Commit e7cd29ec authored by jerryjacobs's avatar jerryjacobs

Beautify code for kicad.cpp, kicad/mainframe.cpp, treeprj_frame.cpp

parent 365dbe15
/* kicad.cpp - module principal */
* @file kicad.cpp
* @brief Main kicad library manager file
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
......@@ -13,13 +18,9 @@
#include <wx/image.h>
//#define SPLASH_OK
#ifdef SPLASH_OK
/* Define Splash Image */
#define SPLASH_IMAGE logo_kicad.png
#include "wx/splash.h"
#include "wx/mediactrl.h"
......@@ -35,95 +36,174 @@
#include <pyhandler.h>
/* Routines exportees */
/* Export functions */
/* fonctions importees */
/* Import functions */
char *GetFileName(char *FullPathName);
void ShowLogo(char * FonteFileName);
/* Routines locales */
/* Called to initialize the program */
/* Local functions */
/* Called to initialize the program */
// Create a new application object
using namespace boost::python;
// Global functions:
static WinEDA_MainFrame& GetMainFrame() { return *( wxGetApp().m_MainFrame ); }
static void WinEDAPrint( str msg ) { GetMainFrame().PrintMsg( PyHandler::MakeStr( msg ) + wxT("\n") ); }
static void WinEDAClear() { GetMainFrame().ClearMsg(); }
static object GetTypeExt( enum TreeFileType type ) { return PyHandler::Convert( WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFileExt( type ) ); }
// WinEDA_MainFrame Special binding functions:
// (one line functions are simple wrappers)
object WinEDA_MainFrame::GetPrjName() const { return PyHandler::Convert( m_PrjFileName ); }
object WinEDA_MainFrame::ToWx() { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( this, false ) ) ) ); }
WinEDA_PrjFrame* WinEDA_MainFrame::GetTree() const { return m_LeftWin; }
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_MainFrame::AddFastLaunchPy( object & button )
wxBitmapButton * btn;
bool success = wxPyConvertSwigPtr( button.ptr(), (void**)&btn, _T("wxBitmapButton"));
if ( !success ) return;
Py_INCREF( button.ptr() );
btn->Reparent( m_CommandWin );
m_CommandWin->AddFastLaunch( btn );
// WinEDA_PrjFrame Special binding functions:
// (one line functions are simple wrappers)
// TODO To WxWidgets ?
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::ToWx()
{ return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( this, false ) ) ) ); }
// TODO Get ?
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFtExPy( enum TreeFileType type ) const
{ return PyHandler::Convert( GetFileExt( type ) ); }
// Get python menu
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetMenuPy( enum TreeFileType type )
{ return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( GetContextMenu( (int) type ), false ) ) ) ); }
// Get tree control
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetTreeCtrl()
{ return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( m_TreeProject, false ) ) ) ); }
// Get current menu
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetCurrentMenu()
{ return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( m_PopupMenu, false ) ) ) ); }
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::ToWx() { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( this, false ) ) ) ); }
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFtExPy( enum TreeFileType type ) const { return PyHandler::Convert( GetFileExt( type ) ); }
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetMenuPy( enum TreeFileType type ) { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( GetContextMenu( (int) type ), false ) ) ) ); }
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetTreeCtrl() { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( m_TreeProject, false ) ) ) ); }
object WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetCurrentMenu() { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( m_PopupMenu, false ) ) ) ); }
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFilePy( const str & name, enum TreeFileType type, object & id )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFilePy( const str & name,
enum TreeFileType type,
object & id )
wxTreeItemId root;
if (! wxPyConvertSwigPtr( id.ptr(), (void**)&root, _T("wxTreeItemId") ) ) return;
NewFile( PyHandler::MakeStr( name ), type, root );
* @brief Add a file to the tree under root, or m_root if conversion is wrong
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFilePy( const str & file, object & root )
/* Add a file to the tree under root, or m_root if conversion is wrong */
wxTreeItemId * theroot = &m_root;
if ( !wxPyConvertSwigPtr( root.ptr(), (void**)&root, _T("wxTreeItemId") ) )
theroot = &m_root;
AddFile( PyHandler::MakeStr( file ), *theroot );
* @brief convert wxTreeItem into TreePrjItemData
TreePrjItemData * WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetItemData( const object & item )
/* convert wxTreeItem into TreePrjItemData */
wxTreeItemId *id = NULL;
if ( !wxPyConvertSwigPtr( item.ptr(), (void**)&id, _T("wxTreeItemId") ) ) return NULL;
if (!wxPyConvertSwigPtr( item.ptr(), (void**)&id, _T("wxTreeItemId")))
return NULL;
return dynamic_cast<TreePrjItemData *>( m_TreeProject->GetItemData( *id ) );
// TreePrjItemData Special binding functions
// (one line functions are simple wrappers)
// Python rename
bool TreePrjItemData::RenamePy( const str & newname, bool check )
{ return Rename( PyHandler::MakeStr(newname), check ); }
// Get python directory
object TreePrjItemData::GetDirPy() const
{ return PyHandler::Convert( GetDir() ); }
bool TreePrjItemData::RenamePy( const str & newname, bool check ) { return Rename( PyHandler::MakeStr(newname), check ); }
object TreePrjItemData::GetDirPy() const { return PyHandler::Convert( GetDir() ); }
object TreePrjItemData::GetFileNamePy() const { return PyHandler::Convert( GetFileName() ); }
object TreePrjItemData::GetMenuPy() { return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( &m_fileMenu, false ) ) ) ); }
// Get python filename
object TreePrjItemData::GetFileNamePy() const
{ return PyHandler::Convert( GetFileName() ); }
// kicad module init function
// ( this function is called from PyHandler to init the kicad module )
// Get python menu
object TreePrjItemData::GetMenuPy()
{ return object( handle<>( borrowed( wxPyMake_wxObject( &m_fileMenu, false ) ) ) ); }
* @brief KiCad python module init, \n
* This function is called from PyHandler to init the kicad module
static void py_kicad_init()
def( "GetMainFrame", &GetMainFrame, return_value_policy< reference_existing_object >() );
def( "GetTypeExtension", &GetTypeExt );
......@@ -156,6 +236,7 @@ static void py_kicad_init()
.value( "MAX", TREE_MAX );
class_<WinEDA_PrjFrame>( "TreeWindow" )
// wx Interface
.def( "ToWx", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::ToWx )
......@@ -168,14 +249,38 @@ static void py_kicad_init()
.def( "RemoveFilter", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::RemoveFilterPy )
.def( "GetFilters", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFilters, return_value_policy < copy_const_reference >() )
.def( "GetCurrentMenu", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetCurrentMenu )
// Project tree control
.def( "AddState", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddStatePy )
.def( "GetTreeCtrl", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetTreeCtrl )
.def( "GetItemData", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetItemData, return_value_policy < reference_existing_object >() )
.def( "FindItemData", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::FindItemData, return_value_policy < reference_existing_object >() )
.def( "NewFile", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFilePy )
.def( "AddFile", &WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFilePy )
/** Project tree control **/
// AddState
.def( "AddState",
&WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddStatePy )
// GetTreeCtrl
.def( "GetTreeCtrl",
&WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetTreeCtrl )
// GetItemData
.def( "GetItemData",
return_value_policy < reference_existing_object >() )
// FindItemData
.def( "FindItemData",
return_value_policy < reference_existing_object >() )
// NewFile
.def( "NewFile",
&WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFilePy )
// AddFile
.def( "AddFile",
&WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFilePy )
; /* ENDOF class_<WinEDA_PrjFrame>( "TreeWindow" ) */
class_<WinEDA_MainFrame>( "MainFrame" )
// Wx interface
......@@ -188,18 +293,25 @@ static void py_kicad_init()
// common module init function
* @brief Common python module init
static void py_common_init()
def( "Print", &WinEDAPrint );
def( "Clear", &WinEDAClear );
bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler);
......@@ -236,8 +348,8 @@ bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
/* Splash Screen Logo */
#ifdef SPLASH_OK
/* Splash screen logo */
wxString logoname( wxString(m_BinDir) + _T("logokicad.png") );
wxBitmap splash_screen;
if ( splash_screen.LoadFile( logoname, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG ) )
......@@ -247,7 +359,7 @@ bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
3000, m_MainFrame, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
#endif /* USE_SPLASH_IMAGE */
......@@ -265,5 +377,3 @@ bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
return TRUE;
// vim: tabstop=4 : noexpandtab :
......@@ -21,16 +21,19 @@
#include "kicad.h"
/* Constructor */
// Constructor
WinEDA_MainFrame::WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App* eda_app,
wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size ) :
WinEDA_BasicFrame( parent, KICAD_MAIN_FRAME, eda_app, title, pos, size )
wxWindow* parent,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size ) :
WinEDA_BasicFrame( parent, KICAD_MAIN_FRAME, eda_app, title, pos, size )
wxString msg;
wxString line;
wxSize clientsize;
m_FrameName = wxT( "KicadFrame" );
......@@ -44,8 +47,10 @@ WinEDA_MainFrame::WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App* eda_app,
if( m_Parent->m_EDA_Config )
m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "LeftWinWidth" ), &m_LeftWin_Width );
m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "CommandWinWidth" ), &m_CommandWin_Height );
m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "LeftWinWidth" ),
&m_LeftWin_Width );
m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read( wxT( "CommandWinWidth" ),
&m_CommandWin_Height );
SetSize( m_FramePos.x, m_FramePos.y, m_FrameSize.x, m_FrameSize.y );
......@@ -78,7 +83,7 @@ WinEDA_MainFrame::WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App* eda_app,
wxNO_BORDER | wxSW_3D );
m_BottomWin->SetDefaultSize( wxSize( clientsize.x, 150 ) );
m_BottomWin->SetOrientation( wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL );
m_BottomWin->SetAlignment( wxLAYOUT_BOTTOM );
m_BottomWin->SetAlignment ( wxLAYOUT_BOTTOM );
m_BottomWin->SetSashVisible( wxSASH_TOP, TRUE );
m_BottomWin->SetSashVisible( wxSASH_LEFT, TRUE );
m_BottomWin->SetExtraBorderSize( 2 );
......@@ -91,28 +96,27 @@ WinEDA_MainFrame::WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App* eda_app,
m_DialogWin->SetFont( *g_StdFont );
// m_CommandWin is the box with buttons which launch eechema, pcbnew ...
m_CommandWin = new WinEDA_CommandFrame( this, ID_MAIN_COMMAND,
m_CommandWin = new WinEDA_CommandFrame( this,
wxPoint( m_LeftWin_Width,
0 ),
wxSize( clientsize.x, m_CommandWin_Height ),
wxSize( clientsize.x,
m_CommandWin_Height ),
wxNO_BORDER | wxSW_3D );
wxString line;
msg = wxGetCwd();
line.Printf( _( "Ready\nWorking dir: %s\n" ), msg.GetData() );
PrintMsg( line );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->DeclareEvent( wxT( "kicad::LoadProject" ) );
/* Destructor */
if( m_Parent->m_EDA_Config )
......@@ -127,7 +131,6 @@ WinEDA_MainFrame::~WinEDA_MainFrame()
void WinEDA_MainFrame::PrintMsg( const wxString& text )
* Put text in the dialog frame
......@@ -394,6 +397,7 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::OnRefresh( wxCommandEvent& event )
void WinEDA_MainFrame::ClearMsg()
......@@ -401,11 +405,13 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ClearMsg()
void WinEDA_MainFrame::OnRefreshPy()
/* treeprj_frame.cpp */
* @file treeprj_frame.cpp
* @brief TODO
#include <pyhandler.h>
#include <pyhandler.h>
#include "fctsys.h"
......@@ -45,30 +47,43 @@ const wxChar * s_AllowedExtensionsToList[] =
NULL // end of list
* @brief TODO
WinEDA_PrjFrame::WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& pos,
const wxSize& size ) :
wxSashLayoutWindow( parent, ID_LEFT_FRAME, pos, size,
wxSashLayoutWindow( parent,
wxNO_BORDER | wxSW_3D )
m_Parent = parent;
m_TreeProject = NULL;
wxMenu* menu = m_ContextMenus[TREE_PY];
wxMenuItem* item;
m_PopupMenu = NULL;
/* Filtering is now inverted: the filters are actually used to _enable_ support
* Filtering is now inverted: the filters are actually used to _enable_ support
* for a given file type.
m_Filters.push_back( wxT( "^.*\\.sch$" ) ); // note: sch filter must be first because of a test in AddFile() below
// NOTE: sch filter must be first because of a test in AddFile() below
m_Filters.push_back( wxT( "^.*\\.sch$" ) );
for ( int ii = 0; s_AllowedExtensionsToList[ii] != NULL; ii++ )
m_Filters.push_back( s_AllowedExtensionsToList[ii] );
m_Filters.push_back( wxT( "^no kicad files found" ) );
m_Filters.push_back( wxT( "^.*\\.py$" ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->DeclareEvent( wxT( "kicad::RunScript" ) );
......@@ -80,31 +95,32 @@ WinEDA_PrjFrame::WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame* parent,
PyHandler::GetInstance()->DeclareEvent( wxT( "kicad::DeleteFile" ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->DeclareEvent( wxT( "kicad::RenameFile" ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->DeclareEvent( wxT( "kicad::MoveFile" ) );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
for( int i = 0; i < TREE_MAX; i++ )
m_ContextMenus.push_back( new wxMenu() );
// Python script context menu:
wxMenu* menu = m_ContextMenus[TREE_PY];
// Python script context menu
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_RUNPY,
_( "&Run" ),
_( "Run the Python Script" ) );
item->SetBitmap( icon_python_small_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_TXTEDIT,
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "&Edit in a text editor" ),
_( "&Open the file in a Text Editor" ) );
item->SetBitmap( icon_txt_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
// New files context menu:
wxMenu* menus[2];
menus[0] = m_ContextMenus[TREE_DIRECTORY];
......@@ -114,56 +130,80 @@ WinEDA_PrjFrame::WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame* parent,
menu = menus[i];
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_NEWDIR, _( "New D&irectory" ), _(
"Create a New Directory" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "New D&irectory" ),
_( "Create a New Directory" ) );
item->SetBitmap( directory_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_NEWPY, _( "New P&ython Script" ), _(
"Create a New Python Script" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "New P&ython Script" ),
_( "Create a New Python Script" ) );
item->SetBitmap( new_python_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_NEWTXT, _( "New &Text File" ), _(
"Create a New Txt File" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "New &Text File" ),
_( "Create a New Txt File" ) );
item->SetBitmap( new_txt_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_NEWFILE, _( "New &File" ), _( "Create a New File" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "New &File" ),
_( "Create a New File" ) );
item->SetBitmap( new_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
// Put the Rename and Delete file menu commands:
for( int i = TREE_PROJECT + 1; i < TREE_MAX; i++ )
menu = m_ContextMenus[i];
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_RENAME,
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("&Rename file") : _( "&Rename directory" ),
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("Rename file") : _( "&Rename directory" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("&Rename file") :
_( "&Rename directory" ),
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("Rename file") :
_( "&Rename directory" ) );
item->SetBitmap( right_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_TXTEDIT,
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
_( "&Edit in a text editor" ),
_( "Open the file in a Text Editor" ) );
item->SetBitmap( icon_txt_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu, ID_PROJECT_DELETE,
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("&Delete File") : _( "&Delete Directory" ),
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _ ("Delete the File") : _(
"&Delete the Directory and its content" ) );
item = new wxMenuItem( menu,
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _( "&Delete File" ) :
_( "&Delete Directory" ),
TREE_DIRECTORY != i ? _( "Delete the File" ) :
_( "&Delete the Directory and its content" ) );
item->SetBitmap( delete_xpm );
menu->Append( item );
......@@ -172,7 +212,10 @@ WinEDA_PrjFrame::WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame* parent,
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_PrjFrame, wxSashLayoutWindow )
......@@ -188,25 +231,35 @@ EVT_MENU( ID_PROJECT_NEWTXT, WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnNewTxtFile )
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDragStart( wxTreeEvent& event )
// Allowing drag&drop of file other than the currently opened project
* @brief Allowing drag & drop of file other than the currently opened project
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDragStart( wxTreeEvent& event )
/* Ensure item is selected (Under Windows start drag does not activate the item) */
/* Ensure item is selected
(Under Windows start drag does not activate the item) */
wxTreeItemId curr_item = event.GetItem();
m_TreeProject->SelectItem( curr_item );
......@@ -224,9 +277,10 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDragStart( wxTreeEvent& event )
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDragEnd( wxTreeEvent& event )
m_Parent->SetCursor( wxNullCursor );
......@@ -261,17 +315,18 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDragEnd( wxTreeEvent& event )
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::ClearFilters()
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::RemoveFilter( const wxString& filter )
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Filters.size(); i++ )
......@@ -284,13 +339,17 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::RemoveFilter( const wxString& filter )
TreePrjItemData* WinEDA_PrjFrame::FindItemData( const boost::python::str& name )
// Return the data corresponding to the file, or NULL
* @brief Return the data corresponding to the file, or NULL
TreePrjItemData* WinEDA_PrjFrame::FindItemData(const boost::python::str& name)
// (Interative tree parsing)
std::vector< wxTreeItemId > roots1, roots2;
......@@ -349,17 +408,25 @@ TreePrjItemData* WinEDA_PrjFrame::FindItemData( const boost::python::str& name )
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::RemoveFilterPy( const boost::python::str& filter )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::RemoveFilterPy(const boost::python::str& filter)
RemoveFilter( PyHandler::MakeStr( filter ) );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFilter( const boost::python::str& filter )
wxRegEx reg;
wxString text = PyHandler::MakeStr( filter );
......@@ -369,44 +436,88 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFilter( const boost::python::str& filter )
m_Filters.push_back( text );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
* @brief TODO
const std::vector<wxString>& WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFilters()
return m_Filters;
* @brief TODO
wxMenu* WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetContextMenu( int type )
return m_ContextMenus[type];
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnNewDirectory( wxCommandEvent& event )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnNewFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnNewPyFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
NewFile( TREE_PY );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnNewTxtFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
NewFile( TREE_TXT );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( TreeFileType type )
wxString filename;
wxString mask = GetFileExt( type );
......@@ -418,6 +529,7 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( TreeFileType type )
TreePrjItemData* treeData;
wxString FullFileName;
treeData = GetSelectedData();
if( !treeData )
......@@ -425,7 +537,6 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( TreeFileType type )
dir = treeData->GetDir();
// Ask for the new file name
filename = EDA_FileSelector( TREE_DIRECTORY !=
type ? _( "Create New File:" ) : _( "Create New Directory" ),
wxGetCwd() + sep + dir, /* Chemin par defaut */
......@@ -449,6 +560,7 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( TreeFileType type )
root = m_TreeProject->GetItemParent( m_TreeProject->GetSelection() );
if( !root.IsOk() )
root = m_TreeProject->GetSelection();
......@@ -457,42 +569,53 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( TreeFileType type )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::NewFile( const wxString& name,
TreeFileType type, wxTreeItemId& root )
TreeFileType type,
wxTreeItemId& root )
if( TREE_DIRECTORY != type )
wxFile( name, wxFile::write );
wxT( "kicad::NewFile" ), PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::NewFile" ),
PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
wxMkdir( name );
wxT( "kicad::NewDirectory" ), PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::NewDirectory" ),
PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
AddFile( name, root );
* @brief TODO
wxString WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFileExt( TreeFileType type )
wxString ext;
switch( type )
case 0:
break; // 0 is not used
case 0: // 0 is not used
ext = wxT( ".pro" );
......@@ -534,13 +657,15 @@ wxString WinEDA_PrjFrame::GetFileExt( TreeFileType type )
bool WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFile( const wxString& name, wxTreeItemId& root )
/* add filename "name" to the tree
* @brief Add filename "name" to the tree \n
* if name is a directory, add the sub directory file names
* @return TODO
bool WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFile( const wxString& name, wxTreeItemId& root )
wxTreeItemId cellule;
......@@ -586,8 +711,7 @@ bool WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFile( const wxString& name, wxTreeItemId& root )
fp = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( fp == NULL )
//printf("Unable to open \"%s\"\n", (const char*) FullFileName.mb_str() );
return false; // why show a file we cannot open?
return false;
addFile = false;
......@@ -640,8 +764,8 @@ bool WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFile( const wxString& name, wxTreeItemId& root )
kid = m_TreeProject->GetNextChild(root, cookie);
// Append the item (only appending the filename not the full path):
// Append the item (only appending the filename not the full path):
wxString file = wxFileNameFromPath( name );
cellule = m_TreeProject->AppendItem( root, file );
TreePrjItemData* data = new TreePrjItemData( type, name, m_TreeProject );
......@@ -659,41 +783,49 @@ bool WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddFile( const wxString& name, wxTreeItemId& root )
data->m_IsRootFile = false;
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::TreeAddFile" ), PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::TreeAddFile" ),
PyHandler::Convert( name ) );
#endif /* KICAD_YTHON */
// When enabled This section adds dirs and files found in the subdirs
// in this case AddFile is recursive.
if( TREE_DIRECTORY == type )
const wxString sep = wxFileName().GetPathSeparator();
wxDir dir( name );
wxString dir_filename;
if( dir.GetFirst( &dir_filename ) )
AddFile( name + sep + dir_filename, cellule );
} while( dir.GetNext( &dir_filename ) );
while( dir.GetNext( &dir_filename ) );
/* Sort filenames by alphabetic order */
m_TreeProject->SortChildren( cellule );
return true;
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::ReCreateTreePrj()
/* Create or modify the tree showing project file names
* @brief Create or modify the tree showing project file names
* @return TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::ReCreateTreePrj()
wxTreeItemId rootcellule;
wxString Text;
......@@ -760,11 +892,13 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::ReCreateTreePrj()
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRight( wxTreeEvent& Event )
// Opens (popup) the context menu
* @brief Opens *popup* the context menu
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRight( wxTreeEvent& Event )
int tree_id;
TreePrjItemData* tree_data;
......@@ -819,19 +953,25 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRight( wxTreeEvent& Event )
// At last, call python to let python add menu items "on the fly"
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::TreeContextMenu" ),
PyHandler::Convert( FullFileName ) );
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
if( m_PopupMenu )
PopupMenu( m_PopupMenu );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnTxtEdit( wxCommandEvent& event )
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -841,20 +981,27 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnTxtEdit( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString FullFileName = tree_data->GetFileName();
AddDelimiterString( FullFileName );
wxString editorname = GetEditorName();
if( !editorname.IsEmpty() )
PyHandler::GetInstance()->TriggerEvent( wxT( "kicad::EditScript" ),
PyHandler::Convert( FullFileName ) );
ExecuteFile( this, editorname, FullFileName );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDeleteFile( wxCommandEvent& )
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -864,9 +1011,13 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnDeleteFile( wxCommandEvent& )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRenameFile( wxCommandEvent& )
wxTreeItemId curr_item = m_TreeProject->GetSelection();
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -876,20 +1027,24 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRenameFile( wxCommandEvent& )
wxString buffer = m_TreeProject->GetItemText( curr_item );
wxString msg = _( "Change filename: " ) + tree_data->m_FileName;
if( Get_Message(msg, _("Change filename"), buffer, this ) != 0 )
return; //Abort command
if( tree_data->Rename( buffer, true ) )
m_TreeProject->SetItemText( curr_item, buffer );
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRunPy( wxCommandEvent& event )
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -903,14 +1058,17 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRunPy( wxCommandEvent& event )
int WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddStatePy( boost::python::object& bitmap )
// Add a state to the image list ...
* @brief Add a state to the image list
int WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddStatePy( boost::python::object& bitmap )
wxBitmap* image;
bool success = wxPyConvertSwigPtr( bitmap.ptr(), (void**) &image, _T( "wxBitmap" ) );
bool success = wxPyConvertSwigPtr( bitmap.ptr(),
(void**) &image, _T( "wxBitmap" ) );
if( !success )
return -1;
......@@ -931,13 +1089,16 @@ int WinEDA_PrjFrame::AddStatePy( boost::python::object& bitmap )
return ret;
#endif /* KICAD_PYTHON */
* @brief Prevent the main project to be renamed
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRenameAsk( wxTreeEvent& event )
/* Prevent the main project to be renamed */
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -948,10 +1109,13 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRenameAsk( wxTreeEvent& event )
* @brief Rename a tree item on demand of the context menu
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRename( wxTreeEvent& event )
/* rename a tree item on demand of the context menu */
TreePrjItemData* tree_data = GetSelectedData();
......@@ -962,9 +1126,13 @@ void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnRename( wxTreeEvent& event )
* @brief TODO
void WinEDA_PrjFrame::OnSelect( wxTreeEvent& Event )
wxString FullFileName;
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