Commit 8697a0d7 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

more files to update

parent 09f15f8e
*! FILE NAME : histograms.c
*! DESCRIPTION: Handles histograms storage, access and percentile calculation
*! Copyright (C) 2008 Elphel, Inc.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*! (at your option) any later version.
*! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*! GNU General Public License for more details.
*! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*! along with this program. If not, see <>.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! $Log: histograms.c,v $
*! Revision 1.3 2009/02/18 06:25:59 elphel
*! typo in format
*! Revision 1.2 2008/11/30 21:56:39 elphel
*! Added enforcing limit on the overall gains in the color channels, storage of exposure and gains in the histograms cache (to be used with autoexposure/white balance)
*! Revision 2008/11/27 20:04:00 elphel
*! Revision 1.17 2008/11/14 07:08:11 elphel
*! no request for the histogram if past histogram is needed and some exist in the past
*! Revision 1.16 2008/11/13 05:40:45 elphel
*! 8.0.alpha16 - modified histogram storage, profiling
*! Revision 1.15 2008/10/29 04:18:28 elphel
*! v.8.0.alpha10 made a separate structure for global parameters (not related to particular frames in a frame queue)
*! Revision 1.14 2008/10/28 07:04:28 elphel
*! driver returns histogram frame number (it lags one frame from the real frame number)
*! Revision 1.13 2008/10/25 19:59:48 elphel
*! added lseek() calls to enable/disable daemons at events (compressed frame available, any frame available, histogram-Y and histograms-C available)
*! Revision 1.12 2008/10/23 18:26:14 elphel
*! Fixed percentile calculations in histograms
*! Revision 1.11 2008/10/23 08:05:56 elphel
*! added 2 wait queues for histogram data - separately for G1 (used as Y for autoexposure) and other color components (for color balancing and histogram display)
*! Revision 1.10 2008/10/12 16:46:22 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.9 2008/10/04 16:10:12 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.8 2008/09/20 00:29:50 elphel
*! moved driver major/minor numbers to a single file - include/asm-cris/elphel/driver_numbers.h
*! Revision 1.7 2008/09/12 00:23:59 elphel
*! removed cc353.c, cc353.h
*! Revision 1.6 2008/09/07 19:48:09 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.5 2008/09/05 23:20:26 elphel
*! just a snapshot
*! Revision 1.4 2008/07/27 23:25:07 elphel
*! next snapshot
*! Revision 1.3 2008/06/16 06:51:21 elphel
*! work in progress, intermediate commit
*! Revision 1.2 2008/06/10 00:02:42 elphel
*! fast calculation of 8-bit reverse functions for "gamma" tables and histograms
*! Revision 1.1 2008/06/08 23:46:45 elphel
*! added drivers files for handling quantization tables, gamma tables and the histograms
//copied from cxi2c.c - TODO:remove unneeded
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/mm.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/autoconf.h>
#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/byteorder.h> // endians
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/delay.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/elphel/driver_numbers.h>
#include <asm/elphel/c313a.h>
#include <asm/elphel/exifa.h>
#include "fpgactrl.h" // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr
#include "fpga_io.h"//fpga_table_write_nice
#include "framepars.h" // for debug mask
//#include "cc3x3.h"
#include "histograms.h"
* \def MDF21(x) optional debug output
/// only when commands are issued
#define MDF21(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<21)) {printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x ;} }
/// includes tasklets
#define MDF22(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<22)) {printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x ;} }
#define MDF21(x)
#define MDF22(x)
#define X3X3_HISTOGRAMS_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) Model 353 Histograms device driver"
static struct histogram_stuct_t histograms[HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER] __attribute__ ((aligned (PAGE_SIZE)));
struct histogram_stuct_t * histograms_p; // to use with mmap
wait_queue_head_t hist_y_wait_queue; /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
wait_queue_head_t hist_c_wait_queue; /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
struct histograms_pd {
int minor;
unsigned long frame;
int frame_index; /// -1 if invalid
int needed;
int wait_mode; /// 0 - wait just for G1 histogram, 1 - wait for all histograms
int request_en; /// enable requesting histogram for the specified frame (0 - rely on the available ones)
struct wait_queue *hist_y_wait_queue; /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y) ///NOTE: not used at all?
struct wait_queue *hist_c_wait_queue; /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color) ///NOTE: not used at all?
/// something else to be added here?
int histograms_open (struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
int histograms_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig);
int histograms_mmap (struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
static int __init histograms_init(void);
inline void histogram_calc_cumul ( unsigned long * hist, unsigned long * cumul_hist );
inline void histogram_calc_percentiles ( unsigned long * cumul_hist, unsigned char * percentile);
unsigned long gtab_r;
unsigned long gtab_g;
unsigned long gtab_gb;
unsigned long gtab_b;
* @brief Initialize histgograms data structures (called at module init)
void init_histograms(void) {
unsigned long flags;
int i;
for (i=0; i < HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER; i++) {
* @brief Get histograms from the FPGA (called as tasklet?)
* @param frame absolute frame number (Caller should match it to the hardware frame)
* TODO: should it be one frame behind current?
* @param needed bits specify what histograms (color, type) are requested
* @param gammaHash array of 4 hash32 values to be saved with the histograms
* each group of 4 bits cover 4 colors of the same type:
* - bits 0..3 - read raw histograms from the FPGA - normally called from IRQ/tasklet (use just 1 color for autoexposure to speed up?)
* @return 0 for now
int set_histograms (unsigned long frame, int needed, unsigned long * gammaHash, unsigned long * framep) {
// unsigned long flags;
int i, color_start;
if (histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].frame!=frame) {
histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].valid=0; /// overwrite all
histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].frame=frame; /// add to existent
if (framep) memcpy (&(histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].frame), framep, 32); // copy provided frame, gains,expos,vexpos, focus
if (gammaHash) memcpy (&(histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].gtab_r), gammaHash, 16); // copy provided 4 hash32 values
} else {
needed &= ~histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].valid; /// remove those that are already available from the request
for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (needed & ( 1 << i )) {
color_start= i<<8 ;
fpga_hist_read_nice (color_start, 256, (unsigned long *) &histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].hist[color_start]);
histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].valid |= 1 << i;
return 0;
* @brief Get derivative histograms (raw FPGA should be already there read by a tasklet needed)
* Will look for requested (or earlier) frame that has the "needed" raw histograms
* @param frame absolute frame number (Caller should match it to the hardware frame).
* TODO: should it be one frame behind current? - yes, exactly
* @param needed bits specify what histograms (color, type) are requested
* TODO: Add P_* parameter - what to read from tasklet, turn colors it off for high FPS/small window
* each group of 4 bits cover 4 colors of the same type:
* - bits 0..3 - ignored here (used for raw FPGA tables)
* - bits 4..7 - calculate cumulative histograms (sum of raw ones) - normally called from applications
* - bits 8..11 - calculate percentiles (reverse cumulative histograms) - normally called from applications
* "needed" for raw histograms should be specified explicitely (can not be read from FPGA later),
* "needed" for cumul_hist will be added automatically if percentiles are requested
* @return index of the histogram (>=0) if OK, otherwise:
* - -1 not reading FPGA and frame number stored is different from the requested (too late - histogram buffer overrun?)
///TODO: Make color (rare) histograms survive longer? - Challenge - Y goes first, we do not know if it will be followed by color
int get_histograms (unsigned long frame, int needed) {
// unsigned long flags;
int i, color_start;
int raw_needed=(needed | (needed>>4) | needed>>8) & 0xf;
for (i=0;i<HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER;i++) {
MDF21(printk("index=%d, needed=0x%x\n",index,needed));
if ((histograms[index].frame <= frame) && ((histograms[index].valid & raw_needed)==raw_needed)) break;
index = (index-1) & (HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER-1);
ELP_KERR(printk("no histograms exist for requested colors (0x%x), requested 0x%x\n",raw_needed,needed));
return -1; /// if Y - never calculated, if C - maybe all the cache is used by Y
needed &= ~0x0f; /// mask out FPGA read requests -= they are not handled here anymore (use set_histograms())
needed |= ((needed >>4) & 0xf0); /// cumulative histograms are needed for percentile calculations
needed &= ~histograms[index].valid;
/// if ((needed >> 4) & (~histograms[index].valid) & 0x0f) return -2 ; /// some needed raw histograms are not available NOTE: now never comes here
if (needed & 0xf0) { /// Calculating cumulative histograms
for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (needed & ( 0x10 << i )) {
color_start= i<<8 ;
histogram_calc_cumul ( (unsigned long *) &histograms[index].hist[color_start], (unsigned long *) &histograms[index].cumul_hist[color_start] );
histograms[index].valid |= 0x10 << i;
MDF21(printk("needed=0x%x, valid=0x%lx\n",needed,histograms[index].valid));
if (needed & 0xf00) { /// Calculating percentiles
for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (needed & ( 0x100 << i )) {
color_start= i<<8 ;
histogram_calc_percentiles ( (unsigned long *) &histograms[index].cumul_hist[color_start], (unsigned char *) &histograms[index].percentile[color_start] );
histograms[index].valid |= 0x100 << i;
MDF21(printk("needed=0x%x, valid=0x%lx\n",needed, histograms[index].valid));
return index;
* @brief calculate cumulative histogram (one color component) from the corresponding raw histogram
* @param hist input raw histogram array of unsigned long, single color (256)
* @param cumul_hist output cumulative histogram array of unsigned long, single color (256)
inline void histogram_calc_cumul ( unsigned long * hist, unsigned long * cumul_hist ) {
int i;
for (i=1; i<256;i++) cumul_hist[i]=cumul_hist[i-1]+hist[i];
* @brief Calculate reverse cumulative histograms (~percentiles)
* The reverse cumulative histogram (~percentiles) works as the following:
* for the given 1 byte input X (0 - 1/256 of all pixels, * ..., 255 - all pixels)
* it returns threshold value P (0..255), so that number of pixels with value less than x is
* less or equal to (P/256)*total_number_of_pixels, and number of pixels with value less than (x+1) is
* greater than (P/256)*total_number_of_pixels, P(0)=0, P(256)=256 (not included in the table).
* Percentiles arrays are calculated without division for each element, interpolation (involving division)
* will be done only for the value of interest on demand, in the user space.
* NOTE: - argument is FPGA pixel output-to-videoRAM value (after gamma-correction), reverse gamma table
* is needed to relate percentiles to amount of light (proportional to exposure)
* Current algorithm will work up to 16 MPix/color_component (64 MPix total)
* @param cumul_hist
* @param percentile
inline void histogram_calc_percentiles ( unsigned long * cumul_hist, unsigned char * percentile) {
unsigned long v256=0; /// running value to be compared against cumulative histogram (it is 256 larger than cumul_hist)
unsigned long inc_v256=cumul_hist[255]; /// step of v256 increment
int shiftl=8;
while (inc_v256>0xffffff) { /// to protect from unlikely overflow at 16MPix - in the future)
inc_v256 >>= 1;
int p=0; /// current value of percentile
int x=0; /// current percentile index
while ((p<256) && (x<256)) {
if ((p<255) && ( (cumul_hist[p] << shiftl) <= v256)) {
} else {
/// File operations:
/// open, release - nop
/// read - none
/// write - none
/// lseek
/// mmap (should be used read only)
* \def HISTOGRAMS_FILE_SIZE histograms file size (in frames, not bytes)
static struct file_operations histograms_fops = {
llseek: histograms_lseek,
open: histograms_open,
mmap: histograms_mmap,
release: histograms_release
* @brief Histograms driver OPEN method
* @param inode inode
* @param file file pointer
* @return OK - 0, -EINVAL for wrong minor
int histograms_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {
int res;
struct histograms_pd * privData;
privData= (struct histograms_pd *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct histograms_pd),GFP_KERNEL);
if (!privData) return -ENOMEM;
file->private_data = privData;
privData-> minor=MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
MDF21(printk("minor=0x%x\n",privData-> minor));
switch (privData-> minor) {
inode->i_size = HISTOGRAMS_FILE_SIZE;
privData->needed= 0;
privData->wait_mode=0; /// 0 - wait just for G1 histogram, 1 - wait for all histograms
privData->request_en=1; /// enable requesting histogram for the specified frame (0 - rely on the available ones)
return 0;
kfree(file->private_data); // already allocated
return -EINVAL;
file->f_pos = 0;
return res;
* @brief Histograms driver RELEASE method
* @param inode inode
* @param file file pointer
* @return OK - 0, -EINVAL for wrong minor
int histograms_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) {
int res=0;
int p = MINOR(inode->i_rdev);
switch ( p ) {
return -EINVAL; //! do not need to free anything - "wrong number"
return res;
* @brief Histograms driver LSEEK method (and execute commands)
* lseek (SEEK_SET, value) wait for histogram of the absolute frame 'value' (G1 or all depending on wait_mode
* locate frame number value and set frame_index (and file pointer) to the result.
* Return error if frame can not be found, otherwise - histogram index (to use with mmap)
* Calculate missing tables according to "needed" variable
* lseek (SEEK_CUR, value) wait for histogram of the frame 'value' from the current one (G1 or all depending on wait_mode
* locate frame number value and set frame_index (and file pointer) to the result.
* Return error if frame can not be found, otherwise - histogram index (to use with mmap)
* Calculate missing tables according to "needed" variable
* lseek (SEEK_CUR, 0) will wait for the histogram(s) for current frame
* lseek (SEEK_CUR, value) - ignore value, return frame_index (may be negative if error)
* lseek (SEEK_END, value < 0) - do nothing?, do not modify file pointer, return error
* lseek (SEEK_END, value = 0) - return HISTOGRAMS_FILE_SIZE
* lseek (SEEK_END, LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_Y) - set histogram waiting for the Y (actually G1) histogram (default after open)
* lseek (SEEK_END, LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_C) - set histogram waiting for the C (actually R, G2, B) histograms to become available - implies G1 too
* lseek (SEEK_END, LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED) /// LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED | (0..0xffff) set histogram "needed" bits
* lseek (SEEK_END, LSEEK_HIST_REQ_EN) - (default)enable histogram request when reading histogram (safer, but may be not desirable in HDR mode) - default after opening
* lseek (SEEK_END, LSEEK_HIST_REQ_DIS) - disable histogram request when reading histogram - will read latest available relying it is available
* @param file
* @param offset
* @param orig SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR or SEEK_SET END
* @return file position (absolute frame number)
/// TODO: add flag that will allow driver to wakeup processes before the specified frame comes ?
loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file, loff_t offset, int orig) {
struct histograms_pd * privData = (struct histograms_pd *) file->private_data;
unsigned long reqAddr,reqFrame;
MDF21(printk("offset=0x%x, orig=0x%x\n",(int) offset, (int) orig));
switch (privData->minor) {
switch(orig) {
case SEEK_CUR: /// ignore offset
case SEEK_SET:
/// Try to make some precautions to avoid waiting forever - if the past frame is requested - request histogram for the current frame,
/// if the "immediate" future (fits into the array of frames) one - request that frame's histogram
/// if in the far future (unsafe) do nothing -NOTE: far future should be avoided if the histograms are set request-only
/// NOTE: there could be another wrong condition - request written w/o "JUST_THIS" modifier - then it will turn to always on until cleared.
/// TODO: Save time on always enabled histograms? Don't request them additionally?
if (privData->request_en) {
reqAddr=(privData-> wait_mode)?P_HISTRQ_C:P_HISTRQ_Y;
if (offset > reqFrame) {
if (offset > (reqFrame+5)) reqFrame+=5;
else reqFrame=offset;
if ((offset < reqFrame) && /// if the requested frame is in the past - try to get it first before requesting a new
(((privData->frame_index = get_histograms (offset, privData->needed))) >=0)) {
return file->f_pos;
/// request histogram(s)
setFramePar(&framepars[reqFrame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
/// make sure (harmful) interrupt did not happen since getThisFrameNumber()
if (reqFrame < getThisFrameNumber()) {
setFramePar(&framepars[getThisFrameNumber() & PARS_FRAMES_MASK], reqAddr, 1);
if (privData-> wait_mode) wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue,GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_C_FRAME)>=offset);
else wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue,GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_Y_FRAME)>=offset);
privData->frame_index = get_histograms (offset, privData->needed);
if (privData->frame_index <0) {
return -EFAULT;
} else {
return file->f_pos;
break; /// just in case
case SEEK_END:
if (offset < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (offset < LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED) {
switch (offset) {
case 0:
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_EN: /// enable requesting histogram for the specified frame (0 - rely on the available ones)
privData->request_en=1; ///default after open
case LSEEK_HIST_REQ_DIS: /// disable requesting histogram for the specified frame, rely on the available ones
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_Y: /// set histogram waiting for the Y (actually G1) histogram (default after open)
privData-> wait_mode=0;
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_C: /// set histogram waiting for the C (actually R, G2, B) histograms to become available - implies G1 too
privData-> wait_mode=1;
switch (offset & ~0x1f) {
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_Y: /// wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
MDF21(printk("wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue,0x%x & 0x%x)\n",(int) get_imageParamsThis(P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f))));
wait_event_interruptible (hist_y_wait_queue, get_imageParamsThis(P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_C: /// wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
MDF21(printk("wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue,0x%x & 0x%x)\n",(int) get_imageParamsThis(P_DAEMON_EN), (int) (1<<(offset & 0x1f))));
wait_event_interruptible (hist_c_wait_queue, get_imageParamsThis(P_DAEMON_EN) & (1<<(offset & 0x1f)));
return -EINVAL;
} else if (offset < (LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED + 0x10000)) {
privData->needed= (offset & 0xffff);
} else {
return -EINVAL;
return file->f_pos;
default: /// not SEEK_SET/SEEK_CUR/SEEK_END
return -EINVAL;
} /// switch (orig)
return file->f_pos ;
default: /// other minors
return -EINVAL;
* @brief Histograms driver MMAP method to read out the histogram data (raw and calculated)
* @param file
* @param vma
* @return OK - 0, negative - errors
int histograms_mmap (struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma) {
int result;
struct histograms_pd * privData = (struct histograms_pd *) file->private_data;
MDF21(printk("minor=0x%x\n",privData-> minor));
switch (privData->minor) {
((unsigned long) virt_to_phys(histograms_p)) >> PAGE_SHIFT, /// Should be page-aligned
MDF21(printk("remap_pfn_range returned=%x\r\n",result));
if (result) return -EAGAIN;
return 0;
default: return -EINVAL;
* @brief Histograms driver init
* @return 0
static int __init histograms_init(void) {
int res;
res = register_chrdev(HISTOGRAMS_MAJOR, "gamma_tables_operations", &histograms_fops);
if(res < 0) {
printk(KERN_ERR "histograms_init: couldn't get a major number %d.\n",HISTOGRAMS_MAJOR);
return res;
// init_waitqueue_head(&histograms_wait_queue);
init_waitqueue_head(&hist_y_wait_queue); /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
init_waitqueue_head(&hist_c_wait_queue); /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
return 0;
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>.");
/// These wait queues will be advanced each frame after the histogram data is transferred to the FPGA.
/// It will happen even if the corresponding task is disabled, with the only exception:
/// hist_c_wait_queue will not be awaken in the current frame if it is too late (frame counter incremented while serving tasklet)
extern wait_queue_head_t hist_y_wait_queue; /// wait queue for the G1 histogram (used as Y)
extern wait_queue_head_t hist_c_wait_queue; /// wait queue for all the other (R,G2,B) histograms (color)
void init_histograms(void);
int set_histograms (unsigned long frame, int needed, unsigned long * gammaHash, unsigned long * framep);
* @brief Get histograms from the FPGA (called as tasklet?) and/or calculate derivatives (if needed)
* @param frame absolute frame number (Caller should match it to the hardware frame) frame==0xffffffff - find the latest available frame, don't wait
* TODO: should it be one frame behind current?
* @param needed bits specify what histograms (color, type) are requested
* TODO: Add P_* parameter - what to read from tasklet, turn colors it off for high FPS/small window
* each group of 4 bits cover 4 colors of the same type:
* - bits 0..3 - read raw histograms from the FPGA - normally called from IRQ/tasklet (use just 1 color for autoexposure to speed up?)
* - bits 4..7 - calculate cumulative histograms (sum of raw ones) - normally called from applications
* - bits 8..11 - calculate percentiles (reverse cumulative histograms) - normally called from applications
* "needed" for raw histograms should be specified explicitely (can not be read from FPGA later),
* "needed" for cumul_hist will be added automatically if percentiles are requested
* @return index of the histogram (>=0) if OK, otherwise:
* - -1 not reading FPGA and frame number stored is different from the requested (too late - histogram buffer overrun?)
* - -2 - not reading from FPGA, but some needed raw histograms are missing (should be requested/loaded earlier)
int get_histograms (unsigned long frame, int needed);
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