Commit fd58a7d1 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: update jpeg_wr from IRQ

parent f632965f
......@@ -139,17 +139,6 @@ wait_queue_head_t circbuf_wait_queue;
#define CIRCBUF_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) Model 353 video buffer device driver"
static struct file_operations circbuf_fops = {
llseek: circbuf_all_lseek,
read: circbuf_all_read,
write: circbuf_all_write,
//ioctl: circbuf_all_ioctl,
open: circbuf_all_open,
mmap: circbuf_all_mmap,
poll: circbuf_all_poll,
release: circbuf_all_release
// Read/write to circular buffer. Needed to find out what Axis DMA is doing
// also - jpeg header
......@@ -514,38 +503,20 @@ MD12(int dbg_i);
* @return number of bytes read form \e buf
ssize_t circbuf_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) {
void __iomem *mmio;
x393_afimux_status_t val;
int port;
unsigned long p;
char *char_pb = (char *)ccam_dma_buf;
struct circbuf_pd *priv = file->private_data;
// convert char to number
port = buf[0] - 0x30;
/*mmio = ioremap(0x40002060, 16);
if (!mmio) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ERROR: can not ioremap region");
return count;
if (init_mmio_ptr() < 0) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "ERROR: can not remap IO region\n");
/* debug code follows*/
switch (buf[0] - 0x30) {
case 0:
case 1:
if (port >= 0 && port < 4) {
val = x393_afimux0_status(port);
//val.d32 = readl((void*) (0x40002060 + 0x4 * port));
//val.d32 = ioread32(mmio + 0x4 * port);
} else {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "Unrecognized port number\n");
printk(KERN_DEBUG "AFI MUX0 port: %d, AFI MUX0 offset: 0x%x, AFI MUX0 sequence number: %d\n", port, val.offset256 * 32, val.seq_num);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "AFI MUX0 raw value: 0x%x\n", val.d32);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "AFI MUX0 offset265: 0x%x, seq_num: 0x%x\n", val.offset256, val.seq_num);
mmio = NULL;
return count;
/* debug code end */
/// ************* NOTE: Never use file->f_pos in write() and read() !!!
......@@ -641,6 +612,18 @@ unsigned int circbuf_poll (struct file *file, poll_table *wait) {
return 0; // nothing ready
static struct file_operations circbuf_fops = {
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.llseek = circbuf_all_lseek,
.read = circbuf_all_read,
.write = circbuf_all_write,
//ioctl: circbuf_all_ioctl,
.open = circbuf_all_open,
.mmap = circbuf_all_mmap,
.poll = circbuf_all_poll,
.release = circbuf_all_release
* @brief cirbuf driver probing function
* @param[in] pdev pointer to \b platform_device structure
......@@ -660,8 +643,8 @@ static int circbuf_all_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
res = register_chrdev(CIRCBUF_MAJOR, "circbuf_operations", &circbuf_fops);
if(res < 0) {
printk(KERN_ERR "\ncircbuf_all_init: couldn't get a major number %d.\n",CIRCBUF_MAJOR);
return res;
dev_err(dev, "couldn't get a major number %d.\n", CIRCBUF_MAJOR);
return res;
res = init_ccam_dma_buf_ptr(pdev);
......@@ -676,6 +659,12 @@ static int circbuf_all_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
jpeg_htable_init (); /// set default Huffman table, encode it for the FPGA
dev_info(dev, "registered MAJOR: %d\n", CIRCBUF_MAJOR);
res = image_acq_init(pdev);
if (res < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "unable to initialize sensor_common module\n");
return res;
return 0;
......@@ -577,6 +577,10 @@ void updateFramePars(int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * interframe_pars) {
void update_frame_pars(void)
printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s stub\n", __func__);
* @brief process parameters that are overdue or due in ASAP mode (not through the sequencer)
......@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ unsigned long get_globalParam (int n);
void set_globalParam (int n, unsigned long d);
void set_imageParamsR_all(int n, unsigned long d);
void update_frame_pars(void);
void updateFramePars(int frame8, struct interframe_params_t * frame_pars); /// called from ISR - advance thisFrameNumber to match hardware frame8, copy parameters as needed.
/// frame8 usually is just next after thisFrameNumber
/// frame_pars - pointer to structure (between frames in the frame buffer) to save a pointer to past parameters
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/of_device.h>
//#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h> // endians
#include <asm/io.h>
......@@ -57,7 +58,6 @@
//#include <asm/elphel/fpgaconfa.h>
#include <elphel/exifa.h>
//#include <elphel/x393_types.h>
#include "x393.h"
//#include "fpgactrl.h" // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr
//#include "fpga_sdram.h" // use a single fpga_initSDRAM(void)
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
//#include "gamma_tables.h"
#include "quantization_tables.h"
#include "x393_macro.h"
#include "x393.h"
......@@ -97,6 +98,11 @@
#define MD13(x)
* @brief driver name to display in log messages
#define IMAGEACQ_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) Model 393 Image Acquisition device driver"
/**@struct jpeg_ptr_t
* @brief \e jpeg_ptr_t structure contains read and write pointers along with
* IRQ number for a single channel
......@@ -111,6 +117,8 @@
* IRQ number associated with compressor
* @var jpeg_ptr_t::irq_num_sens
* IRQ number associated with sensor
* @var jpeg_ptr_t::chn_num
* Current channel number
struct jpeg_ptr_t {
volatile int jpeg_wp;
......@@ -118,6 +126,7 @@ struct jpeg_ptr_t {
int fpga_cntr_prev;
unsigned int irq_num_comp;
unsigned int irq_num_sens;
unsigned int chn_num;
/**@struct image_acq_pd_t
......@@ -157,10 +166,29 @@ void camSeqSetJPEG_rp(int p) {
End of compressor-related code - TODO: move to a separate file?
* @brief driver name to display in log messages
#define IMAGEACQ_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) Model 393 Image Acquisition device driver"
static void dump_priv_data(int chn)
int i;
if (chn < IMAGE_CHN_NUM) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "jpeg_wp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].jpeg_wp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "jpeg_rp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].jpeg_rp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "fpga_cntr_prev: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].fpga_cntr_prev);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "irq_num_comp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].irq_num_comp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "irq_num_sens: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].irq_num_sens);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "chn_num: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[chn].chn_num);
} else {
for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_CHN_NUM; i++) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "jpeg_wp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].jpeg_wp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "jpeg_rp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].jpeg_rp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "fpga_cntr_prev: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].fpga_cntr_prev);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "irq_num_comp: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].irq_num_comp);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "irq_num_sens: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].irq_num_sens);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "chn_num: 0x%x\n", image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].chn_num);
static const struct of_device_id elphel393_sensor_of_match[];
static struct sensorproc_t s_sensorproc; // sensor parameters and functions to call
......@@ -186,36 +214,6 @@ struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (struct sensorproc_t * copy)
/// When should it be called?
//int init_sensor(void);
/// Not yet used??
* @brief Check FPGA version and initialize SDRAM (if not done yet)
* TODO: when should it be called?
* @return <0 error, 0 - just checked, nothing done,1 - needs sensor initialization
int init_FPGA(void) { //will check FPGA version, init SDRAM (if needed) and sensor
int i;
// int f1,f2;
// Should be initial
if ((fpga_state & FPGA_STATE_LOADED) == 0) return -1; /// fpga is not configured
if ((i=port_csp0_addr[X313__RA__MODEL]) < X313_MINMODREV) {
printk ("too old fpga rev - found %x, software wants >= %x\n",i,X313_MINMODREV);
return -1; // too old FPGA
if (i > X313_MAXMODREV) {
printk ("too new fpga rev - found %x, software wants <= %x\n",i,X313_MAXMODREV);
return -1; // too new FPGA
fpga_state |= FPGA_STATE_INITIALIZED; /// what this initialization really mean?
if (!X313_IS_SDRAM_ON) fpga_initSDRAM();
// Was sensor initialized? (What if SDRAM was initialized by some application?)
MD1(printk("init_FPGA, fpga_state=0x%x\n",fpga_state));
if (X313_CHN0_USED!=0) return 0;
return 1;
/// initializes structures for the image acquisition parameter
......@@ -235,36 +233,40 @@ DECLARE_TASKLET(tasklet_fpga, tasklet_fpga_function, 0); /// 0 - no arguments fo
* @brief reads FPGA transfer pointer to update JPEG_wp
* NOTE: should be called before compressor is reset - that would zero out that hardware register
* @return 0 if compressor was off (no advance), 1 if write pointer did actually advance
* @brief Reads FPGA data pointer from the channel given and updates its JPEG_wp
* This function gets current pointer inside frame buffer and compares it with the previous
* value. It returns immediately if pointer has not advanced or updates \e jpeg_wr field in #jpeg_ptr_t for
* current channel. It also tracks the situation when the pointer rolls over.
* @param[in] jptr pointer to #jpeg_ptr_t structure for the channel which data is to be modified
* @return 0 if compressor was off (no advance) or 1 if write pointer did actually advance
inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(void) {
int xferred; /// number of 32-byte chunks transferred since compressor was reset
int fpga_cntr= X313_XFERCNTR; /// using macro defined in x353.h that makes a dummy read (reads after writes can be wrong)
xferred= fpga_cntr-fpga_counter_prev; /// Transferred since last JPEG_wp update (or counter reset)
#if 0 /// ELPHEL_DEBUG_THIS- address changed !!!
set_globalParam (0x300,get_globalParam (0x300)+1);
set_globalParam (0x302,fpga_cntr);
if (xferred==0) set_globalParam (0x305,get_globalParam (0x305)+1);
if (xferred==0) return 0; /// no advance (compressor was off?)
fpga_counter_prev= fpga_cntr;
if (xferred <0) xferred+= (1 <<24) ; /// Hardware counter is 24 bits - rolled over
JPEG_wp+= (xferred << 3); //! counts in 32-byte ( 8 of 32bit words) chunks
int circbuf_size=get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2; //G_CIRCBUFSIZE G_CIRCBUFRP
if (JPEG_wp > circbuf_size) JPEG_wp-=circbuf_size;
#if 0 ///ELPHEL_DEBUG_THIS - address changed !!!
set_globalParam (0x301,get_globalParam (0x301)+1);
set_globalParam (0x303,xferred);
set_globalParam (0x304,JPEG_wp);
return 1;
static inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
int xferred; /// number of 32-byte chunks transferred since compressor was reset
x393_afimux_status_t stat = x393_afimux0_status(jptr->chn_num);
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) >> 2;
xferred = stat.offset256 - jptr->fpga_cntr_prev;
if (xferred == 0)
return 0; /// no advance (compressor was off?)
jptr->fpga_cntr_prev = stat.offset256;
if (xferred < 0)
// 26 bit hardware counter rolled over
xferred += (1 << OFFSET256_CNTR_RES);
jptr->jpeg_wp += xferred * CHUNK_SIZE;
//JPEG_wp+= (xferred << 3); //! counts in 32-byte ( 8 of 32bit words) chunks
if (jptr->jpeg_wp > circbuf_size)
jptr->jpeg_wp -= circbuf_size;
return 1;
* @brief Calculate/update CIRCBUF parameters available after compressor interrupt
inline void updateIRQCircbuf(void) {
inline void update_irq_circbuf(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr) {
set_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP, JPEG_wp<<2);
set_globalParam (G_FREECIRCBUF, (((get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP) <= get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP))? get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE):0)+
get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP)) - get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP));
......@@ -275,8 +277,8 @@ inline void updateIRQCircbuf(void) {
* NOTE: currently global (latest), not per-frame
inline void updateIRQFocus(void) {
set_globalParam (G_GFOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
set_imageParamsThis (P_FOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
//set_globalParam (G_GFOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
//set_imageParamsThis (P_FOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
......@@ -311,6 +313,7 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(void) {
inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
int index_time = JPEG_wp-11; if (index_time<0) index_time+=get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2;
/// calculates datetime([20] and subsec[7], returns pointer to char[27]
char * exif_meta_time_string=encode_time(ccam_dma_buf_ptr[index_time], ccam_dma_buf_ptr[index_time+1]);
/// may be split in datetime/subsec - now it will not notice missing subseq field in template
......@@ -369,6 +372,8 @@ inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
// left 1 long spare (+44)
#endif /* TES_DISABLE_CODE */
......@@ -379,7 +384,7 @@ inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
* @param dev_id
* @return
static irqreturn_t elphel_FPGA_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) {
/*static irqreturn_t elphel_FPGA_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) {
unsigned long irq_state;
irq_state = X313_IRQSTATE; //!making dummy read - see c353.h
......@@ -407,7 +412,7 @@ static irqreturn_t elphel_FPGA_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) {
* @brief Handle interrupts from sensor channels. This handler is installed without SA_INTERRUPT
......@@ -419,7 +424,12 @@ static irqreturn_t elphel_FPGA_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id) {
static irqreturn_t frame_sync_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
struct jpeg_ptr_t *priv = dev_id;
......@@ -433,6 +443,23 @@ static irqreturn_t frame_sync_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
static irqreturn_t compressor_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
struct jpeg_ptr_t *priv = dev_id;
struct interframe_params_t *interframe;
x393_cmprs_interrupts_t irq_ctrl;
if (updateIRQJPEG_wp(priv)) {
interframe = updateIRQ_interframe();
irq_ctrl.interrupt_cmd = IRQ_CLEAR;
x393_cmprs_interrupts(irq_ctrl, priv->chn_num);
......@@ -468,8 +495,13 @@ void tasklet_fpga_function(unsigned long arg) {
unsigned long prevFrameNumber=thisFrameNumber-1;
unsigned long * hash32p=&(framepars[(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_GTAB_R]);
unsigned long * framep= &(framepars[(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_FRAME]);
/// Time is out?
if ((getThisFrameNumber() ^ X3X3_I2C_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) return; /// already next frame
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
/// Histograms are available for the previous frame (that is already in circbuf if compressor was running)
/// Is Y histogram needed?
......@@ -493,6 +525,7 @@ void tasklet_fpga_function(unsigned long arg) {
default: /// calculate always (safer)
if (hist_en) {
/// after updateFramePars gammaHash are from framepars[this-1]
set_histograms (prevFrameNumber, (1 << COLOR_Y_NUMBER), hash32p, framep); /// 0x2 Green1
......@@ -507,14 +540,17 @@ void tasklet_fpga_function(unsigned long arg) {
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
/// Process parameters
if ((tasklet_disable & (1 << TASKLET_CTL_PGM)) == 0) {
processPars (sensorproc, getThisFrameNumber(), get_globalParam(G_MAXAHEAD)); /// program parameters
/// Time is out?
if ((getThisFrameNumber() ^ X3X3_I2C_FRAME) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK) return; /// already next frame
/// Are C histograms needed?
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
switch ((tasklet_disable >> TASKLET_CTL_HISTC_BIT) & 7) {
case TASKLET_HIST_NEVER: /// never calculate
......@@ -542,6 +578,7 @@ GLOBALPARS(0x1042)=((thisFrameNumber & 7) ==0);
if (hist_en) {
/// after updateFramePars gammaHash are from framepars[this-1]
set_histograms (prevFrameNumber, 0xf, hash32p, framep); /// all 4 colors, including Y (it will be skipped)
......@@ -556,6 +593,7 @@ GLOBALPARS(0x1044)=thisFrameNumber;
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_c_wait_queue); /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
//#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
......@@ -585,29 +623,29 @@ void reset_compressor(void) {
* @param on 1 - enable, 0 - disable interrupts
void camera_interrupts (int on) {
MDF2(printk ("camera_interrupts(%d)\n",on));
int i;
x393_cmprs_interrupts_t irq_ctrl;
MDF2(printk ("camera_interrupts(%d)\n",on));
if (on) {
} else {
/// clear smart interrupt circuitry in any case
if (on) {
} else {
/// clear smart interrupt circuitry in any case
reg_intr_vect_rw_mask intr_mask;
intr_mask = REG_RD(intr_vect, regi_irq, rw_mask);
intr_mask.ext = on ? 1 : 0;
REG_WR(intr_vect, regi_irq, rw_mask, intr_mask);
reg_intr_vect_rw_mask intr_mask;
intr_mask = REG_RD(intr_vect, regi_irq, rw_mask);
intr_mask.ext = on ? 1 : 0;
REG_WR(intr_vect, regi_irq, rw_mask, intr_mask);
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
x393_arbite_pri_t val;
val = get_x393_mcntrl_arbiter_priority(0);
if (val.d32 == 1)
irq_ctrl.interrupt_cmd = on ? IRQ_ENABLE : IRQ_DISABLE;
for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_CHN_NUM; i++) {
x393_cmprs_interrupts(irq_ctrl, i);
......@@ -616,23 +654,23 @@ void camera_interrupts (int on) {
* @param[in] pdev pointer to \b platform_device structure
* @return 0 on success or negative error code otherwise
static int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
//static int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
int i;
int res;
unsigned int irq;
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
const struct of_device_id *match;
const char **frame_sync_irq_names = { "frame_sync_irq_0", "frame_sync_irq_1",
"frame_sync_irq_2", "frame_sync_irq_3" };
const char **compressor_irq_names = { "compr_irq_0", "compr_irq_1",
"compr_irq_2", "compr_irq_3"
const char *frame_sync_irq_names[4] = {"frame_sync_irq_0", "frame_sync_irq_1",
"frame_sync_irq_2", "frame_sync_irq_3"};
const char *compressor_irq_names[4] = {"compr_irq_0", "compr_irq_1",
"compr_irq_2", "compr_irq_3"};
/* sanity check */
match = of_match_device(elphel393_sensor_of_match, dev);
/*match = of_match_device(elphel393_sensor_of_match, dev);
if (!match)
return -EINVAL;
return -EINVAL;*/
sensorproc= &s_sensorproc;
MDD1(printk("sensorproc=0x%x\n",(int) sensorproc));
......@@ -644,24 +682,30 @@ static int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
0, // no flags
&image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i])) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Can not allocate Elphel FPGA interrupts");
dev_err(dev, "can not allocate Elphel FPGA interrupts\n");
return -EBUSY;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].irq_num_sens = irq;
for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_CHN_NUM; i++) {
irq = platform_get_irq_byname(pdev, compressor_irq_names[i]);
if (request_irq(irq,
0, // no flags
&image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i])) {
printk(KERN_ERR "Can not allocate Elphel FPGA interrupts");
dev_err(dev, "can not allocate Elphel FPGA interrupts\n");
return -EBUSY;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].irq_num_sens = irq;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].irq_num_comp = irq;
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].chn_num = i;
if (init_mmio_ptr() < 0) {
dev_err(dev, "unable to remap FPGA registers to memory region\n");
return -EINVAL;
......@@ -690,7 +734,7 @@ static int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
return 0;
static int image_acq_stop(struct platform_device *pdev)
int image_acq_stop(struct platform_device *pdev)
return 0;
......@@ -701,16 +745,16 @@ static const struct of_device_id elphel393_sensor_of_match[] = {
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, elphel393_sensor_of_match);
static struct platform_driver elphel393_sensor_common = {
/*static struct platform_driver elphel393_sensor_common = {
.probe = image_acq_init,
.remove = image_acq_stop,
.driver = {
.of_match_table = elphel393_sensor_of_match,
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>.");
......@@ -45,4 +45,6 @@ struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (struct sensorproc_t * copy);
#define PROFILE_NEXT(x) {}
int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev);
......@@ -5,8 +5,18 @@
#ifndef _X393_MACRO
#define _X393_MACRO
/** @brief Number of image channels*/
#define IMAGE_CHN_NUM 4
/** @brief Number of image channels */
#define IMAGE_CHN_NUM 4
/** @brief Resolution of current/OEF pointer in bits */
#define OFFSET256_CNTR_RES 26
#define CHUNK_SIZE 32
#define IRQ_NOP 0
#define IRQ_CLEAR 1
#define IRQ_DISABLE 2
#define IRQ_ENABLE 3
/* These macro were removed from sensor_common.h*/
#define X313_LENGTH_MASK 0xff000000
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