// Boost string_algo library collection_traits.hpp header file -----------------------// // Copyright Pavol Droba 2002-2003. Use, modification and // distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version // 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at // http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) // See http://www.boost.org for updates, documentation, and revision history. #ifndef BOOST_RANGE_STRING_DETAIL_COLLECTION_TRAITS_HPP #define BOOST_RANGE_STRING_DETAIL_COLLECTION_TRAITS_HPP #include <boost/algorithm/string/config.hpp> #include <cstddef> #include <string> #include <boost/type_traits/is_array.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_pointer.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_const.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/is_convertible.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/remove_pointer.hpp> #include <boost/type_traits/remove_cv.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/eval_if.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/identity.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp> #include <boost/mpl/fold.hpp> #include <boost/detail/iterator.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/yes_no_type.hpp> // Container traits implementation --------------------------------------------------------- namespace boost { namespace algorithm { namespace detail { // Default collection traits ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Default collection helper /* Wraps std::container compliant containers */ template< typename ContainerT > struct default_container_traits { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ContainerT::value_type value_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ContainerT::iterator iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ContainerT::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::if_< ::boost::is_const<ContainerT>, const_iterator, iterator >::type result_iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ContainerT::difference_type difference_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ContainerT::size_type size_type; // static operations template< typename C > static size_type size( const C& c ) { return c.size(); } template< typename C > static bool empty( const C& c ) { return c.empty(); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename C > static iterator begin( C& c ) { return c.begin(); } template< typename C > static const_iterator begin( const C& c ) { return c.begin(); } template< typename C > static iterator end( C& c ) { return c.end(); } template< typename C > static const_iterator end( const C& c ) { return c.end(); } #else // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename C > static result_iterator begin( C& c ) { return c.begin(); } template< typename C > static result_iterator end( C& c ) { return c.end(); } #endif // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING }; template<typename T> struct default_container_traits_selector { typedef default_container_traits<T> type; }; // Pair container traits --------------------------------------------------------------------- // pair selector template< typename T, typename U > yes_type is_pair_impl( const std::pair<T,U>* ); no_type is_pair_impl( ... ); template<typename T> struct is_pair { private: static T* t; public: BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( bool, value= sizeof(is_pair_impl(t))==sizeof(yes_type) ); }; // pair helper template< typename PairT > struct pair_container_traits { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME PairT::first_type element_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::detail:: iterator_traits<element_type>::value_type value_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::detail:: iterator_traits<element_type>::difference_type difference_type; typedef element_type iterator; typedef element_type const_iterator; typedef element_type result_iterator; // static operations template< typename P > static size_type size( const P& p ) { difference_type diff = std::distance( p.first, p.second ); if ( diff < 0 ) return 0; else return diff; } template< typename P > static bool empty( const P& p ) { return p.first==p.second; } template< typename P > static const_iterator begin( const P& p ) { return p.first; } template< typename P > static const_iterator end( const P& p ) { return p.second; } }; // 'pair_container_helper' template<typename T> struct pair_container_traits_selector { typedef pair_container_traits<T> type; }; // Array container traits --------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION // array traits ( partial specialization ) template< typename T > struct array_traits; template< typename T, std::size_t sz > struct array_traits<T[sz]> { // typedef typedef T* iterator; typedef const T* const_iterator; typedef T value_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; // size of the array ( static ); BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( size_type, array_size = sz ); }; #else // BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION // array traits ( no partial specialization ) /* without partial specialization we are able to provide support only for a limited number of types. Currently the primitive numeric types are supported */ template< typename T, typename BaseT > struct array_traits_impl { typedef BaseT value_type; typedef BaseT* iterator; typedef const BaseT* const_iterator; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; // size of the array BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( size_type, array_size = sizeof(T)/sizeof(BaseT) ); }; template< typename T, typename BaseT > struct array_traits_impl_selector { typedef array_traits_impl<T,BaseT> type; }; struct array_traits_void { typedef void type; }; template< typename T, typename BaseT > struct array_traits_cv_selector { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::eval_if< ::boost::is_convertible<T,BaseT*>, array_traits_impl_selector<T,BaseT>, ::boost::mpl::eval_if< ::boost::is_convertible<T,const BaseT*>, array_traits_impl_selector<T, const BaseT>, ::boost::mpl::eval_if< ::boost::is_convertible<T, volatile BaseT*>, array_traits_impl_selector<T, volatile BaseT>, array_traits_impl_selector<T, const volatile BaseT> > > >::type type; }; template< typename T > struct array_traits_select { template< typename T1, typename T2 > struct apply { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::eval_if< ::boost::is_convertible<T,const volatile T2*>, array_traits_cv_selector<T,T2>, ::boost::mpl::identity<T1> >::type type; }; }; template< typename T > struct array_traits_selector { private: // supported array base types #ifndef BOOST_NO_INTRINSIC_WCHAR_T typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::vector10< wchar_t, #else // BOOST_NO_INTRINSIC_WCHAR_T typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::vector9< #endif // BOOST_NO_INTRINSIC_WCHAR_T char, signed char, unsigned char, signed short, unsigned short, signed int, unsigned int, signed long, unsigned long >::type array_base_types; public: typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::fold< array_base_types, ::boost::algorithm::detail::array_traits_void, ::boost::algorithm::detail::array_traits_select<T> >::type type; }; template< typename T > struct array_traits { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME array_traits_selector<T>::type traits_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::value_type value_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::iterator iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::size_type size_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::difference_type difference_type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( size_type, array_size = traits_type::array_size ); }; #endif // BOOST_NO_TEMPLATE_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION // array length resolving /* Lenght of string contained in a static array could be different from the size of the array. For string processing we need the length without terminating 0. Therefore, the length is calculated for char and wchar_t using char_traits, rather then simply returning the array size. */ template< typename T > struct array_length_selector { template< typename TraitsT > struct array_length { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME TraitsT::size_type size_type; BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( size_type, array_size=TraitsT::array_size ); template< typename A > static size_type length( const A& ) { return array_size; } template< typename A > static bool empty( const A& ) { return array_size==0; } }; }; // specialization for char template<> struct array_length_selector<char> { template< typename TraitsT > struct array_length { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME TraitsT::size_type size_type; template< typename A > static size_type length( const A& a ) { if ( a==0 ) return 0; else return std::char_traits<char>::length(a); } template< typename A > static bool empty( const A& a ) { return a==0 || a[0]==0; } }; }; // specialization for wchar_t template<> struct array_length_selector<wchar_t> { template< typename TraitsT > struct array_length { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME TraitsT::size_type size_type; template< typename A > static size_type length( const A& a ) { if ( a==0 ) return 0; else return std::char_traits<wchar_t>::length(a); } template< typename A > static bool empty( const A& a ) { return a==0 || a[0]==0; } }; }; template< typename T > struct array_container_traits { private: // resolve array traits typedef array_traits<T> traits_type; public: typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::value_type value_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::iterator iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::const_iterator const_iterator; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::size_type size_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME traits_type::difference_type difference_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::if_< ::boost::is_const<T>, const_iterator, iterator >::type result_iterator; private: // resolve array size typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::remove_cv<value_type>::type char_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME array_length_selector<char_type>:: BOOST_NESTED_TEMPLATE array_length<traits_type> array_length_type; public: BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT( size_type, array_size = traits_type::array_size ); // static operations template< typename A > static size_type size( const A& a ) { return array_length_type::length(a); } template< typename A > static bool empty( const A& a ) { return array_length_type::empty(a); } #ifndef BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename A > static iterator begin( A& a ) { return a; } template< typename A > static const_iterator begin( const A& a ) { return a; } template< typename A > static iterator end( A& a ) { return a+array_length_type::length(a); } template< typename A > static const_iterator end( const A& a ) { return a+array_length_type::length(a); } #else // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename A > static result_iterator begin( A& a ) { return a; } template< typename A > static result_iterator end( A& a ) { return a+array_length_type::length(a); } #endif // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING }; template<typename T> struct array_container_traits_selector { typedef array_container_traits<T> type; }; // Pointer container traits --------------------------------------------------------------- template<typename T> struct pointer_container_traits { typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::remove_pointer<T>::type value_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::remove_cv<value_type>::type char_type; typedef ::std::char_traits<char_type> char_traits; typedef value_type* iterator; typedef const value_type* const_iterator; typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type; typedef std::size_t size_type; typedef BOOST_STRING_TYPENAME ::boost::mpl::if_< ::boost::is_const<T>, const_iterator, iterator >::type result_iterator; // static operations template< typename P > static size_type size( const P& p ) { if ( p==0 ) return 0; else return char_traits::length(p); } template< typename P > static bool empty( const P& p ) { return p==0 || p[0]==0; } #ifndef BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename P > static iterator begin( P& p ) { return p; } template< typename P > static const_iterator begin( const P& p ) { return p; } template< typename P > static iterator end( P& p ) { if ( p==0 ) return p; else return p+char_traits::length(p); } template< typename P > static const_iterator end( const P& p ) { if ( p==0 ) return p; else return p+char_traits::length(p); } #else // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING template< typename P > static result_iterator begin( P& p ) { return p; } template< typename P > static result_iterator end( P& p ) { if ( p==0 ) return p; else return p+char_traits::length(p); } #endif // BOOST_NO_FUNCTION_TEMPLATE_ORDERING }; template<typename T> struct pointer_container_traits_selector { typedef pointer_container_traits<T> type; }; } // namespace detail } // namespace algorithm } // namespace boost #endif // BOOST_STRING_DETAIL_COLLECTION_HPP