Commit f0ba106e authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

more amazing free software

parent 70fde0fd
......@@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2008-Feb-7 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
specctra import of *.ses, done by end of today probably.
2008-Feb-6 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -17,27 +23,27 @@ email address.
specctra_export.cpp now supports blind/buried/microvias. Fixed how modules
are displayed on back of board. Added a circle keepout for each copper-less
through hole.
2008-Feb-3 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
* specctra_export.cpp was not exporting the nets correctly, now fixed.
* Had a problem with an isolated pad modification on a single module instance
in the context of several unmodified instances of same module, now fixed.
* Fixed oval pads to make happy.
* specctra_export.cpp was not exporting the nets correctly, now fixed.
* Had a problem with an isolated pad modification on a single module instance
in the context of several unmodified instances of same module, now fixed.
* Fixed oval pads to make happy.
Done with specctra export for now, will think about adding controls (by dialog)
on the export later.
* Beautification of a few modules.
* Beautification of a few modules.
2008-Jan-31 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
remove the old EDGEZONE class.
A ZONE_CONTAINER class is used instead to handle the creation of a new zone outline
2008-Jan-29 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -60,7 +66,7 @@ email address.
I got a patch from Mr. Wayne Stambaugh which makes it possible to compile
infospgm.cpp once and link the same *.o file multiple times.
infospgm.cpp once and link the same *.o file multiple times.
Jean-Pierre, if you not yet using CMake, you should edit your make.include
so that infospgm.cpp is only compiled once for everything, not once per
program. Wayne is a competent developer who contacted me about contributing.
......@@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ email address.
See page bottom of page 74 of the SECCTRA Design Language Reference, May 2000.
* HISTORY_NUMBER was spelt with a zero.
* Width was spelt as Widht
2008-Jan-25 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -90,9 +96,9 @@ email address.
in Dimensions/track and via menu, and placed by ctrl v.
They are intended to connect small pitch BGA pins to the inner layer, and can be drilled by laser
if the hole diameter is small < 0.2mm. A laser can only drill a hole between 2 adjacent layers ).
** Currently use buried via for tests only, not for production **.
2008-Jan-24 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -102,9 +108,9 @@ email address.
* added COLLECTOR::BasePtr(), which is used in qsort. Could have used
* std::sort() instead.
* Wrote D_PAD::Compare()
* updated todo.txt
* updated todo.txt
2008-Jan-24 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -126,7 +132,7 @@ email address.
Plot option in GERBER format Plot (Exclude Edge Pcb layer) modification:
- the default is OFF (like odl pcbnew versions)
- this setup is now save in config (is persistant)
In Zone creation, now delete last created corner works.
2008-Jan-22 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -154,14 +160,14 @@ email address.
menubarpcb.cpp, and pcbframe.cpp. After dsn export, I intend to add an
import, and a session file feedback merge. See the revised
how-to-build-kicad.txt for the new boost c++ libraries requirement.
2008-Jan-21 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
labels and texts display changed when rotated 180 degres:
horizontal text are now right justified insteed of 180 degree rotated, and are readable.
bug 1874663 solved (edit a pad netname does not work very well)
......@@ -177,7 +183,7 @@ email address.
filtering small mouse moves ( < 5 pixels) when clicking.
Starting a wire or a track is now more easily because these small moves do not start a block commnad.
rework of drill filles creation (excellon and reports)
needed to have a clean implantation of buried vias and mainly microvia
......@@ -239,7 +245,7 @@ email address.
has commented out code that I tested as part of a possible new scheme to support
custom layer names per project.
* More specctra dsn import export work.
2008-jan-05 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -277,7 +283,7 @@ email address.
2007-Dec-23 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Because of the discussion 4 months ago about using Boost::Python, and
* Because of the discussion 4 months ago about using Boost::Python, and
because of an excellent boost::ptr_vector class, I want to make some of the
boost libraries be necessary for building Kicad. These would be:
1) boost pointer container library (immediately)
......@@ -289,7 +295,7 @@ email address.
fixed this.
2) boost::python when building python in.
* Added FIND_PACKAGE(Boost) to CMakeLists.txt
2007-Dec-22 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -313,7 +319,7 @@ email address.
some changes about zones: enhanced dialog, and files reorganisation
2007-Dec-14 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -341,11 +347,11 @@ email address.
pcbnew/zones.cpp, see:
2007-Dec-11 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Fixed hotkey table for '+' and '-' bug. The lookup table in
* Fixed hotkey table for '+' and '-' bug. The lookup table in
common/hotkeys_basic.cpp had bad entries for + and -. These hotkeys
were not working on Linux.
* Added polygon directory to Doxyfile.
......@@ -370,13 +376,13 @@ email address.
Very minor bug in drill map : inaccurate via shapes (I believe EXCELLON drill file has no problems)
2007-Dec-06 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
Solved zoom key command problems (under linux and windows)
solved bug when loading a footprint in modedit: invisible text attribute was lost (trunk and tag)
......@@ -387,7 +393,7 @@ email address.
added the D() macro to fctsys.h to ease conditional debug printf()s.
worked on
but could not resolve it in 1/2 day.
2007-Dec-4 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -395,8 +401,8 @@ email address.
* drc.cpp and dialog_drc.cpp update.
Added double click support on a MARKER or unconnected DRC_ITEM in the listboxes.
On Linux, it sometimes pops up the menu from PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay()
for some reason after repositioning the cursor. That is not intended, but
after several attempts to work around it, I realized it is not so bad to
for some reason after repositioning the cursor. That is not intended, but
after several attempts to work around it, I realized it is not so bad to
have this happen.
* Added right click popup menus to the list boxes. User must first select
the item he wants to go to, as the right click does not change the selection.
......@@ -404,7 +410,7 @@ email address.
out of pcbnew/find.cpp
Done now, its ready for folks to start using it and testing it.
2007-Dec-02 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -416,7 +422,7 @@ email address.
drc.cpp and dialog_drc.cpp intermediate update.
2007-Nov-30 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -425,12 +431,12 @@ email address.
* added classes DRC, REPORT_ISSUE, DRC_ITEM and rearranged drc.cpp entirely
to comprize the DRC class. The result has finer granularity of functions
and each is fairly well documented in English, see drc_stuff.h.
Keeping old stuff commented out at bottom of drc.cpp until some more usage
Keeping old stuff commented out at bottom of drc.cpp until some more usage
and testing is done.
* Made the DRC dialog modeless, so it can sit off to the side while the MARKER
are inspected one by one.
2007-Nov-29 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -444,7 +450,7 @@ email address.
* Moved BOARD's MARKERs from m_Drawings to vector<MARKER*> m_markers so
they can be easily deleted and navigated to from the drc dialog.
* deprecated the MARKER::Unlink() function.
* Added
* Added
BOARD::Add( BOARD_ITEM*, int )
......@@ -454,7 +460,7 @@ email address.
* Revised BOARD::Visit() to know about BOARD::m_markers.
* Revised pcbnew/find.cpp to know about BOARD::m_markers.
* removed wxYield() from drc.cpp
2007-Nov-26 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -4,47 +4,47 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* This source file implements export and import capabilities to the
/* This source file implements export and import capabilities to the
specctra dsn file format. The grammar for that file format is documented
fairly well. There are classes for each major type of descriptor in the
Since there are so many classes in here, it may be helpful to generate
Since there are so many classes in here, it may be helpful to generate
the Doxygen directory:
$ cd <kicadSourceRoot>
$ doxygen
Then you can view the html documentation in the <kicadSourceRoot>/doxygen
directory. The main class in this file is SPECCTRA_DB and its main
functions are LoadPCB(), LoadSESSION(), and ExportPCB().
Wide use is made of boost::ptr_vector<> and std::vector<> template classes.
If the contained object is small, then std::vector tends to be used.
If the contained object is large, variable size, or would require writing
an assignment operator() or copy constructor, then boost::ptr_vector
cannot be beat.
#include <cstdarg>
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
namespace DSN {
#define NESTWIDTH 2 ///< how many spaces per nestLevel
#define NESTWIDTH 2 ///< how many spaces per nestLevel
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::ThrowIOError( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError )
va_start( args, fmt );
errText.PrintfV( fmt, args );
va_end( args );
throw IOError( errText );
......@@ -93,28 +93,28 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::expecting( DSN_T aTok ) throw( IOError )
wxString errText( _("Expecting") );
errText << wxT(" ") << LEXER::GetTokenString( aTok );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
void SPECCTRA_DB::expecting( const char* text ) throw( IOError )
wxString errText( _("Expecting") );
errText << wxT(" '") << CONV_FROM_UTF8(text) << wxT("'");
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
void SPECCTRA_DB::unexpected( DSN_T aTok ) throw( IOError )
wxString errText( _("Unexpected") );
errText << wxT(" ") << LEXER::GetTokenString( aTok );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
void SPECCTRA_DB::unexpected( const char* text ) throw( IOError )
wxString errText( _("Unexpected") );
errText << wxT(" '") << CONV_FROM_UTF8(text) << wxT("'");
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
lexer->ThrowIOError( errText, lexer->CurOffset() );
......@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ bool SPECCTRA_DB::isSymbol( DSN_T aTok )
// if aTok is >= 0, then it might be a coincidental match to a keyword.
return aTok==T_SYMBOL || aTok==T_STRING || aTok>=0;
void SPECCTRA_DB::needLEFT() throw( IOError )
......@@ -157,22 +157,22 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::needSYMBOL() throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::readCOMPnPIN( std::string* component_id, std::string* pin_id ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
static const char pin_def[] = "<pin_reference>::=<component_id>-<pin_id>";
static const char pin_def[] = "<pin_reference>::=<component_id>-<pin_id>";
if( !isSymbol( lexer->CurTok() ) )
expecting( pin_def );
// case for: A12-14, i.e. no wrapping quotes. This should be a single
// token, so split it.
// token, so split it.
if( lexer->CurTok() != T_STRING )
const char* toktext = lexer->CurText();
const char* dash = strchr( toktext, '-' );
if( !dash )
expecting( pin_def );
while( toktext != dash )
*component_id += *toktext++;
......@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readCOMPnPIN( std::string* component_id, std::string* pin_id )
while( *toktext )
*pin_id += *toktext++;
// quoted string: "U12"-"14" or "U12"-14, 3 tokens in either case
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readCOMPnPIN( std::string* component_id, std::string* pin_id )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_DASH )
expecting( pin_def );
nextTok(); // accept anything after the dash.
*pin_id = lexer->CurText();
......@@ -200,18 +200,18 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readCOMPnPIN( std::string* component_id, std::string* pin_id )
void SPECCTRA_DB::readTIME( time_t* time_stamp ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
struct tm mytime;
static const char time_toks[] = "<month> <day> <hour> : <minute> : <second> <year>";
static const char time_toks[] = "<month> <day> <hour> : <minute> : <second> <year>";
static const char* months[] = { // index 0 = Jan
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", NULL
needSYMBOL(); // month
const char* ptok = lexer->CurText();
mytime.tm_mon = 0; // remains if we don't find a month match.
......@@ -223,18 +223,18 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readTIME( time_t* time_stamp ) throw( IOError )
tok = nextTok(); // day
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( time_toks );
mytime.tm_mday = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok(); // hour
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( time_toks );
mytime.tm_hour = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
// : colon
// : colon
if( *lexer->CurText() != ':' || strlen( lexer->CurText() )!=1 )
expecting( time_toks );
......@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readTIME( time_t* time_stamp ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( time_toks );
mytime.tm_min = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
// : colon
// : colon
if( *lexer->CurText() != ':' || strlen( lexer->CurText() )!=1 )
expecting( time_toks );
......@@ -253,42 +253,42 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::readTIME( time_t* time_stamp ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( time_toks );
mytime.tm_sec = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok(); // year
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( time_toks );
mytime.tm_year = atoi( lexer->CurText() ) - 1900;
*time_stamp = mktime( &mytime );
*time_stamp = mktime( &mytime );
void SPECCTRA_DB::LoadPCB( const wxString& filename ) throw( IOError )
wxFFile file;
FILE* fp = wxFopen( filename, wxT("r") );
if( !fp )
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
file.Attach( fp ); // "exception safe" way to close the file.
delete lexer;
delete lexer;
lexer = 0;
lexer = new LEXER( file.fp(), filename );
if( nextTok() != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
if( nextTok() != T_pcb )
expecting( T_pcb );
SetPCB( new PCB() );
doPCB( pcb );
......@@ -296,29 +296,29 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::LoadPCB( const wxString& filename ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::LoadSESSION( const wxString& filename ) throw( IOError )
wxFFile file;
FILE* fp = wxFopen( filename, wxT("r") );
if( !fp )
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
file.Attach( fp ); // "exception safe" way to close the file.
delete lexer;
delete lexer;
lexer = 0;
lexer = new LEXER( file.fp(), filename );
if( nextTok() != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
if( nextTok() != T_session )
expecting( T_session );
doSESSION( session );
......@@ -349,15 +349,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw( IOError )
[<color_descriptor> ]
growth->pcbname = lexer->CurText();
growth->pcbname = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -367,21 +367,21 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->parser = new PARSER( growth );
doPARSER( growth->parser );
case T_unit:
if( growth->unit )
unexpected( tok );
growth->unit = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
case T_resolution:
if( growth->resolution )
unexpected( tok );
growth->resolution = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doRESOLUTION( growth->resolution );
case T_structure:
if( growth->structure )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -395,14 +395,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->placement = new PLACEMENT( growth );
doPLACEMENT( growth->placement );
case T_library:
if( growth->library )
unexpected( tok );
growth->library = new LIBRARY( growth );
doLIBRARY( growth->library );
case T_network:
if( growth->network )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -416,12 +416,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->wiring = new WIRING( growth );
doWIRING( growth->wiring );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_EOF )
expecting( T_EOF );
......@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
/* <parser_descriptor >::=
[(string_quote <quote_char >)]
......@@ -447,12 +447,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
[(via_rotate_first [on | off])]
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -462,29 +462,29 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
expecting( T_QUOTE_DEF );
lexer->SetStringDelimiter( (unsigned char) *lexer->CurText() );
growth->string_quote = *lexer->CurText();
quote_char = lexer->CurText();
quote_char = lexer->CurText();
case T_space_in_quoted_tokens:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_on && tok!=T_off )
expecting( "on|off" );
lexer->SetSpaceInQuotedTokens( tok==T_on );
growth->space_in_quoted_tokens = (tok==T_on);
case T_host_cad:
growth->host_cad = lexer->CurText();
case T_host_version:
growth->host_version = lexer->CurText();
case T_constant:
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->const_id1 = lexer->CurText();
growth->const_id2 = lexer->CurText();
case T_write_resolution: // [(writee_resolution {<character> <positive_integer >})]
......@@ -532,15 +532,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_testpoint )
expecting( T_testpoint );
growth->routes_include_testpoint = true;
case T_case_sensitive:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_on && tok!=T_off )
expecting( "on|off" );
growth->case_sensitive = (tok==T_on);
case T_via_rotate_first: // [(via_rotate_first [on | off])]
......@@ -548,14 +548,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok!=T_on && tok!=T_off )
expecting( "on|off" );
growth->via_rotate_first = (tok==T_on);
case T_generated_by_freeroute:
growth->generated_by_freeroute = true;
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -579,13 +579,13 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRESOLUTION( UNIT_RES* growth ) throw(IOError)
expecting( "inch|mil|cm|mm|um" );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->value = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doUNIT( UNIT_RES* growth ) throw(IOError)
expecting( "inch|mil|cm|mm|um" );
......@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->layer_id1 = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->layer_weight = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
......@@ -630,15 +630,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
if( nextTok() != T_layer_pair )
expecting( T_layer_pair );
LAYER_PAIR* layer_pair = new LAYER_PAIR( growth );
growth->layer_pairs.push_back( layer_pair );
doLAYER_PAIR( layer_pair );
......@@ -649,12 +649,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT* growth ) throw( IOEr
void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw(IOError)
DSN_T tok;
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw(IOError)
growth->unit = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
case T_resolution:
if( growth->unit )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -675,16 +675,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw(IOError)
case T_layer_noise_weight:
growth->layer_noise_weight = new LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( growth );
doLAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( growth->layer_noise_weight );
case T_place_boundary:
if( growth->place_boundary )
unexpected( tok );
growth->place_boundary = new BOUNDARY( growth, T_place_boundary );
doBOUNDARY( growth->place_boundary );
case T_boundary:
if( growth->boundary )
......@@ -709,10 +709,10 @@ L_place:
growth->regions.push_back( region );
doREGION( region );
case T_snap_angle:
STRINGPROP* stringprop;
stringprop = new STRINGPROP( growth, T_snap_angle );
stringprop = new STRINGPROP( growth, T_snap_angle );
growth->Append( stringprop );
doSTRINGPROP( stringprop );
......@@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ L_place:
growth->via = new VIA( growth );
doVIA( growth->via );
case T_control:
growth->control = new CONTROL( growth );
doCONTROL( growth->control );
......@@ -742,8 +742,8 @@ L_place:
case T_place_rule:
growth->place_rules = new RULE( growth, T_place_rule );
doRULE( growth->place_rules );
case T_keepout:
case T_place_keepout:
case T_via_keepout:
......@@ -762,7 +762,7 @@ L_place:
growth->grids.push_back( grid );
doGRID( grid );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -773,21 +773,21 @@ L_place:
void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( isSymbol(tok) )
growth->name = lexer->CurText();
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
while( tok != T_RIGHT )
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -797,35 +797,35 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->sequence_number = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
case T_rule:
if( growth->rules )
unexpected( tok );
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
case T_place_rule:
if( growth->place_rules )
unexpected( tok );
growth->place_rules = new RULE( growth, T_place_rule );
doRULE( growth->place_rules );
case T_rect:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
growth->shape = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( (RECTANGLE*) growth->shape );
case T_circle:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
growth->shape = new CIRCLE( growth );
doCIRCLE( (CIRCLE*) growth->shape );
case T_polyline_path:
tok = T_path;
case T_path:
......@@ -835,14 +835,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shape = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( (PATH*) growth->shape );
case T_qarc:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
growth->shape = new QARC( growth );
doQARC( (QARC*) growth->shape );
case T_window:
WINDOW* window;
window = new WINDOW( growth );
......@@ -853,7 +853,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -862,12 +862,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
while( tok != T_RIGHT )
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -877,14 +877,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shape = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( (RECTANGLE*) growth->shape );
case T_circle:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
growth->shape = new CIRCLE( growth );
doCIRCLE( (CIRCLE*) growth->shape );
case T_polyline_path:
tok = T_path;
case T_path:
......@@ -894,18 +894,18 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shape = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( (PATH*) growth->shape );
case T_qarc:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
growth->shape = new QARC( growth );
doQARC( (QARC*) growth->shape );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -914,16 +914,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_rect )
if( growth->paths.size() )
unexpected( "rect when path already encountered" );
growth->rectangle = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( growth->rectangle );
......@@ -937,10 +937,10 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_path )
expecting( T_path );
PATH* path = new PATH( growth, T_path ) ;
growth->paths.push_back( path );
doPATH( path );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -950,7 +950,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
tok = nextTok();
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -964,43 +964,43 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPATH( PATH* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "layer_id" );
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( "aperture_width" );
growth->aperture_width = strtod( lexer->CurText(), NULL );
POINT ptTemp;
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
ptTemp.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), NULL );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
ptTemp.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), NULL );
growth->points.push_back( ptTemp );
} while( (tok = nextTok())!=T_RIGHT && tok!=T_LEFT );
if( tok == T_LEFT )
if( nextTok() != T_aperture_type )
expecting( T_aperture_type );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_round && tok!=T_square )
expecting( "round|square" );
growth->aperture_type = tok;
......@@ -1010,7 +1010,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRECTANGLE( RECTANGLE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->point0.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), NULL );
......@@ -1034,23 +1034,23 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRECTANGLE( RECTANGLE* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doCIRCLE( CIRCLE* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->diameter = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_NUMBER )
growth->vertex.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -1063,23 +1063,23 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doQARC( QARC* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->aperture_width = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex[i].x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex[i].y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
......@@ -1094,32 +1094,32 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRINGPROP( STRINGPROP* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doTOKPROP( TOKPROP* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( tok<0 )
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
growth->value = tok;
void SPECCTRA_DB::doVIA( VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok == T_LEFT )
if( nextTok() != T_spare )
expecting( T_spare );
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->spares.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doVIA( VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
......@@ -1152,7 +1152,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->via_at_smd = (tok==T_on);
case T_off_grid:
case T_route_to_fanout_only:
case T_force_to_terminal_point:
......@@ -1172,7 +1172,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->Append( tokprop );
doTOKPROP( tokprop );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1189,16 +1189,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPROPERTIES( PROPERTIES* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
needSYMBOL(); = lexer->CurText();
property.value = lexer->CurText();
growth->push_back( property );
......@@ -1206,12 +1206,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPROPERTIES( PROPERTIES* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol(tok) )
growth->name = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
......@@ -1233,11 +1233,11 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
case T_property:
doPROPERTIES( &growth->properties );
case T_direction:
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -1281,9 +1281,9 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->cost = tok;
case T_NUMBER:
// store as negative so we can differentiate between
// store as negative so we can differentiate between
// DSN_T (positive) and T_NUMBER (negative)
growth->cost = -atoi( lexer->CurText() );
growth->cost = -atoi( lexer->CurText() );
expecting( "forbidden|high|medium|low|free|<positive_integer>|-1" );
......@@ -1293,15 +1293,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( nextTok() != T_type )
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_length && tok!=T_way )
expecting( "length|way" );
growth->cost_type = tok;
if( nextTok()!=T_RIGHT )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_RIGHT )
......@@ -1313,13 +1313,13 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( !isSymbol(tok) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->use_net.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1334,10 +1334,10 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRULE( RULE* growth ) throw( IOError )
while( bracketNesting!=0 && tok!=T_EOF )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_LEFT)
else if( tok==T_RIGHT )
......@@ -1348,9 +1348,9 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRULE( RULE* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok==T_STRING )
builder += quote_char;
builder += lexer->CurText();
if( tok==T_STRING )
builder += quote_char;
......@@ -1364,7 +1364,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRULE( RULE* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok==T_EOF )
unexpected( T_EOF );
......@@ -1380,32 +1380,32 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE_RULE( PLACE_RULE* growth, bool expect_object_type ) th
<opposite_side_descriptor> ]}
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_object_type )
if( !expect_object_type )
unexpected( tok );
/* [(object_type
[pcb |
image_set [large | small | discrete | capacitor | resistor]
[(image_type [smd | pin])]]
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_pcb:
growth->object_type = tok;
case T_image_set:
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -1421,35 +1421,35 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE_RULE( PLACE_RULE* growth, bool expect_object_type ) th
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_LEFT )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_image_type )
expecting( T_image_type );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_smd && tok!=T_pin )
expecting( "smd|pin" );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
tok = nextTok();
/* {[<spacing_descriptor> |
<permit_orient_descriptor> |
/* {[<spacing_descriptor> |
<permit_orient_descriptor> |
<permit_side_descriptor> | <opposite_side_descriptor> ]}
doRULE( growth );
......@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE_RULE( PLACE_RULE* growth, bool expect_object_type ) th
void SPECCTRA_DB::doREGION( REGION* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( isSymbol(tok) )
growth->region_id = lexer->CurText();
......@@ -1481,36 +1481,36 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doREGION( REGION* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->rectangle = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( growth->rectangle );
case T_polygon:
if( growth->polygon )
unexpected( tok );
growth->polygon = new PATH( growth, T_polygon );
doPATH( growth->polygon );
case T_region_net:
case T_region_class:
STRINGPROP* stringprop;
stringprop = new STRINGPROP( growth, tok );
growth->Append( stringprop );
doSTRINGPROP( stringprop );
case T_region_class_class:
CLASS_CLASS* class_class;
class_class = new CLASS_CLASS( growth, tok );
growth->Append( class_class );
doCLASS_CLASS( class_class );
doCLASS_CLASS( class_class );
case T_rule:
if( growth->rules )
unexpected( tok );
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1529,10 +1529,10 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doREGION( REGION* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
switch( tok )
......@@ -1543,7 +1543,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->classes = new CLASSES( growth );
doCLASSES( growth->classes );
case T_rule:
// only T_class_class takes a T_rule
if( growth->Type() == T_region_class_class )
......@@ -1553,7 +1553,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->Append( rule );
doRULE( rule );
case T_layer_rule:
// only T_class_class takes a T_layer_rule
if( growth->Type() == T_region_class_class )
......@@ -1563,8 +1563,8 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->Append( layer_rule );
doLAYER_RULE( layer_rule );
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -1576,20 +1576,20 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASSES( CLASSES* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
// require at least 2 class_ids
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "class_id" );
growth->class_ids.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "class_id" );
growth->class_ids.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
} while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT );
......@@ -1597,7 +1597,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASSES( CLASSES* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doGRID( GRID* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_via:
......@@ -1629,12 +1629,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doGRID( GRID* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( growth->grid_type == T_place )
unexpected( tok );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->offset = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_RIGHT )
......@@ -1662,24 +1662,24 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doGRID( GRID* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_RULE( LAYER_RULE* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
growth->layer_ids.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
} while( isSymbol(tok = nextTok()) );
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
if( nextTok() != T_rule )
expecting( T_rule );
growth->rule = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rule );
......@@ -1687,30 +1687,30 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_RULE( LAYER_RULE* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "component_id" );
growth->component_id = lexer->CurText();
growth->component_id = lexer->CurText();
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_NUMBER )
POINT point;
point.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
point.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
growth->SetVertex( point );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_front && tok!=T_back )
expecting( "front|back" );
growth->side = tok;
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( "rotation" );
growth->SetRotation( strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0) );
......@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -1731,7 +1731,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
case T_status:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_added || tok==T_deleted || tok==T_substituted )
......@@ -1739,7 +1739,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
case T_logical_part:
if( growth->logical_part.size() )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -1748,20 +1748,20 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
expecting( "logical_part_id");
growth->logical_part = lexer->CurText();
case T_place_rule:
if( growth->place_rules )
unexpected( tok );
growth->place_rules = new RULE( growth, T_place_rule );
doRULE( growth->place_rules );
case T_property:
if( growth->properties.size() )
unexpected( tok );
doPROPERTIES( &growth->properties );
case T_lock_type:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_position || tok==T_gate || tok==T_subgate || tok==T_pin )
......@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->part_number = lexer->CurText();
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACE( PLACE* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doCOMPONENT( COMPONENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "image_id" );
growth->image_id = lexer->CurText();
......@@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCOMPONENT( COMPONENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -1821,7 +1821,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCOMPONENT( COMPONENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->places.push_back( place );
doPLACE( place );
......@@ -1832,9 +1832,9 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCOMPONENT( COMPONENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACEMENT( PLACEMENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_unit || tok==T_resolution )
......@@ -1843,21 +1843,21 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACEMENT( PLACEMENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
doRESOLUTION( growth->unit );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
if( nextTok() != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_place_control )
if( nextTok() != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_flip_style )
expecting( T_flip_style );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_mirror_first || tok==T_rotate_first )
growth->flip_style = tok;
......@@ -1866,7 +1866,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACEMENT( PLACEMENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -1875,15 +1875,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPLACEMENT( PLACEMENT* growth ) throw( IOError )
COMPONENT* component = new COMPONENT( growth );
growth->components.push_back( component );
doCOMPONENT( component );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_RIGHT )
else if( tok == T_LEFT )
else if( tok == T_LEFT )
tok = nextTok();
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1905,18 +1905,18 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPADSTACK( PADSTACK* growth ) throw( IOError )
[(absolute [on | off])]
[(rule <clearance_descriptor> )])
// padstack_id may be a number
if( !isSymbol( tok ) && tok!=T_NUMBER )
expecting( "padstack_id" );
growth->padstack_id = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -1942,7 +1942,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPADSTACK( PADSTACK* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->absolute = tok;
case T_shape:
SHAPE* shape;
shape = new SHAPE( growth );
......@@ -1960,27 +1960,27 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPADSTACK( PADSTACK* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( nextTok() != T_use_via )
expecting( T_use_via );
growth->via_id = lexer->CurText();
case T_via_site: not supported
case T_rule:
if( growth->rules )
unexpected( tok );
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -1997,12 +1997,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSHAPE( SHAPE* growth ) throw( IOError )
[(connect [on | off])]
[{<window_descriptor> }])
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2013,7 +2013,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSHAPE( SHAPE* growth ) throw( IOError )
case T_path:
case T_polygon:
case T_qarc:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -2025,25 +2025,25 @@ L_done_that:
goto L_done_that;
switch( tok )
case T_rect:
growth->shape = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( (RECTANGLE*) growth->shape );
case T_circle:
growth->shape = new CIRCLE( growth );
doCIRCLE( (CIRCLE*)growth->shape );
case T_path:
case T_polygon:
growth->shape = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( (PATH*)growth->shape );
case T_qarc:
growth->shape = new QARC( growth );
doQARC( (QARC*)growth->shape );
......@@ -2063,7 +2063,7 @@ L_done_that:
growth->windows.push_back( window );
doWINDOW( window );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2094,14 +2094,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doIMAGE( IMAGE* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "image_id" );
growth->image_id = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doIMAGE( IMAGE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->pins.push_back( pin );
doPIN( pin );
case T_rule:
if( growth->rules )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doIMAGE( IMAGE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
doKEEPOUT( keepout );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2179,23 +2179,23 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPIN( PIN* growth ) throw( IOError )
// a padstack_id may be a number
if( !isSymbol( tok ) && tok!=T_NUMBER )
expecting( "padstack_id" );
growth->padstack_id = lexer->CurText();
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_LEFT )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_rotate )
expecting( T_rotate );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->SetRotation( strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 ) );
tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol(tok) && tok!=T_NUMBER )
expecting( "pin_id" );
......@@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doPIN( PIN* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
......@@ -2231,12 +2231,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLIBRARY( LIBRARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
[{<image_image_descriptor> }]
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2246,7 +2246,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLIBRARY( LIBRARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->unit = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
case T_padstack:
PADSTACK* padstack;
padstack = new PADSTACK( growth );
......@@ -2260,7 +2260,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLIBRARY( LIBRARY* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->images.push_back( image );
doIMAGE( image );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2295,14 +2295,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET( NET* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( "net_id" );
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2325,7 +2325,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET( NET* growth ) throw( IOError )
PIN_REF empty( growth );
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
// copy the empty one, then fill its copy later thru pin_ref.
// copy the empty one, then fill its copy later thru pin_ref.
growth->pins.push_back( empty );
PIN_REF* pin_ref = &growth->pins.back();
......@@ -2341,7 +2341,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET( NET* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->comp_order = new COMP_ORDER( growth );
doCOMP_ORDER( growth->comp_order );
case T_type:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_fix && tok!=T_normal )
......@@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET( NET* growth ) throw( IOError )
/* @todo
/* @todo
case T_circuit:
......@@ -2361,14 +2361,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET( NET* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
case T_layer_rule:
LAYER_RULE* layer_rule;
layer_rule = new LAYER_RULE( growth );
growth->layer_rules.push_back( layer_rule );
doLAYER_RULE( layer_rule );
case T_fromto:
FROMTO* fromto;
fromto = new FROMTO( growth );
......@@ -2396,7 +2396,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doTOPOLOGY( TOPOLOGY* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2406,7 +2406,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doTOPOLOGY( TOPOLOGY* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->fromtos.push_back( fromto );
doFROMTO( fromto );
case T_comp_order:
COMP_ORDER* comp_order;
comp_order = new COMP_ORDER( growth );
......@@ -2436,7 +2436,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS( CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->class_id = lexer->CurText();
// do net_ids, do not support <composite_name_list>s at this time
......@@ -2444,13 +2444,13 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS( CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->net_ids.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
while( tok != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2460,54 +2460,54 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS( CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->rules = new RULE( growth, T_rule );
doRULE( growth->rules );
case T_layer_rule:
LAYER_RULE* layer_rule;
layer_rule = new LAYER_RULE( growth );
growth->layer_rules.push_back( layer_rule );
doLAYER_RULE( layer_rule );
case T_topology:
if( growth->topology )
unexpected( tok );
growth->topology = new TOPOLOGY( growth );
doTOPOLOGY( growth->topology );
default: // handle all the circuit_descriptor here as strings
std::string builder;
int bracketNesting = 1; // we already saw the opening T_LEFT
DSN_T tok = T_NONE;
builder += '(';
builder += lexer->CurText();
while( bracketNesting!=0 && tok!=T_EOF )
tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_LEFT)
else if( tok==T_RIGHT )
if( bracketNesting >= 1 )
if( lexer->PrevTok() != T_LEFT && tok!=T_RIGHT )
builder += ' ';
if( tok==T_STRING )
builder += quote_char;
builder += lexer->CurText();
if( tok==T_STRING )
builder += quote_char;
// When the nested rule is closed with a T_RIGHT and we are back down
// to bracketNesting == 0, then save the builder and break;
if( bracketNesting == 0 )
......@@ -2517,14 +2517,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCLASS( CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok==T_EOF )
unexpected( T_EOF );
} // scope bracket
} // switch
tok = nextTok();
} // while
......@@ -2549,7 +2549,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNETWORK( NETWORK* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2559,7 +2559,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNETWORK( NETWORK* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->nets.push_back( net );
doNET( net );
case T_class:
CLASS* myclass;
myclass = new CLASS( growth );
......@@ -2586,7 +2586,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doCOMP_ORDER( COMP_ORDER* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->placement_ids.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
if( tok != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
......@@ -2608,20 +2608,20 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doFROMTO( FROMTO* growth ) throw( IOError )
// read the first two grammar items in as 2 single tokens, i.e. do not
// split apart the <pin_reference>s into 3 separate tokens. Do this by
// turning off the string delimiter in the lexer.
int old = lexer->SetStringDelimiter( 0 );
if( !isSymbol(nextTok() ) )
lexer->SetStringDelimiter( old );
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->fromText = lexer->CurText();
if( !isSymbol(nextTok() ) )
lexer->SetStringDelimiter( old );
......@@ -2630,12 +2630,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doFROMTO( FROMTO* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->toText = lexer->CurText();
lexer->SetStringDelimiter( old );
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2646,7 +2646,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doFROMTO( FROMTO* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->fromto_type = tok;
case T_rule:
if( growth->rules )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -2668,9 +2668,9 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doFROMTO( FROMTO* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
// circuit descriptor not supported at this time
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2713,7 +2713,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE( WIRE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shape = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( (RECTANGLE*) growth->shape );
case T_circle:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -2730,7 +2730,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE( WIRE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shape = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( (PATH*) growth->shape );
case T_qarc:
if( growth->shape )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -2743,14 +2743,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE( WIRE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
case T_turret:
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->turret = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
case T_type:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_fix && tok!=T_route && tok!=T_normal && tok!=T_protect )
......@@ -2772,28 +2772,28 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE( WIRE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->shield = lexer->CurText();
case T_window:
WINDOW* window;
window = new WINDOW( growth );
growth->windows.push_back( window );
doWINDOW( window );
case T_connect:
if( growth->connect )
unexpected( tok );
/* @todo
/* @todo
growth->connect = new CONNECT( growth );
doCONNECT( growth->connect );
case T_supply:
growth->supply = true;
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2805,7 +2805,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok;
POINT point;
/* <wire_via_descriptor >::=
<padstack_id > {<vertex> }
......@@ -2828,12 +2828,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
while( (tok = nextTok()) == T_NUMBER )
point.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( "vertex.y" );
point.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
growth->vertexes.push_back( point );
......@@ -2841,7 +2841,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2850,14 +2850,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
case T_via_number:
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( "<via#>" );
growth->via_number = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
case T_type:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_fix && tok!=T_route && tok!=T_normal && tok!=T_protect )
......@@ -2865,7 +2865,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->via_type = tok;
case T_attr:
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_test && tok!=T_fanout && tok!=T_jumper && tok!=T_virtual_pin )
......@@ -2878,7 +2878,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
case T_contact:
tok = T_SYMBOL;
......@@ -2890,16 +2890,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRE_VIA( WIRE_VIA* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
case T_supply:
growth->supply = true;
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -2922,7 +2922,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRING( WIRING* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2932,14 +2932,14 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRING( WIRING* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->unit = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
case T_resolution:
if( growth->unit )
unexpected( tok );
growth->unit = new UNIT_RES( growth, tok );
doRESOLUTION( growth->unit );
case T_wire:
WIRE* wire;
wire = new WIRE( growth );
......@@ -2953,7 +2953,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWIRING( WIRING* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->wire_vias.push_back( wire_via );
doWIRE_VIA( wire_via );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -2969,15 +2969,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doANCESTOR( ANCESTOR* growth ) throw( IOError )
(ancestor <file_path_name> (created_time <time_stamp> )
[(comment <comment_string> )])
growth->filename = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -2985,13 +2985,13 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doANCESTOR( ANCESTOR* growth ) throw( IOError )
readTIME( &growth->time_stamp );
case T_comment:
growth->comment = lexer->CurText();
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -3006,12 +3006,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doHISTORY( HISTORY* growth ) throw( IOError )
/* <history_descriptor >::=
(history [{<ancestor_file_descriptor> }] <self_descriptor> )
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -3021,33 +3021,33 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doHISTORY( HISTORY* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->ancestors.push_back( ancestor );
doANCESTOR( ancestor );
case T_self:
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_created_time:
readTIME( &growth->time_stamp );
case T_comment:
growth->comments.push_back( lexer->CurText() );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -3072,7 +3072,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSESSION( SESSION* growth ) throw( IOError )
[<route_descriptor> ]
growth->session_id = lexer->CurText();
......@@ -3080,7 +3080,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSESSION( SESSION* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -3089,28 +3089,28 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSESSION( SESSION* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->base_design = lexer->CurText();
case T_history:
if( growth->history )
unexpected( tok );
growth->history = new HISTORY( growth );
doHISTORY( growth->history );
case T_structure:
if( growth->structure )
unexpected( tok );
growth->structure = new STRUCTURE( growth );
doSTRUCTURE( growth->structure );
case T_placement:
if( growth->placement )
unexpected( tok );
growth->placement = new PLACEMENT( growth );
doPLACEMENT( growth->placement );
case T_was_is:
if( growth->was_is )
unexpected( tok );
......@@ -3124,7 +3124,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSESSION( SESSION* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->route = new ROUTE( growth );
doROUTE( growth->route );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -3145,27 +3145,27 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doWAS_IS( WAS_IS* growth ) throw( IOError )
// none of the pins is ok too
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_pins:
// copy the empty one, then fill its copy later thru pin_pair.
// copy the empty one, then fill its copy later thru pin_pair.
growth->pin_pairs.push_back( empty );
pin_pair= &growth->pin_pairs.back();
needSYMBOL(); // readCOMPnPIN() expects 1st token to have been read
readCOMPnPIN( &pin_pair->was.component_id, &pin_pair->was.pin_id );
needSYMBOL(); // readCOMPnPIN() expects 1st token to have been read
readCOMPnPIN( &pin_pair->is.component_id, &pin_pair->is.pin_id );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
......@@ -3192,7 +3192,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doROUTE( ROUTE* growth ) throw( IOError )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -3223,20 +3223,20 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doROUTE( ROUTE* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->library = new LIBRARY( growth, tok );
doLIBRARY( growth->library );
case T_network_out:
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_net ) // it is class NET_OUT, but token T_net
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
NET_OUT* net_out;
net_out = new NET_OUT( growth );
growth->net_outs.push_back( net_out );
doNET_OUT( net_out );
......@@ -3262,15 +3262,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET_OUT( NET_OUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
{[<supply_pin_descriptor> ]}
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
......@@ -3302,7 +3302,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doNET_OUT( NET_OUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
growth->wire_vias.push_back( wire_via );
doWIRE_VIA( wire_via );
case T_supply_pin:
SUPPLY_PIN* supply_pin;
supply_pin = new SUPPLY_PIN( growth );
......@@ -3325,18 +3325,18 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSUPPLY_PIN( SUPPLY_PIN* growth ) throw( IOError )
/* <supply_pin_descriptor >::=
(supply_pin {<pin_reference> } [(net <net_id >)])
growth->net_id = lexer->CurText();
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( isSymbol(tok) )
growth->pin_refs.push_back( empty );
PIN_REF* pin_ref = &growth->pin_refs.back();
readCOMPnPIN( &pin_ref->component_id, &pin_ref->pin_id );
else if( tok == T_LEFT )
......@@ -3358,92 +3358,92 @@ int SPECCTRA_DB::Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError )
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt );
int result = 0;
int total = 0;
for( int i=0; i<nestLevel; ++i )
result = fprintf( fp, "%*c", NESTWIDTH, ' ' );
if( result < 0 )
total += result;
if( result<0 || (result=vfprintf( fp, fmt, args ))<0 )
ThrowIOError( _("System file error writing to file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
va_end( args );
total += result;
return total;
// factor out a common GetQuoteChar
const char* OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, const char* quote_char )
const char* OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, const char* quote_char )
// I include '#' so a symbol is not confused with a comment. We intend
// to wrap any symbol starting with a '#'.
// Our LEXER class handles comments, and comments appear to be an extension
// to the SPECCTRA DSN specification.
// to the SPECCTRA DSN specification.
if( *wrapee == '#' )
return quote_char;
if( strlen(wrapee)==0 )
return quote_char;
bool isNumber = true;
for( ; *wrapee; ++wrapee )
static const char quoteThese[] = "\t ()"
"%" // per Alfons of, he does not like this unquoted as of 1-Feb-2008
// if the string to be wrapped (wrapee) has a delimiter in it,
// if the string to be wrapped (wrapee) has a delimiter in it,
// return the quote_char so caller wraps the wrapee.
if( strchr( quoteThese, *wrapee ) )
return quote_char;
if( !strchr( "01234567890.-+", *wrapee ) )
isNumber = false;
if( isNumber )
return quote_char;
return ""; // can use an unwrapped string.
const char* SPECCTRA_DB::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee )
const char* SPECCTRA_DB::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee )
return OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( wrapee, quote_char.c_str() );
return OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( wrapee, quote_char.c_str() );
void SPECCTRA_DB::ExportPCB( wxString filename, bool aNameChange ) throw( IOError )
fp = wxFopen( filename, wxT("w") );
if( !fp )
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
if( pcb )
if( aNameChange )
pcb->pcbname = CONV_TO_UTF8(filename);
pcb->pcbname = CONV_TO_UTF8(filename);
pcb->Format( this, 0 );
// if an exception is thrown by Format, then ~SPECCTRA_DB() will close
// the file.
fclose( fp );
fp = 0;
......@@ -3452,15 +3452,15 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::ExportPCB( wxString filename, bool aNameChange ) throw( IOErro
void SPECCTRA_DB::ExportSESSION( wxString filename )
fp = wxFopen( filename, wxT("w") );
if( !fp )
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
ThrowIOError( _("Unable to open file \"%s\""), filename.GetData() );
if( session )
session->Format( this, 0 );
session->Format( this, 0 );
fclose( fp );
fp = 0;
......@@ -3469,22 +3469,22 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::ExportSESSION( wxString filename )
PCB* pcb = new PCB();
pcb->parser = new PARSER( pcb );
pcb->resolution = new UNIT_RES( pcb, T_resolution );
pcb->unit = new UNIT_RES( pcb, T_unit );
pcb->structure = new STRUCTURE( pcb );
pcb->structure->boundary = new BOUNDARY( pcb->structure );
pcb->structure->via = new VIA( pcb->structure );
pcb->structure->rules = new RULE( pcb->structure, T_rule );
pcb->placement = new PLACEMENT( pcb );
pcb->library = new LIBRARY( pcb );
pcb->network = new NETWORK( pcb );
pcb->wiring = new WIRING( pcb );
return pcb;
......@@ -3493,13 +3493,13 @@ PCB* SPECCTRA_DB::MakePCB()
const char* STRINGFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee )
const char* STRINGFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee )
// for what we are using STRINGFORMATTER for at this time, we can return the nul string
// always.
return "";
// return OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, "\"" );
// return OUTPUTFORMATTER::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, "\"" );
int STRINGFORMATTER::vprint( const char* fmt, va_list ap )
......@@ -3510,12 +3510,12 @@ int STRINGFORMATTER::vprint( const char* fmt, va_list ap )
buffer.reserve( ret+200 );
ret = vsnprintf( &buffer[0], buffer.size(), fmt, ap );
if( ret > 0 )
mystring.append( (const char*) &buffer[0] );
return ret;
int STRINGFORMATTER::sprint( const char* fmt, ... )
......@@ -3525,9 +3525,9 @@ int STRINGFORMATTER::sprint( const char* fmt, ... )
va_start( args, fmt );
int ret = vprint( fmt, args);
va_end( args );
return ret;
int STRINGFORMATTER::Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError )
......@@ -3535,26 +3535,26 @@ int STRINGFORMATTER::Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt );
int result = 0;
int total = 0;
for( int i=0; i<nestLevel; ++i )
result = sprint( "%*c", NESTWIDTH, ' ' );
if( result < 0 )
total += result;
if( result<0 || (result=vprint( fmt, args ))<0 )
throw IOError( _("Error writing to STRINGFORMATTER") );
va_end( args );
total += result;
return total;
......@@ -3563,9 +3563,9 @@ int STRINGFORMATTER::Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError
void STRINGFORMATTER::StripUseless()
std::string copy = mystring;
for( std::string::iterator i=copy.begin(); i!=copy.end(); ++i )
if( !isspace( *i ) && *i!=')' && *i!='(' && *i!='"' )
......@@ -3590,13 +3590,22 @@ ELEM::~ELEM()
UNIT_RES* ELEM::GetUnits() const
if( parent )
return parent->GetUnits();
return &UNIT_RES::Default;
void ELEM::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
FormatContents( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -3624,6 +3633,10 @@ int ELEM_HOLDER::FindElem( DSN_T aType, int instanceNum )
return -1;
UNIT_RES UNIT_RES::Default( NULL, T_resolution );
......@@ -3631,10 +3644,10 @@ int PADSTACK::Compare( PADSTACK* lhs, PADSTACK* rhs )
if( !lhs->hash.size() )
lhs->hash = lhs->makeHash();
if( !rhs->hash.size() )
rhs->hash = rhs->makeHash();
int result = lhs-> rhs->hash );
return result;
......@@ -3646,14 +3659,14 @@ int IMAGE::Compare( IMAGE* lhs, IMAGE* rhs )
if( !lhs->hash.size() )
lhs->hash = lhs->makeHash();
if( !rhs->hash.size() )
rhs->hash = rhs->makeHash();
int result = lhs-> rhs->hash );
// printf("\"%s\" \"%s\" ret=%d\n", lhs->hash.c_str(), rhs->hash.c_str(), result );
return result;
......@@ -3665,7 +3678,7 @@ int COMPONENT::Compare( COMPONENT* lhs, COMPONENT* rhs )
if( !lhs->hash.size() )
lhs->hash = lhs->makeHash();
if( !rhs->hash.size() )
rhs->hash = rhs->makeHash();
......@@ -3689,7 +3702,7 @@ PARSER::PARSER( ELEM* aParent ) :
routes_include_image_conductor = false;
via_rotate_first = true;
generated_by_freeroute = false;
host_cad = "Kicad's PCBNEW";
host_version = CONV_TO_UTF8(g_BuildVersion);
......@@ -3699,11 +3712,11 @@ void PARSER::FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOErro
out->Print( nestLevel, "(string_quote %c)\n", string_quote );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(space_in_quoted_tokens %s)\n", space_in_quoted_tokens ? "on" : "off" );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(host_cad \"%s\")\n", host_cad.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(host_cad \"%s\")\n", host_cad.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(host_version \"%s\")\n", host_version.c_str() );
if( const_id1.length()>0 || const_id2.length()>0 )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(constant %c%s%c %c%s%c)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(constant %c%s%c %c%s%c)\n",
string_quote, const_id1.c_str(), string_quote,
string_quote, const_id2.c_str(), string_quote );
......@@ -3712,14 +3725,14 @@ void PARSER::FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOErro
routes_include_testpoint ? " testpoint" : "",
routes_include_guides ? " guides" : "",
routes_include_image_conductor ? " image_conductor" : "");
if( wires_include_testpoint )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(wires_include testpoint)\n" );
if( !via_rotate_first )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(via_rotate_first off)\n" );
if( case_sensitive )
if( case_sensitive )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(case_sensitive %s)\n", case_sensitive ? "on" : "off" );
......@@ -3727,22 +3740,22 @@ void PARSER::FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOErro
void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
bool useMultiLine;
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( component_id.c_str() );
if( place_rules || properties.size() || rules || region )
useMultiLine = true;
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, component_id.c_str(), quote );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "%s", "" );
useMultiLine = false;
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, component_id.c_str(), quote );
......@@ -3750,30 +3763,30 @@ void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( hasVertex )
out->Print( 0, " %.6g %.6g", vertex.x, vertex.y );
out->Print( 0, " %s", LEXER::GetTokenText( side ) );
out->Print( 0, " %.6g", rotation );
const char* space = " "; // one space, as c string.
if( mirror != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "%s(mirror %s)", space, LEXER::GetTokenText( mirror ) );
space = "";
if( status != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "%s(status %s)", space, LEXER::GetTokenText( status ) );
space = "";
if( logical_part.size() )
quote = out->GetQuoteChar( logical_part.c_str() );
out->Print( 0, "%s(logical_part %s%s%s)", space,
out->Print( 0, "%s(logical_part %s%s%s)", space,
quote, logical_part.c_str(), quote );
space = "";
......@@ -3785,11 +3798,11 @@ void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
place_rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( properties.size() )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(property \n" );
for( PROPERTIES::const_iterator i = properties.begin();
i != properties.end(); ++i )
......@@ -3798,14 +3811,14 @@ void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, ")\n" );
if( lock_type != T_NONE )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(lock_type %s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(lock_type %s)\n",
LEXER::GetTokenText(lock_type) );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( region )
region->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( part_number.size() )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( part_number.c_str() );
......@@ -3817,7 +3830,7 @@ void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( lock_type != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "%s(lock_type %s)", space,
out->Print( 0, "%s(lock_type %s)", space,
LEXER::GetTokenText(lock_type) );
space = "";
......@@ -3829,7 +3842,7 @@ void PLACE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
quote, part_number.c_str(), quote );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -3854,25 +3867,25 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
bool failed = false;
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
if( argc == 2 )
filename = CONV_FROM_UTF8( argv[1] );
db.LoadPCB( filename );
// db.LoadSESSION( filename );
catch( IOError ioe )
fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8(ioe.errorText) );
failed = true;
if( !failed )
if( !failed )
fprintf( stderr, "loaded OK\n" );
// export what we read in, making this test program basically a beautifier
......@@ -3882,10 +3895,10 @@ int main( int argc, char** argv )
DSN::PCB* pcb = db.GetPCB();
// hose the beautified DSN file to stdout.
db.SetFILE( stdout );
db.SetFILE( stdout );
pcb->Format( &db, 0 );
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
......@@ -3,29 +3,29 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef SPECCTRA_H_
#define SPECCTRA_H_
// see
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_vector.hpp>
......@@ -37,29 +37,29 @@ class TYPE_COLLECTOR; // outside the DSN namespace
This source file implements export and import capabilities to the
This source file implements export and import capabilities to the
specctra dsn file format. The grammar for that file format is documented
fairly well. There are classes for each major type of descriptor in the
Since there are so many classes in here, it may be helpful to generate
Since there are so many classes in here, it may be helpful to generate
the Doxygen directory:
$ cd <kicadSourceRoot>
$ doxygen
Then you can view the html documentation in the <kicadSourceRoot>/doxygen
directory. The main class in this file is SPECCTRA_DB and its main
functions are LoadPCB(), LoadSESSION(), and ExportPCB().
Wide use is made of boost::ptr_vector<> and std::vector<> template classes.
If the contained object is small, then std::vector tends to be used.
If the contained object is large, variable size, or would require writing
an assignment operator() or copy constructore, then boost::ptr_vector
cannot be beat.
namespace DSN {
......@@ -76,16 +76,16 @@ class OUTPUTFORMATTER
// See
// Then to get format checking during the compile, compile with -Wall or -Wformat
#define PRINTF_FUNC __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)))
* Function print
* formats and writes text to the output stream.
* @param nestLevel The multiple of spaces to preceed the output with.
* @param nestLevel The multiple of spaces to preceed the output with.
* @param fmt A printf() style format string.
* @param ... a variable list of parameters that will get blended into
* @param ... a variable list of parameters that will get blended into
* the output under control of the format string.
* @return int - the number of characters output.
* @throw IOError, if there is a problem outputting, such as a full disk.
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public:
* Function GetQuoteChar
* returns the quote character as a single character string for a given
* returns the quote character as a single character string for a given
* input wrapee string. Often the return value is "" the null string if
* there are no delimiters in the input string. If you want the quote_char
* to be assuredly not "", then pass in "(" as the wrappee.
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
* @return const char* - the quote_char as a single character string, or ""
* if the wrapee does not need to be wrapped.
static const char* GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, const char* quote_char );
static const char* GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee, const char* quote_char );
......@@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ public:
* implements OUTPUTFORMATTER to a memory buffer. After Print()ing the
* string is available through GetString()
std::vector<char> buffer;
std::string mystring;
int sprint( const char* fmt, ... );
int vprint( const char* fmt, va_list ap );
......@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ public:
* Function Clear
* clears the buffer and empties the internal string.
......@@ -158,10 +158,10 @@ public:
void StripUseless();
const char* c_str()
return mystring.c_str();
return mystring.c_str();
......@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ public:
return mystring;
int PRINTF_FUNC Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError );
const char* GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee );
......@@ -187,36 +187,36 @@ struct POINT
double x;
double y;
POINT() { x=0.0; y=0.0; }
POINT( double aX, double aY ) :
x(aX), y(aY)
bool operator==( const POINT& other ) const
return x==other.x && y==other.y;
bool operator!=( const POINT& other ) const
return !( *this == other );
POINT& operator+=( const POINT& other )
x += other.x;
y += other.y;
return *this;
POINT& operator=( const POINT& other )
x = other.x;
y = other.y;
return *this;
return *this;
......@@ -232,10 +232,10 @@ struct POINT
if( y == -0.0 )
y = 0.0;
* Function Format
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* SPECCTRA DSN format.
* @param out The formatter to write to.
* @param nestLevel A multiple of the number of spaces to preceed the output with.
......@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ struct POINT
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, " %.6g %.6g", x, y );
out->Print( nestLevel, " %.6g %.6g", x, y );
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ struct PROPERTY
* Function Format
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* SPECCTRA DSN format.
* @param out The formatter to write to.
* @param nestLevel A multiple of the number of spaces to preceed the output with.
......@@ -267,27 +267,27 @@ struct PROPERTY
const char* quoteName = out->GetQuoteChar( name.c_str() );
const char* quoteValue = out->GetQuoteChar( value.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s%s%s %s%s%s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s%s%s %s%s%s)\n",
quoteName, name.c_str(), quoteName,
quoteValue, value.c_str(), quoteValue );
typedef std::vector<PROPERTY> PROPERTIES;
class UNIT_RES;
* Class ELEM
* is a base class for any DSN element class.
* is a base class for any DSN element class.
* See class ELEM_HOLDER also.
class ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
DSN_T type;
ELEM* parent;
......@@ -298,47 +298,40 @@ protected:
* ELEMs of the same derived class as "this" one.
* It is not useable for all derived classes, only those which plan for
* it by implementing a FormatContents() function that captures all info
* which will be used in the subsequent string compare. THIS SHOULD
* which will be used in the subsequent string compare. THIS SHOULD
std::string makeHash()
FormatContents( &sf, 0 );
return sf.GetString();
ELEM( DSN_T aType, ELEM* aParent = 0 );
virtual ~ELEM();
DSN_T Type() const { return type; }
* Function GetUnits
* returns the units for this section. Derived classes may override this
* to check for section specific overrides.
* @return DSN_T - one of the allowed values to &lt;unit_descriptor&gt;
* @return UNIT_RES* - from a local or parent scope
virtual DSN_T GetUnits() const
if( parent )
return parent->GetUnits();
return T_inch;
virtual UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const;
* Function Format
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* writes this object as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* SPECCTRA DSN format.
* @param out The formatter to write to.
* @param nestLevel A multiple of the number of spaces to preceed the output with.
......@@ -346,10 +339,10 @@ public:
virtual void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError );
* Function FormatContents
* writes the contents as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* writes the contents as ASCII out to an OUTPUTFORMATTER according to the
* SPECCTRA DSN format. This is the same as Format() except that the outer
* wrapper is not included.
* @param out The formatter to write to.
......@@ -360,7 +353,7 @@ public:
// overridden in ELEM_HOLDER
void SetParent( ELEM* aParent )
parent = aParent;
......@@ -372,25 +365,25 @@ public:
* is a holder for any DSN class. It can contain other
* class instances, including classes derived from this class.
class ELEM_HOLDER : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<ELEM> ELEM_ARRAY;
ELEM_ARRAY kids; ///< ELEM pointers
ELEM_HOLDER( DSN_T aType, ELEM* aParent = 0 ) :
ELEM( aType, aParent )
virtual void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError );
//-----< list operations >--------------------------------------------
......@@ -402,7 +395,7 @@ public:
int FindElem( DSN_T aType, int instanceNum = 0 );
* Function Length
* returns the number of ELEMs in this ELEM.
......@@ -412,7 +405,7 @@ public:
return kids.size();
void Append( ELEM* aElem )
kids.push_back( aElem );
......@@ -434,19 +427,19 @@ public:
kids.insert( kids.begin()+aIndex, aElem );
ELEM* At( int aIndex ) const
// we have varying sized objects and are using polymorphism, so we
// must return a pointer not a reference.
return (ELEM*) &kids[aIndex];
ELEM* operator[]( int aIndex ) const
return At( aIndex );
void Delete( int aIndex )
kids.erase( kids.begin()+aIndex );
......@@ -472,14 +465,14 @@ class PARSER : public ELEM
bool routes_include_image_conductor;
bool via_rotate_first;
bool generated_by_freeroute;
std::string const_id1;
std::string const_id2;
std::string host_cad;
std::string host_version;
PARSER( ELEM* aParent );
......@@ -496,11 +489,19 @@ public:
class UNIT_RES : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
DSN_T units;
int value;
* A static instance which holds the default units of T_inch and 2540000.
* See page 108 of the specctra spec, May 2000.
static UNIT_RES Default;
UNIT_RES( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType ) :
ELEM( aType, aParent )
......@@ -508,20 +509,18 @@ public:
value = 2540000;
DSN_T GetEngUnits() const { return units; }
int GetValue() const { return value; }
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( type == T_unit )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
LEXER::GetTokenText(units) );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
LEXER::GetTokenText(units) );
else // T_resolution
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s %d)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
LEXER::GetTokenText(units), value );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
return units;
else // T_resolution
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s %d)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
LEXER::GetTokenText(units), value );
......@@ -529,12 +528,12 @@ public:
class RECTANGLE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id;
POINT point0;
POINT point1;
RECTANGLE( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -546,23 +545,23 @@ public:
layer_id = aLayerId;
void SetCorners( const POINT& aPoint0, const POINT& aPoint1 )
point0 = aPoint0;
point1 = aPoint1;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* newline = nestLevel ? "\n" : "";
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g)%s",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g %.6g %.6g %.6g)%s",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
point0.x, point0.y,
......@@ -592,15 +591,15 @@ public:
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
bool singleLine;
if( rules.size() == 1 )
singleLine = true;
out->Print( 0, " %s)", rules.begin()->c_str() );
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
......@@ -609,7 +608,7 @@ public:
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "%s\n", i->c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")" );
if( nestLevel || !singleLine )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
......@@ -619,10 +618,10 @@ public:
class LAYER_RULE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
STRINGS layer_ids;
RULE* rule;
LAYER_RULE( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -634,21 +633,21 @@ public:
delete rule;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
for( STRINGS::const_iterator i=layer_ids.begin(); i!=layer_ids.end(); ++i )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s", quote, i->c_str(), quote );
out->Print( 0 , "\n" );
if( rule )
rule->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -663,13 +662,13 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER_RULE> LAYER_RULES;
class PATH : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id;
double aperture_width;
POINTS points;
POINTS points;
DSN_T aperture_type;
PATH( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType = T_path ) :
......@@ -678,27 +677,27 @@ public:
aperture_width = 0.0;
aperture_type = T_round;
void AppendPoint( const POINT& aPoint )
points.push_back( aPoint );
void SetLayerId( const char* aLayerId )
layer_id = aLayerId;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* newline = nestLevel ? "\n" : "";
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 70;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g",
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 70;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
aperture_width );
int wrapNest = MAX( nestLevel+1, 6 );
......@@ -711,7 +710,7 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, " " );
perLine += out->Print( 0, "%.6g %.6g", points[i].x, points[i].y );
......@@ -719,8 +718,8 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, "(aperture_type square)" );
out->Print( 0, ")%s", newline );
out->Print( 0, ")%s", newline );
typedef boost::ptr_vector<PATH> PATHS;
......@@ -729,12 +728,12 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<PATH> PATHS;
class BOUNDARY : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
// only one or the other of these two is used, not both
PATHS paths;
RECTANGLE* rectangle;
BOUNDARY( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType = T_boundary ) :
......@@ -742,12 +741,12 @@ public:
rectangle = 0;
delete rectangle;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
......@@ -759,8 +758,8 @@ public:
for( PATHS::iterator i=paths.begin(); i!=paths.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -768,23 +767,23 @@ public:
class CIRCLE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id;
double diameter;
POINT vertex; // POINT's constructor sets to (0,0)
CIRCLE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_circle, aParent )
diameter = 0.0;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* newline = nestLevel ? "\n" : "";
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
......@@ -795,17 +794,17 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, ")%s", newline );
void SetLayerId( const char* aLayerId )
layer_id = aLayerId;
void SetDiameter( double aDiameter )
diameter = aDiameter;
void SetVertex( const POINT& aVertex )
vertex = aVertex;
......@@ -816,33 +815,33 @@ public:
class QARC : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id;
double aperture_width;
POINT vertex[3];
QARC( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_qarc, aParent )
aperture_width = 0.0;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* newline = nestLevel ? "\n" : "";
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %.6g", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) ,
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
out->Print( 0, " %.6g %.6g", vertex[i].x, vertex[i].y );
out->Print( 0, ")%s", newline );
void SetLayerId( const char* aLayerId )
layer_id = aLayerId;
......@@ -872,7 +871,7 @@ class WINDOW : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
/* shape holds one of these
PATH* path; ///< used for both path and polygon
RECTANGLE* rectangle;
......@@ -880,15 +879,15 @@ protected:
QARC* qarc;
ELEM* shape;
WINDOW( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType = T_window ) :
ELEM( aType, aParent )
shape = 0;
delete shape;
......@@ -898,24 +897,24 @@ public:
delete shape;
shape = aShape;
if( aShape )
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
|| aShape->Type()==T_polygon);
aShape->SetParent( this );
aShape->SetParent( this );
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s ", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
if( shape )
shape->Format( out, 0 );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -930,12 +929,12 @@ class KEEPOUT : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string name;
int sequence_number;
RULE* rules;
RULE* place_rules;
WINDOWS windows;
/* <shape_descriptor >::=
......@@ -946,7 +945,7 @@ protected:
<qarc_descriptor> ]
ELEM* shape;
......@@ -960,36 +959,36 @@ public:
rules = 0;
place_rules = 0;
shape = 0;
sequence_number = -1;
delete rules;
delete place_rules;
delete shape;
void SetShape( ELEM* aShape )
delete shape;
shape = aShape;
if( aShape )
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
|| aShape->Type()==T_polygon);
aShape->SetParent( this );
aShape->SetParent( this );
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* newline = "\n";
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
if( name.size() )
......@@ -1000,20 +999,20 @@ public:
if( sequence_number != -1 )
out->Print( 0, " (sequence_number %d)", sequence_number );
if( shape )
out->Print( 0, " " );
shape->Format( out, 0 );
if( rules )
out->Print( 0, "%s", newline );
newline = "";
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( place_rules )
out->Print( 0, "%s", newline );
......@@ -1025,12 +1024,12 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, "%s", newline );
newline = "";
for( WINDOWS::iterator i=windows.begin(); i!=windows.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
typedef boost::ptr_vector<KEEPOUT> KEEPOUTS;
......@@ -1058,12 +1057,12 @@ public:
padstacks.push_back( aViaName );
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 80;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
for( STRINGS::iterator i=padstacks.begin(); i!=padstacks.end(); ++i )
if( perLine > RIGHTMARGIN )
......@@ -1075,11 +1074,11 @@ public:
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
perLine += out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s", quote, i->c_str(), quote );
if( spares.size() )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
perLine = out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(spare" );
for( STRINGS::iterator i=spares.begin(); i!=spares.end(); ++i )
......@@ -1092,10 +1091,10 @@ public:
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
perLine += out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s", quote, i->c_str(), quote );
out->Print( 0, ")" );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -1106,13 +1105,13 @@ class CLASSES : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
STRINGS class_ids;
CLASSES( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_classes, aParent )
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
for( STRINGS::iterator i=class_ids.begin(); i!=class_ids.end(); ++i )
......@@ -1127,15 +1126,15 @@ public:
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
CLASSES* classes;
/* rule | layer_rule are put into the kids container.
* Constructor CLASS_CLASS
* @param aType May be either T_class_class or T_region_class_class
......@@ -1145,7 +1144,7 @@ public:
classes = 0;
delete classes;
......@@ -1168,7 +1167,7 @@ class CONTROL : public ELEM_HOLDER
bool via_at_smd;
bool via_at_smd_grid_on;
CONTROL( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM_HOLDER( T_control, aParent )
......@@ -1176,11 +1175,11 @@ public:
via_at_smd = false;
via_at_smd_grid_on = false;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
......@@ -1190,7 +1189,7 @@ public:
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(via_at_smd %s", via_at_smd ? "on" : "off" );
if( via_at_smd_grid_on )
out->Print( 0, " grid %s", via_at_smd_grid_on ? "on" : "off" );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -1198,8 +1197,8 @@ public:
At(i)->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -1207,17 +1206,17 @@ public:
class LAYER : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string name;
DSN_T layer_type; ///< one of: T_signal, T_power, T_mixed, T_jumper
int direction;
int cost; ///< [forbidden | high | medium | low | free | <positive_integer > | -1]
int cost_type; ///< T_length | T_way
int cost_type; ///< T_length | T_way
RULE* rules;
STRINGS use_net;
PROPERTIES properties;
LAYER( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -1227,19 +1226,19 @@ public:
direction = -1;
cost = -1;
cost_type = -1;
rules = 0;
delete rules;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( name.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, name.c_str(), quote );
......@@ -1248,31 +1247,31 @@ public:
if( properties.size() )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(property \n" );
for( PROPERTIES::iterator i = properties.begin(); i != properties.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+2 );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, ")\n" );
if( direction != -1 )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(direction %s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(direction %s)\n",
LEXER::GetTokenText( (DSN_T)direction ) );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( cost != -1 )
if( cost < 0 )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(cost %d", -cost ); // positive integer, stored as negative
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(cost %s", LEXER::GetTokenText( (DSN_T)cost ) );
if( cost_type != -1 )
out->Print( 0, " (type %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( (DSN_T)cost_type ) );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -1286,8 +1285,8 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -1299,8 +1298,8 @@ class LAYER_PAIR : public ELEM
std::string layer_id0;
std::string layer_id1;
double layer_weight;
double layer_weight;
LAYER_PAIR( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_layer_pair, aParent )
......@@ -1312,7 +1311,7 @@ public:
const char* quote0 = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id0.c_str() );
const char* quote1 = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id1.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %s%s%s %.6g)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote0, layer_id0.c_str(), quote0,
quote1, layer_id1.c_str(), quote1,
......@@ -1325,23 +1324,23 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER_PAIR> LAYER_PAIRS;
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
LAYER_PAIRS layer_pairs;
ELEM( T_layer_noise_weight, aParent )
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
for( LAYER_PAIRS::iterator i=layer_pairs.begin(); i!=layer_pairs.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -1355,7 +1354,7 @@ class COPPER_PLANE : public KEEPOUT
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
KEEPOUT( aParent, T_plane )
......@@ -1380,7 +1379,7 @@ public:
ELEM( aType, aParent )
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
......@@ -1406,11 +1405,11 @@ public:
ELEM( aType, aParent )
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( value.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, value.c_str(), quote );
......@@ -1431,8 +1430,8 @@ class REGION : public ELEM_HOLDER
/* region_net | region_class | region_class_class are all mutually
exclusive and are put into the kids container.
RULE* rules;
RULE* rules;
REGION( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -1449,7 +1448,7 @@ public:
delete polygon;
delete rules;
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( region_id.size() )
......@@ -1457,15 +1456,15 @@ public:
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( region_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "%s%s%s\n", quote, region_id.c_str(), quote );
if( rectangle )
rectangle->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( polygon )
polygon->Format( out, nestLevel );
ELEM_HOLDER::FormatContents( out, nestLevel );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
......@@ -1479,15 +1478,15 @@ class GRID : public ELEM
DSN_T grid_type; ///< T_via | T_wire | T_via_keepout | T_place | T_snap
double dimension;
DSN_T direction; ///< T_x | T_y | -1 for both
double offset;
DSN_T image_type;
GRID( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_grid, aParent )
......@@ -1497,13 +1496,13 @@ public:
offset = 0.0;
image_type= T_NONE;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s %.6g",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
LEXER::GetTokenText( grid_type ), dimension );
if( grid_type == T_place )
if( image_type==T_smd || image_type==T_pin )
......@@ -1514,10 +1513,10 @@ public:
if( direction==T_x || direction==T_y )
out->Print( 0, " (direction %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( direction ) );
if( offset != 0.0 )
out->Print( 0, " (offset %.6g)", offset );
out->Print( 0, ")\n");
......@@ -1526,32 +1525,32 @@ public:
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
UNIT_RES* unit;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER> LAYERS;
LAYERS layers;
LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT* layer_noise_weight;
BOUNDARY* boundary;
BOUNDARY* place_boundary;
VIA* via;
CONTROL* control;
RULE* rules;
KEEPOUTS keepouts;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<REGION> REGIONS;
REGIONS regions;
RULE* place_rules;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<GRID> GRIDS;
GRIDS grids;
STRUCTURE( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -1566,7 +1565,7 @@ public:
rules = 0;
place_rules = 0;
delete unit;
......@@ -1578,7 +1577,7 @@ public:
delete rules;
delete place_rules;
void SetBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY *aBoundary )
delete boundary;
......@@ -1588,7 +1587,7 @@ public:
boundary->SetParent( this );
void SetPlaceBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY *aBoundary )
delete place_boundary;
......@@ -1596,18 +1595,18 @@ public:
if( place_boundary )
place_boundary->SetParent( this );
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( unit )
unit->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( LAYERS::iterator i=layers.begin(); i!=layers.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( layer_noise_weight )
layer_noise_weight->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( boundary )
boundary->Format( out, nestLevel );
......@@ -1619,36 +1618,36 @@ public:
for( REGIONS::iterator i=regions.begin(); i!=regions.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( KEEPOUTS::iterator i=keepouts.begin(); i!=keepouts.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( via )
via->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( control )
control->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( int i=0; i<Length(); ++i )
At(i)->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( place_rules )
place_rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( GRIDS::iterator i=grids.begin(); i!=grids.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -1661,49 +1660,49 @@ public:
class PLACE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string component_id; ///< reference designator
DSN_T side;
double rotation;
bool hasVertex;
POINT vertex;
DSN_T mirror;
DSN_T status;
std::string logical_part;
RULE* place_rules;
PROPERTIES properties;
DSN_T lock_type;
//-----<mutually exclusive>--------------
//-----<mutually exclusive>--------------
RULE* rules;
REGION* region;
//-----</mutually exclusive>-------------
//-----</mutually exclusive>-------------
std::string part_number;
PLACE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_place, aParent )
side = T_front;
rotation = 0.0;
hasVertex = false;
mirror = T_NONE;
status = T_NONE;
place_rules = 0;
lock_type = T_NONE;
rules = 0;
region = 0;
......@@ -1715,7 +1714,7 @@ public:
delete rules;
delete region;
void SetVertex( const POINT& aVertex )
vertex = aVertex;
......@@ -1727,7 +1726,7 @@ public:
rotation = aRotation;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError );
typedef boost::ptr_vector<PLACE> PLACES;
......@@ -1742,35 +1741,35 @@ class COMPONENT : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
// std::string hash; ///< a hash string used by Compare(), not Format()ed/exported.
std::string image_id;
PLACES places;
COMPONENT( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_component, aParent )
const std::string& GetImageId() const { return image_id; }
void SetImageId( const std::string& aImageId )
void SetImageId( const std::string& aImageId )
image_id = aImageId;
* Function Compare
* compares two objects of this type and returns <0, 0, or >0.
// static int Compare( IMAGE* lhs, IMAGE* rhs );
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( image_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, image_id.c_str(), quote );
FormatContents( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -1790,12 +1789,12 @@ class PLACEMENT : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
UNIT_RES* unit;
DSN_T flip_style;
COMPONENTS components;
PLACEMENT( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_placement, aParent )
......@@ -1822,33 +1821,33 @@ public:
if( 0 == components[i].GetImageId().compare( imageName ) )
return &components[i];
COMPONENT* added = new COMPONENT(this);
components.push_back( added );
added->SetImageId( imageName );
return added;
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( unit )
unit->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( flip_style != T_NONE )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(place_control (flip_style %s))\n",
LEXER::GetTokenText( flip_style ) );
for( COMPONENTS::iterator i=components.begin(); i!=components.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -1866,7 +1865,7 @@ class SHAPE : public WINDOW
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
DSN_T connect;
/* <shape_descriptor >::=
[<rectangle_descriptor> |
<circle_descriptor> |
......@@ -1877,7 +1876,7 @@ class SHAPE : public WINDOW
WINDOWS windows;
SHAPE( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType = T_shape ) :
WINDOW( aParent, aType )
......@@ -1889,25 +1888,25 @@ public:
connect = aConnect;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s ", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
if( shape )
shape->Format( out, 0 );
if( connect == T_off )
out->Print( 0, "(connect %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( connect ) );
if( windows.size() )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
for( WINDOWS::iterator i=windows.begin(); i!=windows.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -1924,7 +1923,7 @@ class PIN : public ELEM
bool isRotated;
std::string pin_id;
POINT vertex;
PIN( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_pin, aParent )
......@@ -1938,26 +1937,26 @@ public:
rotation = aRotation;
isRotated = (aRotation != 0.0);
void SetVertex( const POINT& aPoint )
vertex = aPoint;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( padstack_id.c_str() );
if( isRotated )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(pin %s%s%s (rotate %.6g)",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(pin %s%s%s (rotate %.6g)",
quote, padstack_id.c_str(), quote,
out->Print( nestLevel, "(pin %s%s%s", quote, padstack_id.c_str(), quote );
quote = out->GetQuoteChar( pin_id.c_str() );
out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s %.6g %.6g)\n", quote, pin_id.c_str(), quote,
out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s %.6g %.6g)\n", quote, pin_id.c_str(), quote,
vertex.x, vertex.y );
......@@ -1967,18 +1966,18 @@ class IMAGE : public ELEM_HOLDER
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
friend class LIBRARY;
std::string hash; ///< a hash string used by Compare(), not Format()ed/exported.
std::string image_id;
DSN_T side;
UNIT_RES* unit;
/* The grammar spec says only one outline is supported, but I am seeing
*.dsn examples with multiple outlines. So the outlines will go into
the kids list.
*.dsn examples with multiple outlines. So the outlines will go into
the kids list.
typedef boost::ptr_vector<PIN> PINS;
PINS pins;
......@@ -1986,11 +1985,11 @@ class IMAGE : public ELEM_HOLDER
RULE* place_rules;
KEEPOUTS keepouts;
int duplicated; ///< no. times this image_id is duplicated
int duplicated; ///< no. times this image_id is duplicated
IMAGE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM_HOLDER( T_image, aParent )
......@@ -2018,26 +2017,26 @@ public:
if( duplicated )
char buf[32];
std::string ret = image_id;
ret += "::";
sprintf( buf, "%d", duplicated );
ret += buf;
return ret;
return image_id;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
std::string imageId = GetImageId();
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( imageId.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, imageId.c_str(), quote );
FormatContents( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -2048,34 +2047,34 @@ public:
if( side != T_both )
out->Print( 0, " (side %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( side ) );
out->Print( 0, "\n");
if( unit )
unit->Format( out, nestLevel );
// format the kids, which in this class are the shapes
ELEM_HOLDER::FormatContents( out, nestLevel );
for( PINS::iterator i=pins.begin(); i!=pins.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( place_rules )
place_rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( KEEPOUTS::iterator i=keepouts.begin(); i!=keepouts.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -2091,9 +2090,9 @@ class PADSTACK : public ELEM_HOLDER
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string hash; ///< a hash string used by Compare(), not Format()ed/exported.
std::string padstack_id;
std::string padstack_id;
UNIT_RES* unit;
/* The shapes are stored in the kids list */
......@@ -2102,11 +2101,11 @@ class PADSTACK : public ELEM_HOLDER
DSN_T absolute;
DSN_T attach;
std::string via_id;
RULE* rules;
PADSTACK( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM_HOLDER( T_padstack, aParent )
......@@ -2122,7 +2121,7 @@ public:
delete rules;
* Function Compare
* compares two objects of this type and returns <0, 0, or >0.
......@@ -2133,20 +2132,20 @@ public:
padstack_id = aPadstackId;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( padstack_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, padstack_id.c_str(), quote );
FormatContents( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
// this factored out for use by Compare()
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
......@@ -2157,9 +2156,9 @@ public:
ELEM_HOLDER::FormatContents( out, nestLevel );
out->Print( nestLevel, "%s", "" );
// spec for <attach_descriptor> says default is on, so
// print the off condition to override this.
// print the off condition to override this.
if( attach == T_off )
out->Print( 0, "(attach off)" );
else if( attach == T_on )
......@@ -2168,7 +2167,7 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, "(attach on (use_via %s%s%s))",
quote, via_id.c_str(), quote );
if( rotate == T_off ) // print the non-default
out->Print( 0, "(rotate %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( rotate ) );
......@@ -2176,17 +2175,17 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, "(absolute %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( absolute ) );
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -2196,28 +2195,28 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<PADSTACK> PADSTACKS;
* corresponds to the &lt;library_descriptor&gt; in the specctra dsn specification.
* Only unit_descriptor, image_descriptors, and padstack_descriptors are
* Only unit_descriptor, image_descriptors, and padstack_descriptors are
* included as children at this time.
class LIBRARY : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
UNIT_RES* unit;
IMAGES images;
PADSTACKS padstacks;
/// The start of the vias within the padstacks, which trail the pads.
/// This field is not Format()ed.
int via_start_index;
int via_start_index;
LIBRARY( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType = T_library ) :
ELEM( aType, aParent )
unit = 0;
via_start_index = -1; // 0 or greater means there is at least one via
via_start_index = -1; // 0 or greater means there is at least one via
......@@ -2238,7 +2237,7 @@ public:
return via_start_index;
* Function FindIMAGE
* searches this LIBRARY for an image which matches the argument.
......@@ -2255,17 +2254,17 @@ public:
// There is no match to the IMAGE contents, but now generate a unique
// name for it.
int dups = 1;
int dups = 1;
for( i=0; i<images.size(); ++i )
if( 0 == aImage-> images[i].image_id ) )
aImage->duplicated = dups++;
return -1;
* Function AppendIMAGE
* adds the image to the image list.
......@@ -2322,7 +2321,7 @@ public:
aPadstack->SetParent( this );
padstacks.push_back( aPadstack );
* Function LookupVia
* will add the via only if one exactly like it does not already exist
......@@ -2341,24 +2340,24 @@ public:
return &padstacks[ndx];
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( unit )
unit->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( IMAGES::iterator i=images.begin(); i!=images.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( PADSTACKS::iterator i=padstacks.begin(); i!=padstacks.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -2374,7 +2373,7 @@ class PIN_REF : public ELEM
std::string component_id;
std::string pin_id;
PIN_REF( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -2393,16 +2392,16 @@ public:
// the quotes unconditional on this one.
const char* newline = nestLevel ? "\n" : "";
#if 0
return out->Print( nestLevel, "\"%s\"-\"%s\"%s",
#if 0
return out->Print( nestLevel, "\"%s\"-\"%s\"%s",
component_id.c_str(), pin_id.c_str(), newline );
const char* cquote = out->GetQuoteChar( component_id.c_str() );
const char* pquote = out->GetQuoteChar( pin_id.c_str() );
return out->Print( nestLevel, "%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s",
cquote, component_id.c_str(), cquote,
pquote, pin_id.c_str(), pquote,
return out->Print( nestLevel, "%s%s%s-%s%s%s%s",
cquote, component_id.c_str(), cquote,
pquote, pin_id.c_str(), pquote,
newline );
......@@ -2413,18 +2412,18 @@ typedef std::vector<PIN_REF> PIN_REFS;
class FROMTO : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string fromText;
std::string toText;
DSN_T fromto_type;
std::string net_id;
RULE* rules;
// std::string circuit;
LAYER_RULES layer_rules;
FROMTO( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_fromto, aParent )
......@@ -2435,16 +2434,16 @@ public:
delete rules;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
// no quoting on these two, the lexer preserved the quotes on input
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s %s ",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s %s ",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ), fromText.c_str(), toText.c_str() );
if( fromto_type != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "(type %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( fromto_type ) );
if( net_id.size() )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
......@@ -2452,24 +2451,24 @@ public:
bool singleLine = true;
if( rules || layer_rules.size() )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
singleLine = false;
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( circuit.size() )
out->Print( nestLevel, "%s\n", circuit.c_str() );
for( LAYER_RULES::iterator i=layer_rules.begin(); i!=layer_rules.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( singleLine ? 0 : nestLevel, ")" );
if( nestLevel || !singleLine )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
......@@ -2487,23 +2486,23 @@ class COMP_ORDER : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
STRINGS placement_ids;
COMP_ORDER( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_comp_order, aParent )
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
for( STRINGS::iterator i=placement_ids.begin(); i!=placement_ids.end(); ++i )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s", quote, i->c_str(), quote );
out->Print( 0, ")" );
if( nestLevel )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
......@@ -2520,21 +2519,21 @@ class NET : public ELEM
int net_number;
DSN_T pins_type; ///< T_pins | T_order
PIN_REFS pins;
DSN_T type; ///< T_fix | T_normal
DSN_T supply; ///< T_power | T_ground
RULE* rules;
LAYER_RULES layer_rules;
FROMTOS fromtos;
COMP_ORDER* comp_order;
NET( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -2543,39 +2542,39 @@ public:
unassigned = false;
net_number = T_NONE;
pins_type = T_pins;
type = T_NONE;
supply = T_NONE;
rules = 0;
comp_order = 0;
delete rules;
delete comp_order;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s ", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s ", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, net_id.c_str(), quote );
if( unassigned )
out->Print( 0, "(unassigned)" );
if( net_number != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "(net_number %d)", net_number );
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 80;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( pins_type ) );
for( PIN_REFS::iterator i=pins.begin(); i!=pins.end(); ++i )
if( perLine > RIGHTMARGIN )
......@@ -2585,26 +2584,26 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, " " );
perLine += i->FormatIt( out, 0 );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
if( comp_order )
comp_order->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( type != T_NONE )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(type %s)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( type ) );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( LAYER_RULES::iterator i=layer_rules.begin(); i!=layer_rules.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( FROMTOS::iterator i=fromtos.begin(); i!=fromtos.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -2613,13 +2612,13 @@ public:
class TOPOLOGY : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
FROMTOS fromtos;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<COMP_ORDER> COMP_ORDERS;
COMP_ORDERS comp_orders;
TOPOLOGY( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_topology, aParent )
......@@ -2629,7 +2628,7 @@ public:
for( FROMTOS::iterator i=fromtos.begin(); i!=fromtos.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( COMP_ORDERS::iterator i=comp_orders.begin(); i!=comp_orders.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
......@@ -2639,20 +2638,20 @@ public:
class CLASS : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string class_id;
STRINGS net_ids;
/// <circuit_descriptor> list
STRINGS circuit;
RULE* rules;
LAYER_RULES layer_rules;
TOPOLOGY* topology;
CLASS( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -2667,14 +2666,14 @@ public:
delete topology;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 80;
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( class_id.c_str() );
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s",
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, class_id.c_str(), quote );
......@@ -2685,11 +2684,11 @@ public:
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
perLine = out->Print( nestLevel+1, "%s", "" );
quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
perLine += out->Print( 0, " %s%s%s", quote, i->c_str(), quote );
bool newLine = false;
if( circuit.size() || layer_rules.size() || topology )
......@@ -2702,14 +2701,14 @@ public:
for( LAYER_RULES::iterator i=layer_rules.begin(); i!=layer_rules.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( topology )
topology->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( newLine ? nestLevel : 0, ")\n" );
class NETWORK : public ELEM
......@@ -2717,23 +2716,23 @@ class NETWORK : public ELEM
typedef boost::ptr_vector<NET> NETS;
NETS nets;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<CLASS> CLASSLIST;
CLASSLIST classes;
NETWORK( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_network, aParent )
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
for( NETS::iterator i=nets.begin(); i!=nets.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( CLASSLIST::iterator i=classes.begin(); i!=classes.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
......@@ -2743,7 +2742,7 @@ public:
class CONNECT : public ELEM
// @todo not completed.
CONNECT( ELEM* parent ) :
ELEM( T_connect, parent ) {}
......@@ -2766,7 +2765,7 @@ class WIRE : public ELEM
<qarc_descriptor> ]
ELEM* shape;
std::string net_id;
int turret;
DSN_T wire_type;
......@@ -2775,20 +2774,20 @@ class WIRE : public ELEM
WINDOWS windows;
CONNECT* connect;
bool supply;
WIRE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_wire, aParent )
shape = 0;
connect = 0;
turret = -1;
wire_type = T_NONE;
attr = T_NONE;
supply = false;
delete shape;
......@@ -2799,61 +2798,61 @@ public:
delete shape;
shape = aShape;
if( aShape )
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
wxASSERT(aShape->Type()==T_rect || aShape->Type()==T_circle
|| aShape->Type()==T_qarc || aShape->Type()==T_path
|| aShape->Type()==T_polygon);
aShape->SetParent( this );
aShape->SetParent( this );
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s ", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
if( shape )
shape->Format( out, 0 );
if( net_id.size() )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
out->Print( 0, "(net %s%s%s)",
out->Print( 0, "(net %s%s%s)",
quote, net_id.c_str(), quote );
if( turret >= 0 )
out->Print( 0, "(turrent %d)", turret );
if( wire_type != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "(type %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( wire_type ) );
if( attr != T_NONE )
out->Print( 0, "(attr %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( attr ) );
if( shield.size() )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( shield.c_str() );
out->Print( 0, "(shield %s%s%s)",
out->Print( 0, "(shield %s%s%s)",
quote, shield.c_str(), quote );
if( windows.size() )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
for( WINDOWS::iterator i=windows.begin(); i!=windows.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( connect )
connect->Format( out, 0 );
if( supply )
out->Print( 0, "(supply)" );
out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -2878,7 +2877,7 @@ class WIRE_VIA : public ELEM
STRINGS contact_layers;
bool supply;
WIRE_VIA( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_via, aParent )
......@@ -2892,9 +2891,9 @@ public:
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( padstack_id.c_str() );
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 80;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s",
const int RIGHTMARGIN = 80;
int perLine = out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, padstack_id.c_str(), quote );
......@@ -2907,13 +2906,13 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, " " );
perLine += out->Print( 0, "%.6g %.6g", i->x, i->y );
perLine += out->Print( 0, "%.6g %.6g", i->x, i->y );
if( net_id.size() || via_number!=-1 || via_type!=T_NONE || attr!=T_NONE || supply)
out->Print( 0, " " );
if( net_id.size() )
if( perLine > RIGHTMARGIN )
......@@ -2922,7 +2921,7 @@ public:
perLine = out->Print( nestLevel+1, "%s", "" );
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
perLine += out->Print( 0, "(net %s%s%s)", quote, net_id.c_str(), quote );
perLine += out->Print( 0, "(net %s%s%s)", quote, net_id.c_str(), quote );
if( via_number != -1 )
......@@ -2934,7 +2933,7 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, "(via_number %d)", via_number );
if( via_type != T_NONE )
if( perLine > RIGHTMARGIN )
......@@ -2944,7 +2943,7 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, "(type %s)", LEXER::GetTokenText( via_type ) );
if( attr != T_NONE )
if( perLine > RIGHTMARGIN )
......@@ -2971,12 +2970,12 @@ public:
perLine += out->Print( 0, "(supply)" );
if( contact_layers.size() )
out->Print( 0, "\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(contact\n" );
for( STRINGS::iterator i=contact_layers.begin(); i!=contact_layers.end(); ++i )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
......@@ -2998,10 +2997,10 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<WIRE_VIA> WIRE_VIAS;
class WIRING : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
UNIT_RES* unit;
WIRES wires;
WIRE_VIAS wire_vias;
WIRE_VIAS wire_vias;
......@@ -3022,16 +3021,16 @@ public:
for( WIRES::iterator i=wires.begin(); i!=wires.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
for( WIRE_VIAS::iterator i=wire_vias.begin(); i!=wire_vias.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -3041,7 +3040,7 @@ class PCB : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string pcbname;
std::string pcbname;
PARSER* parser;
UNIT_RES* resolution;
UNIT_RES* unit;
......@@ -3050,9 +3049,9 @@ class PCB : public ELEM
LIBRARY* library;
NETWORK* network;
WIRING* wiring;
PCB( ELEM* aParent = 0 ) :
ELEM( T_pcb, aParent )
......@@ -3065,7 +3064,7 @@ public:
network = 0;
wiring = 0;
delete parser;
......@@ -3077,17 +3076,17 @@ public:
delete network;
delete wiring;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( pcbname.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, pcbname.c_str(), quote );
if( parser )
parser->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( resolution )
resolution->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
......@@ -3096,30 +3095,30 @@ public:
if( structure )
structure->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( placement )
placement->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( library )
library->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( network )
network->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( wiring )
wiring->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
DSN_T GetUnits() const
UNIT_RES* GetUnits() const
if( unit )
return unit->GetUnits();
return unit;
if( resolution )
return resolution->GetUnits();
return ELEM::GetUnits();
......@@ -3129,11 +3128,11 @@ class ANCESTOR : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string filename;
std::string filename;
std::string comment;
time_t time_stamp;
ANCESTOR( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_ancestor, aParent )
......@@ -3145,24 +3144,24 @@ public:
char temp[80];
struct tm* tmp;
tmp = localtime( &time_stamp );
strftime( temp, sizeof(temp), "%b %d %H : %M : %S %Y", tmp );
// format the time first to temp
// filename may be empty, so quote it just in case.
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s \"%s\" (created_time %s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s \"%s\" (created_time %s)\n",
LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
temp );
if( comment.size() )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( comment.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(comment %s%s%s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(comment %s%s%s)\n",
quote, comment.c_str(), quote );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -3174,9 +3173,9 @@ class HISTORY : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
ANCESTORS ancestors;
time_t time_stamp;
time_t time_stamp;
STRINGS comments;
HISTORY( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -3184,28 +3183,28 @@ public:
time_stamp = time(NULL);
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
for( ANCESTORS::iterator i=ancestors.begin(); i!=ancestors.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel );
char temp[80];
struct tm* tmp;
tmp = localtime( &time_stamp );
strftime( temp, sizeof(temp), "%b %d %H : %M : %S %Y", tmp );
// format the time first to temp
out->Print( nestLevel, "(self (created_time %s)\n", temp );
for( STRINGS::iterator i=comments.begin(); i!=comments.end(); ++i )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( i->c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(comment %s%s%s)\n",
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(comment %s%s%s)\n",
quote, i->c_str(), quote );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -3214,11 +3213,11 @@ public:
* corresponds to the &lt;supply_pin_descriptor&gt; in the specctra dsn spec.
class SUPPLY_PIN : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
PIN_REFS pin_refs;
std::string net_id;
......@@ -3232,7 +3231,7 @@ public:
bool singleLine = pin_refs.size() <= 1;
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
if( singleLine )
out->Print( 0, "%s", " " );
......@@ -3243,16 +3242,16 @@ public:
for( PIN_REFS::iterator i=pin_refs.begin(); i!=pin_refs.end(); ++i )
i->FormatIt( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( net_id.size() )
const char* newline = singleLine ? "" : "\n";
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
out->Print( singleLine ? 0 : nestLevel+1,
" (net %s%s%s)%s", quote, net_id.c_str(), quote, newline );
out->Print( singleLine ? 0 : nestLevel+1,
" (net %s%s%s)%s", quote, net_id.c_str(), quote, newline );
out->Print( singleLine ? 0 : nestLevel, ")\n");
......@@ -3266,14 +3265,14 @@ typedef boost::ptr_vector<SUPPLY_PIN> SUPPLY_PINS;
class NET_OUT : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string net_id;
int net_number;
RULE* rules;
WIRES wires;
WIRE_VIAS wire_vias;
SUPPLY_PINS supply_pins;
SUPPLY_PINS supply_pins;
NET_OUT( ELEM* aParent ) :
......@@ -3290,26 +3289,26 @@ public:
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( net_id.c_str() );
// cannot use Type() here, it is T_net_out and we need "(net "
out->Print( nestLevel, "(net %s%s%s\n",
// cannot use Type() here, it is T_net_out and we need "(net "
out->Print( nestLevel, "(net %s%s%s\n",
quote, net_id.c_str(), quote );
if( net_number>= 0 )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(net_number %d)\n", net_number );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( WIRES::iterator i=wires.begin(); i!=wires.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( WIRE_VIAS::iterator i=wire_vias.begin(); i!=wire_vias.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( SUPPLY_PINS::iterator i=supply_pins.begin(); i!=supply_pins.end(); ++i )
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -3325,10 +3324,10 @@ class ROUTE : public ELEM
STRUCTURE* structure;
LIBRARY* library;
NET_OUTS net_outs;
// TEST_POINTS* test_points;
// TEST_POINTS* test_points;
ROUTE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_route, aParent )
......@@ -3345,21 +3344,21 @@ public:
delete library;
// delete test_points;
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
if( resolution )
resolution->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( parser )
parser->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( structure )
structure->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( library )
library->Format( out, nestLevel );
if( net_outs.size() )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(network_out\n" );
......@@ -3367,7 +3366,7 @@ public:
i->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
// if( test_poinst )
// test_points->Format( out, nestLevel );
......@@ -3386,7 +3385,7 @@ struct PIN_PAIR
is( aParent )
PIN_REF was;
......@@ -3408,7 +3407,7 @@ public:
ELEM( T_was_is, aParent )
void FormatContents( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
for( PIN_PAIRS::iterator i=pin_pairs.begin(); i!=pin_pairs.end(); ++i )
......@@ -3433,8 +3432,8 @@ class SESSION : public ELEM
std::string session_id;
std::string base_design;
HISTORY* history;
HISTORY* history;
STRUCTURE* structure;
PLACEMENT* placement;
WAS_IS* was_is;
......@@ -3447,7 +3446,7 @@ class SESSION : public ELEM
SESSION( ELEM* aParent = 0 ) :
ELEM( T_pcb, aParent )
......@@ -3471,24 +3470,24 @@ public:
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( session_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote, session_id.c_str(), quote );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(base_design \"%s\")\n", base_design.c_str() );
if( history )
history->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( structure )
structure->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( placement )
placement->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( was_is )
was_is->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( route )
route->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -3501,15 +3500,15 @@ public:
LEXER* lexer;
PCB* pcb;
SESSION* session;
SESSION* session;
FILE* fp;
wxString filename;
std::string quote_char;
......@@ -3517,21 +3516,21 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
STRINGS layerIds; ///< indexed by PCB layer number
/// maps BOARD layer number to PCB layer numbers
std::vector<int> kicadLayer2pcb;
std::vector<int> kicadLayer2pcb;
/// maps PCB layer number to BOARD layer numbers
std::vector<int> pcbLayer2kicad;
std::vector<int> pcbLayer2kicad;
static const KICAD_T scanPADs[];
* Function nextTok
* returns the next token from the lexer.
DSN_T nextTok();
* Function isSymbol
* tests a token to see if it is a symbol. This means it cannot be a
......@@ -3540,7 +3539,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
static bool isSymbol( DSN_T aTok );
* Function needLEFT
* calls nextTok() and then verifies that the token read in is a T_LEFT.
......@@ -3559,7 +3558,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
* Function needSYMBOL
* calls nextTok() and then verifies that the token read in
* calls nextTok() and then verifies that the token read in
* satisfies bool isSymbol().
* If not, an IOError is thrown.
* @throw IOError, if the next token does not satisfy isSymbol()
......@@ -3571,10 +3570,10 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
* reads a &lt;pin_reference&gt; and splits it into the two parts which are
* on either side of the hyphen. This function is specialized because
* pin_reference may or may not be using double quotes. Both of these
* are legal: U2-14 or "U2"-"14". The lexer treats the first one as a
* are legal: U2-14 or "U2"-"14". The lexer treats the first one as a
* single T_SYMBOL, so in that case we have to split it into two here.
* <p>
* The caller should have already read in the first token comprizing the
* The caller should have already read in the first token comprizing the
* pin_reference and it will be tested through lexer->CurTok().
* @param component_id Where to put the text preceeding the '-' hyphen.
......@@ -3592,7 +3591,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
* This function is specialized because time_stamps occur more than
* once in a session file.
* <p>
* The caller should not have already read in the first token comprizing the
* The caller should not have already read in the first token comprizing the
* time stamp.
* @param time_stamp Where to put the parsed time value.
......@@ -3601,7 +3600,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void readTIME( time_t* time_stamp ) throw( IOError );
* Function expecting
* throws an IOError exception with an input file specific error message.
......@@ -3612,21 +3611,21 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void expecting( const char* text ) throw( IOError );
void unexpected( DSN_T aTok ) throw( IOError );
void unexpected( const char* text ) throw( IOError );
void doPCB( PCB* growth ) throw(IOError);
void doPARSER( PARSER* growth ) throw(IOError);
void doRESOLUTION( UNIT_RES* growth ) throw(IOError);
void doUNIT( UNIT_RES* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doUNIT( UNIT_RES* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doRECTANGLE( RECTANGLE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doPATH( PATH* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doSTRINGPROP( STRINGPROP* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doTOKPROP( TOKPROP* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doVIA( VIA* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doRULE( RULE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError );
......@@ -3634,7 +3633,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void doQARC( QARC* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doREGION( REGION* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCLASS_CLASS( CLASS_CLASS* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_RULE( LAYER_RULE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCLASSES( CLASSES* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doGRID( GRID* growth ) throw( IOError );
......@@ -3662,9 +3661,9 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void doROUTE( ROUTE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doWAS_IS( WAS_IS* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doNET_OUT( NET_OUT* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doSUPPLY_PIN( SUPPLY_PIN* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doSUPPLY_PIN( SUPPLY_PIN* growth ) throw( IOError );
* Function makeIMAGE
* allocates an IMAGE on the heap and creates all the PINs according
......@@ -3672,15 +3671,15 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
IMAGE* makeIMAGE( MODULE* aModule );
* Function makePADSTACKs
* makes all the PADSTACKs, and marks each D_PAD with the index into the
* makes all the PADSTACKs, and marks each D_PAD with the index into the
* LIBRARY::padstacks list that it matches.
void makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads );
* Function makeVia
* makes a round through hole PADSTACK using the given Kicad diameter in deci-mils.
......@@ -3689,7 +3688,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
* or delete it.
PADSTACK* makeVia( int aCopperDiameter );
* Function makeVia
* makes any kind of PADSTACK using the given Kicad SEGVIA.
......@@ -3698,7 +3697,7 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
* or delete it.
PADSTACK* makeVia( const SEGVIA* aVia );
......@@ -3715,16 +3714,16 @@ public:
delete lexer;
delete pcb;
delete session;
if( fp )
fclose( fp );
int PRINTF_FUNC Print( int nestLevel, const char* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError );
const char* GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee );
const char* GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee );
......@@ -3744,11 +3743,11 @@ public:
PCB* GetPCB() { return pcb; }
void SetFILE( FILE* aFile )
void SetFILE( FILE* aFile )
fp = aFile;
* Function SetSESSION
* deletes any existing SESSION and replaces it with the given one.
......@@ -3758,48 +3757,48 @@ public:
delete session;
session = aSession;
* Function LoadPCB
* is a recursive descent parser for a SPECCTRA DSN "design" file.
* A design file is nearly a full description of a PCB (seems to be
* A design file is nearly a full description of a PCB (seems to be
* missing only the silkscreen stuff).
* @param filename The name of the dsn file to load.
* @throw IOError if there is a lexer or parser error.
* @throw IOError if there is a lexer or parser error.
void LoadPCB( const wxString& filename ) throw( IOError );
* Function LoadSESSION
* is a recursive descent parser for a SPECCTRA DSN "session" file.
* A session file is file that is fed back from the router to the layout
* tool (PCBNEW) and should be used to update a BOARD object with the new
* tracks, vias, and component locations.
* tracks, vias, and component locations.
* @param filename The name of the dsn file to load.
* @throw IOError if there is a lexer or parser error.
* @throw IOError if there is a lexer or parser error.
void LoadSESSION( const wxString& filename ) throw( IOError );
void ThrowIOError( const wxChar* fmt, ... ) throw( IOError );
* Function ExportPCB
* writes the internal PCB instance out as a SPECTRA DSN format file.
* @param aFilename The file to save to.
* @param aNameChange If true, causes the pcb's name to change to "aFilename"
* @param aNameChange If true, causes the pcb's name to change to "aFilename"
* and also to to be changed in the output file.
* @throw IOError, if an i/o error occurs saving the file.
void ExportPCB( wxString aFilename, bool aNameChange=false ) throw( IOError );
* Function FromBOARD
* adds the entire BOARD to the PCB but does not write it out. Note that
......@@ -3807,13 +3806,13 @@ public:
* side of the BOARD.
* See void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToSpecctra( wxCommandEvent& event )
* for how this can be done before calling this function.
* for how this can be done before calling this function.
* @param aBoard The BOARD to convert to a PCB.
void FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard );
* Function FromSESSION
* adds the entire SESSION info to a BOARD but does not write it out. The
......@@ -3822,9 +3821,9 @@ public:
* @param aBoard The BOARD to merge the SESSION information into.
void FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError );
void FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError );
* Function ExportSESSION
* writes the internal SESSION instance out as a SPECTRA DSN format file.
......@@ -3,31 +3,31 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* This source is a complement to specctra.cpp and implements the export to
specctra dsn file format. The specification for the grammar of the specctra
dsn file used to develop this code is given here:
Also see the comments at the top of the specctra.cpp file itself.
......@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToSpecctra( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString fullFileName = GetScreen()->m_FileName;
wxString std_ext = wxT( ".dsn" );
wxString mask = wxT( "*" ) + std_ext;
ChangeFileNameExt( fullFileName, std_ext );
fullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Specctra DSN file:" ),
wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */
fullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */
......@@ -69,38 +69,38 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToSpecctra( wxCommandEvent& event )
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
bool wasModified = screen->IsModify() && !screen->IsSave();
db.SetPCB( SPECCTRA_DB::MakePCB() );
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
db.FromBOARD( m_Pcb );
db.ExportPCB( fullFileName, true );
// if an exception is thrown by FromBOARD or ExportPCB(), then
// if an exception is thrown by FromBOARD or ExportPCB(), then
// ~SPECCTRA_DB() will close the file.
catch( IOError ioe )
ok = false;
// copy the error string to safe place, ioe is in this scope only.
errorText = ioe.errorText;
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
// The two calls below to BOARD::Change_Side_Module(), both set the
// modified flag, yet their actions cancel each other out, so it should
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
// The two calls below to BOARD::Change_Side_Module(), both set the
// modified flag, yet their actions cancel each other out, so it should
// be ok to clear the modify flag.
if( !wasModified )
if( ok )
Affiche_Message( wxString( _("BOARD exported OK.")) );
Affiche_Message( wxString( _("BOARD exported OK.")) );
DisplayError( this, errorText );
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ struct POINT_PAIR
POINT end;
BOARD_ITEM* item; ///< the item which has these points, TRACK or DRAWSEGMENT
typedef std::vector<POINT_PAIR> POINT_PAIRS;
typedef std::vector<POINT_PAIR> POINT_PAIRS;
......@@ -178,15 +178,15 @@ static int findPOINT( const POINT& pt, const POINT_PAIR source[], int count )
if( pt == source[i].start )
return +( i + 1 );
return +( i + 1 );
if( pt == source[i].end )
return -( i + 1 );
return -( i + 1 );
return 0;
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ static void swapEnds( POINT_PAIRS& aList )
if( !aList.size() )
// do an extraction sort based on matching ends here.
POINT_PAIRS source( aList );
......@@ -208,45 +208,45 @@ static void swapEnds( POINT_PAIRS& aList )
// try and start the search using a POINT which has at least one match elsewhere.
if( findPOINT( source.begin()->start, &source[1], source.size()-1 ) != 0 )
swap( *source.begin() ); // swap start and end of first PAIR
while( source.size() )
sorted.push_back( *source.begin() );
source.erase( source.begin() );
// keep looping through the source list looking for a match to the end of the last sorted.
// keep looping through the source list looking for a match to the end of the last sorted.
int result;
while( (result = findPOINT( sorted.back().end, &source[0], source.size() ) ) != 0 )
int ndx = ABS(result)-1;
int ndx = ABS(result)-1;
sorted.push_back( source[ ndx ] );
source.erase( source.begin()+ndx );
if( result < 0 )
swap( sorted.back() );
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
printf( "swapEnds():\n" );
for( unsigned i=0; i<sorted.size(); ++i )
printf( "(%.6g,%.6g) (%.6g,%.6g)\n",
sorted[i].start.x, sorted[i].start.y,
printf( "(%.6g,%.6g) (%.6g,%.6g)\n",
sorted[i].start.x, sorted[i].start.y,
sorted[i].end.x, sorted[i].end.y );
aList = sorted;
* Function isRectangle
* tests to see if the POINT_PAIRS list makes up a vertically/horizontally
* tests to see if the POINT_PAIRS list makes up a vertically/horizontally
* oriented rectangle.
* @return bool - true if there are 4 point pairs making a rectangle.
static bool isRectangle( POINT_PAIRS& aList )
if( aList.size() == 4 )
......@@ -256,12 +256,12 @@ static bool isRectangle( POINT_PAIRS& aList )
if( i < aList.size()-1 )
if( aList[i].end != aList[i+1].start )
return false;
if( aList[i].start.x != aList[i].end.x
if( aList[i].start.x != aList[i].end.x
&& aList[i].start.y != aList[i].end.y )
return false;
return ( aList[0].start == aList[3].end );
return false;
......@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ static int Pad_list_Sort_by_Shapes( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
const D_PAD* padref = *(D_PAD**)refptr;
const D_PAD* padcmp = *(D_PAD**)objptr;
return D_PAD::Compare( padref, padcmp );
return D_PAD::Compare( padref, padcmp );
......@@ -299,14 +299,14 @@ IMAGE* SPECCTRA_DB::makeIMAGE( MODULE* aModule )
PADSTACKS& padstacks = pcb->library->padstacks;
// get all the MODULE's pads.
// get all the MODULE's pads.
pads.Collect( aModule, scanPADs );
IMAGE* image = new IMAGE(0);
image->image_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( aModule->m_LibRef );
// from the pads, and make an IMAGE using collated padstacks.
for( int p=0; p<pads.GetCount(); ++p )
......@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ IMAGE* SPECCTRA_DB::makeIMAGE( MODULE* aModule )
KEEPOUT* keepout = new KEEPOUT(image, T_keepout);
image->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE(keepout);
keepout->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetDiameter( scale(pad->m_Drill.x) );
circle->SetVertex( mapPt( pad->m_Pos0 ) );
circle->layer_id = "signal";
......@@ -328,22 +328,22 @@ IMAGE* SPECCTRA_DB::makeIMAGE( MODULE* aModule )
PADSTACK* padstack = &padstacks[pad->m_logical_connexion];
PIN* pin = new PIN(image);
image->pins.push_back( pin );
pin->padstack_id = padstack->padstack_id;
pin->pin_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( pad->ReturnStringPadName() );
// copper shape's position is hole position + offset
wxPoint pos = pad->m_Pos0 + pad->m_Offset;
pin->SetVertex( mapPt( pos ) );
return image;
PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( const SEGVIA* aVia )
......@@ -352,9 +352,9 @@ PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( const SEGVIA* aVia )
SHAPE* shape;
double dsnDiameter;
char name[48];
PADSTACK* padstack = new PADSTACK( pcb->library );
switch( aVia->Shape() )
......@@ -363,17 +363,17 @@ PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( const SEGVIA* aVia )
circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
dsnDiameter = scale( aVia->m_Width );
dsnDiameter = scale( aVia->m_Width );
circle->SetDiameter( dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( "signal" );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via_%.6g_mil", dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( "signal" );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via_%.6g_mil", dsnDiameter );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
int topLayer;
......@@ -384,58 +384,58 @@ PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( const SEGVIA* aVia )
if( topLayer > botLayer )
EXCHG( topLayer, botLayer );
dsnDiameter = scale( aVia->m_Width );
dsnDiameter = scale( aVia->m_Width );
for( int layer=topLayer; layer<=botLayer; ++layer )
shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetDiameter( dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( layerIds[layer].c_str() );
circle->SetLayerId( layerIds[layer].c_str() );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via[%d-%d]_%.6g_mil", topLayer, botLayer, dsnDiameter );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via[%d-%d]_%.6g_mil", topLayer, botLayer, dsnDiameter );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
return padstack;
PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( int aCopperDiameter )
char name[48];
PADSTACK* padstack = new PADSTACK( pcb->library );
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
double dsnDiameter = scale(aCopperDiameter);
double dsnDiameter = scale(aCopperDiameter);
circle->SetDiameter( dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( "signal" );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via_%.6g_mil", dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( "signal" );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via_%.6g_mil", dsnDiameter );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
return padstack;
char name[80]; // padstack name builder
if( aPads.GetCount() )
qsort( (void*) aPads.BasePtr(), aPads.GetCount(), sizeof(D_PAD*), Pad_list_Sort_by_Shapes );
......@@ -447,28 +447,28 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
D_PAD* pad = (D_PAD*) aPads[i];
bool doLayer[2] = { // top and bottom layers only
bool doLayer[2] = { // top and bottom layers only
pad->IsOnLayer( LAYER_CMP_N ),
pad->IsOnLayer( COPPER_LAYER_N )
pad->IsOnLayer( COPPER_LAYER_N )
if( old_pad && 0==D_PAD::Compare( old_pad, pad ) )
// padstacks.size()-1 is the index of the matching padstack in LIBRARY::padstacks
pad->m_logical_connexion = pcb->library->padstacks.size()-1;
// this is the same as the last pad, so do not add it to the padstack list.
// if pad has no copper presence, then it will be made into
// an "image->keepout" later. No copper pad here, it is probably a hole.
if( (!doLayer[0] && !doLayer[1])
// an "image->keepout" later. No copper pad here, it is probably a hole.
if( (!doLayer[0] && !doLayer[1])
|| (pad->m_PadShape==PAD_CIRCLE && pad->m_Drill.x >= pad->m_Size.x) )
// padstacks.size()-1 is the index of the matching padstack in LIBRARY::padstacks
pad->m_logical_connexion = pcb->library->padstacks.size()-1;
......@@ -476,54 +476,54 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
PADSTACK* padstack = new PADSTACK( pcb->library );
pcb->library->AddPadstack( padstack );
// padstacks.size()-1 is the index of the matching padstack in LIBRARY::padstacks
pad->m_logical_connexion = pcb->library->padstacks.size()-1;
// For now, we will report only one layer for the pads. SMD pads are reported on the
// top layer, and through hole are reported on <reserved_layer_name> "signal".
// We could do better if there was actually a "layer type" field within
// We could do better if there was actually a "layer type" field within
// Kicad which would hold one of: T_signal, T_power, T_mixed, T_jumper
// See bottom of page 74 of the SECCTRA Design Language Reference, May 2000.
// See bottom of page 74 of the SECCTRA Design Language Reference, May 2000.
int reportedLayers = 1; // how many layers are reported.
doLayer[0] = true;
const char* layerName = ( pad->m_Attribut == PAD_SMD ) ?
layerIds[0].c_str() : "signal";
const char* layerName = ( pad->m_Attribut == PAD_SMD ) ?
layerIds[0].c_str() : "signal";
int coppers = 0; // will always be one for now
switch( pad->m_PadShape )
double diameter = scale(pad->m_Size.x);
for( int layer=0; layer<reportedLayers; ++layer )
if( doLayer[layer] )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetLayerId( layerName );
circle->SetDiameter( diameter );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Round%dPad_%.6g_mil", coppers, scale(pad->m_Size.x) );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// D_PAD::Compare() could say two pads are different, yet the get the same
// name here. If so, blend in the padNdx into the name.
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
......@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
double dx = scale( pad->m_Size.x ) / 2.0;
double dy = scale( pad->m_Size.y ) / 2.0;
POINT lowerLeft( -dx, -dy );
POINT upperRight( dx, dy );
......@@ -542,28 +542,28 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
RECTANGLE* rect = new RECTANGLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( rect );
rect->SetLayerId( layerName );
rect->SetCorners( lowerLeft, upperRight );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Rect%dPad_%.6gx%.6g_mil",
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Rect%dPad_%.6gx%.6g_mil",
coppers, scale(pad->m_Size.x), scale(pad->m_Size.y) );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// D_PAD::Compare() could say two pads are different, yet they get the same
// name here. If so, blend in the padNdx into the name.
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
case PAD_OVAL:
double dx = scale( pad->m_Size.x ) / 2.0;
......@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
padstack->Append( shape );
path = makePath( POINT(-dr, 0.0), POINT(dr, 0.0), layerName );
shape->SetShape( path );
path->aperture_width = 2.0 * radius;
path->aperture_width = 2.0 * radius;
......@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
else // oval is vertical
double radius = dx;
dr = -dr;
for( int layer=0; layer<reportedLayers; ++layer )
......@@ -607,32 +607,32 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
padstack->Append( shape );
path = makePath( POINT(0.0, -dr), POINT(0.0, dr), layerName );
shape->SetShape( path );
path->aperture_width = 2.0 * radius;
path->aperture_width = 2.0 * radius;
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Oval%dPad_%.6gx%.6g_mil",
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Oval%dPad_%.6gx%.6g_mil",
coppers, scale(pad->m_Size.x), scale(pad->m_Size.y) );
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// @todo verify that all pad names are unique, there is a chance that
// D_PAD::Compare() could say two pads are different, yet they get the same
// name here. If so, blend in the padNdx into the name.
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
// unique pads are now in the padstack list.
// unique pads are now in the padstack list.
// next we add the via's which may be used.
int defaultViaSize = aBoard->m_BoardSettings->m_CurrentViaSize;
......@@ -641,24 +641,24 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACKs( BOARD* aBoard, TYPE_COLLECTOR& aPads )
PADSTACK* padstack = makeVia( defaultViaSize );
pcb->library->AddPadstack( padstack );
// remember this index, it is the default via and also the start of the
// remember this index, it is the default via and also the start of the
// vias within the padstack list. Before this index are the pads.
// At this index and later are the vias.
pcb->library->SetViaStartIndex( pcb->library->padstacks.size()-1 );
// padstack->SetPadstackId( "Via_Default" ); I like the padstack_id with the size in it.
for( int i=0; i<HISTORY_NUMBER; ++i )
int viaSize = aBoard->m_BoardSettings->m_ViaSizeHistory[i];
int viaSize = aBoard->m_BoardSettings->m_ViaSizeHistory[i];
if( !viaSize )
if( viaSize == defaultViaSize )
PADSTACK* padstack = makeVia( viaSize );
PADSTACK* padstack = makeVia( viaSize );
pcb->library->AddPadstack( padstack );
......@@ -671,8 +671,8 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
static const KICAD_T scanMODULEs[] = { TYPEMODULE, EOT };
if( !pcb )
pcb = SPECCTRA_DB::MakePCB();
......@@ -689,16 +689,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
//pcb->placement->flip_style = T_rotate_first;
//pcb->placement->flip_style = T_rotate_first;
// Since none of these statements cause any immediate output, the order
// of them is somewhat flexible. The outputting to disk is done at the
// end. We start by gathering all the layer information from the board.
// specctra wants top physical layer first, then going down to the
// specctra wants top physical layer first, then going down to the
// bottom most physical layer in physical sequence.
// @question : why does Kicad not display layers in that order?
int layerCount = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();
......@@ -706,64 +706,64 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
pcbLayer2kicad.resize( layerCount );
kicadLayer2pcb.resize( LAYER_CMP_N+1 );
for( int kiNdx=layerCount-1, pcbNdx=0; kiNdx >= 0; --kiNdx, ++pcbNdx )
int kilayer = kiNdx>0 && kiNdx==layerCount-1 ? LAYER_CMP_N : kiNdx;
// establish bi-directional mapping between kicad's BOARD layer and PCB layer
// establish bi-directional mapping between kicad's BOARD layer and PCB layer
pcbLayer2kicad[pcbNdx] = kilayer;
kicadLayer2pcb[kilayer] = pcbNdx;
kicadLayer2pcb[kilayer] = pcbNdx;
// save the specctra layer name in SPECCTRA_DB::layerIds for later.
layerIds.push_back( CONV_TO_UTF8( aBoard->GetLayerName( kilayer ) ) );
LAYER* layer = new LAYER( pcb->structure );
pcb->structure->layers.push_back( layer );
layer->name = layerIds.back();
layer->properties.push_back( PROPERTY() );
PROPERTY* property = &layer->properties.back();
property->name = "index";
char temp[32];
sprintf( temp, "%d", pcbNdx );
property->value = temp;
property->value = temp;
// layer->type = @todo need this, the export would be better.
// for now, report on only the top and bottom layers with respect to the copper
// within a pad's padstack. this is usually correct, but not rigorous.
// within a pad's padstack. this is usually correct, but not rigorous.
// a space in a quoted token is NOT a terminator, true establishes this.
pcb->parser->space_in_quoted_tokens = true;
//-----<unit_descriptor> & <resolution_descriptor>--------------------
pcb->unit->units = T_mil;
pcb->resolution->units = T_mil;
pcb->resolution->value = 100;
// get all the DRAWSEGMENTS into 'items', then look for layer == EDGE_N,
// and those segments comprise the board's perimeter.
items.Collect( aBoard, scanDRAWSEGMENTS );
bool haveEdges = false;
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
DRAWSEGMENT* item = (DRAWSEGMENT*) items[i];
wxASSERT( item->Type() == TYPEDRAWSEGMENT );
if( item->GetLayer() == EDGE_N )
pair.start = mapPt( item->m_Start );
......@@ -773,36 +773,36 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
haveEdges = true;
if( haveEdges )
swapEnds( ppairs );
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
for( unsigned i=0; i<ppairs.size(); ++i )
POINT_PAIR* p = &ppairs[i];
p->item->Show( 0, std::cout );
BOUNDARY* boundary = new BOUNDARY(0);
if( isRectangle( ppairs ) )
RECTANGLE* rect = new RECTANGLE( boundary );
rect->layer_id = "pcb";
// opposite corners
rect->SetCorners( ppairs[0].start, ppairs[2].start );
boundary->rectangle = rect;
PATH* path = new PATH( boundary );
boundary->paths.push_back( path );
path->layer_id = "pcb";
for( unsigned i=0; i<ppairs.size(); ++i )
......@@ -811,75 +811,75 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
path->points.push_back( ppairs[i].start );
pcb->structure->SetBOUNDARY( boundary );
BOUNDARY* boundary = new BOUNDARY(0);
RECTANGLE* rect = new RECTANGLE( boundary );
rect->layer_id = "pcb";
// opposite corners
wxPoint bottomRight;
bottomRight.x = aBoard->m_BoundaryBox.GetRight();
bottomRight.y = aBoard->m_BoundaryBox.GetBottom();
rect->SetCorners( mapPt( aBoard->m_BoundaryBox.GetOrigin() ),
mapPt( bottomRight ) );
boundary->rectangle = rect;
pcb->structure->SetBOUNDARY( boundary );
// put out these rules, the user can then edit them with a text editor
char rule[80]; // padstack name builder
int curTrackWidth = aBoard->m_BoardSettings->m_CurrentTrackWidth;
int curTrackClear = aBoard->m_BoardSettings->m_TrackClearence;
double clearance = scale(curTrackClear);
STRINGS& rules = pcb->structure->rules->rules;
sprintf( rule, "(width %.6g)", scale( curTrackWidth ) );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g)", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type pad_to_turn_gap))", clearance );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type pad_to_turn_gap))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_to_turn_gap))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_via))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_smd))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_pin))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type pin_pin))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_pin))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_smd))", clearance );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_smd))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
//-----<zone containers become planes>--------------------------------
static const KICAD_T scanZONEs[] = { TYPEZONE_CONTAINER, EOT };
......@@ -892,12 +892,12 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
COPPER_PLANE* plane = new COPPER_PLANE( pcb->structure );
PATH* polygon = new PATH( plane, T_polygon );
plane->SetShape( polygon );
plane->name = CONV_TO_UTF8( item->m_Netname );
wxString layerName = aBoard->GetLayerName( item->GetLayer() );
polygon->layer_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( layerName );
int count = item->m_Poly->corner.size();
for( int j=0; j<count; ++j )
......@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
polygon->points.push_back( mapPt(point) );
pcb->structure->planes.push_back( plane );
......@@ -914,34 +914,34 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
// although COPPER_PLANEs probably will need them for the thru holes, etc.
// but in that case they are WINDOWs within the COPPER_PLANEs.
//-----<build the initial padstack list>--------------------------------
// get all the D_PADs into 'pads'.
// get all the D_PADs into 'pads'.
pads.Collect( aBoard, scanPADs );
makePADSTACKs( aBoard, pads );
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
for( int p=0; p<pads.GetCount(); ++p )
pads[p]->Show( 0, std::cout );
//-----<build the images and components>---------------------------------
items.Collect( aBoard, scanMODULEs );
for( int m=0; m<items.GetCount(); ++m )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) items[m];
IMAGE* image = makeIMAGE( module );
IMAGE* registered = pcb->library->LookupIMAGE( image );
IMAGE* registered = pcb->library->LookupIMAGE( image );
if( registered != image )
// If our new 'image' is not a unique IMAGE, delete it.
......@@ -952,56 +952,56 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
// @todo: this only works if the user has not modified the MODULE within the PCB
// and made it different from what is in the PCBNEW library. Need to test
// each image for uniqueness, not just based on name as is done here:
COMPONENT* comp = pcb->placement->LookupCOMPONENT( registered->GetImageId() );
PLACE* place = new PLACE( comp );
comp->places.push_back( place );
place->SetRotation( module->m_Orient/10.0 );
place->SetVertex( mapPt( module->m_Pos ) );
place->component_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() );
place->part_number = CONV_TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() );
// module is flipped from bottom side, set side to T_back
if( module->flag )
int angle = 1800 - module->m_Orient;
place->SetRotation( angle/10.0 );
place->side = T_back;
//-----<create the nets>------------------------------------------------
NETWORK* network = pcb->network;
static const KICAD_T scanNETs[] = { PCB_EQUIPOT_STRUCT_TYPE, EOT };
nets.Collect( aBoard, scanNETs );
items.Collect( aBoard, scanMODULEs );
PIN_REF emptypin(0);
for( int n=0; n<nets.GetCount(); ++n )
EQUIPOT* kinet = (EQUIPOT*) nets[n];
if( kinet->GetNet() == 0 )
NET* net = new NET( network );
network->nets.push_back( net );
net->net_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( kinet->m_Netname );
net->net_number = kinet->GetNet();
......@@ -1010,17 +1010,17 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) items[m];
pads.Collect( module, scanPADs );
for( int p=0; p<pads.GetCount(); ++p )
D_PAD* pad = (D_PAD*) pads[p];
if( pad->GetNet() == kinet->GetNet() )
// push on an empty one, then fill it via 'pin_ref'
net->pins.push_back( emptypin );
PIN_REF* pin_ref = &net->pins.back();
pin_ref->SetParent( net );
pin_ref->component_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() );
pin_ref->pin_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( pad->ReturnStringPadName() );
......@@ -1037,35 +1037,35 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
// export all of them for now, later we'll decide what controls we need
// on this.
static const KICAD_T scanTRACKs[] = { TYPETRACK, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanTRACKs );
if( items.GetCount() )
qsort( (void*) items.BasePtr(), items.GetCount(),
qsort( (void*) items.BasePtr(), items.GetCount(),
sizeof(TRACK*), Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode );
std::string netname;
std::string netname;
WIRING* wiring = pcb->wiring;
PATH* path = 0;
int old_netcode = -1;
int old_width = -1;
int old_layer = -1;
int old_netcode = -1;
int old_width = -1;
int old_layer = -1;
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
TRACK* track = (TRACK*) items[i];
if( track->GetNet() == 0 )
if( old_netcode != track->GetNet()
|| old_width != track->m_Width
|| old_width != track->m_Width
|| old_layer != track->GetLayer()
|| (path && path->points.back() != mapPt(track->m_Start) )
|| (path && path->points.back() != mapPt(track->m_Start) )
old_width = track->m_Width;
old_layer = track->GetLayer();
......@@ -1081,39 +1081,39 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
WIRE* wire = new WIRE( wiring );
wiring->wires.push_back( wire );
wire->net_id = netname;
wire->wire_type = T_normal; // @todo, this should be configurable
int kiLayer = track->GetLayer();
int pcbLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[kiLayer];
path = new PATH( wire );
wire->SetShape( path );
path->layer_id = layerIds[pcbLayer];
path->aperture_width = scale( old_width );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( track->m_Start ) );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( track->m_End ) );
//-----<export the existing real instantiated vias>---------------------
// export all of them for now, later we'll decide what controls we need
// on this.
static const KICAD_T scanVIAs[] = { TYPEVIA, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanVIAs );
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
SEGVIA* via = (SEGVIA*) items[i];
wxASSERT( via->Type() == TYPEVIA );
PADSTACK* padstack = makeVia( via );
PADSTACK* registered = pcb->library->LookupVia( padstack );
if( padstack != registered )
......@@ -1123,22 +1123,22 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
WIRE_VIA* dsnVia = new WIRE_VIA( pcb->wiring );
pcb->wiring->wire_vias.push_back( dsnVia );
dsnVia->padstack_id = registered->padstack_id;
dsnVia->vertexes.push_back( mapPt( via->GetPosition() ) );
int netcode = via->GetNet();
EQUIPOT* equipot = aBoard->FindNet( netcode );
wxASSERT( equipot );
dsnVia->net_id = CONV_TO_UTF8( equipot->m_Netname );
dsnVia->via_type = T_normal; // @todo, this should be configurable
#endif // do existing wires and vias
#endif // do existing wires and vias
// Output the vias in the padstack list here, by name. This must
......@@ -1156,9 +1156,9 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
//-----<restore MODULEs>------------------------------------------------
// DSN Images (=Kicad MODULES and pads) must be presented from the
// top view. Restore those that were flipped.
for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
......@@ -1171,5 +1171,5 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
} // namespace DSN
......@@ -3,32 +3,32 @@
* Copyright (C) 2007-2008 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* This source is a complement to specctra.cpp and implements the import of
a specctra session file (*.ses), and import of a specctra design file
(*.dsn) file. The specification for the grammar of the specctra dsn file
a specctra session file (*.ses), and import of a specctra design file
(*.dsn) file. The specification for the grammar of the specctra dsn file
used to develop this code is given here:
Also see the comments at the top of the specctra.cpp file itself.
......@@ -42,25 +42,30 @@ using namespace DSN;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ImportSpecctraDesign( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* @todo write this someday
if( !Clear_Pcb( true ) )
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ImportSpecctraSession( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( GetScreen()->IsModify() )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Board Modified: Continue ?" ) ) )
wxString sessionExt( wxT( ".ses" ) );
wxString fileName = GetScreen()->m_FileName;
wxString mask = wxT( "*" ) + sessionExt;
ChangeFileNameExt( fileName, sessionExt );
fileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Merge Specctra Session file:" ),
......@@ -69,58 +74,83 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ImportSpecctraSession( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( fileName == wxEmptyString )
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "C" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
db.LoadSESSION( fileName );
db.FromSESSION( m_Pcb );
catch( IOError ioe )
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
DisplayError( this, ioe.errorText );
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // Switch the locale to standard C
setlocale( LC_NUMERIC, "" ); // revert to the current locale
m_SelTrackWidthBox_Changed = TRUE;
m_SelViaSizeBox_Changed = TRUE;
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
Affiche_Message( wxString( _("Session file imported and merged OK.")) );
DrawPanel->Refresh( TRUE );
namespace DSN {
static wxPoint mapPt( const POINT& aPoint, double aResolution )
static wxPoint mapPt( const POINT& aPoint, UNIT_RES* aResolution )
wxPoint ret;
double resValue = aResolution->GetValue();
double factor; // multiply this times units to get mils for Kicad.
switch( aResolution->GetEngUnits() )
case T_inch:
factor = 0.001;
case T_mil:
factor = 1.0;
case T_cm:
factor = 2.54/1000.0;
case T_mm:
factor = 25.4/1000.0;
case T_um:
factor = 25.4;
// the factor of 10.0 is used to convert mils to deci-mils, the units
// used within Kicad.
ret.x = (int) (10.0 * aPoint.x / aResolution);
ret.y = (int) -(10.0 * aPoint.y / aResolution);
// used within Kicad.
factor *= 10.0;
ret.x = (int) (factor * aPoint.x / resValue);
ret.y = (int) -(factor * aPoint.y / resValue); // negate y coord
return ret;
// no UI code in this function, throw exception to report problems to the
// no UI code in this function, throw exception to report problems to the
// UI handler: void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ImportSpecctraSession( wxCommandEvent& event )
void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError )
......@@ -129,7 +159,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError )
if( !session )
ThrowIOError( _("Session file is missing the \"session\" section") );
if( !session->placement )
ThrowIOError( _("Session file is missing the \"placement\" section") );
......@@ -138,16 +168,16 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError )
if( !session->route->library )
ThrowIOError( _("Session file is missing the \"library_out\" section") );
// delete all the old tracks and vias
aBoard->m_Track = NULL;
aBoard->m_NbSegmTrack = 0;
// Walk the PLACEMENT object's COMPONENTs list, and for each PLACE within
// each COMPONENT, reposition and re-orient each component and put on
// each COMPONENT, reposition and re-orient each component and put on
// correct side of the board.
COMPONENTS& components = session->placement->components;
for( COMPONENTS::iterator comp=components.begin(); comp!=components.end(); ++comp )
......@@ -156,51 +186,62 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::FromSESSION( BOARD* aBoard ) throw( IOError )
for( unsigned i=0; i<places.size(); ++i )
PLACE* place = &places[i]; // '&' even though places[] holds a pointer!
wxString reference = CONV_FROM_UTF8( place->component_id.c_str() );
MODULE* module = aBoard->FindModuleByReference( reference );
if( !module )
wxString errorMsg;
_("Session file has reference to non-existing component \"%s\""),
_("Session file has 'reference' to non-existent component \"%s\""),
reference.GetData() );
ThrowIOError( errorMsg );
if( !place->hasVertex )
double resolution = 100; //place->GetResolution();
UNIT_RES* resolution = place->GetUnits();
wxASSERT( resolution );
wxPoint newPos = mapPt( place->vertex, resolution );
module->SetPosition( newPos );
if( place->side == T_front )
// convert from degrees to tenths of degrees used in Kicad.
int orientation = (int) (place->rotation * 10.0);
module->SetOrientation( orientation );
if( module->GetLayer() != CMP_N )
// module is on copper layer (back)
aBoard->Change_Side_Module( module, 0 );
module->SetOrientation( orientation );
else if( place->side == T_back )
int orientation = (int) (-place->rotation * 10.0 - 1800);
module->SetOrientation( orientation );
int orientation = (place->rotation + 180.0) * 10.0;
if( module->GetLayer() != COPPER_LAYER_N )
// module is on component layer (front)
aBoard->Change_Side_Module( module, 0 );
module->SetOrientation( orientation );
// as I write this, the LEXER *is* catching this, so we should never see below:
wxFAIL_MSG( wxT("DSN::LEXER did not catch an illegal side := 'back|front'") );
// Walk the NET_OUTs and create tracks and vias anew.
// Walk the NET_OUTs and create tracks and vias anew.
NET_OUTS& net_outs = session->route->net_outs;
for( NET_OUTS::iterator i=net_outs.begin(); i!=net_outs.end(); ++i )
// create a track or via and position it.
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