/**** rs274_read_XY_and_IJ_coordinates.cpp ****/

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <common.h>

#include <gerbview.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <class_GERBER.h>
#include <base_units.h>

/* These routines read the text string point from Text.
 * On exit, Text points the beginning of the sequence unread

// convertion scale from gerber file units to Gerbview internal units
// depending on the gerber file format
// this scale list assumes gerber units are imperial.
// for metric gerber units, the imperial to metric conversion is made in read functions
static double scale_list[10] =
    1000.0 * IU_PER_MILS,
    100.0 * IU_PER_MILS,
    10.0 * IU_PER_MILS,
    1.0 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.1 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.01 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.001 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.0001 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.00001 * IU_PER_MILS,
    0.000001 * IU_PER_MILS

 * Function scale
 * converts a distance given in floating point to our internal units
 * (deci-mils or nano units)
int scaletoIU( double aCoord, bool isMetric )
    int ret;

    if( isMetric )  // gerber are units in mm
        ret = KiROUND( aCoord * IU_PER_MM );
    else            // gerber are units in inches
        ret = KiROUND( aCoord * IU_PER_MILS * 1000.0);

    return ret;

wxPoint GERBER_IMAGE::ReadXYCoord( char*& Text )
    wxPoint pos;
    int     type_coord = 0, current_coord, nbdigits;
    bool    is_float   = m_DecimalFormat;
    char*   text;
    char    line[256];

    if( m_Relative )
        pos.x = pos.y = 0;
        pos = m_CurrentPos;

    if( Text == NULL )
        return pos;

    text = line;
    while( *Text )
        if( (*Text == 'X') || (*Text == 'Y') )
            type_coord = *Text;
            text     = line;
            nbdigits = 0;
            while( IsNumber( *Text ) )
                if( *Text == '.' )  // Force decimat format if reading a floating point number
                    is_float = true;

                // count digits only (sign and decimal point are not counted)
                if( (*Text >= '0') && (*Text <='9') )
                *(text++) = *(Text++);

            *text = 0;
            if( is_float )
                // When X or Y values are float numbers, they are given in mm or inches
                if( m_GerbMetric )  // units are mm
                    current_coord = KiROUND( atof( line ) * IU_PER_MILS / 0.0254 );
                else    // units are inches
                    current_coord = KiROUND( atof( line ) * IU_PER_MILS * 1000 );
                int fmt_scale = (type_coord == 'X') ? m_FmtScale.x : m_FmtScale.y;
                if( m_NoTrailingZeros )
                    int min_digit =
                        (type_coord == 'X') ? m_FmtLen.x : m_FmtLen.y;
                    while( nbdigits < min_digit )
                        *(text++) = '0';

                    *text = 0;
                current_coord = atoi( line );
                double real_scale = scale_list[fmt_scale];

                if( m_GerbMetric )
                    real_scale = real_scale / 25.4;

                current_coord = KiROUND( current_coord * real_scale );

            if( type_coord == 'X' )
                pos.x = current_coord;
            else if( type_coord == 'Y' )
                pos.y = current_coord;


    if( m_Relative )
        pos.x += m_CurrentPos.x;
        pos.y += m_CurrentPos.y;

    m_CurrentPos = pos;
    return pos;

/* Returns the current coordinate type pointed to by InnJnn Text (InnnnJmmmm)
 * These coordinates are relative, so if coordinate is absent, it's value
 * defaults to 0
wxPoint GERBER_IMAGE::ReadIJCoord( char*& Text )
    wxPoint pos( 0, 0 );

    int     type_coord = 0, current_coord, nbdigits;
    bool    is_float   = false;
    char*   text;
    char    line[256];

    if( Text == NULL )
        return pos;

    text = line;
    while( *Text )
        if( (*Text == 'I') || (*Text == 'J') )
            type_coord = *Text;
            text     = line;
            nbdigits = 0;
            while( IsNumber( *Text ) )
                if( *Text == '.' )
                    is_float = true;

                // count digits only (sign and decimal point are not counted)
                if( (*Text >= '0') && (*Text <='9') )
                *(text++) = *(Text++);

            *text = 0;
            if( is_float )
                // When X or Y values are float numbers, they are given in mm or inches
                if( m_GerbMetric )  // units are mm
                    current_coord = KiROUND( atof( line ) * IU_PER_MILS / 0.0254 );
                else    // units are inches
                    current_coord = KiROUND( atof( line ) * IU_PER_MILS * 1000 );
                int fmt_scale =
                    (type_coord == 'I') ? m_FmtScale.x : m_FmtScale.y;
                if( m_NoTrailingZeros )
                    int min_digit =
                        (type_coord == 'I') ? m_FmtLen.x : m_FmtLen.y;
                    while( nbdigits < min_digit )
                        *(text++) = '0';

                    *text = 0;
                current_coord = atoi( line );

                if( fmt_scale < 0 || fmt_scale > 9 )
                    fmt_scale = 4;      // select scale 1.0

                double real_scale = scale_list[fmt_scale];
                if( m_GerbMetric )
                    real_scale = real_scale / 25.4;
                current_coord = KiROUND( current_coord * real_scale );
            if( type_coord == 'I' )
                pos.x = current_coord;
            else if( type_coord == 'J' )
                pos.y = current_coord;

    m_IJPos = pos;
    return pos;

// Helper functions:

 * Function ReadInt
 * reads an int from an ASCII character buffer.  If there is a comma after the
 * int, then skip over that.
 * @param text A reference to a character pointer from which bytes are read
 *    and the pointer is advanced for each byte read.
 * @param aSkipSeparator = true (default) to skip comma
 * @return int - The int read in.
int ReadInt( char*& text, bool aSkipSeparator = true )
    int ret = (int) strtol( text, &text, 10 );

    if( *text == ',' || isspace( *text ) )
        if( aSkipSeparator )

    return ret;

 * Function ReadDouble
 * reads a double from an ASCII character buffer. If there is a comma after
 * the double, then skip over that.
 * @param text A reference to a character pointer from which the ASCII double
 *          is read from and the pointer advanced for each character read.
 * @param aSkipSeparator = true (default) to skip comma
 * @return double
double ReadDouble( char*& text, bool aSkipSeparator = true )
    double ret = strtod( text, &text );

    if( *text == ',' || isspace( *text ) )
        if( aSkipSeparator )

    return ret;