Commit 922aaa72 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Debugging multi-sensor operation

parent cffce9dc
......@@ -793,7 +793,8 @@ unsigned int circbuf_poll (struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
int rslt;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "minor = 0x%x\n", minor);
rslt = circbufValidPointer(&file->f_pos, &fp, chn);
// rslt = circbufValidPointer(&file->f_pos, &fp, chn);
rslt = circbufValidPointer(file->f_pos, &fp, chn);
if (rslt < 0) {
// not a valid read pointer, probable buffer overrun
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "invalid pointer file->f_pos = 0x%llx\n", file->f_pos);
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
// ##include <asm/dma-mapping.h>
#include <uapi/elphel/x393_devices.h>
#include <uapi/elphel/c313a.h>
//#include <uapi/elphel/c313a.h>
#include <uapi/elphel/exifa.h>
//#include "fpgactrl.h" // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr
//#include "fpga_io.h"//fpga_table_write_nice
......@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@ struct histogram_stuct_t * histograms_p; ///< alias of histogram_stuct_t
/** @brief Global pointer to basic device structure. This pointer is used in debugfs output functions */
static struct device *g_dev_ptr;
wait_queue_head_t hist_y_wait_queue; ///< wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wait_queue_head_t hist_c_wait_queue; ///< wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
wait_queue_head_t ahist_y_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS]; ///< wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wait_queue_head_t ahist_c_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS]; ///< wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
void init_histograms(int chn_mask); ///< combined subchannels and ports Save mask to global P-variable
int histograms_init_hardware(void);
static volatile int histograms_initialized = 0; ///< 0 - not initialized, 1 - structures only, 2 structures and hardware NC393: initialize when first used?
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ int histograms_check_init(void)
struct histograms_pd {
int minor;
unsigned long frame; ///< absolute frame number requested
int frame_index; ///< histogram fame index (in cache and when accessing through mmap), -1 if invalid,
int frame_index; ///< histogram frame index (in cache and when accessing through mmap), -1 if invalid,
int needed; ///< bits specify what histograms (color, type) are requested
///< each group of 4 bits covers 4 colors of the same type:
///< - bits 0..3 - read raw histograms from the FPGA - normally called from IRQ/tasklet (use just 1 color for autoexposure to speed up?)
......@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ int get_histograms(int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
index=GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn); // set_histograms may increment G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn
for (i=0;i<HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER;i++) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "index=%d, needed=0x%x\n",index,needed);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "hist_indx= %d, index=%d, needed=0x%x\n",hist_indx, index,needed);
if ((histograms[hist_indx][index].frame <= frame) && ((histograms[hist_indx][index].valid & raw_needed)==raw_needed)) break;
index = (index-1) & (HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER-1);
......@@ -666,142 +666,144 @@ loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file,
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms_lseek: offset=%d(0x%x), orig=0x%x, getThisFrameNumber(%d)=0x%x\n", (int) offset, (int) offset, (int) orig, privData->port, (int)getThisFrameNumber(privData->port));
switch (privData->minor) {
switch(orig) {
case SEEK_CUR: // ignore offset - in NC353 it was get latest?
// offset = -1; // for now - just make "latest"
switch(orig) {
case SEEK_CUR: // ignore offset - in NC353 it was get latest?
// offset = -1; // for now - just make "latest"
#if 0
offset+=(privData-> wait_mode)?
offset+=(privData-> wait_mode)?
offset+=getThisFrameNumber(privData->port); // get relative to current frame (-1 - latest)
//no break (CDT understands this)
case SEEK_SET: // negative - make relative to current (-1 - latest, -2 - before latest - up to 15 before)
if (offset <0){
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %lld (0x%llx) changing to previous frame \n",offset,offset);
offset += getThisFrameNumber(privData->port);
// Try to make some precautions to avoid waiting forever - if the past frame is requested - request histogram for the current frame,
// if the "immediate" future (fits into the array of frames) one - request that frame's histogram
// if in the far future (unsafe) do nothing -NOTE: far future should be avoided if the histograms are set request-only
// NOTE: there could be another wrong condition - request written w/o "JUST_THIS" modifier - then it will turn to always on until cleared.
// TODO: Save time on always enabled histograms? Don't request them additionally?
if (privData->request_en) {
reqAddr=(privData-> wait_mode)?P_HISTRQ_C:P_HISTRQ_Y;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %d (0x%x), reqFrame=%d (0x%x) \n",(int) offset,(int) offset,(int) reqFrame,(int) reqFrame);
if (offset > reqFrame) {
if (offset > (reqFrame+5)) reqFrame+=5; // What is this 5?
else reqFrame=offset;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %d (0x%x), modified reqFrame for future request =%d (0x%x) \n",(int) offset,(int) offset,(int) reqFrame,(int) reqFrame);
if (offset < reqFrame) { // just debugging
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset < reqFrame, will run get_histograms (%d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x) \n",
privData->port, privData->subchannel, (int) offset, (int) privData->needed);
if ((offset < reqFrame) && // if the requested frame is in the past - try to get it first before requesting a new
(((privData->frame_index = get_histograms (privData->port, privData->subchannel, offset, privData->needed))) >=0)) {
// file->f_pos=privData->frame_index;
if (((index = get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel))) <0)
return -ENODEV; // requested combination of port and subchannel does not exist
file->f_pos=privData->frame_index + HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Returning %d (0x%x)\n", (int) file->f_pos, (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
// request histogram(s)
// setFramePar(&framepars[reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "setFrameParLocked(%d, &aframepars[%d][0x%x], 0x%lx, 1)\n",
privData->port, privData->port, (int) (reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK), reqAddr);
setFrameParLocked(privData->port, &aframepars[privData->port][reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
// make sure (harmful) interrupt did not happen since getThisFrameNumber()
if (reqFrame < getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "setFrameParLocked(%d, &aframepars[%d][0x%lx], 0x%lx, 1)\n",
privData->port, privData->port, getThisFrameNumber(privData->port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, reqAddr);
setFrameParLocked(privData->port, &aframepars[privData->port][getThisFrameNumber(privData->port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
} else { // debug
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "privData->request_en=0\n");
offset+=getThisFrameNumber(privData->port); // get relative to current frame (-1 - latest)
//no break (CDT understands this)
case SEEK_SET: // negative - make relative to current (-1 - latest, -2 - before latest - up to 15 before)
if (offset <0){
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %lld (0x%llx) changing to previous frame \n",offset,offset);
offset += getThisFrameNumber(privData->port);
// Try to make some precautions to avoid waiting forever - if the past frame is requested - request histogram for the current frame,
// if the "immediate" future (fits into the array of frames) one - request that frame's histogram
// if in the far future (unsafe) do nothing -NOTE: far future should be avoided if the histograms are set request-only
// NOTE: there could be another wrong condition - request written w/o "JUST_THIS" modifier - then it will turn to always on until cleared.
// TODO: Save time on always enabled histograms? Don't request them additionally?
if (privData->request_en) {
reqAddr=(privData-> wait_mode)?P_HISTRQ_C:P_HISTRQ_Y;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %d (0x%x), reqFrame=%d (0x%x) \n",(int) offset,(int) offset,(int) reqFrame,(int) reqFrame);
if (offset > reqFrame) {
if (offset > (reqFrame+5)) reqFrame+=5; // What is this 5?
else reqFrame=offset;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset= %d (0x%x), modified reqFrame for future request =%d (0x%x) \n",(int) offset,(int) offset,(int) reqFrame,(int) reqFrame);
if (offset < reqFrame) { // just debugging
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "offset < reqFrame, will run get_histograms (%d, %d, 0x%x, 0x%x) \n",
privData->port, privData->subchannel, (int) offset, (int) privData->needed);
if ((offset < reqFrame) && // if the requested frame is in the past - try to get it first before requesting a new
(((privData->frame_index = get_histograms (privData->port, privData->subchannel, offset, privData->needed))) >=0)) {
// file->f_pos=privData->frame_index;
if (((index = get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel))) <0)
return -ENODEV; // requested combination of port and subchannel does not exist
file->f_pos=privData->frame_index + HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Returning %d (0x%x)\n", (int) file->f_pos, (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
// request histogram(s)
// setFramePar(&framepars[reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "setFrameParLocked(%d, &aframepars[%d][0x%x], 0x%lx, 1)\n",
privData->port, privData->port, (int) (reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK), reqAddr);
setFrameParLocked(privData->port, &aframepars[privData->port][reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
// make sure (harmful) interrupt did not happen since getThisFrameNumber()
if (reqFrame < getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "setFrameParLocked(%d, &aframepars[%d][0x%lx], 0x%lx, 1)\n",
privData->port, privData->port, getThisFrameNumber(privData->port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK, reqAddr);
setFrameParLocked(privData->port, &aframepars[privData->port][getThisFrameNumber(privData->port) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
} else { // debug
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "privData->request_en=0\n");
#if 0
if (privData-> wait_mode) wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue,GLOBALPARS(privData->port,G_HIST_C_FRAME + privData->subchannel)>=offset);
else wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue,GLOBALPARS(privData->port,G_HIST_Y_FRAME + privData->subchannel)>=offset);
if (privData-> wait_mode) wait_event_interruptible (ahist_c_wait_queue[privData->port],GLOBALPARS(privData->port,G_HIST_C_FRAME + privData->subchannel)>=offset);
else wait_event_interruptible (ahist_y_wait_queue[privData->port],GLOBALPARS(privData->port,G_HIST_Y_FRAME + privData->subchannel)>=offset);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Before waiting: frame = 0x%x, offset=0x%x privData-> wait_mode=%d\n",
(int) getThisFrameNumber(privData->port), (int) offset, privData-> wait_mode);
// neded next frame after requested (modify php too?)
if (privData-> wait_mode) wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue,getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)>offset);
else wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue,getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)>offset);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "After waiting: frame = 0x%x\n", (int) getThisFrameNumber(privData->port));
privData->frame_index = get_histograms (privData->port, privData->subchannel, offset, privData->needed);
if (privData->frame_index <0) {
return -EFAULT;
} else {
// file->f_pos=privData->frame_index;
file->f_pos=privData->frame_index + HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "file->f_pos (full histogram number - cache and port/channel combined) = 0x%x\n", (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
break; // just in case
case SEEK_END:
if (offset < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (offset < LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED) {
//#define LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN 0x30 ///< ..2F Select channel to wait for (4*port+subchannel)
if ((offset & ~0xf) == LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN){
p = (offset >> 2) & 3;
s = (offset >> 0) & 3;
if (get_hist_index(p,s)<0)
return -ENXIO; // invalid port/channel combination
privData->port = p;
privData->subchannel = s;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Before waiting: frame = 0x%x, offset=0x%x privData-> wait_mode=%d\n",
(int) getThisFrameNumber(privData->port), (int) offset, privData-> wait_mode);
// neded next frame after requested (modify php too?)
if (privData-> wait_mode) wait_event_interruptible (ahist_c_wait_queue[privData->port],getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)>offset);
else wait_event_interruptible (ahist_y_wait_queue[privData->port],getThisFrameNumber(privData->port)>offset);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "After waiting: frame = 0x%x\n", (int) getThisFrameNumber(privData->port));
privData->frame_index = get_histograms (privData->port, privData->subchannel, offset, privData->needed);
if (privData->frame_index <0) {
return -EFAULT;
} else {
// file->f_pos=privData->frame_index;
file->f_pos=privData->frame_index + HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel);
} else switch (offset) {
case 0:
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_EN: // enable requesting histogram for the specified frame (0 - rely on the available ones)
privData->request_en=1; ///default after open
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_DIS: // disable requesting histogram for the specified frame, rely on the available ones
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_Y: // set histogram waiting for the Y (actually G1) histogram (default after open)
privData-> wait_mode=0;
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_C: // set histogram waiting for the C (actually R, G2, B) histograms to become available - implies G1 too
privData-> wait_mode=1;
switch (offset & ~0x1f) {
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_Y: // wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue,0x%x & 0x%x)\n",(int) get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue, get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_C: // wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue,0x%x & 0x%x)\n",(int) get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue, get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "file->f_pos (full histogram number - cache and port/channel combined) = 0x%x\n", (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
break; // just in case
case SEEK_END:
if (offset < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (offset < LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED) {
//#define LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN 0x30 ///< ..2F Select channel to wait for (4*port+subchannel)
if ((offset & ~0xf) == LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN){
p = (offset >> 2) & 3;
s = (offset >> 0) & 3;
if (get_hist_index(p,s)<0)
return -ENXIO; // invalid port/channel combination
privData->port = p;
privData->subchannel = s;
file->f_pos=privData->frame_index + HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * get_hist_index(privData->port, privData->subchannel);
} else switch (offset) {
case 0:
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_EN: // enable requesting histogram for the specified frame (0 - rely on the available ones)
privData->request_en=1; ///default after open
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_DIS: // disable requesting histogram for the specified frame, rely on the available ones
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_Y: // set histogram waiting for the Y (actually G1) histogram (default after open)
privData-> wait_mode=0;
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_C: // set histogram waiting for the C (actually R, G2, B) histograms to become available - implies G1 too
privData-> wait_mode=1;
switch (offset & ~0x1f) {
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_Y: // wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "wait_event_interruptible (ahist_y_wait_queue[%d],0x%x & 0x%x)\n",privData->port, (int) get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
wait_event_interruptible (ahist_y_wait_queue[privData->port], get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_C: // wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "wait_event_interruptible (ahist_c_wait_queue[%d],0x%x & 0x%x)\n",privData->port, (int) get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
wait_event_interruptible (ahist_c_wait_queue[privData->port], get_imageParamsThis(privData->port, P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
return -EINVAL;
} else if (offset < (LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED + 0x10000)) {
privData->needed= (offset & 0xffff);
} else {
return -EINVAL;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "file->f_pos = HISTOGRAMS_FILE_SIZE = 0x%x\n", (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
} else if (offset < (LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED + 0x10000)) {
privData->needed= (offset & 0xffff);
} else {
default: // not SEEK_SET/SEEK_CUR/SEEK_END
return -EINVAL;
} // switch (orig)
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "file->f_pos = 0x%x\n", (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos ;
default: // other minors
return -EINVAL;
return file->f_pos;
default: // not SEEK_SET/SEEK_CUR/SEEK_END
return -EINVAL;
} // switch (orig)
return file->f_pos ;
default: // other minors
return -EINVAL;
......@@ -834,7 +836,7 @@ int histograms_mmap (struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma) {
* @return 0
int histograms_init(struct platform_device *pdev) {
int res;
int res,i;
int sz, pages;
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
// const struct of_device_id *match; // not yet used
......@@ -846,8 +848,10 @@ int histograms_init(struct platform_device *pdev) {
return res;
// init_waitqueue_head(&histograms_wait_queue);
init_waitqueue_head(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
init_waitqueue_head(&hist_c_wait_queue); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
for (i = 0; i < SENSOR_PORTS; i++) {
init_waitqueue_head(&ahist_y_wait_queue[i]); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
init_waitqueue_head(&ahist_c_wait_queue[i]); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
dev_info(dev, DEV393_NAME(DEV393_HISTOGRAM)": registered MAJOR: %d\n", DEV393_MAJOR(DEV393_HISTOGRAM));
histograms_initialized = 0;
// NC393: Did not find a way to get memory when histograms a first needed:
......@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
#undef ISR_HISTOGRAMS // to histograms-related disable code in ISR - not needed in NC393
#include <uapi/elphel/c313a.h>
// These wait queues will be advanced each frame after the histogram data is transferred to the FPGA.
// It will happen even if the corresponding task is disabled, with the only exception:
// hist_c_wait_queue will not be awaken in the current frame if it is too late (frame counter incremented while serving tasklet)
extern wait_queue_head_t hist_y_wait_queue; /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
extern wait_queue_head_t hist_c_wait_queue; /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
extern wait_queue_head_t ahist_y_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS]; /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
extern wait_queue_head_t ahist_c_wait_queue[SENSOR_PORTS]; /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
// void init_histograms(int chn_mask);
int histograms_check_init(void);
......@@ -814,9 +814,9 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
#endif // ifdef ISR_HISTOGRAMS
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wake_up_interruptible(&ahist_y_wait_queue[sensor_port]); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_y_wait_queue); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wake_up_interruptible(&ahist_y_wait_queue[sensor_port]); // wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
// Process parameters
......@@ -877,9 +877,9 @@ void tasklet_cmdseq_function(unsigned long arg)
#endif // ifdef ISR_HISTOGRAMS
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_c_wait_queue); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
wake_up_interruptible(&ahist_c_wait_queue[sensor_port]); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
wake_up_interruptible(&hist_c_wait_queue); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
wake_up_interruptible(&ahist_c_wait_queue[sensor_port]); // wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
......@@ -213,12 +213,12 @@ int write_compressor_table(int chn, // compressor channel (0..3)
x393cmprs_tables_t type, // table type (
int index,
int num_items,
u32 * data )
unsigned long * data )
x393_cmprs_table_addr_t table_addr;
int i;
table_addr.type = (int) type;
table_addr.addr32 = index * type*4;
table_addr.addr32 = index * num_items*4;
// dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "table_addr=0x%08x\n", table_addr.d32);
x393_cmprs_tables_address(table_addr, chn);
for (i = 0; i < num_items; i++) {
......@@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ int compressor_dma_setup (int port_afi, int chn_mask, int reset, int status_mode
sec_usec_t * get_fpga_rtc(sec_usec_t * ts);
int set_fpga_rtc (sec_usec_t ts);
int is_fpga_programmed(void);
int write_compressor_table(int chn, x393cmprs_tables_t type, int index, int num_items, u32 * data );
int write_compressor_table(int chn, x393cmprs_tables_t type, int index, int num_items, unsigned long * data );
......@@ -1852,7 +1852,7 @@ struct gamma_stuct_t {
///histograms related structure
#define HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER 8 // number of frames histograms are kept after acquisition (should be 2^n)
#define HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER 8 // 16 // Was 8 // number of frames histograms are kept after acquisition (should be 2^n)
#define COLOR_RED 0
#define COLOR_GREEN1 1
#define COLOR_GREEN2 2
......@@ -80,7 +80,26 @@
#define DEV393_HUFFMAN3 ("huffman3", "circbuf", 135, 67, "0666", "c") ///< Huffman table for channel 3
#define DEV393_GAMMA ("gamma_cache","gamma_tables_operations",137,17,"0666", "c") ///< Cache for calculated gamma tables (common for all ports/channels/colors)
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM ("histogram_cache","histograms_operations",138,18,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for all ports/channels/colors
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM00 ("histogram_cache00","histograms_operations",138,80,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 0 /subcchanne 0
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM01 ("histogram_cache01","histograms_operations",138,81,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 0 /subcchanne 1
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM02 ("histogram_cache02","histograms_operations",138,82,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 0 /subcchanne 2
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM03 ("histogram_cache03","histograms_operations",138,83,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 0 /subcchanne 3
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM10 ("histogram_cache10","histograms_operations",138,84,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 1 /subcchanne 0
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM11 ("histogram_cache11","histograms_operations",138,85,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 1 /subcchanne 1
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM12 ("histogram_cache12","histograms_operations",138,86,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 1 /subcchanne 2
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM13 ("histogram_cache13","histograms_operations",138,87,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 1 /subcchanne 3
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM20 ("histogram_cache20","histograms_operations",138,88,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 2 /subcchanne 0
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM21 ("histogram_cache21","histograms_operations",138,89,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 2 /subcchanne 1
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM22 ("histogram_cache22","histograms_operations",138,90,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 2 /subcchanne 2
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM23 ("histogram_cache23","histograms_operations",138,91,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 2 /subcchanne 3
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM30 ("histogram_cache30","histograms_operations",138,92,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 3 /subcchanne 0
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM31 ("histogram_cache31","histograms_operations",138,93,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 3 /subcchanne 1
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM32 ("histogram_cache32","histograms_operations",138,94,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 3 /subcchanne 2
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM33 ("histogram_cache33","histograms_operations",138,95,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for port 3 /subcchanne 3
#define DEV393_HISTOGRAM ("histogram_cache","histograms_operations",138,18,"0666","c") ///< Access to acquired/calculated histograms for all ports/subchannels
#define DEV393_LOGGER ("imu", "imu_logger", 141, 1, "0666", "c") ///< IMU/GPS/images logs data access
#define DEV393_LOGGER_CTRL ("imu_ctl", "imu_logger", 141, 2, "0666", "c") ///< IMU/GPS/images logger control
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