m_ShowModuleRatsnest=newwxCheckBox(this,wxID_RATSNEST_MODULE,_("Show Mod Ratsnest"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
m_ShowModuleRatsnest=newwxCheckBox(this,wxID_RATSNEST_MODULE,_("Show Mod Ratsnest"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
m_ShowModuleRatsnest->SetToolTip(_("Shows (or not) the local ratsnest relative to a footprint, when moving it.\nThis ratsnest is useful to place a footprint."));
m_ShowModuleRatsnest->SetToolTip(_("Shows (or not) the local ratsnest relative to a footprint, when moving it.\nThis ratsnest is useful to place a footprint."));
<propertyname="tooltip">Activates the display of relative coordinates from relative origin (set by the space key)
to the cursor, in polar coordinates (angle and distance)</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Activates the display of relative coordinates from relative origin (set by the space key)
to the cursor, in polar coordinates (angle and distance)</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Shows (or not) the local ratsnest relative to a footprint, when moving it.
This ratsnest is useful to place a footprint.</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Shows (or not) the local ratsnest relative to a footprint, when moving it.
This ratsnest is useful to place a footprint.</property>