 * The common library
 * @file common.h

#ifndef __INCLUDE__COMMON_H__
#define __INCLUDE__COMMON_H__ 1

#include "wx/confbase.h"
#include "wx/fileconf.h"

class wxAboutDialogInfo;
class WinEDA_DrawFrame;
class WinEDAListBox;
class WinEDA_DrawPanel;

/* Flag for special keys */
#define GR_KB_RIGHTSHIFT    0x10000000              /* Keybd states: right shift key depressed */
#define GR_KB_LEFTSHIFT     0x20000000              /* left shift key depressed */
#define GR_KB_CTRL          0x40000000              /* CTRL depressed */
#define GR_KB_ALT           0x80000000              /* ALT depressed */
#define MOUSE_MIDDLE        0x08000000               /* Middle button mouse flag for block commands */

#define NB_ITEMS            11

/* Pseudo key codes for command panning */
enum pseudokeys {

#define ESC 27

/* TODO Executable names TODO*/
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
#    define CVPCB_EXE    wxT( "cvpcb.exe" )
#    define PCBNEW_EXE   wxT( "pcbnew.exe" )
#    define EESCHEMA_EXE wxT( "eeschema.exe" )
#    define GERBVIEW_EXE wxT( "gerbview.exe" )
# ifndef __WXMAC__
#  define CVPCB_EXE    wxT( "cvpcb" )
#  define PCBNEW_EXE   wxT( "pcbnew" )
#  define EESCHEMA_EXE wxT( "eeschema" )
#  define GERBVIEW_EXE wxT( "gerbview" )
#  define CVPCB_EXE    wxT( "cvpcb.app/Contents/MacOS/cvpcb" )
#  define PCBNEW_EXE   wxT( "pcbnew.app/Contents/MacOS/pcbnew" )
#  define EESCHEMA_EXE wxT( "eeschema.app/Contents/MacOS/eeschema" )
#  define GERBVIEW_EXE wxT( "gerbview.app/Contents/MacOS/gerbview" )
# endif

/* Graphic Texts Orientation in 0.1 degree*/
#define TEXT_ORIENT_VERT   900

/* Affichage ou Effacement d'Item */
#define ON  1       /* Affichage  */
#define OFF 0       /* Effacement */

/* unites d'affichage sur ecran et autres */
#define INCHES     0
#define MILLIMETRE 1
#define CENTIMETRE 2

#if defined(KICAD_GOST)
#define LEFTMARGIN 800 /* 20mm */
#define RIGHTMARGIN 200 /* 5mm */
#define TOPMARGIN 200 /* 5mm */
#define BOTTOMMARGIN 200 /* 5mm */

/* forward declarations: */
class LibNameList;

//#define MAX_COLOR  0x8001F

/* Classe pour affichage de textes */
class WinEDA_TextFrame : public wxDialog
    wxWindow*  m_Parent;
    wxListBox* m_List;

    WinEDA_TextFrame( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title );
    void    Append( const wxString& text );

    void    D_ClickOnList( wxCommandEvent& event );
    void    OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event );


/* Clsass to handle pages sizes:
class Ki_PageDescr
// All sizes are in 1/1000 inch
    wxSize   m_Size;    /* page size in 1/1000 inch */
    wxPoint  m_Offset;  /* plot offset in 1/1000 inch */
    wxString m_Name;
    int      m_LeftMargin;
    int      m_RightMargin;
    int      m_TopMargin;
    int      m_BottomMargin;

    Ki_PageDescr( const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& offset,
                  const wxString& name );

extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A4;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A3;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A2;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A1;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A0;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_A;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_B;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_C;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_D;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_E;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_GERBER;
extern Ki_PageDescr g_Sheet_user;
extern Ki_PageDescr* g_SheetSizeList[];

extern wxString g_ProductName;

/* Default user lib path can be left void, if the standard lib path is used */
extern wxString g_UserLibDirBuffer;

extern int g_DebugLevel;      // 0= Pas de debug */
extern int g_MouseOldButtons;
extern int g_KeyPressed;

// Font used by kicad.
// these font have a size which do not depend on default size system font
extern wxFont* g_DialogFont;          /* Normal font used in dialog box */
extern wxFont* g_FixedFont;   /* Affichage de Texte en fenetres de dialogue,
                                     *  fonte a pas fixe)*/
extern int     g_DialogFontPointSize; /* taille de la fonte */
extern int     g_FixedFontPointSize;  /* taille de la fonte */
extern int     g_FontMinPointSize;    /* taille minimum des fontes */

extern bool    g_ShowPageLimits;      // TRUE to display the page limits

/* File name extension definitions. */
extern const wxString ProjectFileExtension;
extern const wxString SchematicFileExtension;
extern const wxString BoardFileExtension;
extern const wxString NetlistFileExtension;
extern const wxString GerberFileExtension;

extern const wxString ProjectFileWildcard;
extern const wxString SchematicFileWildcard;
extern const wxString BoardFileWildcard;
extern const wxString NetlistFileWildcard;
extern const wxString GerberFileWildcard;
extern const wxString AllFilesWildcard;

// Nom (full file name) du file Configuration par defaut (kicad.pro)
extern wxString g_Prj_Default_Config_FullFilename;
// Nom du file Configuration local (<curr projet>.pro)
extern wxString g_Prj_Config_LocalFilename;

extern int   g_UnitMetric;   // display units mm = 1, inches = 0, cm = 2

/* Draw color for moving objects: */
extern int g_GhostColor;

/* Draw color for grid: */
extern int g_GridColor;

/* Current used screen: (not used in eeshema)*/
extern BASE_SCREEN* ActiveScreen;


/** function SetLocaleTo_C_standard
because kicad is internationalized, switch internatization to "C" standard
i.e. uses the . (dot) as separator in print/read float numbers
(some contries (France, Germany ..) use , (comma) as separator)
This function must be called before read or write ascii files using float numbers in data
the SetLocaleTo_C_standard function must be called after reading or writing the file

This is wrapper to the C setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ) function,
but could make more easier an optional use of locale in kicad
void SetLocaleTo_C_standard(void);

/** function SetLocaleTo_Default
because kicad is internationalized, switch internatization to default
to use the default separator in print/read float numbers
(. (dot) but some contries (France, Germany ..) use , (comma) as separator)
This function must be called after a call to SetLocaleTo_C_standard

This is wrapper to the C setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ) function,
but could make more easier an optional use of locale in kicad
void SetLocaleTo_Default(void);

 * Function EnsureTextCtrlWidth
 * sets the minimum pixel width on a text control in order to make a text string
 * be fully visible within it. The current font within the text control is considered.
 * The text can come either from the control or be given as an argument.
 * If the text control is larger than needed, then nothing is done.
 * @param aCtrl the text control to potentially make wider.
 * @param aString the text that is used in sizing the control's pixel width.  If NULL, then
 *   the text already within the control is used.
 * @return bool - true if the \a aCtrl had its size changed, else false.
bool EnsureTextCtrlWidth( wxTextCtrl* aCtrl, const wxString* aString = NULL );

 * Operator << overload
 * outputs a point to the argument string in a format resembling
 * "@ (x,y)
 * @param aString Where to put the text describing the point value
 * @param aPoint  The point to output.
 * @return wxString& - the input string
wxString& operator  <<( wxString& aString, const wxPoint& aPoint );

 * Function ProcessExecute
 * runs a child process.
 * @param aCommandLine The process and any arguments to it all in a single string.
 * @param aFlags The same args as allowed for wxExecute()
 * @return bool - true if success, else false
bool        ProcessExecute( const wxString& aCommandLine,
                            int aFlags = wxEXEC_ASYNC );

 * Function ReturnPcbLayerName
 * @return a wxString containing the name of the layer number "layer_number".
 * @param layer_number the layer number of the layer
 * @param is_filename if TRUE,  the name can be used for a file name (not
 *        internatinalized, no space)
wxString    ReturnPcbLayerName( int layer_number, bool is_filename = FALSE );

/* about_kicad.cpp */
void        InitKiCadAbout( wxAboutDialogInfo& info);

/* common.cpp */
wxString    GetBuildVersion(); /* Return the build date */
wxString    GetAboutBuildVersion(); /* Return custom build date for about dialog */

void        Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
                                 int               pos_X,
                                 const wxString&   texte_H,
                                 const wxString&   texte_L,
                                 int               color );

 *  Routine d'affichage d'un parametre.
 *  pos_X = cadrage horizontal
 *      si pos_X < 0 : la position horizontale est la derniere
 *          valeur demandee >= 0
 *  texte_H = texte a afficher en ligne superieure.
 *      si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
 *  texte_L = texte a afficher en ligne inferieure.
 *      si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
 *  color = couleur d'affichage

void        AfficheDoc( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, const wxString& Doc,
                        const wxString& KeyW );

/* Routine d'affichage de la documentation associee a un composant */

int         GetTimeStamp();

/* Retoure une identification temporelle (Time stamp) differente a chaque appel */
int         DisplayColorFrame( wxWindow* parent, int OldColor );
int         GetCommandOptions( const int argc, const char** argv,
                               const char* stringtst, const char** optarg,
                               int* optind );

/* Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies
 *  entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte
 *  retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres
 *                      suivie de " ou mm
const wxString& valeur_param( int valeur, wxString& buf_texte );

wxString    ReturnUnitSymbol( int Units = g_UnitMetric );
int         ReturnValueFromString( int Units, const wxString& TextValue,
                                   int Internal_Unit );

/** Function ReturnStringFromValue
 * Return the string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display,
 * and the initial unit for value
 * @param aUnit = display units (INCHES, MILLIMETRE ..)
 * @param aValue = value in Internal_Unit
 * @param aInternal_Unit = units per inch for Value
 * @param aAdd_unit_symbol = true to add symbol unit to the string value
 * @return a wxString what contains value and optionnaly the sumbol unit (like 2.000 mm)
wxString    ReturnStringFromValue( int aUnits, int aValue, int aInternal_Unit,
                                   bool aAdd_unit_symbol = false );

void        AddUnitSymbol( wxStaticText& Stext, int Units = g_UnitMetric );

/* Add string "  (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
 *  Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units */
void        PutValueInLocalUnits( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Value,
                                  int Internal_Unit );

/* Convert the number Value in a string according to the internal units
 *  and the selected unit (g_UnitMetric) and put it in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl */
int         ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr,
                                     int Internal_Unit );

 * Function To_User_Unit
 * Convert in inch or mm the variable "val" (double)given in internal units
 * @return the converted value, in double
 * @param is_metric : true if the result must be returned in mm , false if inches
 * @param val : double : the given value
 * @param internal_unit_value = internal units per inch
double      To_User_Unit( bool is_metric, double val, int internal_unit_value );

int         From_User_Unit( bool is_metric, double val, int internal_unit_value );
wxString    GenDate();
void        MyFree( void* pt_mem );
void*       MyZMalloc( size_t nb_octets );
void*       MyMalloc( size_t nb_octets );

#endif  /* __INCLUDE__COMMON_H__ */