/* PCBNEW: Autorouting command control */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "wxPcbStruct.h"
#include "autorout.h"
#include "cell.h"
#include "zones.h"
#include "class_board_design_settings.h"

#include "protos.h"

int E_scale;         /* facteur d'echelle des tables de distance */
int Nb_Sides;        /* Nombre de couches pour autoroutage (0 ou 1) */
int Nrows = ILLEGAL;
int Ncols = ILLEGAL;
int Ntotal;
int OpenNodes;       /* total number of nodes opened */
int ClosNodes;       /* total number of nodes closed */
int MoveNodes;       /* total number of nodes moved */
int MaxNodes;        /* maximum number of nodes opened at one time */

BOARDHEAD Board;     /* 2-sided board */

void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Autoroute( wxDC* DC, int mode )
/* init board, route traces*/
    int      start, stop;
    MODULE*  Module = NULL;
    D_PAD*   Pad    = NULL;
    int      autoroute_net_code = -1;
    wxString msg;

    if( g_DesignSettings.GetCopperLayerCount() > 1 )
        Route_Layer_TOP    = ((PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen())->m_Route_Layer_TOP;
        Route_Layer_BOTTOM = ((PCB_SCREEN*)GetScreen())->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM;
        Route_Layer_TOP =
            Route_Layer_BOTTOM = COPPER_LAYER_N;

    switch( mode )
    case ROUTE_NET:
        if( GetScreen()->GetCurItem() )
            switch( GetScreen()->GetCurItem()->Type() )
            case TYPE_PAD:
                Pad = (D_PAD*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
                autoroute_net_code = Pad->GetNet();

        if( autoroute_net_code <= 0 )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Net not selected" ) ); return;

    case ROUTE_MODULE:
        Module = (MODULE*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
        if( (Module == NULL) || (Module->Type() != TYPE_MODULE) )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Module not selected" ) ); return;

    case ROUTE_PAD:
        Pad = (D_PAD*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
        if( (Pad == NULL)  || (Pad->Type() != TYPE_PAD) )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Pad not selected" ) ); return;

    if( (GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK ) == 0 )
        Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );

    /* Placement du flag CH_ROUTE_REQ sur les chevelus demandes */
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetRatsnestsCount(); ii++ )
            RATSNEST_ITEM* ptmp = &GetBoard()->m_FullRatsnest[ii];
        ptmp->m_Status &= ~CH_ROUTE_REQ;

        switch( mode )
        case ROUTE_ALL:
            ptmp->m_Status |= CH_ROUTE_REQ; break;

        case ROUTE_NET:
            if( autoroute_net_code == ptmp->GetNet() )
                ptmp->m_Status |= CH_ROUTE_REQ;

        case ROUTE_MODULE:
            D_PAD* pt_pad = (D_PAD*) Module->m_Pads;
            for( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = pt_pad->Next() )
                if( ptmp->m_PadStart == pt_pad )
                    ptmp->m_Status |= CH_ROUTE_REQ;
                if( ptmp->m_PadEnd == pt_pad )
                    ptmp->m_Status |= CH_ROUTE_REQ;


        case ROUTE_PAD:
            if( (ptmp->m_PadStart == Pad) || (ptmp->m_PadEnd == Pad) )
                ptmp->m_Status |= CH_ROUTE_REQ;

    start = time( NULL );

    /* Calcul du pas de routage fixe a 5 mils et plus */
    g_GridRoutingSize = (int)GetScreen()->GetGridSize().x;
    if( g_GridRoutingSize < 50 )
        g_GridRoutingSize = 50;
    E_scale = g_GridRoutingSize / 50; if( E_scale < 1 )
        E_scale = 1;

    /* calcule de Ncols et Nrow, taille de la matrice de routage */
    ComputeMatriceSize( this, g_GridRoutingSize );


    /* Creation du mapping du board */
    Nb_Sides = ONE_SIDE;
    if( Route_Layer_TOP != Route_Layer_BOTTOM )
        Nb_Sides = TWO_SIDES;

    if( Board.InitBoard() < 0 )
        DisplayError( this, _( "No memory for autorouting" ) );
        Board.UnInitBoard();  /* Libere la memoire BitMap */

    Affiche_Message( _( "Place Cells" ) );
    PlaceCells( GetBoard(), -1, FORCE_PADS );

    /* Construction de la liste des pistes a router */
    Build_Work( GetBoard() );

    // DisplayBoard(DrawPanel, DC);

    if( Nb_Sides == TWO_SIDES )
        Solve( DC, TWO_SIDES ); /* double face */
        Solve( DC, ONE_SIDE );  /* simple face */

    /* Liberation de la memoire */
    FreeQueue();            /* Libere la memoire de routage */
    InitWork();             /* Libere la memoire de la liste des connexions a router */
    Board.UnInitBoard();    /* Libere la memoire BitMap */
    stop = time( NULL ) - start;
    msg.Printf( wxT( "time = %d second%s" ), stop, (stop == 1) ? wxT( "" ) : wxT( "s" ) );
    Affiche_Message( msg );

void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Reset_Noroutable( wxDC* DC )

/* Remet a 0 le flag CH_NOROUTABLE qui est positionne a 1 par Solve()
 *  lorsque un chevelu n'a pas ete route.
 *  Si ce flag est a 1 il n'est pas reroute
    if( (GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK )== 0 )
        Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetRatsnestsCount(); ii++ )
        GetBoard()->m_FullRatsnest[ii].m_Status &= ~CH_UNROUTABLE;

void DisplayBoard( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC )
/* Fonction de DEBUG : affiche le remplissage des cellules TOP et BOTTOM */
    int row, col, i, j;
    int dcell0, dcell1 = 0, color;
    int maxi;

    maxi = 600 / Ncols;
    maxi = (maxi * 3 ) / 4;
    if( !maxi )
        maxi = 1;

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_COPY );
    for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ )
        for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ )
            color  = 0;
            dcell0 = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM );
            if( dcell0 & HOLE )
                color = GREEN;
//            if( Nb_Sides )
//                dcell1 = GetCell( row, col, TOP );
            if( dcell1 & HOLE )
                color |= RED;
//            dcell0 |= dcell1;
            if( !color && (dcell0 & VIA_IMPOSSIBLE) )
                color = BLUE;
            if( dcell0 & CELL_is_EDGE )
                color = YELLOW;
            else if( dcell0 & CELL_is_ZONE )
                color = YELLOW;

            #define DRAW_OFFSET_X -20
            #define DRAW_OFFSET_Y 20
//            if( color )
                for( i = 0; i < maxi; i++ )
                    for( j = 0; j < maxi; j++ )
                        GRSPutPixel( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC,
                                     (col * maxi) + i + DRAW_OFFSET_X,
                                     (row * maxi) + j + DRAW_OFFSET_Y, color );
