Commit ee8901d9 authored by Karl Thorén's avatar Karl Thorén Committed by jean-pierre charras

All: Fix bug #1196277 (pcbnew does not save all parts of the title block to the kicad_pcb file)

parent 5c247857
......@@ -314,11 +314,11 @@ void TITLE_BLOCK::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aFormatter, int aNestLevel, int aCont
aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(company %s)\n",
aFormatter->Quotew( GetCompany() ).c_str() );
for( int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++ )
for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
if( !GetComment(ii).IsEmpty() )
aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(comment %d %s)\n", ii+1,
aFormatter->Quotew( GetComment(1) ).c_str() );
aFormatter->Quotew( GetComment(ii) ).c_str() );
aFormatter->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n\n" );
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