Commit 69def1b5 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

next version

parent f964c4f2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from numpy import float64
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2018, Elphel, Inc."
__license__ = "GPL-3.0+"
__email__ = ""
import os
import sys
import glob
import imagej_tiff as ijt
import numpy as np
import resource
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter
import time
import tensorflow as tf
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[38;5;214m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
BOLD = '\033[1m'
BOLDWHITE = '\033[1;37m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
TIME_START = time.time()
def print_time(txt="",end="\n"):
global TIME_LAST
t = time.time()
if txt:
txt +=" "
print(("%s"+bcolors.BOLDWHITE+"at %.4fs (+%.4fs)"+bcolors.ENDC)%(txt,t-TIME_START,t-TIME_LAST), end = end)
def _dtype_feature(ndarray):
"""match appropriate tf.train.Feature class with dtype of ndarray. """
assert isinstance(ndarray, np.ndarray)
dtype_ = ndarray.dtype
if dtype_ == np.float64 or dtype_ == np.float32:
return lambda array: tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=array))
elif dtype_ == np.int64:
return lambda array: tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=array))
raise ValueError("The input should be numpy ndarray. \
Instead got {}".format(ndarray.dtype))
def readTFRewcordsEpoch(train_filename):
# filenames = [train_filename]
# dataset =
if not '.tfrecords' in train_filename:
train_filename += '.tfrecords'
record_iterator = tf.python_io.tf_record_iterator(path=train_filename)
gt_ds_list = []
for string_record in record_iterator:
example = tf.train.Example()
corr2d_list.append(np.array(example.features.feature['corr2d'] .float_list .value))
target_disparity_list.append(np.array(example.features.feature['target_disparity'] .float_list .value[0]))
gt_ds_list.append(np.array(example.features.feature['gt_ds'] .float_list .value))
corr2d= np.array(corr2d_list)
target_disparity = np.array(target_disparity_list)
gt_ds = np.array(gt_ds_list)
return corr2d, target_disparity, gt_ds
def writeTFRewcordsImageTiles(img_path, tfr_filename): # test_set=False):
num_tiles = 242*324 # fixme
all_image_tiles = np.array(range(num_tiles))
corr_layers = ['hor-pairs', 'vert-pairs','diagm-pair', 'diago-pair']
img = ijt.imagej_tiff(img_path, corr_layers, all_image_tiles)
Values read from correlation file, it now may differ from the COMBO-DSI:
1) The target disparities used for correlations are replaced if they are too far from the rig (GT) values and
replaced by interpolation from available neighbors. If there are no suitable neighbors, target disparity is
derived from the rig data by adding a random offset (specified in ImageJ plugin configuration ML section)
2) correlation is performed around the defined tiles extrapolating disparity. rig data may be 0 disparity,
0 strength if there is no rig data for those tiles. That means that such tiles can only be used as peripherals
i (now 5x5) clusters, not for the cluster centers where GT is needed.
corr2d = img.corr2d.reshape((num_tiles,-1))
target_disparity = img.target_disparity.reshape((num_tiles,-1))
gt_ds = img.gt_ds.reshape((num_tiles,-1))
Replace GT data with zero strength with nan, zero strength
nan2 = np.array((np.nan,0), dtype=np.float32)
gt_ds[np.where(gt_ds[:,1]==0)] = nan2
if not '.tfrecords' in tfr_filename:
tfr_filename += '.tfrecords'
tfr_filename=tfr_filename.replace(' ','_')
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfr_filename)
dtype_feature_corr2d = _dtype_feature(corr2d)
dtype_target_disparity = _dtype_feature(target_disparity)
dtype_feature_gt_ds = _dtype_feature(gt_ds)
for i in range(num_tiles):
x = corr2d[i].astype(np.float32)
y = target_disparity[i].astype(np.float32)
z = gt_ds[i].astype(np.float32)
d_feature = {'corr2d': dtype_feature_corr2d(x),
'gt_ds': dtype_feature_gt_ds(z)}
example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=d_feature))
class ExploreData:
# ML_DIR = "ml"
# ML_PATTERN = "*-ML_DATA*OFFS-0.20000_0.20000.tiff"
def getComboList(self, top_dir):
# patt = "*-DSI_COMBO.tiff"
tlist = []
for i in range(5):
pp = top_dir#) ,'**', patt) # works
for j in range (i):
pp = os.path.join(pp,'*')
pp = os.path.join(pp, ExploreData.PATTERN)
tlist += glob.glob(pp)
if (self.debug_level > 0):
print (pp+" "+str(len(tlist)))
if (self.debug_level > 0):
print("Found "+str(len(tlist))+" combo DSI files in "+top_dir+" :")
if (self.debug_level > 1):
return tlist
def loadComboFiles(self, tlist):
indx = 0
images = []
if (self.debug_level>2):
layers = ['disparity_rig','strength_rig','disparity_main']
for combo_file in tlist:
tiff = ijt.imagej_tiff(combo_file,layers)
if not indx:
images = np.empty((len(tlist), tiff.image.shape[0],tiff.image.shape[1],tiff.image.shape[2]), tiff.image.dtype)
images[indx] = tiff.image
if (self.debug_level>2):
print(str(indx)+": "+str(resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF)))
indx += 1
return images
def getHistogramDSI(
disparity_bins = 1000,
strength_bins = 100,
disparity_min_drop = -0.1,
disparity_min_clip = -0.1,
disparity_max_drop = 100.0,
disparity_max_clip = 100.0,
strength_min_drop = 0.1,
strength_min_clip = 0.1,
strength_max_drop = 1.0,
strength_max_clip = 0.9,
max_main_offset = 0.0,
normalize = True,
no_histogram = False
for combo_rds in list_rds:
good_tiles = np.empty((combo_rds.shape[0], combo_rds.shape[1],combo_rds.shape[2]), dtype=bool)
for ids in range (combo_rds.shape[0]): #iterate over all scenes ds[2][rows][cols]
ds = combo_rds[ids]
disparity = ds[...,0]
strength = ds[...,1]
good_tiles[ids] = disparity >= disparity_min_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= disparity <= disparity_max_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= strength >= strength_min_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= strength <= strength_max_drop
if max_main_offset > 0.0:
disparity_main = ds[...,2]
good_tiles[ids] &= disparity_main <= (disparity + max_main_offset)
good_tiles[ids] &= disparity_main >= (disparity - max_main_offset)
disparity = np.nan_to_num(disparity, copy = False) # to be able to multiply by 0.0 in mask | copy=False, then out=disparity all done in-place
strength = np.nan_to_num(strength, copy = False) # likely should never happen
np.clip(disparity, disparity_min_clip, disparity_max_clip, out = disparity)
np.clip(strength, strength_min_clip, strength_max_clip, out = strength)
combo_rds = np.concatenate(list_rds)
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( # xedges, yedges - just for debugging
x = combo_rds[...,1].flatten(),
y = combo_rds[...,0].flatten(),
bins= (strength_bins, disparity_bins),
range= ((strength_min_clip,strength_max_clip),(disparity_min_clip,disparity_max_clip)),
normed= normalize,
weights= np.concatenate(good_tiles_list).flatten())
for i, combo_rds in enumerate(list_rds):
for ids in range (combo_rds.shape[0]): #iterate over all scenes ds[2][rows][cols]
combo_rds[ids][...,1]*= good_tiles_list[i][ids]
return hist, xedges, yedges
def __init__(self,
max_main_offset = 2.0, # > 0.0 - do not use main camera tiles with offset more than this
debug_level = 0,
disparity_bins = 1000,
strength_bins = 100,
disparity_min_drop = -0.1,
disparity_min_clip = -0.1,
disparity_max_drop = 100.0,
disparity_max_clip = 100.0,
strength_min_drop = 0.1,
strength_min_clip = 0.1,
strength_max_drop = 1.0,
strength_max_clip = 0.9,
hist_sigma = 2.0, # Blur log histogram
hist_cutoff= 0.001 # of maximal
# file name
self.debug_level = debug_level
self.max_main_offset = max_main_offset
self.disparity_bins = disparity_bins
self.strength_bins = strength_bins
self.disparity_min_drop = disparity_min_drop
self.disparity_min_clip = disparity_min_clip
self.disparity_max_drop = disparity_max_drop
self.disparity_max_clip = disparity_max_clip
self.strength_min_drop = strength_min_drop
self.strength_min_clip = strength_min_clip
self.strength_max_drop = strength_max_drop
self.strength_max_clip = strength_max_clip
self.hist_sigma = hist_sigma # Blur log histogram
self.hist_cutoff= hist_cutoff # of maximal
self.pre_log_offs = 0.001 # of histogram maximum
self.good_tiles = None
self.files_train = self.getComboList(topdir_train)
self.files_test = self.getComboList(topdir_test)
self.train_ds = self.loadComboFiles(self.files_train)
self.test_ds = self.loadComboFiles(self.files_test)
self.num_tiles = self.train_ds.shape[1]*self.train_ds.shape[2]
self.hist, xedges, yedges = self.getHistogramDSI(
list_rds = [self.train_ds,self.test_ds], # combo_rds,
disparity_bins = self.disparity_bins,
strength_bins = self.strength_bins,
disparity_min_drop = self.disparity_min_drop,
disparity_min_clip = self.disparity_min_clip,
disparity_max_drop = self.disparity_max_drop,
disparity_max_clip = self.disparity_max_clip,
strength_min_drop = self.strength_min_drop,
strength_min_clip = self.strength_min_clip,
strength_max_drop = self.strength_max_drop,
strength_max_clip = self.strength_max_clip,
max_main_offset = self.max_main_offset,
normalize = True,
no_histogram = False
log_offset = self.pre_log_offs * self.hist.max()
h_cutoff = hist_cutoff * self.hist.max()
lhist = np.log(self.hist + log_offset)
blurred_lhist = gaussian_filter(lhist, sigma = self.hist_sigma)
self.blurred_hist = np.exp(blurred_lhist) - log_offset
self.good_tiles = self.blurred_hist >= h_cutoff
self.blurred_hist *= self.good_tiles # set bad ones to zero
def exploreNeibs(self,
data_ds, # disparity/strength data for all files (train or test)
radius, # how far to look from center each side ( 1- 3x3, 2 - 5x5)
disp_thesh = 5.0): # reduce effective variance for higher disparities
For each tile calculate difference between max and min among neighbors and number of qualifying neighbors (bad center is not removed)
data_ds may maismatch with the correlation files - correlation filas have data in extrapolated areas and replaced for large difference with GT
disp_min = np.empty_like(data_ds[...,0], dtype = np.float)
disp_max = np.empty_like(disp_min, dtype = np.float)
tile_neibs = np.zeros_like(disp_min, dtype =
dmin = data_ds[...,0].min()
dmax = data_ds[...,0].max()
good_tiles = self.getBB(data_ds) >= 0
side = 2 * radius + 1
for nf, ds in enumerate(data_ds):
disp = ds[...,0]
height = disp.shape[0]
width = disp.shape[1]
bad_max = np.ones((height+side, width+side), dtype=float) * dmax
bad_min = np.ones((height+side, width+side), dtype=float) * dmin
good = np.zeros((height+side, width+side), dtype=int)
#Assign centers of the array, replace bad tiles with max/min (so they will not change min/max)
bad_max[radius:height+radius,radius:width+radius] =[good_tiles[nf]],[disp],default = dmax)
bad_min[radius:height+radius,radius:width+radius] =[good_tiles[nf]],[disp],default = dmin)
good [radius:height+radius,radius:width+radius] = good_tiles[nf]
disp_min [nf,...] = disp
disp_max [nf,...] = disp
tile_neibs[nf,...] = good_tiles[nf]
for offset_y in range(-radius, radius+1):
oy = offset_y+radius
for offset_x in range(-radius, radius+1):
ox = offset_x+radius
if offset_y or offset_x: # Skip center - already copied
np.minimum(disp_min[nf], bad_max[oy:oy+height, ox:ox+width], out=disp_min[nf])
np.maximum(disp_max[nf], bad_min[oy:oy+height, ox:ox+width], out=disp_max[nf])
tile_neibs[nf] += good[oy:oy+height, ox:ox+width]
disp_avar = disp_max - disp_min
disp_rvar = disp_avar * disp_thesh / np.maximum(disp_max, 0.001) # removing division by 0 error - those tiles will be anyway discarded
disp_var =[disp_max >= disp_thesh, disp_max < disp_thesh],[disp_rvar,disp_avar])
return disp_var, tile_neibs
def assignBatchBins(self,
files_per_scene = 5, # not used here, will be used when generating batches
min_batch_choices=10, # not used here, will be used when generating batches
max_batch_files = 10): # not used here, will be used when generating batches
for each disparity/strength combination (self.disparity_bins * self.strength_bins = 1000*100) provide number of "large"
variable-size disparity/strength bin, or -1 if this disparity/strength combination does not seem right
self.files_per_scene = files_per_scene
self.max_batch_files = max_batch_files
hist_to_batch = np.zeros((self.blurred_hist.shape[0],self.blurred_hist.shape[1]),dtype=int) #zeros_like?
hist_to_batch_multi = np.ones((self.blurred_hist.shape[0],self.blurred_hist.shape[1]),dtype=int) #zeros_like?
scale_hist= (disp_bins * str_bins)/self.blurred_hist.sum()
norm_b_hist = self.blurred_hist * scale_hist
disp_list = [] # last disparity hist
# disp_multi = [] # number of disp rows to fit
disp_run_tot = 0.0
disp_batch = 0
num_batch_bins = disp_bins * str_bins
disp_hist = np.linspace(0, num_batch_bins, disp_bins+1)
batch_index = 0
num_members = np.zeros((num_batch_bins,),int)
while disp_batch < disp_bins:
# while (disp < self.disparity_bins):
# disp_target_tot =disp_hist[disp_batch+1]
disp_run_tot_new = disp_run_tot
disp0 = disp # start disaprity matching disp_run_tot
while (disp_run_tot_new < disp_hist[disp_batch+1]) and (disp < self.disparity_bins):
disp_run_tot_new += norm_b_hist[:,disp].sum()
disp_multi = 1
while (disp_batch < (disp_bins - 1)) and (disp_run_tot_new >= disp_hist[disp_batch+2]):
disp_batch += 1 # only if large disp_bins and very high hist value
disp_multi += 1
# now disp_run_tot - before this batch disparity col
str_bins_corr = str_bins * disp_multi # if too narrow disparity column - multiply number of strength columns
str_bins_corr_last = str_bins_corr -1
str_hist = np.linspace(disp_run_tot, disp_run_tot_new, str_bins_corr + 1)
str_run_tot_new = disp_run_tot
# str_batch = 0
# wide_col = norm_b_hist[:,disp0:disp] #disp0 - first column, disp - last+ 1
#iterate in linescan along the column
for si in range(self.strength_bins):
for di in range(disp0, disp,1):
if norm_b_hist[si,di] > 0.0 :
str_run_tot_new += norm_b_hist[si,di]
# do not increment after last to avoid precision issues
if (batch_index < num_batch_bins) and (num_members[batch_index] > 0) and (str_index < str_bins_corr_last) and (str_run_tot_new > str_hist[str_index+1]):
batch_index += 1
str_index += 1
if batch_index < num_batch_bins :
hist_to_batch[si,di] = batch_index
num_members[batch_index] += 1
hist_to_batch[si,di] = -1
batch_index += 1 # it was not incremented afterthe last in the column to avoid rounding error
disp_batch += 1
disp_run_tot = disp_run_tot_new
self.hist_to_batch = hist_to_batch
return hist_to_batch
def getBB(self, data_ds):
for each file, each tile get histogram index (or -1 for bad tiles)
hist_to_batch = self.hist_to_batch
files_batch_list = []
disp_step = ( self.disparity_max_clip - self.disparity_min_clip )/ self.disparity_bins
str_step = ( self.strength_max_clip - self.strength_min_clip )/ self.strength_bins
bb = np.empty_like(data_ds[...,0],dtype=int)
for findx in range(data_ds.shape[0]):
ds = data_ds[findx]
gt = ds[...,1] > 0.0 # OK
db = (((ds[...,0] - self.disparity_min_clip)/disp_step).astype(int))*gt
sb = (((ds[...,1] - self.strength_min_clip)/ str_step).astype(int))*gt
np.clip(db, 0, self.disparity_bins-1, out = db)
np.clip(sb, 0, self.strength_bins-1, out = sb)
bb[findx] = (self.hist_to_batch[sb.reshape(self.num_tiles),db.reshape(self.num_tiles)]) .reshape(db.shape[0],db.shape[1]) + (gt -1)
return bb
def makeBatchLists(self,
data_ds = None, # (disparity,strength) per scene, per tile
disp_var = None, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = None, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - maximal is 9
min_var = None, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = None, # Maximal tile variance to include
scale_disp = 5.0,
min_neibs = None):# Minimal number of valid tiles to include
if data_ds is None:
data_ds = self.train_ds
hist_to_batch = self.hist_to_batch
num_batch_tiles = np.empty((data_ds.shape[0],self.hist_to_batch.max()+1),dtype = int)
bb = self.getBB(data_ds)
use_neibs = not ((disp_var is None) or (disp_neibs is None) or (min_var is None) or (max_var is None) or (min_neibs is None))
for findx in range(data_ds.shape[0]):
foffs = findx * self.num_tiles
lst = []
for i in range (self.hist_to_batch.max()+1):
# bb1d = bb[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)
if use_neibs:
disp_var_tiles = disp_var[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)
disp_neibs_tiles = disp_neibs[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)
for n, indx in enumerate(bb[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)):
if indx >= 0:
if use_neibs:
# disp_var_tiles = disp_var[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)
# disp_neibs_tiles = disp_neibs[findx].reshape(self.num_tiles)
if disp_neibs_tiles[n] < min_neibs:
continue # too few neighbors
if not disp_var_tiles[n] >= min_var:
continue #too small variance
if not disp_var_tiles[n] < max_var:
continue #too large variance
lst[indx].append(foffs + n)
for i,l in enumerate(lst):
# lst_arr.append(np.array(l,dtype = int))
num_batch_tiles[findx,i] = len(l)
self.list_of_file_lists= list_of_file_lists
self.num_batch_tiles = num_batch_tiles
return list_of_file_lists, num_batch_tiles
#todo: only use other files if there are no enough choices in the main file!
def augmentBatchFileIndices(self,
max_files = None,
set_ds = None
if min_choices is None:
min_choices = self.min_batch_choices
if max_files is None:
max_files = self.max_batch_files
if set_ds is None:
set_ds = self.train_ds
full_num_choices = self.num_batch_tiles[seed_index].copy()
flist = [seed_index]
all_choices = list(range(self.num_batch_tiles.shape[0]))
for _ in range (max_files-1):
if full_num_choices.min() >= min_choices:
findx = np.random.choice(all_choices)
full_num_choices += self.num_batch_tiles[findx]
file_tiles_sparse = [[] for _ in set_ds] #list of empty lists for each train scene (will be sparse)
for nt in range(self.num_batch_tiles.shape[1]): #number of tiles per batch (not counting ml file variant) // radius2 - 40
tl = []
nchoices = 0
for findx in flist:
if (len(self.list_of_file_lists[findx][nt])):
nchoices+= self.num_batch_tiles[findx][nt]
if nchoices >= min_choices: # use minimum of extra files
while len(tl)==0:
print("** BUG! could not find a single candidate from files ",flist," for cell ",nt)
print("trying to use some other cell")
nt1 = np.random.randint(0,self.num_batch_tiles.shape[1])
for findx in flist:
if (len(self.list_of_file_lists[findx][nt1])):
nchoices+= self.num_batch_tiles[findx][nt1]
if nchoices >= min_choices: # use minimum of extra files
tile = np.random.choice(np.concatenate(tl))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1041, in <module>
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_train, files_list = ex_data.files_train, set_ds= ex_data.train_ds, radius = RADIUS)
File "", line 761, in writeTFRewcordsEpoch
corr2d_batch, target_disparity_batch, gt_ds_batch = ex_data.prepareBatchData(ml_list, seed_index, min_choices=None, max_files = None, ml_num = None, set_ds = set_ds, radius = radius)
File "", line 556, in prepareBatchData
flist,tiles = self.augmentBatchFileIndices(seed_index, min_choices, max_files, set_ds)
File "", line 494, in augmentBatchFileIndices
tile = np.random.choice(np.concatenate(tl))
ValueError: need at least one array to concatenate
# print (nt, tile, tile//self.num_tiles, tile % self.num_tiles)
if not type (tile) is np.int64:
file_tiles_sparse[tile//self.num_tiles].append(tile % self.num_tiles)
file_tiles = []
for findx in flist:
return flist, file_tiles # file indices, list if tile indices for each file
def getMLList(self, ml_subdir, flist):
ml_list = []
for fn in flist:
ml_patt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fn), ml_subdir, ExploreData.ML_PATTERN)
## self.ml_list = ml_list
return ml_list
def getBatchData(
ml_num = None ): # 0 - use all ml files for the scene, >0 select random number
if ml_num is None:
ml_num = self.files_per_scene
ml_all_files = []
for findx in flist:
mli = list(range(len(ml_list[findx])))
if (ml_num > 0) and (ml_num < len(mli)):
mli_left = mli
mli = []
for _ in range(ml_num):
ml = np.random.choice(mli_left)
ml_files = []
for ml_index in mli:
return ml_all_files
def prepareBatchData(self,
max_files = None,
ml_num = None,
set_ds = None,
radius = 0):
set_ds (from COMBO_DSI) is used to select tile clusters, exported values come from correlation files.
target_disparity for correlation files may be different than data_ds - replaced dureing ImageJ plugin
export if main camera and the rig (GT) converged on different objects fro the same tile
if min_choices is None:
min_choices = self.min_batch_choices
if max_files is None:
max_files = self.max_batch_files
if ml_num is None:
ml_num = self.files_per_scene
if set_ds is None:
set_ds = self.train_ds
tiles_in_sample = (2 * radius + 1) * (2 * radius + 1)
height = set_ds.shape[1]
width = set_ds.shape[2]
width_m1 = width-1
height_m1 = height-1
# set_ds = [self.train_ds, self.test_ds][test_set]
corr_layers = ['hor-pairs', 'vert-pairs','diagm-pair', 'diago-pair']
flist,tiles = self.augmentBatchFileIndices(seed_index, min_choices, max_files, set_ds)
# ml_all_files = self.getBatchData(flist, tiles, ml_list, ml_num) # 0 - use all ml files for the scene, >0 select random number
ml_all_files = self.getBatchData(flist, tiles, ml_list, 0) # ml_num) # 0 - use all ml files for the scene, >0 select random number
if self.debug_level > 1:
print ("==============",seed_index, flist)
for i, findx in enumerate(flist):
total_tiles = 0
for i, t in enumerate(tiles):
## total_tiles += len(t)*len(ml_all_files[i]) # tiles per scene * offset files per scene
total_tiles += len(t) # tiles per scene * offset files per scene
if self.debug_level > 1:
print("Tiles in the batch=",total_tiles)
corr2d_batch = None # np.empty((total_tiles, len(corr_layers),81))
gt_ds_batch = np.empty((total_tiles * tiles_in_sample, 2), dtype=float)
target_disparity_batch = np.empty((total_tiles * tiles_in_sample, ), dtype=float)
start_tile = 0
for nscene, scene_files in enumerate(ml_all_files):
Create tiles list including neighbors
full_tiles = np.empty([len(tiles[nscene]) * tiles_in_sample], dtype = int)
indx = 0;
for i, nt in enumerate(tiles[nscene]):
ty = nt // width
tx = nt % width
for dy in range (-radius, radius+1):
y = np.clip(ty+dy,0,height_m1)
for dx in range (-radius, radius+1):
x = np.clip(tx+dx,0,width_m1)
full_tiles[indx] = y * width + x
indx += 1
Assign tiles to several correlation files
file_tiles = []
file_indices = []
for f in scene_files:
num_scene_files = len(scene_files)
for t in full_tiles:
fi = np.random.randint(0, num_scene_files)
corr2d_list = []
target_disparity_list = []
gt_ds_list = []
for fi, path in enumerate (scene_files):
img = ijt.imagej_tiff(path, corr_layers, tile_list=file_tiles[fi])
corr2d_list.append (img.corr2d)
gt_ds_list.append (img.gt_ds)
img_indices = [0] * len(scene_files)
for i, fi in enumerate(file_indices):
ti = img_indices[fi]
img_indices[fi] += 1
if corr2d_batch is None:
corr2d_batch = np.empty((total_tiles * tiles_in_sample, len(corr_layers), corr2d_list[fi].shape[-1]))
gt_ds_batch [start_tile] = gt_ds_list[fi][ti]
target_disparity_batch [start_tile] = target_disparity_list[fi][ti]
corr2d_batch [start_tile] = corr2d_list[fi][ti]
start_tile += 1
Sometimes get bad tile in ML file that was not bad in COMBO-DSI
Need to recover
bad_tiles = np.argwhere(np.isnan(target_disparity_batch))
if (len(bad_tiles)>0):
print ("*** Got %d bad tiles in a batch, no code to replace :-("%(len(bad_tiles)))
# for now - just repeat some good tile
for ibt in bad_tiles:
while np.isnan(target_disparity_batch[ibt]):
irt = np.random.randint(0,total_tiles)
if not np.isnan(target_disparity_batch[irt]):
target_disparity_batch[ibt] = target_disparity_batch[irt]
corr2d_batch[ibt] = corr2d_batch[irt]
gt_ds_batch[ibt] = gt_ds_batch[irt]
print (" done replacing")
self.corr2d_batch = corr2d_batch
self.target_disparity_batch = target_disparity_batch
self.gt_ds_batch = gt_ds_batch
return corr2d_batch, target_disparity_batch, gt_ds_batch
def writeTFRewcordsEpoch(self, tfr_filename, ml_list, files_list = None, set_ds= None, radius = 0, num_scenes = None): # test_set=False):
# train_filename = 'train.tfrecords' # address to save the TFRecords file
# open the TFRecords file
if not '.tfrecords' in tfr_filename:
tfr_filename += '.tfrecords'
tfr_filename=tfr_filename.replace(' ','_')
if files_list is None:
files_list = self.files_train
if set_ds is None:
set_ds = self.train_ds
print("Created directory "+os.path.dirname(tfr_filename))
print("Directory "+os.path.dirname(tfr_filename)+" already exists, using it")
#skip writing if file exists - it will be possible to continue or run several instances
if os.path.exists(tfr_filename):
print(tfr_filename+" already exists, skipping generation. Please remove and re-run this program if you want to regenerate the file")
writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(tfr_filename)
#$ files_list = [self.files_train, self.files_test][test_set]
if num_scenes is None:
num_scenes = len(files_list)
seed_list = np.arange(num_scenes) % len(files_list)
# seed_list = np.arange(len(files_list))
cluster_size = (2 * radius + 1) * (2 * radius + 1)
for nscene, seed_index in enumerate(seed_list):
corr2d_batch, target_disparity_batch, gt_ds_batch = ex_data.prepareBatchData(
max_files = None,
ml_num = None,
set_ds = set_ds,
radius = radius)
#shuffles tiles in a batch
# tiles_in_batch = len(target_disparity_batch)
tiles_in_batch = corr2d_batch.shape[0]
clusters_in_batch = tiles_in_batch // cluster_size
# permut = np.random.permutation(tiles_in_batch)
permut = np.random.permutation(clusters_in_batch)
corr2d_clusters = corr2d_batch. reshape((clusters_in_batch,-1))
target_disparity_clusters = target_disparity_batch.reshape((clusters_in_batch,-1))
gt_ds_clusters = gt_ds_batch. reshape((clusters_in_batch,-1))
# corr2d_batch_shuffled = corr2d_batch[permut].reshape((corr2d_batch.shape[0], corr2d_batch.shape[1]*corr2d_batch.shape[2]))
# target_disparity_batch_shuffled = target_disparity_batch[permut].reshape((tiles_in_batch,1))
# gt_ds_batch_shuffled = gt_ds_batch[permut]
corr2d_batch_shuffled = corr2d_clusters[permut]. reshape((tiles_in_batch, -1))
target_disparity_batch_shuffled = target_disparity_clusters[permut].reshape((tiles_in_batch, -1))
gt_ds_batch_shuffled = gt_ds_clusters[permut]. reshape((tiles_in_batch, -1))
if nscene == 0:
dtype_feature_corr2d = _dtype_feature(corr2d_batch_shuffled)
dtype_target_disparity = _dtype_feature(target_disparity_batch_shuffled)
dtype_feature_gt_ds = _dtype_feature(gt_ds_batch_shuffled)
for i in range(tiles_in_batch):
x = corr2d_batch_shuffled[i].astype(np.float32)
y = target_disparity_batch_shuffled[i].astype(np.float32)
z = gt_ds_batch_shuffled[i].astype(np.float32)
d_feature = {'corr2d': dtype_feature_corr2d(x),
'gt_ds': dtype_feature_gt_ds(z)}
example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=d_feature))
if (self.debug_level > 0):
print_time("Scene %d (%d) of %d -> %s"%(nscene, seed_index, len(seed_list), tfr_filename))
def showVariance(self,
rds_list, # list of disparity/strength files, suchas training, testing
disp_var_list, # list of disparity variance files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
num_neibs_list, # list of number of tile neibs files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
variance_min = 0.0,
variance_max = 1.5,
neibs_min = 9,
#Same parameters as for the histogram
# disparity_bins = 1000,
# strength_bins = 100,
# disparity_min_drop = -0.1,
# disparity_min_clip = -0.1,
# disparity_max_drop = 100.0,
# disparity_max_clip = 100.0,
# strength_min_drop = 0.1,
# strength_min_clip = 0.1,
# strength_max_drop = 1.0,
# strength_max_clip = 0.9,
normalize = False): # True):
for nf, combo_rds in enumerate(rds_list):
disp_var = disp_var_list[nf]
num_neibs = num_neibs_list[nf]
good_tiles = np.empty((combo_rds.shape[0], combo_rds.shape[1],combo_rds.shape[2]), dtype=bool)
for ids in range (combo_rds.shape[0]): #iterate over all scenes ds[2][rows][cols]
ds = combo_rds[ids]
disparity = ds[...,0]
strength = ds[...,1]
variance = disp_var[ids]
neibs = num_neibs[ids]
good_tiles[ids] = disparity >= self.disparity_min_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= disparity <= self.disparity_max_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= strength >= self.strength_min_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= strength <= self.strength_max_drop
good_tiles[ids] &= neibs >= neibs_min
good_tiles[ids] &= variance >= variance_min
good_tiles[ids] &= variance < variance_max
disparity = np.nan_to_num(disparity, copy = False) # to be able to multiply by 0.0 in mask | copy=False, then out=disparity all done in-place
strength = np.nan_to_num(strength, copy = False) # likely should never happen
# np.clip(disparity, self.disparity_min_clip, self.disparity_max_clip, out = disparity)
# np.clip(strength, self.strength_min_clip, self.strength_max_clip, out = strength)
combo_rds = np.concatenate(rds_list)
hist, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( # xedges, yedges - just for debugging
x = combo_rds[...,1].flatten(),
y = combo_rds[...,0].flatten(),
bins= (self.strength_bins, self.disparity_bins),
range= ((self.strength_min_clip,self.strength_max_clip),(self.disparity_min_clip,self.disparity_max_clip)),
normed= normalize,
weights= np.concatenate(good_tiles_list).flatten())
mytitle = "Disparity_Strength variance histogram"
fig = plt.figure()
fig.suptitle("Min variance = %f, max variance = %f, min neibs = %d"%(variance_min, variance_max, neibs_min))
# plt.imshow(hist, vmin=0, vmax=.1 * hist.max())#,vmin=-6,vmax=-2) # , vmin=0, vmax=.01)
plt.imshow(hist, vmin=0.0, vmax=300.0)#,vmin=-6,vmax=-2) # , vmin=0, vmax=.01)
plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') # location='bottom')
# for i, combo_rds in enumerate(rds_list):
# for ids in range (combo_rds.shape[0]): #iterate over all scenes ds[2][rows][cols]
# combo_rds[ids][...,1]*= good_tiles_list[i][ids]
# return hist, xedges, yedges
if __name__ == "__main__":
topdir_train = sys.argv[1]
except IndexError:
# topdir_train = "/mnt/dde6f983-d149-435e-b4a2-88749245cc6c/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/train"#test" #all/"
topdir_train = "/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/train_mlr32_18a"
topdir_test = sys.argv[2]
except IndexError:
# topdir_test = "/mnt/dde6f983-d149-435e-b4a2-88749245cc6c/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test"#test" #all/"
topdir_test = "/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a"
pathTFR = sys.argv[3]
except IndexError:
# pathTFR = "/mnt/dde6f983-d149-435e-b4a2-88749245cc6c/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/tf_data_3x3b" #no trailing "/"
# pathTFR = "/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/tf_data_5x5" #no trailing "/"
pathTFR = "/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/tf_data_5x5_main_7" #no trailing "/"
ml_subdir = sys.argv[4]
except IndexError:
# ml_subdir = "ml"
# ml_subdir = "mlr32_18a"
ml_subdir = "mlr32_18c"
# pathTFR = "/mnt/dde6f983-d149-435e-b4a2-88749245cc6c/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/tf_data_3x3b" #no trailing "/"
# test_corr = '/home/eyesis/x3d_data/models/var_main/www/html/x3domlet/models/all-clean/overlook/1527257933_150165/v04/mlr32_18a/1527257933_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff' # overlook
# test_corr = '/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165/v02/mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff' # State Street
# test_corr = '/home/eyesis/x3d_data/models/dsi_combo_and_ml_all/state_street/1527256858_150165/v01/mlr32_18a/1527256858_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff' # State Street
test_corrs = [
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527257933_150165/v04/mlr32_18a/1527257933_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # overlook
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165/v02/mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256858_150165/v01/mlr32_18a/1527256858_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182802_096892/v02/mlr32_18a/1527182802_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # near plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182805_096892/v02/mlr32_18a/1527182805_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # medium plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182810_096892/v02/mlr32_18a/1527182810_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # far plane
test_corrs = [
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527257933_150165/v04/mlr32_18c/1527257933_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # overlook
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165/v02/mlr32_18c/1527256816_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256858_150165/v01/mlr32_18c/1527256858_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182802_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182802_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # near plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182805_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182805_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # medium plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182810_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182810_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN.tiff', # far plane
# These images are made with large random offset
test_corrs = [
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527257933_150165/v04/mlr32_18c/1527257933_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # overlook
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256816_150165/v02/mlr32_18c/1527256816_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527256858_150165/v01/mlr32_18c/1527256858_150165-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # State Street
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182802_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182802_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # near plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182805_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182805_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # medium plane"
'/home/eyesis/x3d_data/data_sets/test_mlr32_18a/1527182810_096892/v02/mlr32_18c/1527182810_096892-ML_DATA-32B-O-FZ0.05-MAIN-RND2.00000.tiff', # far plane
#Parameters to generate neighbors data. Set radius to 0 to generate single-tile
TEST_SAME_LENGTH_AS_TRAIN = True # make test to have same number of entries as train ones
RADIUS = 2 # 5x5
MIN_NEIBS = (2 * RADIUS + 1) * (2 * RADIUS + 1) # All tiles valid == 9
VARIANCE_SCALE_DISPARITY = 5.0 #Scale variance if average is above this
if RADIUS == 0:
BATCH_DISP_BINS = 50 # 1000 * 1
BATCH_STR_BINS = 20 # 10
elif RADIUS == 1:
BATCH_DISP_BINS = 15 # 120 * 9
else: # RADIUS = 2
BATCH_DISP_BINS = 10 # 40 * 25
train_filenameTFR = pathTFR+"/train"
test_filenameTFR = pathTFR+"/test"
# disp_bins = 20,
# str_bins=10)
# corr2d, target_disparity, gt_ds = readTFRewcordsEpoch(train_filenameTFR)
# print_time("Read %d tiles"%(corr2d.shape[0]))
# exit (0)
ex_data = ExploreData(
topdir_train = topdir_train,
topdir_test = topdir_test,
ml_subdir = ml_subdir,
debug_level = 1, #3, ##0, #3,
disparity_bins = 200, #1000,
strength_bins = 100,
disparity_min_drop = -0.1,
disparity_min_clip = -0.1,
disparity_max_drop = 20.0, #100.0,
disparity_max_clip = 20.0, #100.0,
strength_min_drop = 0.1,
strength_min_clip = 0.1,
strength_max_drop = 1.0,
strength_max_clip = 0.9,
hist_sigma = 2.0, # Blur log histogram
hist_cutoff= 0.001) # of maximal
mytitle = "Disparity_Strength histogram"
fig = plt.figure()
# plt.imshow(lhist,vmin=-6,vmax=-2) # , vmin=0, vmax=.01)
plt.imshow(ex_data.blurred_hist, vmin=0, vmax=.1 * ex_data.blurred_hist.max())#,vmin=-6,vmax=-2) # , vmin=0, vmax=.01)
plt.colorbar(orientation='horizontal') # location='bottom')
hist_to_batch = ex_data.assignBatchBins(
disp_bins = BATCH_DISP_BINS,
str_bins = BATCH_STR_BINS)
bb_display = hist_to_batch.copy()
bb_display = ( 1+ (bb_display % 2) + 2 * ((bb_display % 20)//10)) * (hist_to_batch > 0) #).astype(float)
fig2 = plt.figure()
fig2.canvas.set_window_title("Batch indices")
fig2.suptitle("Batch index for each disparity/strength cell")
plt.imshow(bb_display) #, vmin=0, vmax=.1 * ex_data.blurred_hist.max())#,vmin=-6,vmax=-2) # , vmin=0, vmax=.01)
""" prepare test dataset """
for test_corr in test_corrs:
scene = os.path.basename(test_corr)[:17]
scene_version= os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(test_corr)))
fname =scene+'-'+scene_version
img_filenameTFR = os.path.join(pathTFR,'img',fname)
print_time("Saving test image %s as tiles..."%(img_filenameTFR),end = " ")
writeTFRewcordsImageTiles(test_corr, img_filenameTFR)
if (RADIUS > 0):
disp_var_test, num_neibs_test = ex_data.exploreNeibs(ex_data.test_ds, RADIUS, VARIANCE_SCALE_DISPARITY)
disp_var_train, num_neibs_train = ex_data.exploreNeibs(ex_data.train_ds, RADIUS, VARIANCE_SCALE_DISPARITY)
# show varinace histogram
# for var_thresh in [0.1, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 5.0]:
for var_thresh in [1.5]:
rds_list = [ex_data.train_ds, ex_data.test_ds], # list of disparity/strength files, suchas training, testing
disp_var_list = [disp_var_train, disp_var_test], # list of disparity variance files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
num_neibs_list = [num_neibs_train, num_neibs_test], # list of number of tile neibs files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
variance_min = 0.0,
variance_max = var_thresh,
neibs_min = MIN_NEIBS)
rds_list = [ex_data.train_ds, ex_data.test_ds], # list of disparity/strength files, suchas training, testing
disp_var_list = [disp_var_train, disp_var_test], # list of disparity variance files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
num_neibs_list = [num_neibs_train, num_neibs_test], # list of number of tile neibs files. Same shape(but last dim) as rds_list
variance_min = var_thresh,
variance_max = 1000.0,
neibs_min = MIN_NEIBS)
disp_var_test, num_neibs_test = None, None
disp_var_train, num_neibs_train = None, None
ml_list_train=ex_data.getMLList(ml_subdir, ex_data.files_train)
ml_list_test= ex_data.getMLList(ml_subdir, ex_data.files_test)
num_test_scenes = len([ex_data.files_test, ex_data.files_train][TEST_SAME_LENGTH_AS_TRAIN])
if RADIUS == 0 :
list_of_file_lists_train, num_batch_tiles_train = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.train_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_train, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_train, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = 0.0, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
# ex_data.makeBatchLists(data_ds = ex_data.train_ds)
for train_var in range (NUM_TRAIN_SETS):
fpath = train_filenameTFR+("%03d"%(train_var,))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_train, files_list = ex_data.files_train, set_ds= ex_data.train_ds)
list_of_file_lists_test, num_batch_tiles_test = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.test_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_test, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_test, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = 0.0, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
fpath = test_filenameTFR # +("-%03d"%(train_var,))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_train, files_list = ex_data.files_test, set_ds= ex_data.test_ds, num_scenes = num_test_scenes)
else: # RADIUS > 0
# train
for train_var in range (NUM_TRAIN_SETS): # Recalculate list for each file - slower, but will alternate lvar/hvar
list_of_file_lists_train, num_batch_tiles_train = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.train_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_train, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_train, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = 0.0, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
num_le_train = num_batch_tiles_train.sum()
print("Number of <= %f disparity variance tiles: %d (train)"%(VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, num_le_train))
# for train_var in range (NUM_TRAIN_SETS):
fpath = train_filenameTFR+("%03d_R%d_LE%4.1f"%(train_var,RADIUS,VARIANCE_THRESHOLD))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_train, files_list = ex_data.files_train, set_ds= ex_data.train_ds, radius = RADIUS)
list_of_file_lists_train, num_batch_tiles_train = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.train_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_train, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_train, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = 1000.0, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
num_gt_train = num_batch_tiles_train.sum()
high_fract_train = 1.0 * num_gt_train / (num_le_train + num_gt_train)
print("Number of > %f disparity variance tiles: %d, fraction = %f (train)"%(VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, num_gt_train, high_fract_train))
# for train_var in range (NUM_TRAIN_SETS):
fpath = (train_filenameTFR+("%03d_R%d_GT%4.1f"%(train_var,RADIUS,VARIANCE_THRESHOLD)))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_train, files_list = ex_data.files_train, set_ds= ex_data.train_ds, radius = RADIUS)
if train_var < 1: # make test files immediately after the train ones
# test
list_of_file_lists_test, num_batch_tiles_test = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.test_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_test, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_test, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = 0.0, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
num_le_test = num_batch_tiles_test.sum()
print("Number of <= %f disparity variance tiles: %d (est)"%(VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, num_le_test))
fpath = test_filenameTFR +("TEST_R%d_LE%4.1f"%(RADIUS,VARIANCE_THRESHOLD))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_test, files_list = ex_data.files_test, set_ds= ex_data.test_ds, radius = RADIUS, num_scenes = num_test_scenes)
list_of_file_lists_test, num_batch_tiles_test = ex_data.makeBatchLists( # results are also saved to self.*
data_ds = ex_data.test_ds,
disp_var = disp_var_test, # difference between maximal and minimal disparity for each scene, each tile
disp_neibs = num_neibs_test, # number of valid tiles around each center tile (for 3x3 (radius = 1) - macximal is 9
min_var = VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, # Minimal tile variance to include
max_var = 1000.0, # Maximal tile variance to include
min_neibs = MIN_NEIBS) # Minimal number of valid tiles to include
num_gt_test = num_batch_tiles_test.sum()
high_fract_test = 1.0 * num_gt_test / (num_le_test + num_gt_test)
print("Number of > %f disparity variance tiles: %d, fraction = %f (test)"%(VARIANCE_THRESHOLD, num_gt_test, high_fract_test))
fpath = test_filenameTFR +("TEST_R%d_GT%4.1f"%(RADIUS,VARIANCE_THRESHOLD))
ex_data.writeTFRewcordsEpoch(fpath, ml_list = ml_list_test, files_list = ex_data.files_test, set_ds= ex_data.test_ds, radius = RADIUS, num_scenes = num_test_scenes)
scene = os.path.basename(test_corr)[:17]
scene_version= os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(test_corr)))
fname =scene+'-'+scene_version
img_filenameTFR = os.path.join(pathTFR,'img',fname)
print_time("Saving test image %s as tiles..."%(img_filenameTFR),end = " ")
writeTFRewcordsImageTiles(test_corr, img_filenameTFR)
...@@ -199,8 +199,6 @@ def getMoreFiles(fpaths,rslt): ...@@ -199,8 +199,6 @@ def getMoreFiles(fpaths,rslt):
print_time("Done") print_time("Done")
rslt.append(dataset) rslt.append(dataset)
#from #from
def read_and_decode(filename_queue): def read_and_decode(filename_queue):
reader = tf.TFRecordReader() reader = tf.TFRecordReader()
...@@ -262,8 +260,6 @@ def extend_img_to_clusters(datasets_img,radius): ...@@ -262,8 +260,6 @@ def extend_img_to_clusters(datasets_img,radius):
rec['gt_ds'] = add_neibs(add_margins(rec['gt_ds'].reshape((height,width,-1)), radius, np.nan), radius).reshape((num_tiles,-1)) rec['gt_ds'] = add_neibs(add_margins(rec['gt_ds'].reshape((height,width,-1)), radius, np.nan), radius).reshape((num_tiles,-1))
pass pass
def reformat_to_clusters(datasets_data): def reformat_to_clusters(datasets_data):
cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1)
# Reformat input data # Reformat input data
...@@ -302,7 +298,6 @@ TILE_SIZE = TILE_SIDE* TILE_SIDE # == 81 ...@@ -302,7 +298,6 @@ TILE_SIZE = TILE_SIDE* TILE_SIDE # == 81
rec['target_disparity'] = target_disparity.reshape((target_disparity.shape[0],-1)) rec['target_disparity'] = target_disparity.reshape((target_disparity.shape[0],-1))
rec['gt_ds'] = gt_ds.reshape((gt_ds.shape[0],-1)) rec['gt_ds'] = gt_ds.reshape((gt_ds.shape[0],-1))
def replace_nan(datasets_data): def replace_nan(datasets_data):
cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1)
# Reformat input data # Reformat input data
...@@ -353,7 +348,6 @@ def shuffle_chunks_in_place(datasets_data, tiles_groups_per_chunk): ...@@ -353,7 +348,6 @@ def shuffle_chunks_in_place(datasets_data, tiles_groups_per_chunk):
ds['target_disparity'] = ds['target_disparity'].reshape((chunks_per_file,-1))[permut].reshape((groups_per_file,-1)) ds['target_disparity'] = ds['target_disparity'].reshape((chunks_per_file,-1))[permut].reshape((groups_per_file,-1))
ds['gt_ds'] = ds['gt_ds']. reshape((chunks_per_file,-1))[permut].reshape((groups_per_file,-1)) ds['gt_ds'] = ds['gt_ds']. reshape((chunks_per_file,-1))[permut].reshape((groups_per_file,-1))
def _setFileSlot(train_next,files): def _setFileSlot(train_next,files):
train_next['files'] = files train_next['files'] = files
train_next['slots'] = min(train_next['files'], MAX_FILES_PER_GROUP) train_next['slots'] = min(train_next['files'], MAX_FILES_PER_GROUP)
...@@ -377,8 +371,6 @@ def replaceDataset(datasets_data, new_dataset, nset, period, findx): ...@@ -377,8 +371,6 @@ def replaceDataset(datasets_data, new_dataset, nset, period, findx):
datasets_data[findx]['gt_ds'] [nset::period] = new_dataset['gt_ds'] datasets_data[findx]['gt_ds'] [nset::period] = new_dataset['gt_ds']
def zip_lvar_hvar(datasets_all_data, del_src = True): def zip_lvar_hvar(datasets_all_data, del_src = True):
# cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) # cluster_size = (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1) * (2 * CLUSTER_RADIUS + 1)
# Reformat input data # Reformat input data
...@@ -416,7 +408,6 @@ def reduce_tile_size(datasets_data, num_tile_layers, reduced_tile_side): ...@@ -416,7 +408,6 @@ def reduce_tile_size(datasets_data, num_tile_layers, reduced_tile_side):
[..., offs:offs+reduced_tile_side, offs:offs+reduced_tile_side]. [..., offs:offs+reduced_tile_side, offs:offs+reduced_tile_side].
reshape(-1,num_tile_layers*reduced_tile_side*reduced_tile_side)) reshape(-1,num_tile_layers*reduced_tile_side*reduced_tile_side))
def result_npy_to_tiff(npy_path, absolute, fix_nan): def result_npy_to_tiff(npy_path, absolute, fix_nan):
""" """
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