Commit ee11ae90 authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

Fix disk buffer roll over

parent 49fd6ef1
......@@ -1137,6 +1137,10 @@ static int process_cmd(struct device *dev, struct elphel_ahci_priv *dpriv, struc
dump_sg_list(dpriv->sgl, dpriv->sg_elems);
dpriv->lba_ptr.wr_count = get_blocks_num(dpriv->sgl, dpriv->sg_elems);
if (dpriv->lba_ptr.lba_write + dpriv->lba_ptr.wr_count > dpriv->lba_ptr.lba_end) {
/* the frame rolls over the buffer boundary, don't split it and start writing from the beginning */
dpriv->lba_ptr.lba_write = dpriv->lba_ptr.lba_start;
cbuff = &dpriv->fbuffs[dpriv->head_ptr].common_buff;
dma_sync_single_for_device(dev, cbuff->iov_dma, cbuff->iov_len, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
printk(KERN_DEBUG ">>> time before issuing command: %u\n", get_rtc_usec());
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