Commit de33b1cb authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

more specctra dsn work

parent 2587a64f
......@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ class RULES : public ELEM
RULES( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_rule, aParent )
RULES( ELEM* aParent, DSN_T aType ) :
ELEM( aType, aParent )
......@@ -496,37 +496,110 @@ public:
class WINDOW : public ELEM
class CIRCLE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
WINDOW( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_window, aParent )
std::string layer_id;
double diameter;
POINT vertex;
CIRCLE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_circle, aParent )
diameter = 0.0;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %f %f %f)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) ,
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
diameter, vertex.x, vertex.y );
class CIRCLE : public ELEM
class QARC : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id;
double aperture_width;
POINT vertex[3];
CIRCLE( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_circle, aParent )
QARC( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_qarc, aParent )
aperture_width = 0.0;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %f\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) ,
quote, layer_id.c_str(), quote,
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "%f %f\n", vertex[i].x, vertex[i].y );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
class QARC : public ELEM
class WINDOW : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
//----- only one of these is used, like a union -----
PATH* path; ///< used for both path and polygon
RECTANGLE* rectangle;
CIRCLE* circle;
QARC* qarc;
QARC( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_circle, aParent )
WINDOW( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_window, aParent )
path = 0;
rectangle = 0;
circle = 0;
qarc = 0;
delete path;
delete rectangle;
delete circle;
delete qarc;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
// these are mutually exclusive
if( rectangle )
rectangle->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( path )
path->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( circle )
circle->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( qarc )
qarc->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -550,7 +623,6 @@ class KEEPOUT : public ELEM
QARC* qarc;
......@@ -594,7 +666,7 @@ public:
if( sequence_number != -1 )
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(sequence_number %d\n", sequence_number );
out->Print( nestLevel+1, "(sequence_number %d)\n", sequence_number );
// these are mutually exclusive
if( rectangle )
......@@ -609,9 +681,17 @@ public:
if( qarc )
qarc->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( rules )
rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( place_rules )
place_rules->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( unsigned i=0; i<windows.size(); ++i )
windows[i].Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
......@@ -807,20 +887,79 @@ public:
class LAYER_PAIR : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
std::string layer_id0;
std::string layer_id1;
double layer_weight;
LAYER_PAIR( ELEM* aParent ) :
ELEM( T_layer_pair, aParent )
layer_weight = 0.0;
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
const char* quote0 = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id0.c_str() );
const char* quote1 = out->GetQuoteChar( layer_id1.c_str() );
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s %s%s%s %s%s%s %f)\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ),
quote0, layer_id0.c_str(), quote0,
quote1, layer_id1.c_str(), quote1,
layer_weight );
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER_PAIR> LAYER_PAIRS;
LAYER_PAIRS layer_pairs;
ELEM( T_layer_noise_weight, aParent )
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) throw( IOError )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(%s\n", LEXER::GetTokenText( Type() ) );
for( unsigned i=0; i<layer_pairs.size(); ++i )
layer_pairs[i].Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
class STRUCTURE : public ELEM
friend class SPECCTRA_DB;
UNIT* unit;
RESOLUTION* resolution;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER> LAYERS;
LAYERS layers;
LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT* layer_noise_weight;
BOUNDARY* boundary;
BOUNDARY* place_boundary;
VIA* via;
CONTROL* control;
RULES* rules;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<LAYER> LAYERS;
LAYERS layers;
typedef boost::ptr_vector<KEEPOUT> KEEPOUTS;
KEEPOUTS keepouts;
......@@ -831,6 +970,8 @@ public:
ELEM( T_structure, aParent )
unit = 0;
resolution = 0;
layer_noise_weight = 0;
boundary = 0;
place_boundary = 0;
via = 0;
......@@ -841,6 +982,8 @@ public:
delete unit;
delete resolution;
delete layer_noise_weight;
delete boundary;
delete place_boundary;
delete via;
......@@ -855,9 +998,15 @@ public:
if( unit )
unit->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( resolution )
resolution->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
for( unsigned i=0; i<layers.size(); ++i )
layers[i].Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( layer_noise_weight )
layer_noise_weight->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
if( boundary )
boundary->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
......@@ -1059,6 +1208,8 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void doRESOLUTION( RESOLUTION* growth ) throw(IOError);
void doUNIT( UNIT* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doBOUNDARY( BOUNDARY* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doRECTANGLE( RECTANGLE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doPATH( PATH* growth ) throw( IOError );
......@@ -1068,6 +1219,10 @@ class SPECCTRA_DB : public OUTPUTFORMATTER
void doCONTROL( CONTROL* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doRULES( RULES* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doCIRCLE( CIRCLE* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doQARC( QARC* growth ) throw( IOError );
void doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError );
......@@ -1440,6 +1595,47 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doUNIT( UNIT* growth ) throw(IOError)
expecting( T_RIGHT );
void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER_PAIR( LAYER_PAIR* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->layer_id0 = lexer->CurText();
tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol( tok ) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->layer_id1 = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->layer_weight = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
DSN_T tok;
while( (tok = nextTok()) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok != T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
if( nextTok() != T_layer_pair )
expecting( T_layer_pair );
LAYER_PAIR* layer_pair = new LAYER_PAIR( growth );
growth->layer_pairs.push_back( layer_pair );
doLAYER_PAIR( layer_pair );
void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw(IOError)
DSN_T tok;
......@@ -1453,12 +1649,24 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRUCTURE( STRUCTURE* growth ) throw(IOError)
switch( tok )
case T_unit:
if( growth->unit )
if( growth->unit || growth->resolution )
unexpected( T_unit );
growth->unit = new UNIT( growth );
doUNIT( growth->unit );
case T_resolution:
if( growth->unit || growth->resolution )
unexpected( T_resolution );
growth->resolution = new RESOLUTION( growth );
doRESOLUTION( growth->resolution );
case T_layer_noise_weight:
growth->layer_noise_weight = new LAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( growth );
doLAYER_NOISE_WEIGHT( growth->layer_noise_weight );
case T_place_boundary:
if( growth->place_boundary )
......@@ -1503,7 +1711,7 @@ L_place:
case T_rule:
growth->rules = new RULES( growth );
growth->rules = new RULES( growth, T_rule );
doRULES( growth->rules );
......@@ -1515,11 +1723,134 @@ L_place:
case T_bend_keepout:
case T_elongate_keepout:
KEEPOUT* keepout;
keepout = new KEEPOUT( growth, tok );
growth->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
doKEEPOUT( keepout );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
void SPECCTRA_DB::doKEEPOUT( KEEPOUT* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( tok==T_SYMBOL || tok==T_STRING )
growth->name = lexer->CurText();
tok = nextTok();
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
while( tok != T_RIGHT )
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_sequence_number:
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->sequence_number = atoi( lexer->CurText() );
if( nextTok() != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
case T_rule:
growth->rules = new RULES( growth, T_rule );
doRULES( growth->rules );
case T_place_rule:
growth->place_rules = new RULES( growth, T_place_rule );
doRULES( growth->place_rules );
case T_rect:
growth->rectangle = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( growth->rectangle );
case T_circle:
growth->circle = new CIRCLE( growth );
doCIRCLE( growth->circle );
case T_path:
case T_polygon:
growth->path = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( growth->path );
case T_qarc:
growth->qarc = new QARC( growth );
doQARC( growth->qarc );
case T_window:
WINDOW* window;
window = new WINDOW( growth );
growth->windows.push_back( window );
doWINDOW( window );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
void SPECCTRA_DB::doWINDOW( WINDOW* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
while( tok != T_RIGHT )
if( tok!=T_LEFT )
expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = nextTok();
switch( tok )
case T_rect:
growth->rectangle = new RECTANGLE( growth );
doRECTANGLE( growth->rectangle );
case T_circle:
growth->circle = new CIRCLE( growth );
doCIRCLE( growth->circle );
case T_path:
case T_polygon:
growth->path = new PATH( growth, tok );
doPATH( growth->path );
case T_qarc:
growth->qarc = new QARC( growth );
doQARC( growth->qarc );
unexpected( lexer->CurText() );
tok = nextTok();
......@@ -1651,6 +1982,65 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doRECTANGLE( RECTANGLE* growth ) throw( IOError )
void SPECCTRA_DB::doCIRCLE( CIRCLE* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol(tok) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->diameter = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok == T_NUMBER )
growth->vertex.x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex.y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
tok = nextTok();
if( tok != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
void SPECCTRA_DB::doQARC( QARC* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
if( !isSymbol(tok) )
expecting( T_SYMBOL );
growth->layer_id = lexer->CurText();
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->aperture_width = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex[i].x = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_NUMBER )
expecting( T_NUMBER );
growth->vertex[i].y = strtod( lexer->CurText(), 0 );
if( nextTok() != T_RIGHT )
expecting( T_RIGHT );
void SPECCTRA_DB::doSTRINGPROP( STRINGPROP* growth ) throw( IOError )
DSN_T tok = nextTok();
......@@ -1783,7 +2173,7 @@ void SPECCTRA_DB::doLAYER( LAYER* growth ) throw( IOError )
case T_rule:
growth->rules = new RULES( growth );
growth->rules = new RULES( growth, T_rule );
doRULES( growth->rules );
......@@ -1962,7 +2352,8 @@ const char* SPECCTRA_DB::GetQuoteChar( const char* wrapee )
// if the string to be wrapped (wrapee) has a delimiter in it,
// return the quote_char so caller wraps the wrapee.
if( strchr( "\t ()", *wrapee++ ) )
// I include '#' so a symbol is not confused with a comment.
if( strchr( "#\t ()", *wrapee++ ) )
return quote_char.c_str();
return ""; // can use an unwrapped string.
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