if(rp>prev_p)nz--;// rolled through zero - make sure we'll not stuck in this loop forever
if(rp>prev_p)nz--;// rolled through zero - make sure we'll not stuck in this loop forever
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr,"LSEEK_CIRC_FIRST or LSEEK_CIRC_SCND: finish stepping back through frames, number of frames = %d, rp = 0x%x, fvld = %d, len32 = 0x%x",nf,rp,fvld,len32);
/// timestamp_usec (camogm only, exif is separate)
/// timestamp_usec (camogm only, exif is separate)
//struct interframe_params_t {
///// This data will survive as long as the frame itself in the circular buffer. Some other fields (like exposure) are stored in Exif
///// dont move - should partially match P_* area
// union{unsigned long hash32_r; struct{unsigned short scale_r; union {unsigned short hash16_r; struct{unsigned char gamma_r; unsigned char black_r; };};};}; ///00-03
// union{unsigned long hash32_g; struct{unsigned short scale_g; union {unsigned short hash16_g; struct{unsigned char gamma_g; unsigned char black_g; };};};}; ///04-07
// union{unsigned long hash32_gb;struct{unsigned short scale_gb;union {unsigned short hash16_gb;struct{unsigned char gamma_gb;unsigned char black_gb;};};};}; ///08-11
// union{unsigned long hash32_b; struct{unsigned short scale_b; union {unsigned short hash16_b; struct{unsigned char gamma_b; unsigned char black_b; };};};}; ///12-15
// unsigned short quality2; /// Quality is represented by 2-byte value. Each byte uses Y table if the value is Q<128,// 16-17
// /// and C table with (Q-128) if it is Q>=128.
// /// If the High byte is zero, it is treated as Q^0x80 (Q|=(Q^0x80)<<8) for compatibility
// /// with a standard single-byte Q value
///// updated in - bit 7 in quality2 means "portrait mode"
// unsigned char color; /// color mode //18
// unsigned char byrshift; /// bayer shift in compressor //19
// unsigned short width; /// frame width, pixels 20-21 - NOTE: should be 20-21
// unsigned short height; /// frame height, pixels 22-23