Commit 56ca0c83 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

dding polinomial approximation 2d

parent 6c5510bb
......@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ class Matrix
return $this->M;
public function set($i,$j,$v){
$M[$i][$j] = $v;
public function getColumnPackedCopy(){
$rows = sizeof($this->M);
$cols = sizeof($this->M[0]);
......@@ -82,6 +87,9 @@ class Matrix
public function plus($B) {
if ($B instanceof Matrix){
$B = $B->get();
$R = $this->M;
$rows = sizeof($this->M);
$cols = sizeof($this->M[0]);
......@@ -95,6 +103,21 @@ class Matrix
return new Matrix ($R, $this->Tol);
public function plusEquals($B){
if ($B instanceof Matrix){
$B = $B->get();
$rows = sizeof($this->M);
$cols = sizeof($this->M[0]);
if (($rows != sizeof($B[0])) || ($cols != sizeof($B[0]))){
throw new Exception('Dimensions mismatch.');
for ($i = 0; $i < $rows; $i ++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < $cols; $j ++) {
$this->M[$i][$j] += $B[$i][$j];
public function print($debugFile = null, $decimals = 6)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class PolynomialApproximation
public function polynomialApproximation1d($data, $N){
//$my_array = array_fill(0, $size_of_the_array, $some_data);
if ($this->debugFile === null){
$this->debugLevel = 1;
$this->debugLevel = 0;
$S=array_fill(0,2*$N +1,0); // new double [2*N+1];
$SF=array_fill(0,$N+1,0); // new double [N+1];
......@@ -90,6 +90,255 @@ class PolynomialApproximation
return null;
public function quadraticApproximation(
$forceLinear = false, // use linear approximation
$damping = null,
$thresholdLin = 1.0E-10, // threshold ratio of matrix determinant to norm for linear approximation (det too low - fail)
$thresholdQuad = 1.0E-15, // threshold ratio of matrix determinant to norm for quadratic approximation (det too low - fail)
$debugLevel = 1
if ($this->debugFile === null){
$this->debugLevel = 0;
if ((data == null) || (data.length == 0)) {
return null;
/* ix, iy - the location of the point with maximal value. We'll approximate the vicinity of that maximum using a
* second degree polynomial:
by minimizing sum of squared differenceS00between the actual (Z(x,uy)) and approximated values.
and then find the maximum on the approximated surface. Here iS00the math:
minimizing squared error, using W(x,y) aS00weight function
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(A^2*x^4 + 2*A*x^2*(B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dA=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*A*x^4 + 2*x^2*(B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)))
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(A*x^4 + x^2*(B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)))
S40=Sum(W(x,y)*x^4), etc
(1) 0=A*S40 + B*S22 + C*S31 +D*S30 +E*S21 +F*S20 - SZ20
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(B^2*y^4 + 2*B*y^2*(A*x^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dB=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*B*y^4 + 2*y^2*(A*x^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)))
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(B*y^4 + y^2*(A*x^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)))
(2) 0=B*S04 + A*S22 + C*S13 +D*S12 +E*S03 +F*SY2 - SZ02
(2) 0=A*S22 + B*S04 + C*S13 +D*S12 +E*S03 +F*SY2 - SZ02
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(C^2*x^2*y^2 + 2*C*x*y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dC=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*C*x^2*y^2 + 2*x*y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) )
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(C*x^2*y^2 + x*y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+D*x+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) )
(3) 0= A*S31 + B*S13 + C*S22 + D*S21 + E*S12 + F*S11 - SZ11
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(D^2*x^2 + 2*D*x*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dD=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*D*x^2 + 2*x*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) )
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(D*x^2 + x*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+E*y+F-Z(x,y)) )
(4) 0= A*S30 + B*S12 + C*S21 + D*S20 + E*S11 + F*S10 - SZ10
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(E^2*y^2 + 2*E*y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+F-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dE=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*E*y^2 + 2*y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+F-Z(x,y)) )
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(E*y^2 + y*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+F-Z(x,y)) )
(5) 0= A*S21 + B*S03 + C*S12 + D*S11 + E*SY2 + F*SY - SZ01
error=Sum(W(x,y)*(F^2 + 2*F*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) +(...) )
0=derror/dF=Sum(W(x,y)*(2*F + 2*(A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) )
0=Sum(W(x,y)*(F + (A*x^2+B*y^2+C*x*y+D*x+E*y-Z(x,y)) )
(6) 0= A*S20 + B*SY2 + C*S11 + D*S10 + E*SY + F*S00 - SZ00
(1) 0= A*S40 + B*S22 + C*S31 + D*S30 + E*S21 + F*S20 - SZ20
(2) 0= A*S22 + B*S04 + C*S13 + D*S12 + E*S03 + F*S02 - SZ02
(3) 0= A*S31 + B*S13 + C*S22 + D*S21 + E*S12 + F*S11 - SZ11
(4) 0= A*S30 + B*S12 + C*S21 + D*S20 + E*S11 + F*S10 - SZ10
(5) 0= A*S21 + B*S03 + C*S12 + D*S11 + E*S02 + F*S01 - SZ01
(6) 0= A*S20 + B*S02 + C*S11 + D*S10 + E*S01 + F*S00 - SZ00
// Matrix mDampingLin = null;
// Matrix mDampingQuad = null;
if ($damping !== null){
$mDampingLin = new Matrix(Matrix::zeroMatrix(3, 3));
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++){
$j = sizeof($damping) + $i - 3;
if ($j >= 0) $mDampingLin.set($i, $i, $damping[$j]);
if (!$forceLinear) {
$mDampingQuad = new Matrix(Matrix::zeroMatrix(6, 6));
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++){
$j = sizeof($damping) + $i - 6;
if ($j >= 0) $mDampingQuad.set($i, $i, $damping[$j]);
$zDim = sizeof($data[0][1]);
// double w,z,x,x2,x3,x4,y,y2,y3,y4,wz;
// int i,j,
$n = 0;
$S00 = 0.0;
$S10=0.0; $S01=0.0;
$S20=0.0; $S11=0.0; $S02=0.0;
$S30=0.0; $S21=0.0; $S12=0.0; $S03=0.0;
$S40=0.0; $S31=0.0; $S22=0.0; $S13=0.0; $S04=0.0;
$SZ00 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
$SZ01 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
$SZ10 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
$SZ11 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
$SZ02 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
$SZ20 = array_fill(0, $zDim, 0.0);
for ($i=0; $i < $dataLength; $i++) {
$w= (sizeof($data[$i]) > 2) ? $data[$i][2][0] : 1.0;
if ($w > 0) {
$x2 = $x * $x;
$y2 = $y * $y;
$S00 += $w;
$S10 += $w * $x;
$S01 += $w * $y;
$S11 += $w * $x * $y;
$S20 += $w * $x2;
$S02 += $w * $y2;
if (!$forceLinear) {
$x3 = $x2 * $x;
$x4 = $x3 * $x;
$y3 = $y2 * $y;
$y4 = $y3 * $y;
$S30 += $w * $x3;
$S21 += $w * $x2 * $y;
$S12 += $w * $x * $y2;
$S03 += $w * $y3;
$S40 += $w * $x4;
$S31 += $w * $x3 * $y;
$S22 += $w * $x2 * $y2;
$S13 += $w * $x * $y3;
$S04 += $w * $y4;
for ($j = 0; $j < $zDim; $j++) {
$z = $data[$i][1][$j];
$wz = $w * $z;
$SZ00[$j] += $wz;
$SZ10[$j] += $wz * $x;
$SZ01[$j] += $wz * $y;
if (!$forceLinear) {
$SZ20[$j] += $wz * $x2;
$SZ11[$j] += $wz * $x * $y;
$SZ02[$j] += $wz * $y2;
//need to decide if there is enough data for linear and quadratic
$mAarrayL = array(
array($S20, $S11, $S10),
array($S11, $S02, $S01),
array($S10, $S01, $S00));
$mLin=new Matrix ($mAarrayL);
if ($mDampingLin !== null){
// TODO Maybe bypass determinant checks for damped ?
// if (debugLevel>3) System.out.println(">>> n="+n+" det_lin="+mLin.det()+" norm_lin="+normMatix(mAarrayL));
$nmL = normMatix($mAarrayL);
if (($nmL == 0.0) || (abs($mLin.det()) / $nmL < $thresholdLin)){
// return average value for each channel
if ($S00 == 0.0) return null; // not even average
$ABCDEF = Matrix::ZeroMatrix(zDim, 3);
for ($i = 0; $i < $zDim; $i++) {
$ABCDEF[$i][0] = 0.0;
$ABCDEF[$i][1] = 0.0;
$ABCDEF[$i][2] = $SZ00[$i] / $S00;
return $ABCDEF;
$zAarrayL = array_fill(0, 3, 0.0);
$ABCDEF = array_fill(0,$zDim, null);
for ($i = 0; $i < $zDim; $i++) {
$Z = new Matrix ($zAarrayL); // ,3);
$ABCDEF[$i]= $mLin.solve($Z).getRowPackedCopy();
if (forceLinear) return ABCDEF;
// quote try quadratic approximation
$mAarrayQ = array(
array($S40, $S22, $S31, $S30, $S21, $S20),
array($S22, $S04, $S13, $S12, $S03, $S02),
array($S31, $S13, $S22, $S21, $S12, $S11),
array($S30, $S12, $S21, $S20, $S11, $S10),
array($S21, $S03, $S12, $S11, $S02, $S01),
array($S20, $S02, $S11, $S10, $S01, $S00));
$mQuad=new Matrix ($mAarrayQ);
if (isset($mDampingQuad)){
// if (debugLevel>3) {
// System.out.println(" n="+n+" det_quad="+mQuad.det()+" norm_quad="+normMatix(mAarrayQ)+" data.length="+data.length);
// mQuad.print(10,5);
// }
$nmQ = normMatix($mAarrayQ);
if (($nmQ == 0.0) || (abs($mQuad.det())/normMatix($mAarrayQ) < $thresholdQuad)) {
// if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Using linear approximation, M.det()="+mQuad.det()+
// " normMatix(mAarrayQ)="+normMatix(mAarrayQ)+
// ", thresholdQuad="+thresholdQuad+
// ", nmQ="+nmQ+
// ", Math.abs(M.det())/normMatix(mAarrayQ)="+(Math.abs(mQuad.det())/normMatix(mAarrayQ))); //did not happen
return $ABCDEF; // not enough data for the quadratic approximation, return linear
// double [] zAarrayQ={SZ20,SZ02,SZ11,SZ10,SZ01,SZ00};
$zAarrayQ = array_fill(0,6,0.0);
for ($i = 0; $i < $zDim; $i++) {
$zAarrayQ[0] = $SZ20[$i];
$zAarrayQ[1] = $SZ02[$i];
$zAarrayQ[2] = $SZ11[$i];
$zAarrayQ[3] = $SZ10[$i];
$zAarrayQ[4] = $SZ01[$i];
$zAarrayQ[5] = $SZ00[$i];
$Z = new Matrix ($zAarrayQ); // ,6);
$ABCDEF[i]= $mQuad.solve($Z).getRowPackedCopy();
return $ABCDEF;
// calcualte "volume" made of the matrix row-vectors, placed orthogonally
// to be compared to determinant
public function normMatix($a) {
for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($a); $i++) {
for ($j=0; $j < sizeof($a[$i]); $j++) $d += $a[$i][$j] * $a[$i][$j];
$norm *= sqrt($d);
return $norm;
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