Commit 31d10084 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

added target_scp task to the device tree and kernel

parent d2bca4cf
......@@ -74,3 +74,18 @@ do_install() {
REMOTE_USER ??= "root"
IDENTITY_FILE ??= "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
REMOTE_IP ??= ""
REMOTE_PATH ??= "/mnt/mmc"
do_target_scp () {
# mmc device tree only
echo "scp -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${MACHINE}_mmc.dtb ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP}:${REMOTE_PATH}/devicetree.dtb"
scp -i ${IDENTITY_FILE} -p ${DEPLOY_DIR_IMAGE}/${MACHINE}_mmc.dtb ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_IP}:${REMOTE_PATH}/devicetree.dtb
addtask do_target_scp after do_deploy
do_target_scp[doc] = "scp copied device tree to REMOTE_PATH on the target. REMOTE_USER and REMOTE_IP should be defined (ssh-copy-id -i TARGET_USER@TARGET_IP should be issued once)"
......@@ -168,3 +168,19 @@ sysroot_stage_all_append() {
## And you'd then use -I=/usr/myheaders/include to reference the sysroot
## copy of those headers.
REMOTE_USER ??= "root"
IDENTITY_FILE ??= "~/.ssh/id_rsa"
REMOTE_IP ??= ""
REMOTE_PATH ??= "/mnt/mmc"
do_target_scp () {
addtask do_target_scp after do_deploy
do_target_scp[doc] = "scp copied the kernel to REMOTE_PATH on the target. REMOTE_USER and REMOTE_IP should be defined (ssh-copy-id -i TARGET_USER@TARGET_IP should be issued once)"
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