**  libDXFrw - Library to read/write DXF files (ascii & binary)              **
**                                                                           **
**  Copyright (C) 2011 Rallaz, rallazz@gmail.com                             **
**                                                                           **
**  This library is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU       **
**  General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,     **
**  either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  **
**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        **
**  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.    **

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "dxfreader.h"
#include "drw_textcodec.h"

#ifdef DRW_DBG
#include <iostream>    // for debug
#define DBG( a ) std::cerr << a
#define DBG( a )

bool dxfReader::readRec( int* codeData, bool skip )
// std::string text;
    int code;

#ifdef DRW_DBG
    count = count + 2;    // DBG
/*    if (count > 10250)
 *       DBG("line 10256");*/

    if( !readCode( &code ) )
        return false;

    *codeData = code;

    if( code < 10 )
    else if( code < 60 )
    else if( code < 80 )
    else if( code > 89 && code < 100 ) // TODO this is an int 32b
    else if( code == 100 || code == 102 || code == 105 )
    else if( code > 109 && code < 150 ) // skip not used at the v2012
    else if( code > 159 && code < 170 ) // skip not used at the v2012
    else if( code < 180 )
    else if( code > 209 && code < 240 ) // skip not used at the v2012
    else if( code > 269 && code < 290 ) // skip not used at the v2012
    else if( code < 300 )               // TODO this is a boolean indicator, int in Binary?
    else if( code < 370 )
    else if( code < 390 )
    else if( code < 400 )
    else if( code < 410 )
    else if( code < 420 )
    else if( code < 430 ) // TODO this is an int 32b
    else if( code < 440 )
    else if( code < 450 )   // TODO this is an int 32b
    else if( code < 460 )   // TODO this is long??
    else if( code < 470 )   // TODO this is a floating point double precision??
    else if( code < 481 )
    else if( code > 998 && code < 1009 )    // skip not used at the v2012
    else if( code < 1060 )                  // TODO this is a floating point double precision??
    else if( code < 1071 )
    else if( code == 1071 ) // TODO this is an int 32b
    else if( skip )
        // skip safely this dxf entry ( ok for ascii dxf)
        // break in binary files because the conduct is unpredictable
        return false;

    return filestr->good();

int dxfReader::getHandleString()
    int res;

#if defined(__APPLE__)
    int Succeeded = sscanf( strData.c_str(), "%x", &res );

    if( !Succeeded || Succeeded == EOF )
        res = 0;

    std::istringstream Convert( strData );

    if( !(Convert >> std::hex >> res) )
        res = 0;

    return res;

bool dxfReaderBinary::readCode( int* code )
    unsigned short* int16p;
    char            buffer[2];

    filestr->read( buffer, 2 );
    int16p = (unsigned short*) buffer;

// exist a 32bits int (code 90) with 2 bytes???
    if( (*code == 90) && (*int16p>2000) )
        DBG( *code ); DBG( " de 16bits\n" );
        filestr->seekg( -4, std::ios_base::cur );
        filestr->read( buffer, 2 );
        int16p = (unsigned short*) buffer;

    *code = *int16p;
    DBG( *code ); DBG( "\n" );

    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readString()
    std::getline( *filestr, strData, '\0' );

    DBG( strData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readString( std::string* text )
    std::getline( *filestr, *text, '\0' );

    DBG( *text ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readInt()
    char buffer[2];

    filestr->read( buffer, 2 );
    intData = (int) ( (buffer[1] << 8) | buffer[0] );
    DBG( intData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readInt32()
    unsigned int*   int32p;
    char            buffer[4];

    filestr->read( buffer, 4 );
    int32p  = (unsigned int*) buffer;
    intData = *int32p;
    DBG( intData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readInt64()
    unsigned long long int* int64p;    // 64 bits integer pointer
    char buffer[8];

    filestr->read( buffer, 8 );
    int64p  = (unsigned long long int*) buffer;
    int64   = *int64p;
    DBG( int64 ); DBG( " int64\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderBinary::readDouble()
    double* result;
    char    buffer[8];

    filestr->read( buffer, 8 );
    result      = (double*) buffer;
    doubleData  = *result;
    DBG( doubleData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

// saved as int or add a bool member??
bool dxfReaderBinary::readBool()
    char buffer[1];

    filestr->read( buffer, 1 );
    intData = (int) (buffer[0]);
    DBG( intData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readCode( int* code )
    std::string text;
    std::getline( *filestr, text );

    *code = atoi( text.c_str() );
    DBG( *code ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readString( std::string* text )
    std::getline( *filestr, *text );

    if( !text->empty() && text->at( text->size() - 1 ) == '\r' )
        text->erase( text->size() - 1 );

    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readString()
    std::getline( *filestr, strData );

    if( !strData.empty() && strData.at( strData.size() - 1 ) == '\r' )
        strData.erase( strData.size() - 1 );

    DBG( strData ); DBG( "\n" );
    return filestr->good();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readInt()
    std::string text;

    if( readString( &text ) )
        intData = atoi( text.c_str() );
        DBG( intData ); DBG( "\n" );
        return true;
        return false;

bool dxfReaderAscii::readInt32()
    return readInt();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readInt64()
    return readInt();

bool dxfReaderAscii::readDouble()
    std::string text;

    if( readString( &text ) )
#if defined(__APPLE__)
        int succeeded = sscanf( &(text[0]), "%lg", &doubleData );

        if( succeeded != 1 )
            DBG( "dxfReaderAscii::readDouble(): reading double error: " );
            DBG( text );
            DBG( '\n' );

        std::istringstream sd( text );
        sd >> doubleData;
        DBG( doubleData ); DBG( '\n' );
        return true;
        return false;

// saved as int or add a bool member??
bool dxfReaderAscii::readBool()
    std::string text;

    if( readString( &text ) )
        intData = atoi( text.c_str() );
        DBG( intData ); DBG( "\n" );
        return true;
        return false;