Commit fb9a4c2b authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Added stacking for tools.

parent 424aa28e
......@@ -56,11 +56,6 @@ void TOOL_INTERACTIVE::goInternal( TOOL_STATE_FUNC& aState, const TOOL_EVENT_LIS
void TOOL_INTERACTIVE::SetContextMenu( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu, TOOL_ContextMenuTrigger aTrigger )
aMenu->setTool( this );
......@@ -92,24 +92,40 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::RegisterTool( TOOL_BASE* aTool )
void TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId )
bool TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aToolId );
if( tool && tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
// If the tool is already active, do not invoke it again
if( m_toolIdIndex[aToolId]->idle == false )
return false;
m_toolIdIndex[aToolId]->idle = false;
static_cast<TOOL_INTERACTIVE*>( tool )->Reset();
TOOL_EVENT evt( TC_Command, TA_ActivateTool, tool->GetName() );
ProcessEvent( evt );
// Save the tool on the front of the processing queue
m_activeTools.push_front( aToolId );
return true;
return false;
void TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( const std::string& aName )
bool TOOL_MANAGER::InvokeTool( const std::string& aName )
TOOL_BASE* tool = FindTool( aName );
if( tool )
InvokeTool( tool->GetId() );
return InvokeTool( tool->GetId() );
return false;
......@@ -159,13 +175,18 @@ optional<TOOL_EVENT> TOOL_MANAGER::ScheduleWait( TOOL_BASE* aTool,
void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
// iterate over all registered tools
BOOST_FOREACH( ToolState* st, m_toolState | boost::adaptors::map_values )
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_ID toolId, m_activeTools )
ToolState* st = m_toolIdIndex[toolId];
// the tool state handler is waiting for events (i.e. called Wait() method)
if( st->pendingWait )
if( st->waitEvents.Matches( aEvent ) )
// By default, already processed events are not passed further
m_passEvent = false;
// got matching event? clear wait list and wake up the coroutine
st->wakeupEvent = aEvent;
st->pendingWait = false;
......@@ -173,16 +194,22 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
if( !st->cofunc->Running() )
delete st->cofunc;
st->cofunc = NULL;
finishTool( st );
// The tool requested to stop propagating event to other tools
if( !m_passEvent )
BOOST_FOREACH( ToolState* st, m_toolState | boost::adaptors::map_values )
if( !st->pendingWait )
// no state handler in progress - check if there are any transitions (defined by
// Go() method that match the event.
if( st->transitions.size() )
BOOST_FOREACH( Transition tr, st->transitions )
......@@ -201,8 +228,7 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
if( !st->cofunc->Running() )
delete st->cofunc;
st->cofunc = NULL;
finishTool( st );
......@@ -212,14 +238,28 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
void TOOL_MANAGER::finishTool( ToolState* aState )
wxASSERT( m_activeTools.front() == aState->theTool->GetId() );
aState->idle = true;
m_activeTools.erase( m_activeTools.begin() );
delete aState->cofunc;
aState->cofunc = NULL;
bool TOOL_MANAGER::ProcessEvent( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
wxLogDebug( "event: %s", aEvent.Format().c_str() );
dispatchInternal( aEvent );
BOOST_FOREACH( ToolState* st, m_toolState | boost::adaptors::map_values )
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_ID toolId, m_activeTools )
ToolState* st = m_toolIdIndex[toolId];
if( st->contextMenuTrigger == CMENU_NOW )
st->pendingWait = true;
......@@ -273,8 +313,10 @@ void TOOL_MANAGER::SetEnvironment( EDA_ITEM* aModel, KiGfx::VIEW* aView,
m_editFrame = aFrame;
// Reset state of the registered tools
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_BASE* tool, m_toolState | boost::adaptors::map_keys )
BOOST_FOREACH( TOOL_ID toolId, m_activeTools )
TOOL_BASE* tool = m_toolIdIndex[toolId]->theTool;
if( tool->GetType() == TOOL_Interactive )
static_cast<TOOL_INTERACTIVE*>( tool )->Reset();
......@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ public:
* Calls a tool by sending a tool activation event to tool of given ID or name.
* An user-defined parameter object can be also passed
void InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId );
void InvokeTool( const std::string& aName );
bool InvokeTool( TOOL_ID aToolId );
bool InvokeTool( const std::string& aName );
template <class Parameters>
void InvokeTool( const std::string& aName, const Parameters& aToolParams );
......@@ -153,20 +153,31 @@ public:
void ScheduleContextMenu( TOOL_BASE* aTool, CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu,
TOOL_ContextMenuTrigger aTrigger );
void dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
* Allows a tool pass the already handled event to be passed to the next tool on the stack.
void PassEvent()
m_passEvent = true;
struct ToolState;
typedef std::pair<TOOL_EVENT_LIST, TOOL_STATE_FUNC> Transition;
void dispatchInternal( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
void finishTool( ToolState* aState );
std::map<TOOL_BASE*, ToolState*> m_toolState;
std::map<std::string, ToolState*> m_toolNameIndex;
std::map<TOOL_ID, ToolState*> m_toolIdIndex;
std::deque<TOOL_ID> m_activeTools;
EDA_ITEM* m_model;
KiGfx::VIEW* m_view;
KiGfx::VIEW_CONTROLS* m_viewControls;
wxWindow* m_editFrame;
bool m_passEvent;
ToolState* m_currentTool;
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