Commit 1d6437da authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

added more files from 353 to work on

parent 35f01d22
* @file command_sequencer.c
* @brief Interface to FPGA-based command sequencer sequencer
* @copyright Copyright 2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* @par <b>License</b>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/spinlock.h>
#include <elphel/c313a.h> // PARS_FRAMES_MASK
#include "x393.h"
static DEFINE_SPINLOCK(lock);
/** Write command to the 16-frame sequencer, relative to the current frame */
int write_seq_rel (int chn, ///< sensor port
int frame, ///< relative frame number modulo 16 (0 - ASAP)
u32 addr, ///< command (register) address in bytes (2 LSBs are will be discarded)
u32 data) ///< command data.
///< @return 0 on success, negative error if table shadow is not initialized to data
if (unlikely(frame < 0)) frame = 0;
else if (unlikely(frame >= PARS_FRAMES_MASK)){
return -EINVAL; // too far in the future
x393_cmdframeseq_rel(addr>>2, chn, frame);
x393_cmdframeseq_rel(data, chn, frame);
return 0;
/* Write command to the 16-frame sequencer, absolute frame */
int write_seq_abs (int chn, ///< sensor port
int frame, ///< absolute frame number modulo 16
u32 addr, ///< command (register) address in bytes (2 LSBs are will be discarded)
u32 * data) ///< data array. Length written is defined by the pre-configured table entry.
///< MSB (data is sent MSB first) of the first entry is index in the table.
///< @return 0 on success, negative error if table shadow is not initialized to data
x393_cmdframeseq_rel(addr>>2, chn, frame);
x393_cmdframeseq_rel(data, chn, frame);
return 0;
// TODO: Add other sequencer control here
// Command sequencer control
// Controller is programmed through 32 locations. Each register but the control requires two writes:
// First write - register address (AXI_WR_ADDR_BITS bits), second - register data (32 bits)
// Writing to the contol register (0x1f) resets the first/second counter so the next write will be "first"
// 0x0..0xf write directly to the frame number [3:0] modulo 16, except if you write to the frame
// "just missed" - in that case data will go to the current frame.
// 0x10 - write seq commands to be sent ASAP
// 0x11 - write seq commands to be sent after the next frame starts
// 0x1e - write seq commands to be sent after the next 14 frame start pulses
// 0x1f - control register:
// [14] - reset all FIFO (takes 32 clock pulses), also - stops seq until run command
// [13:12] - 3 - run seq, 2 - stop seq , 1,0 - no change to run state
// [1:0] - 0: NOP, 1: clear IRQ, 2 - Clear IE, 3: set IE
void x393_cmdframeseq_ctrl (x393_cmdframeseq_mode_t d, int sens_chn){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + (0x1e7c + 0x80 * sens_chn));} // CMDFRAMESEQ control register
void x393_cmdframeseq_abs (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1e00 + 0x80 * sens_chn + 0x4 * offset));} // CMDFRAMESEQ absolute frame address/command
void x393_cmdframeseq_rel (u32 d, int sens_chn, int offset){writel(d, mmio_ptr + (0x1e40 + 0x80 * sens_chn + 0x4 * offset));} // CMDFRAMESEQ relative frame address/command
// Command sequencer multiplexer, provides current frame number for each sensor channel and interrupt status/interrupt masks for them.
// Interrupts and interrupt masks are controlled through channel CMDFRAMESEQ module
void set_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (x393_status_ctrl_t d){writel(d.d32, mmio_ptr + 0x1c08);} // CMDSEQMUX status control mode (status provides current frame numbers)
x393_status_ctrl_t get_x393_cmdseqmux_status_ctrl (void) { x393_status_ctrl_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x1c08); return d; }
x393_cmdseqmux_status_t x393_cmdseqmux_status (void) { x393_cmdseqmux_status_t d; d.d32 = readl(mmio_ptr + 0x20e0); return d; } // CMDSEQMUX status data (frame numbers and interrupts
* @file command_sequencer.h
* @brief Interface to FPGA-based command sequencer sequencer
* @copyright Copyright 2016 (C) Elphel, Inc.
* @par <b>License</b>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
/* Write command to the 16-frame sequencer, relative to the current frame */
int write_seq_rel (int chn, int frame, u32 addr, u32 data);
/* Write command to the 16-frame sequencer, absolute frame */
int write_seq_abs (int chn, int frame, u32 addr, u32 * data);
///@file legacy_defines.h
#define X313_MARGINS 4
#define X3X3_RSTSENSDCM // FPGA DCM can fail after clock change, needs to be reset
#define X3X3_SENSDCM_CLK2X_RESET // reset pclk2x DCM also
#define I2C359_CLK_NUMBER 4
#define CCAM_NEGRST //set negative MRST polarity
#define CCAM_RESET_MCONTR_ON // Set mode that resets memory controller pointers after each frame sync. TODO: Later - make it work without?
#define CCAM_ENDFRAMES_EN // Enable ending frame being compressed if no more data will be available (frame ended before specified number of blocks compressed)
* \file mt9x001.c
* \brief Sensor support for Micron image sensors
* \date 2004-2010
*! FILE NAME : mt9x001.c
*! DESCRIPTION: sensor support for Micron image sensors:
*! MT9M001(1280x1024)
*! MT9D001(1600x1200)
*! MT9T001(2048x1536)
*! MT9P001/MT9P031(2592x1944)
*! Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Elphel, Inc.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**3
*! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*! (at your option) any later version.
*! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*! GNU General Public License for more details.
*! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*! along with this program. If not, see <>.
*! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------**
*! $Log: mt9x001.c,v $
*! Revision 1.19 2011/07/30 23:19:40 elphel
*! comment typo
*! Revision 1.18 2010/07/20 20:13:34 elphel
*! - added MakerNote info for composite images made with multisensor cameras (with 10359 board)
*! Revision 1.17 2010/06/02 16:31:04 elphel
*! Added P_MULTI_SELECTED parameter
*! Revision 1.16 2010/05/29 22:16:09 elphel
*! modified source of window height in pgm_limitfps()
*! Revision 1.15 2010/05/28 16:20:42 elphel
*! changes related to new FPGA code version
*! Revision 1.14 2010/05/25 00:52:23 elphel
*!, working on multi-sensor
*! Revision 1.13 2010/05/17 16:03:46 elphel
*!, working on multisensor support
*! Revision 1.12 2010/05/16 02:03:47 elphel
*! - driver working with individual/broadcast sensor registers
*! Revision 1.11 2010/05/13 03:39:31 elphel
*! - drivers modified for multi-sensor operation
*! Revision 1.10 2010/04/28 02:32:33 elphel
*! modified processing senor phase adjustment, now there are 3 time values used - senor internal, FPGA (bitstream dependent) and cable length-dependent
*! Revision 1.9 2010/04/06 20:35:42 elphel
*! - made the fpgaclock driver program 10359 clock in addition to the system one
*! Revision 1.8 2010/01/27 22:51:52 elphel
*! turned off ELPHEL_DEBUG, fixed errors caused by that.
*! Revision 1.7 2009/04/07 03:05:00 elphel
*! Fixed Bayer shift fro 1.3MPix sensor
*! Revision 1.6 2008/12/08 21:55:02 elphel
*! making 3MPix work, minor cleanup
*! Revision 1.5 2008/12/03 17:17:35 elphel
*! comment typo
*! Revision 1.4 2008/12/01 02:32:17 elphel
*! Added FIXME
*! Revision 1.3 2008/11/30 21:56:39 elphel
*! Added enforcing limit on the overall gains in the color channels, storage of exposure and gains in the histograms cache (to be used with autoexposure/white balance)
*! Revision 1.2 2008/11/30 05:01:03 elphel
*! Changing gains/scales behavior
*! Revision 2008/11/27 20:04:00 elphel
*! Revision 1.24 2008/11/17 06:43:32 elphel
*! bug fix (wrong parameter name)
*! Revision 1.23 2008/11/15 07:03:43 elphel
*! sensor gains now modify parameters to match sensor capabilities, changed truncating to rounding
*! Revision 1.22 2008/10/29 04:18:28 elphel
*! v.8.0.alpha10 made a separate structure for global parameters (not related to particular frames in a frame queue)
*! Revision 1.21 2008/10/22 05:27:55 elphel
*! bug fix ("||" was instead of "|"), removed some unused debug output
*! Revision 1.20 2008/10/22 03:47:16 elphel
*! added P_VIRT_KEEP parameter to enable VIRT_WIDTH, VIRT_HEIGHT preservation (if !=0), otherwise these parameters are set to minimalallowed by sensor an FPS limit
*! Revision 1.19 2008/10/20 18:45:07 elphel
*! just more debug printk
*! Revision 1.18 2008/10/18 06:14:21 elphel
*! 8.0.alpha4 - removed some obsolete parameters, renumbered others, split P_FLIP into P_FLIPH and P_FLIPV (different latencies because of bad frames), pgm_window-> pgm_window, pgm_window_safe
*! Revision 1.17 2008/10/12 06:13:10 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.16 2008/10/11 18:46:07 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.15 2008/10/08 21:26:25 elphel
*! snapsot 7.2.0.pre4 - first images (actually - second)
*! Revision 1.14 2008/10/06 08:31:08 elphel
*! snapshot, first images
*! Revision 1.13 2008/10/04 16:10:12 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.12 2008/09/28 00:31:57 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.11 2008/09/25 00:58:11 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.10 2008/09/22 22:55:48 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.9 2008/09/12 00:23:59 elphel
*! removed cc353.c, cc353.h
*! Revision 1.8 2008/09/11 01:05:32 elphel
*! snapshot
*! Revision 1.7 2008/09/04 17:37:13 elphel
*! documenting
*! Revision 1.6 2008/08/11 19:17:01 elphel
*! reduced syntax complaints by KDevelop
*! Revision 1.5 2008/07/27 23:25:07 elphel
*! next snapshot
*! Revision 1.4 2008/07/27 04:27:49 elphel
*! next snapshot
*! Revision 1.3 2008/06/20 03:54:19 elphel
*! another snapshot
*! Revision 1.2 2008/06/19 02:17:36 elphel
*! continuing work - just a snapshot
*! Revision 1.9 2008/05/02 15:13:35 elphel
*! switch to hardware i2c write,added related sensor parameters
*! Revision 1.8 2008/05/01 01:28:57 elphel
*! hardware i2c control - macros, variables
*! Revision 1.7 2008/03/20 22:29:30 elphel
*! added trigger-related code and parameters
*! Revision 1.6 2008/02/12 21:53:20 elphel
*! Modified I2c to support multiple buses, added raw access (no address registers) and per-slave protection bitmasks
*! Revision 1.5 2008/02/05 18:28:59 spectr_rain
*! correct timing for MT9P sensor with binning and skipping 1,2,4
*! Revision 1.4 2007/12/27 14:27:43 spectr_rain
*! fixed FPS, correct work with the skipping - TODO - check the binning
*! Revision 1.3 2007/10/16 23:17:51 elphel
*! cosmetic
// Revision 1.2 2007/10/16 20:03:38 elphel
// cosmetic
// Revision 2007/09/30 03:19:56 elphel
// This is a fresh tree based on elphel353-2.10
// Revision 1.12 2007/09/30 03:19:56 elphel
// Cleanup, fixed broken acquisition of individual JPEG images into circbuf (in mode 7)
// Revision 1.11 2007/09/19 04:22:33 elphel
// fixed debug output
// Revision 1.10 2007/09/19 00:34:21 elphel
// support for frame rate limiting, disabled extra debug messages
// Revision 1.9 2007/09/18 06:09:22 elphel
// support for merged P_FLIP, support fro P_FPSLM (fps limit mode) that allow to limit FPS (upper limit) and maintain FPS (lower limit) preventing exposure time to exceed one divided by fps limit
// Revision 1.8 2007/09/12 18:05:35 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.7 2007/08/17 10:23:19 spectr_rain
// switch to GPL3 license
// Revision 1.6 2007/07/20 10:17:46 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.10 2007/07/09 22:05:43 elphel
// minor sensor phase adjustment (constant so far)
// Revision 1.9 2007/07/09 21:10:14 elphel
// Reducing EMI from the sensor front end cable by reducing the drive strengths on the lines. Improving phase adjustment (and phase error measurements) for the sensors. Dealing with the delayed (with respect to pixel data) line/frame valid signals in MT9P001 sensors
// Revision 1.8 2007/07/09 05:15:17 elphel
// set slowest speed on the outputs to reduce EMI
// Revision 1.7 2007/06/28 02:24:40 elphel
// Increased default frequency for 5MPix sensor to 96MHz
// Revision 1.6 2007/06/18 07:57:24 elphel
// Fixed bug working with MT9P031 - added sensor reset/reinit after frequency change
// Revision 1.5 2007/05/21 17:45:11 elphel
// boundary scan support, added 359/347 detection
// Revision 1.4 2007/04/23 22:48:32 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.3 2007/04/17 18:28:06 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.2 2007/04/04 03:55:22 elphel
// Improved i2c, added i2c as character devices (to use from php)
// Revision 2007/02/23 10:11:48 elphel
// initial import into CVS
// Revision 1.12 2006/12/01 00:18:12 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.11 2006/11/28 18:33:26 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.9 2006/11/01 18:49:57 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.8 2006/09/12 15:21:55 spectr_rain
// use ve for integration time if e == 0
// Revision 1.7 2006/09/02 22:04:17 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.6 2006/09/02 00:19:49 spectr_rain
// lock sensor while readrawimage
// Revision 1.5 2006/07/17 12:22:42 spectr_rain
// enable autoexposition
// Revision 1.4 2006/07/13 04:21:15 elphel
// mt9p031 now wants the same bayer as others - maybe DLYHOR bit was set earlier?
// Revision 1.3 2006/07/12 19:32:49 spectr_rain
// fix Bayer pattern for less than 5MPx sensors
// Revision 1.2 2006/07/12 06:03:16 elphel
// bug fix
// Revision 2006/07/11 19:15:00 spectr_rain
// unwork with less than 5MPx Micron sensor, initial branch
// Revision 1.25 2006/06/05 07:31:22 spectr_rain
// set blank vertical to 0 if pfh > 0
// Revision 1.24 2006/02/16 03:37:06 elphel
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.23 2006/02/08 01:53:56 spectr_rain
// fix broken mutex in check of down_interruptible
// Revision 1.22 2006/01/15 22:24:03 elphel
// bug fix, made binning a non-stop parameter
// Revision 1.21 2006/01/15 13:03:27 spectr_rain
// fix deadlock
// Revision 1.19 2006/01/12 03:52:14 elphel
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.18 2006/01/10 15:41:54 spectr_rain
// use gain compensation for color canal scale
// Revision 1.17 2006/01/05 05:36:13 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.15 2006/01/05 05:21:32 spectr_rain
// *** empty log message ***
// Revision 1.14 2006/01/05 05:15:27 spectr_rain
// new sensitivity/scale iface
// Revision 1.13 2006/01/05 00:01:21 elphel
// fixed hang-up - removed restarting a frame that was sometimes hanging a sensor until reset
// Revision 1.12 2005/11/29 09:13:31 spectr_rain
// add autoexposure
// Revision 1.11 2005/11/23 05:13:25 spectr_rain
// use exposition and gain with autoexposition
// Revision 1.10 2005/11/22 09:21:01 elphel
// Fixed skipping of half frames, improved period calculation (not yet for binning modes)
// Revision 1.9 2005/10/12 17:58:08 elphel
// fixed wrong fps reporting in mt9x001.c
// Revision 1.8 2005/10/11 08:25:41 elphel
// fixed long exposures without slowing down sensor (especially for 3MPix sensor)
// Revision 1.7 2005/09/15 22:46:51 elphel
// Fixed bug with 1.3MPix Micron sensor (introduced in previous release)
// Revision 1.6 2005/09/10 23:33:22 elphel
// Support of realtime clock and timestamps in the images
// Revision 1.5 2005/09/06 03:40:37 elphel
// changed parameters, added support for the photo-finish mode
// Revision 1.4 2005/08/27 05:16:27 elphel
// binning
// Revision 1.3 2005/08/27 00:46:39 elphel
// bayer control with &byr=
// Revision 1.2 2005/05/10 21:08:49 elphel
// *** empty log message ***
/****************** INCLUDE FILES SECTION ***********************************/
#include <linux/types.h> /// for div 64
#include <asm/div64.h> /// for div 64
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/sched.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/time.h>
#include <linux/errno.h>
#include <linux/kernel.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/autoconf.h>
#include <asm/system.h>
//#include <asm/svinto.h> // obsolete
#include <asm/io.h>
#include <asm/irq.h>
#include <asm/delay.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/elphel/c313a.h>
//#include "cc3x3.h"
#include "fpgactrl.h" // defines port_csp0_addr, port_csp4_addr
#include "x3x3.h" // detect sensor
#include "cci2c.h"
#include "mt9x001.h"
#include "multisensor.h"
//#include "hist.h"
#include "framepars.h" // parameters manipulation
#include "sensor_common.h"
#include "pgm_functions.h"
#include "x3x3.h" // hardware definitions
* \def D(x) optional debug output
#define MDF(x) {printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x ;}
#define MDF4(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) {printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x ;} }
// #define ELPHEL_DEBUG_THIS 1
#define MDF(x)
#define MDF4(x)
#define MDF1(x) printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x
#define MDD1(x) printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__); x ; udelay (ELPHEL_DEBUG_DELAY)
#define D(x) printk("%s:%d:",__FILE__,__LINE__);x
#define D1(x) x
#define MD7(x) printk("%s:%d:",__FILE__,__LINE__);x
#define MD9(x) printk("%s:%d:",__FILE__,__LINE__);x
#define MDF1(x)
#define MDD1(x)
#define D(x)
#define D1(x)
#define MD7(x)
#define MD9(x)
// #define DEFAULT_XTRA 1000 // number of pixel times to add to the frame compression time (just a guess)
/// With USELONGLONG was failing in:
/// exposure = ((long long)(video_exposure * row_time_in_pixels)) *((long long) 1000000) / ((long long)sclk); /// in microseconds
arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/mt9x001.c:1031:mt9x001_pgm_exposure exposure=0x2710
Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000000
Oops: 0000
//#define USELONGLONG 1
//#define USELONGLONG 0
struct sensor_t mt9m001={
// sensor constants
.imageWidth = 1280, /// nominal image width for final images
.imageHeight = 1024, /// nominal image height for final images
.clearWidth = 1289, /// maximal clear image width
.clearHeight = 1033, /// maximal clear image height;
.clearTop = 8, /// top margin to the first clear pixel
.clearLeft = 16, /// left margin to the first clear pixel
.arrayWidth = 1312, /// total image array width (including black and boundary)
.arrayHeight = 1048, /// total image array height (including black and boundary)
.minWidth = 4, /// minimal WOI width
.minHeight = 3, /// minimal WOI height
.minHorBlank = 19, /// minimal horizontal blanking, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.minLineDur = 244, /// minimal total line duration, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.maxHorBlank = 2047, /// maximal horizontal blanking/Virtual frame width (depends on sensor type)
.minVertBlank= 16, /// minimal vertical blanking
.maxVertBlank= 2047, /// maximal vertical blanking/Virtual frame height (depends on sensor type)
.maxShutter = 0x3fff, /// Maximal shutter duration (in lines)
.flips = 3, /// bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.init_flips = 3, /// normal orientation flips bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.bayer = 1, /// bayer shift for flips==0
.dcmHor = 0x8b, /// 1,2,4,8
.dcmVert = 0x8b, /// 1,2,4,8
.binHor = 0x01, /// 1
.binVert = 0x01, /// 1
.maxGain256 = 4032, /// (15.75) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.minClockFreq= 20000000, /// Minimal clock frequency
.maxClockFreq= 48000000, /// Maximal clock frequency
.nomClockFreq= 48000000, ///nominal clock frequency
.sensorType = SENSOR_MT9X001 + MT9M_TYP, /// sensor type (for Elphel cameras)
.i2c_addr = MT9X001_I2C_ADDR, /// sensor i2c slave address
.i2c_period = 2500, /// SCL period in ns, (standard i2c - 2500)
.i2c_bytes = 2, /// number of bytes/ register
.hact_delay = 0, /// delay in ps, TBD
.sensorDelay = 0, /// Dealy from sensor clock at FPGA output to pixel data transition (FPGA input), short cable (ps)
.needReset= SENSOR_NEED_RESET_CLK | SENSOR_NEED_RESET_PHASE /// bit 0 - need reset after clock frequency change, bit 1 - need reset after phase change
struct sensor_t mt9d001={
// sensor constants
.imageWidth = 1600, /// nominal image width for final images
.imageHeight = 1200, /// nominal image height for final images
.clearWidth = 1609, /// maximal clear image width
.clearHeight = 1209, /// maximal clear image height;
.clearTop = 8, /// top margin to the first clear pixel
.clearLeft = 20, /// left margin to the first clear pixel
.arrayWidth = 1632, /// total image array width (including black and boundary)
.arrayHeight = 1224, /// total image array height (including black and boundary)
.minWidth = 4, /// minimal WOI width
.minHeight = 3, /// minimal WOI height
.minHorBlank = 19, /// minimal horizontal blanking, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.minLineDur = 617, /// minimal total line duration, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.maxHorBlank = 2047, /// maximal horizontal blanking/Virtual frame width (depends on sensor type)
.minVertBlank= 16, /// minimal vertical blanking
.maxVertBlank= 2047, /// maximal vertical blanking/Virtual frame height (depends on sensor type)
.maxShutter = 0x3fff, /// Maximal shutter duration (in lines)
.flips = 3, /// bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.init_flips = 3, /// normal orientation flips bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.bayer = 0, /// bayer shift for flips==0
.dcmHor = 0x8b, /// 1,2,4,8
.dcmVert = 0x8b, /// 1,2,4,8
.binHor = 0x01, /// 1
.binVert = 0x01, /// 1
.maxGain256 = 4032, /// (15.75) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.minClockFreq= 20000000, /// Minimal clock frequency
.maxClockFreq= 48000000, /// Maximal clock frequency
.nomClockFreq= 48000000, ///nominal clock frequency
.sensorType = SENSOR_MT9X001 + MT9D_TYP, /// sensor type (for Elphel cameras)
.i2c_addr = MT9X001_I2C_ADDR,
.i2c_period = 2500, /// SCL period in ns, (standard i2c - 2500)
.i2c_bytes = 2, /// number of bytes/ register
.hact_delay = 0, /// delay in ps, TBD
.sensorDelay = 0, /// Dealy from sensor clock at FPGA output to pixel data transition (FPGA input), short cable (ps)
.needReset= SENSOR_NEED_RESET_CLK | SENSOR_NEED_RESET_PHASE /// bit 0 - need reset after clock frequency change, bit 1 - need reset after phase change
struct sensor_t mt9t001={
/// sensor constants
.imageWidth = 2048, /// nominal image width for final images
.imageHeight = 1536, /// nominal image height for final images
.clearWidth = 2048, /// maximal clear image width
.clearHeight = 1545, /// maximal clear image height;
.clearTop = 16, /// top margin to the first clear pixel
.clearLeft = 28, /// left margin to the first clear pixel
.arrayWidth = 2112, /// total image array width (including black and boundary)
.arrayHeight = 1568, /// total image array height (including black and boundary)
.minWidth = 2, /// minimal WOI width
.minHeight = 2, /// minimal WOI height
.minHorBlank = 21, /// minimal horizontal blanking, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.minLineDur = 511, /// minimal total line duration, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.maxHorBlank = 2047, /// maximal horizontal blanking/Virtual frame width (depends on sensor type)
.minVertBlank= 4, /// minimal vertical blanking
.maxVertBlank= 2047, /// maximal vertical blanking/Virtual frame height (depends on sensor type)
.maxShutter = 0xfffff, /// Maximal shutter duration (in lines)
.flips = 3, /// bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.init_flips = 3, /// normal orientation flips bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.bayer = 0, /// bayer shift for flips==0
.dcmHor = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.dcmVert = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.binHor = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.binVert = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.maxGain256 = 4032, /// (15.75) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.minClockFreq= 20000000, /// Minimal clock frequency
.maxClockFreq= 48000000, /// Maximal clock frequency
.nomClockFreq= 48000000, ///nominal clock frequency
.sensorType = SENSOR_MT9X001 + MT9T_TYP, /// sensor type (for Elphel cameras)
.i2c_addr = MT9X001_I2C_ADDR,
.i2c_period = 2500, /// SCL period in ns, (standard i2c - 2500)
.i2c_bytes = 2, /// number of bytes/ register
.hact_delay = 0, /// delay in ps, TBD
.sensorDelay = 0, /// Dealy from sensor clock at FPGA output to pixel data transition (FPGA input), short cable (ps)
.needReset= SENSOR_NEED_RESET_CLK | SENSOR_NEED_RESET_PHASE /// bit 0 - need reset after clock frequency change, bit 1 - need reset after phase change
struct sensor_t mt9p001={
/// sensor constants
.imageWidth = 2592, /// nominal image width for final images
.imageHeight = 1944, /// nominal image height for final images
.clearWidth = 2608, /// maximal clear image width
.clearHeight = 1952, /// maximal clear image height;
.clearTop = 50, /// top margin to the first clear pixel
.clearLeft = 10, /// left margin to the first clear pixel
.arrayWidth = 2752, /// total image array width (including black and boundary)
.arrayHeight = 2003, /// total image array height (including black and boundary)
.minWidth = 2, /// minimal WOI width
.minHeight = 2, /// minimal WOI height
.minHorBlank = 0, /// minimal horizontal blanking, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.minLineDur = 647, /// minimal total line duration, in pixels in no-decimation, no-binning mode.
.maxHorBlank = 4095, /// maximal horizontal blanking/Virtual frame width (depends on sensor type)
.minVertBlank= 9, /// minimal vertical blanking
.maxVertBlank= 2047, /// maximal vertical blanking/Virtual frame height (depends on sensor type)
.maxShutter = 0xfffff, /// Maximal shutter duration (in lines)
.flips = 3, /// bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.init_flips = 0, /// normal orientation flips bit mask bit 0 - flipX, 1 - flipY
.bayer = 3, /// bayer shift for flips==0
.dcmHor = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 (doc show [0,6] - change to 0x7f
.dcmVert = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
.binHor = 0xff, /// 1,2,4 0xb{0,1,3}
.binVert = 0xff, /// 1,2,3,4 0xf [0,3]
.maxGain256 = 4032, /// (15.75) maximal analog gain times 0x100
.minClockFreq= 20000000, /// Minimal clock frequency
.maxClockFreq= 96000000, /// Maximal clock frequency
.nomClockFreq= 96000000, /// nominal clock frequency
.sensorType = SENSOR_MT9X001 + MT9P_TYP, /// sensor type (for Elphel cameras)
.i2c_addr = MT9P001_I2C_ADDR,
.i2c_period = 2500, /// SCL period in ns, (standard i2c - 2500)
.i2c_bytes = 2, /// number of bytes/ register
.hact_delay = -2500, /// -2.5ns delay in ps
.sensorDelay = 2460, /// Dealy from sensor clock at FPGA output to pixel data transition (FPGA input), short cable (ps)
.needReset= SENSOR_NEED_RESET_CLK | SENSOR_NEED_RESET_PHASE /// bit 0 - need reset after clock frequency change, bit 1 - need reset after phase change
/// a place to add some general purpose register writes to sensors during init
static unsigned short mt9m001_inits[]=
static unsigned short mt9d001_inits[]=
P_MT9X001_CALTHRESH , 0xa39d,
P_MT9X001_CALCTRL, 0x8498
static unsigned short mt9t001_inits[]=
static unsigned short mt9p001_inits[]=
P_MT9X001_OUTCTRL, 0x2, /// set slowest output signals (clock and non-clock) to reduce EMI (for FCC part 15)
P_MT9X001_7F , 0x0 /// Should be written 0 to prevent blue "blooming" columns
/// Specifying sensor registers to be controlled individually in multi-sensor appliactions. Currently - only fro mt9p0x1
static unsigned short mt9m001_multiregs[]=
static unsigned short mt9d001_multiregs[]=
static unsigned short mt9t001_multiregs[]=
static unsigned short mt9p001_multiregs[]=
int mt9x001_pgm_detectsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_initsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_window (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_window_safe (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_window_common(struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_limitfps (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_exposure (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_gains (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_triggermode (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_sensorregs (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
/// @brief read 2 bytes from i2c
#define I2C_READ_DATA16(x) ((i2c_read_data[(x)<<1]<<8)+i2c_read_data[((x)<<1)+1])
* @brief detect and initialize sensor and related data structures
* - detect sensor type.
* - if successful, proceed to:,
* - copy sensor static structure
* - setup appropriate pgm_* functions
* - read sensor registers to shadows
* - initialize appropriate P_* registers (including sensor register shadows) - that initialization will schedule related pgm_* functions
* TODO: when is P_CLK_FPGA initialized? Needs to be done before this
* hardware i2c is expected to be reset and initialized - no wrong, it will be programmed in
* onchange_i2c should be the first after init sensor (even before onchange_sensorphase)
* onchange_sensorphase will be triggered after this
* hardware i2c after this function will be disabled, will need onchange_sensorphase to initialize/start it.
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to. Only \b -1 (ASAP) is allowed here
* @return OK - 0, <0 - error
int mt9x001_pgm_detectsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
unsigned long flags; /// this function uses software i2c operations - they need to have interrupts (and hardware i2c off)
unsigned char i2c_read_data[2]; /// each two bytes - one short word, big endian
unsigned char chipver_reg=P_MT9X001_CHIPVER;
int sensor_subtype=0;
int i;
struct sensor_t * psensor; /// current sensor
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
// MDD1(printk("sensor=0x%x\n", (int)sensor));
if (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR]!=0) { ///already initialized - calle second time after common pgm_detectsensor(), first time is inside pgm_detectsensor()
MDF1(printk(" sensor 0x%x already detected, exiting\n",(int) thispars->pars[P_SENSOR]));
return sensor->sensorType;
/// set control lines
CCAM_NEGRST; ///set negative MRST polarity
udelay (100);
/// try MT9P001 first
psensor= &mt9p001;
local_irq_save(flags); /// IRQ Off
i2c_writeData(0, (psensor->i2c_addr) & 0xfe, &chipver_reg, 1, 0); /// no stop before read (cxi2c.c)
i2c_readData (0, (psensor->i2c_addr) | 1, i2c_read_data, 2, 0); ///restart, not strart (cxi2c.c)
local_irq_restore(flags); /// IRQ restore
// printk("sensor id= 0x%x\r\n",i2c_read_data[0]);
if (((I2C_READ_DATA16(0) ^ MT9P001_PARTID) & MT9X001_PARTIDMASK)==0) {
printk("Found MT9P001 2592x1944 sensor, chip ID=%x\n",(i2c_read_data[0]<<8)+i2c_read_data[1]);
sensor_subtype=MT9P_TYP; //1;
// MDD1(printk("sensor=0x%x\n", (int)sensor));
if (sensor_subtype ==0) { // not a 5MPix chip
psensor= &mt9m001; //address the same for all others
local_irq_save(flags); /// IRQ Off
i2c_writeData(0, (psensor->i2c_addr) & 0xfe, &chipver_reg, 1, 0); // no stop before read
i2c_readData (0, (psensor->i2c_addr) | 1, i2c_read_data, 2, 0); //restart, not strart
local_irq_restore(flags); /// IRQ restore
// printk("-sensor id= 0x%x\r\n",i2c_read_data[0]);
if (((I2C_READ_DATA16(0)^MT9M001_PARTID) & MT9X001_PARTIDMASK)==0) {
printk("Found MT9M001 1280x1024 sensor, chip ID=%x\r\n",I2C_READ_DATA16(0));
psensor= &mt9m001;
sensor_subtype=MT9M_TYP; //1;
} else if (((I2C_READ_DATA16(0)^MT9D001_PARTID) & MT9X001_PARTIDMASK)==0) {
printk("Found MT9D001 1600x1200 sensor, chip ID=%x\r\n",I2C_READ_DATA16(0));
psensor= &mt9d001;
sensor_subtype=MT9D_TYP; //2;
} else if (((I2C_READ_DATA16(0)^MT9T001_PARTID) & MT9X001_PARTIDMASK)==0) {
printk("Found MT9T001 2048x1536 sensor, chip ID=%x\r\n",I2C_READ_DATA16(0));
psensor= &mt9t001;
sensor_subtype=MT9T_TYP; //3;
/// if(d[2] == 0x01) - MT9T001 chip rev 01 - color gains had a bug
// MDD1(printk("sensor=0x%x, sensor_subtype=0x%x\n", (int)sensor, (int)sensor_subtype));
if (sensor_subtype ==0) return 0; /// no sensor found
/// Sensor recognized, go on
// memcpy(&sensor, psensor, sizeof(mt9p001)); /// copy sensor definitions
memcpy(sensor, psensor, sizeof(mt9p001)); /// copy sensor definitions
// MDD1(printk("sensor=0x%x\n", (int)sensor));
MDF1(printk("copied %d bytes of sensor static parameters\r\n",sizeof(mt9p001)));
add_sensor_proc(onchange_detectsensor,&mt9x001_pgm_detectsensor); /// detect sensor type, sets sensor structure (capabilities), function pointers NOTE: will be called directly, not through pointers
add_sensor_proc(onchange_initsensor, &mt9x001_pgm_initsensor); /// resets sensor, reads sensor registers, schedules "secret" manufacturer's corrections to the registers (stops/re-enables hardware i2c)
add_sensor_proc(onchange_exposure, &mt9x001_pgm_exposure); /// program exposure
add_sensor_proc(onchange_window, &mt9x001_pgm_window); /// program sensor WOI and mirroring (flipping)
add_sensor_proc(onchange_window_safe, &mt9x001_pgm_window_safe); /// program sensor WOI and mirroring (flipping) - now - only flipping? with lower latency
add_sensor_proc(onchange_limitfps, &mt9x001_pgm_limitfps); /// check compressor will keep up, limit sensor FPS if needed
add_sensor_proc(onchange_gains, &mt9x001_pgm_gains); /// program analog gains
add_sensor_proc(onchange_triggermode, &mt9x001_pgm_triggermode); /// program sensor trigger mode
add_sensor_proc(onchange_sensorregs, &mt9x001_pgm_sensorregs); /// write sensor registers (only changed from outside the driver as they may have different latencies)?
// MDD1(printk("sensor->sensorType=0x%lx\n", sensor->sensorType));
setFramePar(thispars, P_SENSOR, sensor->sensorType); // was so
/// setFramePar(thispars, P_SENSOR | FRAMEPAIR_FORCE_NEWPROC, sensor->sensorType); /// force actions
// MDD1(printk("\n"));
///TODO: Fill G_MULTI_REGSM+i - which registers need individual values in multi-sensor applications
unsigned short * sensor_multi_regs;
int sensor_multi_regs_number;
for (i=0; i<8; i++ ) GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_REGSM+i)=0; /// erase old (or should we keep them?)
switch (sensor_subtype) {
case MT9M_TYP:
sensor_multi_regs= (unsigned short *) &mt9m001_multiregs; /// why casting is needed?
sensor_multi_regs_number= sizeof(mt9m001_multiregs)/sizeof(short);
case MT9D_TYP:
sensor_multi_regs= (unsigned short *) &mt9d001_multiregs;
sensor_multi_regs_number= sizeof(mt9d001_multiregs)/sizeof(short);
case MT9T_TYP:
sensor_multi_regs= (unsigned short *) &mt9t001_multiregs;
sensor_multi_regs_number= sizeof(mt9t001_multiregs)/sizeof(short);
case MT9P_TYP:
sensor_multi_regs= (unsigned short *) &mt9p001_multiregs;
sensor_multi_regs_number= sizeof(mt9p001_multiregs)/sizeof(short);
for (i=0; i<sensor_multi_regs_number; i++ ) {
GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_REGSM + ((sensor_multi_regs[i]>>5) & 7)) |= 1 << (sensor_multi_regs[i] & 0x1f);
// MDF(printk("i=%d, m=0x%x\n",i,(int)sensor_multi_regs[i]));
// MDF(printk("GLOBALPARS(0x%x)=0x%x\n",(int) G_MULTI_REGSM + ((sensor_multi_regs[i]>>5) & 7) ,(int)GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_REGSM + ((sensor_multi_regs[i]>>5) & 7))));
//#define GLOBALPARS(x) globalPars[(x)-FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS] // should work in drivers and applications
for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
// MDF(printk("i=%d, m=0x%lx\n",i,GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_REGSM+i)));
MDF4(printk(" set ARO (TRIGGER) line HIGH\n"));
CCAM_ARO_ON ; //set
return sensor->sensorType;
///NOTE: hardware i2c is turned off
* @brief reset and init sensor
* resets sensor, reads sensor registers, schedules "secret" manufacturer's corrections to the registers (stops/re-enables hardware i2c)
* i2c is supposed to be already programmed
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return always 0
int mt9x001_pgm_initsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
if (frame8 >= 0) return -1; /// should be ASAP
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
unsigned long flags; /// this function uses software i2c operations - they need to have interrupts (and hardware i2c off)
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[258+(MAX_SENSORS * P_MULTI_NUMREGS )]; /// for all the sensor registers. Other P_* values will reuse the same ones
unsigned char i2c_read_data[512]; /// each two bytes - one short word, big endian
int nupdate=0;
int i,color;
int regval, regnum, mreg, j;
printk("Resetting MT9X001 sensor\r\n");
/// reset sensor by applying MRST (low):
udelay (100);
udelay (100);
printk("Reading sensor registers to the shadows:\r\n");
int first_sensor_i2c=sensor->i2c_addr;
first_sensor_i2c+= I2C359_INC * ((GLOBALPARS(G_SENS_AVAIL) & 1)?1:((GLOBALPARS(G_SENS_AVAIL) & 2)?2:3));
local_irq_save(flags); /// IRQ Off (rather long - all 256 registers through i2c, but there is no hurry - sensor is off)
i2c_writeData(0, (first_sensor_i2c) & 0xfe, i2c_read_data, 1, 0); /// data (register #) is 0. no stop before read (cxi2c.c)
i2c_readData (0, (first_sensor_i2c) | 1, i2c_read_data, 512, 0); /// read all 256 registers (512 bytes) restart, not strart (cxi2c.c)
local_irq_restore(flags); /// IRQ restore
/// save these registers as shadows and propagate
/// For multiple sensors will use shadows from first one. Change?
for (i=0; i<256; i++) { /// possible to modify register range to save (that is why nupdate is separate from i)
if ((mreg=MULTIREG(regnum,0))) for (j=0;j<MAX_SENSORS; j++) {
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to sensor register shadows
printk("Initializing MT9X001 registers with default values:\r\n");
unsigned short * sensor_register_overwrites;
int sensor_register_overwrites_number;
int sensor_subtype=sensor->sensorType - SENSOR_MT9X001;
switch (sensor_subtype) {
case MT9M_TYP:
sensor_register_overwrites= (unsigned short *) &mt9m001_inits; /// why casting is needed?
sensor_register_overwrites_number= sizeof(mt9m001_inits)/4;
case MT9D_TYP:
sensor_register_overwrites= (unsigned short *) &mt9d001_inits;
sensor_register_overwrites_number= sizeof(mt9d001_inits)/4;
case MT9T_TYP:
sensor_register_overwrites= (unsigned short *) &mt9t001_inits;
sensor_register_overwrites_number= sizeof(mt9t001_inits)/4;
case MT9P_TYP:
sensor_register_overwrites= (unsigned short *) &mt9p001_inits;
sensor_register_overwrites_number= sizeof(mt9p001_inits)/4;
/// enable hardware i2c - NOTE: the only place where the i2c controller is enabled.
printk ("Starting hardware sequencers\n");
local_irq_save(flags); /// IRQ Off, so both sequencers to be started at the same time
local_irq_restore(flags); /// IRQ restore
nupdate=0; /// Second pass over the registers to set
for (i=0; i<sensor_register_overwrites_number;i++ ) { /// unconditionally set those registers NOTE: Should be < 63 of them!
// pars_to_update[nupdate ].num=P_SENSOR_REGS+sensor_register_overwrites[2*i];
// pars_to_update[nupdate++].val=sensor_register_overwrites[2*i+1];
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, sensor_register_overwrites[2*i], sensor_register_overwrites[2*i+1]);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) sensor_register_overwrites[2*i], (int) sensor_register_overwrites[2*i+1]));
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAIN_MAX, (sensor->maxGain256)<<8);
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to sensor register shadows
/// G_* parameters - can write directly
for (color=0;color<4;color++) for (i=0;i<81;i++) GLOBALPARS(G_SENSOR_CALIB+(color<<8)+i)=(i>32)?((i -16)<<14): (i<<13); /// one extra
MDF4(for (i=0; i<1023; i++) {if ((i & 0x1f)==0) printk ("\n"); printk(" 0x%06lx",GLOBALPARS (G_SENSOR_CALIB+i));});
return 0;
* @brief program sensor WOI and mirroring
* Validating, changing related parameters/scheduling actions, scheduling i2c commands
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP) (not used here)
* @return always 0
/// As different sensors may produce "bad frames" for differnt WOI changes (i.e. MT9P001 seems to do fine with FLIP, but not WOI_WIDTH)
/// pgm_window and pgm_window_safe will do the same - they will just be called with different latencies and with compressor stopped)
int mt9x001_pgm_window (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
return mt9x001_pgm_window_common (sensor, thispars, prevpars, frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_window_safe (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
return mt9x001_pgm_window_common (sensor, thispars, prevpars, frame8);
int mt9x001_pgm_window_common (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[29];
int nupdate=0;
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
int i,dv,dh,bv,bh,ww,wh,wl,wt,flip,flipX,flipY,d, v;
int styp = sensor->sensorType & 7;
dh= thispars->pars[P_DCM_HOR];
dv= thispars->pars[P_DCM_VERT];
bh= thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR];
bv= thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT];
ww= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXH] * dh;
wh= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXV] * dv;
flip=((thispars->pars[P_FLIPH] & 1) | ((thispars->pars[P_FLIPV] & 1) << 1 )) ^ sensor->init_flips; /// 10338 is _not_ flipped (as the ther boards, but for legacy compatibility....)
flipX = flip & 1;
flipY = (flip & 2)? 1:0;
d = 2 * bh * (ww / (2 * bh));
if (unlikely(d != ww)) { /// correct window width if needed
// setFramePar(thispars, P_SENSOR_PIXH, d / dh);
ww = d;
/// program sensor width
if ((ww-1) != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_WIDTH]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_WIDTH, ww-1);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_WIDTH, (int) ww-1));
/// height
d = (wh+1) & 0xfffe; /// round up to even
if (unlikely(d != wh)) { /// correct window height if needed
// setFramePar(thispars, P_SENSOR_PIXV, d / dv);
wh = d;
/// program sensor height
if ((wh-1) != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HEIGHT]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_HEIGHT, wh-1);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_HEIGHT, (int) wh-1));
/// Margins
wl = thispars->pars[P_WOI_LEFT];
wt = thispars->pars[P_WOI_TOP];
/// flip margins for mirrored images (except oversized, not to rely on sensor->clearWidth/sensor->clearHeight
if (!thispars->pars[P_OVERSIZE]) {
if(flipX) {
wl = sensor->clearWidth - ww - wl - X313_MARGINS * dh;
if(wl < 0) wl = 0;
if(flipY) {
wt = sensor->clearHeight - wh - wt - X313_MARGINS * dv;
if(wt < 0) wt = 0;
/// apply clearTop/clearLeft
wt = (wt + sensor->clearTop) & 0xfffe;
wl = (wl + sensor->clearLeft) & 0xfffe;
/// apply binning restrictions
switch(styp) {
case MT9P_TYP:
d = (bh > 1) ? ((bh > 2) ? 16 : 8) : 4;
i = d * ((wl - 2) / d) + 2;
i = d * (wl / d);
if(i < wl)
i += d;
wl = i;
case MT9T_TYP:
d = (bh > 1) ? ((bh > 2) ? (16) : (8)) : (4);
i = d * ((wl - 2) / d) + 2;
i = d * (wl / d);
if(i < wl)
i += d;
wl = i;
/// Program sensor left margin
if (wl != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_COLSTART]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_COLSTART, wl);
MDF4(printk(" XSET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_COLSTART, (int) wl));
/// Program sensor top margin
if (wt != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_ROWSTART]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_ROWSTART, wt);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_ROWSTART,(int) wt));
///TODO:Get rid of get_sensor_i2c_regs16 !!!
/// the fields that should not chnage in non-stop will not change, so it is OK to write them always
if((styp == MT9T_TYP) || (styp == MT9P_TYP)) { /// 3MPix and 5MPix sensors
v= (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RAM] & 0xff88) | ((bv - 1) << 4) | (dv - 1) ;
if (v != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RAM]) {
SET_SENSOR_PAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RAM, v);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_PAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RAM, (int) v));
v=(thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_CAM] & 0xff88) | ((bh - 1) << 4) | (dh - 1);
if (v != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_CAM]) {
SET_SENSOR_PAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_CAM, v);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_PAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_CAM, (int) v));
v= (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE2] & 0x3fff) | /// preserve other bits from shadows
(flipX ? (1 << 14) : 0) | /// FLIPH - will control just alternative rows
(flipY ? (1 << 15) : 0) ; /// FLIPV
if (v != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE2]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RMODE2, v);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RMODE2, (int) v));
} else { /// 1.3 and 2 MPix sensors
v= (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE1] & 0xffc3) | /// preserve other bits from shadows (trigger mode moved to other function)
((dh == 4) ? (1 << 2) : 0) | /// Column skip 4
((dv == 4) ? (1 << 3) : 0) | /// Row skip 4
((dh == 8) ? (1 << 4) : 0) | /// Column skip 8
((dv == 8) ? (1 << 5) : 0) ; /// Row skip 8
if (v != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE1]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RMODE1, v);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RMODE1, (int) v));
v= (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE2] & 0x3fe7) | // preserve other bits from shadows
((dh == 2) ? (1 << 3) : 0) | /// Column skip 2
((dv == 2) ? (1 << 4) : 0) | /// Row skip 2
(flipX ? (1 << 14) : 0) | /// FLIPH - will control just alternative rows
(flipY ? (1 << 15) : 0) ; /// FLIPV
if (v != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE2]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RMODE2, v);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RMODE2, (int) v));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to sensor register shadows
return 0;
* @brief check if compressor can keep up, limit sensor FPS if needed
* FPS is limited by increasing verical blanking, it can not be be made too big, so this method does not work to make time lapse rate. horisontal blanking
* is kept at minimum (to reduce ERS effect) if not specified. If it is specified (>minimal) - it will be used instead.
* calculate line period.
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return always 0
///FIXME - uses P_VIRTUAL_WIDTH w/o decreasing it when changing image size? Replace VIRT_WIDTH with HOR_BANK?
/// Or require always set them to zero when chnaging WOI?
/// FIXME for multisensor - needs per-sensor individual parameters. This uses senor registres, not the general parameters (i.e. height)
int mt9x001_pgm_limitfps (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[16]; /// maximum 7 registers updated (need to recount)
int nupdate=0;
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
int dh= thispars->pars[P_DCM_HOR];
int ww= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXH] * dh;
int binning_cost = 0;
int width;
int row_time_in_pixels=0;
int hor_blank_min;
int hor_blank=0;
int p1,p2, pix_period, sclk,fp1000s;
int styp = sensor->sensorType & 7;
uint64_t ull_fp1000s;
int target_virt_width=(thispars->pars[P_VIRT_KEEP])?(thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH]):0;
switch(styp) {
case MT9P_TYP: //page 16
width = 2 * ww / (2 * dh);
if((width * dh) < ww) width++;
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT]) {
case 2:
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR]) {
case 1: binning_cost = 276; break;
case 2: binning_cost = 236; break;
case 4: binning_cost = 236; break;
case 4:
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR]) {
case 1: binning_cost = 826; break;
case 2: binning_cost = 826; break;
case 4: binning_cost = 826; break;
hor_blank_min = 208 * thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT] + 64 + (312 + 44 + binning_cost) / 2;
MDF4(printk("hor_blank_min =%d(0x%x)\n",hor_blank_min,hor_blank_min));
hor_blank = hor_blank_min;
MDF4(printk("hor_blank =%d(0x%x)\n",hor_blank,hor_blank));
row_time_in_pixels = width + hor_blank * 2;
MDF4(printk("row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels));
int i = 2 * (41 + 208 * thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT] + 99); ///strange 41 and 99, why not 140?
if(i > row_time_in_pixels) row_time_in_pixels = i;
MDF4(printk("row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels));
if(target_virt_width > row_time_in_pixels) { /// extend line by adding horizontal blanking
hor_blank = (target_virt_width - width) / 2;
if(hor_blank > sensor->maxHorBlank) hor_blank = sensor->maxHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + 2 * hor_blank;
MDF4(printk("row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x)\n",row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels));
case MT9T_TYP:
width = 2 * ww / (2 * dh);
if((width * dh) < ww) width++;
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_VERT]) {
case 1: p1 = 331; break;
case 2: p1 = 673; break;
case 3: p1 = 999; break;
default: p1 = 999; break; //undocumented
switch(thispars->pars[P_BIN_HOR]) {
case 1: p2 = 38; break;
case 2: p2 = 22; break;
case 3: p2 = 14; break;
default: p2 = 38; break; //undocumented
hor_blank = sensor->minHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
if(target_virt_width > row_time_in_pixels) { /// extend line by adding horizontal blanking
hor_blank = target_virt_width - width - p1 - p2;
if(hor_blank > sensor->maxHorBlank) hor_blank = sensor->maxHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
hor_blank--; /// confusing - for mt9p001 (not others which refer reg[0x05]) :"HB Horizontal Blanking Horizontal_Blank+1"
case MT9D_TYP:
width = 2 * ((ww - 1) / (2 * dh)) + 2; ///docs, p.6
hor_blank = sensor->minHorBlank;
p1 = 322;
p2 = 2 - 19; //excluded hor_blank
row_time_in_pixels = width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
i = p1 + 295;
if(i > row_time_in_pixels) row_time_in_pixels = i;
if(target_virt_width > row_time_in_pixels) { /// extend line by adding horizontal blanking
hor_blank = target_virt_width - width - p1 - p2;
if (hor_blank > sensor->maxHorBlank) hor_blank = sensor->maxHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
case MT9M_TYP:
width = 2 * ((ww - 1) / (2 * dh)) + 2; ///docs, p.6
hor_blank = sensor->minHorBlank;
p1 = 242;
p2 = 2 - 19; //excluded hor_blank
row_time_in_pixels= width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
if(target_virt_width > row_time_in_pixels) { /// extend line by adding horizontal blanking
hor_blank = target_virt_width - width - p1 - p2;
if(hor_blank > sensor->maxHorBlank) hor_blank = sensor->maxHorBlank;
row_time_in_pixels = width + p1 + p2 + hor_blank;
/// schedule updating P_VIRT_WIDTH if it changed FIXME: Does not come here?
MDF4(printk("row_time_in_pixels =%d(0x%x), thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ]=%d(0x%x)\n",row_time_in_pixels,row_time_in_pixels,(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ],(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ]));
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ] != row_time_in_pixels) {
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_VIRT_WIDTH, row_time_in_pixels);
/// schedule updating P_MT9X001_HORBLANK senosr register and shadow FIXME: Seems hor_blank is too high. is the width itself subtracted?
if (hor_blank != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]) {
MDF4(printk("hor_blank =%d(0x%x), thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]=%d(0x%x)\n",hor_blank,hor_blank,(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK],(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HORBLANK]));
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_HORBLANK, hor_blank);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_HORBLANK, (int)hor_blank));
/// Now calculate P_PERIOD (extending it as needed)
// int vh, vb, wh, h, dv, sclk, row_time_in_pixels, ve, e, i;
/// calculate minimal virtual heigth for current window height
/*! NOTE: Was this for a long time - make sure replacement does not break anything !!!
int wh = thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_HEIGHT] + 1;
int dv = thispars->pars[P_DCM_VERT];
int height = 2 * (wh / (2 * dv));
if((height * dv) < wh) height++;
int height= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_PIXV];
int virt_height = height + sensor->minVertBlank;
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_KEEP]) {
if (virt_height < thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT]) {
virt_height = thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT];
MDF4(printk("height =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",height,height,virt_height,virt_height));
/// limit frame rate (using minimal period), but only in sync mode - async should be programmed to observe minimal period
if ((thispars->pars[P_TRIG] & 4) ==0) {
int virt_height1= thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MIN]/row_time_in_pixels; // always non-zero, calculated by pgm_limitfps (common)
if ((row_time_in_pixels * virt_height1) < thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MIN]) virt_height1++; //round up
if (virt_height < virt_height1) virt_height = virt_height1;
MDF4(printk("height =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",height,height,virt_height,virt_height));
int vert_blank= virt_height - height;
if(vert_blank > sensor->maxVertBlank) {
vert_blank = sensor->maxVertBlank;
virt_height = vert_blank + height;
MDF4(printk("vert_blank =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",vert_blank,vert_blank,virt_height,virt_height));
/// schedule updating P_VIRT_HEIGHT if it changed
MDF4(printk("thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ] =%d(0x%x), virt_height=%d(0x%x)\n",(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ],(int)thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ],virt_height,virt_height));
if (thispars->pars[P_VIRT_HEIGHT ] != virt_height) {
/// schedule updating P_PERIOD if it changed
MDF4(printk("thispars->pars[P_PERIOD] =%d(0x%x), pix_period=%d(0x%x)\n",(int)thispars->pars[P_PERIOD],(int)thispars->pars[P_PERIOD],pix_period,pix_period));
if (thispars->pars[P_PERIOD] != pix_period) {
/// Update period from external trigger (assuming internal/self trigger, we do not know real external trigger period)
if ((thispars->pars[P_TRIG]!=0) && (thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD] > pix_period)) pix_period=thispars->pars[P_TRIG_PERIOD];
/// schedule updating P_FP1000S if it changed
sclk=thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR] ; ///pixel clock, in Hz
ull_fp1000s=((long long) 1000)* ((long long) sclk);
fp1000s= ull_fp1000s;
// fp1000s= ((long long) 1000)* ((long long)sclk) /pix_period;
fp1000s= 10*sclk/(pix_period/100);
MDF4(printk("thispars->pars[P_FP1000S] =%d(0x%x), fp1000s=%d(0x%x)\n",(int)thispars->pars[P_FP1000S],(int)thispars->pars[P_FP1000S],fp1000s,fp1000s));
if (thispars->pars[P_FP1000S] != fp1000s) {
/// schedule updating P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK sensor register and shadow
MDF4(printk("thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK] =%d(0x%x), vert_blank=%d(0x%x)\n",(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK],(int)thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK],vert_blank,vert_blank));
if (vert_blank != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK, vert_blank);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK, (int) vert_blank));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
return 0;
* @brief program sensor exposure
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return always 0
int mt9x001_pgm_exposure (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
uint64_t ull_fp1000s;
uint64_t ull_exposure;
uint64_t ull_video_exposure;
int fp1000s;
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[16]; /// maximum 7? registers updated
int nupdate=0;
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
// MDF1(printk(" fpga_addr=0x%x\n",(int) fpga_addr)); //0x58
int video_exposure = thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS];
// MDF1(printk(" video_exposure=0x%x\n",(int) video_exposure)); /// 0x00
int exposure;
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d, frame=0x%lx (%s)exposure=0x%lx, (%s)video_exposure=0x%lx\n",frame8, thispars->pars[P_FRAME], FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_EXPOS)?"*":" ",thispars->pars[P_EXPOS],FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_VEXPOS)?"*":" ",thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS] ));
int use_vexp=0;
int sclk=thispars->pars[P_CLK_SENSOR] ; /// pixel clock, in Hz
// MDF1(printk(" sclk=0x%x\n",(int) sclk)); /// 5b8d800 correct
int styp = sensor->sensorType & 7;
// MDF1(printk(" styp=0x%x\n",styp)); /// 0x4
/// NOTE: Is decimation taken care of here ??? FIXME: probably not (here and when deciding to use exposure, not number of lines)!!!
int row_time_in_pixels=thispars->pars[P_VIRT_WIDTH ];
MDF1(printk(" row_time_in_pixels=0x%x\n", row_time_in_pixels)); /// 0
/// int vert_blank= thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK ];
MDF1(printk(" vert_blank=0x%x\n",vert_blank)); /// 0
/// if video exposure is non-zero, P_VEXPOS is marked as modified or P_EXPOS is not modified - use video exposure (lines), else - absolute exposure (usec)
if ((video_exposure>0) && (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_VEXPOS) || ! (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_EXPOS) || FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_VIRT_WIDTH)) )) { /// use number of lines
MDF1(printk(" exposure=%d (0x%x), video_exposure=%d (0x%x)\n", (int) thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS], (int) thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS], (int) video_exposure, (int) video_exposure));
ull_exposure= ((long long)(video_exposure * row_time_in_pixels)) * ((long long) 1000000);
__div64_32(&ull_exposure, sclk);
exposure= ull_exposure;
exposure = (100*video_exposure * row_time_in_pixels) / (sclk/10000); /// in microseconds
} else { /// use time in microseconds
exposure = thispars->pars[P_EXPOS];
ull_video_exposure= (long long) exposure * (long long) sclk;
__div64_32(&ull_video_exposure, row_time_in_pixels);
__div64_32(&ull_video_exposure, 1000000);
video_exposure= ull_video_exposure;
///TODO - use shifts, not division where possible?
if (exposure<10000) { /// <0.01 sec
video_exposure = ( exposure * (sclk/1000))/ (row_time_in_pixels*1000);
} else if (exposure<100000) { /// 0.1 sec
video_exposure = ( (exposure/10) * (sclk/1000))/ (row_time_in_pixels * 100);
} else if (exposure<1000000) { /// 1.0 sec
video_exposure = ( (exposure/100) * (sclk/1000))/ (row_time_in_pixels * 10);
} else {
video_exposure = ( (exposure/1000) * (sclk/1000))/ (row_time_in_pixels );
if (exposure <1) exposure=1;
if (video_exposure <1) video_exposure=1;
/// is video exposure longer than maximal for the sensor?
if (video_exposure > sensor->maxShutter) {
ull_exposure= ((long long)(video_exposure * row_time_in_pixels)) *((long long) 1000000);
__div64_32(&ull_exposure, sclk);
exposure= ull_exposure;
exposure = (100*video_exposure * row_time_in_pixels) / (sclk/10000); /// in microseconds
/// is exposure longer then maximal period (specified for constant fps?
int pix_period=video_exposure*row_time_in_pixels;
if (thispars->pars[P_FPSFLAGS] & 2) {
if (pix_period > thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MAX]) {
ull_exposure= (((long long) thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MAX]) *((long long) 1000000));
__div64_32(&ull_exposure, sclk);
exposure= ull_exposure;
exposure = (thispars->pars[P_PERIOD_MAX] * 100) / (sclk/10000); /// in microseconds
} else { /// no limit on maximal period
/// is exposure increasing period (not limited by ([P_FPSFLAGS] & 2) ? In that case P_PERIOD and P_FP1000S will need to be updated
/// schedule updating P_PERIOD if it changed
///TODO: Check duplicate vert_blank calculation (mt9x001_pgm_limitfps)
if (pix_period > thispars->pars[P_PERIOD]) {
/// schedule updating P_FP1000S if it changed
ull_fp1000s=((long long) 1000)* ((long long) sclk);
fp1000s= ull_fp1000s;
fp1000s= 10*sclk/(pix_period/100);
D1(printk(" fp1000s=%d (0x%x)", (int) fp1000s, (int) fp1000s));
if (thispars->pars[P_FP1000S] != fp1000s) {
// MDF1(printk(" exposure=0x%x, video_exposure\n", (int) exposure, (int) video_exposure,));
/// is video exposure P_VEXPOS modified?
if (thispars->pars[P_VEXPOS] != video_exposure) {
/// is exposure P_EXPOS modified?
if (thispars->pars[P_EXPOS] != exposure) {
/// Now sensor registers
/// schedule updating P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK sensor register and shadow
/// high word of shutter width (>=3MPix)
if (((styp == MT9T_TYP) || (styp == MT9P_TYP)) && ((video_exposure >> 16) != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTHU])) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTHU, video_exposure >> 16);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTHU, (int) (video_exposure >> 16)));
/// low word of shutter width (all sensors)
if ((video_exposure & 0xffff) != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTH]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTH, video_exposure & 0xffff);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTH, (int) (video_exposure & 0xffff)));
// MDF1(printk(" nupdate=0x%x\n", (int) nupdate));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
MDF1(printk(" exposure=%d (0x%x), video_exposure=%d (0x%x) OK!\n", (int) exposure, (int) exposure, (int) video_exposure, (int) video_exposure));
return 0;
#define SHIFT_DGAIN 1 // shift digital gain right, so 1.0 is 0x8000 an the full range is 4:1 - make it a parameter?
* @brief Split full gain (0x1000~1.0) into analog register gain and residual digital gain (also 0x10000~1.0)
* provide some hysteresis for analog gain (1/2 step) when goin to positive, but never let residual
* gain to be <1.0 (0x10000). Uses gain correction table.
* @param gain Required full gain
* @param gainTab Pointer to 81 element table of actual gains for each step. Uses calcualted ones after init
* @param curRegGain Current value of the sensor gain register
* @param newRegGain pointer to the new value of the sensor gain register
* @param anaGainEn enable analog gain adjustment (0 - use current)
* @param minGain minimal allowed value of the analog gain (normally 0x10000 ~ 1.0)
* @param maxGain maximal allowed value of the analog gain (normally 0xfc000 ~ 15.75)
* @return residual value of the digital gain (>=1.0 0x10000) except limited by the minGain
unsigned long gain_ajust_mt9x001(
unsigned long gain,
unsigned long * gainTab,
unsigned long curRegGain,
unsigned long * newRegGain,
unsigned long anaGainEn,
unsigned long minGain,
unsigned long maxGain) {
MDF4(printk(" gain=0x%lx, curRegGain=0x%lx, minGain=0x%lx, maxGain=0x%lx\n",gain,curRegGain,minGain,maxGain));
int g=gain;
int gainIndex; /// index of the gain value in the table (each register value has index, each index has preferrable register value)
int curGainIndex; /// current index in the gains table matching sensor register value
uint64_t ull_gain;
curRegGain &=0x7f; /// ignoring sensor digital gains
/// find out gain index for the current value of the sensor gain register
((curRegGain>=64)? ((curRegGain-64)<<1):((curRegGain+32)>>1))); ///this line handles bad register values
if (anaGainEn) {
if (g<minGain) g=minGain;
if (g>maxGain) g=maxGain;
/// calculate theoretical gainIndex (0..80)
/// adjust using gain table
while ((gainIndex>0) && (gainTab[gainIndex-1]>=g) && (gainTab[gainIndex-1]>=minGain)) gainIndex--; /// adjust down
while ((gainIndex<80) && (gainTab[gainIndex+1]< g) && (gainTab[gainIndex+1]<=maxGain)) gainIndex++; /// adjust up
/// Apply hysteresis
if ((gainIndex==(curGainIndex+1)) && (((gainTab[gainIndex]+gainTab[gainIndex+1])>>1)>g)) gainIndex--;
/// did the analog gain chnage?
*newRegGain=(gainIndex==curGainIndex)?curRegGain: /// no - it is the same
}else {
/// now divide gains
ull_gain =((long long) gain) << 16;
__div64_32(&ull_gain, gainTab[gainIndex]);
MDF4(printk("((unsigned long) ull_gain)=0x%lx\n",((unsigned long) ull_gain)));
return ((unsigned long) ull_gain) >> SHIFT_DGAIN;
* @brief calculates hardware specific analog gains
* @param g gain value (integer, 256 for unity gain)
* @param maxGain256 maximal supported gain (integer, 256 for unity gain)
* @return hardware gain value
* changed to rounding
inline int gain_mt9x001(int g, int maxGain256) {
if(g > maxGain256)
g = maxGain256;
if(g <= 0x3f0)
g= (g+0x10) >> 5;
g = ((g+ 0X20) >> 6) + 0x40;
return g;
/*! truncating
inline int gain_mt9x001(int g, int maxGain256) {
if(g > maxGain256)
g = maxGain256;
if(g <= 0x400)
g >>= 5;
g = (g >> 6) + 0x40;
return g;
* @brief apply scale (0x10000~1.0) to data using 64-bit intermediate data
* @param data 32-bit unsigned data
* @param scale 32 bit (0x10000 for scale 1.0)
* @return scaled result
inline unsigned long applyScale16 (unsigned long data, unsigned long scale) {
return (unsigned long) ((((long long) data) * scale) >> 16);
* @brief calculate ration of two 32-bit numbers, scaling it by 16 bits, so equal numbers will result in 0x10000 (1.0) using 64 by 32 bit division
* @param nominator 32-bit nominator
* @param denominator 32-bit denominator
* @return 32 bit result scaled by 16 bits
inline unsigned long getScale16(unsigned long nominator, unsigned long denominator) {
uint64_t ull_result =((long long) nominator) << 16;
unsigned long * l_result= (unsigned long *) &ull_result;
MDF4(printk("l_result[1]=0x%lx, l_result[0]=0x%lx\n",l_result[1],l_result[0]));
__div64_32(&ull_result, denominator);
MDF4(printk("l_result[1]=0x%lx, l_result[0]=0x%lx\n",l_result[1],l_result[0]));
return (unsigned long) ull_result;
* @brief program analog gains
* program analog gains TODO: Make separate read-only P_ACTUAL_GAIN** ?
* apply sensor-specific restrictions on the allowed gain values
* includes sensor test mode on/off/selection
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return always 0
//#define CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL 0 /// USE P_*SCALE as is
//#define CSCALES_CTL_RECALC 1 /// Recalculate P_*SCALE from P_GAIN*, P_GAING, then use it (will change to CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL when applied)
//#define CSCALES_CTL_FOLLOW 2 /// Don't apply P_*SCALE to P_GAIN*, but update it from the current P_*SCALE from P_GAIN*/P_GAING
//#define CSCALES_CTL_DISABLE 3 /// Disable P_*SCALE - don't apply P_*SCALE to P_GAIN*, don't update P_*SCALE from P_GAIN*, P_GAING
#define MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN 0x300 //integer x256 (0x300 ~3.0)
int mt9x001_pgm_gains (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[38]; /// 22+12 needed
int nupdate=0;
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
unsigned long newRegGain,digitalGain, testmode;
unsigned long anaGainEn= (thispars->pars[P_GAIN_CTRL]>> GAIN_BIT_ENABLE) & 1;
unsigned long minAnaGain=thispars->pars[P_GAIN_MIN];
unsigned long maxAnaGain=thispars->pars[P_GAIN_MAX];
unsigned long maxGain;
int limitsModified=0;
///make sure limits are OK
if (minAnaGain < 0x10000) {
minAnaGain = 0x10000;
if (maxAnaGain > (sensor->maxGain256 << 8)) { ///sensor->maxGain256 is not calibrated, so digital gain should be able to accomodate for variations
maxAnaGain = (sensor->maxGain256 << 8);
// maxGain= maxAnaGain * (MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN >> 8);
maxGain= (maxAnaGain * MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN) >> 8; ///should not overflow for Micron as max digital gain <4.0 (0x400), max analog <0x100000)
unsigned long gainr= thispars->pars[P_GAINR ];
unsigned long gaing= thispars->pars[P_GAING ];
unsigned long gaingb=thispars->pars[P_GAINGB];
unsigned long gainb= thispars->pars[P_GAINB ];
unsigned long rscale_all=thispars->pars[P_RSCALE_ALL];
unsigned long gscale_all=thispars->pars[P_GSCALE_ALL];
unsigned long bscale_all=thispars->pars[P_BSCALE_ALL];
unsigned long rscale=rscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long gscale=gscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long bscale=bscale_all & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long rscale_ctl=(rscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long gscale_ctl=(gscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long bscale_ctl=(bscale_all >> CSCALES_CTL_BIT) & ((1<<CSCALES_CTL_WIDTH)-1);
unsigned long newval;
/// FIXME: use different gain limitation when anaGainEn==0 (from current analog channel gain to that * MAX_DIGITAL_GAIN>>8),
/// make P_GAIN_CTRL trigger this function
/// scales will not be modified if they make gains out of limit, but gains will be. So automatic white balance should deal with gains, not with scales.
/// Preserving application-set values for scales simplifies recovery when the green gain is adjusted so all colors fit in the limits
MDF4(printk("gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gaingb=0x%lx, gainb=0x%lx, rscale_all=0x%lx, gscale_all=0x%lx, bscale_all=0x%lx\n",gainr, gaing, gaingb, gainb, rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all));
///Verify that green gain itself is within limits:
if (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GAING) || limitsModified) {
if (gaing < minAnaGain) {
gaing = minAnaGain;
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAING, gaing); /// Update as it was set too low
} else if (gaing > maxGain) {
gaing = maxGain;
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_GAING, gaing); /// Update as it was set too high
/// Second part - combine P_*SCALE and P_GAIN* parameters
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_RSCALE_ALL))) /// either green color or red scale changed
&& (rscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL) /// update red from rscale is enabled
&& !FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GAINR) ) { /// red gain is not specifically modified
/// update red gain to rscale and gaing, limit it if it is out of range
if (((newval=applyScale16(gaing,rscale)))!=gainr) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
if (gainr!=newval) { /// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_GSCALE_ALL)))
&& (gscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL)
/// update green2 gain to gscale and gaing
if (((newval=applyScale16(gaing,gscale)))!=gaingb) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
if (gaingb!=newval) { /// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
if ((gaingModified || (FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(P_BSCALE_ALL)))
&& (bscale_ctl== CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL)
/// update blue gain to bscale and gaing
if (((newval=applyScale16(gaing,bscale)))!=gainb) {
if (newval < minAnaGain) newval = minAnaGain;
else if (newval > maxGain) newval = maxGain;
if (gainb!=newval) { /// don't update if it was already limited in previous frames to the same value
/// Update scales only if the corresponding color gains (not the base green one) were modified outside of the driver
/// (not as a result of being limited by minimal/maximal gains)
rscale=getScale16(gainr, gaing);
MDF4(printk("gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, rscale=0x%lx\n",gainr, gaing, rscale));
MDF4(printk("gaingb=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gscale=0x%lx\n",gaingb, gaing, gscale));
bscale=getScale16(gainb, gaing);
MDF4(printk("gainb=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, bscale=0x%lx\n",gainb, gaing, bscale));
/// remove recalc flag
if (rscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) rscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
if (gscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) gscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
if (bscale_ctl == CSCALES_CTL_RECALC) bscale_ctl = CSCALES_CTL_NORMAL;
/// update P_*SCALE if either scale or scale control changed
if (((newval=((rscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (rscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=rscale_all) {
if (((newval=((gscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (gscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=gscale_all) {
if (((newval=((bscale_ctl<<CSCALES_CTL_BIT) | (bscale & ((1<<CSCALES_WIDTH)-1)))))!=bscale_all) {
MDF4(printk("gainr=0x%lx, gaing=0x%lx, gaingb=0x%lx, gainb=0x%lx, rscale_all=0x%lx, gscale_all=0x%lx, bscale_all=0x%lx\n",gainr, gaing, gaingb, gainb, rscale_all, gscale_all, bscale_all));
/// Third part: Split overall gains into analog and digital components
/// Split required gain for red into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9x001(gainr,
/// apply sensor register gain red if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RED]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RED, newRegGain);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RED, (int) newRegGain));
/// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the red channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINR ]) {
/// Split required gain for green into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9x001(gaing,
/// apply sensor register gain green if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_GREEN1]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_GREEN1, newRegGain);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_GREEN1, (int) newRegGain));
/// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the green channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAING ]) {
/// Split required gain for blue into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9x001(gainb,
/// apply sensor register gain blue if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_BLUE]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_BLUE, newRegGain);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_BLUE, (int) newRegGain));
/// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the blue channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINB ]) {
/// Split required gain for second green into analog register change (with half step hysteresis) and
digitalGain= gain_ajust_mt9x001(gaingb,
/// apply sensor register gain second green if it was changed
if (newRegGain != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_GREEN2]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_GREEN2, newRegGain);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_GREEN2, (int) newRegGain));
/// schedule application of (residual after analog gain adjustment) digital gain to the second green channel
if (digitalGain != thispars->pars[P_DGAINGB ]) {
/// test mode off/on/select
testmode= thispars->pars[P_TESTSENSOR ];/// (on?0x10000:0) | (Micron_tests_mode) 0x0 - off, 0x10000..0x1000F
testmode= (testmode & 0x10000)? (((testmode & 0xf) << 3) | 1) : 0;
if (testmode != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_TEST]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr , P_MT9X001_TEST, testmode) ;
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_TEST, (int) testmode));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
return 0;
#if 0
#define P_TESTSENSOR 44 // sensor test mode(s) 0x10000 - enable, lower bits - test mode
#define P_MT9X001_TEST 0xa0 ///test patterns. Probably only in MT9P001?
/*! bits 6:3:
0: color field
1: horizontal gradient
2: vertical gradient
3: diagonal
4: classic
5: marching 1's
6: monochrome horizontal bars
7: monochrome vertical bars
8: vertical color bars
Legal values: [0, 15].
bit 2 Reserved
bit 1 Reserved
bit 0 Enable_Test_Pattern. Enables the test pattern. When set, data from the ADC will be replaced with a digitally
generated test pattern specified by Test_Pattern_Mode.
* @brief program trigger mode as sensor-specific
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return OK - 0, <0 - error
int mt9x001_pgm_triggermode(struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[4]; ///
int nupdate=0;
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
unsigned long newreg= (thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE1] & 0xfeff) | ((thispars->pars[P_TRIG] & 4)?0x100:0);
if (newreg != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+P_MT9X001_RMODE1]) {
SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr, P_MT9X001_RMODE1, newreg);
MDF4(printk(" SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(0x%x,0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", fpga_addr, (int) sensor->i2c_addr, (int) P_MT9X001_RMODE1, (int) newreg));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
return 0;
* @brief program sensor registers (probably just those that are manually set)
* NOTE: all modes but ASAP are limited to 64 registers/frame, no overflow checks are performed!
* @param sensor pointer to sensor static parameters (capabilities)
* @param thispars pointer to sensor current parameters
* @param prevpars pointer to sensor previous parameters (not used here)
* @param frame8 short (hardware) frame number parameters should be applied to (or "-1" - ASAP)
* @return always 0
int mt9x001_pgm_sensorregs (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8) {
MDF4(printk(" frame8=%d\n",frame8));
if (frame8 >= PARS_FRAMES) return -1; /// wrong frame
int fpga_addr=(frame8 <0) ? X313_I2C_ASAP : (X313_I2C_FRAME0+frame8);
/// send all parameters marked as "needed to be processed" to the sensor, clear those flags
/// mask out all non sensor pars
// unsigned long bmask32= ((thispars->mod32) >> (P_SENSOR_REGS>>5)) & (P_SENSOR_NUMREGS-1) ;
/// It will be the first for the frame (before automatic sensor changes).
/// Add testing for programmed sensor and move vbalues to later frames (not here butin the pgm_functions)
/// unsigned long bmask32= ((thispars->mod32) >> (P_SENSOR_REGS>>5)) & (P_SENSOR_NUMREGS-1) ; // wromg!, only valid for P_SENSOR_NUMREGS==256 (that is the case, actually)
unsigned long bmask32= ((thispars->mod32) >> (P_SENSOR_REGS>>5)) & (( 1 << (P_SENSOR_NUMREGS >> 5))-1) ;
MDF4(printk(" bmask32=0x%lx, thispars->mod32=0x%lx, P_SENSOR_REGS=0x%x, P_SENSOR_NUMREGS=0x%x\n",bmask32,thispars->mod32,P_SENSOR_REGS,P_SENSOR_NUMREGS));
unsigned long mask;
int index,index32;
struct frameparspair_t pars_to_update[2*P_MULTI_NUMREGS*MAX_SENSORS]; ///
int nupdate=0;
if (GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_NUM)==0) { /// single sensor,don't bother with individual registers, do all old way.
if (bmask32) {
for (index32=(P_SENSOR_REGS>>5); bmask32; index32++, bmask32 >>= 1) {
MDF4(printk(" index32=0x%x, bmask32=0x%lx\n",index32,bmask32));
if (bmask32 & 1) {
MDF4(printk(" mask=0x%lx\n",mask));
for (index=(index32<<5); mask; index++, mask >>= 1) {
if (mask & 1) {
} else {
// if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to gains and sensor register shadows
///pass 1 - process modified broadcast parameters
if (bmask32) {
for (index32=(P_SENSOR_REGS>>5); bmask32; index32++, bmask32 >>= 1) {
MDF4(printk(" index32=0x%x, bmask32=0x%lx\n",index32,bmask32));
if (bmask32 & 1) {
MDF4(printk(" mask=0x%lx\n",mask));
for (index=(index32<<5); mask; index++, mask >>= 1) {
if (mask & 1) {
/// apply broadcast register write and schedule change the individual ones (if they are not modified)
/// Pass2 - process individual sensor parameters (possibly overwriting broadcast ones)
bmask32= ((thispars->mod32) >> (P_MULTI_REGS >> 5)) & (( 1 << ((((MAX_SENSORS) * (P_MULTI_NUMREGS)) >> 5)+1))-1) ; /// added one not to miss parameters with the last group of 32
if (bmask32) {
for (index32=(P_MULTI_REGS>>5); bmask32; index32++, bmask32 >>= 1) {
MDF4(printk(" index32=0x%x, bmask32=0x%lx\n",index32,bmask32));
if (bmask32 & 1) {
MDF4(printk(" mask=0x%lx\n",mask));
for (index=(index32<<5); mask && (index < ((P_MULTI_REGS) + ((MAX_SENSORS) * (P_MULTI_NUMREGS)))); index++, mask >>= 1) {
if (mask & 1) {
if ((MULTIRVRSREG(index)) >0 ) {
X3X3_I2C_SEND2(fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr + ((MULTIRVRSREG(index)>> 16) * I2C359_INC) ,((MULTIRVRSREG(index) & 0xffff)-P_SENSOR_REGS),thispars->pars[index]);
MDF4(printk(" X3X3_I2C_SEND2(0x%x,0x%lx,0x%x,0x%lx)\n",fpga_addr,sensor->i2c_addr+((MULTIRVRSREG(index)>> 16)*I2C359_INC),(int) ((MULTIRVRSREG(index) & 0xffff)-P_SENSOR_REGS),thispars->pars[index]));
if (nupdate) setFramePars(thispars, nupdate, pars_to_update); /// save changes to sensor register shadows
return 0;
//#define MAX_SENSORS 3 // maximal number of sensor attached (modify some hard-wired constants below if this to be changed)
//#define G_MULTI_NUM (FRAMEPAR_GLOBALS + 34) /// Actual number of parameters that are individual for different channels (limited by P_MULTI_NUMREGS)
//#define P_MULTI_NUMREGS 32 /// up to 32 sensor register may have individual values
//#define P_MULTI_REGS (P_SENSOR_REGS + P_SENSOR_NUMREGS) /// 32-words aligned
//#define FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(x) (thispars->mod[(x) >> 5] & (1<<((x) & 0x1f)))
// #define MULTIRVRSREG(x) (multiSensRvrsIndex[x])
#define MT9M001_PARTID 0x8411
#define MT9D001_PARTID 0x8511
#define MT9T001_PARTID 0x1601
#define MT9P001_PARTID 0x1801
#define MT9X001_PARTIDMASK 0xff00
#define MT9X001_I2C_ADDR 0xba
#define MT9P001_I2C_ADDR 0x90 //change later to the same 0xba as others
#define MT9M_TYP 1
#define MT9D_TYP 2
#define MT9T_TYP 3
#define MT9P_TYP 4
/* i2c Micron MI-1300 registers will be defined here */
#define P_MT9X001_CHIPVER 0x00 /* Chip version, dflt= 0x8411 - will change??? /0x1801 */
#define P_MT9X001_ROWSTART 0x01 /* First row to read out, dflt=0x0c/0x0c/0x14/0x36 [0..2004],even*/
#define P_MT9X001_COLSTART 0x02 /* First column to read out, must be even! Dflt=0x14/18/20/0x10 [0..2750],even */
#define P_MT9X001_HEIGHT 0x03 /* Number of rows-1 (min value=2), dflt=0x03ff/4af/5ff/0x797 1..2005], odd */
#define P_MT9X001_WIDTH 0x04 /* Number of columns-1 (odd, >=3),dflt =0x4ff/63f/7ff/a1f [1..2751] odd */
#define P_MT9X001_HORBLANK 0x05 /* Horizontal blanking, dflt=0x09/35/8e/0 pixels [0..4095]*/
#define P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK 0x06 /* Vertical blanking, dflt=0x19/19/19/19 rows [8..2047]*/
///NOTE: There seems to be a bug in P_MT9X001_VERTBLANK register in MT9P031 sesnor
/// when increasing the value. I.e. changing it from default in the camera after startup 0x284 to 0x285
/// the sensor "sleeps" for ~35 seconds with to Frame Sync output . That may depend on something else, of course,
#define P_MT9X001_OUTCTRL 0x07 /* Output format bits (dflt=2/2/2/1f82) :
bit 0 - 0 - normal, 1 - do not update integration, gains, blanking, flip, decimation''
bit 1 - 0 - stop sensor, 1 - normal (0->1 restarts from start of the frame)
bits 2,3 should be 0 (in mt9p bit 2 selects fifo output data)
bit 6 - 0 - normal, 1 - test (mt9p - reserved)
9:7 pixclk slew rate (0..7, higher - faster) dflt - 7
12:10 output (but pixclk) slew rate (0..7, higher - faster) dflt -7
#define P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTHU 0x08 /* Shutter width upper - number of rows to integrate (dflt=0x?/?/0/0) */
#define P_MT9X001_SHTRWDTH 0x09 /* Shutter width - number of rows to integrate (dflt=0x419/4c9/619/797) */
#define P_MT9X001_PXLCTL 0x0a /* MT9P: Pixel clock control (dflt=0)
bits 6:0 - divide pixel clock {0,1,2,4,8,16,32,64}
bits 10:8 - shift pixel clock [-2,2]
bit 15 - invert pixel clock
#define P_MT9X001_RESTART 0x0b /* Sensor restart (autozeroed) writing 1 restarts frame /0
bit 0 - 1 - restart (autoclearing bit)
bit 1 - pause restart
bit 2 - trigger (like trigger input)
#define P_MT9X001_SHTRDLY 0x0c /* Shutter delay - number of pixels before row reset (dflt=0/0/0) - not mt9p*/
#define P_MT9X001_RESET 0x0d /* 0 - normal, 1 - reset /0 */
#define P_MT9X001_PLL1 0x10 /* MT9P: PLL CTL 1 (dflt=0x50)
bit 0 - power PLL
bit 1 - use PLL
other bits - set to dflt (0x50)
#define P_MT9X001_PLL2 0x11 /* MT9P: PLL CTL 2 (dflt=0x6404)
5:0 - PLL n divider [0,63] - dflt 4
15:8 PLL m factor [16,255] - dflt 0x64
#define P_MT9X001_PLL3 0x12 /* MT9P: PLL CTL 3 (dflt=0x0)
4:0 PLL p1 divider [0,127]
#define P_MT9X001_RMODE1 0x1e /* Read options 1, (dflt=0x8000/8040/8040/4006):
---+bits 0,1 - reserved, sould be 0 | strobe end
++--bit 2 - column skip 4 (1- skip, 0 - no) reg 0x20 bit 3 should be 0 to enable this bit
++--bit 3 - row skip 4 (1- skip, 0 - no) reg 0x20 bit 4 should be 0 to enable this bit
---+bits 3:2 - Strobe start
++-+bit 4 - column skip 8 (1- skip, 0 - no) bit 2 and reg 0x20 bit 3 should be 0 to enable this bit
---+bit 4 - Strobe enable
++--bit 5 - row skip 8 (1- skip, 0 - no) bit 3 and reg 0x20 bit 4 should be 0 to enable this bit
---+bit 5 - invert strobe
-+--bit 6 - Noise suppression (1 - enabled, default=1)
---+bit 6 - bulb exposure
---+bit 7 - Global shutter reset (0 - ers)
++++bit 8 - snapshot mode (0 - continuous, 1 - wait trigger)
+++-bit 9 - strobe enable (1 - enable, 0 - disable)
---+bit 9 - inver trigger
+++-bit 10 - strobe width (0 - minimal, 1 - extended)
---+bit 10 - continuous line valid (during vert blank)
+++-bit 11 - strobe override (strobe enable should be 0) - set strobe active if 1, 0 - normal
---+bit 11 - XOR line valid
---bits 12,13,14 - reserved, should be 0
+++bit 15 - reserved, should be 1
#define P_MT9X001_RMODE2 0x20 /* Read options 2, (dflt=0x1104/1104/0/40):
+++-bit 0 - allow "bad frames". 0 (default) - output only good frames, 1 - allow bad also
----bits 1 - reserved, sould be 0
++--bit 2 - reserved, sould be 1/1/0
++--bit 3 - column skip (1 - read 2, skip 2; 0 - read all) If this bit is 1, both column skip 4 and column skip 8 (0x1e) are ignored
++--bit 4 - row skip (1 - read 2, skip 2; 0 - read all) Similar to the above
---+bit 5 -column sum in binning (0 - average)
++--bit 6 - reserved, should be 0
---+bit 6 - row BLC (dflt=`1) (use per-row black level, 0 - global)
+??-bit 7 - flip odd/even rows (0 - normal)
++--bit 8 - reserved, should be 1
+++-bit 9 - enable "line valid" during vertical blanking, 0 - normal (no lane valid during blanking)
+++-bit 10 - XOR "line valid" with vertical blanking, 0 just mask "l.v." with bit 9
+---bit 11 - reserved, sould be 0
---+bit 11 - show dark rows
+---bit 12 - reserved, sould be 1
---+bit 12 - show dark columns
+---bits 13 - reserved, sould be 0
--++bit 14 - flip horizontal (0 - normal) *UNDOCUMENTED* documented in MT9P001 !!
--++bit 15 - flip vertical (0 - normal)
#define P_MT9X001_RMODE3 0x21 /* Read options 3 (MT9T only), (dflt=0x0):
--+-bit 0 - Global Reset. If set, uses global reset in snapshot mode (dflt=0x0)
--+-bit 1 - Use GSHT_CTL (if set uses GSHT_CTL pad signal only, if 0 - together with TRIGGER
#define P_MT9X001_RAM 0x22 /* Row address mode (MT9T,P only), (dflt=0x0):
--++bits 2:0 Row skip - number of rows to skip (0 - each row). Row period will be this value+1 (even in binning mode)
--++bits 5:4 Row Bin - number of rows to bin to the first one. For full binning <Row skip>==<row bin>
#define P_MT9X001_CAM 0x23 /* Column address mode (MT9T,P only), (dflt=0x0):
--++bits 2:0 Column skip - number of column-pairs to skip (0 - each column-pair). Column-pair period will be this value+1 (even in binning mode)
--++bits 5:4 Column Bin - number of columns to bin to the first one. Not clear is binning also in pairs? needs testing
Column start address should be multiple of <column bin>+1
#define P_MT9X001_GREEN1 0x2b /* Green Gain 1, dflt= 0x08 (1x)
for MT9T bits 14:8 - "digital gain" */
#define P_MT9X001_BLUE 0x2c /* Green Gain 1, dflt= 0x08 (1x)
for MT9T bits 14:8 - "digital gain" */
#define P_MT9X001_RED 0x2d /* Green Gain 1, dflt= 0x08 (1x)
for MT9T bits 14:8 - "digital gain" */
#define P_MT9X001_GREEN2 0x2e /* Green Gain 1, dflt= 0x08 (1x)
for MT9T bits 14:8 - "digital gain" */
#define P_MT9X001_ALLGAINS 0x35 /* write to all 4 gains (0x2b,0x2c,0x2d,0x2e), read from red (0x2b) */
#define P_MT9X001_DESIRBLACK 0x49 /* bits 11:2 - desired black level (MT9T,P only dflt=0xa8) */
#define P_MT9X001_ROWRBLACKOFFS 0x4b /* bits 11:0 - desired black level (MT9P only - dflt=0x28) */
#define P_MT9X001_COARSETHRSH 0x5d /* Black level calibration coarse thersholds (MT9T only), dflt=0x2d13
--+bits 6:0 low coarse thershold (should be less than low thershold - see 0x5f) ,dflt=0x13
--+bits 14:8 high coarse thershold (should be noless than high thershold - see 0x5f) ,dflt=0x2d
#define P_MT9X001_CALTHRESH 0x5f /* Black level calibration control fields b(dflt=0x904/a39f/231d):
+--bits 5:0 - Low threshold for black in ADC LSBs (default - 4)
-+-bits 5:0 - Low threshold for black in ADC LSBs (default - 29)
--+bits 6:0 - Low threshold for black in ADC LSBs (default - 0x13)
++-bit 7 - Override automatic bits 5:0 and 14:8, 0 - automatic. dflt= 0/1/x
+--bits 14:8 - Maximal allowed black level in ADC LSBs (default - low theresh+5=0x09)
-+-bits 14:8 - Maximal allowed black level in ADC LSBs (default - low theresh+5=0x23)
--+bits 14:8 - Maximal allowed black level in ADC LSBs (default - low theresh+5=0x23)
++-bit 15 - no gain dependence, 0 - both thresholds set automatically, dflt=0/1/x
#define P_MT9X001_CALGREEN1 0x60 /* analog offset for GREEN1. For MT9M, MT9D: bits 7:0 - magnitude, bit 8 - sign,
MT9T - two's complement
#define P_MT9X001_CALGREEN2 0x61 /* analog offset for GREEN21. For MT9M, MT9D: bits 7:0 - magnitude, bit 8 - sign,
MT9T - two's complement
#define P_MT9X001_CALCTRL 0x62 /* Black levels calibration control fields (dflt 0x498/8498/0)
+++bit 0 - manual override, correct with programmed values. 0 (default) - automatically adjust offset values
++-bits 2,1 - force/disable black level calibration. 00 - apply calibration during ADC operation only (default),
10 - apply calibration continuously, X1 - disable black level correction (set calibration voltages to 0)
--+bit 2 0 - enable offset calibration (dflt), 1 - disable offset calibration voltage
++-bits 4:3 - reserved, sould be 1
++-bits 6:5 - reserved, sould be 0
++-bit 7 - reserved, sould be 1
++-bits 9:8 - reserved, sould be 0
++-bit 10 - reserved, sould be 1
++-bit 11 - 1 - do not reset the upper threshold after a black level recalculation sweep, 0 - reset after sweep (default)
+++bit 12 - (autoreset bit) - start a new running average and perform a fast black level calibration (0 - normal)
++-bits 14:13 - reserved, sould be 0
--+bit 13 - if set, lock red and blue channels calibration (red and blue gains should be equal)
--+bit 14 - if set, lock green1 and green2 channels calibration (red and blue gains should be equal)
++-bit 15 - 1 - do not perform fast sweep after gains change, 0 - normal operation
#define P_MT9X001_CALRED 0x63 /* analog offset for RED. For MT9M, MT9D: bits 7:0 - magnitude, bit 8 - sign
MT9T - two's complement
#define P_MT9X001_CALBLUE 0x64 /* analog offset for BLUE. For MT9M, MT9D: bits 7:0 - magnitude, bit 8 - sign
MT9T - two's complement */
#define P_MT9X001_7F 0x7f /* Should be written 0 to prevent blue "bluming" columns*/
#define P_MT9X001_TEST 0xa0 ///test patterns. Probably only in MT9P001?
/*! bits 6:3:
0: color field
1: horizontal gradient
2: vertical gradient
3: diagonal
4: classic
5: marching 1's
6: monochrome horizontal bars
7: monochrome vertical bars
8: vertical color bars
Legal values: [0, 15].
bit 2 Reserved
bit 1 Reserved
bit 0 Enable_Test_Pattern. Enables the test pattern. When set, data from the ADC will be replaced with a digitally
generated test pattern specified by Test_Pattern_Mode.
#define P_MT9X001_CHIPEN 0xF1 /* Chip enable and i2c sync (mirrors bits in feg 0x07 (default=0x01):
++-bit 0 - 1 - normal operation, 0 - stop readout (same as reg 0x07, bit 1)
++-bit 1 - 0 - normal, appropriate changes are made at frame boudary. 1 - do not update (same as reg 7 bit 0)
#define P_MT9X001_CHIPEN1 0xF8 /* Chip enable and i2c sync (mirrors bits in feg 0x07 (default=0x01):
--+bit 0 - 1 - normal operation, 0 - stop readout (same as reg 0x07, bit 1)
--+bit 1 - 0 - normal, appropriate changes are made at frame boudary. 1 - do not update (same as reg 7 bit 0)
int mt9x001_pgm_detectsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
#if 0
int adjustBinning_mt9x001(void);
int program_woi_mt9x001(int nonstop);
int program_gains_mt9x001(void);
int program_exposure_mt9x001(void);
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
///extern struct sensorproc_t * sensorproc;
#include "sensor_i2c.h"
#define LEGACY_READ_PAGE 0xff
int init_pgm_proc(void); /// initialize array of functions that program different acquisition parameters (some are sensor dependent)
int add_sensor_proc(int index, int (*sens_func)(struct sensor_t * , struct framepars_t * , struct framepars_t *, int ));
//int pgm_detectsensor (struct sensor_t * sensor, struct framepars_t * thispars, struct framepars_t * prevpars, int frame8);
// Slave address is now 7-bit,old was 8-bit
// TODO: add registering single sensor as in multi10359. Registering twice is OK
#define X3X3_I2C_SEND2(p,a,s,r,d) write_xi2c_reg16_abs_asap(p,s,a,r,d)
// Write sensor 16 bit (or 8 bit as programmed in the table) data in immediate mode
void write_xi2c_reg16_abs_asap (int chn, // sensor port
int page, // index in the table (8 bits)
int frame, // absolute frame number modulo PARS_FRAMES
int addr, // low byte of the register address (high is in the table), 8 bits
u32 data); //16 or 8-bit data (LSB aligned)
#define FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(x) (thispars->mod[(x) >> 5] & (1<<((x) & 0x1f)))
#define SETFRAMEPARS_SET(p,v) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= (p) ; pars_to_update[nupdate++].val=(v);}
#define SETFRAMEPARS_UPDATE(p) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= (p) ; pars_to_update[nupdate++].val=thispars->pars[(p) & 0xffff];}
#define SETFRAMEPARS_UPDATE_SET(p,v) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= (p) ; pars_to_update[nupdate++].val=thispars->pars[(p) & 0xffff]?thispars->pars[(p) & 0xffff]:(v);}
///Like SETFRAMEPARS_SET(p,v), but do nothing if not chnaged
#define SETFRAMEPARS_COND(p,v) { if (unlikely((v)!=thispars->pars[p])) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= (p) ; pars_to_update[nupdate++].val=(v);} }
if (unlikely((thispars->pars[P_FLIPH] & sensor->flips & 1)!=thispars->pars[P_FLIPH])) { /// remove unsupoported flips
SETFRAMEPARS_SET(P_FLIPH, (thispars->pars[P_FLIPH] & sensor->flips & 1));
///set parameter for the sensor register and hardware itself
/// f - fpga address, s - i2c slave address, r - sensor register, v - value to set
#define SET_SENSOR_PAR(p, f,s,r,v) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= P_SENSOR_REGS+(r) ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p),(f), (s), (r), (v)); \
/// same, but broadcast set for parameters with individual values. Updates individual ones (can use 4 elements in pars_to_update array, increase size where needed!)
/// relies that individual parameters are processed later, so it verifyis that broadcast does not modify individual if they are also modified and scheduled to be applied
#define SET_SENSOR_MBPAR(p,f,s,r,v) { pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= P_SENSOR_REGS+(r) ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), (s), (r), (v)); \
if (_MINDEX) { \
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
_MINDEX++ ;\
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
_MINDEX++ ;\
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
} \
/// same, but do not update the "parent" parameter, only the individual ones
#define SET_SENSOR_MBOPAR(p,f,s,r,v) { X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), (s), (r), (v)); \
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
if (_MINDEX) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
_MINDEX++ ;\
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
_MINDEX++ ;\
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s _MINDEX=0x%x, v=0x%x, FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX)=0x%x\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__, _MINDEX, (int) (v), (int) FRAMEPAR_MODIFIED(_MINDEX) ));\
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
} \
} \
/// set individual sensor parameter, do nothing if no individual exists
#define SET_SENSOR_MIPAR(p,f,s,i,r,v) { int _MINDEX= MULTIREG(p,P_SENSOR_REGS+(r),(i)); \
if (_MINDEX) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), ( s )+( I2C359_INC * ( i )), ( r ), ( v )); \
} \
/// Same but only if different from the shadow
#define SET_SENSOR_MIPAR_COND (p,f,s,i,r,v) \
{ int _MINDEX= MULTIREG(p,P_SENSOR_REGS+(r),(i)); \
if ((_MINDEX) && ((v) != thispars->pars[_MINDEX])) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), ( s )+( I2C359_INC * (( i )+1)), ( r ), ( v )); \
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s X3X3_I2C_SEND2(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,(int) (f), (int)(( s )+( I2C359_INC * (( i )+1))),(int) ( r ),(int) ( v ) )); \
} \
/// set individual sensor parameter, fall back to common parameter if no individual exists
#define SET_SENSOR_MIBPAR(p,f,s,i,r,v) { int _MINDEX= MULTIREG(p,P_SENSOR_REGS+(r),(i)); \
if (_MINDEX) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), ( s )+( I2C359_INC * (( i )+1 )), ( r ), ( v )); \
} else { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= P_SENSOR_REGS+(r) ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), (s), (r), (v)); \
} \
/// same, but only if different from the shadow
#define SET_SENSOR_MIBPAR_COND(p,f,s,i,r,v) \
{ int _MINDEX= MULTIREG(p,P_SENSOR_REGS+(r),(i)); \
if (_MINDEX) { \
if ((v) != thispars->pars[_MINDEX]) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= _MINDEX ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), ( s )+( I2C359_INC * (( i )+1)), ( r ), ( v )); \
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s X3X3_I2C_SEND2(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,(int) (f), (int)(( s )+( I2C359_INC * (( i )+1))),(int) ( r ),(int) ( v ) )); \
} \
} else { \
if ((v) != thispars->pars[P_SENSOR_REGS+(r)]) { \
pars_to_update[nupdate ].num= P_SENSOR_REGS+(r) ;\
X3X3_I2C_SEND2((p), (f), (s), (r), (v)); \
EDBG(if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<4)) printk("%s:%d:%s X3X3_I2C_SEND2(0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x)\n", \
__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__,(int) (f), (int)( s ),(int) ( r ),(int) ( v ) )); \
} \
} \
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