Commit f497cdab authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Merge sensor_common

parent 03dc3b07
*! FILE NAME : exif353.c
*! DESCRIPTION: Drivers for Exif manipulation
*! Copyright (C) 2008 Elphel, Inc.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*! (at your option) any later version.
*! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*! GNU General Public License for more details.
*! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*! along with this program. If not, see <>.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! $Log: exif353.c,v $
*! Revision 1.2 2009/02/18 06:27:34 elphel
*! fixed system date calculation fro Exif (was 2 days ahead in the years after leap)
*! Revision 2008/11/27 20:04:00 elphel
*! Revision 1.3 2008/09/20 00:29:49 elphel
*! moved driver major/minor numbers to a single file - include/asm-cris/elphel/driver_numbers.h
*! Revision 1.2 2008/09/12 00:23:59 elphel
*! removed cc353.c, cc353.h
*! Revision 1.4 2008/04/25 21:28:56 elphel
*! added more functions for access from the IRQ, changed them to inline
*! Revision 1.3 2008/04/11 23:16:51 elphel
*! removed unneeded local_irq_disable() after local_irq_save_flags()
*! Revision 1.2 2008/04/07 09:45:30 elphel
*! removed unused variable
*! Revision 1.1 2008/04/07 09:09:07 elphel
*! New driver to handle Exif
//copied freom cxi2c.c - TODO:remove unneeded
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
//#include <linux/autoconf.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
//#include <asm/system.h>
//#include <asm/svinto.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h> // endians
//#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/delay.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <elphel/driver_numbers.h>
#include <elphel/c313a.h>
#include <elphel/exifa.h>
//#include "fpgactrl.h" // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr
//#include "x3x3.h"
//#include "cc3x3.h"
#include "exif393.h"
#define D(x)
//#define D(x) printk("%s:%d:",__FILE__,__LINE__);x
//#define X3X3_EXIF 136
//#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF 0 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
//#define X3X3_EXIF_META 1 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
// control/setup devices
//#define X3X3_EXIF_TEMPLATE 2 // write Exif template
//#define X3X3_EXIF_METADIR 3 // write metadata to Exif header translation (dir_table[MAX_EXIF_FIELDS])
// those 2 files will disable exif_enabled and exif_valid, truncate file size to file pointer on release.
//#define X3X3_EXIF_TIME 4 // write today/tomorrow date (YYYY:MM:DD) and number of seconds at today/tomorrow
// midnight (00:00:00) in seconds from epoch (long, startting from LSB)
#define X3X3_EXIF_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) model 353 Exif device driver"
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(lock);
//#define MAX_EXIF_FIELDS 256 // number of Exif tags in the header
//#define MAX_EXIF_SIZE 4096 // Exif data size
static struct exif_dir_table_t dir_table[MAX_EXIF_FIELDS];
static int exif_fields = 0; // total number of the Exif fields in the header
static int exif_template_size = 0; // size of Exif template
static char exif_template[MAX_EXIF_SIZE];
static int aexif_meta_size[SENSOR_PORTS] = {0,0,0,0}; // size of Exif meta data page (is it the same for all ports?) 393: set as individual
static int aexif_wp[SENSOR_PORTS] = {1,1,1,1}; // frame write pointer in the meta_buffer
static int aexif_enabled[SENSOR_PORTS] = {0,0,0,0}; // enable storing of frame meta data, enable reading Exif data
static int aexif_valid[SENSOR_PORTS] = {0,0,0,0}; // Exif tables and buffer are valid.
static char * ameta_buffer[SENSOR_PORTS]= {NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL}; // dynamically allocated buffer to store frame meta data.
//static char * meta_buffer=NULL; // dynamically allocated buffer to store frame meta data.
// page 0 - temporary storage, 1..MAX_EXIF_FRAMES - buffer
// Common for all sensor ports
struct exif_time_t {
char tomorrow_date[10]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD"
unsigned long tomorrow_sec; //!seconds from epoch tomorrow at 00:00
char today_date[10]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD"
unsigned long today_sec; //!seconds from epoch today at 00:00
} exif_time;
static struct exif_datetime_t {
char datetime[20]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS\0"
char subsec[7]; //!ASCII microseconds (0-padded), ."\0"
} now_datetime;
static int exif_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
static int exif_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp);
static loff_t exif_lseek (struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig);
static ssize_t exif_write (struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off);
static ssize_t exif_read (struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off);
static int __init exif_init(void);
static struct file_operations exif_fops = {
open: exif_open,
release: exif_release,
read: exif_read,
write: exif_write,
llseek: exif_lseek
ssize_t minor_file_size(int minor) { //return current file size for different minors
int sensor_port;
switch (minor) {
return exif_template_size;
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
sensor_port = minor - X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0;
return aexif_enabled[sensor_port]? (exif_template_size * (MAX_EXIF_FRAMES+1)):0;
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
sensor_port = minor - X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0;
return aexif_meta_size[sensor_port];
return exif_fields * sizeof(struct exif_dir_table_t);
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME:
return sizeof(struct exif_time_t);
default:return 0;
ssize_t minor_max_size(int minor) { //return max file size for different minors
switch (minor) {
case X3X3_EXIF_META: return MAX_EXIF_SIZE;
case X3X3_EXIF_METADIR: return MAX_EXIF_FIELDS * sizeof(struct exif_dir_table_t);
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME: return sizeof(struct exif_time_t);
default:return 0;
void exif_invalidate(void) { // 393: OK, only invalidates all ayt once
int sensor_port;
for (sensor_port =0; sensor_port < SENSOR_PORTS; sensor_port++){
aexif_enabled[sensor_port] = 0;
aexif_valid[sensor_port] = 0;
//reallocate meta buffer to store per-frame meta data (later output as Exif)
// 393: Make both individual and all at once
int exif_rebuild(int frames) {
int sensor_port,rslt;
for (sensor_port =0; sensor_port < SENSOR_PORTS; sensor_port++){
if ((rslt = exif_rebuild_chn(sensor_port, frames)) <0){
return rslt;
return 0;
int exif_rebuild_chn(int sensor_port, int frames) {
int i,ml;
char * meta_buffer = ameta_buffer[sensor_port];
aexif_enabled[sensor_port] = 0;
aexif_valid[sensor_port] = 0;
aexif_wp[sensor_port] = 1;
// free buffer, if allocated
if (meta_buffer) {
vfree (meta_buffer);
// calculate page size
if (exif_fields==0) return 0; // exif_valid==0;
for (i=0; i < exif_fields; i++) {
if (ml > aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]) aexif_meta_size[sensor_port] = ml;
if (aexif_meta_size[sensor_port] > MAX_EXIF_SIZE) {
printk ("%s:%d: Meta frame size (0x%x) is too big (>0x%x)\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, aexif_meta_size[sensor_port], MAX_EXIF_SIZE);
return -1;
meta_buffer= vmalloc(aexif_meta_size[sensor_port] * (MAX_EXIF_FRAMES+1));
if (!meta_buffer) {
printk ("%s:%d: Failed to allocate memory (%d bytes)\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, aexif_meta_size[sensor_port] * (MAX_EXIF_FRAMES+1));
return -1;
memset(meta_buffer, 0, aexif_meta_size[sensor_port] * (MAX_EXIF_FRAMES+1));
aexif_valid[sensor_port] = 1;
return 0;
int exif_enable(int en) {
int sensor_port,rslt;
for (sensor_port =0; sensor_port < SENSOR_PORTS; sensor_port++){
if ((rslt = exif_enable_chn(sensor_port, en)) <0){
return rslt;
return 0;
int exif_enable_chn(int sensor_port, int en) {
int rslt;
if (en) {
if (!aexif_valid[sensor_port]) {
if (((rslt=exif_rebuild_chn(sensor_port, MAX_EXIF_FRAMES))) <0) return rslt;
aexif_enabled[sensor_port] = 1;
} else {
aexif_enabled[sensor_port] = 0;
return 0;
int dir_find_tag (unsigned long tag) { //find location of the tag field in meta page
int indx;
for (indx=0; indx < exif_fields; indx++) if (dir_table[indx].ltag==tag) return (int) dir_table[indx].src;
return -1;
inline void write_meta_raw_irq(int sensor_port, char * data, int offset, int len) { //write data to meta, called from IRQ
if (aexif_enabled[sensor_port])
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][offset], data, len);
inline int write_meta_irq(int sensor_port, char * data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag, int len) { //write data to meta, called from IRQ(len==0 => use field length)
int i;
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
if (indx && (dir_table[* indx].ltag==ltag)) i=*indx;
else {
for (i=0; i<exif_fields; i++) if (dir_table[i].ltag==ltag) break;
if (i>=exif_fields) return -1; //ltag not found
if (len==0) len=dir_table[i].len;
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][dir_table[i].src], data, len);
if (indx) * indx = i;
return dir_table[i].src;
inline void putlong_meta_raw_irq(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int offset) { //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), called from IRQ
unsigned long bedata=__cpu_to_be32(data);
if (aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) {
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][ offset], &bedata, 4);
inline int putlong_meta_irq(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag) { //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), from IRQ
int i;
unsigned long bedata=__cpu_to_be32(data);
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return -10;
if (indx && (dir_table[* indx].ltag==ltag)) i=*indx;
else {
for (i=0; i<exif_fields; i++) if (dir_table[i].ltag==ltag) break;
if (i>=exif_fields) return -1; //ltag not found
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][dir_table[i].src], &bedata, 4);
if (indx) * indx=i;
return dir_table[i].src;
void write_meta_raw(int sensor_port, char * data, int offset, int len) { //write data to meta, called from outside IRQ (atomic)
unsigned long flags;
if (aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) {
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][ offset], data, len);
int write_meta(int sensor_port, char * data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag, int len) { //write data to meta, from outside IRQ (atomic) (len==0 => use field length)
int i;
unsigned long flags;
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
if (indx && (dir_table[* indx].ltag==ltag)) i=*indx;
else {
for (i=0; i<exif_fields; i++) if (dir_table[i].ltag==ltag) break;
if (i>=exif_fields) return -1; //ltag not found
if (len==0) len=dir_table[i].len;
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][dir_table[i].src], data, len);
if (indx) * indx=i;
return dir_table[i].src;
void putlong_meta_raw(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int offset) { //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), called from outside IRQ (atomic)
unsigned long flags;
unsigned long bedata=__cpu_to_be32(data);
if (aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) {
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][ offset], &bedata, 4);
int putlong_meta(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag) { //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), from outside IRQ (atomic)
int i;
unsigned long flags;
unsigned long bedata=__cpu_to_be32(data);
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return -10;
if (indx && (dir_table[* indx].ltag==ltag)) i=*indx;
else {
for (i=0; i<exif_fields; i++) if (dir_table[i].ltag==ltag) break;
if (i>=exif_fields) return -1; //ltag not found
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][dir_table[i].src], &bedata, 4);
if (indx) * indx=i;
return dir_table[i].src;
// The next function is normally called from the interrupt service routine
// Encode time (epoch sec, usec) into static buffer, return pointer to the buffer
// Uses struct exif_time that should be updated from the user space (once a day),
// calculates date/time ignoring leap seconds if not updated in time
* 393: Continue to use same static buffers for exif_time
char * encode_time(char buf[27], unsigned long sec, unsigned long usec) {
unsigned long s,d,m,y,y4,lp,h;
if (((sec-exif_time.today_sec)>86400) || (sec < exif_time.today_sec)) {// today's time is not valid, try tomorrow:
if (((sec-exif_time.today_sec)>86400) || (sec < exif_time.today_sec)) {// today's time is _still_ not valid, has to do it itself :-(
y4=d/1461; // number of 4-year periods
d-=1461*y4; //days after 1970, 1974, ...
y=(d- ((d>=1095)?1:0))/365;
if ((!lp) && (d>58)) d++;
// d+=(lp && (d>58))?1:0;
D(printk("d=%ld, y=%ld, y4=%ld, lp=%ld\n",d, y, y4, lp));
if (d>181) {
if (d>273) {
if (d>304) {
if (d>334) {m=12;d-=334;} // December
else {m=11;d-=304;} // November
} else {m=10;d-=273;} // October
} else {
if (d>212) {
if (d>243) {m= 9;d-=243;} // September
else {m= 8;d-=212;} // August
} else {m= 7;d-=181;} // July
} else {
if (d>90) {
if (d>120) {
if (d>151) {m=6; d-=151;} // June
else {m=5; d-=120;} // May
} else {m=4; d-= 90;} // April
} else {
if (d>30) {
if (d>59) {m=3; d-= 59;} // March
else {m=2; d-= 30;} // February
} else {m=1; d++; } // January
D(printk("d=%ld, y=%ld, y4=%ld\n",d, y, y4));
memcpy (&now_datetime.datetime[0],exif_time.today_date,10);
now_datetime.datetime[10]=' ';
// now we have valid exif_time.today_date, exif_time.today_sec;
h= s/3600;
s-= 3600*h;
m= s/60;
s-= 60*m;
// return &now_datetime.datetime[0];
return buf;
int store_meta(int sensor_port) { //called from IRQ service - put current metadata to meta_buffer, return page index
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
int retval=aexif_wp[sensor_port];
memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][aexif_wp[sensor_port] * aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]], ameta_buffer[sensor_port],aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]);
if (aexif_wp[sensor_port] > MAX_EXIF_FRAMES) aexif_wp[sensor_port] = 1;
return retval;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ open() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static int exif_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
int p = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
int * pd= (int *) &(filp->private_data);
switch (p) {
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME:
default:return -EINVAL;
D(printk("exif_open, minor=%d\n",p));
pd[0]=p; // just a minor number
return 0;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ release() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static int exif_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp){
int p = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
int * pd= (int *) &(filp->private_data);
switch (p) {
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME:
default:return -EINVAL;
D(printk("exif_open, minor=%d\n",p));
pd[0]=p; // just a minor number
return 0;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lseek() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static loff_t exif_lseek (struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig) {
int p=(int)file->private_data;
int thissize=minor_file_size(p);
int maxsize=minor_max_size(p);
// int sensor_port;
int fp;
switch (orig) {
case SEEK_SET:
file->f_pos = offset;
case SEEK_CUR:
file->f_pos += offset;
case SEEK_END:
if (offset<=0) {
file->f_pos = thissize + offset;
} else {
switch (p) {
case X3X3_EXIF_TEMPLATE: //enable/disable
switch (offset) {
if (exif_enable(1)<0) return -EOVERFLOW; //TODO: change code
if (exif_rebuild(MAX_EXIF_FRAMES)<0) return -EOVERFLOW; //TODO: change code
default:return -EINVAL;
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
// sensor_port = p - X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0;
if (offset > MAX_EXIF_FRAMES) return -EOVERFLOW; //larger than buffer
// file->f_pos=exif_meta_size * offset;
file->f_pos=exif_template_size * offset;
case X3X3_EXIF_META: // iterate
fp= dir_find_tag (offset);
if (fp < 0) return -EOVERFLOW; // tag is not in the directory
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
file->f_pos=offset*sizeof(struct exif_dir_table_t);
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME:
switch (offset) {
file->f_pos=exif_time.tomorrow_date - ((char *) &exif_time);
file->f_pos=((char *) &exif_time.tomorrow_sec) - ((char *) &exif_time);
file->f_pos=exif_time.today_date - ((char *) &exif_time);
file->f_pos=((char *) &exif_time.today_sec) - ((char *) &exif_time);
default:return -EINVAL;
default:return -EINVAL;
return -EINVAL;
/* truncate position */
if (file->f_pos < 0) {
file->f_pos = 0;
return (-EOVERFLOW);
if (file->f_pos > maxsize) {
file->f_pos = maxsize;
return (-EOVERFLOW);
return (file->f_pos);
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ write() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static ssize_t exif_write (struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) {
int p=(int)file->private_data;
int sensor_port;
// int thissize=minor_file_size(p);
int maxsize=minor_max_size(p);
char * cp;
char tmp[MAX_EXIF_SIZE]; //! Or is it possible to disable IRQ while copy_from_user()?
unsigned long flags;
int disabled_err=0;
if ((*off+count)>maxsize) {
printk ("%s:%d: Data (0x%x) does not fit into 0x%x bytes\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, (int) (*off+count), maxsize);
return -EOVERFLOW;
switch (p) {
if (copy_from_user(&exif_template[*off], buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
cp= (char *) &dir_table;
if (copy_from_user(&cp[*off], buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
exif_fields=(*off+count)/sizeof(struct exif_dir_table_t);
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME: //write date/time first, then - midnight seconds
cp= (char *) &exif_time;
if (copy_from_user(&cp[*off], buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
sensor_port = p - X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0;
if (copy_from_user(tmp, buf, count)) return -EFAULT;
if (aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) memcpy(&ameta_buffer[sensor_port][*off], tmp, count);
else disabled_err=1;
if (disabled_err) {
D(printk("tried to write meta channel %d while disabled\n",sensor_port));
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
return -EINVAL; // no writing - read only
default:return -EINVAL;
D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x\n", (int) count, (int)*off));
return count;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ read() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static ssize_t exif_read (struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t *off) {
int p=(int)file->private_data;
int thissize=minor_file_size(p);
char * cp, * metap;
int start_p, page_p,i;
int sensor_port;
char tmp[MAX_EXIF_SIZE]; //! Or is it possible to disable IRQ while copy_from_user()?
Does not work with PHP - always read 8192 bytes
if ((*off+count)>maxsize) {
printk ("%s:%d: Data (0x%x) does not fit into 0x%x bytes\n",__FILE__,__LINE__, (int) (*off+count), maxsize);
return -EOVERFLOW;
if (*off > thissize) {
return 0; // nothing to read
if ((*off + count) > thissize) {
switch (p) {
if (copy_to_user(buf, &exif_template[*off], count)) return -EFAULT;
cp= (char *) &dir_table;
if (copy_to_user(buf, &cp[*off], count)) return -EFAULT;
case X3X3_EXIF_TIME:
cp= (char *) &exif_time;
if (copy_to_user(buf, &cp[*off], count)) return -EFAULT;
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3:
sensor_port = p - X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0;
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
if (copy_to_user(buf, &ameta_buffer[sensor_port][*off], count)) return -EFAULT;
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0:// generates exif data by merging exif_template with the selected meta_buffer page
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2:
case X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3:
sensor_port = p - X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0;
//will truncate by the end of current page
if (!aexif_enabled[sensor_port]) return 0;
i=((int) *off) / exif_template_size;
D(printk("count= 0x%x, *off= 0x%x, i=0x%x, exif_template_size=0x%x\n", (int) count, (int) *off, (int) i, (int) exif_template_size));
//arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/exif353.c:590:count= 0x2000, *off= 0x410, i=0x82, exif_template_size=0x208
page_p= *off - start_p;
D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x, start_p=0x%x, page_p=0x%x, i=0x%x, exif_template_size=0x%x\n", (int) count, (int) *off, (int)start_p, (int)page_p,(int) i, (int) exif_template_size));
//arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/exif353.c:591:count= 0x2000, pos= 0x410, start_p=0x10810, page_p=0xfffefc00, i=0x82, exif_template_size=0x208
metap= &ameta_buffer[sensor_port][i*aexif_meta_size[sensor_port]]; // pointer to the start of the selected page in frame meta_buffer
if ((page_p+count) > exif_template_size) count=exif_template_size-page_p;
memcpy(tmp,exif_template, exif_template_size);
D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x, start_p=0x%x, page_p=0x%x\n", (int) count, (int) *off, (int)start_p, (int)page_p));
for (i=0;i<exif_fields;i++){
memcpy(&tmp[dir_table[i].dst],&metap[dir_table[i].src], dir_table[i].len);
if (copy_to_user(buf, &tmp[page_p], count)) return -EFAULT;
default:return -EINVAL;
D(printk("count= 0x%x, pos= 0x%x\n", (int) count, (int)*off));
return count;
//!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ _init() ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
static int __init exif_init(void) {
int res;
res = register_chrdev(X3X3_EXIF_MAJOR, "Exif", &exif_fops);
if(res < 0) {
printk(KERN_ERR "\nexif_init: couldn't get a major number %d.\n",X3X3_EXIF_MAJOR);
return res;
printk(X3X3_EXIF_DRIVER_NAME" - %d\n",X3X3_EXIF_MAJOR);
return 0;
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>.");
#ifndef _EXIF_H
#define _EXIF_H
#if 0
struct exif_time_t {
char tomorrow_date[10]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD"
unsigned long tomorrow_sec; //!seconds from epoch tomorrow at 00:00
char today_date[10]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD"
unsigned long today_sec; //!seconds from epoch today at 00:00
} exif_time;
struct exif_datetime_t {
char datetime[20]; //!"YYYY:MM:DD HH:MM:SS\0"
char subsec[7]; //!ASCII microseconds (0-padded), ."\0"
} now_datetime;
void exif_invalidate(void);
int exif_rebuild_chn(int sensor_port, int frames);// reallocate meta buffer to store per-frame meta data (later output as Exif)
int exif_rebuild(int frames); // rebuild for all sensor ports
int exif_enable_chn(int sensor_port, int en); // enable/disable Exif processing (both W/R)
int exif_enable(int en); // For all sensor ports
int dir_find_tag (unsigned long tag); //!find location of the tag field in meta page using long tag (Exif tag and tag group)
inline void write_meta_raw_irq(int sensor_port, char * data, int offset, int len); //write data to meta, called from IRQ
inline int write_meta_irq(int sensor_port, char * data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag, int len); //write data to meta, called from IRQ(len==0 => use field length)
inline void putlong_meta_raw_irq(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int offset); //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), called from IRQ
inline int putlong_meta_irq(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag); //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), from IRQ
//void write_meta_raw_irq(char * data, int offset, int len); //write data to meta, called from IRQ
//int write_meta_irq(char * data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag, int len); //write data to meta, called from IRQ(len==0 => use field length). Returns index of the written data, -1 if not written
void write_meta_raw(int sensor_port, char * data, int offset, int len); //write data to meta, called from outside IRQ (atomic)
int write_meta(int sensor_port, char * data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag, int len); //write data to meta, from outside IRQ (atomic) (len==0 => use field length). Returns index of the written data, -1 if not written
void putlong_meta_raw(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int offset); //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), called from outside IRQ (atomic)
int putlong_meta(int sensor_port, unsigned long data, int * indx, unsigned long ltag); //write data to meta (4 bytes, big endian), from outside IRQ (atomic). Returns index of the written data, -1 if not written
char * encode_time(unsigned long sec, unsigned long usec);
int store_meta(int sensor_port); //called from IRQ service - put current metadata to meta_buffer, return page index
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
#include "sensor_common.h"
//#include "pgm_functions.h"
#include "circbuf.h"
//#include "exif353.h"
#include "exif393.h"
//#include "histograms.h"
//#include "gamma_tables.h"
#include "quantization_tables.h"
......@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@ void camseq_set_jpeg_rp(unsigned int chn, int ptr)
static const struct of_device_id elphel393_sensor_of_match[];
static struct sensorproc_t s_sensorproc; // sensor parameters and functions to call
struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc = NULL;
static struct sensorproc_t as_sensorproc[SENSOR_PORTS]; // sensor parameters and functions to call
struct sensorproc_t * asensorproc = NULL;
//wait_queue_head_t image_acq_wait_queue; /// queue for the sensor frame interrupts
......@@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ void tasklet_fpga_function(unsigned long arg);
* @param[in] copy pointer to a copy structure
* @return pointer to a \b copy structure
struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (struct sensorproc_t * copy)
struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (int sensor_port, struct sensorproc_t * copy)
/** copy sensor functions */
memcpy(copy, sensorproc, sizeof(struct sensorproc_t));
memcpy(copy, asensorproc[sensor_port], sizeof(struct sensorproc_t));
return copy;
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (struct sensorproc_t * copy)
///#define CCAM_VSYNC_ON port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_DCR1]=X353_DCR1(BLOCKVSYNC,0)
///#define CCAM_VSYNC_OFF port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_DCR1]=X353_DCR1(BLOCKVSYNC,1)
int init_acq_sensor(void);
int init_acq_sensor(void); // Never used?
//DECLARE_TASKLET(tasklet_fpga, tasklet_fpga_function, 0); /// 0 - no arguments for now
DECLARE_TASKLET(tasklet_fpga_0, tasklet_fpga_function, 0); /// 0 - no arguments for now
......@@ -355,6 +355,8 @@ inline void updateIRQFocus(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
//set_globalParam (G_GFOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
//set_imageParamsThis (P_FOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
u32 high_freq = x393_cmprs_hifreq(jptr->chn_num);
set_globalParam (jptr->chn_num, G_GFOCUS_VALUE, high_freq);
set_imageParamsThis (jptr->chn_num, P_FOCUS_VALUE, high_freq);
inline static void set_default_interframe(struct interframe_params_t *params)
......@@ -404,7 +406,7 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
/* end of debug code */
// set_globalParam(G_FRAME_SIZE, jpeg_len);
set_globalParam(jptr->chn_num, G_FRAME_SIZE, jpeg_len);
// invalidate CPU L1 and L2 caches (in this order)
phys_addr = circbuf_priv_ptr[jptr->chn_num].phys_addr + DW2BYTE(frame_params_offset);
......@@ -419,9 +421,10 @@ inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
* @brief Fill exif data with the current frame data, save pointer to Exif page in the interframe area
* @param interframe pointer to interframe parameters structure
inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
int index_time = JPEG_wp-11; if (index_time<0) index_time+=get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2;
inline void updateIRQ_Exif(int sensor_port, struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
int index_time = aJPEG_wp-11[sensor_port]; if (index_time<0) index_time+=get_globalParam (sensor_port, G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2;
// struct exif_datetime_t
/// calculates datetime([20] and subsec[7], returns pointer to char[27]
char * exif_meta_time_string=encode_time(ccam_dma_buf_ptr[index_time], ccam_dma_buf_ptr[index_time+1]);
/// may be split in datetime/subsec - now it will not notice missing subseq field in template
......@@ -481,7 +484,7 @@ inline void updateIRQ_Exif(struct interframe_params_t* interframe) {
#endif /* TES_DISABLE_CODE */
//#endif /* TES_DISABLE_CODE */
......@@ -810,7 +813,7 @@ int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev)
if (!match)
return -EINVAL;*/
sensorproc= &s_sensorproc;
asensorproc= &as_sensorproc[0];
//MDD1(printk("sensorproc=0x%x\n",(int) sensorproc));
dev_dbg(dev, "sensorproc address: 0x%x\n", (int)sensorproc);
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
#define EDBG(x)
#define ROUND_UP(N, S) ((((N) + (S) - 1) / (S)) * (S))
// _IOC_TYPE, bits 8 to 15 in ioctl cmd
......@@ -234,8 +234,11 @@
#define SENSORWIDTH_IBIS51300 1280
#define SENSORHEIGHT_IBIS51300 1024
/// Parameters related to multi-sensor (10359A) setup
#define MAX_SENSORS 3 // maximal number of sensor attached (modify some hard-wired constants below if this to be changed)
//! Parameters below are accessed through mmap, because of cache coherency problem it make sense to keep them compact (maybe group by 8 - cache line of 32 bytes)
//#define MAX_SENSORS 3 // maximal number of sensor attached (modify some hard-wired constants below if this to be changed)
/* Modified for 393 - using up to 4 sub-sensors (even as 10359 only supports 3 */
#define MAX_SENSORS 4 // maximal number of sensor attached (modify some hard-wired constants below if this to be changed)
#define SENSOR_PORTS 4 // Number of sensor ports (each has individual framepars_all_t
//! Parameters below are accessed through mmap, because of cache coherence problem it make sense to keep them compact (maybe group by 8 - cache line of 32 bytes)
#define P_SENSOR_RUN 4 // 0 - stop, 1 - single, 2 - run
......@@ -592,6 +595,13 @@
#define P_MULTI_REGS (P_M10359_REGS + P_M10359_NUMREGS) /// 32-words aligned
#define P_MAX_PAR (P_MULTI_REGS + (MAX_SENSORS * P_MULTI_NUMREGS )) /// maximal # of used parameter+1
/* 393: Making P_MAX_PAR multiple of PAGE_SIZE/2, so framepars_all_t will be multiple of PAGE_SIZE*/
#ifndef PAGE_SIZE
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096 // not using <asm/page.h> as this file may be used outside of kernel
#define P_MAX_PAR_ROUNDUP ROUND_UP (P_MAX_PAR , (PAGE_SIZE/8)) // half page in DWORDs
#define MULTIREG(x,n) ((((n)>=0) && ((n)<MAX_SENSORS) && ((x) >0) && ((x) < P_MAX_PAR) && (multiSensIndex[x] > 0))? (multiSensIndex[x]+(n)) : 0)
......@@ -602,8 +612,9 @@
//#define P_MAX_PAR 511 /// maximal # of used parameter
//#define P_MAX_GPAR 1023 // maximal # of global parameter
#define P_MAX_GPAR 2047 /// maximal # of global parameter - TODO: change name to NUM_GPAR and make it 2048
//#define P_MAX_GPAR 2047 /// maximal # of global parameter - TODO: change name to NUM_GPAR and make it 2048
#define NUM_GPAR 2048 /// maximal # of global parameter - TODO: change name to NUM_GPAR and make it 2048
#define P_MAX_GPAR (NUM_GPAR - 1) /// maximal # of global parameter - TODO: change name to NUM_GPAR and make it 2048
#define PARS_SAVE_FROM 128 /// PARS_SAVE_NUM parameters starting from PARS_SAVE_FROM from "this" frame will be saved in circular buffer, PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES entries
#define PARS_SAVE_COPY 16 /// number of parameters copied from future (framepars) to the past (pastpars)
......@@ -617,7 +628,7 @@
#define GLOBALS_PRESERVE 0x20 /// number of parameters that are not erased during initGlobalPars
/// First 32 parameter values are not erased with initGlobalPars
#define GLOBALPARS(x) globalPars[(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS] // should work in drivers and applications
#define GLOBALPARS(p, x) (aglobalPars[p][(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS]) // should work in drivers and applications
#define G_DEBUG (FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS + 2) /// Each bit turns on/off some debug outputs
#define G_TEST_CTL_BITS (FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS + 3) /// turn some features on/off in the drivers for debugging purposes
......@@ -817,10 +828,14 @@
/// when the 3-bit counter is combined with the software variable to get the full 32-bit frame number
/// Each parameter page includes 927 parameter registers, as well as 97 bitmasks to speed up updates between frames
/// So if no parameters are changed - nothing to be copied from page to page
#define PARS_FRAMES 8 // number of frames handled in buffer
#define PARS_FRAMES_MASK (PARS_FRAMES-1) // currently 7
#define PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK ((PARS_FRAMES << 8)-1) // 0x7ff
/* Modified for 393 : 16 hardware frames, aligning framepars_all_t to PAGE_SIZE*/
#define PARS_FRAMES 16 // 8 // number of frames handled in buffer
#define PARS_FRAMES_MASK (PARS_FRAMES-1) // currently 15t // 7
// Keeping the same size of past frames storage as in 353:
//#define PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES (PARS_FRAMES << 8) // 2048
//#define PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK ((PARS_FRAMES << 8)-1) // 0x7ff
#define PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES_MASK ((PARS_FRAMES << 7)-1) // 0x7ff
struct framepars_t {
unsigned long pars[927]; // parameter values (indexed by P_* constants)
unsigned long functions; // each bit specifies function to be executed (triggered by some parameters change)
......@@ -893,13 +908,14 @@ struct framepars_past_t {
unsigned long past_pars[PARS_SAVE_NUM];
// size should be PAGE_SIZE aligned
struct framepars_all_t {
struct framepars_t framePars[PARS_FRAMES];
struct framepars_t func2call; ///[] - each parameter has a 32-bit mask of what pgm_function to call - other fields not used
unsigned long globalPars[P_MAX_GPAR]; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both R/W
unsigned long globalPars[NUM_GPAR]; /// parameters that are not frame-related, their changes do not initiate any actions so they can be mmaped for both R/W
struct framepars_past_t pastPars [PASTPARS_SAVE_ENTRIES];
unsigned long multiSensIndex[P_MAX_PAR]; /// indexes of individual sensor register shadows (first of 3) - now for all parameters, not just sensor ones
unsigned long multiSensRvrsIndex[P_MAX_PAR]; /// reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex in lower 16 bits, high 16 bits - sensor number
unsigned long multiSensIndex[P_MAX_PAR_ROUNDUP]; /// indexes of individual sensor register shadows (first of 3) - now for all parameters, not just sensor ones
unsigned long multiSensRvrsIndex[P_MAX_PAR_ROUNDUP]; /// reverse index (to parent) for the multiSensIndex in lower 16 bits, high 16 bits - sensor number
struct frameparspair_t {
......@@ -1773,7 +1789,7 @@ struct gamma_stuct_t {
#define HISTOGRAM_TABLE_OFFSET 52 /// Histogram tables data starts 44 bytes from the histogram page structure (for PHP raw histogram)
///TODO: Update when histogram_stuct_t is changed
struct histogram_stuct_t {
unsigned long frame; /// frame number correspoding to the current histogram
unsigned long frame; /// frame number corresponding to the current histogram
/// Color gains for the frame of the histogram
union {
unsigned long gains[4];
......@@ -45,6 +45,11 @@
#define HUFFMAN_MINOR_CHN_2 0x42
#define HUFFMAN_MINOR_CHN_3 0x43
......@@ -79,11 +84,21 @@
#define FPGA_SJTAG_MINOR_OFFSET 8 // Minors range start for the sensor port JTAG
#define FPGA_SJTAG_BOUNDARY_OFFSET 12 // Minors range start for the sensor port boundary
#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF 0 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
#define X3X3_EXIF_META 1 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
//#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF 0 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
//#define X3X3_EXIF_META 1 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
// control/setup devices
#define X3X3_EXIF_TEMPLATE 2 // write Exif template
#define X3X3_EXIF_METADIR 3 // write metadata to Exif header translation (dir_table[MAX_EXIF_FIELDS])
// those 2 files will disable exif_enable and exif_valid, truncate file size to file pointer on release.
#define X3X3_EXIF_TIME 4 // write today/tomorrow date (YYYY:MM:DD) and number of seconds at today/tomorrow
// midnight (00:00:00) in seconds from epoch (long, startting from LSB)
#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_0 0x10 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_1 0x11 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_2 0x12 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
#define X3X3_EXIF_EXIF_CHN_3 0x13 // read encoded Exif data (SEEK_END,
#define X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_0 0x20 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
#define X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_1 0x21 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
#define X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_2 0x22 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
#define X3X3_EXIF_META_CHN_3 0x23 // write metadata, concurently opened files. All writes atomic
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