Commit 2d9f3013 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

fixed shaping error

parent 758c8a5d
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ ONLY_TILE = None # 4 # None # 0 # 4# None # (remove all but center tile
ZIP_LHVAR = True # combine _lvar and _hvar as odd/even elements
WLOSS_LAMBDA = 0.001 # 5.0 # 1.0 # fraction of the W_loss (input layers weight non-uniformity) added to G_loss
WLOSS_LAMBDA = 0.1 # 5.0 # 1.0 # fraction of the W_loss (input layers weight non-uniformity) added to G_loss
# CLUSTER_RADIUS should match input data
CLUSTER_RADIUS = 1 # 1 - 3x3, 2 - 5x5 tiles
......@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
wt = tf.transpose(w,[1,0])
wt = wt[:,:-1]
tmp1 = []
for i in range(layout[index]):
for i in range(out_shape):
# reset when even
if i%2==0:
......@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
imsum1 = tf.concat(tmp1,axis=0)
imsum1_1 = tf.reshape(imsum1,[1,layout[index]*(TILE_SIDE+1)//2,2*TILE_LAYERS*(TILE_SIDE+1),3])
imsum1_1 = tf.reshape(imsum1,[1,out_shape*(TILE_SIDE+1)//2,2*TILE_LAYERS*(TILE_SIDE+1),3])
......@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
missing_in_block = math.pow(block_side,2) - block_size
tmp1 = []
for i in range(layout[index]):
for i in range(out_shape):
# reset when even
if i%4==0:
......@@ -600,7 +600,7 @@ def network_summary_w_b(scope, in_shape, out_shape, layout, index, network_scope
imsum2 = tf.concat(tmp1,axis=0)
......@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ def network_sub(input, layout, reuse, sym8 = False):
if not reuse_this:
with tf.variable_scope(scp,reuse=True) : # tf.AUTO_REUSE):
inp_weights.append(tf.get_variable('weights')) # ,shape=[inp.shape[1],num_outs]))
network_summary_w_b(scp, inp.shape[1], num_outs, layout, i, 'sub')
network_summary_w_b(scp, inp.shape[1], num_sym8, layout, i, 'sub')
if num_non_sum > 0:
reuse_this = reuse
scp = 'g_fc_sub'+str(i)+"r"
......@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ def network_sub(input, layout, reuse, sym8 = False):
if not reuse_this:
with tf.variable_scope(scp,reuse=True) : # tf.AUTO_REUSE):
inp_weights.append(tf.get_variable('weights')) # ,shape=[inp.shape[1],num_outs]))
network_summary_w_b(scp, inp.shape[1], num_outs, layout, i, 'sub')
network_summary_w_b(scp, inp.shape[1], num_non_sum, layout, i, 'sub')
fc.append(tf.concat(fc_sym, 1, name='sym_input_layer'))
scp = 'g_fc_sub'+str(i)
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