Commit eca9882b authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

spiral search

parent e7c0ea42
......@@ -272,35 +272,41 @@ printf($rslt);
exit (0);
Start rotation
$AZ_CMAX = 4790;
$EL_CMAX = 10979;
$SK_CMAX = 931;
* Scan rectangular AZ/EL window arownd expected satellite position, alternating
* azimuth directions and increasing elevation offset.
* Start with expected elevation and low az margin, scan azimuth to high margin,
* then alternatively increase/decrease elevation
* @param $threshold - minimal modem signal strength
* @param $DishAngleCenter - array of (elevation, azimuth, skew) in degrees,
* corresponding to the center of the scan window
* @param $wnd_az - full range of azimuth scan in degrees
* @param $wnd_el - full range of elevation scan in degrees
* @param $scan_step - elevation scan step
* @return SimpleXMLElement -
function scan_window($threshold, $DishAngleCenter, $wnd_az, $wnd_el, $scan_step){
global $motosat_url,$LATE_STOP_AZ,$dbg_file;
$DishAngle = Array($DishAngleCenter[0],$DishAngleCenter[1],$DishAngleCenter[2]);
$pass = 0;
for ($DishAngle[1] = $DishAngleCenter[1] - $wnd_el/2;
$DishAngle[1] <= ($DishAngleCenter[1] + $wnd_el/2);
$DishAngle[1]+= $scan_step) {
if ($pass & 1) {
$dir = 0;
for ($delta_el = 0.0; $delta_el < $wnd_el/2; $delta_el += $scan_step) {
$passes = ($delta_el > 0.0)? 2 : 1;
for ($pass = 0; $pass < $passes; $pass++) {
// for ($dir = 0; $dir < 2; $dir++) {
if ($dir > 0){
$DishAngle[1] = $DishAngleCenter[1] + $delta_el;
$az_start = $DishAngleCenter[0] + $wnd_az/2;
$az_end = $DishAngleCenter[0] - $wnd_az/2;
} else {
$DishAngle[1] = $DishAngleCenter[1] - $delta_el;
$az_start = $DishAngleCenter[0] - $wnd_az/2;
$az_end = $DishAngleCenter[0] + $wnd_az/2;
$DishAngle[0] = $az_start;
if ($dbg_file) {
fprintf($dbg_file, "\npass=%d:\n",$pass);
fprintf($dbg_file, "\ndir=%d:\n",$dir);
fprintf($dbg_file, "wnd_az=%f:\n",$wnd_az);
fprintf($dbg_file, "wnd_el=%f:\n",$wnd_el);
fprintf($dbg_file, "threshold=%f:\n",$threshold);
......@@ -311,11 +317,6 @@ function scan_window($threshold, $DishAngleCenter, $wnd_az, $wnd_el, $scan_step)
fprintf($dbg_file, print_r($DishAngleCenter,1));
// while (true) {
// $counts = moveElAzSk_degrees($DishAngle);
// if (!isset($counts)) break;
// }
while (null !==moveElAzSk_degrees($DishAngle));
$DishAngle[0] = $az_end;
......@@ -346,7 +347,7 @@ function scan_window($threshold, $DishAngleCenter, $wnd_az, $wnd_el, $scan_step)
foreach ($DishCount as $key => $value){
$DishCount[$key] = $value + 0;
if ($pass & 1){
if ($dir > 0){
$DishCount[0] += $LATE_STOP_AZ;
} else {
$DishCount[0] -= $LATE_STOP_AZ;
......@@ -367,13 +368,10 @@ function scan_window($threshold, $DishAngleCenter, $wnd_az, $wnd_el, $scan_step)
return $xml_state;
$pass ++;
$dir = 1-$dir;
// while (true) {
// $counts = moveElAzSk_degrees($DishAngleCenter);
// if (!isset($counts)) break;
// }
while (null !==moveElAzSk_degrees($DishAngleCenter));
$xml_state = simplexml_load_file($motosat_url);
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