Commit fceb0b96 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

1.updated device trees 2.added configs for kernel

parent 9eeb9a1c
* Zynq 7000 Base Device Tree (System Peripherals and Configuration)
* To use this base include it in the dts/dtsi which relies on it.
* /dts-v1/;
* /include/ "zynq7-base.dtsi"
* / {
* ...
* In order to configure your board specific configuration of the Zynq platform,
* or to configure additional devices attached to Zynq peripherals use the base
* include and override properties, add subnodes or disable existing
* peripherals.
* To disable or invalidate an existing Zynq peripheral:
* ...
* ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
* ps7_usb_1: ps7-usb@e0003000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
* } ;
* ...
* To override a property of an existing peripheral:
* ...
* ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
* ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
* dr_mode = "device";
* } ;
* } ;
* ...
* To add an additional subnode (e.g. a device attached to a bus) to an existing
* peripheral:
* ...
* ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
* ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
* phy0: phy@7 {
* device_type = "ethernet-phy";
* reg = <7>;
* } ;
* } ;
* } ;
* ...
* For more details, or for reference please refer to device trees in the
* meta-xilinx layer that use this base tree.
/ {
#address-cells = <0x1>;
#size-cells = <0x1>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-7000";
aliases {
ethernet0 = &ps7_ethernet_0;
ethernet1 = &ps7_ethernet_1;
serial0 = &ps7_uart_1;
serial1 = &ps7_uart_0;
} ;
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
clock-latency = <1000>;
clocks = <&clkc 3>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
cpu0-supply = <&regulator_vccpint>;
reg = <0x0>;
operating-points = <
666667 1000000
333334 1000000
} ;
ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
clocks = <&clkc 3>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
pmu {
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-pmu";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 5 4>, <0 6 4>;
reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1";
} ;
regulator_vccpint: fixedregulator@0 {
compatible = "regulator-fixed";
regulator-name = "VCCPINT";
regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <1000000>;
} ;
ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "simple-bus", "xlnx,ps7-axi-interconnect-1.00.a";
ranges ;
ps7_afi_0: ps7-afi@f8008000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8008000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_1: ps7-afi@f8009000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8009000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_2: ps7-afi@f800a000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_3: ps7-afi@f800b000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_scugic_0: ps7-scugic@f8f01000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-gic", "arm,gic", "xlnx,ps7-scugic-1.00.a";
interrupt-controller ;
num_cpus = <2>;
num_interrupts = <96>;
reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_pl310_0: ps7-pl310@f8f02000 {
compatible = "arm,pl310-cache", "xlnx,ps7-pl310-1.00.a";
cache-level = <2>;
reg = <0xf8f02000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 2 4>;
arm,data-latency = <3 2 2>;
arm,tag-latency = <2 2 2>;
} ;
ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 {
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-ddrc-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc";
reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_ocmc_0: ps7-ocmc@f800c000 {
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-ocmc-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-ocm";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 3 4>;
reg = <0xf800c000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-slcr", "syscon", "simple-bus", "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a";
ranges ;
reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>;
clkc: clkc@100 {
#clock-cells = <1>;
clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll",
"cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x", "cpu_2x", "cpu_1x",
"ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci",
"lqspi", "smc", "pcap",
"gem0", "gem1",
"fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3",
"can0", "can1",
"sdio0", "sdio1",
"uart0", "uart1",
"spi0", "spi1",
"usb0_aper", "usb1_aper",
"gem0_aper", "gem1_aper",
"sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper",
"spi0_aper", "spi1_aper",
"can0_aper", "can1_aper",
"i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper",
"gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper", "swdt",
"dbg_trc", "dbg_apb";
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc";
fclk-enable = <0xf>;
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>;
reg = <0x100 0x100>;
} ;
rstc: rstc@200 {
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-reset";
reg = <0x200 0x48>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ;
pinctl0: pinctrl@700 {
compatible = "xlnx,pinctrl-zynq";
reg = <0x700 0x200>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ;
} ;
ps7_globaltimer_0: ps7-globaltimer@f8f00200 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-global-timer", "xlnx,ps7-globaltimer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 11 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00200 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer", "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 13 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>;
} ;
ps7_scuwdt_0: ps7-scuwdt@f8f00620 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scuwdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 14 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>;
} ;
ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 {
clocks = <&clkc 45>;
compatible = "cdns,wdt-r1p2", "xlnx,zynq-wdt-r1p2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 9 4>;
reg = <0xf8005000 0x1000>;
reset = <0>;
timeout-sec = <10>;
} ;
/*ps7_dma_ns: ps7-dma@f8004000 {
#dma-cells = <1>;
#dma-channels = <8>;
#dma-requests = <4>;
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell", "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3", "dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8004000 0x1000>;
} ;*/
ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 {
#dma-cells = <1>;
#dma-channels = <8>;
#dma-requests = <4>;
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell", "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3", "dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3";
clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-devcfg-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 8 4>;
reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ;
ps7_iop_bus_config_0: ps7-iop-bus-config@e0200000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-iop-bus-config-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0200000 0x1000>;
} ;
/* ========= Peripherals ========= */
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "pclk", "hclk", "tx_clk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>;
compatible = "cdns,zynq-gem", "cdns,gem", "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 22 4>;
local-mac-address = [ 00 0a 35 00 00 00 ];
reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>;
xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-mdio = <0x1>;
xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <111111115>;
} ;
ps7_ethernet_1: ps7-ethernet@e000c000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "pclk", "hclk", "tx_clk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 31>, <&clkc 31>, <&clkc 14>, <&clkc 14>, <&clkc 31>;
compatible = "cdns,zynq-gem", "cdns,gem", "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 45 4>;
local-mac-address = [ 00 0a 35 00 00 01 ];
reg = <0xe000c000 0x1000>;
xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-mdio = <0x1>;
xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <111111115>;
} ;
ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 {
#gpio-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
clocks = <&clkc 42>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-gpio-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a";
emio-gpio-width = <64>;
gpio-controller ;
gpio-mask-high = <0x0>;
gpio-mask-low = <0x0>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 20 4>;
reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "pclk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-qspi-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-qspi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe000d000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 19 4>;
is-dual = <0>;
num-chip-select = <1>;
num-cs = <1>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
} ;
ps7_qspi_linear_0: ps7-qspi-linear@fc000000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-linear-1.00.a";
reg = <0xfc000000 0x1000000>;
} ;
ps7_spi_0: ps7-spi@e0006000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "pclk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 25>, <&clkc 34>, <&clkc 34>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-spi-r1p6", "xlnx,ps7-spi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 26 4>;
num-chip-select = <4>;
reg = <0xe0006000 0x1000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
} ;
ps7_spi_1: ps7-spi@e0007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "pclk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 26>, <&clkc 35>, <&clkc 35>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-spi-r1p6", "xlnx,ps7-spi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 49 4>;
num-chip-select = <4>;
reg = <0xe0007000 0x1000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
} ;
ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 {
clock-names = "clk_xin", "clk_ahb", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>, <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>;
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
compatible = "arasan,sdhci-8.9a", "arasan,sdhci", "generic-sdhci", "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 24 4>;
reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-cd = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-power = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-wp = <0x1>;
} ;
ps7_sd_1: ps7-sdio@e0101000 {
clock-names = "clk_xin", "clk_ahb", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 22>, <&clkc 33>, <&clkc 22>, <&clkc 33>;
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
compatible = "arasan,sdhci-8.9a", "arasan,sdhci", "generic-sdhci", "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 47 4>;
reg = <0xe0101000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-cd = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-power = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-wp = <0x1>;
} ;
ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "cdns,ttc", "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>;
reg = <0xf8001000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ttc_1: ps7-ttc@f8002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "cdns,ttc", "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 37 4>, <0 38 4>, <0 39 4>;
reg = <0xf8002000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 {
clock-names = "uart_clk", "pclk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 23>, <&clkc 40>, <&clkc 23>, <&clkc 40>;
compatible = "xlnx,xuartps", "cdns,uart-r1p8", "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a";
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 27 4>;
reg = <0xe0000000 0x1000>;
port-number = <1>;
current-speed = <115200>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_uart_1: serial@e0001000 {
clock-names = "uart_clk", "pclk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 24>, <&clkc 41>, <&clkc 24>, <&clkc 41>;
compatible = "xlnx,xuartps", "cdns,uart-r1p8", "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a";
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 50 4>;
reg = <0xe0001000 0x1000>;
port-number = <0>;
current-speed = <115200>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 {
bus-id = <0>;
clocks = <&clkc 38>;
compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10", "xlnx,ps7-i2c-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 25 4>;
reg = <0xe0004000 0x1000>;
i2c-clk = <400000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
} ;
ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 {
bus-id = <1>;
clocks = <&clkc 39>;
compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10", "xlnx,ps7-i2c-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 48 4>;
reg = <0xe0005000 0x1000>;
i2c-clk = <400000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
} ;
ps7_can_0: ps7-can@e0008000 {
clock-names = "can_clk", "pclk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 19>, <&clkc 36>, <&clkc 19>, <&clkc 36>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-can-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-can", "xlnx,ps7-can-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 28 4>;
reg = <0xe0008000 0x1000>;
tx-fifo-depth = <0x40>;
rx-fifo-depth = <0x40>;
} ;
ps7_can_1: ps7-can@e0009000 {
clock-names = "can_clk", "pclk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 20>, <&clkc 37>, <&clkc 20>, <&clkc 37>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-can-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-can", "xlnx,ps7-can-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 51 4>;
reg = <0xe0009000 0x1000>;
tx-fifo-depth = <0x40>;
rx-fifo-depth = <0x40>;
} ;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 28>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-usb-2.20a", "chipidea,usb2", "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-usb-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 21 4>;
dr_mode = "host";
phy_type = "ulpi";
} ;
ps7_usb_1: ps7-usb@e0003000 {
clocks = <&clkc 29>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-usb-2.20a", "chipidea,usb2", "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-usb-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0003000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 44 4>;
dr_mode = "host";
phy_type = "ulpi";
} ;
ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 {
clocks = <&clkc 12>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-xadc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 7 4>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
...@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ ...@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
#size-cells = <0>; #size-cells = <0>;
ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 { ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>; bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
clock-latency = <1000>;
clocks = <&clkc 3>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9"; compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>; d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>; d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
...@@ -26,10 +28,16 @@ ...@@ -26,10 +28,16 @@
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>; i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>; i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
cpu0-supply = <&regulator_vccpint>;
reg = <0x0>; reg = <0x0>;
operating-points = <
666667 1000000
333334 1000000
} ; } ;
ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 { ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>; bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
clocks = <&clkc 3>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9"; compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>; d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>; d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
...@@ -47,6 +55,14 @@ ...@@ -47,6 +55,14 @@
reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>; reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1"; reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1";
} ; } ;
regulator_vccpint: fixedregulator@0 {
compatible = "regulator-fixed";
regulator-name = "VCCPINT";
regulator-min-microvolt = <1000000>;
regulator-max-microvolt = <1000000>;
} ;
ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 { ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 {
device_type = "memory"; device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x40000000>; reg = <0x0 0x40000000>;
...@@ -73,17 +89,18 @@ ...@@ -73,17 +89,18 @@
reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>; reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>;
} ; } ;
ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 { ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc"; compatible = "xlnx,zynq-ddrc-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc";
reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>; reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>; xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>;
} ; } ;
ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 { ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3"; clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3";
clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>; clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a"; compatible = "xlnx,zynq-devcfg-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 8 4>; interrupts = <0 8 4>;
reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>; reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ; } ;
ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 { ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 {
#dma-cells = <1>; #dma-cells = <1>;
...@@ -92,24 +109,21 @@ ...@@ -92,24 +109,21 @@
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>; arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk"; clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>; clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a", "arm,primecell", "arm,pl330"; compatible = "arm,pl330", "arm,primecell", "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a";
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3",
"dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3", "dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>; interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>; reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>;
} ; } ;
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 { ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
#address-cells = <1>; #address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>; #size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk"; clock-names = "pclk", "hclk", "tx_clk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>; clocks = <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 30>, <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a"; compatible = "cdns,zynq-gem", "cdns,gem", "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 22 4>; interrupts = <0 22 4>;
local-mac-address = [00 0a 35 00 00 00]; local-mac-address = [ 00 0a 35 00 00 00 ];
phy-handle = <&phy3>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>; reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>;
xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>; xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>;
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>; xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>;
...@@ -129,7 +143,7 @@ ...@@ -129,7 +143,7 @@
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 { ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 {
bus-id = <0>; bus-id = <0>;
clocks = <&clkc 38>; clocks = <&clkc 38>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-i2c-1.00.a"; compatible = "cdns,i2c-r1p10", "xlnx,ps7-i2c-1.00.a";
i2c-clk = <400000>; i2c-clk = <400000>;
input-clk = <111111114>; input-clk = <111111114>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
...@@ -138,7 +152,8 @@ ...@@ -138,7 +152,8 @@
xlnx,has-interrupt = <0x0>; xlnx,has-interrupt = <0x0>;
xlnx,i2c-clk-freq-hz = <0x69f6bcb>; xlnx,i2c-clk-freq-hz = <0x69f6bcb>;
xlnx,i2c-reset = ""; xlnx,i2c-reset = "";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
rtc@68 { rtc@68 {
compatible = "stm,m41t62"; compatible = "stm,m41t62";
reg = <0x68>; reg = <0x68>;
...@@ -224,15 +239,16 @@ ...@@ -224,15 +239,16 @@
}; };
} ; } ;
ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 { ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 {
#gpio-cells = <2>; #gpio-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <2>;
clocks = <&clkc 42>; clocks = <&clkc 42>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a"; compatible = "xlnx,zynq-gpio-1.0", "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a";
emio-gpio-width = <64>; emio-gpio-width = <64>;
gpio-controller ; gpio-controller ;
gpio-mask-high = <0xc0000>; gpio-mask-high = <0x0>;
gpio-mask-low = <0xfe81>; gpio-mask-low = <0x0>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 20 4>; interrupts = <0 20 4>;
reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>; reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>;
...@@ -267,9 +283,16 @@ ...@@ -267,9 +283,16 @@
num_interrupts = <96>; num_interrupts = <96>;
reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>; reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>;
} ; } ;
ps7_globaltimer_0: ps7-globaltimer@f8f00200 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-global-timer", "xlnx,ps7-globaltimer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 11 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00200 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 { ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>; clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer"; compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer", "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 13 0x301>; interrupts = <1 13 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>; reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>;
...@@ -282,11 +305,20 @@ ...@@ -282,11 +305,20 @@
interrupts = <1 14 0x301>; interrupts = <1 14 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>; reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>;
} ; } ;
ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 {
clocks = <&clkc 45>;
compatible = "cdns,wdt-r1p2", "xlnx,zynq-wdt-r1p2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 9 4>;
reg = <0xf8005000 0x1000>;
reset = <0>;
timeout-sec = <10>;
} ;
ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 { ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 {
clock-frequency = <0x7735940>; clock-frequency = <0x7735940>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk"; clock-names = "clk_xin", "clk_ahb", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>; clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>, <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a", "generic-sdhci", "arasan,sdhci"; compatible = "arasan,sdhci-8.9a", "arasan,sdhci", "generic-sdhci", "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 24 4>; interrupts = <0 24 4>;
reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>; reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>;
...@@ -297,32 +329,53 @@ ...@@ -297,32 +329,53 @@
wp-inverted; wp-inverted;
} ; } ;
ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 { ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-slcr","syscon","simple-bus"; #address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-slcr", "syscon", "simple-bus", "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a";
ranges ;
reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>; reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>;
clocks { clkc: clkc@100 {
#address-cells = <1>; #clock-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>; clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll",
clkc: clkc { "cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x", "cpu_2x", "cpu_1x",
#clock-cells = <1>; "ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci",
clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll", "cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x", "lqspi", "smc", "pcap",
"cpu_2x", "cpu_1x", "ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci", "gem0", "gem1",
"lqspi", "smc", "pcap", "gem0", "gem1", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3",
"fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3", "can0", "can0", "can1",
"can1", "sdio0", "sdio1", "uart0", "uart1", "sdio0", "sdio1",
"spi0", "spi1", "dma", "usb0_aper", "usb1_aper", "uart0", "uart1",
"gem0_aper", "gem1_aper", "sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper", "spi0_aper", "spi0", "spi1",
"spi1_aper", "can0_aper", "can1_aper", "i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper", "dma",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper", "gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper", "usb0_aper", "usb1_aper",
"swdt", "dbg_trc", "dbg_apb"; "gem0_aper", "gem1_aper",
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc"; "sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper",
fclk-enable = <0xf>; "spi0_aper", "spi1_aper",
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>; "can0_aper", "can1_aper",
} ; "i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper",
"gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper", "swdt",
"dbg_trc", "dbg_apb";
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc";
fclk-enable = <0xf>;
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>;
reg = <0x100 0x100>;
} ;
rstc: rstc@200 {
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-reset";
reg = <0x200 0x48>;
#reset-cells = <1>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ;
pinctl0: pinctrl@700 {
compatible = "xlnx,pinctrl-zynq";
reg = <0x700 0x200>;
syscon = <&ps7_slcr_0>;
} ; } ;
} ; } ;
ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 { ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>; clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a", "cdns,ttc"; compatible = "cdns,ttc", "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2"; interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>; interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>;
...@@ -366,33 +419,32 @@ ...@@ -366,33 +419,32 @@
} ; } ;
ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 { ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk"; clock-names = "uart_clk", "pclk", "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 23>, <&clkc 40>; clocks = <&clkc 23>, <&clkc 40>, <&clkc 23>, <&clkc 40>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a", "xlnx,xuartps"; compatible = "xlnx,xuartps", "cdns,uart-r1p8", "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a";
current-speed = <115200>;
device_type = "serial"; device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0x0 0x1b 0x4>; interrupts = <0 27 4>;
port-number = <0>;
reg = <0xe0000000 0x1000>; reg = <0xe0000000 0x1000>;
port-number = <1>;
current-speed = <115200>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>; xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ; } ;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 { ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 28>; clocks = <&clkc 28>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a"; compatible = "xlnx,zynq-usb-2.20a", "chipidea,usb2", "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-usb-1.00.a";
dr_mode = "host"; reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 21 4>; interrupts = <0 21 4>;
dr_mode = "host";
phy_type = "ulpi"; phy_type = "ulpi";
reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
xlnx,usb-reset = <0xffffffff>;
} ; } ;
ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 { ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 {
clocks = <&clkc 12>; clocks = <&clkc 12>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a"; compatible = "xlnx,zynq-xadc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>; interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 7 4>; interrupts = <0 7 4>;
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
} ; } ;
} ; } ;
elphel393_pwr: elphel393-pwr@0 { elphel393_pwr: elphel393-pwr@0 {
* Device Tree Generator version: 1.1
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Michal Simek
* (C) Copyright 2007-2012 PetaLogix Qld Pty Ltd
* Michal SIMEK <>
* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.
* Version: Xilinx EDK 14.5 EDK_P.58f
/dts-v1/; /dts-v1/;
/include/ "zynq-base.dtsi"
/include/ "microzed.dtsi" /include/ "microzed.dtsi"
/ {
} ;
/* /*
* Device Tree Generator version: 1.1 * microZed DTS for generic boot.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Michal Simek
* (C) Copyright 2007-2012 PetaLogix Qld Pty Ltd
* Michal SIMEK <>
* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.
* Version: Xilinx EDK 14.5 EDK_P.58f
*/ */
/ { / {
#address-cells = <1>; model = "Avnet microZed";
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-7000";
model = "Xilinx Zynq";
aliases {
ethernet0 = &ps7_ethernet_0;
serial0 = &ps7_uart_1;
spi0 = &ps7_qspi_0;
} ;
chosen { chosen {
bootargs = "cma=128M console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/ram rw ip= earlyprintk ramdisk_size=131072"; bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200 earlyprintk root=/dev/ram rw cma=128M ip= ramdisk_size=131072";
linux,stdout-path = "/amba@0/serial@e0001000"; linux,stdout-path = "/axi@0/serial@e0001000";
} ;
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
pmu {
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-pmu";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 5 4>, <0 6 4>;
reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1";
} ; } ;
ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 { ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 {
device_type = "memory"; device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x40000000>; reg = <0x0 0x40000000>;
} ; } ;
ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 { ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-axi-interconnect-1.00.a", "simple-bus";
ranges ;
ps7_afi_0: ps7-afi@f8008000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8008000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_1: ps7-afi@f8009000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8009000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_2: ps7-afi@f800a000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_3: ps7-afi@f800b000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc";
reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3";
clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 8 4>;
reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 {
#dma-cells = <1>;
#dma-channels = <8>;
#dma-requests = <4>;
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a", "arm,primecell", "arm,pl330";
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3",
"dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 { ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 22 4>;
local-mac-address = [00 0a 35 00 00 00];
phy-handle = <&phy0>; phy-handle = <&phy0>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id"; phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>; phy0: phy@0 {
xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>; compatible = "marvell,88e1512";
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>; device_type = "ethernet-phy";
xlnx,has-mdio = <0x1>; reg = <0>;
xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <111111115>;
mdio {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
phy0: phy@0 {
compatible = "marvell,88e1510";
device_type = "ethernet-phy";
reg = <0>;
marvell,reg-init = <3 16 0xff00 0x1e 3 17 0xfff0 0x0a>;
} ;
} ; } ;
} ; } ;
ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 {
#gpio-cells = <2>;
clocks = <&clkc 42>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a";
emio-gpio-width = <64>;
gpio-controller ;
gpio-mask-high = <0xc0000>;
gpio-mask-low = <0xfe81>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 20 4>;
reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_iop_bus_config_0: ps7-iop-bus-config@e0200000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-iop-bus-config-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0200000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_pl310_0: ps7-pl310@f8f02000 {
arm,data-latency = <3 2 2>;
arm,tag-latency = <2 2 2>;
cache-level = <2>;
cache-unified ;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-pl310-1.00.a", "arm,pl310-cache";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 2 4>;
reg = <0xf8f02000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 { ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 19 4>;
is-dual = <0>;
num-chip-select = <1>;
reg = <0xe000d000 0x1000>;
xlnx,fb-clk = <0x1>;
xlnx,qspi-mode = <0x0>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
flash@0 { flash@0 {
compatible = "n25q128"; compatible = "micron,m25p80", "spansion,s25fl128s", "jedec,spi-nor";
reg = <0x0>; reg = <0x0>;
spi-max-frequency = <50000000>; spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
#address-cells = <1>; #address-cells = <1>;
...@@ -204,123 +50,27 @@ ...@@ -204,123 +50,27 @@
reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>; reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>;
}; };
}; };
} ;
ps7_qspi_linear_0: ps7-qspi-linear@fc000000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-linear-1.00.a";
reg = <0xfc000000 0x1000000>;
} ;
ps7_ram_0: ps7-ram@0 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ram-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ocm";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 3 4>;
reg = <0xfffc0000 0x40000>;
} ;
ps7_scugic_0: ps7-scugic@f8f01000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scugic-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-gic", "arm,gic";
interrupt-controller ;
num_cpus = <2>;
num_interrupts = <96>;
reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 13 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>;
} ;
ps7_scuwdt_0: ps7-scuwdt@f8f00620 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scuwdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 14 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>;
} ;
ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 {
clock-frequency = <0x7735940>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a", "generic-sdhci", "arasan,sdhci";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 24 4>;
reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-cd = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-power = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-wp = <0x1>;
xlnx,sdio-clk-freq-hz = <0x3f93e10>;
} ;
ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-slcr", "syscon", "simple-bus";
reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>;
clocks {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clkc: clkc {
#clock-cells = <1>;
clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll", "cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x",
"cpu_2x", "cpu_1x", "ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci",
"lqspi", "smc", "pcap", "gem0", "gem1",
"fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3", "can0",
"can1", "sdio0", "sdio1", "uart0", "uart1",
"spi0", "spi1", "dma", "usb0_aper", "usb1_aper",
"gem0_aper", "gem1_aper", "sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper", "spi0_aper",
"spi1_aper", "can0_aper", "can1_aper", "i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper", "gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper",
"swdt", "dbg_trc", "dbg_apb";
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc";
fclk-enable = <0xf>;
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a", "cdns,ttc";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>;
reg = <0xf8001000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_uart_1: serial@e0001000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 24>, <&clkc 41>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a", "xlnx,xuartps";
current-speed = <115200>;
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 50 4>;
port-number = <0>;
reg = <0xe0001000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ; } ;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 { ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 28>; xlnx,phy-reset-gpio = <&ps7_gpio_0 7 0>; /* MIO USB PHY Reset */
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a"; usb-phy = <&usb0_phy>;
dr_mode = "host";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 21 4>;
phy_type = "ulpi";
reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
xlnx,usb-reset = <0xffffffff>;
} ;
ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 {
clocks = <&clkc 12>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 7 4>;
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
} ; } ;
/* Disabled Devices */
ps7_sd_1: ps7-sdio@e0101000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_ethernet_1: ps7-ethernet@e000c000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_0: ps7-can@e0008000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_1: ps7-can@e0009000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_usb_1: ps7-usb@e0003000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
} ;
usb0_phy: usb-phy {
#phy-cells = <0>;
compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv";
reset-gpios = <&ps7_gpio_0 7 1>; /* MIO 7, GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW */
} ; } ;
elphel393_mem: elphel393-mem@0 {
compatible = "elphel,elphel393-mem-1.00";
memsize = <25600>;
} ;
} ; } ;
* Device Tree Generator version: 1.1
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Michal Simek
* (C) Copyright 2007-2012 PetaLogix Qld Pty Ltd
* Michal SIMEK <>
* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.
* Version: Xilinx EDK 14.5 EDK_P.58f
/dts-v1/; /dts-v1/;
/include/ "zynq-base.dtsi"
/include/ "zynq-zc706.dtsi"
/ { / {
#address-cells = <1>; } ;
#size-cells = <1>; \ No newline at end of file
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-7000";
model = "Xilinx Zynq";
aliases {
ethernet0 = &ps7_ethernet_0;
i2c0 = &ps7_i2c_0;
serial0 = &ps7_uart_1;
spi0 = &ps7_qspi_0;
} ;
chosen {
bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/ram rw earlyprintk ramdisk_size=131072";
linux,stdout-path = "/amba@0/serial@e0001000";
} ;
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
pmu {
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-pmu";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 5 4>, <0 6 4>;
reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1";
} ;
ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x40000000>;
} ;
ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-axi-interconnect-1.00.a", "simple-bus";
ranges ;
ps7_afi_0: ps7-afi@f8008000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8008000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_1: ps7-afi@f8009000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8009000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_2: ps7-afi@f800a000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_3: ps7-afi@f800b000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc";
reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3";
clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 8 4>;
reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 {
#dma-cells = <1>;
#dma-channels = <8>;
#dma-requests = <4>;
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a", "arm,primecell", "arm,pl330";
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3",
"dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 22 4>;
local-mac-address = [00 0a 35 00 00 00];
phy-handle = <&phy0>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>;
xlnx,enet-reset = "MIO 47";
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-mdio = <0x1>;
xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <111111115>;
mdio {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
phy0: phy@7 {
compatible = "marvell,88e1116r";
device_type = "ethernet-phy";
reg = <7>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 {
#gpio-cells = <2>;
clocks = <&clkc 42>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a";
emio-gpio-width = <64>;
gpio-controller ;
gpio-mask-high = <0x0>;
gpio-mask-low = <0x0>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 20 4>;
reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 {
bus-id = <0>;
clocks = <&clkc 38>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-i2c-1.00.a";
i2c-clk = <400000>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 25 4>;
reg = <0xe0004000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-interrupt = <0x0>;
xlnx,i2c-reset = "MIO 46";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
i2cswitch@74 {
compatible = "nxp,pca9548";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <0x74>;
i2c@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <0>;
osc@5d {
compatible = "si570";
reg = <0x5d>;
factory-fout = <156250000>;
initial-fout = <148500000>;
i2c@2 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <2>;
eeprom@54 {
compatible = "at,24c08";
reg = <0x54>;
i2c@3 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <3>;
gpio@21 {
compatible = "ti,tca6416";
reg = <0x21>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
i2c@4 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <4>;
rtc@51 {
compatible = "nxp,pcf8563";
reg = <0x51>;
i2c@7 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <7>;
ucd90120@65 {
compatible = "pmbus,ucd90120";
reg = <0x65>;
} ;
ps7_iop_bus_config_0: ps7-iop-bus-config@e0200000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-iop-bus-config-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0200000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_pl310_0: ps7-pl310@f8f02000 {
arm,data-latency = <3 2 2>;
arm,tag-latency = <2 2 2>;
cache-level = <2>;
cache-unified ;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-pl310-1.00.a", "arm,pl310-cache";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 2 4>;
reg = <0xf8f02000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 19 4>;
is-dual = <1>;
num-chip-select = <1>;
reg = <0xe000d000 0x1000>;
xlnx,fb-clk = <0x1>;
xlnx,qspi-mode = <0x2>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
flash@0 {
compatible = "n25q128";
reg = <0x0>;
spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
partition@qspi-fsbl-uboot {
label = "qspi-fsbl-uboot";
reg = <0x0 0x100000>;
partition@qspi-linux {
label = "qspi-linux";
reg = <0x100000 0x500000>;
partition@qspi-device-tree {
label = "qspi-device-tree";
reg = <0x600000 0x20000>;
partition@qspi-rootfs {
label = "qspi-rootfs";
reg = <0x620000 0x5E0000>;
partition@qspi-bitstream {
label = "qspi-bitstream";
reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>;
} ;
ps7_qspi_linear_0: ps7-qspi-linear@fc000000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-linear-1.00.a";
reg = <0xfc000000 0x2000000>;
} ;
ps7_ram_0: ps7-ram@0 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ram-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ocm";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 3 4>;
reg = <0xfffc0000 0x40000>;
} ;
ps7_scugic_0: ps7-scugic@f8f01000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scugic-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-gic", "arm,gic";
interrupt-controller ;
num_cpus = <2>;
num_interrupts = <96>;
reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 13 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>;
} ;
ps7_scuwdt_0: ps7-scuwdt@f8f00620 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scuwdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 14 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>;
} ;
ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 {
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a", "generic-sdhci", "arasan,sdhci";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 24 4>;
reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-cd = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-power = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-wp = <0x1>;
} ;
ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-slcr", "syscon", "somple-bus";
reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>;
clocks {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clkc: clkc {
#clock-cells = <1>;
clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll", "cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x",
"cpu_2x", "cpu_1x", "ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci",
"lqspi", "smc", "pcap", "gem0", "gem1",
"fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3", "can0",
"can1", "sdio0", "sdio1", "uart0", "uart1",
"spi0", "spi1", "dma", "usb0_aper", "usb1_aper",
"gem0_aper", "gem1_aper", "sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper", "spi0_aper",
"spi1_aper", "can0_aper", "can1_aper", "i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper", "gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper",
"swdt", "dbg_trc", "dbg_apb";
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc";
fclk-enable = <0xf>;
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a", "cdns,ttc";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>;
reg = <0xf8001000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ttc_1: ps7-ttc@f8002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a", "cdns,ttc";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 37 4>, <0 38 4>, <0 39 4>;
reg = <0xf8002000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_uart_1: serial@e0001000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 24>, <&clkc 41>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a", "xlnx,xuartps";
current-speed = <115200>;
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 50 4>;
port-number = <0>;
reg = <0xe0001000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 28>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a";
dr_mode = "host";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 21 4>;
phy_type = "ulpi";
reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
usb-reset = <&ps7_gpio_0 7 0>;
} ;
ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 {
clocks = <&clkc 45>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-wdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 9 1>;
reg = <0xf8005000 0x1000>;
reset = <0>;
timeout = <10>;
} ;
ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 {
clocks = <&clkc 12>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 7 4>;
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
* ZC706 DTS file header for generic boot.
/ {
model = "Xilinx ZC706";
chosen {
bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200 earlyprintk root=/dev/ram rw cma=128M ip= ramdisk_size=131072";
linux,stdout-path = "/amba@0/serial@e0001000";
} ;
ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 {
device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x40000000>;
} ;
ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
phy-handle = <&phy0>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
phy0: phy@7 {
compatible = "marvell,88e1116r";
device_type = "ethernet-phy";
reg = <7>;
} ;
} ;
ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 {
is-dual = <1>;
xlnx,qspi-mode = <0x2>;
flash@0 {
compatible = "micron,m25p80", "spansion,s25fl128s", "jedec,spi-nor";
reg = <0x0>;
spi-tx-bus-width = <1>;
spi-rx-bus-width = <4>;
spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
partition@qspi-fsbl-uboot {
label = "qspi-fsbl-uboot";
reg = <0x0 0x100000>;
partition@qspi-linux {
label = "qspi-linux";
reg = <0x100000 0x500000>;
partition@qspi-device-tree {
label = "qspi-device-tree";
reg = <0x600000 0x20000>;
partition@qspi-rootfs {
label = "qspi-rootfs";
reg = <0x620000 0x5E0000>;
partition@qspi-bitstream {
label = "qspi-bitstream";
reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>;
} ;
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 {
/* I2C Switch */
i2cswitch@74 {
compatible = "nxp,pca9548";
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <0x74>;
i2c@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <0>;
osc@5d {
#clock-cells = <0>;
compatible = "silabs,si570";
temperature-stability = <50>;
reg = <0x5d>;
factory-fout = <156250000>;
initial-fout = <148500000>;
i2c@2 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <2>;
eeprom@54 {
compatible = "at,24c08";
reg = <0x54>;
i2c@3 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <3>;
gpio@21 {
compatible = "ti,tca6416";
reg = <0x21>;
#gpio-cells = <2>;
i2c@4 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <4>;
rtc@51 {
compatible = "nxp,pcf8563";
reg = <0x51>;
i2c@7 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
reg = <7>;
ucd90120@65 {
compatible = "pmbus,ucd90120";
reg = <0x65>;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
xlnx,phy-reset-gpio = <&ps7_gpio_0 7 0>; /* MIO USB PHY Reset */
usb-phy = <&usb0_phy>;
} ;
/* Disabled Devices */
ps7_sd_1: ps7-sdio@e0101000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_ethernet_1: ps7-ethernet@e000c000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_0: ps7-can@e0008000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_1: ps7-can@e0009000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_usb_1: ps7-usb@e0003000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
} ;
usb0_phy: usb-phy {
#phy-cells = <0>;
compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv";
reset-gpios = <&ps7_gpio_0 7 1>; /* MIO 7, GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW */
} ;
} ;
* Device Tree Generator version: 1.1
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Michal Simek
* (C) Copyright 2007-2012 PetaLogix Qld Pty Ltd
* Michal SIMEK <>
* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.
* Version: Xilinx EDK 14.5 EDK_P.58f
/dts-v1/; /dts-v1/;
/include/ "zynq-zed.dts" /include/ "zynq-base.dtsi"
\ No newline at end of file /include/ "zynq-zed.dtsi"
/ {
} ;
\ No newline at end of file
/* /*
* Device Tree Generator version: 1.1 * ZedBoard DTS file header for generic boot.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Xilinx, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2007-2013 Michal Simek
* (C) Copyright 2007-2012 PetaLogix Qld Pty Ltd
* Michal SIMEK <>
* CAUTION: This file is automatically generated by libgen.
* Version: Xilinx EDK 14.5 EDK_P.58f
*/ */
/ { / {
#address-cells = <1>; model = "ZedBoard";
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,zynq-7000";
model = "Xilinx Zynq";
aliases {
ethernet0 = &ps7_ethernet_0;
serial0 = &ps7_uart_1;
spi0 = &ps7_qspi_0;
} ;
chosen { chosen {
bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200 root=/dev/ram rw earlyprintk ramdisk_size=131072"; bootargs = "console=ttyPS0,115200 earlyprintk root=/dev/ram rw cma=128M ip= ramdisk_size=131072";
linux,stdout-path = "/amba@0/serial@e0001000"; linux,stdout-path = "/axi@0/serial@e0001000";
} ;
cpus {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
ps7_cortexa9_0: cpu@0 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_cortexa9_1: cpu@1 {
bus-handle = <&ps7_axi_interconnect_0>;
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9";
d-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
d-cache-size = <0x8000>;
device_type = "cpu";
i-cache-line-size = <0x20>;
i-cache-size = <0x8000>;
interrupt-handle = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
reg = <0x1>;
} ;
} ;
pmu {
compatible = "arm,cortex-a9-pmu";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 5 4>, <0 6 4>;
reg = <0xf8891000 0x1000>, <0xf8893000 0x1000>;
reg-names = "cpu0", "cpu1";
} ; } ;
ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 { ps7_ddr_0: memory@0 {
device_type = "memory"; device_type = "memory";
reg = <0x0 0x20000000>; reg = <0x0 0x20000000>;
} ; } ;
ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 { ps7_axi_interconnect_0: amba@0 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-axi-interconnect-1.00.a", "simple-bus";
ranges ;
ps7_afi_0: ps7-afi@f8008000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8008000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_1: ps7-afi@f8009000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf8009000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_2: ps7-afi@f800a000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_afi_3: ps7-afi@f800b000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-afi-1.00.a";
reg = <0xf800b000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ddrc_0: ps7-ddrc@f8006000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ddrc-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ddrc";
reg = <0xf8006000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-ecc = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_dev_cfg_0: ps7-dev-cfg@f8007000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3";
clocks = <&clkc 12>, <&clkc 15>, <&clkc 16>, <&clkc 17>, <&clkc 18>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dev-cfg-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 8 4>;
reg = <0xf8007000 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_dma_s: ps7-dma@f8003000 {
#dma-cells = <1>;
#dma-channels = <8>;
#dma-requests = <4>;
arm,primecell-periphid = <0x41330>;
clock-names = "apb_pclk";
clocks = <&clkc 27>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-dma-1.00.a", "arm,primecell", "arm,pl330";
interrupt-names = "abort", "dma0", "dma1", "dma2", "dma3",
"dma4", "dma5", "dma6", "dma7";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 13 4>, <0 14 4>, <0 15 4>, <0 16 4>, <0 17 4>, <0 40 4>, <0 41 4>, <0 42 4>, <0 43 4>;
reg = <0xf8003000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 { ps7_ethernet_0: ps7-ethernet@e000b000 {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 13>, <&clkc 30>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ethernet-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 22 4>;
local-mac-address = [00 0a 35 00 00 00];
phy-handle = <&phy0>; phy-handle = <&phy0>;
phy-mode = "rgmii-id"; phy-mode = "rgmii-id";
reg = <0xe000b000 0x1000>; phy0: phy@0 {
xlnx,enet-reset = <0xffffffff>; compatible = "marvell,88e1518", "marvell,88e1510";
xlnx,eth-mode = <0x1>; device_type = "ethernet-phy";
xlnx,has-mdio = <0x1>; reg = <0>;
xlnx,ptp-enet-clock = <111111115>; marvell,reg-init = <3 16 0xff00 0x1e 3 17 0xfff0 0x0a>;
mdio {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
phy0: phy@7 {
compatible = "marvell,88e1510";
device_type = "ethernet-phy";
reg = <7>;
} ;
} ; } ;
} ; } ;
ps7_gpio_0: ps7-gpio@e000a000 { ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
#gpio-cells = <2>; xlnx,phy-reset-gpio = <&ps7_gpio_0 85 0>;
clocks = <&clkc 42>; usb-phy = <&usb0_phy>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-gpio-1.00.a";
emio-gpio-width = <64>;
gpio-controller ;
gpio-mask-high = <0xc0000>;
gpio-mask-low = <0xfe81>;
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 20 4>;
reg = <0xe000a000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_iop_bus_config_0: ps7-iop-bus-config@e0200000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-iop-bus-config-1.00.a";
reg = <0xe0200000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_pl310_0: ps7-pl310@f8f02000 {
arm,data-latency = <3 2 2>;
arm,tag-latency = <2 2 2>;
cache-level = <2>;
cache-unified ;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-pl310-1.00.a", "arm,pl310-cache";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 2 4>;
reg = <0xf8f02000 0x1000>;
} ; } ;
ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 { ps7_qspi_0: ps7-qspi@e000d000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 19 4>;
is-dual = <0>;
num-chip-select = <1>;
reg = <0xe000d000 0x1000>;
xlnx,fb-clk = <0x1>;
xlnx,qspi-mode = <0x0>;
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
flash@0 { flash@0 {
compatible = "n25q128"; compatible = "spansion,s25fl256s0", "jedec,spi-nor";
reg = <0x0>; reg = <0x0>;
spi-tx-bus-width = <1>;
spi-rx-bus-width = <4>;
spi-max-frequency = <50000000>; spi-max-frequency = <50000000>;
#address-cells = <1>; #address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <1>; #size-cells = <1>;
...@@ -203,116 +57,23 @@ ...@@ -203,116 +57,23 @@
reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>; reg = <0xC00000 0x400000>;
}; };
}; };
} ;
ps7_qspi_linear_0: ps7-qspi-linear@fc000000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 10>, <&clkc 43>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-qspi-linear-1.00.a";
reg = <0xfc000000 0x1000000>;
} ;
ps7_ram_0: ps7-ram@0 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ram-1.00.a", "xlnx,ps7-ocm";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 3 4>;
reg = <0xfffc0000 0x40000>;
} ;
ps7_scugic_0: ps7-scugic@f8f01000 {
#address-cells = <2>;
#interrupt-cells = <3>;
#size-cells = <1>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scugic-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-gic", "arm,gic";
interrupt-controller ;
num_cpus = <2>;
num_interrupts = <96>;
reg = <0xf8f01000 0x1000>, <0xf8f00100 0x100>;
} ;
ps7_scutimer_0: ps7-scutimer@f8f00600 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scutimer-1.00.a", "arm,cortex-a9-twd-timer";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 13 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00600 0x20>;
} ;
ps7_scuwdt_0: ps7-scuwdt@f8f00620 {
clocks = <&clkc 4>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-scuwdt-1.00.a";
device_type = "watchdog";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <1 14 0x301>;
reg = <0xf8f00620 0xe0>;
} ;
ps7_sd_0: ps7-sdio@e0100000 {
clock-frequency = <50000000>;
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 21>, <&clkc 32>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-sdio-1.00.a", "generic-sdhci", "arasan,sdhci";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 24 4>;
reg = <0xe0100000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-cd = <0x1>;
xlnx,has-power = <0x0>;
xlnx,has-wp = <0x1>;
} ;
ps7_slcr_0: ps7-slcr@f8000000 {
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-slcr-1.00.a", "xlnx,zynq-slcr", "syscon", "simple-bus";
reg = <0xf8000000 0x1000>;
clocks {
#address-cells = <1>;
#size-cells = <0>;
clkc: clkc {
#clock-cells = <1>;
clock-output-names = "armpll", "ddrpll", "iopll", "cpu_6or4x", "cpu_3or2x",
"cpu_2x", "cpu_1x", "ddr2x", "ddr3x", "dci",
"lqspi", "smc", "pcap", "gem0", "gem1",
"fclk0", "fclk1", "fclk2", "fclk3", "can0",
"can1", "sdio0", "sdio1", "uart0", "uart1",
"spi0", "spi1", "dma", "usb0_aper", "usb1_aper",
"gem0_aper", "gem1_aper", "sdio0_aper", "sdio1_aper", "spi0_aper",
"spi1_aper", "can0_aper", "can1_aper", "i2c0_aper", "i2c1_aper",
"uart0_aper", "uart1_aper", "gpio_aper", "lqspi_aper", "smc_aper",
"swdt", "dbg_trc", "dbg_apb";
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-clkc";
fclk-enable = <0xf>;
ps-clk-frequency = <33333333>;
} ;
} ;
} ;
ps7_ttc_0: ps7-ttc@f8001000 {
clocks = <&clkc 6>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-ttc-1.00.a", "cdns,ttc";
interrupt-names = "ttc0", "ttc1", "ttc2";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 10 4>, <0 11 4>, <0 12 4>;
reg = <0xf8001000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_uart_1: serial@e0001000 {
clock-names = "ref_clk", "aper_clk";
clocks = <&clkc 24>, <&clkc 41>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-uart-1.00.a", "xlnx,xuartps";
current-speed = <115200>;
device_type = "serial";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 50 4>;
port-number = <0>;
reg = <0xe0001000 0x1000>;
xlnx,has-modem = <0x0>;
} ;
ps7_usb_0: ps7-usb@e0002000 {
clocks = <&clkc 28>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-usb-1.00.a";
dr_mode = "host";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 21 4>;
phy_type = "ulpi";
reg = <0xe0002000 0x1000>;
} ;
ps7_xadc: ps7-xadc@f8007100 {
clocks = <&clkc 12>;
compatible = "xlnx,ps7-xadc-1.00.a";
interrupt-parent = <&ps7_scugic_0>;
interrupts = <0 7 4>;
reg = <0xf8007100 0x20>;
} ; } ;
/* Disabled Devices */
ps7_sd_1: ps7-sdio@e0101000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_uart_0: serial@e0000000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_ethernet_1: ps7-ethernet@e000c000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_i2c_0: ps7-i2c@e0004000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_i2c_1: ps7-i2c@e0005000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_wdt_0: ps7-wdt@f8005000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_0: ps7-can@e0008000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_can_1: ps7-can@e0009000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
ps7_usb_1: ps7-usb@e0003000 { compatible = "invalid"; };
} ;
usb0_phy: usb-phy {
#phy-cells = <0>;
compatible = "usb-nop-xceiv";
reset-gpios = <&ps7_gpio_0 85 1>; /* MIO 85, GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW */
} ; } ;
} ; } ;
...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_microzed_config" ...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_microzed_config"
SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0" SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0"
MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "microzed/microzed.dtsi microzed/microzed.dts" MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "common/zynq-base.dtsi microzed/microzed.dtsi microzed/microzed.dts"
#Copy of zedboard's defconfig #Copy of zedboard's defconfig
...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ require include/ ...@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ require include/
require include/ require include/
# Corresponding from linux-xlnx and ezynq-u-boot # Corresponding from linux-xlnx and ezynq-u-boot
PREFERRED_VERSION_ezynq-u-boot = "v2013.01%" PREFERRED_VERSION_ezynq-u-boot = "v2016.01%"
PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-xlnx = "4.%" PREFERRED_VERSION_linux-xlnx = "4.%"
# ZC706 machine definition known by ezynq and xilinx u-boot # ZC706 machine definition known by ezynq and xilinx u-boot
...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_zc706_config" ...@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_zc706_config"
SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0" SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0"
MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "zc706/zynq_zc706.dts" MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "common/zynq-base.dtsi zc706/zynq-zc706.dtsi zc706/zynq-zc706.dts"
#Copy of zedboard's defconfig #Copy of zedboard's defconfig
MACHINE_KCONFIG := "common/microzed_defconfig_${LINUX_VERSION}.cfg" MACHINE_KCONFIG := "common/microzed_defconfig_${LINUX_VERSION}.cfg"
\ No newline at end of file
...@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_zed_config" ...@@ -15,6 +15,6 @@ UBOOT_MACHINE = "zynq_zed_config"
SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0" SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyPS0"
MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "zedboard/zynq-zed.dts zedboard/zynq-zed.dtsi" MACHINE_DEVICETREE := "common/zynq-base.dtsi zedboard/zynq-zed.dts zedboard/zynq-zed.dtsi"
MACHINE_KCONFIG := "common/microzed_defconfig_${LINUX_VERSION}.cfg" MACHINE_KCONFIG := "common/microzed_defconfig_${LINUX_VERSION}.cfg"
ln -sf ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${DTS_NAME}.dtb ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/devicetree.dtb
\ No newline at end of file
kconf hardware elphel393.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
kconf hardware microzed.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
kconf hardware microzed.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
kconf hardware microzed.cfg
\ No newline at end of file
FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := "${THISDIR}/linux-xlnx:" FILESEXTRAPATHS_append := "${THISDIR}/linux-xlnx:"
FILESEXTRAPATHS_prepend := "${THISDIR}/config:"
SRC_URI_append += " file://xilinx_nandps_elphel393.patch" SRC_URI_append += " file://xilinx_nandps_elphel393.patch"
SRC_URI_append += " file://xilinx_emacps.c.patch" SRC_URI_append += " file://xilinx_emacps.c.patch"
SRC_URI_append += " file://si5338_vsc330x.patch" SRC_URI_append += " file://si5338_vsc330x.patch"
SRC_URI_append += " file://drivers-elphel.patch" SRC_URI_append += " file://drivers-elphel.patch"
SRC_URI_append += " file://${MACHINE}.scc"
KERNEL_FEATURES_append = " ${MACHINE}.scc"
linux-elphel_label= "git://" linux-elphel_label= "git://"
linux-elphel_branch= "master" linux-elphel_branch= "master"
linux-elphel_gitdir= "${WORKDIR}/linux-elphel" linux-elphel_gitdir= "${WORKDIR}/linux-elphel"
...@@ -14,7 +18,6 @@ linux-elphel_srcrev= "" ...@@ -14,7 +18,6 @@ linux-elphel_srcrev= ""
#linux-elphel_srcrev= "0ca36687a400fd9a5c4510295ae5be88aac77fa4" #linux-elphel_srcrev= "0ca36687a400fd9a5c4510295ae5be88aac77fa4"
# #
DEV_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/../linux-elphel" DEV_DIR ?= "${TOPDIR}/../linux-elphel"
# set output for Eclipse project setup parser: # set output for Eclipse project setup parser:
EXTRA_OEMAKE += "-s -w -j1 -B KCFLAGS='-v'" EXTRA_OEMAKE += "-s -w -j1 -B KCFLAGS='-v'"
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