// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Marcin Kalicinski
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. 
// (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at 
// http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// For more information, see www.boost.org
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <string>

namespace boost { namespace property_tree

    //! File parse error
    class file_parser_error: public ptree_error


        // Construction & destruction

        // Construct error
        file_parser_error(const std::string &msg,
                          const std::string &file,
                          unsigned long l) :
            ptree_error(format_what(msg, file, l)),
            m_message(msg), m_filename(file), m_line(l)

        ~file_parser_error() throw()
            // gcc 3.4.2 complains about lack of throw specifier on compiler
            // generated dtor

        // Data access

        // Get error message (without line and file - use what() to get
        // full message)
        std::string message() const
            return m_message;

        // Get error filename
        std::string filename() const
            return m_filename;

        // Get error line number
        unsigned long line() const
            return m_line;


        std::string m_message;
        std::string m_filename;
        unsigned long m_line;

        // Format error message to be returned by std::runtime_error::what()
        static std::string format_what(const std::string &msg,
                                       const std::string &file,
                                       unsigned long l)
            std::stringstream stream;
            stream << (file.empty() ? "<unspecified file>" : file.c_str());
            if (l > 0)
                stream << '(' << l << ')';
            stream << ": " << msg;
            return stream.str();


} }
