Commit d786da7b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

commited old modified files

parent 8ba9b224
Pipeline #2436 failed with stages
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ def print_time(txt="",end="\n"):
['test_lvar', 'Test_flat_heuristic'],
['test_hvar', 'Test_edge_heuristic'],
['test_lvar1', 'Test_flat_random'],
['test_hvar1', 'Test_edge_random'],
['fake_lvar', 'Fake_flat_heuristic'],
['fake_hvar', 'Fake_edge_heuristic'],
['fake_lvar1', 'Fake_flat_random'],
['fake_hvar1', 'Fake_edge_random']]
def parseXmlConfig(conf_file, root_dir):
tree = ET.parse(conf_file)
......@@ -517,6 +517,7 @@ def result_npy_prepare(npy_path, absolute, fix_nan, insert_deltas=True,labels=No
data will be written as 4-layer tiff, extension '.npy' replaced with '.tiff'
@param absolute - True - the first layer contains absolute disparity, False - difference from target_disparity
@param fix_nan - replace nan in target_disparity with 0 to apply offset, target_disparity will still contain nan
@parame insert_deltas: +1 - add delta layers, +2 - add variance (max - min of this and 8 neighbors)
data = np.load(npy_path) #(324,242,4) [nn_disp, target_disp,gt_disp, gt_conf]
if labels is None:
......@@ -526,12 +527,17 @@ def result_npy_prepare(npy_path, absolute, fix_nan, insert_deltas=True,labels=No
# target_disparity = 1
gt_disparity = 2
gt_strength = 3
heur_err = 7
min_heur_err = 0.001
height = data.shape[0]
width = data.shape[1]
nocenter9 = np.array([[[1,1,1,1,np.nan,1,1,1,1]]], dtype = data.dtype)
if not absolute:
if fix_nan:
data[...,nn_out] += np.nan_to_num(data[...,1], copy=True)
data[...,nn_out] += data[...,1]
if insert_deltas:
if (insert_deltas & 1):
np.nan_to_num(data[...,gt_strength], copy=False)
data = np.concatenate([data[...,0:4],data[...,0:2],data[...,0:2],data[...,4:]], axis = 2) # data[...,4:] may be empty
labels = labels[:4]+["nn_out","hier_out","nn_err","hier_err"]+labels[4:]
......@@ -543,6 +549,69 @@ def result_npy_prepare(npy_path, absolute, fix_nan, insert_deltas=True,labels=No
# All other layers - mast too
for l in range(8,data.shape[2]):
data[...,l] =[data[...,gt_strength]==0.0, data[...,gt_strength]>0.0], [np.nan,data[...,l]])
Calculate bad tiles where ggt was used as a master, to remove them from the results (later versions add random error)
bad1 = abs(data[...,heur_err]) < min_heur_err
bad1_ext = np.concatenate([bad1 [0:1,:], bad1 [0:1,:], bad1[:,:], bad1 [-1:height,:], bad1 [-1:height,:]],axis = 0)
bad1_ext = np.concatenate([bad1_ext[:,0:1], bad1_ext[:,0:1], bad1_ext[:,:], bad1_ext[:,-1:width], bad1_ext[:,-1:width]], axis = 1)
bad25 = np.empty(shape=[height, width, 25], dtype=bad1.dtype)
bm25=np.array([[[1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1]]])
bm09=np.array([[[0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,1,1,0, 0,1,1,1,0, 0,1,1,1,0, 0,0,0,0,0]]])
bm01=np.array([[[0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0]]])
for row in range(5):
for col in range(5):
bad25 [...,row*5+col]= bad1_ext[row:height+row, col:width+col]
bad_num1=(np.sum(bad25*bm25,axis=2) > 0).astype(data.dtype)
bad_num2=(np.sum(bad25*bm09,axis=2) > 0).astype(data.dtype)
bad_num3=(np.sum(bad25*bm01,axis=2) > 0).astype(data.dtype)
bad_num = bad_num1 + bad_num2 + bad_num3
if (insert_deltas & 2):
wo = 0.7 # ortho
wc = 0.5 #corner
w8=np.array([wc,wo,wc,wo,0.0,wo,wc,wo,wc], dtype=data.dtype)
w8/=np.sum(w8) #normalize
gt_ext = np.concatenate([data[0:1,:,gt_disparity],data[:,:,gt_disparity],data[-1:height,:,gt_disparity]],axis = 0)
gt_ext = np.concatenate([gt_ext[:,0:1], gt_ext[:,:], gt_ext[:,-1:width]],axis = 1)
gs_ext = np.concatenate([data[0:1,:,gt_strength], data[:,:,gt_strength], data[-1:height,:,gt_strength]],axis = 0)
gs_ext = np.concatenate([gs_ext[:,0:1], gs_ext[:,:], gs_ext[:,-1:width]],axis = 1)
data9 = np.empty(shape=[height, width, 9], dtype=data.dtype)
weight9 = np.empty(shape=[height, width, 9], dtype=data.dtype)
for row in range(3):
for col in range(3):
data9 [...,row*3+col]= gt_ext[row:height+row, col:width+col]
weight9[...,row*3+col]= gs_ext[row:height+row, col:width+col]
data9 *= weight9/weight9 # make data=nan where wigth is 0
# data = np.concatenate([data[...],np.empty_like(data[...,-1])], axis = 2) # data[...,4:] may be empty
data = np.concatenate([data[...],np.empty(shape=[height,width,4],dtype=data.dtype)], axis = 2) # data[...,4:] may be empty
data[...,-4] = np.nanmax(data9*nocenter9, axis=2)-np.nanmin(data9*nocenter9,axis=2)# will ignore nan
np.nan_to_num(data9,copy=False) # replace all nan in data9 with 0.
weight9 *= w8
w_center = np.sum(weight9, axis=2)
dw_center = np.sum(data9*weight9, axis=2)
dw_center /= w_center # now dw_center - weighted average in the center
data[...,-3] = np.abs(data[...,gt_disparity]- dw_center)
# data[...,-2] = data[...,gt_disparity]- dw_center
#data[...,-3] *= (data[...,-4] < 1.0) # just temporary
#data[...,-3] *= (data[...,gt_disparity] < 5) #just temporary
data[...,-2] =bad_num.astype(data.dtype)
data [...,-1]= np.sum(np.nan_to_num(weight9/weight9),axis=2).astype(data.dtype)
# data[...,-1] = dw_center
labels +=["max-min","abs-center","badness","neibs"]
#neib = np.concatenate([gt_ext[:height,:width,:],],axis = )
return data, labels
def result_npy_to_tiff(npy_path,
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