Commit 6eaebefb authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Removed auto-generated files, added them to .gotignore

parent cc50d7fa
......@@ -9,3 +9,9 @@ sysroots
#auto-generated files from x393 project
* File: x393.c
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Functions definitions to access x393 hardware registers
#include <linux/io.h>
#include "x393.h"
static void __iomem* mmio_ptr;
// init_mmio_ptr() should be called once before using any of the other defined functions
int init_mmio_ptr(void) {mmio_ptr = ioremap(0x40000000, 0x00003000); if (!mmio_ptr) return -1; else return 0;}
// R/W addresses to set up memory arbiter priorities. For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
void set_x393_mcntrl_arbiter_priority (x393_arbite_pri_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x0180 + 0x4 * chn));} // Set memory arbiter priority (currently r/w, may become just wo)
x393_arbite_pri_t get_x393_mcntrl_arbiter_priority (int chn) { x393_arbite_pri_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x0180 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
// Enable/disable memory channels (bits in a 16-bit word). For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn_en (x393_mcntr_chn_en_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x01c0);} // Enable/disable memory channels (currently r/w, may become just wo)
x393_mcntr_chn_en_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn_en (void) { x393_mcntr_chn_en_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x01c0); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_dqm_patt (x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0140);} // Setup DQS and DQM patterns
x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_dqm_patt (void) { x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0140); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_dqs_tri (x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0144);} // Setup DQS and DQ on/off sequence
x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_dqs_tri (void) { x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0144); return d; }
// Following enable/disable addresses can be written with any data, only addresses matter
void x393_mcntrl_dis (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00c0);} // Disable DDR3 memory controller
void x393_mcntrl_en (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00c4);} // Enable DDR3 memory controller
void x393_mcntrl_refresh_dis (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00c8);} // Disable DDR3 memory refresh
void x393_mcntrl_refresh_en (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00cc);} // Enable DDR3 memory refresh
void x393_mcntrl_sdrst_dis (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x0098);} // Disable DDR3 memory reset
void x393_mcntrl_sdrst_en (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x009c);} // Enable DDR3 memory reset
void x393_mcntrl_cke_dis (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00a0);} // Disable DDR3 memory CKE
void x393_mcntrl_cke_en (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x00a4);} // Enable DDR3 memory CKE
void x393_mcntrl_cmda_dis (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x0090);} // Disable DDR3 memory command/address lines
void x393_mcntrl_cmda_en (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x0094);} // Enable DDR3 memory command/address lines
// Set DDR3 memory controller I/O delays and other timing parameters (should use individually calibrated values)
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly0 (x393_dly_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x0200 + 0x4 * chn));} // Lane0 DQ output delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly0 (int chn) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x0200 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly1 (x393_dly_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x0280 + 0x4 * chn));} // Lane1 DQ output delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly1 (int chn) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x0280 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly0 (x393_dly_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x0240 + 0x4 * chn));} // Lane0 DQ input delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly0 (int chn) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x0240 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly1 (x393_dly_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x02c0 + 0x4 * chn));} // Lane1 DQ input delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly1 (int chn) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x02c0 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly0 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0220);} // Lane0 DQS output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly0 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0220); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly1 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x02a0);} // Lane1 DQS output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly1 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x02a0); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly0 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0260);} // Lane0 DQS input delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly0 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0260); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly1 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x02e0);} // Lane1 DQS input delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly1 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x02e0); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly0 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0224);} // Lane0 DM output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly0 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0224); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly1 (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x02a4);} // Lane1 DM output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly1 (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x02a4); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_cmda_odly (x393_dly_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x0300 + 0x4 * chn));} // Address, bank and commands delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_cmda_odly (int chn) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x0300 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_phase (x393_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0380);} // Clock phase
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_phase (void) { x393_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0380); return d; }
void x393_mcntrl_dly_set (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x0080);} // Set all pre-programmed delays
void set_x393_mcntrl_wbuf_dly (x393_wbuf_dly_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0148);} // Set write buffer delay
x393_wbuf_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_wbuf_dly (void) { x393_wbuf_dly_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0148); return d; }
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for sensors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 8..11
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a00 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a04 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_status_cntrl(int chn) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1a04 + 0x40 * chn)); return d; }
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a08 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame start address
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_size(x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a0c + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_last(x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a10 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a14 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a18 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame window size
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_window_x0y0(x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a1c + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame position
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1a20 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set startXY register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for compressors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 12..15
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b00 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b04 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_status_cntrl(int chn) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1b04 + 0x40 * chn)); return d; }
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b08 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame start address
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b0c + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b10 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b14 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b18 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame window size
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b1c + 0x40 * chn));} // Set frame position
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b20 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set startXY register
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1b24 + 0x40 * chn));} // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel for membridge, memory channel 1
void x393_membridge_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0480);} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_membridge_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0484);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_membridge_scanline_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0484); return d; }
void x393_membridge_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0488);} // Set frame start address
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x048c);} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0490);} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0494);} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_membridge_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0498);} // Set frame window size
void x393_membridge_scanline_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x049c);} // Set frame position
void x393_membridge_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04a0);} // Set startXY register
void x393_membridge_ctrl (x393_membridge_cmd_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0800);} // Issue membridge command
void set_x393_membridge_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0804);} // Set membridge status control register
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_membridge_status_cntrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0804); return d; }
void x393_membridge_lo_addr64 (u29_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0808);} // start address of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0)
void x393_membridge_size64 (u29_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x080c);} // size of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0), rolls over
void x393_membridge_start64 (u29_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0810);} // start of transfer offset to system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0)
void x393_membridge_len64 (u29_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0814);} // Full length of transfer in QWORDs
void x393_membridge_width64 (u29_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0818);} // Frame width in QWORDs (last xfer in each line may be partial)
void x393_membridge_mode (x393_membridge_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x081c);} // AXI cache mode
// Write-only addresses to PS PIO (Software generated DDR3 memory access sequences)
void x393_mcntrl_ps_en_rst (x393_ps_pio_en_rst_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0400);} // Set PS PIO enable and reset
void x393_mcntrl_ps_cmd (x393_ps_pio_cmd_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0404);} // Set PS PIO commands
void set_x393_mcntrl_ps_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0408);} // Set PS PIO status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_ps_status_cntrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0408); return d; }
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for memory controller
void set_x393_mcontr_phy_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0150);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcontr_phy_status_cntrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0150); return d; }
void set_x393_mcontr_top_16bit_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x014c);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcontr_top_16bit_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x014c); return d; }
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for test channels
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03d4);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x03d4); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03dc);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x03dc); return d; }
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03e4);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x03e4); return d; }
// Write-only addresses for test channels commands
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03d0);} // Set command for test01 channel 2
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03d8);} // Set command for test01 channel 3
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x03e0);} // Set command for test01 channel 4
// Read-only addresses for status information
x393_status_mcntrl_phy_t x393_mcontr_phy_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_phy_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2000); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL PHY
x393_status_mcntrl_top_t x393_mcontr_top_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_top_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2004); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL requests
x393_status_mcntrl_ps_t x393_mcntrl_ps_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_ps_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2008); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL software R/W
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn1_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2010); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL CHN1 (membridge)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn3_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2018); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL CHN3 (scanline)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn2_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x2014); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL CHN2 (tiled)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn4_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x201c); return d; } // Status register for MCNTRL CHN4 (tiled)
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn2_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20f4); return d; } // Status register for test channel 2
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn3_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20f8); return d; } // Status register for test channel 3
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn4_status (void) { x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20fc); return d; } // Status register for test channel 4
x393_status_membridge_t x393_membridge_status (void) { x393_status_membridge_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20ec); return d; } // Status register for membridge
// Write-only control of the sensor channels
void x393_sens_mode (x393_sens_mode_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1000 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Write sensor channel mode
void x393_sensi2c_ctrl (x393_i2c_ctltbl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1008 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Control sensor i2c, write i2c LUT
void set_x393_sensi2c_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x100c + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Setup sensor i2c status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensi2c_status_ctrl (int sens_num) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x100c + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void x393_sens_sync_mult (x393_sens_sync_mult_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1018 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Configure frames combining
void x393_sens_sync_late (x393_sens_sync_late_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x101c + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Configure frame sync delay
void x393_sensio_ctrl (x393_sensio_ctl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1020 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Configure sensor I/O port
void set_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1024 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Set status control for SENSIO module
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (int sens_num) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1024 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jtag_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1028 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void set_x393_sensio_width (x393_sensio_width_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x102c + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor)
x393_sensio_width_t get_x393_sensio_width (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_width_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x102c + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sensio_tim0 (x393_sensio_tim0_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1030 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0
x393_sensio_tim0_t get_x393_sensio_tim0 (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_tim0_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1030 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sensio_tim1 (x393_sensio_tim1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1034 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1
x393_sensio_tim1_t get_x393_sensio_tim1 (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_tim1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1034 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sensio_tim2 (x393_sensio_tim2_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1038 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 2
x393_sensio_tim2_t get_x393_sensio_tim2 (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_tim2_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1038 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sensio_tim3 (x393_sensio_tim3_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x103c + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 3
x393_sensio_tim3_t get_x393_sensio_tim3 (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_tim3_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x103c + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
void x393_sensi2c_abs (u32 d, int sens_num, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1040 + 0x40 * sens_num + 0x1 * offset));} // Write sensor i2c sequencer
void x393_sensi2c_rel (u32 d, int sens_num, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1080 + 0x40 * sens_num + 0x1 * offset));} // Write sensor i2c sequencer
// Lens vignetting correction (for each sub-frame separately)
void set_x393_lens_height0_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10f0 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Subframe 0 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height0_m1 (int sens_num) { x393_lens_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10f0 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_lens_height1_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10f4 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Subframe 1 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height1_m1 (int sens_num) { x393_lens_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10f4 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_lens_height2_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10f8 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Subframe 2 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height2_m1 (int sens_num) { x393_lens_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10f8 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void x393_lens_corr_cnh_addr_data (x393_lens_corr_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10fc + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Combined address/data to write lens vignetting correction coefficients
// Lens vignetting coefficient addresses - use with x393_lens_corr_wo_t (X393_LENS_CORR_CNH_ADDR_DATA)
// Sensor gamma conversion control (See Python code for examples of the table data generation)
void set_x393_sens_gamma_ctrl (x393_gamma_ctl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10e0 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Gamma module control
x393_gamma_ctl_t get_x393_sens_gamma_ctrl (int sens_num) { x393_gamma_ctl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10e0 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void x393_sens_gamma_tbl (x393_gamma_tbl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10e4 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Write sensor gamma table address/data (with autoincrement)
void set_x393_sens_gamma_height01m1 (x393_gamma_height01m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10e8 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Gamma module subframes 0,1 heights minus 1
x393_gamma_height01m1_t get_x393_sens_gamma_height01m1 (int sens_num) { x393_gamma_height01m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10e8 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sens_gamma_height2m1 (x393_gamma_height2m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10ec + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Gamma module subframe 2 height minus 1
x393_gamma_height2m1_t get_x393_sens_gamma_height2m1 (int sens_num) { x393_gamma_height2m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10ec + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
// Windows for histogram subchannels
void set_x393_histogram_lt0 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10c0 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 0 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt0 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_left_top_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10c0 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_wh0 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10c4 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 0 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh0 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10c4 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_lt1 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10c8 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 1 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt1 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_left_top_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10c8 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_wh1 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10cc + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 1 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh1 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10cc + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_lt2 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10d0 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 2 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt2 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_left_top_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10d0 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_wh2 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10d4 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 2 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh2 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10d4 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_lt3 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10d8 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 3 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt3 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_left_top_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10d8 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_histogram_wh3 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x10dc + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Specify histogram 3 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh3 (int sens_num) { x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x10dc + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
// DMA control for the histograms. Subchannel here is 4*sensor_port+ histogram_subchannel
void set_x393_hist_saxi_mode (x393_hist_saxi_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1440);} // Histogram DMA operation mode
x393_hist_saxi_mode_t get_x393_hist_saxi_mode (void) { x393_hist_saxi_mode_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1440); return d; }
void set_x393_hist_saxi_addr (x393_hist_saxi_addr_t d, int subchannel){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1400 + 0x4 * subchannel));} // Histogram DMA addresses (in 4096 byte pages)
x393_hist_saxi_addr_t get_x393_hist_saxi_addr (int subchannel) { x393_hist_saxi_addr_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1400 + 0x4 * subchannel)); return d; }
// Read-only addresses for sensors status information
x393_status_sens_i2c_t x393_sensi2c_status (int sens_num) { x393_status_sens_i2c_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2080 + 0x8 * sens_num)); return d; } // Status of the sensors i2c
x393_status_sens_io_t x393_sensio_status (int sens_num) { x393_status_sens_io_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2084 + 0x8 * sens_num)); return d; } // Status of the sensor ports I/O pins
// Compressor bitfields values
// Compressor control
void x393_cmprs_control_reg (x393_cmprs_mode_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1800 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Program compressor channel operation mode
void set_x393_cmprs_status (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1804 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Setup compressor status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_cmprs_status (int cmprs_chn) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1804 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_cmprs_format (x393_cmprs_frame_format_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1808 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Compressor frame format
x393_cmprs_frame_format_t get_x393_cmprs_format (int cmprs_chn) { x393_cmprs_frame_format_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1808 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_cmprs_color_saturation (x393_cmprs_colorsat_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x180c + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Compressor color saturation
x393_cmprs_colorsat_t get_x393_cmprs_color_saturation (int cmprs_chn) { x393_cmprs_colorsat_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x180c + 0x40 * cmprs_chn)); return d; }
void set_x393_cmprs_coring_mode (x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1810 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Select coring mode
x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t get_x393_cmprs_coring_mode (int cmprs_chn) { x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1810 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn)); return d; }
void x393_cmprs_interrupts (x393_cmprs_interrupts_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1814 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Compressor interrupts control (1 - clear, 2 - disable, 3 - enable)
// Compressor tables load control
// Several tables can be loaded to the compressor, there are 4 types of them:
// 0:quantization tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 1:coring tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 2:focusing tables - 15 tables can be loaded and switched at run time (16-th table address space
// is used to program other focusing mode parameters,
// 3:Huffman tables - 1 pair tables can be loaded
// Default tables are loaded with the bitstream file (100% quality for quantization table 0
// Loading a table requires to load address of the beginning of data, it includes table type and optional offset
// when multiple tables of the same type are used. Next the data should be written to the same register address,
// the table address is auto-incremented,
// Data for the tables 0..2 should be combined: two items into a single 32-bit DWORD (little endian), treating
// each item as a 16-bit word. The Huffman table is one item per DWORD. Address offset is calculated in DWORDs
// Compressor table types
// Compressor tables control
void x393_cmprs_tables_data (u32 d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1818 + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Compressor tables data
void x393_cmprs_tables_address (x393_cmprs_table_addr_t d, int cmprs_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x181c + 0x40 * cmprs_chn));} // Compressor tables type/address
// Compressor channel status)
x393_cmprs_status_t x393_cmprs_status (int chn) { x393_cmprs_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2040 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; } // Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt
u32 x393_cmprs_hifreq (int chn) { u32 d; d = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2050 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; } // Focus helper high-frequency amount
// Compressor DMA control:
// Camera can be configured to use either 2 AXI HP channels (with 2 compressors served by each one) or to use a single AXI HP channel
// serving all 4 compressor channels through its input ports. Below afi_port (0..3) references to one of the 4 ports of each. Control
// for two AXI HP channels is implemented as separate functions. Currently only the first channel is used
void x393_afimux0_en (x393_afimux_en_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1900);} // AFI MUX 0 global/port run/pause control
void set_x393_afimux0_rst (x393_afimux_rst_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1904);} // AFI MUX 0 per-port resets
x393_afimux_rst_t get_x393_afimux0_rst (void) { x393_afimux_rst_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1904); return d; }
void x393_afimux0_report_mode (x393_afimux_report_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1908);} // AFI MUX 0 readout pointer report mode
void set_x393_afimux0_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1910);} // AFI MUX 0 status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_afimux0_status_control (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1910); return d; }
void set_x393_afimux0_sa (x393_afimux_sa_t d, int afi_port){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1920 + 0x4 * afi_port));} // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_sa_t get_x393_afimux0_sa (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_sa_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1920 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; }
void set_x393_afimux0_len (x393_afimux_len_t d, int afi_port){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1930 + 0x4 * afi_port));} // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_len_t get_x393_afimux0_len (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_len_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1930 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; }
// Same for the second AXI HP channel (not currently used)
void x393_afimux1_en (x393_afimux_en_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1940);} // AFI MUX 1 global/port run/pause control
void set_x393_afimux1_rst (x393_afimux_rst_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1944);} // AFI MUX 1 per-port resets
x393_afimux_rst_t get_x393_afimux1_rst (void) { x393_afimux_rst_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1944); return d; }
void x393_afimux1_report_mode (x393_afimux_report_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1948);} // AFI MUX 1 readout pointer report mode
void set_x393_afimux1_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1950);} // AFI MUX 1 status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_afimux1_status_control (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1950); return d; }
void set_x393_afimux1_sa (x393_afimux_sa_t d, int afi_port){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1960 + 0x4 * afi_port));} // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_sa_t get_x393_afimux1_sa (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_sa_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1960 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; }
void set_x393_afimux1_len (x393_afimux_len_t d, int afi_port){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1970 + 0x4 * afi_port));} // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_len_t get_x393_afimux1_len (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_len_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1970 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; }
// Read-only sensors status information (pointer offset and last sequence number)
x393_afimux_status_t x393_afimux0_status (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2060 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; } // Status of the AFI MUX 0 (including image pointer)
x393_afimux_status_t x393_afimux1_status (int afi_port) { x393_afimux_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x2070 + 0x4 * afi_port)); return d; } // Status of the AFI MUX 1 (including image pointer)
// GPIO contol. Each of the 10 pins can be controlled by the software - individually or simultaneously or from any of the 3 masters (other FPGA modules)
// Currently these modules are;
// A - camsync (intercamera synchronization), uses up to 4 pins
// B - reserved (not yet used) and
// C - logger (IMU, GPS, images), uses 6 pins, including separate i2c available on extension boards
// If several enabled ports try to contol the same bit, highest priority has port C, lowest - software controlled
void x393_gpio_set_pins (x393_gpio_set_pins_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c00);} // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number
void set_x393_gpio_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c04);} // GPIO status control mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_gpio_status_control (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c04); return d; }
// Read-only GPIO pins state
x393_gpio_status_t x393_gpio_status (void) { x393_gpio_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20c0); return d; } // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number
// RTC control
void set_x393_rtc_usec (x393_rtc_usec_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c10);} // RTC microseconds
x393_rtc_usec_t get_x393_rtc_usec (void) { x393_rtc_usec_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c10); return d; }
void set_x393_rtc_sec_set (x393_rtc_sec_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c14);} // RTC seconds and set clock
x393_rtc_sec_t get_x393_rtc_sec_set (void) { x393_rtc_sec_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c14); return d; }
void set_x393_rtc_corr (x393_rtc_corr_t d) {writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c18);} // RTC correction (+/- 1/256 full scale)
x393_rtc_corr_t get_x393_rtc_corr (void) { x393_rtc_corr_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c18); return d; }
void set_x393_rtc_set_status (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c1c);} // RTC status control mode, write makes a snapshot to be read out
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_rtc_set_status (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c1c); return d; }
// Read-only RTC state
x393_rtc_status_t x393_rtc_status (void) { x393_rtc_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20c4); return d; } // RTC status reg
x393_rtc_sec_t x393_rtc_status_sec (void) { x393_rtc_sec_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20c8); return d; } // RTC snapshot seconds
x393_rtc_usec_t x393_rtc_status_usec (void) { x393_rtc_usec_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20cc); return d; } // RTC snapshot microseconds
// CAMSYNC control
void x393_camsync_mode (x393_camsync_mode_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c20);} // CAMSYNC mode
void x393_camsync_trig_src (x393_camsync_io_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c24);} // CAMSYNC trigger source
void x393_camsync_trig_dst (x393_camsync_io_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c28);} // CAMSYNC trigger destination
// Trigger period has special value for small (<255) values written to this register
// d == 0 - disable (stop periodic mode)
// d == 1 - single trigger
// d == 2..255 - set output pulse / input-output serial bit duration (no start generated)
// d >= 256 - repetitive trigger
void set_x393_camsync_trig_period (u32 d) {writel(d, mmio_ptr + 0x1c2c);} // CAMSYNC trigger period
u32 get_x393_camsync_trig_period (void) { u32 d; d = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c2c); return d; }
void set_x393_camsync_trig_delay (u32 d, int sens_chn){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1c30 + 0x4 * sens_chn));} // CAMSYNC trigger delay
u32 get_x393_camsync_trig_delay (int sens_chn) { u32 d; d = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1c30 + 0x4 * sens_chn)); return d; }
// Command sequencer control
// Controller is programmed through 32 locations. Each registers but the control require two writes:
// First write - register address (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS bits), second - register data (32 bits)
// Writing to the contol register (0x1f) resets the first/second counter so the next write will be "first"
// 0x0..0xf write directly to the frame number [3:0] modulo 16, except if you write to the frame
// "just missed" - in that case data will go to the current frame.
// 0x10 - write seq commands to be sent ASAP
// 0x11 - write seq commands to be sent after the next frame starts
// 0x1e - write seq commands to be sent after the next 14 frame start pulses
// 0x1f - control register:
// [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command
// [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state
// [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE
void x393_cmdframeseq_ctrl (x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t d, int sens_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1e7c + 0x80 * sens_chn));} // CMDFRAMESEQ control register
void x393_cmdframeseq_abs (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1e00 + 0x20 * sens_chn + 0x1 * offset));} // CMDFRAMESEQ absolute frame address/command
void x393_cmdframeseq_rel (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1e40 + 0x20 * sens_chn + 0x1 * offset));} // CMDFRAMESEQ relative frame address/command
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
void set_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c08);} // CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c08); return d; }
x393_cmdseqmux_status_t x393_cmdseqmux_status (void) { x393_cmdseqmux_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20e0); return d; } // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts
// Event logger
// Event logger configuration/data is writtent to the module ising two 32-bit register locations : data and address.
// Address consists of 2 parts - 2-bit page (configuration, imu, gps, message) and a 5-bit sub-address autoincremented when writing data.
// Register pages:
// Register configuration addresses (with X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF):
void set_x393_logger_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c88);} // Logger status configuration (to report sample number)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_logger_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c88); return d; }
void x393_logger_data (x393_logger_data_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c80);} // Logger register write data
void x393_logger_address (x393_logger_address_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c84);} // Logger register write page/address
x393_logger_status_t x393_logger_status (void) { x393_logger_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20e4); return d; } // Logger status data (sequence number)
// MULT SAXI DMA engine control. Of 4 channels only one (number 0) is currently used - for the event logger
void set_x393_mult_saxi_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1ce0);} // MULT_SAXI status control mode (status provides current DWORD pointer)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mult_saxi_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1ce0); return d; }
void x393_mult_saxi_buf_address (x393_mult_saxi_al_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1cc0 + 0x8 * chn));} // MULT_SAXI buffer start address in DWORDS
void x393_mult_saxi_buf_len (x393_mult_saxi_al_t d, int chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1cc4 + 0x8 * chn));} // MULT_SAXI buffer length in DWORDS
x393_mult_saxi_al_t x393_mult_saxi_status (int chn) { x393_mult_saxi_al_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x20d0 + 0x4 * chn)); return d; } // MULT_SAXI current DWORD pointer
// MULTI_CLK - global clock generation PLLs. Interface provided for debugging, no interaction is needed for normal operation
void set_x393_multiclk_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1ca4);} // MULTI_CLK status generation (do not use or do not set auto)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_multiclk_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1ca4); return d; }
void set_x393_multiclk_ctrl (x393_multiclk_ctl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1ca0);} // MULTI_CLK reset and power down control
x393_multiclk_ctl_t get_x393_multiclk_ctrl (void) { x393_multiclk_ctl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1ca0); return d; }
x393_multiclk_status_t x393_multiclk_status (void) { x393_multiclk_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20e8); return d; } // MULTI_CLK lock and toggle state
// Debug ring module
// Debug ring module (when enabled with DEBUG_RING in system_defines.vh) provides low-overhead read/write access to internal test points
// To write data you need to write 32-bit data with x393_debug_shift(u32) multiple times to fill the ring register (length depends on
// implementation), skip this step if only reading from the modules under test is required.
// Exchange data with x393_debug_load(), the data from the ring shift register.
// Write 0xffffffff (or other "magic" data) if the ring length is unknown - this DWORD will appear on the output after the useful data
// Read all data, waiting for status sequence number to be incremented,status mode should be set to auto (3) wor each DWORD certain
// number of times or until the "magic" DWORD appears, writing "magic" to shift out next 32 bits.
void set_x393_debug_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c48);} // Debug ring status generation - set to auto(3) if used
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_debug_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c48); return d; }
void x393_debug_load (void) {writel(0, mmio_ptr + 0x1c44);} // Debug ring copy shift register to/from tested modules
void x393_debug_shift (u32 d) {writel(d, mmio_ptr + 0x1c40);} // Debug ring shift ring by 32 bits
x393_debug_status_t x393_debug_status (void) { x393_debug_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x23f0); return d; } // Debug read status (watch sequence number)
u32 x393_debug_read (void) { u32 d; d = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x23f4); return d; } // Debug read DWORD form ring register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 3 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04c0);} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04c4);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x04c4); return d; }
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04c8);} // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_size(x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04cc);} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_last(x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04d0);} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04d4);} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04d8);} // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_window_x0y0(x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04dc);} // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x04e0);} // Set startXY register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 2 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0500);} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0504);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0504); return d; }
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0508);} // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x050c);} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0510);} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0514);} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0518);} // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x051c);} // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0520);} // Set startXY register
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0524);} // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 4 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0540);} // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0544);} // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_status_cntrl(void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x0544); return d; }
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0548);} // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x054c);} // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0550);} // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0554);} // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0558);} // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x055c);} // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0560);} // Set startXY register
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x0564);} // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
* File: x393.h
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Constants definitions and functions declarations to access x393 hardware registers
#include "x393_types.h"
//#include "elphel/x393_defs.h // alternative variant"
// See elphel/x393_map.h for the ordered list of all I/O register addresses used
// init_mmio_ptr() should be called once before using any of the other declared functions
int init_mmio_ptr(void);
// R/W addresses to set up memory arbiter priorities. For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
void set_x393_mcntrl_arbiter_priority (x393_arbite_pri_t d, int chn); // Set memory arbiter priority (currently r/w, may become just wo)
x393_arbite_pri_t get_x393_mcntrl_arbiter_priority (int chn);
// Enable/disable memory channels (bits in a 16-bit word). For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn_en (x393_mcntr_chn_en_t d); // Enable/disable memory channels (currently r/w, may become just wo)
x393_mcntr_chn_en_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn_en (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_dqm_patt (x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t d); // Setup DQS and DQM patterns
x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_dqm_patt (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_dqs_tri (x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t d); // Setup DQS and DQ on/off sequence
x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_dqs_tri (void);
// Following enable/disable addresses can be written with any data, only addresses matter
void x393_mcntrl_dis (void); // Disable DDR3 memory controller
void x393_mcntrl_en (void); // Enable DDR3 memory controller
void x393_mcntrl_refresh_dis (void); // Disable DDR3 memory refresh
void x393_mcntrl_refresh_en (void); // Enable DDR3 memory refresh
void x393_mcntrl_sdrst_dis (void); // Disable DDR3 memory reset
void x393_mcntrl_sdrst_en (void); // Enable DDR3 memory reset
void x393_mcntrl_cke_dis (void); // Disable DDR3 memory CKE
void x393_mcntrl_cke_en (void); // Enable DDR3 memory CKE
void x393_mcntrl_cmda_dis (void); // Disable DDR3 memory command/address lines
void x393_mcntrl_cmda_en (void); // Enable DDR3 memory command/address lines
// Set DDR3 memory controller I/O delays and other timing parameters (should use individually calibrated values)
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly0 (x393_dly_t d, int chn); // Lane0 DQ output delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly0 (int chn);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly1 (x393_dly_t d, int chn); // Lane1 DQ output delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_odly1 (int chn);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly0 (x393_dly_t d, int chn); // Lane0 DQ input delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly0 (int chn);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly1 (x393_dly_t d, int chn); // Lane1 DQ input delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dq_idly1 (int chn);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly0 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane0 DQS output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly0 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly1 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane1 DQS output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_odly1 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly0 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane0 DQS input delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly0 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly1 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane1 DQS input delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dqs_idly1 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly0 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane0 DM output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly0 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly1 (x393_dly_t d); // Lane1 DM output delay
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_dm_odly1 (void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_cmda_odly (x393_dly_t d, int chn); // Address, bank and commands delays
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_cmda_odly (int chn);
void set_x393_mcntrl_phase (x393_dly_t d); // Clock phase
x393_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_phase (void);
void x393_mcntrl_dly_set (void); // Set all pre-programmed delays
void set_x393_mcntrl_wbuf_dly (x393_wbuf_dly_t d); // Set write buffer delay
x393_wbuf_dly_t get_x393_mcntrl_wbuf_dly (void);
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for sensors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 8..11
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d, int chn); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d, int chn); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_status_cntrl(int chn);
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d, int chn); // Set frame start address
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_size(x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d, int chn); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_last(x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d, int chn); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d, int chn); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d, int chn); // Set frame window size
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_window_x0y0(x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d, int chn); // Set frame position
void x393_sens_mcntrl_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d, int chn); // Set startXY register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for compressors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 12..15
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d, int chn); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d, int chn); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_status_cntrl(int chn);
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d, int chn); // Set frame start address
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d, int chn); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d, int chn); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d, int chn); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d, int chn); // Set frame window size
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d, int chn); // Set frame position
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d, int chn); // Set startXY register
void x393_sens_mcntrl_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d, int chn); // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel for membridge, memory channel 1
void x393_membridge_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_membridge_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_membridge_scanline_status_cntrl(void);
void x393_membridge_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d); // Set frame start address
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_membridge_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_membridge_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d); // Set frame window size
void x393_membridge_scanline_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d); // Set frame position
void x393_membridge_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d); // Set startXY register
void x393_membridge_ctrl (x393_membridge_cmd_t d); // Issue membridge command
void set_x393_membridge_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set membridge status control register
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_membridge_status_cntrl (void);
void x393_membridge_lo_addr64 (u29_t d); // start address of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0)
void x393_membridge_size64 (u29_t d); // size of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0), rolls over
void x393_membridge_start64 (u29_t d); // start of transfer offset to system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0)
void x393_membridge_len64 (u29_t d); // Full length of transfer in QWORDs
void x393_membridge_width64 (u29_t d); // Frame width in QWORDs (last xfer in each line may be partial)
void x393_membridge_mode (x393_membridge_mode_t d); // AXI cache mode
// Write-only addresses to PS PIO (Software generated DDR3 memory access sequences)
void x393_mcntrl_ps_en_rst (x393_ps_pio_en_rst_t d); // Set PS PIO enable and reset
void x393_mcntrl_ps_cmd (x393_ps_pio_cmd_t d); // Set PS PIO commands
void set_x393_mcntrl_ps_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set PS PIO status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_ps_status_cntrl (void);
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for memory controller
void set_x393_mcontr_phy_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcontr_phy_status_cntrl (void);
void set_x393_mcontr_top_16bit_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcontr_top_16bit_status_cntrl(void);
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for test channels
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_status_cntrl(void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_status_cntrl(void);
void set_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_status_cntrl(void);
// Write-only addresses for test channels commands
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn2_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d); // Set command for test01 channel 2
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn3_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d); // Set command for test01 channel 3
void x393_mcntrl_test01_chn4_mode (x393_test01_mode_t d); // Set command for test01 channel 4
// Read-only addresses for status information
x393_status_mcntrl_phy_t x393_mcontr_phy_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL PHY
x393_status_mcntrl_top_t x393_mcontr_top_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL requests
x393_status_mcntrl_ps_t x393_mcntrl_ps_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL software R/W
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn1_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL CHN1 (membridge)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn3_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL CHN3 (scanline)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn2_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL CHN2 (tiled)
x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t x393_mcntrl_chn4_status (void); // Status register for MCNTRL CHN4 (tiled)
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn2_status (void); // Status register for test channel 2
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn3_status (void); // Status register for test channel 3
x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t x393_test01_chn4_status (void); // Status register for test channel 4
x393_status_membridge_t x393_membridge_status (void); // Status register for membridge
// Write-only control of the sensor channels
void x393_sens_mode (x393_sens_mode_t d, int sens_num); // Write sensor channel mode
void x393_sensi2c_ctrl (x393_i2c_ctltbl_t d, int sens_num); // Control sensor i2c, write i2c LUT
void set_x393_sensi2c_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num); // Setup sensor i2c status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensi2c_status_ctrl (int sens_num);
void x393_sens_sync_mult (x393_sens_sync_mult_t d, int sens_num); // Configure frames combining
void x393_sens_sync_late (x393_sens_sync_late_t d, int sens_num); // Configure frame sync delay
void x393_sensio_ctrl (x393_sensio_ctl_t d, int sens_num); // Configure sensor I/O port
void set_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num); // Set status control for SENSIO module
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (int sens_num);
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jtag_t d, int sens_num); // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void set_x393_sensio_width (x393_sensio_width_t d, int sens_num); // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor)
x393_sensio_width_t get_x393_sensio_width (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sensio_tim0 (x393_sensio_tim0_t d, int sens_num); // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0
x393_sensio_tim0_t get_x393_sensio_tim0 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sensio_tim1 (x393_sensio_tim1_t d, int sens_num); // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1
x393_sensio_tim1_t get_x393_sensio_tim1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sensio_tim2 (x393_sensio_tim2_t d, int sens_num); // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 2
x393_sensio_tim2_t get_x393_sensio_tim2 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sensio_tim3 (x393_sensio_tim3_t d, int sens_num); // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 3
x393_sensio_tim3_t get_x393_sensio_tim3 (int sens_num);
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
void x393_sensi2c_abs (u32 d, int sens_num, int offset); // Write sensor i2c sequencer
void x393_sensi2c_rel (u32 d, int sens_num, int offset); // Write sensor i2c sequencer
// Lens vignetting correction (for each sub-frame separately)
void set_x393_lens_height0_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Subframe 0 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height0_m1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_lens_height1_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Subframe 1 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height1_m1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_lens_height2_m1 (x393_lens_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Subframe 2 height minus 1
x393_lens_height_m1_t get_x393_lens_height2_m1 (int sens_num);
void x393_lens_corr_cnh_addr_data (x393_lens_corr_t d, int sens_num); // Combined address/data to write lens vignetting correction coefficients
// Lens vignetting coefficient addresses - use with x393_lens_corr_wo_t (X393_LENS_CORR_CNH_ADDR_DATA)
#define X393_LENS_AX 0x00000000 // Address of correction parameter Ax
#define X393_LENS_AX_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter Ax mask
#define X393_LENS_AY 0x00000008 // Address of correction parameter Ay
#define X393_LENS_AY_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter Ay mask
#define X393_LENS_C 0x00000010 // Address of correction parameter C
#define X393_LENS_C_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter C mask
#define X393_LENS_BX 0x00000020 // Address of correction parameter Bx
#define X393_LENS_BX_MASK 0x000000e0 // Correction parameter Bx mask
#define X393_LENS_BY 0x00000040 // Address of correction parameter By
#define X393_LENS_BY_MASK 0x000000e0 // Correction parameter By mask
#define X393_LENS_SCALE0 0x00000060 // Address of correction parameter scale0
#define X393_LENS_SCALE1 0x00000062 // Address of correction parameter scale1
#define X393_LENS_SCALE2 0x00000064 // Address of correction parameter scale2
#define X393_LENS_SCALE3 0x00000066 // Address of correction parameter scale3
#define X393_LENS_SCALES_MASK 0x000000f8 // Common mask for scales
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_IN 0x00000068 // Address of input fat zero parameter (to subtract from input)
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_IN_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for fat zero input parameter
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_OUT 0x00000069 // Address of output fat zero parameter (to add to output)
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_OUT_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for fat zero output parameters
#define X393_LENS_POST_SCALE 0x0000006a // Address of post scale (shift output) parameter
#define X393_LENS_POST_SCALE_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for post scale parameter
// Sensor gamma conversion control (See Python code for examples of the table data generation)
void set_x393_sens_gamma_ctrl (x393_gamma_ctl_t d, int sens_num); // Gamma module control
x393_gamma_ctl_t get_x393_sens_gamma_ctrl (int sens_num);
void x393_sens_gamma_tbl (x393_gamma_tbl_t d, int sens_num); // Write sensor gamma table address/data (with autoincrement)
void set_x393_sens_gamma_height01m1 (x393_gamma_height01m1_t d, int sens_num); // Gamma module subframes 0,1 heights minus 1
x393_gamma_height01m1_t get_x393_sens_gamma_height01m1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sens_gamma_height2m1 (x393_gamma_height2m1_t d, int sens_num); // Gamma module subframe 2 height minus 1
x393_gamma_height2m1_t get_x393_sens_gamma_height2m1 (int sens_num);
// Windows for histogram subchannels
void set_x393_histogram_lt0 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 0 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt0 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_wh0 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 0 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh0 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_lt1 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 1 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_wh1 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 1 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh1 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_lt2 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 2 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt2 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_wh2 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 2 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh2 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_lt3 (x393_hist_left_top_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 3 left/top
x393_hist_left_top_t get_x393_histogram_lt3 (int sens_num);
void set_x393_histogram_wh3 (x393_hist_width_height_m1_t d, int sens_num); // Specify histogram 3 width/height
x393_hist_width_height_m1_t get_x393_histogram_wh3 (int sens_num);
// DMA control for the histograms. Subchannel here is 4*sensor_port+ histogram_subchannel
void set_x393_hist_saxi_mode (x393_hist_saxi_mode_t d); // Histogram DMA operation mode
x393_hist_saxi_mode_t get_x393_hist_saxi_mode (void);
void set_x393_hist_saxi_addr (x393_hist_saxi_addr_t d, int subchannel); // Histogram DMA addresses (in 4096 byte pages)
x393_hist_saxi_addr_t get_x393_hist_saxi_addr (int subchannel);
// Read-only addresses for sensors status information
x393_status_sens_i2c_t x393_sensi2c_status (int sens_num); // Status of the sensors i2c
x393_status_sens_io_t x393_sensio_status (int sens_num); // Status of the sensor ports I/O pins
// Compressor bitfields values
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_RST 0x00000000 // Reset compressor, stop immediately
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_DISABLE 0x00000001 // Disable compression of the new frames, finish any already started
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_STANDALONE 0x00000002 // Enable compressor, compress single frame from memory (async)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_ENABLE 0x00000003 // Enable synchronous compression mode
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0 3x3 de-bayer core
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO6 0x00000001 // Mono 4:2:0 (6 blocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP46 0x00000002 // jp4, 6 blocks, original
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP46DC 0x00000003 // jp4, 6 blocks, DC-improved
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG20 0x00000004 // Color 4:2:0 with 5x5 de-bayer (not implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4 0x00000005 // jp4, 4 blocks
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DC 0x00000006 // jp4, 4 blocks, DC-improved
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFF 0x00000007 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFHDR 0x00000008 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, hdr
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFDIV2 0x00000009 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, divide by 2
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFHDRDIV2 0x0000000a // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, hdr,divide by 2
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO1 0x0000000b // Mono JPEG (not yet implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO4 0x0000000e // Mono, 4 blocks (2x2 macroblocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_SINGLE 0x00000000 // Use single-frame buffer
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_MULTI 0x00000001 // Use multi-frame buffer
// Compressor control
void x393_cmprs_control_reg (x393_cmprs_mode_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Program compressor channel operation mode
void set_x393_cmprs_status (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Setup compressor status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_cmprs_status (int cmprs_chn);
void set_x393_cmprs_format (x393_cmprs_frame_format_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Compressor frame format
x393_cmprs_frame_format_t get_x393_cmprs_format (int cmprs_chn);
void set_x393_cmprs_color_saturation (x393_cmprs_colorsat_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Compressor color saturation
x393_cmprs_colorsat_t get_x393_cmprs_color_saturation (int cmprs_chn);
void set_x393_cmprs_coring_mode (x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Select coring mode
x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t get_x393_cmprs_coring_mode (int cmprs_chn);
void x393_cmprs_interrupts (x393_cmprs_interrupts_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Compressor interrupts control (1 - clear, 2 - disable, 3 - enable)
// Compressor tables load control
// Several tables can be loaded to the compressor, there are 4 types of them:
// 0:quantization tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 1:coring tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 2:focusing tables - 15 tables can be loaded and switched at run time (16-th table address space
// is used to program other focusing mode parameters,
// 3:Huffman tables - 1 pair tables can be loaded
// Default tables are loaded with the bitstream file (100% quality for quantization table 0
// Loading a table requires to load address of the beginning of data, it includes table type and optional offset
// when multiple tables of the same type are used. Next the data should be written to the same register address,
// the table address is auto-incremented,
// Data for the tables 0..2 should be combined: two items into a single 32-bit DWORD (little endian), treating
// each item as a 16-bit word. The Huffman table is one item per DWORD. Address offset is calculated in DWORDs
// Compressor table types
#define X393_TABLE_QUANTIZATION_TYPE 0x00000000 // Quantization table type
#define X393_TABLE_CORING_TYPE 0x00000001 // Coring table type
#define X393_TABLE_FOCUS_TYPE 0x00000002 // Focus table type
#define X393_TABLE_HUFFMAN_TYPE 0x00000003 // Huffman table type
// Compressor tables control
void x393_cmprs_tables_data (u32 d, int cmprs_chn); // Compressor tables data
void x393_cmprs_tables_address (x393_cmprs_table_addr_t d, int cmprs_chn); // Compressor tables type/address
// Compressor channel status)
x393_cmprs_status_t x393_cmprs_status (int chn); // Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt
u32 x393_cmprs_hifreq (int chn); // Focus helper high-frequency amount
// Compressor DMA control:
// Camera can be configured to use either 2 AXI HP channels (with 2 compressors served by each one) or to use a single AXI HP channel
// serving all 4 compressor channels through its input ports. Below afi_port (0..3) references to one of the 4 ports of each. Control
// for two AXI HP channels is implemented as separate functions. Currently only the first channel is used
void x393_afimux0_en (x393_afimux_en_t d); // AFI MUX 0 global/port run/pause control
void set_x393_afimux0_rst (x393_afimux_rst_t d); // AFI MUX 0 per-port resets
x393_afimux_rst_t get_x393_afimux0_rst (void);
void x393_afimux0_report_mode (x393_afimux_report_t d); // AFI MUX 0 readout pointer report mode
void set_x393_afimux0_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // AFI MUX 0 status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_afimux0_status_control (void);
void set_x393_afimux0_sa (x393_afimux_sa_t d, int afi_port); // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_sa_t get_x393_afimux0_sa (int afi_port);
void set_x393_afimux0_len (x393_afimux_len_t d, int afi_port); // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_len_t get_x393_afimux0_len (int afi_port);
// Same for the second AXI HP channel (not currently used)
void x393_afimux1_en (x393_afimux_en_t d); // AFI MUX 1 global/port run/pause control
void set_x393_afimux1_rst (x393_afimux_rst_t d); // AFI MUX 1 per-port resets
x393_afimux_rst_t get_x393_afimux1_rst (void);
void x393_afimux1_report_mode (x393_afimux_report_t d); // AFI MUX 1 readout pointer report mode
void set_x393_afimux1_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // AFI MUX 1 status report mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_afimux1_status_control (void);
void set_x393_afimux1_sa (x393_afimux_sa_t d, int afi_port); // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_sa_t get_x393_afimux1_sa (int afi_port);
void set_x393_afimux1_len (x393_afimux_len_t d, int afi_port); // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks
x393_afimux_len_t get_x393_afimux1_len (int afi_port);
// Read-only sensors status information (pointer offset and last sequence number)
x393_afimux_status_t x393_afimux0_status (int afi_port); // Status of the AFI MUX 0 (including image pointer)
x393_afimux_status_t x393_afimux1_status (int afi_port); // Status of the AFI MUX 1 (including image pointer)
// GPIO contol. Each of the 10 pins can be controlled by the software - individually or simultaneously or from any of the 3 masters (other FPGA modules)
// Currently these modules are;
// A - camsync (intercamera synchronization), uses up to 4 pins
// B - reserved (not yet used) and
// C - logger (IMU, GPS, images), uses 6 pins, including separate i2c available on extension boards
// If several enabled ports try to contol the same bit, highest priority has port C, lowest - software controlled
void x393_gpio_set_pins (x393_gpio_set_pins_t d); // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number
void set_x393_gpio_status_control (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // GPIO status control mode
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_gpio_status_control (void);
// Read-only GPIO pins state
x393_gpio_status_t x393_gpio_status (void); // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number
// RTC control
void set_x393_rtc_usec (x393_rtc_usec_t d); // RTC microseconds
x393_rtc_usec_t get_x393_rtc_usec (void);
void set_x393_rtc_sec_set (x393_rtc_sec_t d); // RTC seconds and set clock
x393_rtc_sec_t get_x393_rtc_sec_set (void);
void set_x393_rtc_corr (x393_rtc_corr_t d); // RTC correction (+/- 1/256 full scale)
x393_rtc_corr_t get_x393_rtc_corr (void);
void set_x393_rtc_set_status (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // RTC status control mode, write makes a snapshot to be read out
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_rtc_set_status (void);
// Read-only RTC state
x393_rtc_status_t x393_rtc_status (void); // RTC status reg
x393_rtc_sec_t x393_rtc_status_sec (void); // RTC snapshot seconds
x393_rtc_usec_t x393_rtc_status_usec (void); // RTC snapshot microseconds
// CAMSYNC control
void x393_camsync_mode (x393_camsync_mode_t d); // CAMSYNC mode
void x393_camsync_trig_src (x393_camsync_io_t d); // CAMSYNC trigger source
void x393_camsync_trig_dst (x393_camsync_io_t d); // CAMSYNC trigger destination
// Trigger period has special value for small (<255) values written to this register
// d == 0 - disable (stop periodic mode)
// d == 1 - single trigger
// d == 2..255 - set output pulse / input-output serial bit duration (no start generated)
// d >= 256 - repetitive trigger
void set_x393_camsync_trig_period (u32 d); // CAMSYNC trigger period
u32 get_x393_camsync_trig_period (void);
void set_x393_camsync_trig_delay (u32 d, int sens_chn); // CAMSYNC trigger delay
u32 get_x393_camsync_trig_delay (int sens_chn);
// Command sequencer control
// Controller is programmed through 32 locations. Each registers but the control require two writes:
// First write - register address (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS bits), second - register data (32 bits)
// Writing to the contol register (0x1f) resets the first/second counter so the next write will be "first"
// 0x0..0xf write directly to the frame number [3:0] modulo 16, except if you write to the frame
// "just missed" - in that case data will go to the current frame.
// 0x10 - write seq commands to be sent ASAP
// 0x11 - write seq commands to be sent after the next frame starts
// 0x1e - write seq commands to be sent after the next 14 frame start pulses
// 0x1f - control register:
// [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command
// [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state
// [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE
void x393_cmdframeseq_ctrl (x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t d, int sens_chn); // CMDFRAMESEQ control register
void x393_cmdframeseq_abs (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset); // CMDFRAMESEQ absolute frame address/command
void x393_cmdframeseq_rel (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset); // CMDFRAMESEQ relative frame address/command
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
void set_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (void);
x393_cmdseqmux_status_t x393_cmdseqmux_status (void); // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts
// Event logger
// Event logger configuration/data is writtent to the module ising two 32-bit register locations : data and address.
// Address consists of 2 parts - 2-bit page (configuration, imu, gps, message) and a 5-bit sub-address autoincremented when writing data.
// Register pages:
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF 0x00000000 // Logger configuration page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_IMU 0x00000003 // Logger IMU parameters page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_GPS 0x00000001 // Logger GPS parameters page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_MSG 0x00000002 // Logger MSG (odometer) parameters page
// Register configuration addresses (with X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF):
#define X393_LOGGER_PERIOD 0x00000000 // IMU period (in SPI clocks, high word 0xffff - use IMU ready)
#define X393_LOGGER_BIT_DURATION 0x00000001 // IMU SPI bit duration (in mclk == 50 ns periods?)
#define X393_LOGGER_BIT_HALF_PERIOD 0x00000002 // Logger rs232 half bit period (in mclk == 50 ns periods?)
#define X393_LOGGER_CONFIG 0x00000003 // Logger IMU parameters page
void set_x393_logger_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Logger status configuration (to report sample number)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_logger_status_ctrl (void);
void x393_logger_data (x393_logger_data_t d); // Logger register write data
void x393_logger_address (x393_logger_address_t d); // Logger register write page/address
x393_logger_status_t x393_logger_status (void); // Logger status data (sequence number)
// MULT SAXI DMA engine control. Of 4 channels only one (number 0) is currently used - for the event logger
void set_x393_mult_saxi_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // MULT_SAXI status control mode (status provides current DWORD pointer)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mult_saxi_status_ctrl (void);
void x393_mult_saxi_buf_address (x393_mult_saxi_al_t d, int chn); // MULT_SAXI buffer start address in DWORDS
void x393_mult_saxi_buf_len (x393_mult_saxi_al_t d, int chn); // MULT_SAXI buffer length in DWORDS
x393_mult_saxi_al_t x393_mult_saxi_status (int chn); // MULT_SAXI current DWORD pointer
// MULTI_CLK - global clock generation PLLs. Interface provided for debugging, no interaction is needed for normal operation
void set_x393_multiclk_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // MULTI_CLK status generation (do not use or do not set auto)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_multiclk_status_ctrl (void);
void set_x393_multiclk_ctrl (x393_multiclk_ctl_t d); // MULTI_CLK reset and power down control
x393_multiclk_ctl_t get_x393_multiclk_ctrl (void);
x393_multiclk_status_t x393_multiclk_status (void); // MULTI_CLK lock and toggle state
// Debug ring module
// Debug ring module (when enabled with DEBUG_RING in system_defines.vh) provides low-overhead read/write access to internal test points
// To write data you need to write 32-bit data with x393_debug_shift(u32) multiple times to fill the ring register (length depends on
// implementation), skip this step if only reading from the modules under test is required.
// Exchange data with x393_debug_load(), the data from the ring shift register.
// Write 0xffffffff (or other "magic" data) if the ring length is unknown - this DWORD will appear on the output after the useful data
// Read all data, waiting for status sequence number to be incremented,status mode should be set to auto (3) wor each DWORD certain
// number of times or until the "magic" DWORD appears, writing "magic" to shift out next 32 bits.
void set_x393_debug_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Debug ring status generation - set to auto(3) if used
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_debug_status_ctrl (void);
void x393_debug_load (void); // Debug ring copy shift register to/from tested modules
void x393_debug_shift (u32 d); // Debug ring shift ring by 32 bits
x393_debug_status_t x393_debug_status (void); // Debug read status (watch sequence number)
u32 x393_debug_read (void); // Debug read DWORD form ring register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 3 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_status_cntrl(void);
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d); // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_size(x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_last(x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d); // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_window_x0y0(x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d); // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn3_scanline_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d); // Set startXY register
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 2 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_status_cntrl(void);
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d); // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d); // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d); // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d); // Set startXY register
void x393_mcntrl_chn2_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d); // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 4 (test channel)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_mode (x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t d); // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set)
void set_x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_status_cntrl(x393_status_ctrl_t d); // Set status control register (status update mode)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_status_cntrl(void);
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_startaddr (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t d); // Set frame start address
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_size (x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t d); // Set frame size (address increment)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_last (x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t d); // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1)
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_frame_full_width(x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t d); // Set frame full(padded) width
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_window_wh (x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t d); // Set frame window size
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_window_x0y0 (x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t d); // Set frame position
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_startxy (x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t d); // Set startXY register
void x393_mcntrl_chn4_tiled_tile_whs (x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t d); // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only)
* File: x393_defs.h
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Constants and hardware addresses definitions to access x393 hardware registers
// R/W addresses to set up memory arbiter priorities. For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
#define X393_MCNTRL_ARBITER_PRIORITY(chn) (0x40000180 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Set memory arbiter priority (currently r/w, may become just wo), chn = 0..15, data type: x393_arbite_pri_t (rw)
// Enable/disable memory channels (bits in a 16-bit word). For sensors (chn = 8..11), for compressors - 12..15
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN_EN 0x400001c0 // Enable/disable memory channels (currently r/w, may become just wo), data type: x393_mcntr_chn_en_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQS_DQM_PATT 0x40000140 // Setup DQS and DQM patterns, data type: x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQ_DQS_TRI 0x40000144 // Setup DQS and DQ on/off sequence, data type: x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t (rw)
// Following enable/disable addresses can be written with any data, only addresses matter
#define X393_MCNTRL_DIS 0x400000c0 // Disable DDR3 memory controller
#define X393_MCNTRL_EN 0x400000c4 // Enable DDR3 memory controller
#define X393_MCNTRL_REFRESH_DIS 0x400000c8 // Disable DDR3 memory refresh
#define X393_MCNTRL_REFRESH_EN 0x400000cc // Enable DDR3 memory refresh
#define X393_MCNTRL_SDRST_DIS 0x40000098 // Disable DDR3 memory reset
#define X393_MCNTRL_SDRST_EN 0x4000009c // Enable DDR3 memory reset
#define X393_MCNTRL_CKE_DIS 0x400000a0 // Disable DDR3 memory CKE
#define X393_MCNTRL_CKE_EN 0x400000a4 // Enable DDR3 memory CKE
#define X393_MCNTRL_CMDA_DIS 0x40000090 // Disable DDR3 memory command/address lines
#define X393_MCNTRL_CMDA_EN 0x40000094 // Enable DDR3 memory command/address lines
// Set DDR3 memory controller I/O delays and other timing parameters (should use individually calibrated values)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQ_ODLY0(chn) (0x40000200 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Lane0 DQ output delays , chn = 0..7, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQ_ODLY1(chn) (0x40000280 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Lane1 DQ output delays , chn = 0..7, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQ_IDLY0(chn) (0x40000240 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Lane0 DQ input delays , chn = 0..7, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQ_IDLY1(chn) (0x400002c0 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Lane1 DQ input delays , chn = 0..7, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQS_ODLY0 0x40000220 // Lane0 DQS output delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQS_ODLY1 0x400002a0 // Lane1 DQS output delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQS_IDLY0 0x40000260 // Lane0 DQS input delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DQS_IDLY1 0x400002e0 // Lane1 DQS input delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DM_ODLY0 0x40000224 // Lane0 DM output delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DM_ODLY1 0x400002a4 // Lane1 DM output delay , data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CMDA_ODLY(chn) (0x40000300 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Address, bank and commands delays, chn = 0..31, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_PHASE 0x40000380 // Clock phase, data type: x393_dly_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_DLY_SET 0x40000080 // Set all pre-programmed delays
#define X393_MCNTRL_WBUF_DLY 0x40000148 // Set write buffer delay, data type: x393_wbuf_dly_t (rw)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for sensors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 8..11
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_MODE(chn) (0x40001a00 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STATUS_CNTRL(chn) (0x40001a04 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set status control register (status update mode), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STARTADDR(chn) (0x40001a08 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame start address, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_SIZE(chn) (0x40001a0c + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame size (address increment), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_LAST(chn) (0x40001a10 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH(chn) (0x40001a14 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame full(padded) width, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_WINDOW_WH(chn) (0x40001a18 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame window size, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_WINDOW_X0Y0(chn) (0x40001a1c + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame position, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_SCANLINE_STARTXY(chn) (0x40001a20 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set startXY register, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channels for compressors (chn = 0..3), memory channels 12..15
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_MODE(chn) (0x40001b00 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_STATUS_CNTRL(chn) (0x40001b04 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set status control register (status update mode), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_STARTADDR(chn) (0x40001b08 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame start address, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_SIZE(chn) (0x40001b0c + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame size (address increment), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_LAST(chn) (0x40001b10 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH(chn) (0x40001b14 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame full(padded) width, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_WINDOW_WH(chn) (0x40001b18 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame window size, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_WINDOW_X0Y0(chn) (0x40001b1c + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set frame position, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_STARTXY(chn) (0x40001b20 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set startXY register, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_MCNTRL_TILED_TILE_WHS(chn) (0x40001b24 + 0x40 * (chn)) // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only), chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t (wo)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel for membridge, memory channel 1
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_MODE 0x40000480 // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000484 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_STARTADDR 0x40000488 // Set frame start address, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_FRAME_SIZE 0x4000048c // Set frame size (address increment), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_FRAME_LAST 0x40000490 // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH 0x40000494 // Set frame full(padded) width, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_WINDOW_WH 0x40000498 // Set frame window size, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_WINDOW_X0Y0 0x4000049c // Set frame position, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SCANLINE_STARTXY 0x400004a0 // Set startXY register, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_CTRL 0x40000800 // Issue membridge command, data type: x393_membridge_cmd_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000804 // Set membridge status control register, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_LO_ADDR64 0x40000808 // start address of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0), data type: u29_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_SIZE64 0x4000080c // size of the system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0), rolls over, data type: u29_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_START64 0x40000810 // start of transfer offset to system memory range in QWORDs (4 LSBs==0), data type: u29_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_LEN64 0x40000814 // Full length of transfer in QWORDs, data type: u29_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_WIDTH64 0x40000818 // Frame width in QWORDs (last xfer in each line may be partial), data type: u29_t (wo)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_MODE 0x4000081c // AXI cache mode, data type: x393_membridge_mode_t (wo)
// Write-only addresses to PS PIO (Software generated DDR3 memory access sequences)
#define X393_MCNTRL_PS_EN_RST 0x40000400 // Set PS PIO enable and reset, data type: x393_ps_pio_en_rst_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_PS_CMD 0x40000404 // Set PS PIO commands, data type: x393_ps_pio_cmd_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_PS_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000408 // Set PS PIO status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for memory controller
#define X393_MCONTR_PHY_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000150 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCONTR_TOP_16BIT_STATUS_CNTRL 0x4000014c // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
// Write-only addresses to to program status report mode for test channels
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN2_STATUS_CNTRL 0x400003d4 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN3_STATUS_CNTRL 0x400003dc // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN4_STATUS_CNTRL 0x400003e4 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
// Write-only addresses for test channels commands
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN2_MODE 0x400003d0 // Set command for test01 channel 2, data type: x393_test01_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN3_MODE 0x400003d8 // Set command for test01 channel 3, data type: x393_test01_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_TEST01_CHN4_MODE 0x400003e0 // Set command for test01 channel 4, data type: x393_test01_mode_t (wo)
// Read-only addresses for status information
#define X393_MCONTR_PHY_STATUS 0x40002000 // Status register for MCNTRL PHY, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_phy_t (ro)
#define X393_MCONTR_TOP_STATUS 0x40002004 // Status register for MCNTRL requests, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_top_t (ro)
#define X393_MCNTRL_PS_STATUS 0x40002008 // Status register for MCNTRL software R/W, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_ps_t (ro)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN1_STATUS 0x40002010 // Status register for MCNTRL CHN1 (membridge), data type: x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t (ro)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_STATUS 0x40002018 // Status register for MCNTRL CHN3 (scanline), data type: x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t (ro)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_STATUS 0x40002014 // Status register for MCNTRL CHN2 (tiled), data type: x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t (ro)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_STATUS 0x4000201c // Status register for MCNTRL CHN4 (tiled), data type: x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t (ro)
#define X393_TEST01_CHN2_STATUS 0x400020f4 // Status register for test channel 2, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t (ro)
#define X393_TEST01_CHN3_STATUS 0x400020f8 // Status register for test channel 3, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t (ro)
#define X393_TEST01_CHN4_STATUS 0x400020fc // Status register for test channel 4, data type: x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t (ro)
#define X393_MEMBRIDGE_STATUS 0x400020ec // Status register for membridge, data type: x393_status_membridge_t (ro)
// Write-only control of the sensor channels
#define X393_SENS_MODE(sens_num) (0x40001000 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Write sensor channel mode, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sens_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSI2C_CTRL(sens_num) (0x40001008 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Control sensor i2c, write i2c LUT, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_i2c_ctltbl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSI2C_STATUS_CTRL(sens_num) (0x4000100c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Setup sensor i2c status report mode, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_MULT(sens_num) (0x40001018 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Configure frames combining, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sens_sync_mult_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE(sens_num) (0x4000101c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Configure frame sync delay, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL(sens_num) (0x40001020 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Configure sensor I/O port, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL(sens_num) (0x40001024 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Set status control for SENSIO module, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG(sens_num) (0x40001028 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH(sens_num) (0x4000102c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0(sens_num) (0x40001030 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1(sens_num) (0x40001034 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM2(sens_num) (0x40001038 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 2, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim2_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM3(sens_num) (0x4000103c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 3, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim3_t (rw)
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
#define X393_SENSI2C_ABS(sens_num,offset) (0x40001040)+ 0x40 * (sens_num)+ 0x1 * (offset)) // Write sensor i2c sequencer, sens_num = 0..3, offset = 0..15, data type: u32 (wo)
#define X393_SENSI2C_REL(sens_num,offset) (0x40001080)+ 0x40 * (sens_num)+ 0x1 * (offset)) // Write sensor i2c sequencer, sens_num = 0..3, offset = 0..15, data type: u32 (wo)
// Lens vignetting correction (for each sub-frame separately)
#define X393_LENS_HEIGHT0_M1(sens_num) (0x400010f0 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Subframe 0 height minus 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_lens_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_LENS_HEIGHT1_M1(sens_num) (0x400010f4 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Subframe 1 height minus 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_lens_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_LENS_HEIGHT2_M1(sens_num) (0x400010f8 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Subframe 2 height minus 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_lens_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_LENS_CORR_CNH_ADDR_DATA(sens_num) (0x400010fc + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Combined address/data to write lens vignetting correction coefficients, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_lens_corr_t (wo)
// Lens vignetting coefficient addresses - use with x393_lens_corr_wo_t (X393_LENS_CORR_CNH_ADDR_DATA)
#define X393_LENS_AX 0x00000000 // Address of correction parameter Ax
#define X393_LENS_AX_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter Ax mask
#define X393_LENS_AY 0x00000008 // Address of correction parameter Ay
#define X393_LENS_AY_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter Ay mask
#define X393_LENS_C 0x00000010 // Address of correction parameter C
#define X393_LENS_C_MASK 0x000000f8 // Correction parameter C mask
#define X393_LENS_BX 0x00000020 // Address of correction parameter Bx
#define X393_LENS_BX_MASK 0x000000e0 // Correction parameter Bx mask
#define X393_LENS_BY 0x00000040 // Address of correction parameter By
#define X393_LENS_BY_MASK 0x000000e0 // Correction parameter By mask
#define X393_LENS_SCALE0 0x00000060 // Address of correction parameter scale0
#define X393_LENS_SCALE1 0x00000062 // Address of correction parameter scale1
#define X393_LENS_SCALE2 0x00000064 // Address of correction parameter scale2
#define X393_LENS_SCALE3 0x00000066 // Address of correction parameter scale3
#define X393_LENS_SCALES_MASK 0x000000f8 // Common mask for scales
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_IN 0x00000068 // Address of input fat zero parameter (to subtract from input)
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_IN_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for fat zero input parameter
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_OUT 0x00000069 // Address of output fat zero parameter (to add to output)
#define X393_LENS_FAT0_OUT_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for fat zero output parameters
#define X393_LENS_POST_SCALE 0x0000006a // Address of post scale (shift output) parameter
#define X393_LENS_POST_SCALE_MASK 0x000000ff // Mask for post scale parameter
// Sensor gamma conversion control (See Python code for examples of the table data generation)
#define X393_SENS_GAMMA_CTRL(sens_num) (0x400010e0 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Gamma module control, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_gamma_ctl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENS_GAMMA_TBL(sens_num) (0x400010e4 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Write sensor gamma table address/data (with autoincrement), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_gamma_tbl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT01M1(sens_num) (0x400010e8 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Gamma module subframes 0,1 heights minus 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_gamma_height01m1_t (rw)
#define X393_SENS_GAMMA_HEIGHT2M1(sens_num) (0x400010ec + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Gamma module subframe 2 height minus 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_gamma_height2m1_t (rw)
// Windows for histogram subchannels
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_LT0(sens_num) (0x400010c0 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 0 left/top, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_left_top_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_WH0(sens_num) (0x400010c4 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 0 width/height, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_width_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_LT1(sens_num) (0x400010c8 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 1 left/top, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_left_top_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_WH1(sens_num) (0x400010cc + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 1 width/height, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_width_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_LT2(sens_num) (0x400010d0 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 2 left/top, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_left_top_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_WH2(sens_num) (0x400010d4 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 2 width/height, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_width_height_m1_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_LT3(sens_num) (0x400010d8 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 3 left/top, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_left_top_t (rw)
#define X393_HISTOGRAM_WH3(sens_num) (0x400010dc + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Specify histogram 3 width/height, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_hist_width_height_m1_t (rw)
// DMA control for the histograms. Subchannel here is 4*sensor_port+ histogram_subchannel
#define X393_HIST_SAXI_MODE 0x40001440 // Histogram DMA operation mode, data type: x393_hist_saxi_mode_t (rw)
#define X393_HIST_SAXI_ADDR(subchannel) (0x40001400 + 0x4 * (subchannel)) // Histogram DMA addresses (in 4096 byte pages), subchannel = 0..15, data type: x393_hist_saxi_addr_t (rw)
// Read-only addresses for sensors status information
#define X393_SENSI2C_STATUS(sens_num) (0x40002080 + 0x8 * (sens_num)) // Status of the sensors i2c, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_status_sens_i2c_t (ro)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS(sens_num) (0x40002084 + 0x8 * (sens_num)) // Status of the sensor ports I/O pins, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_status_sens_io_t (ro)
// Compressor bitfields values
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_RST 0x00000000 // Reset compressor, stop immediately
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_DISABLE 0x00000001 // Disable compression of the new frames, finish any already started
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_STANDALONE 0x00000002 // Enable compressor, compress single frame from memory (async)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_RUN_ENABLE 0x00000003 // Enable synchronous compression mode
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0 3x3 de-bayer core
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO6 0x00000001 // Mono 4:2:0 (6 blocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP46 0x00000002 // jp4, 6 blocks, original
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP46DC 0x00000003 // jp4, 6 blocks, DC-improved
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG20 0x00000004 // Color 4:2:0 with 5x5 de-bayer (not implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4 0x00000005 // jp4, 4 blocks
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DC 0x00000006 // jp4, 4 blocks, DC-improved
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFF 0x00000007 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFHDR 0x00000008 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, hdr
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFDIV2 0x00000009 // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, divide by 2
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JP4DIFFHDRDIV2 0x0000000a // jp4, 4 blocks, differential, hdr,divide by 2
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO1 0x0000000b // Mono JPEG (not yet implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO4 0x0000000e // Mono, 4 blocks (2x2 macroblocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_SINGLE 0x00000000 // Use single-frame buffer
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_MULTI 0x00000001 // Use multi-frame buffer
// Compressor control
#define X393_CMPRS_CONTROL_REG(cmprs_chn) (0x40001800 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Program compressor channel operation mode, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_CMPRS_STATUS(cmprs_chn) (0x40001804 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Setup compressor status report mode, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_CMPRS_FORMAT(cmprs_chn) (0x40001808 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Compressor frame format, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_frame_format_t (rw)
#define X393_CMPRS_COLOR_SATURATION(cmprs_chn) (0x4000180c + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Compressor color saturation, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_colorsat_t (rw)
#define X393_CMPRS_CORING_MODE(cmprs_chn) (0x40001810 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Select coring mode, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t (rw)
#define X393_CMPRS_INTERRUPTS(cmprs_chn) (0x40001814 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Compressor interrupts control (1 - clear, 2 - disable, 3 - enable), cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_interrupts_t (wo)
// Compressor tables load control
// Several tables can be loaded to the compressor, there are 4 types of them:
// 0:quantization tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 1:coring tables - 8 pairs can be loaded and switched at run time,
// 2:focusing tables - 15 tables can be loaded and switched at run time (16-th table address space
// is used to program other focusing mode parameters,
// 3:Huffman tables - 1 pair tables can be loaded
// Default tables are loaded with the bitstream file (100% quality for quantization table 0
// Loading a table requires to load address of the beginning of data, it includes table type and optional offset
// when multiple tables of the same type are used. Next the data should be written to the same register address,
// the table address is auto-incremented,
// Data for the tables 0..2 should be combined: two items into a single 32-bit DWORD (little endian), treating
// each item as a 16-bit word. The Huffman table is one item per DWORD. Address offset is calculated in DWORDs
// Compressor table types
#define X393_TABLE_QUANTIZATION_TYPE 0x00000000 // Quantization table type
#define X393_TABLE_CORING_TYPE 0x00000001 // Coring table type
#define X393_TABLE_FOCUS_TYPE 0x00000002 // Focus table type
#define X393_TABLE_HUFFMAN_TYPE 0x00000003 // Huffman table type
// Compressor tables control
#define X393_CMPRS_TABLES_DATA(cmprs_chn) (0x40001818 + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Compressor tables data, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: u32 (wo)
#define X393_CMPRS_TABLES_ADDRESS(cmprs_chn) (0x4000181c + 0x40 * (cmprs_chn)) // Compressor tables type/address, cmprs_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_table_addr_t (wo)
// Compressor channel status)
#define X393_CMPRS_STATUS(chn) (0x40002040 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Status of the compressor channel (incl. interrupt, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmprs_status_t (ro)
#define X393_CMPRS_HIFREQ(chn) (0x40002050 + 0x4 * (chn)) // Focus helper high-frequency amount, chn = 0..3, data type: u32 (ro)
// Compressor DMA control:
// Camera can be configured to use either 2 AXI HP channels (with 2 compressors served by each one) or to use a single AXI HP channel
// serving all 4 compressor channels through its input ports. Below afi_port (0..3) references to one of the 4 ports of each. Control
// for two AXI HP channels is implemented as separate functions. Currently only the first channel is used
#define X393_AFIMUX0_EN 0x40001900 // AFI MUX 0 global/port run/pause control, data type: x393_afimux_en_t (wo)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_RST 0x40001904 // AFI MUX 0 per-port resets, data type: x393_afimux_rst_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_REPORT_MODE 0x40001908 // AFI MUX 0 readout pointer report mode, data type: x393_afimux_report_t (wo)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_STATUS_CONTROL 0x40001910 // AFI MUX 0 status report mode, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_SA(afi_port) (0x40001920 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks, afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_sa_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_LEN(afi_port) (0x40001930 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // AFI MUX 0 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks, afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_len_t (rw)
// Same for the second AXI HP channel (not currently used)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_EN 0x40001940 // AFI MUX 1 global/port run/pause control, data type: x393_afimux_en_t (wo)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_RST 0x40001944 // AFI MUX 1 per-port resets, data type: x393_afimux_rst_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_REPORT_MODE 0x40001948 // AFI MUX 1 readout pointer report mode, data type: x393_afimux_report_t (wo)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_STATUS_CONTROL 0x40001950 // AFI MUX 1 status report mode, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_SA(afi_port) (0x40001960 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer start address in 32-byte blocks, afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_sa_t (rw)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_LEN(afi_port) (0x40001970 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // AFI MUX 1 DMA buffer length in 32-byte blocks, afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_len_t (rw)
// Read-only sensors status information (pointer offset and last sequence number)
#define X393_AFIMUX0_STATUS(afi_port) (0x40002060 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // Status of the AFI MUX 0 (including image pointer), afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_status_t (ro)
#define X393_AFIMUX1_STATUS(afi_port) (0x40002070 + 0x4 * (afi_port)) // Status of the AFI MUX 1 (including image pointer), afi_port = 0..3, data type: x393_afimux_status_t (ro)
// GPIO contol. Each of the 10 pins can be controlled by the software - individually or simultaneously or from any of the 3 masters (other FPGA modules)
// Currently these modules are;
// A - camsync (intercamera synchronization), uses up to 4 pins
// B - reserved (not yet used) and
// C - logger (IMU, GPS, images), uses 6 pins, including separate i2c available on extension boards
// If several enabled ports try to contol the same bit, highest priority has port C, lowest - software controlled
#define X393_GPIO_SET_PINS 0x40001c00 // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number, data type: x393_gpio_set_pins_t (wo)
#define X393_GPIO_STATUS_CONTROL 0x40001c04 // GPIO status control mode, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
// Read-only GPIO pins state
#define X393_GPIO_STATUS 0x400020c0 // State of the GPIO pins and seq. number, data type: x393_gpio_status_t (ro)
// RTC control
#define X393_RTC_USEC 0x40001c10 // RTC microseconds, data type: x393_rtc_usec_t (rw)
#define X393_RTC_SEC_SET 0x40001c14 // RTC seconds and set clock, data type: x393_rtc_sec_t (rw)
#define X393_RTC_CORR 0x40001c18 // RTC correction (+/- 1/256 full scale), data type: x393_rtc_corr_t (rw)
#define X393_RTC_SET_STATUS 0x40001c1c // RTC status control mode, write makes a snapshot to be read out, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
// Read-only RTC state
#define X393_RTC_STATUS 0x400020c4 // RTC status reg, data type: x393_rtc_status_t (ro)
#define X393_RTC_STATUS_SEC 0x400020c8 // RTC snapshot seconds, data type: x393_rtc_sec_t (ro)
#define X393_RTC_STATUS_USEC 0x400020cc // RTC snapshot microseconds, data type: x393_rtc_usec_t (ro)
// CAMSYNC control
#define X393_CAMSYNC_MODE 0x40001c20 // CAMSYNC mode, data type: x393_camsync_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_SRC 0x40001c24 // CAMSYNC trigger source, data type: x393_camsync_io_t (wo)
#define X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DST 0x40001c28 // CAMSYNC trigger destination, data type: x393_camsync_io_t (wo)
// Trigger period has special value for small (<255) values written to this register
// d == 0 - disable (stop periodic mode)
// d == 1 - single trigger
// d == 2..255 - set output pulse / input-output serial bit duration (no start generated)
// d >= 256 - repetitive trigger
#define X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_PERIOD 0x40001c2c // CAMSYNC trigger period, data type: u32 (rw)
#define X393_CAMSYNC_TRIG_DELAY(sens_chn) (0x40001c30 + 0x4 * (sens_chn)) // CAMSYNC trigger delay, sens_chn = 0..3, data type: u32 (rw)
// Command sequencer control
// Controller is programmed through 32 locations. Each registers but the control require two writes:
// First write - register address (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS bits), second - register data (32 bits)
// Writing to the contol register (0x1f) resets the first/second counter so the next write will be "first"
// 0x0..0xf write directly to the frame number [3:0] modulo 16, except if you write to the frame
// "just missed" - in that case data will go to the current frame.
// 0x10 - write seq commands to be sent ASAP
// 0x11 - write seq commands to be sent after the next frame starts
// 0x1e - write seq commands to be sent after the next 14 frame start pulses
// 0x1f - control register:
// [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command
// [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state
// [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE
#define X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_CTRL(sens_chn) (0x40001e7c + 0x80 * (sens_chn)) // CMDFRAMESEQ control register, sens_chn = 0..3, data type: x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t (wo)
#define X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_ABS(sens_chn,offset) (0x40001e00)+ 0x20 * (sens_chn)+ 0x1 * (offset)) // CMDFRAMESEQ absolute frame address/command, sens_chn = 0..3, offset = 0..15, data type: u32 (wo)
#define X393_CMDFRAMESEQ_REL(sens_chn,offset) (0x40001e40)+ 0x20 * (sens_chn)+ 0x1 * (offset)) // CMDFRAMESEQ relative frame address/command, sens_chn = 0..3, offset = 0..14, data type: u32 (wo)
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
#define X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001c08 // CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_CMDSEQMUX_STATUS 0x400020e0 // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts, data type: x393_cmdseqmux_status_t (ro)
// Event logger
// Event logger configuration/data is writtent to the module ising two 32-bit register locations : data and address.
// Address consists of 2 parts - 2-bit page (configuration, imu, gps, message) and a 5-bit sub-address autoincremented when writing data.
// Register pages:
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF 0x00000000 // Logger configuration page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_IMU 0x00000003 // Logger IMU parameters page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_GPS 0x00000001 // Logger GPS parameters page
#define X393_LOGGER_PAGE_MSG 0x00000002 // Logger MSG (odometer) parameters page
// Register configuration addresses (with X393_LOGGER_PAGE_CONF):
#define X393_LOGGER_PERIOD 0x00000000 // IMU period (in SPI clocks, high word 0xffff - use IMU ready)
#define X393_LOGGER_BIT_DURATION 0x00000001 // IMU SPI bit duration (in mclk == 50 ns periods?)
#define X393_LOGGER_BIT_HALF_PERIOD 0x00000002 // Logger rs232 half bit period (in mclk == 50 ns periods?)
#define X393_LOGGER_CONFIG 0x00000003 // Logger IMU parameters page
#define X393_LOGGER_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001c88 // Logger status configuration (to report sample number), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_LOGGER_DATA 0x40001c80 // Logger register write data, data type: x393_logger_data_t (wo)
#define X393_LOGGER_ADDRESS 0x40001c84 // Logger register write page/address, data type: x393_logger_address_t (wo)
#define X393_LOGGER_STATUS 0x400020e4 // Logger status data (sequence number), data type: x393_logger_status_t (ro)
// MULT SAXI DMA engine control. Of 4 channels only one (number 0) is currently used - for the event logger
#define X393_MULT_SAXI_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001ce0 // MULT_SAXI status control mode (status provides current DWORD pointer), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MULT_SAXI_BUF_ADDRESS(chn) (0x40001cc0 + 0x8 * (chn)) // MULT_SAXI buffer start address in DWORDS, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mult_saxi_al_t (wo)
#define X393_MULT_SAXI_BUF_LEN(chn) (0x40001cc4 + 0x8 * (chn)) // MULT_SAXI buffer length in DWORDS, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mult_saxi_al_t (wo)
#define X393_MULT_SAXI_STATUS(chn) (0x400020d0 + 0x4 * (chn)) // MULT_SAXI current DWORD pointer, chn = 0..3, data type: x393_mult_saxi_al_t (ro)
// MULTI_CLK - global clock generation PLLs. Interface provided for debugging, no interaction is needed for normal operation
#define X393_MULTICLK_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001ca4 // MULTI_CLK status generation (do not use or do not set auto), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MULTICLK_CTRL 0x40001ca0 // MULTI_CLK reset and power down control, data type: x393_multiclk_ctl_t (rw)
#define X393_MULTICLK_STATUS 0x400020e8 // MULTI_CLK lock and toggle state, data type: x393_multiclk_status_t (ro)
// Debug ring module
// Debug ring module (when enabled with DEBUG_RING in system_defines.vh) provides low-overhead read/write access to internal test points
// To write data you need to write 32-bit data with x393_debug_shift(u32) multiple times to fill the ring register (length depends on
// implementation), skip this step if only reading from the modules under test is required.
// Exchange data with x393_debug_load(), the data from the ring shift register.
// Write 0xffffffff (or other "magic" data) if the ring length is unknown - this DWORD will appear on the output after the useful data
// Read all data, waiting for status sequence number to be incremented,status mode should be set to auto (3) wor each DWORD certain
// number of times or until the "magic" DWORD appears, writing "magic" to shift out next 32 bits.
#define X393_DEBUG_STATUS_CTRL 0x40001c48 // Debug ring status generation - set to auto(3) if used, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_DEBUG_LOAD 0x40001c44 // Debug ring copy shift register to/from tested modules
#define X393_DEBUG_SHIFT 0x40001c40 // Debug ring shift ring by 32 bits, data type: u32 (wo)
#define X393_DEBUG_STATUS 0x400023f0 // Debug read status (watch sequence number), data type: x393_debug_status_t (ro)
#define X393_DEBUG_READ 0x400023f4 // Debug read DWORD form ring register, data type: u32 (ro)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 3 (test channel)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_MODE 0x400004c0 // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_STATUS_CNTRL 0x400004c4 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_STARTADDR 0x400004c8 // Set frame start address, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_FRAME_SIZE 0x400004cc // Set frame size (address increment), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_FRAME_LAST 0x400004d0 // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH 0x400004d4 // Set frame full(padded) width, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_WINDOW_WH 0x400004d8 // Set frame window size, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_WINDOW_X0Y0 0x400004dc // Set frame position, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN3_SCANLINE_STARTXY 0x400004e0 // Set startXY register, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 2 (test channel)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_MODE 0x40000500 // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000504 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_STARTADDR 0x40000508 // Set frame start address, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_FRAME_SIZE 0x4000050c // Set frame size (address increment), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_FRAME_LAST 0x40000510 // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH 0x40000514 // Set frame full(padded) width, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_WINDOW_WH 0x40000518 // Set frame window size, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_WINDOW_X0Y0 0x4000051c // Set frame position, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_STARTXY 0x40000520 // Set startXY register, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN2_TILED_TILE_WHS 0x40000524 // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t (wo)
// Write-only addresses to program memory channel 4 (test channel)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_MODE 0x40000540 // Set mode register (write last after other channel registers are set), data type: x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_STATUS_CNTRL 0x40000544 // Set status control register (status update mode), data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_STARTADDR 0x40000548 // Set frame start address, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_FRAME_SIZE 0x4000054c // Set frame size (address increment), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_FRAME_LAST 0x40000550 // Set last frame number (number of frames in buffer minus 1), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_FRAME_FULL_WIDTH 0x40000554 // Set frame full(padded) width, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_WINDOW_WH 0x40000558 // Set frame window size, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_WINDOW_X0Y0 0x4000055c // Set frame position, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_STARTXY 0x40000560 // Set startXY register, data type: x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t (wo)
#define X393_MCNTRL_CHN4_TILED_TILE_WHS 0x40000564 // Set tile size/step (tiled mode only), data type: x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t (wo)
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* File: x393_types.h
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: typedef definitions for the x393 hardware registers
// Status generation control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 seq_num: 6; // [ 5: 0] (0) 6-bit sequence number to be used with the next status response
u32 mode: 2; // [ 7: 6] (3) Status report mode: 0 - disable, 1 - single, 2 - auto, keep sequence number, 3 - auto, inc. seq. number
u32 :24;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_ctrl_t;
// Memory channel operation mode
typedef union {
struct {
u32 enable: 1; // [ 0] (1) enable requests from this channel ( 0 will let current to finish, but not raise want/need)
u32 chn_nreset: 1; // [ 1] (1) 0: immediately reset all the internal circuitry
u32 write_mem: 1; // [ 2] (0) 0 - read from memory, 1 - write to memory
u32 extra_pages: 2; // [ 4: 3] (0) 2-bit number of extra pages that need to stay (not to be overwritten) in the buffer
u32 keep_open: 1; // [ 5] (0) for 8 or less rows - do not close page between accesses (not used in scanline mode)
u32 byte32: 1; // [ 6] (1) 32-byte columns (0 - 16-byte), not used in scanline mode
u32 : 1;
u32 reset_frame: 1; // [ 8] (0) reset frame number
u32 single: 1; // [ 9] (0) run single frame
u32 repetitive: 1; // [ 10] (1) run repetitive frames
u32 disable_need: 1; // [ 11] (0) disable 'need' generation, only 'want' (compressor channels)
u32 skip_too_late: 1; // [ 12] (0) Skip over missed blocks to preserve frame structure (increment pointers)
u32 :19;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_mode_scan_t;
// Memory channel window tile size/step (tiled only)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 tile_width: 6; // [ 5: 0] (2) tile width in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
u32 : 2;
u32 tile_height: 6; // [13: 8] (0x12) tile height in lines (0 means 64 lines)
u32 : 2;
u32 vert_step: 8; // [23:16] (0x10) Tile vertical step to control tile overlap
u32 : 8;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_tile_whs_t;
// Memory channel window size
typedef union {
struct {
u32 width:13; // [12: 0] (0) 13-bit window width - in 8*16=128 bit bursts
u32 : 3;
u32 height:16; // [31:16] (0) 16-bit window height in scan lines
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_width_height_t;
// Memory channel window position
typedef union {
struct {
u32 left:13; // [12: 0] (0) 13-bit window left margin in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
u32 : 3;
u32 top:16; // [31:16] (0) 16-bit window top margin in scan lines
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_left_top_t;
// Memory channel scan start (debug feature)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 start_x:13; // [12: 0] (0) 13-bit window start X relative to window left margin (debug feature, set = 0)
u32 : 3;
u32 start_y:16; // [31:16] (0) 16-bit window start Y relative to window top margin (debug feature, set = 0)
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_startx_starty_t;
// Memory channel window full (padded) width
typedef union {
struct {
u32 full_width:13; // [12: 0] (0) 13-bit Padded line length (8-row increment), in 8-bursts (16 bytes)
u32 :19;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_full_width_t;
// Memory channel last frame number in a buffer (number of frames minus 1)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 last_frame_num:16; // [15: 0] (0) 16-bit number of the last frame in a buffer (1 for a 2-frame ping-pong one)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_last_frame_num_t;
// Memory channel frame start address increment (for next frame in a buffer)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 frame_sa_inc:22; // [21: 0] (0) 22-bit frame start address increment (3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
u32 :10;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_inc_t;
// Memory channel frame start address for the first frame in a buffer
typedef union {
struct {
u32 frame_sa:22; // [21: 0] (0) 22-bit frame start address (3 CA LSBs==0. BA==0)
u32 :10;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntrl_window_frame_sa_t;
// PS PIO (software-programmed DDR3) access sequences enable and reset
typedef union {
struct {
u32 nrst: 1; // [ 0] (1) Active-low reset for programmed DDR3 memory sequences
u32 en: 1; // [ 1] (1) Enable PS_PIO channel. Only influences request for arbitration, started transactions will finish if disabled
u32 :30;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_ps_pio_en_rst_t;
// PS PIO (software-programmed DDR3) access sequences control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 seq_addr:10; // [ 9: 0] (0) Sequence start address
u32 page: 2; // [11:10] (0) Buffer page number
u32 urgent: 1; // [ 12] (0) high priority request (only for competition with other channels, will not pass in this FIFO)
u32 chn: 1; // [ 13] (0) channel buffer to use: 0 - memory read, 1 - memory write
u32 wait_complete: 1; // [ 14] (0) Do not request a new transaction from the scheduler until previous memory transaction is finished
u32 :17;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_ps_pio_cmd_t;
// x393 generic status register
typedef union {
struct {
u32 status24:24; // [23: 0] (0) 24-bit status payload ([25:2] in Verilog
u32 status2: 2; // [25:24] (0) 2-bit status payload (2 LSB in Verilog)
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_t;
// Memory PHY status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 ps_out: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Current MMCM phase shift
u32 run_busy: 1; // [ 8] (0) Controller sequence in progress
u32 locked_pll: 1; // [ 9] (0) PLL is locked
u32 locked_mmcm: 1; // [ 10] (0) MMCM is locked
u32 dci_ready: 1; // [ 11] (0) DCI calibration is ready
u32 dly_ready: 1; // [ 12] (0) I/O delays calibration is ready
u32 :11;
u32 ps_rdy: 1; // [ 24] (0) Phase change is done
u32 locked: 1; // [ 25] (0) Both PLL and MMCM are locked
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_mcntrl_phy_t;
// Memory controller requests status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 chn_want:16; // [15: 0] (0) Bit mask of the channels that request memory access
u32 : 8;
u32 want_some: 1; // [ 24] (0) At least one channel requests memory access (normal priority)
u32 need_some: 1; // [ 25] (0) At least one channel requests urgent memory access (high priority)
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_mcntrl_top_t;
// Memory software access status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 :24;
u32 cmd_half_full: 1; // [ 24] (0) MCNTRL software access pending commands FIFO is half full
u32 cmd_nempty_busy: 1; // [ 25] (0) MCNTRL software access pending commands FIFO is not empty or command is running
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_mcntrl_ps_t;
// Memory test channels access status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 :24;
u32 busy: 1; // [ 24] (0) Channel is busy (started and some memory accesses are pending)
u32 frame_finished: 1; // [ 25] (0) Channel completed all memory accesses
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_mcntrl_lintile_t;
// Memory test channels status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 line_unfinished:16; // [15: 0] (0) Current unfinished frame line
u32 page: 4; // [19:16] (0) Current page number read/written through a channel (low bits)
u32 : 4;
u32 frame_busy: 1; // [ 24] (0) Channel is busy (started and some memory accesses are pending)
u32 frame_finished: 1; // [ 25] (0) Channel completed all memory accesses
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_mcntrl_testchn_t;
// Membridge channel status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 wresp_conf: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Number of 64-bit words confirmed through axi b channel (low bits)
u32 axi_arw_requested: 8; // [15: 8] (0) Number of 64-bit words to be read/written over axi queued to AR/AW channels (low bits)
u32 : 8;
u32 busy: 1; // [ 24] (0) Membridge operation in progress
u32 done: 1; // [ 25] (0) Membridge operation finished
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_membridge_t;
// Sensor/multiplexer I/O pins status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 ps_out: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Sensor MMCM current phase
u32 ps_rdy: 1; // [ 8] (0) Sensor MMCM phase ready
u32 xfpgadone: 1; // [ 9] (0) Multiplexer FPGA DONE output
u32 clkfb_pxd_stopped_mmcm: 1; // [ 10] (0) Sensor MMCM feedback clock stopped
u32 clkin_pxd_stopped_mmcm: 1; // [ 11] (0) Sensor MMCM input clock stopped
u32 locked_pxd_mmcm: 1; // [ 12] (0) Sensor MMCM locked
u32 hact_alive: 1; // [ 13] (0) HACT signal from the sensor (or internal) is toggling (N/A for HiSPI
u32 hact_ext_alive: 1; // [ 14] (0) HACT signal from the sensor is toggling (N/A for HiSPI)
u32 vact_alive: 1; // [ 15] (0) VACT signal from the sensor is toggling (N/A for HiSPI)
u32 : 8;
u32 senspgmin: 1; // [ 24] (0) senspgm pin state
u32 xfpgatdo: 1; // [ 25] (0) Multiplexer FPGA TDO output
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_sens_io_t;
// Sensor/multiplexer i2c status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 i2c_fifo_dout: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) I2c byte read from the device through FIFO
u32 i2c_fifo_nempty: 1; // [ 8] (0) I2C read FIFO has data
u32 i2c_fifo_lsb: 1; // [ 9] (0) I2C FIFO byte counter (odd/even bytes)
u32 busy: 1; // [ 10] (0) I2C sequencer busy
u32 alive_fs: 1; // [ 11] (0) Sensor generated frame sync since last status update
u32 frame_num: 4; // [15:12] (0) I2C sequencer frame number
u32 req_clr: 1; // [ 16] (0) Request for clearing fifo_wp (delay frame sync if previous is not yet sent out)
u32 reset_on: 1; // [ 17] (0) Reset in progress
u32 : 6;
u32 scl_in: 1; // [ 24] (0) SCL pin state
u32 sda_in: 1; // [ 25] (0) SDA pin state
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_status_sens_i2c_t;
// Command bits for test01 module (test frame memory accesses)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 frame_start: 1; // [ 0] (0) start frame command
u32 next_page: 1; // [ 1] (0) Next page command
u32 suspend: 1; // [ 2] (0) Suspend command
u32 :29;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_test01_mode_t;
// Command for membridge
typedef union {
struct {
u32 enable: 1; // [ 0] (0) enable membridge
u32 start_reset: 2; // [ 2: 1] (0) 1 - start (from current address), 3 - start from reset address
u32 :29;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_membridge_cmd_t;
// Cache mode for membridge
typedef union {
struct {
u32 axi_cache: 4; // [ 3: 0] (3) AXI CACHE value (ignored by Zynq)
u32 debug_cache: 1; // [ 4] (0) 0 - normal operation, 1 debug (replace data)
u32 :27;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_membridge_mode_t;
// Address in 64-bit words
typedef union {
struct {
u32 addr64:29; // [28: 0] (0) Address/length in 64-bit words (<<3 to get byte address
u32 : 3;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} u29_t;
// I2C contol/table data
typedef union {
struct {
u32 tbl_addr: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Address/length in 64-bit words (<<3 to get byte address)
u32 :20;
u32 tbl_mode: 2; // [29:28] (3) Should be 3 to select table address write mode
u32 : 2;
struct {
u32 rah: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) High byte of the i2c register address
u32 rnw: 1; // [ 8] (0) Read/not write i2c register, should be 0 here
u32 sa: 7; // [15: 9] (0) Slave address in write mode
u32 nbwr: 4; // [19:16] (0) Number of bytes to write (1..10)
u32 dly: 8; // [27:20] (0) Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 : 2;
struct {
u32 /*rah*/: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) High byte of the i2c register address
u32 /*rnw*/: 1; // [ 8] (0) Read/not write i2c register, should be 1 here
u32 : 7;
u32 nbrd: 3; // [18:16] (0) Number of bytes to read (1..18, 0 means '8')
u32 nabrd: 1; // [ 19] (0) Number of address bytes for read (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
u32 /*dly*/: 8; // [27:20] (0) Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (2) Should be 2 to select table data write mode
u32 : 2;
struct {
u32 sda_drive_high: 1; // [ 0] (0) Actively drive SDA high during second half of SCL==1 (valid with drive_ctl)
u32 sda_release: 1; // [ 1] (0) Release SDA early if next bit ==1 (valid with drive_ctl)
u32 drive_ctl: 1; // [ 2] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set sda_release and sda_drive_high
u32 next_fifo_rd: 1; // [ 3] (0) Advance I2C read FIFO pointer
u32 soft_scl: 2; // [ 5: 4] (0) Control SCL pin (when stopped): 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - high (driven), 3 - float
u32 soft_sda: 2; // [ 7: 6] (0) Control SDA pin (when stopped): 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - high (driven), 3 - float
u32 : 4;
u32 cmd_run: 2; // [13:12] (0) Sequencer run/stop control: 0,1 - nop, 2 - stop, 3 - run
u32 reset: 1; // [ 14] (0) Sequencer reset all FIFO (takes 16 clock pulses), also - stops i2c until run command
u32 :13;
u32 /*tbl_mode*/: 2; // [29:28] (0) Should be 0 to select controls
u32 : 2;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_i2c_ctltbl_t;
// Write sensor channel mode register
typedef union {
struct {
u32 hist_en: 4; // [ 3: 0] (0xf) Enable subchannel histogram modules (may be less than 4)
u32 hist_nrst: 4; // [ 7: 4] (0xf) Reset off for histograms subchannels (may be less than 4)
u32 chn_en: 1; // [ 8] (1) Enable this sensor channel
u32 bit16: 1; // [ 9] (0) 0 - 8 bpp mode, 1 - 16 bpp (bypass gamma). Gamma-processed data is still used for histograms
u32 :22;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sens_mode_t;
// Write number of sensor frames to combine into one virtual (linescan mode)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 mult_frames:16; // [15: 0] (0) Number of frames to combine into one minus 1 (0 - single,1 - two frames...)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sens_sync_mult_t;
// Write sensor number of lines to delay frame sync
typedef union {
struct {
u32 mult_frames:16; // [15: 0] (0) Number of lines to delay late frame sync
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sens_sync_late_t;
// Configure memory controller priorities
typedef union {
struct {
u32 priority:16; // [15: 0] (0) Channel priority (the larger the higher)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_arbite_pri_t;
// Enable/disable memory controller channels
typedef union {
struct {
u32 chn_en:16; // [15: 0] (0) Enabled memory channels
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntr_chn_en_t;
// DQS and DQM patterns (DQM - 0, DQS 0xaa or 0x55)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 dqs_patt: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0xaa) DQS pattern: 0xaa/0x55
u32 dqm_patt: 8; // [15: 8] (0) DQM pattern: 0x0
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_patt_t;
// DQ and DQS tristate control when turning on and off
typedef union {
struct {
u32 dq_tri_first: 4; // [ 3: 0] (3) DQ tristate start (0x3,0x7,0xf); early, nominal, late
u32 dq_tri_last: 4; // [ 7: 4] (0xe) DQ tristate end (0xf,0xe,0xc); early, nominal, late
u32 dqs_tri_first: 4; // [11: 8] (1) DQS tristate start (0x1,0x3,0x7); early, nominal, late
u32 dqs_tri_last: 4; // [15:12] (0xc) DQS tristate end (0xe,0xc,0x8); early, nominal, late
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mcntr_dqs_dqm_tri_t;
// DDR3 memory controller I/O delay
typedef union {
struct {
u32 dly: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) 8-bit delay value: 5MSBs(0..31) and 3LSBs(0..4)
u32 :24;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_dly_t;
// Extra delay in mclk (fDDR/2) cycles) to data write buffer
typedef union {
struct {
u32 wbuf_dly: 4; // [ 3: 0] (9) Extra delay in mclk (fDDR/2) cycles) to data write buffer
u32 :28;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_wbuf_dly_t;
// Control for the gamma-conversion module
typedef union {
struct {
u32 bayer: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) Bayer color shift (pixel to gamma table)
u32 page: 1; // [ 2] (0) Table page (only available if SENS_GAMMA_BUFFER in Verilog)
u32 en: 1; // [ 3] (1) Enable module
u32 repet: 1; // [ 4] (1) Repetitive (normal) mode. Set 0 for testing of the single-frame mode
u32 trig: 1; // [ 5] (0) Single trigger used when repetitive mode is off (self clearing bit)
u32 :26;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gamma_ctl_t;
// Write gamma table address/data
typedef union {
struct {
u32 addr: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Start address in a gamma page (normally 0)
u32 color: 2; // [ 9: 8] (0) Color channel
u32 sub_chn: 2; // [11:10] (0) Sensor sub-channel (multiplexed to the same port)
u32 : 8;
u32 a_n_d: 1; // [ 20] (1) Address/not data, should be set to 1 here
u32 :11;
struct {
u32 base:10; // [ 9: 0] (0) Knee point value (to be interpolated between)
char diff: 7; // [16:10] (0) Difference to next (signed, -64..+63)
u32 diff_scale: 1; // [ 17] (0) Difference scale: 0 - keep diff, 1- multiply diff by 16
u32 :14;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gamma_tbl_t;
// Heights of the first two subchannels frames
typedef union {
struct {
u32 height0m1:16; // [15: 0] (0) Height of subchannel 0 frame minus 1
u32 height1m1:16; // [31:16] (0) Height of subchannel 1 frame minus 1
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gamma_height01m1_t;
// Height of the third subchannel frame
typedef union {
struct {
u32 height2m1:16; // [15: 0] (0) Height of subchannel 2 frame minus 1
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gamma_height2m1_t;
// Sensor port I/O control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 mrst: 1; // [ 0] (0) MRST signal level to the sensor (0 - low(active), 1 - high (inactive)
u32 mrst_set: 1; // [ 1] (0) when set to 1, MRST is set to the 'mrst' field value
u32 arst: 1; // [ 2] (0) ARST signal to the sensor
u32 arst_set: 1; // [ 3] (0) ARST set to the 'arst' field
u32 aro: 1; // [ 4] (0) ARO signal to the sensor
u32 aro_set: 1; // [ 5] (0) ARO set to the 'aro' field
u32 mmcm_rst: 1; // [ 6] (0) MMCM (for sensor clock) reset signal
u32 mmcm_rst_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) MMCM reset set to 'mmcm_rst' field
u32 ext_clk: 1; // [ 8] (0) MMCM clock input: 0: clock to the sensor, 1 - clock from the sensor
u32 ext_clk_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) Set MMCM clock input to 'ext_clk' field
u32 set_dly: 1; // [ 10] (0) Set all pre-programmed delays to the sensor port input delays
u32 : 1;
u32 quadrants: 6; // [17:12] (1) 90-degree shifts for data [1:0], hact [3:2] and vact [5:4]
u32 : 2;
u32 quadrants_set: 1; // [ 20] (0) Set 'quadrants' values
u32 :11;
struct {
u32 /*mrst*/: 1; // [ 0] (0) MRST signal level to the sensor (0 - low(active), 1 - high (inactive)
u32 /*mrst_set*/: 1; // [ 1] (0) when set to 1, MRST is set to the 'mrst' field value
u32 /*arst*/: 1; // [ 2] (0) ARST signal to the sensor
u32 /*arst_set*/: 1; // [ 3] (0) ARST set to the 'arst' field
u32 /*aro*/: 1; // [ 4] (0) ARO signal to the sensor
u32 /*aro_set*/: 1; // [ 5] (0) ARO set to the 'aro' field
u32 /*mmcm_rst*/: 1; // [ 6] (0) MMCM (for sensor clock) reset signal
u32 /*mmcm_rst_set*/: 1; // [ 7] (0) MMCM reset set to 'mmcm_rst' field
u32 ign_embed: 1; // [ 8] (0) Ignore embedded data (non-image pixel lines
u32 ign_embed_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) Set mode to 'ign_embed' field
u32 /*set_dly*/: 1; // [ 10] (0) Set all pre-programmed delays to the sensor port input delays
u32 : 1;
u32 gp0: 1; // [ 12] (0) GP0 multipurpose signal to the sensor
u32 gp0_set: 1; // [ 13] (0) Set GP0 to 'gp0' value
u32 gp1: 1; // [ 14] (0) GP1 multipurpose signal to the sensor
u32 gp1_set: 1; // [ 15] (0) Set GP1 to 'gp1' value
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_ctl_t;
// Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA
typedef union {
struct {
u32 tdi: 1; // [ 0] (0) JTAG TDI level
u32 tdi_set: 1; // [ 1] (0) JTAG TDI set to 'tdi' field
u32 tms: 1; // [ 2] (0) JTAG TMS level
u32 tms_set: 1; // [ 3] (0) JTAG TMS set to 'tms' field
u32 tck: 1; // [ 4] (0) JTAG TCK level
u32 tck_set: 1; // [ 5] (0) JTAG TCK set to 'tck' field
u32 prog: 1; // [ 6] (0) Sensor port PROG level
u32 prog_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) Sensor port PROG set to 'prog' field
u32 pgmen: 1; // [ 8] (0) Sensor port PGMEN level
u32 pgmen_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) Sensor port PGMEN set to 'pgmen' field
u32 :22;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_jtag_t;
// Sensor i/o timing register 0 (different meanings for different sensor types)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 pxd0: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) PXD0 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd1: 8; // [15: 8] (0) PXD1 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd2: 8; // [23:16] (0) PXD2 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd3: 8; // [31:24] (0) PXD3 input delay (3 LSB not used)
struct {
u32 fifo_lag: 4; // [ 3: 0] (7) FIFO delay to start output
u32 :28;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_tim0_t;
// Sensor i/o timing register 1 (different meanings for different sensor types)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 pxd4: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) PXD4 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd5: 8; // [15: 8] (0) PXD5 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd6: 8; // [23:16] (0) PXD6 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd7: 8; // [31:24] (0) PXD7 input delay (3 LSB not used)
struct {
u32 phys_lane0: 2; // [ 1: 0] (1) Physical lane for logical lane 0
u32 phys_lane1: 2; // [ 3: 2] (2) Physical lane for logical lane 1
u32 phys_lane2: 2; // [ 5: 4] (3) Physical lane for logical lane 2
u32 phys_lane3: 2; // [ 7: 6] (0) Physical lane for logical lane 3
u32 :24;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_tim1_t;
// Sensor i/o timing register 2 (different meanings for different sensor types)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 pxd8: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) PXD8 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd9: 8; // [15: 8] (0) PXD9 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd10: 8; // [23:16] (0) PXD10 input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 pxd11: 8; // [31:24] (0) PXD11 input delay (3 LSB not used)
struct {
u32 dly_lane0: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) lane 0 (phys) input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 dly_lane1: 8; // [15: 8] (0) lane 1 (phys) input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 dly_lane2: 8; // [23:16] (0) lane 2 (phys) input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 dly_lane3: 8; // [31:24] (0) lane 3 (phys) input delay (3 LSB not used)
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_tim2_t;
// Sensor i/o timing register 3 (different meanings for different sensor types)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 hact: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) HACT input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 vact: 8; // [15: 8] (0) VACT input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 bpf: 8; // [23:16] (0) BPF (clock from sensor) input delay (3 LSB not used)
u32 phase_p: 8; // [31:24] (0) MMCM phase
struct {
u32 phase_h: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) MMCM phase
u32 :24;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_tim3_t;
// Set sensor frame width (0 - use received)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 sensor_width:16; // [15: 0] (0) Sensor frame width (0 - use line sync signals from the sensor)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_width_t;
// Lens vignetting parameter (write address first, then data that may overlap som address bits)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 :16;
u32 addr: 8; // [23:16] (0) Lens correction address, should be written first (overlaps with data)
u32 sub_chn: 2; // [25:24] (0) Sensor subchannel
u32 : 6;
struct {
u32 ax:19; // [18: 0] (0x20000) Coefficient Ax
u32 :13;
struct {
u32 ay:19; // [18: 0] (0x20000) Coefficient Ay
u32 :13;
struct {
u32 bx:21; // [20: 0] (0x180000) Coefficient Bx
u32 :11;
struct {
u32 by:21; // [20: 0] (0x180000) Coefficient By
u32 :11;
struct {
u32 c:19; // [18: 0] (0x8000) Coefficient C
u32 :13;
struct {
u32 scale:17; // [16: 0] (0x8000) Scale (4 per-color values)
u32 :15;
struct {
u32 fatzero_in:16; // [15: 0] (0) 'Fat zero' on the input (subtract from the input)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 fatzero_out:16; // [15: 0] (0) 'Fat zero' on the output (add to the result)
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 post_scale: 4; // [ 3: 0] (1) Shift result (bits)
u32 :28;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_lens_corr_t;
// Height of the subchannel frame for vignetting correction
typedef union {
struct {
u32 height_m1:16; // [15: 0] (0) Height of subframe minus 1
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_lens_height_m1_t;
// Histogram window left/top margins
typedef union {
struct {
u32 left:16; // [15: 0] (0) Histogram window left margin
u32 top:16; // [31:16] (0) Histogram window top margin
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_hist_left_top_t;
// Histogram window width and height minus 1 (0 use full)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 width_m1:16; // [15: 0] (0) Width of the histogram window minus 1. If 0 - use frame right margin (end of HACT)
u32 height_m1:16; // [31:16] (0) Height of he histogram window minus 1. If 0 - use frame bottom margin (end of VACT)
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_hist_width_height_m1_t;
// Histograms DMA mode
typedef union {
struct {
u32 en: 1; // [ 0] (1) Enable histograms DMA
u32 nrst: 1; // [ 1] (1) 0 - reset histograms DMA
u32 confirm: 1; // [ 2] (1) 1 - wait for confirmation that histogram was written to the system memory
u32 : 1;
u32 cache: 4; // [ 7: 4] (3) AXI cache mode (normal - 3), ignored by Zynq?
u32 :24;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_hist_saxi_mode_t;
// Histograms DMA addresses
typedef union {
struct {
u32 page:20; // [19: 0] (0) Start address of the subchannel histogram (in pages = 4096 bytes
u32 :12;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_hist_saxi_addr_t;
// Compressor mode control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 run: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) Run mode
u32 run_set: 1; // [ 2] (0) Set 'run'
u32 qbank: 3; // [ 5: 3] (0) Quantization table bank
u32 qbank_set: 1; // [ 6] (0) Set 'qbank'
u32 dcsub: 1; // [ 7] (0) Subtract DC enable
u32 dcsub_set: 1; // [ 8] (0) Set 'qbank'
u32 cmode: 4; // [12: 9] (0) Color format
u32 cmode_set: 1; // [ 13] (0) Set 'cmode'
u32 multiframe: 1; // [ 14] (0) Multi/single frame mode
u32 multiframe_set: 1; // [ 15] (0) Set 'multiframe'
u32 : 2;
u32 bayer: 2; // [19:18] (0) Bayer shift
u32 bayer_set: 1; // [ 20] (0) Set 'bayer'
u32 focus: 2; // [22:21] (0) Focus mode
u32 focus_set: 1; // [ 23] (0) Set 'focus'
u32 : 8;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_mode_t;
// Compressor coring mode (table number)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 coring_table: 3; // [ 2: 0] (0) Select coring table pair number
u32 :29;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_coring_mode_t;
// Compressor color saturation
typedef union {
struct {
u32 colorsat_blue:10; // [ 9: 0] (0x120) Color saturation for blue (0x90 - 100%)
u32 : 2;
u32 colorsat_red:10; // [21:12] (0x16c) Color saturation for red (0xb6 - 100%)
u32 :10;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_colorsat_t;
// Compressor frame format
typedef union {
struct {
u32 num_macro_cols_m1:13; // [12: 0] (0) Number of macroblock colums minus 1
u32 num_macro_rows_m1:13; // [25:13] (0) Number of macroblock rows minus 1
u32 left_margin: 5; // [30:26] (0) Left margin of the first pixel (0..31) for 32-pixel wide colums in memory access
u32 : 1;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_frame_format_t;
// Compressor interrupts control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 interrupt_cmd: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) 0: nop, 1: clear interrupt status, 2: disable interrupt, 3: enable interrupt
u32 :30;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_interrupts_t;
// Compressor tables load control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 addr32:24; // [23: 0] (0) Table address to start writing to (autoincremented) for DWORDs
u32 type: 2; // [25:24] (0) 0: quantization, 1: coring, 2: focus, 3: huffman
u32 : 6;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_table_addr_t;
// Compressor channel status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 is: 1; // [ 0] (0) Compressor channel interrupt status
u32 im: 1; // [ 1] (0) Compressor channel interrupt mask
u32 reading_frame: 1; // [ 2] (0) Compressor channel is reading frame from memory (debug feature)
u32 stuffer_running: 1; // [ 3] (0) Compressor channel bit stuffer is running (debug feature)
u32 flushing_fifo: 1; // [ 4] (0) Compressor channel is flushing FIFO (debug feature)
u32 :21;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmprs_status_t;
// Compressor DMA buffer address (in 32-byte blocks)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 sa256:27; // [26: 0] (0) System memory buffer start in multiples of 32 bytes (256 bits)
u32 : 5;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_sa_t;
// Compressor DMA buffer length (in 32-byte blocks)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 len256:27; // [26: 0] (0) System memory buffer length in multiples of 32 bytes (256 bits)
u32 : 5;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_len_t;
// Compressor DMA channels reset
typedef union {
struct {
u32 rst0: 1; // [ 0] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel0 reset (0 - normal operation, 1 - reset)
u32 rst1: 1; // [ 1] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel0 reset (0 - normal operation, 1 - reset)
u32 rst2: 1; // [ 2] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel0 reset (0 - normal operation, 1 - reset)
u32 rst3: 1; // [ 3] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel0 reset (0 - normal operation, 1 - reset)
u32 :28;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_rst_t;
// Compressor DMA enable (global and channels)
typedef union {
struct {
u32 en0: 1; // [ 0] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel0 enable value to set (0 - pause, 1 - run)
u32 en0_set: 1; // [ 1] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set en0
u32 en1: 1; // [ 2] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel1 enable value to set (0 - pause, 1 - run)
u32 en1_set: 1; // [ 3] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set en1
u32 en2: 1; // [ 4] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel2 enable value to set (0 - pause, 1 - run)
u32 en2_set: 1; // [ 5] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set en2
u32 en3: 1; // [ 6] (0) AXI HPx sub-channel3 enable value to set (0 - pause, 1 - run)
u32 en3_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set en3
u32 en: 1; // [ 8] (0) AXI HPx global enable value to set (0 - pause, 1 - run)
u32 en_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set en
u32 :22;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_en_t;
// Compressor DMA report mode
typedef union {
struct {
u32 mode0: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) channel0 report mode: 0 - EOF int, 1 - EOF confirmed, 2 - CP (current), 3 - CP confirmed
u32 mode0_set: 1; // [ 2] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set mode0
u32 : 1;
u32 mode1: 2; // [ 5: 4] (0) channel0 report mode: 0 - EOF int, 1 - EOF confirmed, 2 - CP (current), 3 - CP confirmed
u32 mode1_set: 1; // [ 6] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set mode0
u32 : 1;
u32 mode2: 2; // [ 9: 8] (0) channel0 report mode: 0 - EOF int, 1 - EOF confirmed, 2 - CP (current), 3 - CP confirmed
u32 mode2_set: 1; // [ 10] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set mode0
u32 : 1;
u32 mode3: 2; // [13:12] (0) channel0 report mode: 0 - EOF int, 1 - EOF confirmed, 2 - CP (current), 3 - CP confirmed
u32 mode3_set: 1; // [ 14] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set mode0
u32 :17;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_report_t;
// Compressor DMA status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 offset256:26; // [25: 0] (0) AFI MUX current/EOF pointer offset in 32-byte blocks
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_afimux_status_t;
// GPIO output control
typedef union {
struct {
u32 pin0: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) Output control for pin 0: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin1: 2; // [ 3: 2] (0) Output control for pin 1: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin2: 2; // [ 5: 4] (0) Output control for pin 2: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin3: 2; // [ 7: 6] (0) Output control for pin 3: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin4: 2; // [ 9: 8] (0) Output control for pin 4: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin5: 2; // [11:10] (0) Output control for pin 5: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin6: 2; // [13:12] (0) Output control for pin 6: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin7: 2; // [15:14] (0) Output control for pin 7: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin8: 2; // [17:16] (0) Output control for pin 8: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 pin9: 2; // [19:18] (0) Output control for pin 0: 0 - nop, 1 - set low, 2 - set high, 3 - tristate
u32 : 4;
u32 soft: 2; // [25:24] (0) Enable pin software control: 0,1 - nop, 2 - disab;e, 3 - enable
u32 chn_a: 2; // [27:26] (0) Enable A channel (camsync): 0,1 - nop, 2 - disab;e, 3 - enable
u32 chn_b: 2; // [29:28] (0) Enable B channel (reserved): 0,1 - nop, 2 - disab;e, 3 - enable
u32 chn_c: 2; // [31:30] (0) Enable C channel (logger): 0,1 - nop, 2 - disab;e, 3 - enable
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gpio_set_pins_t;
// GPIO pins status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 pin0: 1; // [ 0] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin1: 1; // [ 1] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin2: 1; // [ 2] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin3: 1; // [ 3] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin4: 1; // [ 4] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin5: 1; // [ 5] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin6: 1; // [ 6] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin7: 1; // [ 7] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin8: 1; // [ 8] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 pin9: 1; // [ 9] (0) GPIO pin 0 state
u32 :16;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_gpio_status_t;
// RTC seconds
typedef union {
struct {
u32 sec:32; // [31: 0] (0) RTC seconds
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_rtc_sec_t;
// RTC microseconds
typedef union {
struct {
u32 usec:20; // [19: 0] (0) RTC microseconds
u32 :12;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_rtc_usec_t;
// RTC correction
typedef union {
struct {
short corr:16; // [15: 0] (0) RTC correction, +/1 1/256 full scale
u32 :16;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_rtc_corr_t;
// RTC status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 :24;
u32 alt_snap: 1; // [ 24] (0) alternates 0/1 each time RTC timer makes a snapshot
u32 : 1;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_rtc_status_t;
// CAMSYNC I/O configuration
typedef union {
struct {
u32 line0: 2; // [ 1: 0] (1) line 0 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line1: 2; // [ 3: 2] (1) line 1 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line2: 2; // [ 5: 4] (1) line 2 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line3: 2; // [ 7: 6] (1) line 3 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line4: 2; // [ 9: 8] (1) line 4 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line5: 2; // [11:10] (1) line 5 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line6: 2; // [13:12] (1) line 6 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line7: 2; // [15:14] (1) line 7 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line8: 2; // [17:16] (1) line 8 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 line9: 2; // [19:18] (1) line 9 mode: 0 - inactive, 1 - keep (nop), 2 - active low, 3 - active high
u32 :12;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_camsync_io_t;
// CAMSYNC mode
typedef union {
struct {
u32 en: 1; // [ 0] (1) Enable CAMSYNC module
u32 en_snd: 1; // [ 1] (1) Enable sending timestamps (valid with 'en_snd_set')
u32 en_snd_set: 1; // [ 2] (0) Set 'en_snd'
u32 ext: 1; // [ 3] (1) Use external (received) timestamps, if available. O - use local timestamps
u32 ext_set: 1; // [ 4] (0) Set 'ext'
u32 trig: 1; // [ 5] (1) Sensor triggered mode (0 - free running sensor)
u32 trig_set: 1; // [ 6] (0) Set 'trig'
u32 master_chn: 2; // [ 8: 7] (0) master sensor channel (zero delay in internal trigger mode, delay used for flash output)
u32 master_chn_set: 1; // [ 9] (0) Set 'master_chn'
u32 ts_chns: 4; // [13:10] (1) Channels to generate timestmp messages (bit mask)
u32 ts_chns_set: 1; // [ 14] (0) Set 'ts_chns'
u32 :17;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_camsync_mode_t;
typedef union {
struct {
u32 interrupt_cmd: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) Interrupt command: 0-nop, 1 - clear is, 2 - disable, 3 - enable
u32 :10;
u32 run_cmd: 2; // [13:12] (0) Run command: 0,1 - nop, 2 - stop, 3 - run
u32 reset: 1; // [ 14] (0) 1 - reset, 0 - normal operation
u32 :17;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t;
typedef union {
struct {
u32 frame_num0: 4; // [ 3: 0] (0) Frame number for sensor 0
u32 frame_num1: 4; // [ 7: 4] (0) Frame number for sensor 0
u32 frame_num2: 4; // [11: 8] (0) Frame number for sensor 0
u32 frame_num3: 4; // [15:12] (0) Frame number for sensor 0
u32 is: 4; // [19:16] (0) Interrupt status: 1 bit per sensor channel
u32 im: 4; // [23:20] (0) Interrupt enable: 1 bit per sensor channel
u32 : 2;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_cmdseqmux_status_t;
// Event logger status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 sample:24; // [23: 0] (0) Logger sample number
u32 : 2;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_logger_status_t;
// Event logger register address
typedef union {
struct {
u32 addr: 5; // [ 4: 0] (0) Register address (autoincrements in 32 DWORDs (page) range
u32 page: 2; // [ 6: 5] (0) Register page: configuration: 0, IMU: 3, GPS: 1, MSG: 2
u32 :25;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_logger_address_t;
// Event logger register data
typedef union {
struct {
u32 imu_slot: 2; // [ 1: 0] (0) IMU slot
u32 imu_set: 1; // [ 2] (0) Set 'imu_slot'
u32 gps_slot: 2; // [ 4: 3] (0) GPS slot
u32 gps_invert: 1; // [ 5] (0) GPS inpert 1pps signal
u32 gps_ext: 1; // [ 6] (0) GPS sync to 1 pps signal (0 - sync to serial message)
u32 gps_set: 1; // [ 7] (0) Set 'gps_*' fields
u32 msg_input: 4; // [11: 8] (0) MSG pin: GPIO pin number to accept external signal (0xf - disable)
u32 msg_invert: 1; // [ 12] (0) MSG input polarity - 0 - active high, 1 - active low
u32 msg_set: 1; // [ 13] (0) Set 'msg_*' fields
u32 log_sync: 4; // [17:14] (0) Log frame sync events (bit per sensor channel)
u32 log_sync_set: 1; // [ 18] (0) Set 'log_sync' fields
u32 :13;
struct {
u32 data:32; // [31: 0] (0) Other logger register data (context-dependent)
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_logger_data_t;
// MULT_SAXI DMA addresses/lengths in 32-bit DWORDS
typedef union {
struct {
u32 addr32:30; // [29: 0] (0) SAXI sddress/length in DWORDs
u32 : 2;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_mult_saxi_al_t;
// MULTICLK reset/power down controls
typedef union {
struct {
u32 rst_clk0: 1; // [ 0] (0) Reset PLL for xclk(240MHz), hclk(150MHz)
u32 rst_clk1: 1; // [ 1] (0) Reset PLL for pclk (sensors, from ffclk0)
u32 rst_clk2: 1; // [ 2] (0) reserved
u32 rst_clk3: 1; // [ 3] (0) reserved
u32 pwrdwnclk0: 1; // [ 4] (0) Power down PLL for xclk(240MHz), hclk(150MHz)
u32 pwrdwn_clk1: 1; // [ 5] (0) Power down for pclk (sensors, from ffclk0)
u32 pwrdwn_clk2: 1; // [ 6] (0) reserved
u32 pwrdwn_clk3: 1; // [ 7] (0) reserved
u32 rst_memclk: 1; // [ 8] (0) reset memclk (external in for memory) toggle FF
u32 rst_ffclk0: 1; // [ 9] (0) reset ffclk0 (external in for sensors) toggle FF
u32 rst_ffclk1: 1; // [ 10] (0) reset ffclk1 (exteranl in, not yet used) toggle FF
u32 :21;
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_multiclk_ctl_t;
// MULTICLK status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 locked0: 1; // [ 0] (0) Locked PLL for xclk(240MHz), hclk(150MHz)
u32 locked1: 1; // [ 1] (0) Locked PLL for pclk (sensors, from ffclk0)
u32 locked2: 1; // [ 2] (0) ==1, reserved
u32 locked3: 1; // [ 3] (0) ==1, reserved
u32 tgl_memclk: 1; // [ 4] (0) memclk (external in for memory) toggle FF
u32 tgl_ffclk0: 1; // [ 5] (0) ffclk0 (external in for sensors) toggle FF
u32 tgl_ffclk1: 1; // [ 6] (0) ffclk1 (exteranl in, not yet used) toggle FF
u32 :17;
u32 idelay_rdy: 1; // [ 24] (0) idelay_ctrl_rdy (juct to prevent from optimization)
u32 : 1;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_multiclk_status_t;
// DEBUG status
typedef union {
struct {
u32 :24;
u32 tgl: 1; // [ 24] (0) Toggles for each DWORD received
u32 : 1;
u32 seq_num: 6; // [31:26] (0) Status sequence number
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_debug_status_t;
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