/*============================================================================= Copyright (c) 2007 Tobias Schwinger Use modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt). ==============================================================================*/ #ifndef BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_HPP_INCLUDED # ifndef BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING # include <boost/config.hpp> # include <boost/detail/workaround.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/cat.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/iteration/iterate.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_params.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/repetition/enum_binary_params.hpp> # include <boost/preprocessor/facilities/intercept.hpp> # include <boost/utility/result_of.hpp> # include <boost/ref.hpp> # ifndef BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY # define BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY 10 # elif BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_FORDWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY < 3 # undef BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY # define BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY 3 # endif namespace boost { template< typename Function, int Arity_Or_MinArity = -1, int MaxArity = -1 > class lightweight_forward_adapter; //----- ---- --- -- - - - - namespace detail { template< class MostDerived, typename Function, typename FunctionConst, int Arity, int MinArity > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_impl; struct lightweight_forward_adapter_result { template< typename Sig > struct apply; // Utility metafunction for argument transform template< typename T > struct x { typedef T const& t; }; template< typename T > struct x< boost::reference_wrapper<T> > { typedef T& t; }; template< typename T > struct x<T&> : x<T> { }; template< typename T > struct x<T const&> : x<T> { }; template< typename T > struct x<T const> : x<T> { }; // Utility metafunction to choose target function qualification template< typename T > struct c { typedef typename T::target_function_t t; }; template< typename T > struct c<T& > { typedef typename T::target_function_t t; }; template< typename T > struct c<T const > { typedef typename T::target_function_const_t t; }; template< typename T > struct c<T const&> { typedef typename T::target_function_const_t t; }; }; } # define BOOST_TMP_MACRO(f,fn,fc) \ boost::detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_impl< \ lightweight_forward_adapter<f,Arity_Or_MinArity,MaxArity>, fn, fc, \ (MaxArity!=-1? MaxArity :Arity_Or_MinArity!=-1? Arity_Or_MinArity \ :BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY), \ (Arity_Or_MinArity!=-1? Arity_Or_MinArity : 0) > template< typename Function, int Arity_Or_MinArity, int MaxArity > class lightweight_forward_adapter : public BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function,Function,Function const) , private Function { public: lightweight_forward_adapter(Function const& f = Function()) : Function(f) { } typedef Function target_function_t; typedef Function const target_function_const_t; Function & target_function() { return *this; } Function const & target_function() const { return *this; } template< typename Sig > struct result : detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply<Sig> { }; using BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function,Function, Function const)::operator(); }; template< typename Function, int Arity_Or_MinArity, int MaxArity > class lightweight_forward_adapter< Function const, Arity_Or_MinArity, MaxArity > : public BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function const, Function const, Function const) , private Function { public: lightweight_forward_adapter(Function const& f = Function()) : Function(f) { } typedef Function const target_function_t; typedef Function const target_function_const_t; Function const & target_function() const { return *this; } template< typename Sig > struct result : detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply<Sig> { }; using BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function const,Function const, Function const) ::operator(); }; template< typename Function, int Arity_Or_MinArity, int MaxArity > class lightweight_forward_adapter< Function &, Arity_Or_MinArity, MaxArity > : public BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function&, Function, Function) { Function& ref_function; public: lightweight_forward_adapter(Function& f) : ref_function(f) { } typedef Function target_function_t; typedef Function target_function_const_t; Function & target_function() const { return this->ref_function; } template< typename Sig > struct result : detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply<Sig> { }; using BOOST_TMP_MACRO(Function&, Function, Function)::operator(); }; #undef BOOST_TMP_MACRO namespace detail { template< class Self > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_result::apply< Self() > : boost::result_of< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME c<Self>::t() > { }; template< class MD, class F, class FC > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_impl<MD,F,FC,0,0> : lightweight_forward_adapter_result { inline typename boost::result_of< FC() >::type operator()() const { return static_cast<MD const*>(this)->target_function()(); } inline typename boost::result_of< F() >::type operator()() { return static_cast<MD*>(this)->target_function()(); } }; # define BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1 \ <boost/functional/lightweight_forward_adapter.hpp> # define BOOST_PP_ITERATION_LIMITS \ (1,BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_MAX_ARITY) # include BOOST_PP_ITERATE() } // namespace detail template<class F, int A0, int A1> struct result_of<boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1> const ()> : boost::detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1> const () > { }; template<class F, int A0, int A1> struct result_of<boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1>()> : boost::detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1>() > { }; template<class F, int A0, int A1> struct result_of<boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1> const& ()> : boost::detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1> const () > { }; template<class F, int A0, int A1> struct result_of<boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1>& ()> : boost::detail::lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< boost::lightweight_forward_adapter<F,A0,A1>() > { }; } # define BOOST_FUNCTIONAL_LIGHTWEIGHT_FORWARD_ADAPTER_HPP_INCLUDED # else // defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING) # define N BOOST_PP_ITERATION() template< class Self, BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,typename T) > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_result::apply< Self (BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,T)) > : boost::result_of< BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME c<Self>::t (BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N, typename x<T,>::t BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)) > { }; template< class MD, class F, class FC > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_impl<MD,F,FC,BOOST_PP_DEC(N),N> : lightweight_forward_adapter_result { template< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,typename T) > inline typename boost::result_of< F(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N, T,const& BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)) >::type operator()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N,T,& BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)); }; template< class MD, class F, class FC, int MinArity > struct lightweight_forward_adapter_impl<MD,F,FC,N,MinArity> : lightweight_forward_adapter_impl<MD,F,FC,BOOST_PP_DEC(N),MinArity> { using lightweight_forward_adapter_impl<MD,F,FC,BOOST_PP_DEC(N), MinArity>::operator(); # define M(z,i,d) \ static_cast<typename d::template x<T##i>::t>(a##i) template< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,typename T) > inline typename lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< MD const (BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N, T,const& BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)) >::type operator()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N,T,const& a)) const { typedef lightweight_forward_adapter_result _; return static_cast<MD const*>(this)->target_function()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(N,M,_)); } template< BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N,typename T) > inline typename lightweight_forward_adapter_result::template apply< MD (BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N, T,const& BOOST_PP_INTERCEPT)) >::type operator()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(N,T,const& a)) { typedef lightweight_forward_adapter_result _; return static_cast<MD*>(this)->target_function()( BOOST_PP_ENUM(N,M,_)); } # undef M }; # undef N # endif // defined(BOOST_PP_IS_ITERATING) #endif // include guard