Commit 993a1242 authored by Oleg Dzhimiev's avatar Oleg Dzhimiev

fixed a kp when w/o 10389

parent 7235a848
......@@ -1207,6 +1207,8 @@ static int elphel393_pwr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct i2c_client *ltc3589_client;
struct elphel393_pwr_data_t *clientdata = NULL;
struct gpio_desc *desc;
shutdown_dev = &pdev->dev;
dev_info(&pdev->dev,"Probing elphel393-pwr\n");
......@@ -1228,10 +1230,16 @@ static int elphel393_pwr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
/* locate GPIO chips by i2c address */
for (i=0;i<3;i++){
chip = gpiochip_find(&clientdata->chip_i2c_addr[i], i2c_addr_gpiochip_match);
if (chip!=NULL) {
dev_dbg(&pdev->dev,"Found gpio_chip with i2c_addr=0x%02x, label=%s, base=0x%x\n",clientdata->chip_i2c_addr[i],chip->label,base[i]);
for (i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_gpio);i++) if (pwr_gpio[i].label){
for (i=0;i<ARRAY_SIZE(pwr_gpio);i++){
if (base[i>>3]!=NULL) if (pwr_gpio[i].label){
clientdata->pwr_gpio[i].pin=base[i>>3]+(i & 7);
......@@ -1249,6 +1257,19 @@ static int elphel393_pwr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
return rc;
} else {
dev_dbg(&pdev->dev,"Confirmed request GPIO[%d] with label %s\n",clientdata->pwr_gpio[i].pin,clientdata->pwr_gpio[i].label);
//now try to read and update the structure
//gpiod_direction_output_raw(gpio_to_desc(gpio), value);
//desc = gpio_to_desc(base[i>>3]+(i & 7));
//rc = gpiod_get_direction(desc);
//pr_info("the %d direction is %d\n",i,rc);
//ltc3589_client = to_i2c_client(clientdata->ltc3489_dev);
//pr_info("read %d from i2c: %d\n",i,ltc3589_read_field(ltc3589_client, 0x3));
......@@ -1270,9 +1291,11 @@ static int elphel393_pwr_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
pm_power_off = shutdown;
if (base[2]!=NULL){
//turn off PCA9571
gpio_10389_ctrl(&pdev->dev, 0xf0f);
gpio_10389_ctrl(&pdev->dev, 0xf00);
return 0;
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