// Boost.Range library // // Copyright Neil Groves 2009. Use, modification and // distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version // 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // // Acknowledgements: // aschoedl contributed an improvement to the determination // of the Reference type parameter. // // For more information, see http://www.boost.org/libs/range/ // #ifndef BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_JOIN_ITERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED #define BOOST_RANGE_DETAIL_JOIN_ITERATOR_HPP_INCLUDED #include <iterator> #include <boost/assert.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_traits.hpp> #include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp> #include <boost/range/begin.hpp> #include <boost/range/end.hpp> #include <boost/range/empty.hpp> #include <boost/range/detail/demote_iterator_traversal_tag.hpp> #include <boost/range/value_type.hpp> #include <boost/utility.hpp> namespace boost { namespace range_detail { template<typename Iterator1, typename Iterator2> struct join_iterator_link { public: join_iterator_link(Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2) : last1(last1) , first2(first2) { } Iterator1 last1; Iterator2 first2; private: join_iterator_link() /* = delete */ ; }; class join_iterator_begin_tag {}; class join_iterator_end_tag {}; template<typename Iterator1 , typename Iterator2 , typename Reference > class join_iterator_union { public: typedef Iterator1 iterator1_t; typedef Iterator2 iterator2_t; join_iterator_union() {} join_iterator_union(unsigned int /*selected*/, const iterator1_t& it1, const iterator2_t& it2) : m_it1(it1), m_it2(it2) {} iterator1_t& it1() { return m_it1; } const iterator1_t& it1() const { return m_it1; } iterator2_t& it2() { return m_it2; } const iterator2_t& it2() const { return m_it2; } Reference dereference(unsigned int selected) const { return selected ? *m_it2 : *m_it1; } bool equal(const join_iterator_union& other, unsigned int selected) const { return selected ? m_it2 == other.m_it2 : m_it1 == other.m_it1; } private: iterator1_t m_it1; iterator2_t m_it2; }; template<class Iterator, class Reference> class join_iterator_union<Iterator, Iterator, Reference> { public: typedef Iterator iterator1_t; typedef Iterator iterator2_t; join_iterator_union() {} join_iterator_union(unsigned int selected, const iterator1_t& it1, const iterator2_t& it2) : m_it(selected ? it2 : it1) { } iterator1_t& it1() { return m_it; } const iterator1_t& it1() const { return m_it; } iterator2_t& it2() { return m_it; } const iterator2_t& it2() const { return m_it; } Reference dereference(unsigned int) const { return *m_it; } bool equal(const join_iterator_union& other, unsigned int selected) const { return m_it == other.m_it; } private: iterator1_t m_it; }; template<typename Iterator1 , typename Iterator2 , typename ValueType = typename iterator_value<Iterator1>::type // find least demanding, commonly supported reference type, in the order &, const&, and by-value: , typename Reference = typename mpl::if_c< !is_reference<typename iterator_reference<Iterator1>::type>::value || !is_reference<typename iterator_reference<Iterator2>::type>::value, typename remove_const< typename remove_reference< typename iterator_reference<Iterator1>::type >::type >::type, typename mpl::if_c< is_const< typename remove_reference< typename iterator_reference<Iterator1>::type >::type >::value || is_const< typename remove_reference< typename iterator_reference<Iterator2>::type >::type >::value, typename add_const< typename iterator_reference<Iterator2>::type >::type, typename iterator_reference<Iterator1>::type >::type >::type , typename Traversal = typename demote_iterator_traversal_tag< typename iterator_traversal<Iterator1>::type , typename iterator_traversal<Iterator2>::type>::type > class join_iterator : public iterator_facade<join_iterator<Iterator1,Iterator2,ValueType,Reference,Traversal>, ValueType, Traversal, Reference> { typedef join_iterator_link<Iterator1, Iterator2> link_t; typedef join_iterator_union<Iterator1, Iterator2, Reference> iterator_union; public: typedef Iterator1 iterator1_t; typedef Iterator2 iterator2_t; join_iterator() : m_section(0u) , m_it(0u, iterator1_t(), iterator2_t()) , m_link(link_t(iterator1_t(), iterator2_t())) {} join_iterator(unsigned int section, Iterator1 current1, Iterator1 last1, Iterator2 first2, Iterator2 current2) : m_section(section) , m_it(section, current1, current2) , m_link(link_t(last1, first2)) { } template<typename Range1, typename Range2> join_iterator(Range1& r1, Range2& r2, join_iterator_begin_tag) : m_section(boost::empty(r1) ? 1u : 0u) , m_it(boost::empty(r1) ? 1u : 0u, boost::begin(r1), boost::begin(r2)) , m_link(link_t(boost::end(r1), boost::begin(r2))) { } template<typename Range1, typename Range2> join_iterator(const Range1& r1, const Range2& r2, join_iterator_begin_tag) : m_section(boost::empty(r1) ? 1u : 0u) , m_it(boost::empty(r1) ? 1u : 0u, boost::const_begin(r1), boost::const_begin(r2)) , m_link(link_t(boost::const_end(r1), boost::const_begin(r2))) { } template<typename Range1, typename Range2> join_iterator(Range1& r1, Range2& r2, join_iterator_end_tag) : m_section(1u) , m_it(1u, boost::end(r1), boost::end(r2)) , m_link(link_t(boost::end(r1), boost::begin(r2))) { } template<typename Range1, typename Range2> join_iterator(const Range1& r1, const Range2& r2, join_iterator_end_tag) : m_section(1u) , m_it(1u, boost::const_end(r1), boost::const_end(r2)) , m_link(link_t(boost::const_end(r1), boost::const_begin(r2))) { } private: void increment() { if (m_section) ++m_it.it2(); else { ++m_it.it1(); if (m_it.it1() == m_link.last1) { m_it.it2() = m_link.first2; m_section = 1u; } } } void decrement() { if (m_section) { if (m_it.it2() == m_link.first2) { m_it.it1() = boost::prior(m_link.last1); m_section = 0u; } else --m_it.it2(); } else --m_it.it1(); } typename join_iterator::reference dereference() const { return m_it.dereference(m_section); } bool equal(const join_iterator& other) const { return m_section == other.m_section && m_it.equal(other.m_it, m_section); } void advance(typename join_iterator::difference_type offset) { if (m_section) advance_from_range2(offset); else advance_from_range1(offset); } typename join_iterator::difference_type distance_to(const join_iterator& other) const { typename join_iterator::difference_type result; if (m_section) { if (other.m_section) result = other.m_it.it2() - m_it.it2(); else { result = (m_link.first2 - m_it.it2()) + (other.m_it.it1() - m_link.last1); BOOST_ASSERT( result <= 0 ); } } else { if (other.m_section) { result = (m_link.last1 - m_it.it1()) + (other.m_it.it2() - m_link.first2); } else result = other.m_it.it1() - m_it.it1(); } return result; } void advance_from_range2(typename join_iterator::difference_type offset) { typedef typename join_iterator::difference_type difference_t; BOOST_ASSERT( m_section == 1u ); if (offset < 0) { difference_t r2_dist = m_link.first2 - m_it.it2(); BOOST_ASSERT( r2_dist <= 0 ); if (offset >= r2_dist) std::advance(m_it.it2(), offset); else { difference_t r1_dist = offset - r2_dist; BOOST_ASSERT( r1_dist <= 0 ); m_it.it1() = m_link.last1 + r1_dist; m_section = 0u; } } else std::advance(m_it.it2(), offset); } void advance_from_range1(typename join_iterator::difference_type offset) { typedef typename join_iterator::difference_type difference_t; BOOST_ASSERT( m_section == 0u ); if (offset > 0) { difference_t r1_dist = m_link.last1 - m_it.it1(); BOOST_ASSERT( r1_dist >= 0 ); if (offset < r1_dist) std::advance(m_it.it1(), offset); else { difference_t r2_dist = offset - r1_dist; BOOST_ASSERT( r2_dist >= 0 ); m_it.it2() = m_link.first2 + r2_dist; m_section = 1u; } } else std::advance(m_it.it1(), offset); } unsigned int m_section; iterator_union m_it; link_t m_link; friend class ::boost::iterator_core_access; }; } // namespace range_detail } // namespace boost #endif // include guard