad_coeff[j] * (j+1) * rri;
rri *= ri;
for (int j = 0; j < sizeof(geometry_correction.rad_coeff) / sizeof(float); j++) {
drD2rND_dri += geometry_correction.rad_coeff[j] * (j + 1) * rri;
rri *= ri;
float scale_distort00 = rD2rND + ri* drD2rND_dri;
float scale_distort11 = rD2rND;
float scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[2][2];
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] = ( c_dist * dd1[0][0] + s_dist * dd1[1][0]) * scale_distort00;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] = ( c_dist * dd1[0][1] + s_dist * dd1[1][1]) * scale_distort00;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0] = (-s_dist * dd1[0][0] + c_dist * dd1[1][0]) * scale_distort11;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1] = (-s_dist * dd1[0][1] + c_dist * dd1[1][1]) * scale_distort11;
disp_dist[0] = c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] - s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0];
disp_dist[1] = c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] - s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1];
disp_dist[2] = s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] + c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0];
disp_dist[3] = s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] + c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1];
float scale_distort00 = rD2rND + ri * drD2rND_dri;
float scale_distort11 = rD2rND;
float scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[2][2];
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] = (c_dist * dd1[0][0] + s_dist * dd1[1][0]) * scale_distort00;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] = (c_dist * dd1[0][1] + s_dist * dd1[1][1]) * scale_distort00;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0] = (-s_dist * dd1[0][0] + c_dist * dd1[1][0]) * scale_distort11;
scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1] = (-s_dist * dd1[0][1] + c_dist * dd1[1][1]) * scale_distort11;
disp_dist[0] = c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] - s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0];
disp_dist[1] = c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] - s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1];
disp_dist[2] = s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] + c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0];
disp_dist[3] = s_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] + c_dist * scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1];
#ifdef DEBUG210
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] = %f, scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] = %f\n",scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0],scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1]);
printf("scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0] = %f, scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1] = %f\n",scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0],scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1]);
printf("disp_dist[0] = %f\n", disp_dist[0]);
printf("disp_dist[1] = %f\n", disp_dist[1]);
printf("disp_dist[2] = %f\n", disp_dist[2]);
printf("disp_dist[3] = %f\n", disp_dist[3]);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][0] = disp_dist[0];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][1] = disp_dist[1];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][2] = disp_dist[2];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][3] = disp_dist[3];
float * disp_dist_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_xy_offset + num_cams* 2 + ncam * 4; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[0]; // global memory
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[1];
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[2];
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[3];
// imu = extrinsic_corr.getIMU(i); // currently it is common for all channels
// float imu_rot [3]; // d_tilt/dt (rad/s), d_az/dt, d_roll/dt 13..15
// float imu_move[3]; // dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 16..19 geometry_correction.imu_move
// ERS linear does not yet use per-port rotations, probably not needed
if (imu_exists){
float ers_x =
dpXci_dtilt * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] +
dpXci_dazimuth * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] +
dpXci_droll * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2];
float ers_y =
dpYci_dtilt * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] +
dpYci_dazimuth * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] +
dpYci_droll * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2];
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0] = %f, scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1] = %f\n", scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][0], scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[0][1]);
printf("scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0] = %f, scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1] = %f\n", scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][0], scale_distortXrot2Xdd1[1][1]);
printf("disp_dist[0] = %f\n", disp_dist[0]);
printf("disp_dist[1] = %f\n", disp_dist[1]);
printf("disp_dist[2] = %f\n", disp_dist[2]);
printf("disp_dist[3] = %f\n", disp_dist[3]);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][0] = disp_dist[0];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][1] = disp_dist[1];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][2] = disp_dist[2];
/// gpu_tasks[task_num].disp_dist[ncam][3] = disp_dist[3];
float *disp_dist_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_xy_offset + num_cams * 2 + ncam * 4; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[0]; // global memory
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[1];
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[2];
*(disp_dist_p++) = disp_dist[3];
// imu = extrinsic_corr.getIMU(i); // currently it is common for all channels
// float imu_rot [3]; // d_tilt/dt (rad/s), d_az/dt, d_roll/dt 13..15
// float imu_move[3]; // dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 16..19 geometry_correction.imu_move
// ERS linear does not yet use per-port rotations, probably not needed
if (imu_exists) {
float ers_x =
dpXci_dtilt * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] +
dpXci_dazimuth * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] +
dpXci_droll * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2];
float ers_y =
dpYci_dtilt * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[0] +
dpYci_dazimuth * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[1] +
dpYci_droll * extrinsic_corr.imu_rot[2];
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("ers_x = %f, ers_y = %f\n", ers_x, ers_y);
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
if (disparity >= MIN_DISPARITY){ // all threads together
float k = SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * geometry_correction.disparityRadius;
float wdisparity = disparity;
float dwdisp_dz = (k * geometry_correction.focalLength / (0.001*geometry_correction.pixelSize)) / (xyz[2] * xyz[2]);
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] = -wdisparity / k; // dpx/ dworld_X
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] = wdisparity / k; // dpy/ dworld_Y
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] = (xyz[0] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpx/ dworld_Z
//// dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = (xyz[1] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpy/ dworld_Z
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = -(xyz[1] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpy/ dworld_Z
ers_x += dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[0] +
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2];
ers_y += dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[1] +
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2];
float delta_t = (pY_offset/ (1.0 - geometry_correction.line_time * ers_y)) * geometry_correction.line_time; // positive for top cameras, negative - for bottom //disp_dist[2]=dd2.get(1, 0)
pXY[0] += delta_t * ers_x * rD2rND; // added correction to pixel X
pXY[1] += delta_t * ers_y * rD2rND; // added correction to pixel Y
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("ers_x = %f, ers_y = %f\n", ers_x, ers_y);
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
if (disparity >= MIN_DISPARITY) { // all threads together
float k = SCENE_UNITS_SCALE * geometry_correction.disparityRadius;
float wdisparity = disparity;
float dwdisp_dz = (k * geometry_correction.focalLength / (0.001 * geometry_correction.pixelSize)) / (xyz[2] * xyz[2]);
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] = -wdisparity / k; // dpx/ dworld_X
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] = wdisparity / k; // dpy/ dworld_Y
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] = (xyz[0] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpx/ dworld_Z
//// dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = (xyz[1] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpy/ dworld_Z
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = -(xyz[1] / k) * dwdisp_dz; // dpy/ dworld_Z
ers_x += dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[0] +
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2];
ers_y += dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[1] +
dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] * extrinsic_corr.imu_move[2];
float delta_t = (pY_offset / (1.0 - geometry_correction.line_time * ers_y)) * geometry_correction.line_time; // positive for top cameras, negative - for bottom //disp_dist[2]=dd2.get(1, 0)
pXY[0] += delta_t * ers_x * rD2rND; // added correction to pixel X
pXY[1] += delta_t * ers_y * rD2rND; // added correction to pixel Y
#ifdef DEBUG21
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)){
printf("k = %f, wdisparity = %f, dwdisp_dz = %f\n", k, wdisparity, dwdisp_dz);
printf("dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] = %f, dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] = %f\n", dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0],dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2]);
printf("dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] = %f, dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = %f\n", dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1],dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2]);
printf("delta_t = %f, ers_x = %f, ers_y = %f\n", delta_t, ers_x, ers_y);
printf("pXY[0] = %f, pXY[1] = %f\n", pXY[0], pXY[1]); // OK
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// copy results to global memory pXY, disp_dist (already copied)
// gpu_tasks[task_num].xy[ncam][0] = pXY[0];
// gpu_tasks[task_num].xy[ncam][1] = pXY[1];
// float * tile_xy_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 3 + num_cams * 4 + ncam * 2; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
// .xy goes right after 3 commonn (tak, txy and target_disparity
float * tile_xy_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_xy_offset + ncam * 2; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
*(tile_xy_p++) = pXY[0]; // global memory
*(tile_xy_p++) = pXY[1]; // global memory
if ((ncam == DBG_CAM) && (task_num == DBG_TILE)) {
printf("k = %f, wdisparity = %f, dwdisp_dz = %f\n", k, wdisparity, dwdisp_dz);
printf("dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0] = %f, dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2] = %f\n", dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][0], dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[0][2]);
printf("dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1] = %f, dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2] = %f\n", dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][1], dpXci_pYci_imu_lin[1][2]);
printf("delta_t = %f, ers_x = %f, ers_y = %f\n", delta_t, ers_x, ers_y);
printf("pXY[0] = %f, pXY[1] = %f\n", pXY[0], pXY[1]); // OK
__syncthreads(); // __syncwarp();
#endif // DEBUG21
// copy results to global memory pXY, disp_dist (already copied)
// gpu_tasks[task_num].xy[ncam][0] = pXY[0];
// gpu_tasks[task_num].xy[ncam][1] = pXY[1];
// float * tile_xy_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + 3 + num_cams * 4 + ncam * 2; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
// .xy goes right after 3 commonn (tak, txy and target_disparity
float *tile_xy_p = gpu_ftasks + task_size * task_num + tp_task_xy_offset + ncam * 2; // ncam = threadIdx.x, so each thread will have different offset
*(tile_xy_p++) = pXY[0]; // global memory
*(tile_xy_p++) = pXY[1]; // global memory
extern "C" __global__ void calcReverseDistortionTable(
struct gc * geometry_correction,
float * rByRDist)
//int num_threads = NUM_CAMS * blockDim.z * blockDim.y * blockDim.x; // 36
int indx = ((blockIdx.x * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// double delta=1E-20; // 12; // 10; // -8; 215.983994 ms
// double delta=1E-4; //rByRDist error = 0.000072
double delta=1E-10; // 12; // 10; // -8; 0.730000 ms
double minDerivative=0.01;
int numIterations=1000;
double drDistDr=1.0;
double d=1.0
-geometry_correction -> distortionA8
-geometry_correction -> distortionA7
-geometry_correction -> distortionA6
-geometry_correction -> distortionA5
-geometry_correction -> distortionA
-geometry_correction -> distortionB
-geometry_correction -> distortionC;
double rPrev=0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < num_points; p ++){
int i = indx * num_points +p;
if (i >= RBYRDIST_LEN){
if (i == 0){
rByRDist[0]= (float) 1.0/d;
double rDist = RBYRDIST_STEP * i;
double r = (p == 0) ? rDist : rPrev;
for (int iteration=0;iteration<numIterations;iteration++){
double k=(((((((
geometry_correction -> distortionA8) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionA7) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionA6) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionA5) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionA) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionB) * r +
geometry_correction -> distortionC) * r + d;
8 * geometry_correction -> distortionA8) * r +
7 * geometry_correction -> distortionA7) * r +
6 * geometry_correction -> distortionA6) * r +
5 * geometry_correction -> distortionA5) * r +
4 * geometry_correction -> distortionA) * r +
3 * geometry_correction -> distortionB) * r+
2 * geometry_correction -> distortionC) * r+d;
if (drDistDr<minDerivative) { // folds backwards !
return; // too high distortion
double rD=r*k;
if (fabs(rD-rDist)<delta){
rByRDist[i]= (float) r/rDist;
struct gc *geometry_correction,
float *rByRDist) {
// int num_threads = NUM_CAMS * blockDim.z * blockDim.y * blockDim.x; // 36
int indx = ((blockIdx.x * blockDim.z + threadIdx.z) * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y) * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// double delta=1E-20; // 12; // 10; // -8; 215.983994 ms
// double delta=1E-4; //rByRDist error = 0.000072
double delta = 1E-10; // 12; // 10; // -8; 0.730000 ms
double minDerivative = 0.01;
int numIterations = 1000;
double drDistDr = 1.0;
double d = 1.0 - geometry_correction->distortionA8 - geometry_correction->distortionA7 - geometry_correction->distortionA6 - geometry_correction->distortionA5 - geometry_correction->distortionA - geometry_correction->distortionB - geometry_correction->distortionC;
double rPrev = 0.0;
for (int p = 0; p < num_points; p++) {
int i = indx * num_points + p;
if (i >= RBYRDIST_LEN) {
if (i == 0) {
rByRDist[0] = (float)1.0 / d;
double rDist = RBYRDIST_STEP * i;
double r = (p == 0) ? rDist : rPrev;
for (int iteration = 0; iteration < numIterations; iteration++) {
double k = (((((((
geometry_correction->distortionA8) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionA7) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionA6) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionA5) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionA) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionB) *
r +
geometry_correction->distortionC) *
r +
drDistDr = (((((((
8 * geometry_correction->distortionA8) *
r +
7 * geometry_correction->distortionA7) *
r +
6 * geometry_correction->distortionA6) *
r +
5 * geometry_correction->distortionA5) *
r +
4 * geometry_correction->distortionA) *
r +
3 * geometry_correction->distortionB) *
r +
2 * geometry_correction->distortionC) *
r +
if (drDistDr < minDerivative) { // folds backwards !
return; // too high distortion
double rD = r * k;
if (fabs(rD - rDist) < delta) {
r += (rDist - rD) / drDistDr;
rPrev = r;
rByRDist[i] = (float)r / rDist;
......@@ -843,110 +844,122 @@ extern "C" __global__ void calcReverseDistortionTable(
* @return corresponding non-distorted radius
inline __device__ float getRByRDist(float rDist,
float rByRDist [RBYRDIST_LEN]) //shared memory
float rByRDist[RBYRDIST_LEN]) // shared memory
if (rDist < 0) {
return 0.0f; // normally should not happen
float findex = rDist/RBYRDIST_STEP;
int index= (int) floorf(findex);
if (index < 0){
index = 0;
if (index > (RBYRDIST_LEN - 3)) {
index = RBYRDIST_LEN - 3;
float mu = fmaxf(findex - index, 0.0f);
float mu2 = mu * mu;
float y0 = (index > 0)? rByRDist[index-1] : ( 2 * rByRDist[index] - rByRDist[index+1]);
// use Catmull-Rom
float a0 = -0.5 * y0 + 1.5 * rByRDist[index] - 1.5 * rByRDist[index+1] + 0.5 * rByRDist[index+2];
float a1 = y0 - 2.5 * rByRDist[index] + 2 * rByRDist[index+1] - 0.5 * rByRDist[index+2];
float a2 = -0.5 * y0 + 0.5 * rByRDist[index+1];
float a3 = rByRDist[index];
float result= a0*mu*mu2+a1*mu2+a2*mu+a3;
return result;
if (rDist < 0) {
return 0.0f; // normally should not happen
float findex = rDist / RBYRDIST_STEP;
int index = (int)floorf(findex);
if (index < 0) {
index = 0;
if (index > (RBYRDIST_LEN - 3)) {
index = RBYRDIST_LEN - 3;
float mu = fmaxf(findex - index, 0.0f);
float mu2 = mu * mu;
float y0 = (index > 0) ? rByRDist[index - 1] : (2 * rByRDist[index] - rByRDist[index + 1]);
// use Catmull-Rom
float a0 = -0.5 * y0 + 1.5 * rByRDist[index] - 1.5 * rByRDist[index + 1] + 0.5 * rByRDist[index + 2];
float a1 = y0 - 2.5 * rByRDist[index] + 2 * rByRDist[index + 1] - 0.5 * rByRDist[index + 2];
float a2 = -0.5 * y0 + 0.5 * rByRDist[index + 1];
float a3 = rByRDist[index];
float result = a0 * mu * mu2 + a1 * mu2 + a2 * mu + a3;
return result;
__device__ void printGeometryCorrection(struct gc * g, int num_cams){
__device__ void printGeometryCorrection(struct gc *g, int num_cams) {
#ifndef JCUDA
printf("\nGeometry Correction\n------------------\n");
printf("%22s: %f\n","pixelCorrectionWidth", g->pixelCorrectionWidth);
printf("%22s: %f\n","pixelCorrectionHeight", g->pixelCorrectionHeight);
printf("%22s: %f\n","line_time", g->line_time);
printf("%22s: %f\n","focalLength", g->focalLength);
printf("%22s: %f\n","pixelSize", g->pixelSize);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionRadius",g->distortionRadius);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionC", g->distortionC);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionB", g->distortionB);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionA", g->distortionA);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionA5",g->distortionA5);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionA6",g->distortionA6);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionA7",g->distortionA7);
printf("%22s: %f\n","distortionA8",g->distortionA8);
printf("%22s: %f\n","elevation", g->elevation);
printf("%22s: %f\n","heading", g->heading);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","forward", g->forward[0], g->forward[1], g->forward[2], g->forward[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","right", g->right[0], g->right[1], g->right[2], g->right[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","height", g->height[0], g->height[1], g->height[2], g->height[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","roll", g->roll[0], g->roll[1], g->roll[2], g->roll[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[0]", g->pXY0[0][0], g->pXY0[0][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[1]", g->pXY0[1][0], g->pXY0[1][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[2]", g->pXY0[2][0], g->pXY0[2][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[3]", g->pXY0[3][0], g->pXY0[3][1]);
printf("%22s:","forward"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->forward[ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","right"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->right [ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","height"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->height [ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","roll"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->roll [ncam]); printf("\n");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
printf("%19s%2d]: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[",ncam, g->pXY0[ncam][0], g->pXY0[ncam][1]);
printf("%22s: %f\n","common_right", g->common_right);
printf("%22s: %f\n","common_forward", g->common_forward);
printf("%22s: %f\n","common_height", g->common_height);
printf("%22s: %f\n","common_roll", g->common_roll);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[0]", g->rXY[0][0], g->rXY[0][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[1]", g->rXY[1][0], g->rXY[1][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[2]", g->rXY[2][0], g->rXY[2][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[3]", g->rXY[3][0], g->rXY[3][1]);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
printf("%19s%2d]: %f, %f \n", "rXY[", ncam, g->rXY[ncam][0], g->rXY[ncam][1]);
printf("%22s: %f\n","cameraRadius", g->cameraRadius);
printf("%22s: %f\n","disparityRadius", g->disparityRadius);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","woi_tops", g->woi_tops[0], g->woi_tops[1], g->woi_tops[2], g->woi_tops[3]);
printf("%22s:","woi_tops"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->woi_tops[ncam]); printf("\n");
#endif //ifndef JCUDA
printf("\nGeometry Correction\n------------------\n");
printf("%22s: %f\n", "pixelCorrectionWidth", g->pixelCorrectionWidth);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "pixelCorrectionHeight", g->pixelCorrectionHeight);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "line_time", g->line_time);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "focalLength", g->focalLength);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "pixelSize", g->pixelSize);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionRadius", g->distortionRadius);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionC", g->distortionC);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionB", g->distortionB);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionA", g->distortionA);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionA5", g->distortionA5);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionA6", g->distortionA6);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionA7", g->distortionA7);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "distortionA8", g->distortionA8);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "elevation", g->elevation);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "heading", g->heading);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","forward", g->forward[0], g->forward[1], g->forward[2], g->forward[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","right", g->right[0], g->right[1], g->right[2], g->right[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","height", g->height[0], g->height[1], g->height[2], g->height[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","roll", g->roll[0], g->roll[1], g->roll[2], g->roll[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[0]", g->pXY0[0][0], g->pXY0[0][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[1]", g->pXY0[1][0], g->pXY0[1][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[2]", g->pXY0[2][0], g->pXY0[2][1]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[3]", g->pXY0[3][0], g->pXY0[3][1]);
printf("%22s:", "forward");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->forward[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "right");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->right[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "height");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->height[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "roll");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->roll[ncam]);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
printf("%19s%2d]: %f, %f \n", "pXY0[", ncam, g->pXY0[ncam][0], g->pXY0[ncam][1]);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "common_right", g->common_right);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "common_forward", g->common_forward);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "common_height", g->common_height);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "common_roll", g->common_roll);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[0]", g->rXY[0][0], g->rXY[0][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[1]", g->rXY[1][0], g->rXY[1][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[2]", g->rXY[2][0], g->rXY[2][1]);
// printf("%22s: x=%f, y=%f\n","rXY[3]", g->rXY[3][0], g->rXY[3][1]);
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) {
printf("%19s%2d]: %f, %f \n", "rXY[", ncam, g->rXY[ncam][0], g->rXY[ncam][1]);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "cameraRadius", g->cameraRadius);
printf("%22s: %f\n", "disparityRadius", g->disparityRadius);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f \n","woi_tops", g->woi_tops[0], g->woi_tops[1], g->woi_tops[2], g->woi_tops[3]);
printf("%22s:", "woi_tops");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", g->woi_tops[ncam]);
#endif // ifndef JCUDA
__device__ void printExtrinsicCorrection(corr_vector * cv, int num_cams)
__device__ void printExtrinsicCorrection(corr_vector *cv, int num_cams) {
#ifndef JCUDA
printf("\nExtrinsic Correction Vector\n---------------------------\n");
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "tilt", cv->tilt[0], cv->tilt[1], cv->tilt[2]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "azimuth", cv->azimuth[0], cv->azimuth[1], cv->azimuth[2]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", "roll", cv->roll[0], cv->roll[1], cv->roll[2], cv->roll[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "zoom", cv->zoom[0], cv->zoom[1], cv->zoom[2]);
printf("%22s:","tilt"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams-1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->tilt[ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","azimuth"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams-1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->azimuth[ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","roll"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->roll[ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s:","zoom"); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams-1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->zoom[ncam]); printf("\n");
printf("%22s: %f(t), %f(a), %f(r)\n", "imu_rot", cv->imu_rot[0], cv->imu_rot[1], cv->imu_rot[2]);
printf("%22s: %f(x), %f(y), %f(z)\n", "imu_move", cv->imu_move[0], cv->imu_move[1], cv->imu_move[2]);
#endif //ifndef JCUDA
printf("\nExtrinsic Correction Vector\n---------------------------\n");
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "tilt", cv->tilt[0], cv->tilt[1], cv->tilt[2]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "azimuth", cv->azimuth[0], cv->azimuth[1], cv->azimuth[2]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f, %f\n", "roll", cv->roll[0], cv->roll[1], cv->roll[2], cv->roll[3]);
// printf("%22s: %f, %f, %f\n", "zoom", cv->zoom[0], cv->zoom[1], cv->zoom[2]);
printf("%22s:", "tilt");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams - 1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->tilt[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "azimuth");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams - 1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->azimuth[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "roll");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->roll[ncam]);
printf("%22s:", "zoom");
for (int ncam = 0; ncam < (num_cams - 1); ncam++) printf(" %f,", cv->zoom[ncam]);
printf("%22s: %f(t), %f(a), %f(r)\n", "imu_rot", cv->imu_rot[0], cv->imu_rot[1], cv->imu_rot[2]);
printf("%22s: %f(x), %f(y), %f(z)\n", "imu_move", cv->imu_move[0], cv->imu_move[1], cv->imu_move[2]);
#endif // ifndef JCUDA
......@@ -41,147 +41,141 @@
#include "tp_defines.h"
#define NVRTC_BUG 1
#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
#ifndef offsetof
#define offsetof(st, m) \
((size_t)&(((st *)0)->m))
((size_t) & (((st *)0)->m))
//#define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER) __builtin_offsetof (TYPE, MEMBER)
#define SCENE_UNITS_SCALE 0.001 // meters from mm
#define MIN_DISPARITY 0.01 // minimal disparity to try to convert to world coordinates
#define SCENE_UNITS_SCALE 0.001 // meters from mm
#define MIN_DISPARITY 0.01 // minimal disparity to try to convert to world coordinates
struct tp_task {
int task;
union {
int txy;
unsigned short sxy[2];
float target_disparity;
float centerXY[2]; // "ideal" centerX, centerY to use instead of the uniform tile centers (txy) for interscene accumulation
// if isnan(centerXY[0]), then txy is used to calculate centerXY and all xy
float xy[NUM_CAMS][2];
float disp_dist[NUM_CAMS][4]; // calculated with getPortsCoordinates()
int task;
union {
int txy;
unsigned short sxy[2];
float target_disparity;
float centerXY[2]; // "ideal" centerX, centerY to use instead of the uniform tile centers (txy) for interscene accumulation
// if isnan(centerXY[0]), then txy is used to calculate centerXY and all xy
float xy[NUM_CAMS][2];
float disp_dist[NUM_CAMS][4]; // calculated with getPortsCoordinates()
#define get_task_size(x) (sizeof(struct tp_task)/sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - x))
#define get_task_size(x) (sizeof(struct tp_task) / sizeof(float) - 6 * (NUM_CAMS - x))
#define tp_task_xy_offset 5
#define tp_task_centerXY_offset 3
struct corr_vector{
float tilt [NUM_CAMS-1]; // 0..2
float azimuth [NUM_CAMS-1]; // 3..5
float roll [NUM_CAMS]; // 6..9
float zoom [NUM_CAMS-1]; // 10..12
// for ERS correction:
float imu_rot [3]; // d_tilt/dt (rad/s), d_az/dt, d_roll/dt 13..15
float imu_move[3]; // dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 16..19
struct corr_vector {
float tilt[NUM_CAMS - 1]; // 0..2
float azimuth[NUM_CAMS - 1]; // 3..5
float roll[NUM_CAMS]; // 6..9
float zoom[NUM_CAMS - 1]; // 10..12
// for ERS correction:
float imu_rot[3]; // d_tilt/dt (rad/s), d_az/dt, d_roll/dt 13..15
float imu_move[3]; // dx/dt, dy/dt, dz/dt 16..19
#ifdef NVRTC_BUG
struct trot_deriv{
float rots [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_daz [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_tilt [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_roll [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_zoom [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
struct trot_deriv {
float rots[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_daz[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_tilt[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_roll[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_zoom[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
union trot_deriv{
struct {
float rots [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_daz [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_tilt [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_roll [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_zoom [NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float matrices [5][NUM_CAMS][3][3];
union trot_deriv {
struct {
float rots[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_daz[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_tilt[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_roll[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float d_zoom[NUM_CAMS][3][3];
float matrices[5][NUM_CAMS][3][3];
struct gc {
float pixelCorrectionWidth; // =2592; // virtual camera center is at (pixelCorrectionWidth/2, pixelCorrectionHeight/2)
float pixelCorrectionHeight; // =1936;
float line_time; // duration of one scan line readout (for ERS)
float focalLength; // =FOCAL_LENGTH;
float pixelSize; // = PIXEL_SIZE; //um
float distortionRadius; // = DISTORTION_RADIUS; // mm - half width of the sensor
#ifndef NVRTC_BUG
union {
struct {
float pixelCorrectionWidth; // =2592; // virtual camera center is at (pixelCorrectionWidth/2, pixelCorrectionHeight/2)
float pixelCorrectionHeight; // =1936;
float line_time; // duration of one scan line readout (for ERS)
float focalLength; // =FOCAL_LENGTH;
float pixelSize; // = PIXEL_SIZE; //um
float distortionRadius; // = DISTORTION_RADIUS; // mm - half width of the sensor
#ifndef NVRTC_BUG
union {
struct {
float distortionC; // r^2
float distortionB; // r^3
float distortionA; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA5; //r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA6; //r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA7; //r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA8; //r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
#ifndef NVRTC_BUG
float rad_coeff [7];
float distortionC; // r^2
float distortionB; // r^3
float distortionA; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA5; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA6; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA7; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
float distortionA8; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?)
#ifndef NVRTC_BUG
float rad_coeff[7];
// parameters, common for all sensors
float elevation; // degrees, up - positive;
float heading; // degrees, CW (from top) - positive
float forward [NUM_CAMS];
float right [NUM_CAMS];
float height [NUM_CAMS];
float roll [NUM_CAMS]; // degrees, CW (to target) - positive
float pXY0 [NUM_CAMS][2];
float common_right; // mm right, camera center
float common_forward; // mm forward (to target), camera center
float common_height; // mm up, camera center
float common_roll; // degrees CW (to target) camera as a whole
// float [][] XYZ_he; // all cameras coordinates transformed to eliminate heading and elevation (rolls preserved)
// float [][] XYZ_her = null; // XYZ of the lenses in a corrected CCS (adjusted for to elevation, heading, common_roll)
float rXY [NUM_CAMS][2]; // XY pairs of the in a normal plane, relative to disparityRadius
// float [][] rXY_ideal = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5,-0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}, {0.5,0.5}};
// only used for the multi-quad systems
float cameraRadius; // =0; // average distance from the "mass center" of the sensors to the sensors
float disparityRadius; // =150.0; // distance between cameras to normalize disparity units to. sqrt(2)*disparityRadius for quad
float woi_tops [NUM_CAMS]; // used to calculate scanline timing
// parameters, common for all sensors
float elevation; // degrees, up - positive;
float heading; // degrees, CW (from top) - positive
float forward[NUM_CAMS];
float right[NUM_CAMS];
float height[NUM_CAMS];
float roll[NUM_CAMS]; // degrees, CW (to target) - positive
float pXY0[NUM_CAMS][2];
float common_right; // mm right, camera center
float common_forward; // mm forward (to target), camera center
float common_height; // mm up, camera center
float common_roll; // degrees CW (to target) camera as a whole
// float [][] XYZ_he; // all cameras coordinates transformed to eliminate heading and elevation (rolls preserved)
// float [][] XYZ_her = null; // XYZ of the lenses in a corrected CCS (adjusted for to elevation, heading, common_roll)
float rXY[NUM_CAMS][2]; // XY pairs of the in a normal plane, relative to disparityRadius
// float [][] rXY_ideal = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5,-0.5}, {-0.5, 0.5}, {0.5,0.5}};
// only used for the multi-quad systems
float cameraRadius; // =0; // average distance from the "mass center" of the sensors to the sensors
float disparityRadius; // =150.0; // distance between cameras to normalize disparity units to. sqrt(2)*disparityRadius for quad
float woi_tops[NUM_CAMS]; // used to calculate scanline timing
#define RAD_COEFF_LEN 7
extern "C" __global__ void get_tiles_offsets(
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
float * gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv);
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
float *gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc *gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
float *gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv);
extern "C" __global__ void calculate_tiles_offsets(
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
float * gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv);
int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid
int num_cams,
float *gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16
// struct tp_task * gpu_tasks,
int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task
struct gc *gpu_geometry_correction,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
float *gpu_rByRDist, // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv);
// uses NUM_CAMS blocks, (3,3,3) threads
extern "C" __global__ void calc_rot_deriv(
int num_cams,
struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,
trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv);
int num_cams,
struct corr_vector *gpu_correction_vector,
trot_deriv *gpu_rot_deriv);
#define CALC_REVERSE_TABLE_BLOCK_THREADS (NUM_CAMS * 3 * 3 * 3) // fixed blockDim
#define CALC_REVERSE_TABLE_BLOCK_THREADS (NUM_CAMS * 3 * 3 * 3) // fixed blockDim
// Use same blocks/threads as with calc_rot_deriv() - NUM_CAMS blocks, (3,3,3) threads
extern "C" __global__ void calcReverseDistortionTable(
struct gc * geometry_correction,
float * rByRDist);
struct gc *geometry_correction,
float *rByRDist);
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -39,61 +39,61 @@
// Avoiding includes in jcuda, all source files will be merged
#pragma once
#ifndef JCUDA
#define TEST_LWIR 1
#define TEST_LWIR 1
#include <stdio.h>
#define NUM_CAMS 16 // now maximal number of cameras
#define NUM_CAMS 16 // now maximal number of cameras
//#define NUM_PAIRS 6
//#define NUM_COLORS 1 //3
// kernels [num_cams][num_colors][KERNELS_HOR][KERNELS_VERT][4][64]
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_NORMALIZE 4 // increase to 8?
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_COMBINE 4 // increase to 16?
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_NORMALIZE 4 // increase to 8?
#define CORR_TILES_PER_BLOCK_COMBINE 4 // increase to 16?
//#define TEXTURE_THREADS 32 //
#define NUM_THREADS 32
#define CORR_NTILE_SHIFT 8 // higher bits - number of a pair, other bits tile number
#define NUM_THREADS 32
#define CORR_NTILE_SHIFT 8 // higher bits - number of a pair, other bits tile number
// only lower bit will be used to request correlations, correlation mask will be common for all the scene
//#define CORR_PAIRS_MASK 0x3f// lower bits used to address correlation pair for the selected tile
#define CORR_TEXTURE_BIT 7 // bit 7 used to request texture for the tile
#define TASK_CORR_BITS 4
#define TASK_TEXTURE_N_BIT 0 // Texture with North neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_E_BIT 1 // Texture with East neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_S_BIT 2 // Texture with South neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_W_BIT 3 // Texture with West neighbor
#define CORR_TEXTURE_BIT 7 // bit 7 used to request texture for the tile
#define TASK_CORR_BITS 4
#define TASK_TEXTURE_N_BIT 0 // Texture with North neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_E_BIT 1 // Texture with East neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_S_BIT 2 // Texture with South neighbor
#define TASK_TEXTURE_W_BIT 3 // Texture with West neighbor
//#define TASK_TEXTURE_BIT 3 // bit to request texture calculation int task field of struct tp_task
#define LIST_TEXTURE_BIT 7 // bit to request texture calculation
#define LIST_TEXTURE_BIT 7 // bit to request texture calculation
//#define CORR_OUT_RAD 7 // full tile (15x15), was 4 (9x9)
#define FAT_ZERO_WEIGHT 0.0001 // add to port weights to avoid nan
#define FAT_ZERO_WEIGHT 0.0001 // add to port weights to avoid nan
#define THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS 5 // treads in block for CDP creation of the texture list
#define THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS 5 // treads in block for CDP creation of the texture list
#define RBYRDIST_LEN 5001 // for doubles 10001 - floats // length of rByRDist to allocate shared memory
#define RBYRDIST_STEP 0.0004 // for doubles, 0.0002 - floats // to fit into GPU shared memory (was 0.001);
#define TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM (32/NUM_CAMS) // each tile has NUM_CAMS threads
#define RBYRDIST_LEN 5001 // for doubles 10001 - floats // length of rByRDist to allocate shared memory
#define RBYRDIST_STEP 0.0004 // for doubles, 0.0002 - floats // to fit into GPU shared memory (was 0.001);
#define TILES_PER_BLOCK_GEOM (32 / NUM_CAMS) // each tile has NUM_CAMS threads
#define DEBUG_ANY 1
#ifdef DEBUG_ANY
#ifdef DEBUG_ANY
//#define DEBUG_OOB1 1
// Use CORR_OUT_RAD for the correlation output
//#define DBG_TILE_X 40
//#define DBG_TILE_Y 80
#define DBG_TILE_X 50 // 52 // 32 // 162 // 151 // 161 // 49
#define DBG_TILE_Y 19 // 5 // 36 // 88 // 121 // 69 // 111 // 66
#define DBG_TILE (DBG_TILE_Y * 80 + DBG_TILE_X)
#define DBG_TILE_X 50 // 52 // 32 // 162 // 151 // 161 // 49
#define DBG_TILE_Y 19 // 5 // 36 // 88 // 121 // 69 // 111 // 66
#define DBG_TILE (DBG_TILE_Y * 80 + DBG_TILE_X)
#define DBG_TILE_X 114 // 32 // 162 // 151 // 161 // 49
#define DBG_TILE_Y 51 // 52 // 88 // 121 // 69 // 111 // 66
#define DBG_TILE (DBG_TILE_Y * 324 + DBG_TILE_X)
#define DBG_TILE_X 114 // 32 // 162 // 151 // 161 // 49
#define DBG_TILE_Y 51 // 52 // 88 // 121 // 69 // 111 // 66
#define DBG_TILE (DBG_TILE_Y * 324 + DBG_TILE_X)
//#undef DBG_TILE
......@@ -101,8 +101,7 @@
//#undef HAS_PRINTF
#define HAS_PRINTF
// 7
//#define DEBUG1 1
//#define DEBUG2 1
//#define DEBUG3 1
......@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@
#define DEBUG9 1
//#define DEBUG8A 1 // generate_RBGA_host
// textures
//#define DEBUG10 1
//#define DEBUG11 1
//#define DEBUG12 1
......@@ -127,7 +126,6 @@
// geom
//#define DEBUG20 1
#if (DBG_TILE_X >= 0) && (DBG_TILE_Y >= 0)
//#define DEBUG20 1 // Geometry Correction
//#define DEBUG21 1 // Geometry Correction
......@@ -136,10 +134,8 @@
//#define DEBUG22 1
//#define DEBUG23 1
#endif //#if (DBG_TILE_X >= 0) && (DBG_TILE_Y >= 0)
#endif //#ifdef DEBUG_ANY
#endif //#if (DBG_TILE_X >= 0) && (DBG_TILE_Y >= 0)
#endif //#ifndef JCUDA
#endif //#ifdef DEBUG_ANY
#endif //#ifndef JCUDA
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