/* class_module.cpp : fonctions de la classe MODULE */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"

#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "plot_common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "trigo.h"

#ifdef PCBNEW
#include "autorout.h"
#include "drag.h"

#ifdef CVPCB
#include "cvpcb.h"

#include "3d_struct.h"
#include "protos.h"

#define MAX_WIDTH 10000     // Epaisseur (en 1/10000 ") max raisonnable des traits, textes...

void MODULE::DrawAncre( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset,
                        int dim_ancre, int draw_mode )

/* trace de l'ancre (croix verticale)
 *  (doit etre fait apres les pads,
 *  car le trace du trou efface tout donc peut etre l'ancre */
    int zoom = panel->GetZoom();
    int anchor_size = dim_ancre * zoom;

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, draw_mode );

    if( (g_AnchorColor & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) == 0 )
        GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC,
                m_Pos.x - offset.x - anchor_size, m_Pos.y - offset.y,
                m_Pos.x - offset.x + anchor_size, m_Pos.y - offset.y,
                0, g_AnchorColor );
        GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC,
                m_Pos.x - offset.x, m_Pos.y - offset.y - anchor_size,
                m_Pos.x - offset.x, m_Pos.y - offset.y + anchor_size,
                0, g_AnchorColor );

/* Class MODULE : description d'un composant pcb */

/* Constructeur de la classe MODULE */
MODULE::MODULE( BOARD* parent ) : 
    m_Pads         = NULL;
    m_Drawings     = NULL;
    m_3D_Drawings  = NULL;
    m_Attributs    = MOD_DEFAULT;
    m_Layer        = CMP_N;
    m_Orient       = 0;
    m_ModuleStatus = 0;
    flag = 0;
    m_CntRot90 = m_CntRot180 = 0;
    m_Surface  = 0;
    m_Link = 0;
    m_LastEdit_Time = time( NULL );
    m_Reference = new TEXTE_MODULE( this, TEXT_is_REFERENCE );
    m_Reference->Pback = this;
    m_Value = new TEXTE_MODULE( this, TEXT_is_VALUE );
    m_Value->Pback = this;
    m_3D_Drawings  = new Struct3D_Master( this );

/* Destructeur */
    D_PAD*          Pad;
    EDA_BaseStruct* Struct, * NextStruct;

    delete m_Reference;
    delete m_Value;
    for( Struct = m_3D_Drawings;  Struct != NULL;  Struct = NextStruct )
        NextStruct = Struct->Pnext;
        delete Struct;

    /* effacement des pads */
    for( Pad = m_Pads; Pad != NULL; Pad = (D_PAD*) NextStruct )
        NextStruct = Pad->Pnext;
        delete Pad;

    /* effacement des elements de trace */
    for( Struct = m_Drawings; Struct != NULL; Struct = NextStruct )
        NextStruct = Struct->Pnext;

        switch( (Struct->Type()) )
        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            delete (EDGE_MODULE*) Struct;

            delete (TEXTE_MODULE*) Struct;

            DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Warn: ItemType not handled in delete MODULE" ) );
            NextStruct = NULL;

void MODULE::Copy( MODULE* Module )
    D_PAD* pad, * lastpad;

    m_Pos           = Module->m_Pos;
    m_Layer         = Module->m_Layer;
    m_LibRef        = Module->m_LibRef;
    m_Attributs     = Module->m_Attributs;
    m_Orient        = Module->m_Orient;
    m_BoundaryBox   = Module->m_BoundaryBox;
    m_PadNum        = Module->m_PadNum;
    m_CntRot90      = Module->m_CntRot90;
    m_CntRot180     = Module->m_CntRot180;
    m_LastEdit_Time = Module->m_LastEdit_Time;
    m_TimeStamp     = GetTimeStamp();

    /* Copy des structures auxiliaires: Reference et value */
    m_Reference->Copy( Module->m_Reference );
    m_Value->Copy( Module->m_Value );

    /* Copie des structures auxiliaires: Pads */
    lastpad = NULL; pad = Module->m_Pads;
    for( ; pad != NULL; pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Pnext )
        D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( this );
        newpad->Copy( pad );

        if( m_Pads == NULL )
            newpad->Pback = this;
            m_Pads = (D_PAD*) newpad;
            newpad->Pback  = lastpad;
            lastpad->Pnext = newpad;
        lastpad = newpad;

    /* Copy des structures auxiliaires: Drawings */
    BOARD_ITEM*  OldStruct = Module->m_Drawings;
    BOARD_ITEM*  NewStruct, * LastStruct = NULL;
    for( ; OldStruct; OldStruct = OldStruct->Next() )
        NewStruct = NULL;

        switch( OldStruct->Type() )
            NewStruct = new TEXTE_MODULE( this );
            ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) NewStruct )->Copy( (TEXTE_MODULE*) OldStruct );

        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            NewStruct = new EDGE_MODULE( this );
            ( (EDGE_MODULE*) NewStruct )->Copy( (EDGE_MODULE*) OldStruct );

            DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Internal Err: CopyModule: type indefini" ) );

        if( NewStruct == NULL )
        if( m_Drawings == NULL )
            NewStruct->Pback = this;
            m_Drawings = NewStruct;
            NewStruct->Pback  = LastStruct;
            LastStruct->Pnext = NewStruct;
        LastStruct = NewStruct;

    /* Copy des elements complementaires Drawings 3D */
    m_3D_Drawings->Copy( Module->m_3D_Drawings );
    Struct3D_Master* Struct3D, * NewStruct3D, * CurrStruct3D;
    Struct3D     = (Struct3D_Master*) Module->m_3D_Drawings->Pnext;
    CurrStruct3D = m_3D_Drawings;
    for( ; Struct3D != NULL; Struct3D = (Struct3D_Master*) Struct3D->Pnext )
        NewStruct3D = new Struct3D_Master( this );
        NewStruct3D->Copy( Struct3D );
        CurrStruct3D->Pnext = NewStruct3D;
        NewStruct3D->Pback  = CurrStruct3D;
        CurrStruct3D = NewStruct3D;

    /* Copie des elements complementaires */
    m_Doc     = Module->m_Doc;
    m_KeyWord = Module->m_KeyWord;

/* supprime du chainage la structure Struct
 *  les structures arrieres et avant sont chainees directement
void MODULE::UnLink()
    /* Modification du chainage arriere */
    if( Pback )
        if( Pback->Type() != TYPEPCB )
            Pback->Pnext = Pnext;
        else                                /* Le chainage arriere pointe sur la structure "Pere" */
            if( GetState( DELETED ) )       // A REVOIR car Pback = NULL si place en undelete
                if( g_UnDeleteStackPtr )
                    g_UnDeleteStack[g_UnDeleteStackPtr - 1] = Next();
                ( (BOARD*) Pback )->m_Modules = (MODULE*) Pnext;

    /* Modification du chainage avant */
    if( Pnext )
        Pnext->Pback = Pback;

    Pnext = Pback = NULL;

void MODULE::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                   const wxPoint& offset, int draw_mode )

/* Dessin d'une empreinte sur l'ecran actif:
 *  Entree :
 *      Module: pointeur sur le module
 *      ox, oy = offset de trace
 *      draw_mode = mode de trace ( GR_OR, GR_XOR, GR_AND)
 *  Utilise par ailleur:
 *      Description des parametres de l'empreinte calcules par caract() ;
    D_PAD*          pt_pad;
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct;
    TEXTE_MODULE*   PtTexte;

    /* trace des pastilles */
    pt_pad = m_Pads;
    for( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*) pt_pad->Pnext )
        if( pt_pad->m_Flags & IS_MOVED )
        pt_pad->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );

    /* Impression de l'ancre du module */
    DrawAncre( panel, DC, offset, DIM_ANCRE_MODULE, draw_mode );

    /* impression des graphismes */
    if( !(m_Reference->m_Flags & IS_MOVED) )
        m_Reference->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );
    if( !(m_Value->m_Flags & IS_MOVED) )
        m_Value->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );

    PtStruct = m_Drawings;
    for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext )
        if( PtStruct->m_Flags & IS_MOVED )

        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
            PtTexte = (TEXTE_MODULE*) PtStruct;
            PtTexte->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );

        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            ( (EDGE_MODULE*) PtStruct )->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );


void MODULE::DrawEdgesOnly( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                            const wxPoint& offset, int draw_mode )
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct;

    /* impression des graphismes */
    PtStruct = m_Drawings;
    for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext )
        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            ( (EDGE_MODULE*) PtStruct )->Draw( panel, DC, offset, draw_mode );


#if 0
int MODULE::WriteDescr( FILE* File )

/* Sauvegarde de la description d'un MODULE
    char            StringStat[20];
    TEXTE_MODULE*   PtText;
    EDGE_MODULE*    PtEdge;
    D_PAD*          ptpad;
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct;
    int             ii, NbLigne = 0;
    wxString        msg;

    if( GetState( DELETED ) )
        return NbLigne;

    /* Generation du fichier module: */
    fprintf( File, "$MODULE %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );

    /* Generation des coord et caracteristiques */
    memset( StringStat, 0, sizeof(StringStat) );
    if( IsLocked() )
        StringStat[0] = 'F';
        StringStat[0] = '~';
    if( m_ModuleStatus & MODULE_is_PLACED )
        StringStat[1] = 'P';
        StringStat[1] = '~';

    fprintf( File, "Po %d %d %d %d %8.8lX %8.8lX %s\n",
             m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y,
             m_Orient, m_Layer, m_LastEdit_Time,
             m_TimeStamp, StringStat );

    fprintf( File, "Li %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );

    if( !m_Doc.IsEmpty() )
        fprintf( File, "Cd %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Doc ) );

    if( !m_KeyWord.IsEmpty() )
        fprintf( File, "Kw %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_KeyWord ) );

    fprintf( File, "Sc %8.8lX\n", m_TimeStamp );

    fprintf( File, "Op %X %X 0\n", m_CntRot90, m_CntRot180 );

    /* Attributs du module */
    if( m_Attributs != MOD_DEFAULT )
        fprintf( File, "At " );
        if( m_Attributs & MOD_CMS )
            fprintf( File, "SMD " );
        if( m_Attributs & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            fprintf( File, "VIRTUAL " );
        fprintf( File, "\n" );

    /* Texte Reference du module */
    fprintf( File, "T%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %c %c %d \"%.16s\"\n",
            m_Reference->m_Pos0.x, m_Reference->m_Pos0.y,
            m_Reference->m_Size.y, m_Reference->m_Size.x,
            m_Reference->m_Orient + m_Orient, m_Reference->m_Width,
            m_Reference->m_Miroir ? 'N' : 'M', m_Reference->m_NoShow ? 'I' : 'V',
            CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Reference->m_Text ) );

    /* Texte Value du module */
    fprintf( File, "T%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %c %c %d \"%.16s\"\n",
            m_Value->m_Pos0.x, m_Value->m_Pos0.y,
            m_Value->m_Size.y, m_Value->m_Size.x,
            m_Value->m_Orient + m_Orient, m_Value->m_Width,
            m_Value->m_Miroir ? 'N' : 'M', m_Value->m_NoShow ? 'I' : 'V',
            CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Value->m_Text ) );

    /* Generation des elements Drawing modules */
    PtStruct = m_Drawings;
    for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext )
        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
            PtText = ( (TEXTE_MODULE*) PtStruct );
            fprintf( File, "T%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %c %c %d \"%s\"\n",
                    PtText->m_Pos0.x, PtText->m_Pos0.y,
                    PtText->m_Size.y, PtText->m_Size.x,
                    PtText->m_Orient + m_Orient, PtText->m_Width,
                    PtText->m_Miroir ? 'N' : 'M',
                    PtText->m_NoShow ? 'I' : 'V',
                    PtText->GetLayer(), CONV_TO_UTF8( PtText->m_Text ) );

        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            PtEdge = (EDGE_MODULE*) PtStruct;
            PtEdge->WriteDescr( File );

            msg.Printf( wxT( "Type (%d) Draw Module inconnu" ),
                        PtStruct->Type() );
            DisplayError( NULL, msg );

        /* Fin switch gestion des Items draw */

    /* Generation de la liste des pads */
    ptpad = m_Pads;
    for( ; ptpad != NULL; ptpad = (D_PAD*) ptpad->Pnext )
        ii       = ptpad->WriteDescr( File );
        NbLigne += ii;

    /* Generation des informations de trac�3D */
    Write_3D_Descr( File );

    /* Fin de description: */
    fprintf( File, "$EndMODULE  %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );
    return NbLigne;

bool MODULE::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    char            statusTxt[8];
    BOARD_ITEM*     item;
    if( GetState( DELETED ) )
        return true;
    bool rc = false;

    fprintf( aFile, "$MODULE %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );

    // Generation des coord et caracteristiques
    memset( statusTxt, 0, sizeof(statusTxt) );
    if( IsLocked() )
        statusTxt[0] = 'F';
        statusTxt[0] = '~';
    if( m_ModuleStatus & MODULE_is_PLACED )
        statusTxt[1] = 'P';
        statusTxt[1] = '~';

    fprintf( aFile, "Po %d %d %d %d %8.8lX %8.8lX %s\n",
             m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y,
             m_Orient, m_Layer, m_LastEdit_Time,
             m_TimeStamp, statusTxt );

    fprintf( aFile, "Li %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );

    if( !m_Doc.IsEmpty() )
        fprintf( aFile, "Cd %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Doc ) );

    if( !m_KeyWord.IsEmpty() )
        fprintf( aFile, "Kw %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_KeyWord ) );

    fprintf( aFile, "Sc %8.8lX\n", m_TimeStamp );

    fprintf( aFile, "Op %X %X 0\n", m_CntRot90, m_CntRot180 );

    // attributes
    if( m_Attributs != MOD_DEFAULT )
        fprintf( aFile, "At " );
        if( m_Attributs & MOD_CMS )
            fprintf( aFile, "SMD " );
        if( m_Attributs & MOD_VIRTUAL )
            fprintf( aFile, "VIRTUAL " );
        fprintf( aFile, "\n" );

    // save reference
    if( !m_Reference->Save( aFile ) )
        goto out;
    // save value
    if( !m_Value->Save( aFile ) )
        goto out;

    // save drawing elements
    for( item=m_Drawings;  item;  item=item->Next() )
        switch( item->Type() )
        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            if( !item->Save( aFile ) )
                goto out;

#if defined(DEBUG)            
            printf( "MODULE::Save() ignoring type %d\n", item->Type() );

    // save the pads
    for( item=m_Pads;  item;  item=item->Next() )
        if( !item->Save( aFile ) )
            goto out;

    // Generation des informations de trac�3D
    Write_3D_Descr( aFile );

    fprintf( aFile, "$EndMODULE  %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_LibRef ) );
    rc = true;
    return rc;

int MODULE::Write_3D_Descr( FILE* File ) const

/* Sauvegarde de la description 3D du MODULE
    char             buf[512];
    Struct3D_Master* Struct3D = m_3D_Drawings;

    for( ; Struct3D != NULL; Struct3D = (Struct3D_Master*) Struct3D->Pnext )
        if( !Struct3D->m_Shape3DName.IsEmpty() )
            fprintf( File, "$SHAPE3D\n" );

            fprintf( File, "Na \"%s\"\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Struct3D->m_Shape3DName ) );

            sprintf( buf, "Sc %lf %lf %lf\n",
                     Struct3D->m_MatScale.z );
            fprintf( File, to_point( buf ) );

            sprintf( buf, "Of %lf %lf %lf\n",
                     Struct3D->m_MatPosition.z );
            fprintf( File, to_point( buf ) );

            sprintf( buf, "Ro %lf %lf %lf\n",
                     Struct3D->m_MatRotation.z );
            fprintf( File, to_point( buf ) );

            fprintf( File, "$EndSHAPE3D\n" );

    return 0;

int MODULE::Read_3D_Descr( FILE* File, int* LineNum )

/* Lecture de la description d'un MODULE (format Ascii)
 *  la 1ere ligne de descr ($MODULE) est supposee etre deja lue
 *  retourne 0 si OK
    char             Line[1024];
    char*            text     = Line + 3;
    Struct3D_Master* Struct3D = m_3D_Drawings;

    if( !Struct3D->m_Shape3DName.IsEmpty() )
        Struct3D_Master* NewStruct3D;
        while( Struct3D->Pnext )
            Struct3D = (Struct3D_Master*) Struct3D->Pnext;

        Struct3D->Pnext    = NewStruct3D = new Struct3D_Master( this );
        NewStruct3D->Pback = Struct3D;
        Struct3D = NewStruct3D;

    while( GetLine( File, Line, LineNum, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) != NULL )
        switch( Line[0] )
        case '$':       // Fin de description
            if( Line[1] == 'E' )
                return 0;
            return 1;

        case 'N':       // Shape File Name
            char buf[512];
            ReadDelimitedText( buf, text, 512 );
            Struct3D->m_Shape3DName = CONV_FROM_UTF8( buf );

        case 'S':       // Scale
            sscanf( text, "%lf %lf %lf\n",
                    &Struct3D->m_MatScale.z );

        case 'O':       // Offset
            sscanf( text, "%lf %lf %lf\n",
                    &Struct3D->m_MatPosition.z );

        case 'R':       // Rotation
            sscanf( text, "%lf %lf %lf\n",
                    &Struct3D->m_MatRotation.z );


    return 1;

int MODULE::ReadDescr( FILE* File, int* LineNum )

/* Lecture de la description d'un MODULE (format Ascii)
 *  la 1ere ligne de descr ($MODULE) est supposee etre deja lue
 *  retourne 0 si OK
    D_PAD*          LastPad = NULL, * ptpad;
    EDA_BaseStruct* LastModStruct = NULL;
    EDGE_MODULE*    DrawSegm;
    TEXTE_MODULE*   DrawText;
    char            Line[256], BufLine[256], BufCar1[128], BufCar2[128], * PtLine;
    int             itmp1, itmp2;

    while( GetLine( File, Line, LineNum, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) != NULL )
        if( Line[0] == '$' )
            if( Line[1] == 'E' )
            if( Line[1] == 'P' )
                ptpad = new D_PAD( this );
                ptpad->ReadDescr( File, LineNum );
                RotatePoint( &ptpad->m_Pos.x, &ptpad->m_Pos.y, m_Orient );
                ptpad->m_Pos.x += m_Pos.x;
                ptpad->m_Pos.y += m_Pos.y;

                if( LastPad == NULL )
                    ptpad->Pback = (EDA_BaseStruct*) this;
                    m_Pads = ptpad;
                    ptpad->Pback   = (EDA_BaseStruct*) LastPad;
                    LastPad->Pnext = (EDA_BaseStruct*) ptpad;
                LastPad = ptpad;
            if( Line[1] == 'S' )
                Read_3D_Descr( File, LineNum );

        if( strlen( Line ) < 4 )

        PtLine = Line + 3;

        /* Pointe 1er code utile de la ligne */
        switch( Line[0] )
        case 'P':
            memset( BufCar1, 0, sizeof(BufCar1) );
            sscanf( PtLine, "%d %d %d %d %lX %lX %s",
                    &m_Pos.x, &m_Pos.y,
                    &m_Orient, &m_Layer,
                    &m_LastEdit_Time, &m_TimeStamp, BufCar1 );

            m_ModuleStatus = 0;
            if( BufCar1[0] == 'F' )
            if( BufCar1[1] == 'P' )
                m_ModuleStatus |= MODULE_is_PLACED;

        case 'L':       /* Li = Lecture du nom librairie du module */
            *BufLine = 0;
            sscanf( PtLine, " %s", BufLine );
            m_LibRef = CONV_FROM_UTF8( BufLine );

        case 'S':
            sscanf( PtLine, " %lX", &m_TimeStamp );

        case 'O':       /* (Op)tions de placement auto */
            itmp1 = itmp2 = 0;
            sscanf( PtLine, " %X %X", &itmp1, &itmp2 );

            m_CntRot180 = itmp2 & 0x0F;
            if( m_CntRot180 > 10 )
                m_CntRot180 = 10;

            m_CntRot90 = itmp1 & 0x0F;
            if( m_CntRot90 > 10 )
                m_CntRot90 = 0;
            itmp1 = (itmp1 >> 4) & 0x0F;
            if( itmp1 > 10 )
                itmp1 = 0;
            m_CntRot90 |= itmp1 << 4;

        case 'A':       /* At = (At)tributs du module */
            if( strstr( PtLine, "SMD" ) )
                m_Attributs |= MOD_CMS;
            if( strstr( PtLine, "VIRTUAL" ) )
                m_Attributs |= MOD_VIRTUAL;

        case 'T':    /* lecture des textes modules */
            sscanf( Line + 1, "%d", &itmp1 );
            if( itmp1 == TEXT_is_REFERENCE )
                DrawText = m_Reference;
            else if( itmp1 == TEXT_is_VALUE )
                DrawText = m_Value;
            else        /* text is a drawing */
                DrawText = new TEXTE_MODULE( this );
                if( LastModStruct == NULL )
                    DrawText->Pback = this;
                    m_Drawings = DrawText;
                    DrawText->Pback      = LastModStruct;
                    LastModStruct->Pnext = DrawText;
                LastModStruct = DrawText;

            int layer;
            sscanf( Line + 1, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s %s %d",
                    &DrawText->m_Pos0.x, &DrawText->m_Pos0.y,
                    &DrawText->m_Size.y, &DrawText->m_Size.x,
                    &DrawText->m_Orient, &DrawText->m_Width,
                    BufCar1, BufCar2, &layer );

            DrawText->m_Type    = itmp1;
            DrawText->m_Orient -= m_Orient;     // m_Orient texte relative au module
            if( BufCar1[0] == 'M' )
                DrawText->m_Miroir = 0;
                DrawText->m_Miroir = 1;
            if( BufCar2[0]  == 'I' )
                DrawText->m_NoShow = 1;
                DrawText->m_NoShow = 0;

            if( layer == COPPER_LAYER_N )
                layer = SILKSCREEN_N_CU;
            else if( layer == CMP_N )
                layer = SILKSCREEN_N_CMP;

            DrawText->SetLayer( layer );            
            /* calcul de la position vraie */
            /* Lecture de la chaine "text" */
            ReadDelimitedText( BufLine, Line, sizeof(BufLine) );
            DrawText->m_Text = CONV_FROM_UTF8( BufLine );

            // Controle d'epaisseur raisonnable:
            if( DrawText->m_Width <= 1 )
                DrawText->m_Width = 1;
            if( DrawText->m_Width > MAX_WIDTH )
                DrawText->m_Width = MAX_WIDTH;

        case 'D':    /* lecture du contour */
            DrawSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( this );

            if( LastModStruct == NULL )
                DrawSegm->Pback = this;
                m_Drawings = DrawSegm;
                DrawSegm->Pback      = LastModStruct;
                LastModStruct->Pnext = DrawSegm;

            LastModStruct = DrawSegm;
            DrawSegm->ReadDescr( Line, File, LineNum );

        case 'C':    /* Lecture de la doc */
            m_Doc = CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( PtLine ) );

        case 'K':    /* Lecture de la liste des mots cle */
            m_KeyWord = CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( PtLine ) );


    /* Recalcul de l'encadrement */
    return 0;

void MODULE::SetPosition( const wxPoint& newpos )

// replace le module en position newpos
    int deltaX = newpos.x - m_Pos.x;
    int deltaY = newpos.y - m_Pos.y;

    /* deplacement de l'ancre */
    m_Pos.x += deltaX; 
    m_Pos.y += deltaY;

    /* deplacement de la reference */
    m_Reference->m_Pos.x += deltaX; 
    m_Reference->m_Pos.y += deltaY;

    /* deplacement de la Valeur */
    m_Value->m_Pos.x += deltaX; 
    m_Value->m_Pos.y += deltaY;

    /* deplacement des pastilles */
    D_PAD*          pad = m_Pads;
    for( ; pad != NULL; pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Pnext )
        pad->m_Pos.x += deltaX; 
        pad->m_Pos.y += deltaY;

    /* deplacement des dessins de l'empreinte : */
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct = m_Drawings;
    for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext )
        switch( PtStruct->Type() )
        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            EDGE_MODULE* pt_edgmod = (EDGE_MODULE*) PtStruct;

            TEXTE_MODULE* pt_texte = (TEXTE_MODULE*) PtStruct;
            pt_texte->m_Pos.x += deltaX; 
            pt_texte->m_Pos.y += deltaY;

            DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Type Draw Indefini" ) ); break;


void MODULE::SetOrientation( int newangle )

/* Tourne de newangle (en 0.1 degres) le module
    int px, py;

    newangle -= m_Orient;       // = delta de rotation

    m_Orient += newangle;
    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( m_Orient );

    /* deplacement et rotation des pastilles */
    D_PAD* pad = m_Pads;
    for( ; pad != NULL; pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Pnext )
        px = pad->m_Pos0.x;
        py = pad->m_Pos0.y;

        pad->m_Orient += newangle; /* change m_Orientation */
        NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( pad->m_Orient );

        RotatePoint( &px, &py, (int) m_Orient );
        pad->m_Pos.x = m_Pos.x + px;
        pad->m_Pos.y = m_Pos.y + py;

    /* mise a jour de la reference et de la valeur*/

    /* deplacement des contours et textes de l'empreinte : */
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct = m_Drawings;
    for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext )
        if( PtStruct->Type() == TYPEEDGEMODULE )
            EDGE_MODULE* pt_edgmod = (EDGE_MODULE*) PtStruct;
        if( PtStruct->Type() == TYPETEXTEMODULE )
            /* deplacement des inscriptions : */
            TEXTE_MODULE* pt_texte = (TEXTE_MODULE*) PtStruct;

    /* Recalcul du rectangle d'encadrement */

void MODULE::Set_Rectangle_Encadrement()

/* Mise a jour du rectangle d'encadrement du module
 *  Entree : pointeur sur module
 *  Le rectangle d'encadrement est le rectangle comprenant les contours et les
 *  pads.
 *  Le rectangle est calcule:
 *      pour orient 0
 *      en coord relatives / position ancre
    EDGE_MODULE* pt_edge_mod;
    D_PAD*       pad;
    int          width;
    int          cx, cy, uxf, uyf, rayon;
    int          xmax, ymax;

    /* Init des pointeurs */
    pt_edge_mod = (EDGE_MODULE*) m_Drawings;

    /* Init des coord du cadre a une valeur limite non nulle */
    m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = -500; xmax = 500;
    m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = -500; ymax = 500;

    /* Contours: Recherche des coord min et max et mise a jour du cadre */
    for( ; pt_edge_mod != NULL; pt_edge_mod = (EDGE_MODULE*) pt_edge_mod->Pnext )
        if( pt_edge_mod->Type() != TYPEEDGEMODULE )
        width = pt_edge_mod->m_Width / 2;

        switch( pt_edge_mod->m_Shape )
        case S_ARC:
        case S_CIRCLE:
            cx     = pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.x; cy = pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.y;  // centre
            uxf    = pt_edge_mod->m_End0.x; uyf = pt_edge_mod->m_End0.y;
            rayon  = (int) hypot( (double) (cx - uxf), (double) (cy - uyf) );
            rayon += width;
            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, cx - rayon );
            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, cy - rayon );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, cx + rayon );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, cy + rayon );

            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.x - width );
            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, pt_edge_mod->m_End0.x - width );
            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.y - width );
            m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, pt_edge_mod->m_End0.y - width );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.x + width );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, pt_edge_mod->m_End0.x + width );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, pt_edge_mod->m_Start0.y + width );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, pt_edge_mod->m_End0.y + width );

    /* Pads:  Recherche des coord min et max et mise a jour du cadre */
    for( pad = m_Pads; pad != NULL; pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Pnext )
        rayon = pad->m_Rayon;
        cx    = pad->m_Pos0.x; cy = pad->m_Pos0.y;
        m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, cx - rayon );
        m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, cy - rayon );
        xmax = MAX( xmax, cx + rayon );
        ymax = MAX( ymax, cy + rayon );

    m_BoundaryBox.SetWidth( xmax - m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.x );
    m_BoundaryBox.SetHeight( ymax - m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos.y );

void MODULE::SetRectangleExinscrit()

/*	Analogue a MODULE::Set_Rectangle_Encadrement() mais en coord reelles:
 *  Mise a jour du rectangle d'encadrement reel du module c.a.d en coord PCB
 *  Entree : pointeur sur module
 *  Le rectangle d'encadrement est le rectangle comprenant les contours et les
 *  pads.
 *  Met egalement a jour la surface (.m_Surface) du module.
    EDGE_MODULE* EdgeMod;
    D_PAD*       Pad;
    int          width;
    int          cx, cy, uxf, uyf, rayon;
    int          xmax, ymax;

    m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = xmax = m_Pos.x;
    m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = ymax = m_Pos.y;

    /* Contours: Recherche des coord min et max et mise a jour du cadre */
    EdgeMod = (EDGE_MODULE*) m_Drawings;
    for( ; EdgeMod != NULL; EdgeMod = (EDGE_MODULE*) EdgeMod->Pnext )
        if( EdgeMod->Type() != TYPEEDGEMODULE )
        width = EdgeMod->m_Width / 2;

        switch( EdgeMod->m_Shape )
        case S_ARC:
        case S_CIRCLE:
            cx     = EdgeMod->m_Start.x; cy = EdgeMod->m_Start.y;  // centre
            uxf    = EdgeMod->m_End.x; uyf = EdgeMod->m_End.y;
            rayon  = (int) hypot( (double) (cx - uxf), (double) (cy - uyf) );
            rayon += width;
            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, cx - rayon );
            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, cy - rayon );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, cx + rayon );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, cy + rayon );

            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, EdgeMod->m_Start.x - width );
            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, EdgeMod->m_End.x - width );
            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, EdgeMod->m_Start.y - width );
            m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, EdgeMod->m_End.y - width );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, EdgeMod->m_Start.x + width );
            xmax = MAX( xmax, EdgeMod->m_End.x + width );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, EdgeMod->m_Start.y + width );
            ymax = MAX( ymax, EdgeMod->m_End.y + width );

    /* Pads:  Recherche des coord min et max et mise a jour du cadre */
    for( Pad = m_Pads; Pad != NULL; Pad = (D_PAD*) Pad->Pnext )
        rayon = Pad->m_Rayon;
        cx    = Pad->m_Pos.x; cy = Pad->m_Pos.y;
        m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x, cx - rayon );
        m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y = MIN( m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y, cy - rayon );
        xmax = MAX( xmax, cx + rayon );
        ymax = MAX( ymax, cy + rayon );

    m_RealBoundaryBox.SetWidth( xmax - m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.x );
    m_RealBoundaryBox.SetHeight( ymax - m_RealBoundaryBox.m_Pos.y );
    m_Surface = ABS( (float) m_RealBoundaryBox.GetWidth() * m_RealBoundaryBox.GetHeight() );

void MODULE::Display_Infos( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
    int      nbpad;
    char     bufcar[512], Line[512];
    int      pos;
    bool     flag = FALSE;
    wxString msg;

    frame->MsgPanel->EraseMsgBox();    /* Effacement de la zone message */
    if( frame->m_Ident != PCB_FRAME )
        flag = TRUE;
    pos = 1;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, m_Reference->m_Text, m_Value->m_Text, DARKCYAN );

    /* Affiche signature temporelle ou date de modif (en edition de modules) */
    pos += 14;
    if( flag ) // Affichage date de modification (utile en Module Editor)
        strcpy( Line, ctime( &m_LastEdit_Time ) );
        strtok( Line, " \n\r" );
        strcpy( bufcar, strtok( NULL, " \n\r" ) ); strcat( bufcar, " " );
        strcat( bufcar, strtok( NULL, " \n\r" ) ); strcat( bufcar, ", " );
        strtok( NULL, " \n\r" );
        strcat( bufcar, strtok( NULL, " \n\r" ) );
        msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( bufcar );
        Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Last Change" ), msg, BROWN );
        pos += 4;
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%8.8lX" ), m_TimeStamp );
        Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "TimeStamp" ), msg, BROWN );

    pos += 6;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Layer" ), ReturnPcbLayerName( m_Layer ), RED );

    pos += 6;
    EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct = m_Pads;
    nbpad = 0;
    while( PtStruct )
        nbpad++; PtStruct = PtStruct->Pnext;

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), nbpad );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Pads" ), msg, BLUE );

    pos += 4;
    msg  = wxT( ".." );
    if( IsLocked() )
        msg[0] = 'L';
    if( m_ModuleStatus & MODULE_is_PLACED )
        msg[1] = 'P';
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Stat" ), msg, MAGENTA );

    pos += 4;
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%.1f" ), (float) m_Orient / 10 );
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Orient" ), msg, BROWN );

    pos += 5;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "Module" ), m_LibRef, BLUE );

    pos += 9;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, _( "3D-Shape" ),
                         m_3D_Drawings->m_Shape3DName, RED );

    pos += 14;
    wxString doc     = _( "Doc:  " ) + m_Doc;
    wxString keyword = _( "KeyW: " ) + m_KeyWord;
    Affiche_1_Parametre( frame, pos, doc, keyword, BLACK );

 * Function HitTest
 * tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
 * @param refPos A wxPoint to test
 * @return bool - true if a hit, else false
bool MODULE::HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos )
    /* Calcul des coord souris dans le repere module */
    int spot_cX = refPos.x - m_Pos.x;
    int spot_cY = refPos.y - m_Pos.y;
    RotatePoint( &spot_cX, &spot_cY, -m_Orient );

    /* la souris est-elle dans ce rectangle : */
    if( m_BoundaryBox.Inside( spot_cX, spot_cY ) )
        return true;

/* no    
    // The GENERAL_COLLECTOR needs these two tests in order to find a MODULE
    // when the user clicks on its text.  Keep these 2, needed in OnRightClick().
    if( m_Reference->HitTest( refPos ) )
        return true;
    if( m_Value->HitTest( refPos ) )
        return true;
    return false;

// see class_module.h     
SEARCH_RESULT MODULE::Visit( INSPECTOR* inspector, const void* testData, 
    const KICAD_T scanTypes[] )
    KICAD_T         stype;
    const KICAD_T*  p = scanTypes;
    bool            done = false;
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
    std::cout <<  GetClass().mb_str() << ' ';

    while( !done )
        stype = *p;
        switch( stype )
        case TYPEMODULE:
            result = inspector->Inspect( this, testData );  // inspect me
        case TYPEPAD:
            result = IterateForward( m_Pads, inspector, testData, p );
            result = inspector->Inspect( m_Reference, testData );
            if( result == SEARCH_QUIT )
            result = inspector->Inspect( m_Value, testData );
            if( result == SEARCH_QUIT )

            // m_Drawings can hold TYPETEXTMODULE also, so fall thru
        case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
            result = IterateForward( m_Drawings, inspector, testData, p );
            // skip over any types handled in the above call.
                switch( stype = *++p )
                case TYPETEXTEMODULE:
                case TYPEEDGEMODULE:
                default: ;
            done = true;
        if( result == SEARCH_QUIT )

    return result;    

#if defined(DEBUG)
 * Function Show
 * is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only.
 * @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level 
 *          of nesting of this object within the overall tree.
 * @param os The ostream& to output to.
void MODULE::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os )
    // for now, make it look like XML, expand on this later.
    NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() <<
        " ref=\"" << m_Reference->m_Text.mb_str() << '"' << 
        " value=\"" << m_Value->m_Text.mb_str()     << '"' <<
        " layer=\"" << ReturnPcbLayerName(m_Layer,true).mb_str() << '"' <<

    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) <<  
        "<boundingBox" << m_BoundaryBox.m_Pos << m_BoundaryBox.m_Size << "/>\n";

    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << "<orientation tenths=\"" << m_Orient << "\"/>\n";   
    EDA_BaseStruct* p;

    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << "<mpads>\n";
    p = m_Pads;
    for( ; p; p = p->Pnext )
        p->Show( nestLevel+2, os );
    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << "</mpads>\n";
    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << "<mdrawings>\n";
    p = m_Drawings;
    for( ; p; p = p->Pnext )
        p->Show( nestLevel+2, os );
    NestedSpace( nestLevel+1, os ) << "</mdrawings>\n";
    p = m_Son;
    for( ; p;  p = p->Pnext )
        p->Show( nestLevel+1, os );
    NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << "</" << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << ">\n";
