# Adding support for scp files to the target (similar to install) --- REMOTE_USER ??= "root" REMOTE_IP ??= "" IDENTITY_FILE ??= "~/.ssh/id_rsa" inherit elphel-ssh #do_target_scp () { # #Without next echo - no trace of the scp in the log! # SSH_COMMAND='tar -C / -xzpf /image.tar.gz; rm -f /image.tar.gz; sync' # tar -czvf ${WORKDIR}/image.tar.gz -C ${WORKDIR}/image . # echo scp -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} -p ${WORKDIR}/image.tar.gz ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP}:/ # scp -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} -p ${WORKDIR}/image.tar.gz ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP}:/ # echo ssh -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP} ${SSH_COMMAND} # ssh -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP} ${SSH_COMMAND} #} python do_target_scp () { import subprocess WORKDIR = d.getVar('WORKDIR' , True) IDENTITY_FILE = d.getVar('IDENTITY_FILE', True) REMOTE_USER = d.getVar('REMOTE_USER' , True) REMOTE_IP = d.getVar('REMOTE_IP' , True) COPY_TO_NAND = d.getVar('COPY_TO_NAND' , True) # hardcodign for now MMC2 = "/dev/mmcblk0p2" MMC2MNT = "/mnt/mmc2" cmd = "ping "+REMOTE_IP+" -c 1" #run_shell_command(cmd) ret = subprocess.run("which ls",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(ret) ret = subprocess.run("which scp",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(ret) ret = subprocess.run("which cd",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(ret) ret = subprocess.run("which ping",stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(ret) ret = subprocess.run("ls "+WORKDIR,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) print(ret) print("cmd: "+cmd) try: ret = subprocess.run(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print("MOST EPIC FAIL 1: "+str(e.output)) print("MOST EPIC FAIL 2: "+str(e.cmd)) raise Exception("No route to target "+REMOTE_IP) nandboot = command_over_ssh(d,"'if [ -d /tmp/rootfs.ro ]; then echo 1; else echo 0;fi'") if COPY_TO_NAND=='1': print("Copy to NAND") if nandboot=="1": #copy archive cmd = "scp -i "+IDENTITY_FILE+" -p "+WORKDIR+"/image.tar.gz "+REMOTE_USER+"@"+REMOTE_IP+":/" print("cmd: "+cmd) subprocess.run(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) #unpack archive to / command_over_ssh(d,"'tar -C / -xzpf /image.tar.gz; sync'") #unpack archive to /tmp/rootfs.ro command_over_ssh(d,"'tar -C /tmp/rootfs.ro/ -xzpf /image.tar.gz; rm -f /image.tar.gz; sync'") else: raise Exception("\033[1;37mPlease, reboot from NAND\033[0m") else: if nandboot=="1": print("Copy to MMC while booted from NAND") mmc2 = command_over_ssh(d,"'if [ -b "+MMC2+" ]; then echo 1; else echo 0;fi'") if mmc2=="1": # nobody likes empty output mmc2_mnt = command_over_ssh(d,"'TEST=`df -h | grep "+MMC2+"`;echo \"0\"$TEST'") if mmc2_mnt!="0": tmp = mmc2_mnt.split() mountpoint = tmp[5] print("MMC rootfs partition is already mounted on "+str(mountpoint)) else: command_over_ssh(d,"'mkdir "+MMC2MNT+"; mount "+MMC2+" "+MMC2MNT+"'") mountpoint = MMC2MNT print("Created and mounted "+MMC2+" to "+mountpoint) #copy archive print("Copy archive") cmd = "scp -i "+IDENTITY_FILE+" -p "+WORKDIR+"/image.tar.gz "+REMOTE_USER+"@"+REMOTE_IP+":/" subprocess.run(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) #unpack archive to mountpoint print("Unpack archive then delete") command_over_ssh(d,"'EXTRACT_UNSAFE_SYMLINKS=1 tar -C "+mountpoint+" -xzpf /image.tar.gz; rm -f /image.tar.gz; sync'") else: raise Exception("\033[1;37mMMC rootfs partition "+MMC2+" not found.\033[0m") else: print("Copy to MMC while booted from MMC") #copy archive cmd = "scp -i "+IDENTITY_FILE+" -p "+WORKDIR+"/image.tar.gz "+REMOTE_USER+"@"+REMOTE_IP+":/" subprocess.run(cmd,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,shell=True) #unpack archive to / command_over_ssh(d,"'EXTRACT_UNSAFE_SYMLINKS=1 tar -C / -xzpf /image.tar.gz; rm -f /image.tar.gz; sync'") } addtask do_target_scp after do_install do_target_scp[doc] = "scp installed files to the target. TARGET_USER and TARGET_IP should be defined (ssh-copy-id -i KEY.pub TARGET_USER@TARGET_IP should be issued once)" EXPORT_FUNCTIONS do_target_scp #EXPORT_FUNCTIONS command_over_ssh #REMOTE_USER=root #REMOTE_IP= #DESTDIR=/home/eyesis/git/elphel393/poky/build/tmp/work/cortexa9-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/web-393/1_0-4/image # echo "REMOTE_USER=${REMOTE_USER}" # echo "REMOTE_IP=${REMOTE_IP}" # echo "DESTDIR=${D}" #scp -pr image/* root@