Commit 35f01d22 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Updating multi10359, documenting

parent a9dd5e60
......@@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ typedef struct {
int calc_pll_params (unsigned int f, t_pll_params * pars); // f -in Hz
int setCYField (int sensor_port, int addr, int mask, int value); /// bus==1 - FPGA (sensor bus through 10359), 0 - CPU bus
int setClockFreq(int nclock, int freq); // freq now in Hz
int calc_pll_params (unsigned int f, t_pll_params * pars) { // f -in Hz
// t_pll_params pars;
......@@ -176,6 +175,7 @@ int setCYField (int sensor_port, int reg_addr, int mask, int value) {
sensor_port, reg_addr, mask, value,reg_data);
return error;
return 0;
int x393_getClockFreq(int sensor_port, int nclock) {
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
* \def FRAMEPARS_DRIVER_NAME driver name to display
* driver name to display
#define FRAMEPARS_DRIVER_NAME "Elphel (R) Model 393 Frame Parameters device driver"
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* @file multi10359.h
* @brief Control of the 10359 multiplexer board
* @copyright Copyright 2010-2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* @par <b>License</b>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// Add known devices: name, slave address (7-bit), number of address bytes, number of data bytes, SCL frequency (kHz)
elphel393-sensor-i2c,i2c_devices = "mt9f002 0x10 2 2 500",
"mt9p006 0x48 1 2 500",
"el10359 0x08 1 2 500",
"pca9500_eeprom 0x50 1 1 100",
"cy22393 0x69 1 1 100";
#define I2C359_INC 2 ///< slave address increment between sensors in 10359A board (broadcast, 1,2,3) (7 bits SA)
#define I2C359_SLAVEADDR 0x08 ///< slave address of the 10359A board (move?) - 393 - use el10359 device class (7 bits SA)
#define I2C359_VERSION 0x00 ///< register address: 32-bit FPGA bitstream version
#define I2C359_MINVERSION 0x0359104b ///< Minimal FPGA version compatible with this software
#define I2C359_DCM_SYSTEM 0x01 ///< register address: System DCM control
#define I2C359_DCM_SDRAM 0x02 ///< register address: SDRAM DCM control
#define I2C359_DCM_SENSOR1 0x03 ///< register address: sensor 1 DCM control
#define I2C359_DCM_SENSOR2 0x04 ///< register address: sensor 2 DCM control
#define I2C359_DCM_SENSOR3 0x05 ///< register address: sensor 3 DCM control
#define I2C359_DCM_INC 0x01 ///< DCM control bits: increment phase by fine step
#define I2C359_DCM_DEC 0x02 ///< DCM control bits: decrement phase by fine step
#define I2C359_DCM_RESET 0x03 ///< DCM control bits: reset fine phase
#define I2C359_DCM_INC90 0x04 ///< DCM control bits: increment phase by 90 degrees
#define I2C359_DCM_DEC90 0x08 ///< DCM control bits: decrement phase by 90 degrees
#define I2C359_DCM_RESET90 0x0c ///< DCM control bits: reset 90 degrees phase
#define I2C359_DCM_HACT_INC 0x10 ///< DCM control bits: increment HACT phase
#define I2C359_DCM_HACT_DEC 0x20 ///< DCM control bits: decrement HACT phase
#define I2C359_DCM_HACT_RESET 0x30 ///< DCM control bits: reset HACT phase
#define I2C359_CHNSEQ 0x06 ///< register address: channel select
#define I2C359_SEQ(x,y,z) (((x)&3) | (((y)&3)<<2) | (((z)&3)<<4)) ///< Channels control: x - direct channel (no memory),
///< y - second, z - third. 0- disabled, 1..3 channels (J2,J3,J4)
//#define I2C359_I2CMUX 0x07
// #define I2C359_I2CMUX_2MEM 0x1
// #define I2C359_I2CMUX_2SENSORS 0x0
#define I2C359_CLKSRC 0x08 ///< register address: clock source
#define I2C359_CLKSRC_SYSTEM 0x00 ///< clock source: system (from the system board over)
#define I2C359_CLKSRC_LOCAL 0x01 ///< clock source: local (clock generator on the 10359 board
#define I2C359_MODE 0x09 ///< register address: mode register
#define I2C359_MODE_RESET 0x01 ///< mode register bit: 1 - reset, 0 - normal operation (persistent)
#define I2C359_MODE_DISABLE 0x02 ///< mode register bit: 1 - output disable reset, 0 - normal operation
#define I2C359_MODE_MUTI_EN 0x04 ///< mode register bit: 1 - enable multisensor mode, 0 - single sensor
#define I2C359_MODE_TEST_PATTERN 0x20 ///< mode register bit: 1 - enable test pattern from 10359, 0 - normal mode, sensor data
#define I2C359_MODE_INDIVIDUAL 0x10 ///< mode register bit: 0 - single frame sync for all channels, 1 - each sensor frame with individual frame sync
#define I2C359_MODE_PATTERN 0x20 ///< mode register bit: 1 - test pattern, 0 - sensor image
#define I2C359_HACT_WIDTH 0x0a ///< register address: HACT duration when internally generated (I2C359_HACT_MODE==1), default 2596
#define I2C359_INTERFRAME_DELAY 0x0c ///< register address: delay between frames output, in lines. 16 bits .
///< Needed in separate frames mode, large frames, non jp4
#define I2C359_HACT_DLY 0x0d ///< register address: bit 0 - delay HACT in frame 2 by 1 clock cycle,
///< bit 1 - delay HACT in frame 3 by 1 c.c (to compensate for Bayer during hor. flips)
#define I2C359_HACT_MODE 0x0e ///< register address: 0 - use sensor HACT, 1 - use leading edge from the sensor,
///< generate duration. Bit 0 sensor 0, 1 - 1, 2 - 2
#define I2C359_WIDTH2 0x13 ///< register address: line length for memory channel 1 (2-nd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 2596
#define I2C359_HEIGHT2 0x14 ///< register address: frame height for memory channel 1 (2-nd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 1940
#define I2C359_HBLANK2 0x15 ///< register address: horizontal blank for memory channel 1 (2-nd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 256
#define I2C359_VBLANK2 0x16 ///< register address: vertical blank (before active frame) for memory channel 1 (2-nd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 0
#define I2C359_WIDTH3 0x23 ///< register address: line length for memory channel 3 (3-rd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 2596
#define I2C359_HEIGHT3 0x24 ///< register address: frame height for memory channel 3 (3-rd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 1940
#define I2C359_HBLANK3 0x25 ///< register address: horizontal blank for memory channel 3 (3-rd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 256
#define I2C359_VBLANK3 0x26 ///< register address: vertical blank (before active frame) for memory channel 3 (3-rd frame in sequence).
///< 16 bit (no I2C359_MSW), default 0
#define I2C359_SDRAM_CHEN 0x40 ///< register address: SDRAM channels enable, LSW of 32-bit, should be sent after I2C359_MSW, will be applied together
#define I2C359_SDRAM_RUN(x) (2 << (x <<1)) ///< SDRAM channels enable for channel x (0..7), enable=1, init=0
#define I2C359_SDRAM_STOP(x) (1 << (x <<1)) ///< SDRAM channels enable for channel x (0..7), enable=0, init=1
#define I2C359_SDRAM_PAUSE(x) (3 << (x <<1)) ///< SDRAM channels enable for channel x (0..7), enable=0, init=0
#define I2C359_SDRAM_MANCMD 0x41 ///< Manual commands (mode set) for SDRAM, LSW of 32-bit, should be sent after I2C359_MSW, will be applied together
#define I2C359_SDRAM_MAGIC43 0x43 ///< register address: Undocumented
#define I2C359_SDRAM_START0 0x44 ///< register address: SDRAM channel 0 start page number (each page 4096 pixels)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_START1 0x45 ///< register address: SDRAM channel 1 start page number (each page 4096 pixels)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_START2 0x46 ///< register address: SDRAM channel 2 start page number (each page 4096 pixels)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_START3 0x47 ///< register address: SDRAM channel 3 start page number (each page 4096 pixels)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_CONF01A 0x4c ///< register address: SDRAM channels 0,1 configuration A (with I2C359_MSW)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_CONF23A 0x4d ///< register address: SDRAM channels 2,3 configuration A (with I2C359_MSW)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_CONF01B 0x4e ///< register address: SDRAM channels 0,1 configuration B (with I2C359_MSW)
#define I2C359_SDRAM_CONF23B 0x4f ///< register address: SDRAM channels 2,3 configuration B (with I2C359_MSW)
#define I2C359_MSW 0x50 ///< register address: write 16 high bits of the next 32 bit word. Will be combined with other 16-bit writes
#define I2C359_SDRAM_PAGE_WR 0x63 ///< register address: write any data to start 64-word page write to buffer
#define I2C359_SDRAM_PAGE_RD 0x64 ///< register address: any data to start 64-word page read to buffer
#define I2C359_SDRAM_DATA 0x70 ///< register address: 16-bit data to be written to channel 4 or read from channel5
#define I2C359_DCM_STATUS 0x0F ///< register address: readonly, status of DCMs
#define I2C359_DCM_OFL(x,status) ((status) & (1<<((((x) & 3 ) <<2) +0))) ///< detect overflow, x = 0 - SDRAM, 1..3 - sensors (status - data read from I2C359_DCM_STATUS)
#define I2C359_DCM_DONE(x,status) ((status) & (1<<((((x) & 3 ) <<2) +1))) ///< detect DONE, x = 0 - SDRAM, 1..3 - sensors
#define I2C359_DCM_LOCKED(x,status) ((status) & (1<<((((x) & 3 ) <<2) +2))) ///< detect DCM locked, x = 0 - SDRAM, 1..3 - sensors
#define I2C359_DCM_ERR_UNKNOWN 2 ///< Error code UNKNOWN
#define I2C359_DCM_ERR_OVFL 3 ///< Error code OVERFLOW
#define I2C359_DCM_ERR_NODONE 4 ///< Error code NOT DONE
#define I2C359_DCM_ERR_NOLOCKED 5 ///< Error code NOT LOCKED
CHEN_LOW,CHEN_HIGH - control 8 SDRAM channels + refresh (in CHEN_HIGH)
each dibit:
0 - nop
1 - disable
2 - enable, init
3 - disable, init
MANCMD_HIGH,MANCMD_LOW - data to be directly applied to SDRAM for 1 clock cycle
//#define I2C359_CLK_NUMBER 4 // system clock number for the 10359A on-board clock generator
int multisensor_pgm_detectsensor (int sensor_port, struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame16);
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[8];
int nupdate=0;
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to sensor register shadows
......@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include "x393.h"
#include "sensor_i2c.h"
#include <elphel/c313a.h> // PARS_FRAMES_MASK
......@@ -85,8 +86,10 @@ void i2c_page_alloc_init(void)
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(sysfs_page)/sizeof(sysfs_page[0]); i++) sysfs_page[i] = -1;
/** Reserve i2c page (1 of 256) for a sensor port
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3)
* @return allocated page number or -ENOMEM if all pages are already used
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn)
......@@ -109,6 +112,31 @@ int i2c_page_alloc(int chn)
/** Register specific page, can be used with legacy software to register page equal to slave address,
* and use 0xff for reading. Works with 1byhte addresses and 16-bit data */
int i2c_page_register(int chn, ///< Sensor port
int page) ///< page to register (for legacy software, use 7-bit slave address
///< @return 0 on success, -ENOMEM if page is already registered
int g = page >> 5;
int b = page & 0x1f;
u32 * fb = free_i2c_pages + ((chn << 3) + g);
if (unlikely(!(*fb & (1 << (31-b))))) {
return -ENOMEM; // page is already registered
*fb &= (1 << (31-b));
if (unlikely(*fb == 0)){
free_i2c_groups[chn] &= ~(1 << (31 - g));
return 0;
/** Free i2c page
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3)
* @param page i2c configuration page to release
......@@ -355,6 +383,45 @@ void write_xi2c_reg16 (int chn, ///< sensor port
/** Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_rel (int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, ///< relative frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, ///< low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data) ///< 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr & 0xff) << 16) | (data & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_rel (dw, chn, frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK);
/** Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_abs (int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, ///< absolute frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, ///< low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data) ///< 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr & 0xff) << 16) | (data & 0xffff);
x393_sensi2c_abs (dw, chn, frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK);
/** Compatibility with the legacy code: frame <0 - ASAP, >=0 - absolute
* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_abs_asap (int chn, ///< sensor port
int page, ///< index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, ///< absolute frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, ///< low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data) ///< 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
u32 dw = ((page & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr & 0xff) << 16) | (data & 0xffff);
if (frame<0) x393_sensi2c_abs (dw, chn, 0);
else x393_sensi2c_abs (dw, chn, frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK);
/** Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
* Use slave address from provided class structure.
......@@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#ifndef SENSOR_I2C.H
#define SENSOR_I2C.H
/** I2C device description to be used with i2c sequencer*/
typedef struct{
char name[32]; ///< Device class name (up to 31 characters)
......@@ -29,14 +30,30 @@ typedef struct{
* @param chn sensor port number (0..3) */
int i2c_page_alloc(int chn);
/* Register specific page, can be used with legacy software to register page equal to slave address,
* and use 0xff for reading. Works with 1byhte addresses and 16-bit data */
int i2c_page_register(int chn, // Sensor port
int page); // page to register (for legacy software, use 7-bit slave address
// @return 0 on success, -ENOMEM if page is already registered
/* Free i2c page */
void i2c_page_free(int chn, int page);
/* Find device list entry by device class name */
x393_i2c_device_t * xi2c_dev_get(const char * name); // Device class name as string
/* Set i2c table entry to raw data (will just overwrite tbl_mode = 2)*/
void set_xi2c_raw(int chn,
int page, // index in lookup table
u32 data); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
/* Set i2c table entry for write operation */
void set_xi2c_wr(int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in lookup table
int sa7, // slave address (7 bit)
int rah, // High byte of the i2c register address
int num_bytes, // Number of bytes to write (1..10)
int bit_delay); // Bit delay - number of mclk periods in 1/4 of the SCL period
* Set i2c table entry for write operation using known devices
* Get device with xi2c_dev_get(), copy and modify, if needed to
......@@ -78,6 +95,28 @@ void write_xi2c_reg16 (int chn,
int addr, // low 8 bits
u32 data); // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_rel (int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, // relative frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, // low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data); ///< 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_abs (int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, // absolute frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, // low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data); //16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/* Compatibility with the legacy code: frame <0 - ASAP, >=0 - absolute
* Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode */
void write_xi2c_reg16_abs_asap (int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, // absolute frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, // low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data); // 16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
/* Initiate sensor i2c read in immediate mode (data itself has to be read from FIFO with read_xi2c_fifo)
* Use slave address from provided class structure. */
void read_xi2c (x393_i2c_device_t * dc, // device class
......@@ -110,3 +149,4 @@ int x393_xi2c_read_reg( const char * cname, // device class name
int sa7_offs, // slave address (7-bit) offset from the class defined slave address
int reg_addr, // register address (width is defined by class)
int * datap); // pointer to a data receiver (read data width is defined by class)
......@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@
//xi2craw_aux c 134 6
//xi2cenable c 134 7
#define FPGA_DCM_STEP 22 // ps/step
#define FPGA_DCM_RANGE 250 // maximal phase correction (+/-) ?
/* camera sequencer states */
#define CAMSEQ_OFF 0 // off, not programmed (Video mode off on Zoran sensors)
......@@ -123,6 +121,10 @@
#define FPGA_DCM_STEP 22 // ps/step
#define FPGA_DCM_RANGE 250 // maximal phase correction (+/-) ?
/* supported ioctl _IOC_NR's */
#ifndef I2C_WRITEARG
#define I2C_WRITEARG(bus, slave, reg, value) (((bus) << 24) | ((slave) << 16) | ((reg) << 8) | (value))
......@@ -593,15 +595,22 @@
#define P_MAX_PAR_ROUNDUP ROUND_UP (P_MAX_PAR , (PAGE_SIZE/8)) ///< half page in DWORDs
#ifdef NC353 // to hide old code
#define MULTIREG(x,n) ((((n)>=0) && ((n)<MAX_SENSORS) && ((x) >0) && ((x) < P_MAX_PAR) && (multiSensIndex[x] > 0))? (multiSensIndex[x]+(n)) : 0)
#define MULTIREG(x,n) ((multiSensIndex[x] > 0)? (multiSensIndex[x]+(n)) : 0) // unsafe
#define MULTIRVRSREG(x) (multiSensRvrsIndex[x])
#define MULTIREG(p,x,n) ((((n)>=0) && ((n)<MAX_SENSORS) && ((x) >0) && ((x) < P_MAX_PAR) && (amultiSensIndex[p][x] > 0))? (amultiSensIndex[p][x]+(n)) : 0)
#define MULTIREG(p,x,n) ((amultiSensIndex[p][x] > 0)? (amultiSensIndex[p][x]+(n)) : 0) // unsafe
#define MULTIRVRSREG(p,x) (amultiSensRvrsIndex[p][x])
//#define P_MAX_PAR 511 /// maximal # of used parameter
//#define P_MAX_GPAR 1023 // maximal # of global parameter
//#define P_MAX_GPAR 2047 /// maximal # of global parameter - TODO: change name to NUM_GPAR and make it 2048
......@@ -1603,10 +1612,11 @@ struct sensorproc_t {
/// functions return <0 on error (and do nothing)
/// first 32 functions are called directly when appropriate bit is set, next 32 - sensor specific that are called
/// by corresponding one with (number-32) if not NULL. Sensor initilaization should set up those functions
int (*pgm_func[64]) (struct sensor_t * sensor, /// pointer to sensor parameters
struct framepars_t * framepars, /// pointer to structure with array of current frame parameters
struct framepars_t * prevpars, /// pointer to structure with array of previous frame parameters
int frame8); /// frame to program (latency applied), -1 - ASAP
int (*pgm_func[64]) (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
struct sensor_t * sensor, ///< pointer to sensor parameters
struct framepars_t * framepars, ///< pointer to structure with array of current frame parameters
struct framepars_t * prevpars, ///< pointer to structure with array of previous frame parameters
int frame16); ///< frame to program (latency applied), -1 - ASAP
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