 * @file prjconfig.cpp
 * Load and save project configuration files (*.pro)

 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Jean-Pierre Charras
 * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
 * or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
 * or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA

#include <fctsys.h>
#include <appl_wxstruct.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <gestfich.h>
#include <kicad.h>
#include <param_config.h>
#include <project_template.h>
#include <tree_project_frame.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <vector>
#include <build_version.h>

#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/filename.h>
#include <wx/stdpaths.h>

#include "dialogs/dialog_template_selector.h"

#define SEP()   wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()

// Not really useful, provided to save/restore params in project config file,
// (Add them in s_KicadManagerParams if any)
// Used also to create new .pro files from the kicad.pro template file
// for new projects
static const wxString GeneralGroupName( wxT( "/general" ) );
PARAM_CFG_ARRAY s_KicadManagerParams;

void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::CreateNewProject( const wxString aPrjFullFileName, bool aTemplateSelector = false )
    wxString   filename;
    wxFileName newProjectName = aPrjFullFileName;


    // Init default config filename
    filename = wxGetApp().FindLibraryPath( wxT( "kicad" ) + g_KicadPrjFilenameExtension );

    // If we are creating a project from a template, make sure the template directory is sane
    if( aTemplateSelector )

        wxFileName templatePath;

        // Add a new tab for system templates
        if( ::wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD" ), NULL ) )
            wxString kicadEnv;
            wxGetEnv( wxT( "KICAD"), &kicadEnv );
            templatePath = kicadEnv + SEP() + wxT("template")+SEP();
            wxFileName templatePath = wxPathOnly(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetExecutablePath()) +
                SEP() + wxT( ".." ) + SEP() + wxT( "share" ) + SEP() + wxT( "template" ) + SEP();

        ps->AddPage( _( "System Templates" ), templatePath );

        // Add a new tab for user templates
        wxFileName userPath = wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() +
                SEP() + wxT( "kicad" ) + SEP() + wxT( "template" ) + SEP();

        ps->AddPage( _( "User Templates" ), userPath );

        // Check to see if a custom template location is available and setup a new selection tab
        // if there is
        wxString envStr;
        wxGetEnv( wxT("KICAD_PTEMPLATES"), &envStr );
        wxFileName envPath = envStr;

        if( envStr != wxEmptyString )
            wxFileName envPath = envStr;
            ps->AddPage( _("Portable Templates"), envPath );

        // Show the project template selector dialog
        int result = ps->ShowModal();

        if( result != wxID_OK )
            wxMessageBox( _( "Did not generate new project from template" ),
                          _( "Cancelled new project from template" ),
                          wxOK | wxICON_EXCLAMATION,
                          this );
            // The selected template widget contains the template we're attempting to use to
            // create a project
            if( !ps->GetWidget()->GetTemplate()->CreateProject( newProjectName ) )
                wxMessageBox( _( "Problem whilst creating new project from template!" ),
                              _( "Could not generate new project" ),
                              wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
                              this );
        // Check if file kicad.pro exist in template directory
        if( wxFileName::FileExists( filename ) )
            wxCopyFile( filename, aPrjFullFileName );
            DisplayInfoMessage( NULL, _( "Project template file <kicad.pro> not found. " ) );

    // Init schematic filename
    m_SchematicRootFileName = wxFileName( newProjectName.GetName(),
                                          SchematicFileExtension ).GetFullName();

    // Init pcb board filename
    m_BoardFileName = wxFileName( newProjectName.GetName(), PcbFileExtension ).GetFullName();

    // Init project filename
    m_ProjectFileName = newProjectName;

    // Write settings to project file
    wxGetApp().WriteProjectConfig( aPrjFullFileName,
                                   GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );

void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnLoadProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    int style;
    wxString title;
    bool newProject = ( event.GetId() == ID_NEW_PROJECT ) ||
                      ( event.GetId() == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE );


    if( event.GetId() != wxID_ANY )
        if( newProject )
            title = _( "Create New Project" );
            style = wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT;
            title = _( "Open Existing Project" );
            style = wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST;

        wxString default_dir = wxGetCwd();
        wxFileDialog dlg( this, title, default_dir, wxEmptyString,
                          ProjectFileWildcard, style );

        if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )

        m_ProjectFileName = dlg.GetPath();

        if( newProject )
            m_ProjectFileName.SetExt( ProjectFileExtension );

            // Check if the project directory is empty
            wxDir directory ( m_ProjectFileName.GetPath() );
            if( directory.HasFiles() )
                wxString msg = _( "The selected directory is not empty. "
                        "We recommend you create projects in their own clean directory.\n\n"
                        "Do you want to create a new empty directory for the project?" );

                if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
                    // Append a new directory with the same name of the project file
                    // and try to create it
                    m_ProjectFileName.AppendDir( m_ProjectFileName.GetName() );
                    if( !wxMkdir( m_ProjectFileName.GetPath() ) )
                        // There was a problem, undo

            if( event.GetId() == ID_NEW_PROJECT )
                CreateNewProject( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );
            else if( event.GetId() == ID_NEW_PROJECT_FROM_TEMPLATE )
                // Launch the template selector dialog
                CreateNewProject( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath(), true );

    wxLogDebug( wxT( "Loading KiCad project file: " ) + m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );

    /* Check if project file exists and if it is not noname.pro */
    wxString filename = m_ProjectFileName.GetFullName();

    wxString nameless_prj = NAMELESS_PROJECT;
    nameless_prj += g_KicadPrjFilenameExtension;

    if( !m_ProjectFileName.FileExists() && !filename.IsSameAs( nameless_prj ) )
        DisplayError( this, _( "KiCad project file <" ) +
                      m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath() + _( "> not found" ) );

    wxSetWorkingDirectory( m_ProjectFileName.GetPath() );
    wxGetApp().ReadProjectConfig( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath(),
                                  GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams, false );

    title = wxGetApp().GetTitle() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion() +
        wxT( " " ) +  m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath();

    if( !m_ProjectFileName.IsDirWritable() )
        title += _( " [Read Only]" );

    SetTitle( title );
    UpdateFileHistory( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath() );
    // Rebuild the list of watched paths.
    // however this is possible only when the main loop event handler is running,
    // so we use it to run the rebuild function.
    wxPostEvent( this, cmd);

    PrintMsg( _( "Working dir: " ) + m_ProjectFileName.GetPath() +
              _( "\nProject: " ) + m_ProjectFileName.GetFullName() +
              wxT( "\n" ) );

void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnSaveProject( wxCommandEvent& event )
    if( !IsWritable( m_ProjectFileName ) )

    wxGetApp().WriteProjectConfig( m_ProjectFileName.GetFullPath(),
                                   GeneralGroupName, s_KicadManagerParams );