Commit e23e383a authored by Mikhail Karpenko's avatar Mikhail Karpenko

WIP: check the pointer updates

parent fd58a7d1
......@@ -127,6 +127,9 @@ int init_ccam_dma_buf_ptr(struct platform_device *pdev) {
ccam_dma_buf = ccam_dma_buf_ptr;
// set circbuf size in bytes
set_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE, pElphel_buf->size * PAGE_SIZE);
return 0;
//extern struct interframe_params_t frame_params; // cc353.c
......@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
//copied from cxi2c.c - TODO:remove unneeded
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
......@@ -123,10 +122,11 @@
struct jpeg_ptr_t {
volatile int jpeg_wp;
volatile int jpeg_rp;
int fpga_cntr_prev;
volatile int fpga_cntr_prev;
unsigned int irq_num_comp;
unsigned int irq_num_sens;
unsigned int chn_num;
volatile unsigned int flags;
/**@struct image_acq_pd_t
......@@ -245,20 +245,22 @@ static inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
int xferred; /// number of 32-byte chunks transferred since compressor was reset
x393_afimux_status_t stat = x393_afimux0_status(jptr->chn_num);
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) >> 2;
//int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) >> 2;
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE);
xferred = stat.offset256 - jptr->fpga_cntr_prev;
if (xferred == 0)
return 0; /// no advance (compressor was off?)
jptr->flags |= SENS_FLAG_IRQ;
jptr->fpga_cntr_prev = stat.offset256;
if (xferred < 0)
/*if (xferred < 0)
// 26 bit hardware counter rolled over
xferred += (1 << OFFSET256_CNTR_RES);
xferred += (1 << OFFSET256_CNTR_RES);*/
jptr->jpeg_wp += xferred * CHUNK_SIZE;
//JPEG_wp+= (xferred << 3); //! counts in 32-byte ( 8 of 32bit words) chunks
if (jptr->jpeg_wp > circbuf_size)
jptr->jpeg_wp -= circbuf_size;
/*if (jptr->jpeg_wp > circbuf_size)
jptr->jpeg_wp -= circbuf_size;*/
return 1;
......@@ -267,7 +269,11 @@ static inline int updateIRQJPEG_wp(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
* @brief Calculate/update CIRCBUF parameters available after compressor interrupt
inline void update_irq_circbuf(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr) {
set_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP, JPEG_wp<<2);
/*set_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP, JPEG_wp<<2);
set_globalParam (G_FREECIRCBUF, (((get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP) <= get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP))? get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE):0)+
get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP)) - get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP));*/
/* the concept of global parameters will be changed, use one channel only for testing */
set_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFWP, jptr->jpeg_wp);
set_globalParam (G_FREECIRCBUF, (((get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP) <= get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP))? get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE):0)+
get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFRP)) - get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFWP));
......@@ -276,9 +282,11 @@ inline void update_irq_circbuf(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr) {
* @brief Calculate/update focus parameters available after compressor interrupt
* NOTE: currently global (latest), not per-frame
inline void updateIRQFocus(void) {
inline void updateIRQFocus(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr)
//set_globalParam (G_GFOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
//set_imageParamsThis (P_FOCUS_VALUE, X313_HIGHFREQ);
u32 high_freq = x393_cmprs_highfreq(jptr->chn_num);
......@@ -287,7 +295,7 @@ inline void updateIRQFocus(void) {
* @brief Locate area between frames in the circular buffer
* @return pointer to interframe parameters structure
inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(void) {
inline struct interframe_params_t* updateIRQ_interframe(struct jpeg_ptr_t *jptr) {
int circbuf_size=get_globalParam (G_CIRCBUFSIZE)>>2;
int alen = JPEG_wp-9; if (alen<0) alen+=circbuf_size;
int jpeg_len=ccam_dma_buf_ptr[alen] & 0xffffff;
......@@ -448,9 +456,9 @@ static irqreturn_t compressor_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
x393_cmprs_interrupts_t irq_ctrl;
if (updateIRQJPEG_wp(priv)) {
interframe = updateIRQ_interframe();
/*interframe = updateIRQ_interframe();
......@@ -496,7 +504,35 @@ void tasklet_fpga_function(unsigned long arg) {
unsigned long * hash32p=&(framepars[(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_GTAB_R]);
unsigned long * framep= &(framepars[(thisFrameNumber-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK].pars[P_FRAME]);
int i, j;
int last_image_chunk;
int len32;
int circbuf_size = get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE);
unsigned long *buf_ptr;
printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: get_globalParam(G_CIRCBUFSIZE) = %d", __func__, circbuf_size);
for (i = 0; i< IMAGE_CHN_NUM; i++) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: checking channel %d \n", __func__, i);
if (image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].flags & SENS_FLAG_IRQ) {
last_image_chunk = image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].jpeg_wp - OFFSET_X40;
if (last_image_chunk < 0)
last_image_chunk += circbuf_size;
len32 = ccam_dma_buf_ptr[(last_image_chunk + (0x20 - CCAM_MMAP_META_LENGTH) + 0x100000) >> 2];
buf_ptr = &ccam_dma_buf_ptr[(last_image_chunk + 0x100000) >> 2];
for (j = 0; j < (OFFSET_X40 >> 2); j++) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "0x%x: 0x%x\n", last_image_chunk + j, buf_ptr[j]);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "circbuffer start address: 0x%x", ccam_dma_buf_ptr);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "last_image_chunk: 0x%x\n", last_image_chunk);
dev_dbg(NULL, "0x40 bytes of mem dump from last image chunk:\n");
print_hex_dump_bytes("", DUMP_PREFIX_NONE, (void *)buf_ptr, OFFSET_X40);
printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: reading image length, channel %d; len32 0x%x\n",__func__, i, len32);
image_acq_priv.jpeg_ptr[i].flags &= (~SENS_FLAG_IRQ) & 0xffffffff;
/// Time is out?
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ int camSeqGetJPEG_wp(void);
int camSeqGetJPEG_rp(void);
void camSeqSetJPEG_rp(int p);
///CIRCBUF macros
//extern unsigned long * ccam_dma_buf_ptr;
extern unsigned long * ccam_dma_buf_ptr;
/* move these lines to x313_macro.h
#define X313_LENGTH_MASK 0xff000000
......@@ -47,4 +47,9 @@ struct sensorproc_t * copy_sensorproc (struct sensorproc_t * copy);
int image_acq_init(struct platform_device *pdev);
// indicate that this channel need attention; set in interrupt handler, reset in bottom half
#define SENS_FLAG_IRQ 0x01
// got 0x20 more than start of the new image
#define OFFSET_X40 0x40
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