Commit 50663cc1 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Adding sensor ports i2c driver

parent 3027f36c
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393) += elphel393-pwr.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393) += elphel393-mem.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHELDRVONMICROZED) += elphel393-mem.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393_INIT) += elphel393-init.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393) += x393.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393) += sensor_i2c.o
fpgajtag-y := fpgajtag353.o x393.o
obj-$(CONFIG_ELPHEL393_EXTERNAL) += fpgajtag.o
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ static struct file_operations fpga_jtag_fops = {
//static int sens_num = 0;
// internal functions
loff_t fjtag_bitsize (int minor);
loff_t fjtag_bytesize (int minor);
//loff_t fjtag_bitsize (int minor);
//loff_t fjtag_bytesize (int minor);
int JTAG_channel(int minor);
void initPortC(void);
void set_pgm_mode (int chn, int en);
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ static int fpga_jtag_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) {
// "dirty"? Send to JTAG
if (JTAG_channels[chn].wp >0) {
D(printk("fpga_jtag_release(), JTAG_channels[%d].wp = 0x%x",chn,JTAG_channels[chn].wp));
// D(printk("fpga_jtag_release(), JTAG_channels[%d].wp = 0x%x",chn,JTAG_channels[chn].wp));
JTAG_EXTEST (chn, JTAG_channels[chn].dbuf, JTAG_channels[chn].bitsw); // size in bits
JTAG_resetChannel (chn);
......@@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ static ssize_t fpga_jtag_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t coun
if (*off > size) return -EFAULT;
if ((*off + count) > size) count= (size - *off);
if (*off < JTAG_channels[chn].wp) {
D(printk("fpga_jtag_write(), JTAG_channels[%d].wp = 0x%x",chn, JTAG_channels[chn].wp));
// D(printk("fpga_jtag_write(), JTAG_channels[%d].wp = 0x%x",chn, JTAG_channels[chn].wp));
JTAG_EXTEST (chn, JTAG_channels[chn].dbuf, JTAG_channels[chn].bitsw); // writing "before" causes EXTEST to fill in boundary scan register
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ static ssize_t fpga_jtag_write(struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t coun
default: return -EINVAL;
dev_dbg(NULL, "fpga_jtag_write end: p=%x,chn=%x, buf address=%lx count=%lx *offs=%lx, wp=%lx,size=0x%x\r\n", p, chn, (long) buf, (long) count, (long) *off, (long)JTAG_channels[chn].wp, (int) size);
D(printk("fpga_jtag_write end: p=%x,chn=%x, buf address=%lx count=%lx *offs=%lx, wp=%lx,size=0x%x\r\n", p, chn, (long) buf, (long) count, (long) *off, (long)JTAG_channels[chn].wp, (int) size));
//D(printk("fpga_jtag_write end: p=%x,chn=%x, buf address=%lx count=%lx *offs=%lx, wp=%lx,size=0x%x\r\n", p, chn, (long) buf, (long) count, (long) *off, (long)JTAG_channels[chn].wp, (int) size));
return count;
......@@ -756,11 +756,34 @@ inline x393_status_sens_io_t wait_sensio_status(int chn, u32 seq_num) // reducin
return stat;
inline u32 read_tdo(int sens_num)
x393_status_sens_io_t stat;
x393_status_ctrl_t stat_ctrl;
int i;
stat_ctrl.d32 = 0;
stat = x393_sensio_status(sens_num);
stat_ctrl.seq_num = stat.seq_num + 1;
stat_ctrl.mode = 1;
set_x393_sensio_status_cntrl(stat_ctrl, sens_num);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
stat = x393_sensio_status(sens_num & 3); // sens_num);
if (likely(stat.seq_num == stat_ctrl.seq_num)) {
return stat.xfpgatdo;
dev_err(NULL,"read_tdo(%d): failed to get expected seq_num in 10 cycles, expected = 0x%x, got 0x%x\n",sens_num,stat_ctrl.seq_num, stat.seq_num);
return stat.xfpgatdo;
// set FPGA in programming/JTAG mode (only for sensor board)
// NOP for the main board FPGA configuration
void set_pgm_mode (int chn, int en) {
u32 seq_num;
x393_sensio_jpag_t data;
x393_sensio_jtag_t data;
dev_dbg(NULL, "set_pgm_mode (%d,%d)\n",chn,en);
switch (chn >> 2) {
......@@ -768,16 +791,15 @@ void set_pgm_mode (int chn, int en) {
//port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_SENSFPGA] = (en ? (3 << SFPGA_PGMEN_BIT): (SFPGA_RD_SENSPGMPIN | (2 << SFPGA_PGMEN_BIT))) | (2 << SFPGA_TCK_BIT); // turn off TCK (if not turned off already)
data.d32 = 0;
data.pgmen = (en) ? 1 : 0;
data.pgmen_set = 1;
data.tck = 0;
data.tck_set = 1;
/* check status register */
// seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, chn & 3); // sens_num);
/* wait for status register update */
// wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num);
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
wait_sensio_status(chn & 3, prep_sensio_status(chn & 3)) ; // Not needed here
udelay (2);
......@@ -785,7 +807,7 @@ void set_pgm_mode (int chn, int en) {
void set_pgm (int chn, int pgmon) {
u32 seq_num;
x393_sensio_jpag_t data;
x393_sensio_jtag_t data;
dev_dbg(NULL, "set_pgm (%d,%d)\n",chn,pgmon);
switch (chn >> 2) {
......@@ -800,9 +822,7 @@ void set_pgm (int chn, int pgmon) {
//port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_SENSFPGA] = (2 | (pgmon & 1)) << SFPGA_PROG_BIT;
data.prog= pgmon & 1;
data.prog_set = 1;
// seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, chn >> 2); // sens_num);
// wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num);
......@@ -812,9 +832,8 @@ void set_pgm (int chn, int pgmon) {
int read_done (int chn) {
u32 seq_num;
x393_status_sens_io_t stat;
x393_sensio_jpag_t data;
x393_sensio_jtag_t data;
switch (chn >> 2) {
......@@ -825,9 +844,8 @@ int read_done (int chn) {
//port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_SENSFPGA] = SFPGA_RD_DONE;
//udelay (1);
//return (port_csp0_addr[X313__RA__SENSFPGA] >> SFPGA_RD_BIT) & 1 ;
seq_num = prep_sensio_status(chn & 3) ; // sens_num);
// stat = x393_sensio_status(chn & 3) ; // sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(chn & 3, seq_num) ; // sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(chn & 3, prep_sensio_status(chn & 3)) ;
return stat.xfpgadone;
return 0;
......@@ -838,7 +856,7 @@ int read_done (int chn) {
// send 1..8 bits through JTAG
int jtag_send (int chn, int tms, int len, int d) {
int sens_num = chn & 3;
x393_sensio_jpag_t data;
x393_sensio_jtag_t data;
x393_status_sens_io_t stat;
u32 seq_num;
int i; //,m;
......@@ -882,11 +900,12 @@ int jtag_send (int chn, int tms, int len, int d) {
port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_SENSFPGA] = (2 << SFPGA_TCK_BIT); // TCK=0
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
data.d32 = 0;
data.tck_set = 1;
data.tms_set = 1;
data.tdi_set = 1;
printk("jtag_send(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", chn, tms,len,d);
dev_dbg(NULL, "jtag_send(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", chn, tms,len,d);
for ( ; i > 0; i--) {
/* TCK = 0 - just a delay; is it really needed? */
data.tck = 0;
......@@ -897,31 +916,20 @@ int jtag_send (int chn, int tms, int len, int d) {
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
/* repeat writel - just a delay; is it really needed? */
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
/* read TDO before TCK pulse */
seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num); // get TDO (only where we need to wait status for here)
// DEBUG: repeating read
seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num); // get TDO (only where we need to wait status for here)
printk(" %08x", stat.d32);
r = (r << 1) + (stat.xfpgatdo & 1);
r = (r << 1) + read_tdo(sens_num); // may to need to read twice to increase delay?
data.tck = 1;
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // keep other signals, set TCK == 1
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat if delay will be needed to increase length of the TCK signal
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat if delay will be needed to increase length of the TCK signal
data.tck = 0;
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
printk(" ---> %02x\n", r);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
dev_dbg(NULL, " ---> %02x\n", r);
......@@ -948,9 +956,9 @@ int jtag_write_bits (int chn,
int i,j;
int r=0;
int d,d0;
u32 seq_num;
// u32 seq_num;
x393_status_sens_io_t stat;
x393_sensio_jpag_t data;
x393_sensio_jtag_t data;
dev_dbg(NULL, "jtag_write_bits(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\r\n", (int) chn, (int) buf, len, check, last);
......@@ -1030,51 +1038,36 @@ int jtag_write_bits (int chn,
port_csp0_addr[X313_WA_SENSFPGA] = (2 << SFPGA_TCK_BIT); // TCK=0
#endif /* TEST_DISABLE_CODE */
// Can be done once
data.d32 = 0;
data.tck_set = 1;
data.tms_set = 1;
data.tdi_set = 1;
for (i = 0; len > 0; i++) {
d0 = (d = buf[i]);
printk("jtag_write_bits(), i=0x%x ", i);
dev_dbg(NULL,"jtag_write_bits(), i=0x%x ", i);
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
/* TCK = 0 - just a delay; is it really needed? */
data.tck = 0;
if (len > 0) {
if (len == 1 && last) data.tms = 1;
else data.tms = 0;
data.tms = (len == 1 && last)? 1:0 ;
data.tdi = ((d <<= 1) >> 8) & 1;
data.tck = 0;
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat writel() if needed for delay
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat writel() if needed for delay
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat writel() if needed for delay
seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num);
seq_num = prep_sensio_status(sens_num);
stat = wait_sensio_status(sens_num, seq_num);
printk(" %d: %08x", j, stat.d32);
r = (r << 1) + (stat.xfpgatdo & 1);
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // repeat writel() if needed for delay
r = (r << 1) + read_tdo(sens_num);
data.tck = 1;
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // remove if no delay is needed
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num); // remove if no delay is needed
data.tck = 0;
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
// x393_sensio_jtag(data, sens_num);
} else {
r <<= 1;
buf[i] = r;
printk(" ===> %02x\n", r);
dev_dbg(NULL," ===> %02x\n", r);
if (check && ((r ^ (prev[1]>>24)) & 0xff)) {
return -((r & 0xff) | ((i+1) << 8)); //readback mismatch
......@@ -1241,6 +1234,7 @@ int JTAG_resetChannel (int chn) {
jtag_send(chn, 1, 5, 0 ); // set Test-Logic-Reset state
// disable programmimg mode (nop for the 10353 FPGA)
set_pgm_mode(chn, 0); // only for sensor FPGA
return 0;
} // int JTAG_resetChannel (int chn)
int JTAG_readID (int chn, unsigned char * buf) {
......@@ -1319,7 +1313,7 @@ int i; // only in debug
unsigned long flags;
D(printk("JTAG_CAPTURE(): buf=%p\n",buf));
dev_dbg(NULL,"JTAG_CAPTURE(): buf=%p\n",buf);
//*************************** NOW DISABLE INTERRUPS FOR THE WHOLE JTAG SEQUENCE ***********************
......@@ -1374,8 +1368,8 @@ int i; // only in debug
D(printk("EXTEST: buf=%p, len=0x%x\n",buf,len));
D(printk ("\n"); for (i=0; i<((len+7)>>3) ;i++) {printk("%3x ",(int) buf[i]); if ((i & 0xf) == 0xf) printk ("\n");}printk ("\n"); );
//D(printk("EXTEST: buf=%p, len=0x%x\n",buf,len));
//D(printk ("\n"); for (i=0; i<((len+7)>>3) ;i++) {printk("%3x ",(int) buf[i]); if ((i & 0xf) == 0xf) printk ("\n");}printk ("\n"); );
// jtag_send(chn, 1, 5, 0 ); //step 1 - set Test-Logic-Reset state
// jtag_send(chn, 0, 1, 0 ); //step 2 - set Run-Test-Idle state
......@@ -1395,7 +1389,7 @@ D(printk ("\n"); for (i=0; i<((len+7)>>3) ;i++) {printk("%3x ",(int) buf[i]); if
D(printk ("\n"); for (i=0; i<((len+7)>>3) ;i++) {printk("%3x ",(int) buf[i]); if ((i & 0xf) == 0xf) printk ("\n");}printk ("\n"); );
// D(printk ("\n"); for (i=0; i<((len+7)>>3) ;i++) {printk("%3x ",(int) buf[i]); if ((i & 0xf) == 0xf) printk ("\n");}printk ("\n"); );
return 0;
} //int JTAG_EXTEST (int chn, unsigned char * buf, int len)
......@@ -1430,6 +1424,6 @@ module_exit(fpga_jtag_exit);
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>.");
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>");
* FILE NAME : sensor_i2c.c
* DESCRIPTION: Interface to FPGA-based i2c sequencer for sensor ports
* Copyright 2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/****************** INCLUDE FILES SECTION ***********************************/
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
//#include <linux/poll.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/delay.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
//#include <linux/spinlock_types.h>
#include <asm/io.h>
//#include <asm/system.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <elphel/driver_numbers.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include "x393.h"
#include "sensor_i2c.h"
#include <asm/page.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/of.h>
#include <linux/of_fdt.h>
#include <linux/of_net.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>
#include <linux/sysfs.h>
#define SYSFS_PERMISSIONS 0644 /* default permissions for sysfs files */
#define SYSFS_READONLY 0444
#define SYSFS_WRITEONLY 0222
#define DRV_NAME "elphel_sensor_i2c"
// Number of channels is hard-wired to 4
static u32 free_i2c_groups[4];
static u32 free_i2c_pages [32];
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(lock);
static u32 i2c_pages_shadow[1024]; // Mostly for debugging to analyze i2c pages allocation
static int sysfs_page[4]; // when positive - page locked for exclusive access
/* Mark all i2c pages for each channel as free */
void i2c_page_alloc_init(void){
int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(free_i2c_groups)/sizeof(free_i2c_groups[0]); i++) free_i2c_groups[i] = 0xff000000;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(free_i2c_pages)/ sizeof(free_i2c_pages[0]); i++) free_i2c_pages[i] = 0xffffffff;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(i2c_pages_shadow)/sizeof(i2c_pages_shadow[0]); i++) i2c_pages_shadow[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sysfs_page)/sizeof(sysfs_page[0]); i++) sysfs_page[i] = -1;
/* Reserve i2c page (1 of 256 for a sensor port)*/
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn){
int g, b;
u32 * fb;
g = __builtin_clz(free_i2c_groups[chn]);
if (unlikely(g > 7)) {
return -ENOMEM; // no free i2c pages left
fb = free_i2c_pages + ((chn << 3) + g);
b = __builtin_clz(*fb);
*fb &= ~ (1 << (31-b));
if (unlikely(*fb == 0)){
free_i2c_groups[chn] &= ~(1 << (31 - g));
return (g << 5) + b;
/* Free i2c page */
void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page){
int g = page >> 5;
int b = page & 0x1f;
u32 * fb = free_i2c_pages + ((chn << 3) + g);
free_i2c_groups[chn] |= 1 << (31 - g);
*fb |= 1 << (31-b);
/* Set i2c table entry to raw data (will just overwrite tbl_mode = 2)*/
void set_sensor_i2c_raw(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
u32 data) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
tb_data.d32 = data;
tb_data.tbl_mode = 2; //
/* Table address and data should not interleave with others */
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_addr, chn);
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_data, chn);
i2c_pages_shadow[(chn << 8) + page] =tb_data.d32;
/* Set i2c table entry for write operation */
void set_sensor_i2c_wr(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int sa, // slave address (7 bit)
int rah, // High byte of the i2c register address
int num_bytes, //Number of bytes to write (1..10)
int bit_delay) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
tb_data.d32 = 0;
tb_data.rah = rah;
tb_data.rnw = 0; = sa;
tb_data.nbwr = num_bytes;
tb_data.dly = bit_delay;
tb_data.tbl_mode = 2;
/* Table address and data should not interleave with others */
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_addr, chn);
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_data, chn);
i2c_pages_shadow[(chn << 8) + page] =tb_data.d32;
/* Set i2c table entry for read operation */
void set_sensor_i2c_rd(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int two_byte_addr, // Number of address bytes (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to read (1..8, 0 means 8)
int bit_delay) { // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data, tb_addr;
tb_addr.d32 = 0;
tb_addr.tbl_mode = 3;
tb_data.d32 = 0;
tb_data.rnw = 1;
tb_data.nabrd = two_byte_addr;
tb_data.nbrd = num_bytes;
tb_data.dly = bit_delay;
tb_data.tbl_mode = 2;
/* Table address and data should not interleave with others */
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_addr, chn);
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (tb_data, chn);
i2c_pages_shadow[(chn << 8) + page] =tb_data.d32;
// Write i2c command to the i2c command sequencer
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
/* Write one or multiple DWORDs to i2c relative (modulo16) address. Use offs = 0 for immediate (ASAP) command */
/* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset */
int write_sensor_i2c_rel (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data){
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data;
int len;
int i;
tb_data.d32 = i2c_pages_shadow[(chn <<8) + (data[0] >> 24)];
if (tb_data.tbl_mode !=2) return -1;
len = (tb_data.rnw )? 1:((tb_data.nbwr + 5) >> 2); // read mode - always 1 DWORD, write - 1..3
if (len > 1) {
for (i = 0; i <len; i++){
x393_sensi2c_rel (data[i], chn, offs);
} else {
x393_sensi2c_rel (data[0], chn, offs);
return 0;
int write_sensor_i2c_abs (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data){
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t tb_data;
int len;
int i;
tb_data.d32 = i2c_pages_shadow[(chn <<8) + (data[0] >> 24)];
if (tb_data.tbl_mode !=2) return -1;
len = (tb_data.rnw )? 1:((tb_data.nbwr + 5) >> 2); // read mode - always 1 DWORD, write - 1..3
if (len > 1) {
for (i = 0; i <len; i++){
x393_sensi2c_abs (data[i], chn, offs);
} else {
x393_sensi2c_abs (data[0], chn, offs);
return 0;
/* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_sensor_reg16 (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int addr, // low 8 bits
u32 data){ // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr & 0xff) << 16) | (data & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, 0);
/* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_sensor_i2c_fifo)*/
void read_sensor_i2c (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int sa7, // 7-bit i2c slave address
int addr){ // 8/16 bit address
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | (sa7 << 17) | (addr & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, 0);
//void x393_sensi2c_rel (u32 d, int sens_num, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1080 + 0x40 * sens_num + 0x1 * offset));} // Write sensor i2c sequencer
/* Read next byte from the channel i2c FIFO. Return byte or -1 if no data available */
/* Sensor channel status should be in auto update mode (3) */
int read_sensor_i2c_fifo(int chn){
int fifo_lsb, rslt,i;
x393_i2c_ctltbl_t i2c_cmd;
x393_status_sens_i2c_t status = x393_sensi2c_status (chn);
if (!status.i2c_fifo_nempty) return -1; // No data available
fifo_lsb = status.i2c_fifo_lsb;
rslt = status.i2c_fifo_dout;
// Advance FIFO readout pointer
i2c_cmd.d32 = 0;
i2c_cmd.next_fifo_rd = 1; // tbl_mode is 0 already
x393_sensi2c_ctrl (i2c_cmd, chn);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
status = x393_sensi2c_status(chn);
if (likely(status.i2c_fifo_lsb != fifo_lsb)) break;
return rslt;
// ======================================
/* Get channelo number from the last character of the attribute name*/
static int get_channel_from_name(struct device_attribute *attr){
int reg = 0;
sscanf(attr-> + (strlen(attr->, "%du", &reg);
return reg;
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_alloc(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page;
if (sysfs_page[chn]>=0)
return -EBUSY;
page= i2c_page_alloc(chn);
if (page <0)
return -ENOMEM;
sysfs_page[chn] = page;
return sprintf(buf,"%d\n",page);
static ssize_t free_i2c_page(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page;
sscanf(buf, "%i", &page);
page &= 0xff;
if (sysfs_page[chn] >= 0)
i2c_page_free(chn, page);
sysfs_page[chn] = -1; // free
return count;
static ssize_t get_i2c_page_inuse(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
return sprintf(buf,"%d\n",sysfs_page[chn]);
// Get i2c table data as raw data (hex)
static ssize_t get_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page = sysfs_page[chn]; // currently selected page for sysfs reads
if (page < 0)
return -ENXIO; /* No such device or address */
return sprintf(buf,"%0x08x\n",i2c_pages_shadow[(chn << 8) + (page &0xff)]);
static ssize_t set_i2c_tbl_raw(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count)
int chn = get_channel_from_name(attr) ;
int page, data;
sscanf(buf, "%i %i", &page, &data);
page &= 0xff;
page, // index in lookup table
(u32) data); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
return count;
// Sysfs top
static DEVICE_ATTR(alloc0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS & SYSFS_READONLY, get_i2c_page_alloc , NULL);
static DEVICE_ATTR(alloc1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS & SYSFS_READONLY, get_i2c_page_alloc , NULL);
static DEVICE_ATTR(alloc2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS & SYSFS_READONLY, get_i2c_page_alloc , NULL);
static DEVICE_ATTR(alloc3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS & SYSFS_READONLY, get_i2c_page_alloc , NULL);
static DEVICE_ATTR(page_in_use0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_page_inuse, free_i2c_page);
static DEVICE_ATTR(page_in_use1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_page_inuse, free_i2c_page);
static DEVICE_ATTR(page_in_use2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_page_inuse, free_i2c_page);
static DEVICE_ATTR(page_in_use3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_page_inuse, free_i2c_page);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_raw0 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_raw, set_i2c_tbl_raw);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_raw1 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_raw, set_i2c_tbl_raw);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_raw2 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_raw, set_i2c_tbl_raw);
static DEVICE_ATTR(tbl_raw3 , SYSFS_PERMISSIONS , get_i2c_tbl_raw, set_i2c_tbl_raw);
static struct attribute *root_dev_attrs[] = {
static const struct attribute_group dev_attr_root_group = {
.attrs = root_dev_attrs,
.name = NULL,
static int elphel393_sens_i2c_sysfs_register(struct platform_device *pdev)
int retval=0;
struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
if (&dev->kobj) {
if (((retval = sysfs_create_group(&dev->kobj, &dev_attr_root_group)))<0) return retval;
return retval;
// =======================================
static void elphel393_sensor_i2c_init_of(struct platform_device *pdev)
const __be32 * config_data;
const char * config_string;
char str[40];
int len,chn,pre_disabled,old_dis_por,rc,chn_bits;
struct device_node *node = pdev->dev.of_node;
// struct elphel393_pwr_data_t *clientdata = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
// struct i2c_client *ltc3589_client= to_i2c_client(clientdata->ltc3489_dev);
if (node) {
/*TODO: Configure some i2c devices here (slaves, formats, speeds) to be used by names*/
dev_info(&pdev->dev,"elphel393_sensor_i2c configuration done\n");
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
struct gpio_chip *chip;
// struct device * ltc3489_dev;
int i,rc;
int base[2];
struct i2c_client *ltc3589_client;
struct elphel393_pwr_data_t *clientdata = NULL;
dev_info(&pdev->dev,"Probing elphel393-sensor-i2c\n");
#if 0
clientdata = devm_kzalloc(&pdev->dev, sizeof(*clientdata), GFP_KERNEL);
return 0;
static int elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
dev_info(&pdev->dev,"Removing elphel393-sensor-i2c");
return 0;
static struct of_device_id elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match[] = {
{ .compatible = "elphel,elphel393-sensor-i2c-1.00", },
{ /* end of table */}
MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match);
static struct platform_driver elphel393_pwr = {
.probe = elphel393_sensor_i2c_probe,
.remove = elphel393_sensor_i2c_remove,
.driver = {
.name = "elphel393-sensor-i2c",
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
.of_match_table = elphel393_sensor_i2c_of_match,
.pm = NULL, /* power management */
MODULE_AUTHOR("Andrey Filippov <>");
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Elphel 10393 sensor ports i2c");
* FILE NAME : sensor_i2c.h
* DESCRIPTION: Interface to FPGA-based i2c sequencer for sensor ports
* Copyright 2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* Reserve i2c page (1 of 256 for a sensor port)*/
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn);
/* Free i2c page */
void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page);
/* Set i2c table entry to raw data (will just overwrite tbl_mode = 2) */
void set_sensor_i2c_raw(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
u32 data); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/* Set i2c table entry for write operation */
void set_sensor_i2c_wr(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int sa, // slave address (7 bit)
int rah, // High byte of the i2c register address
int num_bytes, //Number of bytes to write (1..10)
int bit_delay); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/* Set i2c table entry for read operation */
void set_sensor_i2c_rd(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
int two_byte_addr, // Number of address bytes (0 - one byte, 1 - two bytes)
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to read (1..8, 0 means 8)
int bit_delay);// Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
// Write i2c command to the i2c command sequencer
// I2C command sequencer, block of 16 DWORD slots for absolute frame numbers (modulo 16) and 15 slots for relative ones
// 0 - ASAP, 1 next frame, 14 -14-th next.
// Data written depends on context:
// 1 - I2C register write: index page (MSB), 3 payload bytes. Payload bytes are used according to table and sent
// after the slave address and optional high address byte. Other bytes are sent in descending order (LSB- last).
// If less than 4 bytes are programmed in the table the high bytes (starting with the one from the table) are
// skipped.
// If more than 4 bytes are programmed in the table for the page (high byte), one or two next 32-bit words
// bypass the index table and all 4 bytes are considered payload ones. If less than 4 extra bytes are to be
// sent for such extra word, only the lower bytes are sent.
// 2 - I2C register read: index page, slave address (8-bit, with lower bit 0) and one or 2 address bytes (as programmed
// in the table. Slave address is always in byte 2 (bits 23:16), byte1 (high register address) is skipped if
// read address in the table is programmed to be a single-byte one
/* Write one or multiple DWORDs to i2c relative (modulo16) address. Use offs = 0 for immediate (ASAP) command */
/* Length of data is determined by the page data already preset */
int write_sensor_i2c_rel (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data);
/* Same to absolute (modulo16) address */
int write_sensor_i2c_abs (int chn,
int offs, // 4 bits
u32 * data);
/* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_sensor_reg16 (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int addr, // low 8 bits
u32 data); // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_sensor_i2c_fifo)*/
void read_sensor_i2c (int chn,
int page, // page (8 bits)
int sa7, // 7-bit i2c slave address
int addr); // 8/16 bit address
/* Read next byte from the channel i2c FIFO. Return byte or -1 if no data available */
/* Sensor channel status should be in auto update mode (3) */
int read_sensor_i2c_fifo(int chn);
* File: x393.c
* Date: 2016-03-29
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Functions definitions to access x393 hardware registers
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ void x393_sens_sync_late (x393_sens_sync
void x393_sensio_ctrl (x393_sensio_ctl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1020 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Configure sensor I/O port
void set_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1024 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Set status control for SENSIO module
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (int sens_num) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x1024 + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jpag_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1028 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jtag_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1028 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void set_x393_sensio_width (x393_sensio_width_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x102c + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor)
x393_sensio_width_t get_x393_sensio_width (int sens_num) { x393_sensio_width_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + (0x102c + 0x100 * sens_num)); return d; }
void set_x393_sensio_tim0 (x393_sensio_tim0_t d, int sens_num){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1030 + 0x100 * sens_num));} // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0
* File: x393.h
* Date: 2016-03-29
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Constants definitions and functions declarations to access x393 hardware registers
//#include "elphel/x393_types.h"
#include "x393_types.h"
//#include "elphel/x393_defs.h // alternative variant"
......@@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ void x393_sens_sync_late (x393_sens_sync
void x393_sensio_ctrl (x393_sensio_ctl_t d, int sens_num); // Configure sensor I/O port
void set_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d, int sens_num); // Set status control for SENSIO module
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_sensio_status_cntrl (int sens_num);
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jpag_t d, int sens_num); // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void x393_sensio_jtag (x393_sensio_jtag_t d, int sens_num); // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS)
void set_x393_sensio_width (x393_sensio_width_t d, int sens_num); // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor)
x393_sensio_width_t get_x393_sensio_width (int sens_num);
void set_x393_sensio_tim0 (x393_sensio_tim0_t d, int sens_num); // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0
......@@ -299,7 +298,6 @@ x393_status_sens_io_t x393_sensio_status (int sens_num);
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO1 0x0000000b // Mono JPEG (not yet implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO4 0x0000000e // Mono, 4 blocks (2x2 macroblocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_SINGLE 0x00000000 // Use single-frame buffer
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_MULTI 0x00000001 // Use multi-frame buffer
* File: x393_defs.h
* Date: 2016-03-29
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Constants and hardware addresses definitions to access x393 hardware registers
......@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE(sens_num) (0x4000101c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Configure frame sync delay, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL(sens_num) (0x40001020 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Configure sensor I/O port, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL(sens_num) (0x40001024 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Set status control for SENSIO module, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG(sens_num) (0x40001028 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_jpag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG(sens_num) (0x40001028 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH(sens_num) (0x4000102c + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0(sens_num) (0x40001030 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1(sens_num) (0x40001034 + 0x100 * (sens_num)) // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, sens_num = 0..3, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
......@@ -240,7 +240,6 @@
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO1 0x0000000b // Mono JPEG (not yet implemented)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_MONO4 0x0000000e // Mono, 4 blocks (2x2 macroblocks)
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_CMODE_JPEG18 0x00000000 // Color 4:2:0
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_SINGLE 0x00000000 // Use single-frame buffer
#define X393_CMPRS_CBIT_FRAMES_MULTI 0x00000001 // Use multi-frame buffer
* File: x393_map.h
* Date: 2016-03-29
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: Sorted hardware addresses map
......@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE__0 0x4000101c // Configure frame sync delay, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL__0 0x40001020 // Configure sensor I/O port, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL__0 0x40001024 // Set status control for SENSIO module, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__0 0x40001028 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jpag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__0 0x40001028 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH__0 0x4000102c // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0__0 0x40001030 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1__0 0x40001034 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE__1 0x4000111c // Configure frame sync delay, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL__1 0x40001120 // Configure sensor I/O port, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL__1 0x40001124 // Set status control for SENSIO module, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__1 0x40001128 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jpag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__1 0x40001128 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH__1 0x4000112c // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0__1 0x40001130 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1__1 0x40001134 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
......@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE__2 0x4000121c // Configure frame sync delay, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL__2 0x40001220 // Configure sensor I/O port, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL__2 0x40001224 // Set status control for SENSIO module, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__2 0x40001228 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jpag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__2 0x40001228 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH__2 0x4000122c // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0__2 0x40001230 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1__2 0x40001234 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
......@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@
#define X393_SENS_SYNC_LATE__3 0x4000131c // Configure frame sync delay, data type: x393_sens_sync_late_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_CTRL__3 0x40001320 // Configure sensor I/O port, data type: x393_sensio_ctl_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_STATUS_CNTRL__3 0x40001324 // Set status control for SENSIO module, data type: x393_status_ctrl_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__3 0x40001328 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jpag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_JTAG__3 0x40001328 // Programming interface for multiplexer FPGA (with X393_SENSIO_STATUS), data type: x393_sensio_jtag_t (wo)
#define X393_SENSIO_WIDTH__3 0x4000132c // Set sensor line in pixels (0 - use line sync from the sensor), data type: x393_sensio_width_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM0__3 0x40001330 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 0, data type: x393_sensio_tim0_t (rw)
#define X393_SENSIO_TIM1__3 0x40001334 // Sensor port i/o timing configuration, register 1, data type: x393_sensio_tim1_t (rw)
* File: x393_types.h
* Date: 2016-03-29
* Date: 2016-04-06
* Author: auto-generated file, see
* Description: typedef definitions for the x393 hardware registers
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ typedef union {
struct {
u32 i2c_fifo_dout: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) I2c byte read from the device through FIFO
u32 i2c_fifo_nempty: 1; // [ 8] (0) I2C read FIFO has data
u32 i2c_fifo_cntrl: 1; // [ 9] (0) I2C FIFO byte counter (odd/even bytes)
u32 i2c_fifo_lsb: 1; // [ 9] (0) I2C FIFO byte counter (odd/even bytes)
u32 busy: 1; // [ 10] (0) I2C sequencer busy
u32 alive_fs: 1; // [ 11] (0) Sensor generated frame sync since last status update
u32 frame_num: 4; // [15:12] (0) I2C sequencer frame number
......@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ typedef union {
typedef union {
struct {
u32 tbl_addr: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Address/length in 64-bit words (<<3 to get byte address
u32 tbl_addr: 8; // [ 7: 0] (0) Address/length in 64-bit words (<<3 to get byte address)
u32 :20;
u32 tbl_mode: 2; // [29:28] (3) Should be 3 to select table address write mode
u32 : 2;
......@@ -411,7 +411,9 @@ typedef union {
u32 sda_release: 1; // [ 1] (0) Release SDA early if next bit ==1 (valid with drive_ctl)
u32 drive_ctl: 1; // [ 2] (0) 0 - nop, 1 - set sda_release and sda_drive_high
u32 next_fifo_rd: 1; // [ 3] (0) Advance I2C read FIFO pointer
u32 : 8;
u32 soft_scl: 2; // [ 5: 4] (0) Control SCL pin (when stopped): 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - high (driven), 3 - float
u32 soft_sda: 2; // [ 7: 6] (0) Control SDA pin (when stopped): 0 - nop, 1 - low, 2 - high (driven), 3 - float
u32 : 4;
u32 cmd_run: 2; // [13:12] (0) Sequencer run/stop control: 0,1 - nop, 2 - stop, 3 - run
u32 reset: 1; // [ 14] (0) Sequencer reset all FIFO (takes 16 clock pulses), also - stops i2c until run command
u32 :13;
......@@ -664,7 +666,7 @@ typedef union {
struct {
u32 d32:32; // [31: 0] (0) cast to u32
} x393_sensio_jpag_t;
} x393_sensio_jtag_t;
// Sensor i/o timing register 0 (different meanings for different sensor types)
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