Commit 36abc57d authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

removed unneeded debug

parent 2e8abe15
......@@ -2847,14 +2847,6 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
px = centerX - DTT_SIZE - (clt_extra->data_x + clt_extra->dxc_dx * kdx + clt_extra->dxc_dy * kdy) ; // fractional left corner
int itlx = (int) floorf(px +0.5f);
if (itlx < 0){
itlx &= 1; // for color - extend by pairs
if (itlx >= (IMG_WIDTH - DTT_SIZE)){
itlx = itlx & 1 +(IMG_WIDTH - DTT_SIZE - 2); // for color - extend by pairs
#endif // #ifndef FINE_MARGINS
int_topleft [0] = itlx;
float shift_hor = itlx - px;
residual_shift[0] = shift_hor;
......@@ -2890,15 +2882,6 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
py = centerY - DTT_SIZE - (clt_extra->data_y + clt_extra->dyc_dx * kdx + clt_extra->dyc_dy * kdy) ; // fractional top corner
int itly = (int) floorf(py +0.5f);
if (itly < 0){
itly &= 1; // for color - extend by pairs
if (itly >= (IMG_HEIGHT - DTT_SIZE)){
itly = (itly & 1) +(IMG_HEIGHT - DTT_SIZE - 2); // for color - extend by pairs
#endif // #ifndef FINE_MARGINS
int_topleft[1] = itly;
#ifdef DEBUG_OOB11
......@@ -2968,9 +2951,6 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
float *dct_buf = clt_tile + ((gpass << 1) * (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1));
float *dst_buf = clt_tile + (((gpass << 1) + 1) * (DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1)); // **** only used for green
/// if ((col_tl >= 0) && ((col_tl < (IMG_WIDTH - DTT_SIZE * 2))) && (row_tl >= 0) && ((row_tl < (IMG_HEIGHT - DTT_SIZE * 2)))) {
int col_src = col_tl + local_col;
if (col_src < 0) {
col_src &= 1; // same Bayer
......@@ -3003,44 +2983,6 @@ __device__ void convertCorrectTile(
image_p += dstride2;
if ((col_tl >= 0) && ((col_tl <= (max_px - DTT_SIZE * 2))) && (row_tl >= 0) && ((row_tl <= (max_py - DTT_SIZE * 2)))) {
float *image_p = gpu_images + dstride * (row_tl + local_row)+ col_tl + local_col;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
// float d = (*image_p) * window_vert_cos[local_row]; //warp illegal address (0,2,1)
float d = (*image_p);
d *= window_vert_cos[local_row]; //warp illegal address (0,2,1)
int dtt_offset1 = dtt_offset + (dtt_offset >> 3); // converting for 9-long rows (DTT_SIZE1)
dct_buf[dtt_offset1] = d * hwind_cos;
dst_buf[dtt_offset1] = d * hwind_sin; // **** only used for green
dtt_offset = ( dtt_offset + ((dtt_offset_inc & 0xf) << 3)) & 0x3f;
dtt_offset_inc >>= 4;
local_row += 2;
image_p += dstride2;
} else { // handling border tiles (slower)
int eff_col = (min(IMG_HEIGHT/2 -1, max(0, col_tl >> 1)) << 1) + (col_tl & 1);
int row_lsb = row_tl & 1;
int row_pair = row_tl >> 1;
float *image_p = gpu_images + dstride * local_row+ (eff_col + local_col);
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int eff_row = (min(IMG_WIDTH/2 - 1, max(0, row_pair + i)) << 1) + row_lsb;
float d = image_p[dstride * eff_row] * window_vert_cos[local_row];
int dtt_offset1 = dtt_offset + (dtt_offset >> 3); // converting for 9-long rows (DTT_SIZE1)
dct_buf[dtt_offset1] = d * hwind_cos;
dst_buf[dtt_offset1] = d * hwind_sin; // **** only used for green
dtt_offset = ( dtt_offset + ((dtt_offset_inc & 0xf) << 3)) & 0x3f;
dtt_offset_inc >>= 4;
local_row += 2;
#endif // #ifdef FINE_MARGINS
__syncthreads();// __syncwarp();
#ifdef DEBUG2
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
#include "tp_defines.h"
extern "C"
__global__ void convert_correct_tiles(
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