/** @file sensor_common.h


//extern struct sensor_t sensor; // current sensor (will be copied to by sensor driver), made external for the cc353.c to read/write i2c
extern struct sensorproc_t * asensorproc;
//extern struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc;

/// IRQ-safe "nice" FPGA table write and histogram read functions - they split the data in chunks of fixed size,
/// disable IRQ, transfer a chunk, then reenable interrupt before proceedg to the next chunk
#define FPGA_TABLE_CHUNK 64 // up to 64 words to send to the table/from histogram on a single IRQ-off transfer
//void fpga_table_write_nice (int addr, int len, unsigned long * data);
//void fpga_hist_read_nice (int addr, int len, unsigned long * data);
  #include "mt9x001.h"
#define SEQ_CMD_STOP  0 ///< Sequencer command stop
#define SEQ_CMD_RUN   1 ///< Sequencer command run
#define SEQ_CMD_RESET 2 ///< Sequencer command reset

//#include "multisensor.h"
//int  camSeqGetJPEG_wp(void);
//int  camSeqGetJPEG_rp(void);
//void camSeqSetJPEG_rp(int p);
u32 get_compressor_frame(unsigned int chn);
int getHardFrameNumber(int sensor_port, int use_compressor);

// Byte I/O
int camseq_get_jpeg_wp(unsigned int chn);
int camseq_get_jpeg_rp(unsigned int chn);
void camseq_set_jpeg_rp(unsigned int chn, int ptr);

int camSeqGetJPEG_frame(unsigned int chn);

// DWORD I/O, same as in NC353, but was an error later
int camSeqGetJPEG_wp (unsigned int chn);
int camSeqGetJPEG_rp (unsigned int chn);
void camSeqSetJPEG_rp(unsigned int chn, int ptr);

///CIRCBUF macros
extern unsigned long  * ccam_dma_buf_ptr[SENSOR_PORTS];

//int init_FPGA(void); /// can be initialized only after FPGA is configured, not at module init (NOTE was static??)
///can be verified with if (!X313_IS_SDRAM_ON)
int init_compressor_dma(int chn_mask, int reset);
void reset_compressor(unsigned int chn);
void compressor_interrupts (int on, int chn);
void sensor_interrupts     (int on, int chn);
void trigger_restart       (void);

int sequencer_stop_run_reset(int chn, int cmd);
struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * copy);

///NOTE: If profiling is enabled (TASKLET_CTL_ENPROF is set in G_TASKLET_CTL) - save current time in 2 of the 32-bit locations that can be read as pastpars (i.e. from PHP)
	#define PROFILE_NOW(x) if (get_globalParam(G_TASKLET_CTL) & (1 << TASKLET_CTL_ENPROF)) \
							   X313_GET_FPGA_TIME((pastpars[getThisFrameNumber() & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK].past_pars[(PP_PROFILE_START + 0) + ((x)<<1)]),\
												  (pastpars[getThisFrameNumber() & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK].past_pars[(PP_PROFILE_START + 1) + ((x)<<1)]))
	///Put this to the next frame's data (before thisFrameNumber was incremented)
	#define PROFILE_NEXT(x) if (get_globalParam(G_TASKLET_CTL) & (1 << TASKLET_CTL_ENPROF)) \
							   X313_GET_FPGA_TIME((pastpars[(getThisFrameNumber()+1) & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK].past_pars[(PP_PROFILE_START + 0) + ((x)<<1)]),\
												  (pastpars[(getThisFrameNumber()+1) & PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK].past_pars[(PP_PROFILE_START + 1) + ((x)<<1)]))
	#define PROFILE_NOW(x) {}
	#define PROFILE_NEXT(x) {}

int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev);

// indicate that this channel need attention; set in interrupt handler, reset in bottom half
#define SENS_FLAG_IRQ             0x01
// got 0x20 more than start of the new image
#define OFFSET_X40      0x40

/* debug code follows */
long long get_zero_counter(unsigned int chn);
long long get_corrected_offset(unsigned int chn);
long long get_frame_counter(unsigned int chn);
long long get_frame_pos(unsigned int chn, unsigned int pos);
/* end of debug code */

#define LEGACY_READ_PAGE2 0xff
#define LEGACY_READ_PAGE4 0xfe
#define  name_10359  "el10359" // Get name from DT (together with port mask)
#define  name_sensor "mt9p006" // Get name from DT (together with port mask)
#define I2C359_INC                    2   ///< slave address increment between sensors in 10359A board (broadcast, 1,2,3) (7 bits SA)

/** Perform I2C write (8  bits address, 16 bits data in "legacy" mode,
 * pages matching slave address should be registered.
 * TODO: Add registering single sensors as in multi10359. Registering twice is OK.
 * Slave address is now 7-bit,old was 8-bit, change (10359 already done)
 * @param port - sensor port
 * @param frame Frame number to apply, <0 - ASAP
 * @param sa7 I2C slave address, 7 bit
 * @param reg sensor register address (8-bit)
 * @param data value to set (16 bits) */
#define X3X3_I2C_SEND2(port,frame,sa7,reg,data) write_xi2c_reg16_abs_asap((port),(sa7),(frame),(reg),(data))

/** Perform I2C write in immediate mode (8  bits address, 16 bits data in "legacy" mode,
 * pages matching slave address should be registered.
 * Slave address is now 7-bit,old was 8-bit, change (10359 already done)
 * @param port - sensor port
 * @param sa7 I2C slave address, 7 bit
 * @param reg sensor register address (8-bit)
 * @param data value to set (16 bits) */
#define X3X3_I2C_SEND2_ASAP(port,sa7,reg,data) write_xi2c_reg16((port),(sa7),(reg),(data))

/** Perform I2C read (8  bits address, 16 bits data in "legacy" mode (sensors and 10359),
 * page LEGACY_READ_PAGE2 (==0xff) should be registered - legacy_i2c.
 * Slave address is now 7-bit,old was 8-bit, change (10359 already done)
 * @param port - sensor port
 * @param sa7 I2C slave address, 7 bit
 * @param reg sensor register address (8-bit)
 * @param datap pointer to receive data
 * @return  0 on success, < 0 - error (ETIMEDOUT) */
#define X3X3_I2C_RCV2(port,sa7,reg,datap) legacy_read_i2c_reg((port),(LEGACY_READ_PAGE2),(sa7),(reg),2, (int*)(datap))

/** Perform I2C read (8  bits address, 32 bits data in "legacy" mode (10359 in 32-bit mode),
 * page LEGACY_READ_PAGE2 (==0xff) should be registered - legacy_i2c.
 * Slave address is now 7-bit,old was 8-bit, change (10359 already done)
 * @param port - sensor port
 * @param sa7 I2C slave address, 7 bit
 * @param reg sensor register address (8-bit)
 * @param datap pointer to receive data
 * @return  0 on success, < 0 - error (ETIMEDOUT) */
#define X3X3_I2C_RCV4(port,sa7,reg,datap) legacy_read_i2c_reg((port),(LEGACY_READ_PAGE4),(sa7),(reg),4,(int*)(datap))

int legacy_i2c  (int ports);
void udelay1000(int ms);
