Commit 0a0a3e4a authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

debugging histograms

parent dfe11ab2
......@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ int initSequencers(int sensor_port)
return 0;
/** Enable/disable sesnor channel (will not generate SoF/EoF pulses and interrupts if disabled). Used to turn off missing channels */
/** Enable/disable sensor channel (will not generate SoF/EoF pulses and interrupts if disabled). Used to turn off missing channels */
void enDisSensorChn(int sensor_port, ///< sensor_port sensor port number (0..3)
int en) ///< enable channel
......@@ -355,6 +355,7 @@ void enDisSensorChn(int sensor_port, ///< sensor_port sensor port number (0..3)
sens_mode.chn_en_set = 1;
dev_dbg(g_devfp_ptr,"enDisSensorChn(%d,%d)\n", sensor_port, en);
dev_info(g_devfp_ptr,"enDisSensorChn(%d,%d)\n", sensor_port, en);
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
* \def MDF21(x) optional debug output
#define ELPHEL_INFO 1
// only when commands are issued
#define MDF21(x) { if (GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG) & (1 <<21)) {printk("%s:%d:%s ",__FILE__,__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);x ;} }
......@@ -250,10 +250,34 @@ int histograms_init_hardware(void)
hist_chn = chn + MAX_SENSORS *port; >> PAGE_SHIFT)+ PARS_FRAMES * hist_chn;// table for 4 colors is exactly 1 page;
set_x393_hist_saxi_addr (saxi_addr, hist_chn); // Histogram DMA addresses (in 4096 byte pages)
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "histograms_init_hardware(): port=%d, chn=%d, fpga_hist_data=0x%08x, fpga_hist_phys=0x%08x, saxi_addr=0x%08x",
port, chn, (int)fpga_hist_data, (int) fpga_hist_phys, (int) saxi_addr.d32);
// debugging - fill memory to distinguish, invalidating caches
dma_sync_single_for_cpu(NULL, fpga_hist_phys, pElphel_buf->histograms_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE); //
// memset(fpga_hist_data, 0xa5, SENSOR_PORTS*MAX_SENSORS*PARS_FRAMES*4*256*4);
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(pElphel_buf->histograms_vaddr, pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE);
outer_inv_range(fpga_hist_phys, fpga_hist_phys + pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
memset(fpga_hist_data, 0xa5, pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE);
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(pElphel_buf->histograms_vaddr, pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE);
outer_inv_range(fpga_hist_phys, fpga_hist_phys + pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "histograms_init_hardware(): set %d bytes of the histograms buffer to 0x%x",
/* Circbuf - noithing like that
// Hand all data to device
dma_sync_single_for_device(NULL, fpga_hist_phys, SENSOR_PORTS*MAX_SENSORS*PARS_FRAMES*4*256*4, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "histograms_init_hardware()");
return 0;
......@@ -263,11 +287,25 @@ void histograms_dma_ctrl(int mode) ///< 0 - reset, 1 - disable, 2 - enable
x393_hist_saxi_mode_t saxi_mode;
saxi_mode.d32= 0;
saxi_mode.cache= 3;
saxi_mode.cache= 3; // 0; // 3;
saxi_mode.confirm=0; // 1; in simulator it was 0
saxi_mode.nrst= (mode)? 1:0;
saxi_mode.en= (mode>1)?1:0;
if (saxi_mode.en){ // just testing
// dma_sync_single_for_device(NULL, fpga_hist_phys, SENSOR_PORTS*MAX_SENSORS*PARS_FRAMES*4*256*4, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
dma_sync_single_for_device(NULL, fpga_hist_phys, pElphel_buf->histograms_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
} else {
dma_sync_single_for_cpu(NULL, fpga_hist_phys, pElphel_buf->histograms_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "histograms_dma_ctrl(), mode = %d, saxi_mode= 0x%x",mode, (int) saxi_mode.d32);
......@@ -291,19 +329,21 @@ void init_histograms(int chn_mask) ///< combined subchannels and ports Save mask
GLOBALPARS(p, G_HIST_LAST_INDEX + s) =0xffffffff; // mark as invalid
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Sensor %d channel %d index = %d", p, s, histograms_map[p][s]);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures, channel mask = 0x%x, numHistChn = 0x%x",chn_mask, numHistChn);
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures, channel mask = 0x%x, numHistChn = 0x%x",chn_mask, numHistChn);
sz = numHistChn * HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER * sizeof(struct histogram_stuct_t);
pages = ((sz -1) >> PAGE_SHIFT)+1;
// Uses pre-allocated memory
// if (sz & (PAGE_SIZE-1)) pages++;
// When device == NULL, dma_alloc_coherent just allocates notmal memory, page aligned, CMA if available
// histograms = (struct histogram_stuct_t* [HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER]) dma_alloc_coherent(NULL,(sz * PAGE_SIZE),&histograms_phys,GFP_KERNEL);
// histograms = (struct histogram_stuct_t[HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER] * ) dma_alloc_coherent(NULL,(sz * PAGE_SIZE),&histograms_phys,GFP_KERNEL);
// histograms = (struct histogram_stuct_t[HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER]) * dma_alloc_coherent(NULL,(sz * PAGE_SIZE),&histograms_phys,GFP_KERNEL);
// histograms = dma_alloc_coherent(NULL,(pages * PAGE_SIZE),&histograms_phys,GFP_KERNEL); // OK
// dev_warn(g_dev_ptr, "dma_alloc_coherent(NULL, 0x%x, 0x%x,GFP_KERNEL)",pages * PAGE_SIZE, (int) histograms_phys);
// This code is spin-locked above to prevent simultaneous allocation from several php instances, so GFP_KERNEL may not be used
......@@ -319,6 +359,9 @@ void init_histograms(int chn_mask) ///< combined subchannels and ports Save mask
local_ irq_save(flags);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures, channel mask = 0x%x",chn_mask);
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures, channel mask = 0x%x",chn_mask);
for (s=0; s<numHistChn; s++) {
for (i=0; i < HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER; i++) {
......@@ -329,7 +372,9 @@ void init_histograms(int chn_mask) ///< combined subchannels and ports Save mask
local_ irq_restore(flags);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures initialized");
dev_info(g_dev_ptr, "Histograms structures initialized");
/** Get histogram index for sensor port/channel, skipping unused ones */
int get_hist_index (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
......@@ -359,38 +404,51 @@ int set_histograms (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
const int hist_frames_available = PARS_FRAMES - 3; // ?
int i, color_start, hist_indx, hist_frame, hist_frame_index;
unsigned long thisFrameNumber=getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Setting histograms for frame=%ld(0x%lx), thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx), needed=0x%x\n",
frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber, needed);
hist_indx=get_hist_index(sensor_port,sensor_chn); // channel/subchannel combination, removed unused
if (hist_indx <0 ) return -EINVAL;
if (frame >= thisFrameNumber) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "frame=%ld(0x%lx) >= thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx) (not yet available)\n",frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber);
return -EINVAL; // not yet available
// verify frame still not overwritten
if (frame < (thisFrameNumber - hist_frames_available)) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "frame=%ld(0x%lx) < thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx) - %d (already gone)\n",frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber,hist_frames_available);
return -EINVAL; // not yet available
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Setting histograms for frame=%ld(0x%lx), thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx), needed=0x%x, hist_indx=0x%x \n",
frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber, needed, hist_indx);
hist_frame_index = (int) GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms[%d][%d].frame = 0x%lx\n",
hist_indx, hist_frame_index, histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame);
if (histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame!=frame) {
hist_frame_index = (hist_frame_index+1) & (HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER-1);
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn)=hist_frame_index;
histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].valid=0; // overwrite all
histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame=frame; // add to existent
if (framep) memcpy (&(histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame), framep, 32); // copy provided frame, gains,expos,vexpos, focus
if (gammaHash) memcpy (&(histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].gtab_r), gammaHash, 16); // copy provided 4 hash32 values
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms[%d][%d].frame = 0x%lx\n",
hist_indx, hist_frame_index, histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame);
unsigned long thisFrameNumber; // =getThisFrameNumber(sensor_port);
hist_indx=get_hist_index(sensor_port,sensor_chn); // channel/subchannel combination, removed unused
if (gammaHash || framep) { // adding possibility to copy absolute histogram FPGA buffer
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Setting histograms for frame=%ld(0x%lx), thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx), needed=0x%x\n",
frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber, needed);
// hist_indx=get_hist_index(sensor_port,sensor_chn); // channel/subchannel combination, removed unused
if (hist_indx <0 ) return -EINVAL;
if (frame >= thisFrameNumber) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "frame=%ld(0x%lx) >= thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx) (not yet available)\n",frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber);
return -EINVAL; // not yet available
// verify frame still not overwritten
if (frame < (thisFrameNumber - hist_frames_available)) {
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "frame=%ld(0x%lx) < thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx) - %d (already gone)\n",frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber,hist_frames_available);
return -EINVAL; // not yet available
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "Setting histograms for frame=%ld(0x%lx), thisFrameNumber=%ld (0x%lx), needed=0x%x, hist_indx=0x%x \n",
frame,frame,thisFrameNumber,thisFrameNumber, needed, hist_indx);
hist_frame_index = (int) GLOBALPARS(sensor_port,G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms[%d][%d].frame = 0x%lx\n",
hist_indx, hist_frame_index, histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame);
if (histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame!=frame) {
hist_frame_index = (hist_frame_index+1) & (HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER-1);
GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_LAST_INDEX+sensor_chn)=hist_frame_index;
histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].valid=0; // overwrite all
histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame=frame; // add to existent
if (framep) memcpy (&(histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame), framep, 32); // copy provided frame, gains,expos,vexpos, focus
if (gammaHash) memcpy (&(histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].gtab_r), gammaHash, 16); // copy provided 4 hash32 values
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms[%d][%d].frame = 0x%lx\n",
hist_indx, hist_frame_index, histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame);
} else {
needed &= ~histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].valid; // remove those that are already available from the request
hist_frame=(frame + (GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_SHIFT))) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // TODO: Verify
} else {
needed &= ~histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].valid; // remove those that are already available from the request
// hist_frame=(frame + (GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_SHIFT))) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // TODO: Verify
hist_frame= frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK;
hist_frame_index = hist_frame & (HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER-1); // 0..7
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "frame = 0x%x, histograms[%d][%d].frame = 0x%lx, hist_frame_index=0x%x\n",
(int) frame, hist_indx, hist_frame_index, histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].frame, hist_frame_index);
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "needed=0x%x\n", needed);
// #define L2_INVAL_SIZE (32 * 1024)
// #define L2_INVAL_SIZE (256*sizeof(u32))
// TODO: handle valid and needed for multichannel?
if (!(needed & 0xf)) // nothing to do with FPGA
......@@ -398,16 +456,29 @@ int set_histograms (int sensor_port, ///< sensor port number (0..3)
// Copying received data to histograms structure, maybe later we can skip that step and use data in place
// hist_frame=(frame-1) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // TODO: Verify
// hist_frame=frame & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // TODO: Verify
hist_frame=(frame + (GLOBALPARS(sensor_port, G_HIST_SHIFT))) & PARS_FRAMES_MASK; // TODO: Verify
/// __cpuc_flush_dcache_area(pElphel_buf->histograms_vaddr, pElphel_buf->histograms_size);
/// outer_inv_range(fpga_hist_phys, fpga_hist_phys + pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
for (i=0; i<4; i++) if (needed & ( 1 << i )) {
u32 phys_addr= fpga_hist_phys + PAGE_SIZE*(hist_frame + PARS_FRAMES * (sensor_chn + MAX_SENSORS *sensor_port)) + i*256*sizeof(u32); // start of selected color
u32 * dma_data = &fpga_hist_data[sensor_port][sensor_chn][hist_frame][i][0];
// invalidate both caches
outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (256*sizeof(u32) - 1));
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(dma_data, 256*sizeof(u32));
// outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (256*sizeof(u32) - 1));
/// __cpuc_flush_dcache_area(dma_data, 256*sizeof(u32));
/// outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (256*sizeof(u32))); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
// trying to invalidate all histogram memory
//// __cpuc_flush_dcache_area(pElphel_buf->histograms_vaddr, pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE);
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(dma_data, 256*sizeof(u32)); // even 8x does not work !!!
//// outer_inv_range(fpga_hist_phys, fpga_hist_phys + pElphel_buf->histograms_size * PAGE_SIZE); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
// this is OK
outer_inv_range(phys_addr, phys_addr + (256*sizeof(u32))); // END - EXCLUSIVE!, CHANGE ORDER (AFTER ____cpuc_flush_dcache_area
color_start= i<<8 ;
dma_data, 256*sizeof(u32));
/// __cpuc_flush_dcache_area(&histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].hist[256*i], 256*sizeof(u32)); // even 8x does not work !!!
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(&histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].hist[256*i], 256*sizeof(u32)); // even 8x does not work !!!
memcpy(&histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].hist[256*i], dma_data, 256*sizeof(u32));
__cpuc_flush_dcache_area(&histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].hist[256*i], 256*sizeof(u32)); // even 8x does not work !!!
// old in 353: fpga_hist_read_nice (color_start, 256, (unsigned long *) &histograms[GLOBALPARS(G_HIST_LAST_INDEX)].hist[color_start]);
histograms[hist_indx][hist_frame_index].valid |= 1 << i;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "histograms[%d][%d].valid=0x%lx\n",
......@@ -663,7 +734,7 @@ loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file,
loff_t offset,
int orig)
int p,s,index;
int p,s,index,i;
struct histograms_pd * privData = (struct histograms_pd *) file->private_data;
unsigned long reqAddr,reqFrame;
......@@ -750,7 +821,28 @@ loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file,
break; // just in case
case SEEK_END:
if (offset < 0) {
return -EINVAL;
index = (offset >> 4) & 1; // histogram accommodates only half of 16 frames
p = (offset >> 2) & 3;
s = (offset >> 0) & 3;
if (get_hist_index(p,s) < 0)
return -ENXIO; // invalid port/channel combination
privData->port = p;
privData->subchannel = s;
for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER; i++) {
p, // int sensor_port
s, // int sensor_chn
i + (index * HISTOGRAM_CACHE_NUMBER), // unsigned long frame
0xff, // int needed,
0, // unsigned long * gammaHash,
0); // unsigned long * framep
file->f_pos= index; // HISTOGRAMS_FILE_SIZE;
dev_dbg(g_dev_ptr, "DEBUG FPGA: index=%d, sensor=%d, channel = %d, file->f_pos = 0x%x\n",
index, p, s, (int) file->f_pos);
return file->f_pos;
// return -EINVAL;
} else {
if (offset < LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED) {
//#define LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN 0x30 ///< ..2F Select channel to wait for (4*port+subchannel)
......@@ -777,6 +869,12 @@ loff_t histograms_lseek (struct file * file,
case LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_C: // set histogram waiting for the C (actually R, G2, B) histograms to become available - implies G1 too
privData-> wait_mode=1;
case LSEEK_HIST_DIS: // Disable histograms DMA engine, hand buffer to CPU
histograms_dma_ctrl(1); //< 0 - reset, 1 - disable, 2 - enable
case LSEEK_HIST_EN: // Disable histograms DMA engine, hand buffer to CPU
histograms_dma_ctrl(2); //< 0 - reset, 1 - disable, 2 - enable
switch (offset & ~0x1f) {
case LSEEK_DAEMON_HIST_Y: // wait for daemon enabled and histograms Y ready
......@@ -1555,6 +1555,10 @@ struct p_names_t {
#define LSEEK_HIST_REQ_EN 0x2a ///< enable histogram request when reading histogram (safer, but may be not desirable in HDR mode) - default after opening
#define LSEEK_HIST_REQ_DIS 0x2b ///< disable histogram request when reading histogram - will read latest available relying it is available
#define LSEEK_HIST_SET_CHN 0x30 ///< ..3F Select channel to wait for (4*port+subchannel)
#define LSEEK_HIST_DIS 0x40 ///< Disable histograms DMA
#define LSEEK_HIST_EN 0x41 ///< Enable histograms DMA
#define LSEEK_HIST_NEEDED 0x10000 ///< set histogram "needed" mask - 0x10000..0x1ffff
//#define LSEEK_HIST_WAIT_AE 0x2a ///< wait for autoexposure enabled
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