/* class_schematic_items.cpp */

#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"

#include "common.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "protos.h"

/* used to calculate the pen size from default value
 * the actual pen size is default value * BUS_WIDTH_EXPAND
 #define BUS_WIDTH_EXPAND 1.4

/* class SCH_BUS_ENTRY */

SCH_BUS_ENTRY::SCH_BUS_ENTRY( const wxPoint& pos, int shape, int id ) :
    m_Pos    = pos;
    m_Size.x = 100;
    m_Size.y = 100;
    m_Layer  = LAYER_WIRE;
    m_Width  = 0;

    if( id == BUS_TO_BUS )
        m_Layer = LAYER_BUS;

    if( shape == '/' )
        m_Size.y = -100;

wxPoint SCH_BUS_ENTRY::m_End() const
    return wxPoint( m_Pos.x + m_Size.x, m_Pos.y + m_Size.y );

    SCH_BUS_ENTRY* newitem = new SCH_BUS_ENTRY( m_Pos, 0, 0 );

    newitem->m_Layer = m_Layer;
    newitem->m_Width = m_Width;
    newitem->m_Size  = m_Size;
    newitem->m_Flags = m_Flags;

    return newitem;

 * Function Save
 * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.sch" format.
 * @param aFile The FILE to write to.
 * @return bool - true if success writing else false.
bool SCH_BUS_ENTRY::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool        success = true;

    const char* layer = "Wire";
    const char* width = "Line";

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        layer = "Bus"; width = "Bus";

    if( fprintf( aFile, "Entry %s %s\n", layer, width ) == EOF )
        success = false;
    if( fprintf( aFile, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n",
                 m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_End().x, m_End().y ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    return success;

EDA_Rect SCH_BUS_ENTRY::GetBoundingBox()
    int      dx = m_Pos.x - m_End().x;
    int      dy = m_Pos.y - m_End().y;
    EDA_Rect box( wxPoint( m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y ), wxSize( dx, dy ) );

    int      width = ( m_Width == 0 ) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_Width;
    box.Inflate( width / 2, width / 2 );

    return box;

/** Function GetPenSize
 * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
int SCH_BUS_ENTRY::GetPenSize()
    int pensize = ( m_Width == 0 ) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_Width;

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_BUS && m_Width == 0 )
        pensize = wxRound( g_DrawDefaultLineThickness * BUS_WIDTH_EXPAND );
        pensize = MAX( pensize, 3 );

    return pensize;

void SCH_BUS_ENTRY::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                          const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color )
    int color;

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer );
    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_Pos.x + offset.x, m_Pos.y + offset.y,
            m_End().x + offset.x, m_End().y + offset.y, GetPenSize(), color );

/* class SCH_JUNCTION */

SCH_JUNCTION::SCH_JUNCTION( const wxPoint& pos ) :
#define DRAWJUNCTION_DIAMETER  32  /* Diameter of junction symbol between wires */
    m_Pos   = pos;
    m_Layer = LAYER_JUNCTION;
    m_Size.x = m_Size.y = DRAWJUNCTION_DIAMETER;

    SCH_JUNCTION* newitem = new SCH_JUNCTION( m_Pos );

    newitem->m_Size  = m_Size;
    newitem->m_Layer = m_Layer;
    newitem->m_Flags = m_Flags;

    return newitem;

 * Function Save
 * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.sch" format.
 * @param aFile The FILE to write to.
 * @return bool - true if success writing else false.
bool SCH_JUNCTION::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool success = true;

    if( fprintf( aFile, "Connection ~ %-4d %-4d\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    return success;

EDA_Rect SCH_JUNCTION::GetBoundingBox()
    EDA_Rect rect;
    rect.SetOrigin( m_Pos );
    rect.Inflate( ( GetPenSize() + m_Size.x ) / 2 );

    return rect;

/** Function HitTest
 * @return true if the point aPosRef is within item area
 * @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
bool SCH_JUNCTION::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosRef )
    wxPoint dist = aPosRef - m_Pos;

    return sqrt( ( (double) ( dist.x * dist.x ) ) +
                 ( (double) ( dist.y * dist.y ) ) ) < ( m_Size.x / 2 );

/** Function GetPenSize
 * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
 * has no meaning for SCH_JUNCTION
int SCH_JUNCTION::GetPenSize()
    return 0;

* Routine to redraw connection struct.                                       *
void SCH_JUNCTION::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                         const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color )
    int color;

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer );
    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    GRFilledCircle( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_Pos.x + offset.x,
                    m_Pos.y + offset.y, (m_Size.x/2), 0, color,
                    color );

#if defined(DEBUG)
void SCH_JUNCTION::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os )
    // XML output:
    wxString s = GetClass();

    NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << s.Lower().mb_str()
                                 << m_Pos << "/>\n";


/* class SCH_NO_CONNECT */

SCH_NO_CONNECT::SCH_NO_CONNECT( const wxPoint& pos ) :
#define DRAWNOCONNECT_SIZE 48       /* No symbol connection range. */
    m_Pos = pos;
    m_Size.x = m_Size.y = DRAWNOCONNECT_SIZE;

    SCH_NO_CONNECT* newitem = new SCH_NO_CONNECT( m_Pos );

    newitem->m_Size  = m_Size;
    newitem->m_Flags = m_Flags;

    return newitem;

EDA_Rect SCH_NO_CONNECT::GetBoundingBox()
    int delta = ( GetPenSize() + m_Size.x ) / 2;
    EDA_Rect  box;
    box.SetOrigin( m_Pos );
    box.Inflate( delta );

    return box;

 * Function HitTest
 * @return true if the point aPosRef is within item area
 * @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
bool SCH_NO_CONNECT::HitTest( const wxPoint& aPosRef )
    int     width = g_DrawDefaultLineThickness;
    int     delta = ( m_Size.x + width ) / 2;

    wxPoint dist = aPosRef - m_Pos;

    if( ( ABS( dist.x ) <= delta ) && ( ABS( dist.y ) <= delta ) )
        return true;
    return false;

 * Function Save
 * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.sch" format.
 * @param aFile The FILE to write to.
 * @return bool - true if success writing else false.
bool SCH_NO_CONNECT::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool success = true;

    if( fprintf( aFile, "NoConn ~ %-4d %-4d\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    return success;

/** Function GetPenSize
 * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
int SCH_NO_CONNECT::GetPenSize()
    return g_DrawDefaultLineThickness;

void SCH_NO_CONNECT::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                           const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color )
    int       pX, pY, color;
    int       delta = m_Size.x / 2;
    int       width = g_DrawDefaultLineThickness;

    pX = m_Pos.x + offset.x;
    pY = m_Pos.y + offset.y;

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_NOCONNECT );
    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, pX - delta, pY - delta, pX + delta,
            pY + delta, width, color );
    GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, pX + delta, pY - delta, pX - delta,
            pY + delta, width, color );

/* Class SCH_LINE */

SCH_LINE::SCH_LINE( const wxPoint& pos, int layer ) :
    m_Start = pos;
    m_End   = pos;
    m_Width = 0;        // Default thickness used
    m_StartIsDangling = m_EndIsDangling = FALSE;

    switch( layer )
        m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES;

    case LAYER_WIRE:
        m_Layer = LAYER_WIRE;

    case LAYER_BUS:
        m_Layer = LAYER_BUS;

    SCH_LINE* newitem = new SCH_LINE( m_Start, m_Layer );

    newitem->m_End = m_End;

    return newitem;

bool SCH_LINE::IsOneEndPointAt( const wxPoint& pos )
    if( ( pos.x == m_Start.x ) && ( pos.y == m_Start.y ) )
        return TRUE;
    if( ( pos.x == m_End.x ) && ( pos.y == m_End.y ) )
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

#if defined(DEBUG)

 * Function Show
 * is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only.
 * @param nestLevel An aid to prettier tree indenting, and is the level
 *          of nesting of this object within the overall tree.
 * @param os The ostream& to output to.
void SCH_LINE::Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os )
    NestedSpace( nestLevel, os ) << '<' << GetClass().Lower().mb_str()
                                 << " layer=\"" << m_Layer << '"'
                                 << " width=\"" << m_Width << '"'
                                 << " startIsDangling=\"" << m_StartIsDangling
                                 << '"' << " endIsDangling=\""
                                 << m_EndIsDangling << '"' << ">"
                                 << " <start" << m_Start << "/>"
                                 << " <end" << m_End << "/>" << "</"
                                 << GetClass().Lower().mb_str() << ">\n";


EDA_Rect SCH_LINE::GetBoundingBox()
    int      width = 25;

    int      xmin = MIN( m_Start.x, m_End.x ) - width;
    int      ymin = MIN( m_Start.y, m_End.y ) - width;

    int      xmax = MAX( m_Start.x, m_End.x ) + width;
    int      ymax = MAX( m_Start.y, m_End.y ) + width;

    // return a rectangle which is [pos,dim) in nature.  therefore the +1
    EDA_Rect ret( wxPoint( xmin, ymin ),
                  wxSize( xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1 ) );

    return ret;

 * Function Save
 * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.sch" format.
 * @param aFile The FILE to write to.
 * @return bool - true if success writing else false.
bool SCH_LINE::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool        success = true;

    const char* layer = "Notes";
    const char* width = "Line";

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        layer = "Wire";
    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        layer = "Bus";
    if( fprintf( aFile, "Wire %s %s\n", layer, width ) == EOF )
        success = false;
    if( fprintf( aFile, "\t%-4d %-4d %-4d %-4d\n", m_Start.x, m_Start.y,
                 m_End.x, m_End.y ) == EOF )
        success = false;

    return success;

/** Function GetPenSize
 * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
int SCH_LINE::GetPenSize()
    int pensize = ( m_Width == 0 ) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_Width;

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_BUS && m_Width == 0 )
        pensize = wxRound( g_DrawDefaultLineThickness * BUS_WIDTH_EXPAND );
        pensize = MAX( pensize, 3 );

    return pensize;

void SCH_LINE::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& offset,
                     int DrawMode, int Color )
    int color;
    int width = GetPenSize();

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        GRDashedLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_Start.x + offset.x,
                      m_Start.y + offset.y, m_End.x + offset.x,
                      m_End.y + offset.y, width, color );
        GRLine( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_Start.x + offset.x,
                m_Start.y + offset.y, m_End.x + offset.x, m_End.y + offset.y,
                width, color );

    if( m_StartIsDangling )
        DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, m_Start + offset, color );

    if( m_EndIsDangling )
        DrawDanglingSymbol( panel, DC, m_End + offset, color );

/* Class SCH_POLYLINE */

    m_Width = 0;

    switch( layer )
        m_Layer = LAYER_NOTES;

    case LAYER_WIRE:
    case LAYER_NOTES:
    case LAYER_BUS:
        m_Layer = layer;


    SCH_POLYLINE* newitem = new SCH_POLYLINE( m_Layer );

    newitem->m_PolyPoints = m_PolyPoints;   // std::vector copy
    return newitem;

 * Function Save
 * writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.sch" format.
 * @param aFile The FILE to write to.
 * @return bool - true if success writing else false.
bool SCH_POLYLINE::Save( FILE* aFile ) const
    bool        success = true;

    const char* layer = "Notes";
    const char* width = "Line";

    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_WIRE )
        layer = "Wire";
    if( GetLayer() == LAYER_BUS )
        layer = "Bus";
    if( fprintf( aFile, "Poly %s %s %d\n",
                 width, layer, GetCornerCount() ) == EOF )
        return false;
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetCornerCount(); ii++ )
        if( fprintf( aFile, "\t%-4d %-4d\n",
                     m_PolyPoints[ii ].x, m_PolyPoints[ii].y ) == EOF )
            success = false;

    return success;

/** Function GetPenSize
 * @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
int SCH_POLYLINE::GetPenSize()
    int pensize = ( m_Width == 0 ) ? g_DrawDefaultLineThickness : m_Width;

    return pensize;

void SCH_POLYLINE::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
                         const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color )
    int color;
    int width = GetPenSize();

    if( Color >= 0 )
        color = Color;
        color = ReturnLayerColor( m_Layer );

    GRSetDrawMode( DC, DrawMode );

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_BUS )
        width *= 3;

    GRMoveTo( m_PolyPoints[0].x, m_PolyPoints[0].y );

    if( m_Layer == LAYER_NOTES )
        for( unsigned i = 1; i < GetCornerCount(); i++ )
            GRDashedLineTo( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_PolyPoints[i].x + offset.x,
                            m_PolyPoints[i].y + offset.y, width, color );
        for( unsigned i = 1; i < GetCornerCount(); i++ )
            GRLineTo( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, m_PolyPoints[i].x + offset.x,
                      m_PolyPoints[i].y + offset.y, width, color );