Commit cc7e7fc5 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Memory allocation improvements and other minor fixes.

* Replace C malloc() and free() functions with C++ new and delete
  operators or the appropriate STL container.
* Add option to end mouse capture function to skip executing the end
  mouse capture callback.
* Lots of coding policy and Doxygen comment goodness.
parent 7bd82846
// Name: 3d_aux.cpp
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file 3d_aux.cpp
#include "fctsys.h"
......@@ -23,54 +48,53 @@
#include "trackball.h"
void S3D_MASTER::Set_Object_Coords( S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord )
void S3D_MASTER::Set_Object_Coords( std::vector< S3D_Vertex >& aVertices )
int ii;
unsigned ii;
/* adjust object scale, rotation and offset position */
for( ii = 0; ii < nbcoord; ii++ )
for( ii = 0; ii < aVertices.size(); ii++ )
coord[ii].x *= m_MatScale.x;
coord[ii].y *= m_MatScale.y;
coord[ii].z *= m_MatScale.z;
aVertices[ii].x *= m_MatScale.x;
aVertices[ii].y *= m_MatScale.y;
aVertices[ii].z *= m_MatScale.z;
/* adjust rotation */
if( m_MatRotation.x )
RotatePoint( &coord[ii].y, &coord[ii].z, (int) (m_MatRotation.x * 10) );
RotatePoint( &aVertices[ii].y, &aVertices[ii].z, (int) (m_MatRotation.x * 10) );
if( m_MatRotation.y )
RotatePoint( &coord[ii].z, &coord[ii].x, (int) (m_MatRotation.y * 10) );
RotatePoint( &aVertices[ii].z, &aVertices[ii].x, (int) (m_MatRotation.y * 10) );
if( m_MatRotation.z )
RotatePoint( &coord[ii].x, &coord[ii].y, (int) (m_MatRotation.z * 10) );
RotatePoint( &aVertices[ii].x, &aVertices[ii].y, (int) (m_MatRotation.z * 10) );
/* adjust offset position (offset is given in UNIT 3D (0.1 inch) */
coord[ii].x += m_MatPosition.x * SCALE_3D_CONV;
coord[ii].y += m_MatPosition.y * SCALE_3D_CONV;
coord[ii].z += m_MatPosition.z * SCALE_3D_CONV;
aVertices[ii].x += m_MatPosition.x * SCALE_3D_CONV;
aVertices[ii].y += m_MatPosition.y * SCALE_3D_CONV;
aVertices[ii].z += m_MatPosition.z * SCALE_3D_CONV;
void Set_Object_Data( const S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord )
void Set_Object_Data( std::vector< S3D_Vertex >& aVertices )
int ii;
unsigned ii;
GLfloat ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz, nx, ny, nz, r;
/* ignore faces with less than 3 points */
if( nbcoord < 3 )
if( aVertices.size() < 3 )
/* calculate normal direction */
ax = coord[1].x - coord[0].x;
ay = coord[1].y - coord[0].y;
az = coord[1].z - coord[0].z;
ax = aVertices[1].x - aVertices[0].x;
ay = aVertices[1].y - aVertices[0].y;
az = aVertices[1].z - aVertices[0].z;
bx = coord[nbcoord - 1].x - coord[0].x;
by = coord[nbcoord - 1].y - coord[0].y;
bz = coord[nbcoord - 1].z - coord[0].z;
bx = aVertices[aVertices.size() - 1].x - aVertices[0].x;
by = aVertices[aVertices.size() - 1].y - aVertices[0].y;
bz = aVertices[aVertices.size() - 1].z - aVertices[0].z;
nx = ay * bz - az * by;
ny = az * bx - ax * bz;
......@@ -80,12 +104,14 @@ void Set_Object_Data( const S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord )
if( r >= 0.000001 ) /* avoid division by zero */
nx /= r; ny /= r; nz /= r;
nx /= r;
ny /= r;
nz /= r;
glNormal3f( nx, ny, nz );
/* glBegin/glEnd */
switch( nbcoord )
switch( aVertices.size() )
case 3:
glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES );
......@@ -101,11 +127,11 @@ void Set_Object_Data( const S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord )
/* draw polygon/triangle/quad */
for( ii = 0; ii < nbcoord; ii++ )
for( ii = 0; ii < aVertices.size(); ii++ )
glVertex3f( coord[ii].x * DataScale3D,
coord[ii].y * DataScale3D,
coord[ii].z * DataScale3D );
glVertex3f( aVertices[ii].x * DataScale3D,
aVertices[ii].y * DataScale3D,
aVertices[ii].z * DataScale3D );
......@@ -150,10 +176,6 @@ GLuint EDA_3D_CANVAS::DisplayCubeforTest()
/* class Info_3D_Visu */
int ii;
......@@ -182,8 +204,6 @@ Info_3D_Visu::~Info_3D_Visu()
/* Display and edit a Vertex (triplet of values) in INCHES or MM or without
* units */
WinEDA_VertexCtrl::WinEDA_VertexCtrl( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
wxBoxSizer* BoxSizer,
EDA_UNITS_T units, int internal_unit )
......@@ -262,7 +282,6 @@ WinEDA_VertexCtrl::~WinEDA_VertexCtrl()
/* Returns (in internal units) to coordinate between (in user units) */
S3D_Vertex WinEDA_VertexCtrl::GetValue()
S3D_Vertex value;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file 3d_draw.cpp
......@@ -62,6 +87,7 @@ static void CALLBACK tessErrorCB( GLenum errorCode );
static void CALLBACK tessCPolyPt2Vertex( const GLvoid* data );
static void CALLBACK tesswxPoint2Vertex( const GLvoid* data );
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Redraw( bool finish )
/* SwapBuffer requires the window to be shown before calling */
......@@ -118,8 +144,6 @@ void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Redraw( bool finish )
/* Create the draw list items
GLuint EDA_3D_CANVAS::CreateDrawGL_List()
PCB_BASE_FRAME* pcbframe = m_Parent->m_Parent;
......@@ -410,11 +434,6 @@ void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_Track( TRACK* track )
* Function Draw3D_SolidPolygonsInZones
* draw all solid polygons used as filles areas in a zone
* @param aZone = the zone to draw
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_SolidPolygonsInZones( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
double zpos;
......@@ -474,8 +493,6 @@ void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_SolidPolygonsInZones( ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
/* 3D drawing for a VIA (cylinder + filled circles)
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_Via( SEGVIA* via )
double x, y, r, hole;
......@@ -603,15 +620,6 @@ void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_DrawSegment( DRAWSEGMENT* segment )
/* function to draw 3D segments, called by DrawGraphicText
* When DrawGraphicText is called to draw a text to an OpenGL DC
* it calls Draw3dTextSegm to each segment to draw.
* 2 parameters used by Draw3D_FilledSegment are not handled by DrawGraphicText
* but are used in Draw3D_FilledSegment().
* they are 2 local variables. This is an ugly, but trivial code.
* Using DrawGraphicText to draw all texts ensure texts have the same shape
* in all contexts
static double s_Text3DWidth, s_Text3DZPos;
static void Draw3dTextSegm( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf )
......@@ -1152,7 +1160,9 @@ static void Draw3D_FilledCylinder( double posx, double posy, double rayon,
double x, y;
#define NB_SEGM 12
S3D_Vertex coords[4];
std::vector< S3D_Vertex > coords;
coords.resize( 4 );
double tmp = DataScale3D;
DataScale3D = 1.0; // Coordinate is already in range for Set_Object_Data();
......@@ -1168,7 +1178,7 @@ static void Draw3D_FilledCylinder( double posx, double posy, double rayon,
RotatePoint( &x, &y, ii * (3600 / NB_SEGM) );
coords[2].x = coords[3].x = posx + x;
coords[2].y = coords[3].y = posy + y;
Set_Object_Data( coords, 4 );
Set_Object_Data( coords );
coords[0].x = coords[2].x;
coords[0].y = coords[2].y;
coords[1].x = coords[3].x;
......@@ -1377,12 +1387,6 @@ static void Draw3D_CircleSegment( double startx, double starty, double endx,
* Function Draw3D_Polygon
* draw one solid polygon
* @param aCornersList = a std::vector<wxPoint> list of corners, in physical coordinates
* @param aZpos = the z position in 3D units
void EDA_3D_CANVAS::Draw3D_Polygon( std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornersList, double aZpos )
g_Parm_3D_Visu.m_ActZpos = aZpos;
This diff is collapsed.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file 3d_struct.h
......@@ -32,7 +57,9 @@ class S3D_Vertex /* 3D coordinate (3 float numbers: x,y,z coordinates)*/
double x, y, z;
public: S3D_Vertex();
class S3D_MATERIAL : public EDA_ITEM /* openGL "material" data*/
......@@ -46,7 +73,8 @@ public:
float m_Transparency;
float m_Shininess;
public: S3D_MATERIAL( S3D_MASTER* father, const wxString& name );
S3D_MATERIAL( S3D_MASTER* father, const wxString& name );
S3D_MATERIAL* Next() const { return (S3D_MATERIAL*) Pnext; }
S3D_MATERIAL* Back() const { return (S3D_MATERIAL*) Pback; }
......@@ -66,7 +94,8 @@ public:
Struct3D_Shape* m_3D_Drawings;
S3D_MATERIAL* m_Materials;
public: S3D_MASTER( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
S3D_MASTER( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
S3D_MASTER* Next() const { return (S3D_MASTER*) Pnext; }
......@@ -81,12 +110,27 @@ public: S3D_MASTER( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
void Copy( S3D_MASTER* pattern );
int ReadData();
* Function ReadMaterial
* read the description of a 3D material definition in the form:
* DEF yellow material Material (
* DiffuseColor 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000e 0
* EmissiveColor 0.00000e 0 0.00000e 0 0.00000e 0
* SpecularColor 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
* AmbientIntensity 1.00000
* Transparency 0.00000e 0
* Shininess 1.00000
* Or type:
* USE yellow material
int ReadMaterial( FILE* file, int* LineNum );
int ReadChildren( FILE* file, int* LineNum );
int ReadShape( FILE* file, int* LineNum );
int ReadAppearance( FILE* file, int* LineNum );
int ReadGeometry( FILE* file, int* LineNum );
void Set_Object_Coords( S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord );
void Set_Object_Coords( std::vector< S3D_Vertex >& aVertices );
......@@ -98,7 +142,8 @@ public:
int* m_3D_CoordIndex;
int m_3D_Points;
public: Struct3D_Shape( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
Struct3D_Shape( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
Struct3D_Shape* Next() const { return (Struct3D_Shape*) Pnext; }
......@@ -108,11 +153,13 @@ public: Struct3D_Shape( EDA_ITEM* aParent );
/* Display and edit a Vertex (triplet of values) in INCHES or MM or without
* units.
* internal_unit is the internal unit number by inch:
* - 1000 for EESchema
* - 10000 for PcbNew
* Class WinEDA_VertexCtrl
* displays a vertex for editing. A vertex is a triplet of values in INCHES, MM,
* or without units.
* Internal_units are the internal units by inch which is 1000 for Eeschema and
* 10000 for Pcbnew
class WinEDA_VertexCtrl
......@@ -128,6 +175,10 @@ public:
* Function GetValue
* @return the vertex in internal units.
S3D_Vertex GetValue();
void SetValue( S3D_Vertex vertex );
void Enable( bool enbl );
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file 3d_viewer.h
#ifndef __3D_VIEWER_H__
#define __3D_VIEWER_H__
......@@ -175,6 +201,11 @@ public:
void OnEnterWindow( wxMouseEvent& event );
void Render();
* Function CreateDrawGL_List
* creates the OpenGL draw list items.
GLuint CreateDrawGL_List();
void InitGL();
void SetLights();
......@@ -194,11 +225,28 @@ public:
* @param aZpos = the z position in 3D units
void Draw3D_Polygon( std::vector<wxPoint>& aCornersList, double aZpos );
* Function Draw3D_Via
* draws 3D via as a cylinder and filled circles.
void Draw3D_Via( SEGVIA* via );
void Draw3D_DrawSegment( DRAWSEGMENT* segment );
* Function Draw3D_DrawText
* draws 3D segments to create text objects.
* When DrawGraphicText is called to draw a text to an OpenGL DC
* it calls Draw3dTextSegm to each segment to draw.
* 2 parameters used by Draw3D_FilledSegment are not handled by DrawGraphicText
* but are used in Draw3D_FilledSegment().
* they are 2 local variables. This is an ugly, but trivial code.
* Using DrawGraphicText to draw all texts ensure texts have the same shape
* in all contexts
void Draw3D_DrawText( TEXTE_PCB* text );
/// Toggles ortographic projection on and off
/// Toggles orthographic projection on and off
void ToggleOrtho(){ m_ortho = !m_ortho ; Refresh(true);};
/// Returns the orthographic projection flag
......@@ -278,7 +326,7 @@ public:
void SetGLColor( int color );
void Set_Object_Data( const S3D_Vertex* coord, int nbcoord );
void Set_Object_Data( std::vector< S3D_Vertex >& aVertices );
extern Info_3D_Visu g_Parm_3D_Visu;
extern double g_Draw3d_dx, g_Draw3d_dy;
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -1127,7 +1127,7 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnKeyEvent( wxKeyEvent& event )
m_AbortRequest = true;
if( IsMouseCaptured() )
EndMouseCapture( );
EndMouseCapture( ID_NO_TOOL_SELECTED, m_defaultCursor, wxEmptyString );
......@@ -1237,9 +1237,10 @@ void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::OnPan( wxCommandEvent& event )
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::EndMouseCapture( int id, int cursor, const wxString& title )
void EDA_DRAW_PANEL::EndMouseCapture( int id, int cursor, const wxString& title,
bool aCallEndFunc )
if( m_mouseCaptureCallback && m_endMouseCaptureCallback )
if( m_mouseCaptureCallback && m_endMouseCaptureCallback && aCallEndFunc )
m_endMouseCaptureCallback( this, &dc );
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file eeschema/block.cpp
......@@ -39,9 +64,6 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase );
/* Return the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to
* the key (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..)
int SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
int cmd;
......@@ -78,8 +100,6 @@ int SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
/* Init the parameters used by the block paste command
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::InitBlockPasteInfos()
BLOCK_SELECTOR* block = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate;
......@@ -89,11 +109,6 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::InitBlockPasteInfos()
/* Routine to handle the BLOCK PLACE command
* Last routine for block operation for:
* - block move & drag
* - block copy & paste
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
BLOCK_SELECTOR* block = &GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate;
......@@ -175,22 +190,11 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false );
* Function HandleBlockEnd( )
* Handle the "end" of a block command,
* i.e. is called at the end of the definition of the area of a block.
* depending on the current block command, this command is executed
* or parameters are initialized to prepare a call to HandleBlockPlace
* in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
* @return false if no item selected, or command finished,
* true if some items found and HandleBlockPlace must be called later
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
bool nextcmd = false;
......@@ -309,8 +313,8 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
block->m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK;
block->m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE;
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
if( zoom_command )
......@@ -320,15 +324,6 @@ bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
/* Manage end block command from context menu.
* Can be called only :
* after HandleBlockEnd
* and if the current command is block move.
* Execute a command other than block move from the current block move selected items list.
* Due to (minor) problems in undo/redo or/and display block,
* a mirror/rotate command is immediately executed and multiple block commands
* are not allowed (multiple commands are tricky to undo/redo in one time)
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC )
bool blockCmdFinished = true; /* set to false for block command which
......@@ -474,8 +469,8 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetDefaultCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
......@@ -536,10 +531,6 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::copyBlockItems( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList )
* Routine to paste a structure from the m_blockItems stack.
* This routine is the same as undelete but original list is NOT removed.
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::PasteListOfItems( wxDC* DC )
SCH_ITEM* Struct;
......@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
bool aErase );
* Return the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to
* the key (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..)
int LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
int cmd;
......@@ -86,13 +82,6 @@ int LIB_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
* Command BLOCK END (end of block sizing)
* return :
* 0 if command finished (zoom, delete ...)
* 1 if HandleBlockPlace must follow (items found, and a block place
* command must follow)
bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
int ItemCount = 0;
......@@ -216,8 +205,8 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK;
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE;
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
DrawPanel->Refresh( true );
......@@ -225,12 +214,6 @@ bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
* Routine to handle the BLOCK PLACE command
* Last routine for block operation for:
* - block move & drag
* - block copy & paste
void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
wxPoint pt;
......@@ -319,9 +302,8 @@ void LIB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK;
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE;
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false );
DrawPanel->Refresh( true );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
......@@ -102,13 +102,6 @@ static void DrawSegment( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosi
/* Creates a new segment ( WIRE, BUS ),
* or terminates the current segment
* If the end of the current segment is on an other segment, place a junction
* if needed and terminates the command
* If the end of the current segment is on a pin, terminates the command
* In others cases starts a new segment
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type )
SCH_LINE* oldsegment, * newsegment, * nextsegment;
......@@ -240,8 +233,6 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type )
/* Called to terminate a bus, wire, or line creation
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::EndSegment( wxDC* DC )
SCH_LINE* firstsegment = (SCH_LINE*) GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
......@@ -291,7 +282,7 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::EndSegment( wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->SetDrawItems( lastsegment );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( -1, -1, wxEmptyString, false );
GetScreen()->SetCurItem( NULL );
wxPoint end_point, alt_end_point;
......@@ -369,55 +360,53 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::EndSegment( wxDC* DC )
/* compute the middle coordinate for 2 segments, from the start point to
* new_pos
* with the 2 segments kept H or V only
* Function ComputeBreakPoint
* computes the middle coordinate for 2 segments from the start point to \a aPosition
* with the segments kept in the horizontal or vertical axis only.
static void ComputeBreakPoint( SCH_LINE* segment, const wxPoint& new_pos )
static void ComputeBreakPoint( SCH_LINE* aSegment, const wxPoint& aPosition )
SCH_LINE* nextsegment = segment->Next();
wxPoint middle_position = new_pos;
SCH_LINE* nextsegment = aSegment->Next();
wxPoint middle_position = aPosition;
if( nextsegment == NULL )
#if 0
if( ABS( middle_position.x - segment->m_Start.x ) <
ABS( middle_position.y - segment->m_Start.y ) )
middle_position.x = segment->m_Start.x;
if( ABS( middle_position.x - aSegment->m_Start.x ) <
ABS( middle_position.y - aSegment->m_Start.y ) )
middle_position.x = aSegment->m_Start.x;
middle_position.y = segment->m_Start.y;
middle_position.y = aSegment->m_Start.y;
int iDx = segment->m_End.x - segment->m_Start.x;
int iDy = segment->m_End.y - segment->m_Start.y;
int iDx = aSegment->m_End.x - aSegment->m_Start.x;
int iDy = aSegment->m_End.y - aSegment->m_Start.y;
if( iDy != 0 ) // keep the first segment orientation (currently horizontal)
middle_position.x = segment->m_Start.x;
middle_position.x = aSegment->m_Start.x;
else if( iDx != 0 ) // keep the first segment orientation (currently vertical)
middle_position.y = segment->m_Start.y;
middle_position.y = aSegment->m_Start.y;
if( ABS( middle_position.x - segment->m_Start.x ) <
ABS( middle_position.y - segment->m_Start.y ) )
middle_position.x = segment->m_Start.x;
if( ABS( middle_position.x - aSegment->m_Start.x ) <
ABS( middle_position.y - aSegment->m_Start.y ) )
middle_position.x = aSegment->m_Start.x;
middle_position.y = segment->m_Start.y;
middle_position.y = aSegment->m_Start.y;
segment->m_End = middle_position;
aSegment->m_End = middle_position;
nextsegment->m_Start = middle_position;
nextsegment->m_End = new_pos;
nextsegment->m_End = aPosition;
* Erase the last trace or the element at the current mouse position.
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteCurrentSegment( wxDC* DC )
SCH_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
......@@ -461,8 +450,6 @@ void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::DeleteCurrentSegment( wxDC* DC )
/* Routine to create new connection struct.
SCH_JUNCTION* SCH_EDIT_FRAME::AddJunction( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool aPutInUndoList )
......@@ -528,10 +515,6 @@ static void AbortCreateNewLine( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* Panel, wxDC* DC )
/* Repeat the last item placement.
* Bus lines, text, labels
* Labels that end with a number will be incremented.
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC )
if( m_itemToRepeat == NULL )
......@@ -278,10 +278,7 @@ void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint
wxPoint pos1;
int color = ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE );
// Buffer used to store current corners coordinates for drawings
static wxPoint* Buf_Poly_Drawings = NULL;
static unsigned Buf_Poly_Size = 0;
wxPoint* buffer = NULL;
if( aColor < 0 ) // Used normal color or selected color
......@@ -293,29 +290,11 @@ void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint
color = aColor;
// Set the size of the buffer of coordinates
if( Buf_Poly_Drawings == NULL )
Buf_Poly_Size = m_PolyPoints.size();
Buf_Poly_Drawings = (wxPoint*) MyMalloc( sizeof(wxPoint) * Buf_Poly_Size );
else if( Buf_Poly_Size < m_PolyPoints.size() )
Buf_Poly_Size = m_PolyPoints.size();
Buf_Poly_Drawings = (wxPoint*) realloc( Buf_Poly_Drawings,
sizeof(wxPoint) * Buf_Poly_Size );
// This should probably throw an exception instead of displaying a warning message.
if( Buf_Poly_Drawings == NULL )
wxLogWarning( wxT( "Cannot allocate memory to draw polylines." ) );
buffer = new wxPoint[ m_PolyPoints.size() ];
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_PolyPoints.size(); ii++ )
Buf_Poly_Drawings[ii] = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_PolyPoints[ii] ) + aOffset;
buffer[ii] = aTransform.TransformCoordinate( m_PolyPoints[ii] ) + aOffset;
FILL_T fill = aData ? NO_FILL : m_Fill;
......@@ -326,16 +305,17 @@ void LIB_POLYLINE::drawGraphic( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(),
Buf_Poly_Drawings, 1, GetPenSize(),
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
(m_Flags & IS_MOVED) ? color : ReturnLayerColor( LAYER_DEVICE_BACKGROUND ),
else if( fill == FILLED_SHAPE )
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(),
Buf_Poly_Drawings, 1, GetPenSize(), color, color );
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 1, GetPenSize(),
color, color );
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(),
Buf_Poly_Drawings, 0, GetPenSize(), color, color );
GRPoly( &aPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, m_PolyPoints.size(), buffer, 0, GetPenSize(),
color, color );
delete[] buffer;
/* Set to one (1) to draw bounding box around polyline to validate
* bounding box calculation. */
......@@ -470,8 +470,26 @@ public:
bool LoadComponentAndSelectLib( LIB_ALIAS* aLibEntry, CMP_LIBRARY* aLibrary );
/* Block commands: */
* Function ReturnBlockCommand
* returns the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to
* the \a aKey (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..)
virtual int ReturnBlockCommand( int aKey );
* Function HandleBlockPlace
* handles the block place command.
virtual void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC );
* Function HandleBlockEnd
* performs a block end command.
* @return If command finished (zoom, delete ...) false is returned otherwise true
* is returned indicating more processing is required.
virtual bool HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
void PlacePin( wxDC* DC );
......@@ -537,13 +537,7 @@ void SCH_SHEET_LIST::BuildSheetList( SCH_SHEET* aSheet )
int count = aSheet->CountSheets();
m_count = count;
m_index = 0;
count *= sizeof(SCH_SHEET_PATH);
/* @bug - MyZMalloc() can return a NULL pointer if there is not enough
* memory. This code continues on it's merry way with out
* checking to see if the memory was actually allocated.
m_List = (SCH_SHEET_PATH*) MyZMalloc( count );
m_List = new SCH_SHEET_PATH[ count ];
......@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ public:
if( m_List )
free( m_List );
delete[] m_List;
m_List = NULL;
......@@ -460,10 +460,11 @@ private:
* Function BuildSheetList
* builds the list of sheets and their sheet path from \a aSheet.
* If aSheet = g_RootSheet, the full sheet path and sheet list is built
* If \a aSheet is the root sheet, the full sheet path and sheet list are built.
* @param aSheet is the starting sheet from which the list is built,
* or NULL indicating that g_RootSheet should be used.
* @param aSheet is the starting sheet from which the list is built, or NULL
* indicating that g_RootSheet should be used.
* @throw std::bad_alloc if the memory for the sheet path list could not be allocated.
void BuildSheetList( SCH_SHEET* aSheet );
* @file gerbview/block.cpp
* @brief Block operations: displacement.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
......@@ -27,6 +22,11 @@
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file gerbview/block.cpp
* @brief Block operations: displacement.
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
......@@ -45,10 +45,7 @@
static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition,
bool erase );
/* Return the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to
* the key (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..)
* Currently, only block move and block zoom is supported
int GERBVIEW_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
int cmd = 0;
......@@ -78,7 +75,6 @@ int GERBVIEW_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
/* Routine to handle the BLOCK PLACE command */
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
wxASSERT( DrawPanel->IsMouseCaptured() );
......@@ -120,9 +116,7 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false );
......@@ -132,16 +126,6 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
* Function HandleBlockEnd( )
* Handle the "end" of a block command,
* i.e. is called at the end of the definition of the area of a block.
* depending on the current block command, this command is executed
* or parameters are initialized to prepare a call to HandleBlockPlace
* in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
* @return false if no item selected, or command finished,
* true if some items found and HandleBlockPlace must be called later
bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
bool nextcmd = false;
......@@ -188,10 +172,8 @@ bool GERBVIEW_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
if( ! nextcmd )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
if( zoom_command )
......@@ -246,9 +228,6 @@ static void DrawMovingBlockOutlines( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wx
* Erase the selected block.
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Delete( wxDC* DC )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Ok to delete block ?" ) ) )
......@@ -272,9 +251,6 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Delete( wxDC* DC )
* Function to move items in the current selected block
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Move( wxDC* DC )
wxPoint delta;
......@@ -304,9 +280,6 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Move( wxDC* DC )
* Function to duplicate items in the current selected block
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Duplicate( wxDC* DC )
wxPoint delta;
......@@ -338,4 +311,3 @@ void GERBVIEW_FRAME::Block_Duplicate( wxDC* DC )
......@@ -383,12 +383,31 @@ public: GERBVIEW_FRAME( wxWindow* father, const wxString& title,
void OnUpdateSelectDCode( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent );
void OnUpdateLayerSelectBox( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent );
/* handlers for block commands */
* Function ReturnBlockCommand
* returns the block command (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...) corresponding to
* the \a aKey (ALT, SHIFT ALT ..)
virtual int ReturnBlockCommand( int key );
* Function HandleBlockPlace
* handles the block place command.
virtual void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC );
virtual bool HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
/* Block operations: */
* Function HandleBlockEnd( )
* handles the end of a block command,
* It is called at the end of the definition of the area of a block.
* Depending on the current block command, this command is executed
* or parameters are initialized to prepare a call to HandleBlockPlace
* in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
* @return false if no item selected, or command finished,
* true if some items found and HandleBlockPlace must be called later.
virtual bool HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
* Function Block_Delete
......@@ -295,9 +295,11 @@ public:
* current cursor.
* @param aTitle The tool message to display in the status bar or wxEmptyString to clear
* the message.
* @param aCallEndFunc Call the abort mouse capture callback if true.
void EndMouseCapture( int aId = -1, int aCursorId = -1,
const wxString& aTitle = wxEmptyString );
const wxString& aTitle = wxEmptyString,
bool aCallEndFunc = true );
inline bool IsMouseCaptured() const { return m_mouseCaptureCallback != NULL; }
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* The common library
* @file common.h
......@@ -144,7 +169,12 @@ extern wxString g_UserLibDirBuffer;
extern bool g_ShowPageLimits; // true to display the page limits
/* File name extension definitions. */
* File extension definitions. Please do not changes these. If a different
* file extension is needed, create a new definition in the application.
* Please note, just because they are defined as const doesn't guarantee
* that they cannot be changed.
extern const wxString ProjectFileExtension;
extern const wxString SchematicFileExtension;
extern const wxString NetlistFileExtension;
......@@ -153,6 +183,7 @@ extern const wxString PcbFileExtension;
extern const wxString PdfFileExtension;
extern const wxString MacrosFileExtension;
/// Proper wxFileDialog wild card definitions.
extern const wxString ProjectFileWildcard;
extern const wxString SchematicFileWildcard;
extern const wxString BoardFileWildcard;
......@@ -172,7 +203,7 @@ extern wxString g_Prj_Config_LocalFilename;
extern EDA_UNITS_T g_UserUnit; ///< display units
/* Draw color for moving objects: */
/// Draw color for moving objects.
extern int g_GhostColor;
......@@ -219,8 +250,7 @@ void SetLocaleTo_Default( void );
* the text already within the control is used.
* @return bool - true if the \a aCtrl had its size changed, else false.
bool EnsureTextCtrlWidth( wxTextCtrl* aCtrl,
const wxString* aString = NULL );
bool EnsureTextCtrlWidth( wxTextCtrl* aCtrl, const wxString* aString = NULL );
......@@ -307,8 +337,15 @@ wxString ReturnUnitSymbol( EDA_UNITS_T aUnits = g_UserUnit,
wxString GetUnitsLabel( EDA_UNITS_T aUnits );
wxString GetAbbreviatedUnitsLabel( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit = g_UserUnit );
int ReturnValueFromString( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, const wxString& TextValue,
int Internal_Unit );
* Function ReturnValueFromeString
* @return The string from Value, according to units (inch, mm ...) for display,
* and the initial unit for value
* Unit = display units (INCH, MM ..)
* Value = text
* Internal_Unit = units per inch for computed value
int ReturnValueFromString( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, const wxString& TextValue, int Internal_Unit );
* Function ReturnStringFromValue
......@@ -327,18 +364,22 @@ wxString ReturnStringFromValue( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit,
bool aAdd_unit_symbol = false );
* Function AddUnitSymbol
* adds string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
* Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units
void AddUnitSymbol( wxStaticText& Stext, EDA_UNITS_T aUnit = g_UserUnit );
/* Add string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
* Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units */
void PutValueInLocalUnits( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Value,
int Internal_Unit );
void PutValueInLocalUnits( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Value, int Internal_Unit );
/* Convert the number Value in a string according to the internal units
* Convert the number Value in a string according to the internal units
* and the selected unit (g_UserUnit) and put it in the wxTextCtrl TextCtrl
int ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr,
int Internal_Unit );
int ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Internal_Unit );
......@@ -348,6 +389,7 @@ struct LENGTH_UNIT_DESC
const wxString m_Symbol;
int m_Precision;
extern const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_MillimetreDesc, g_InchDesc, g_MilDesc;
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *UnitDescription( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit );
......@@ -358,10 +400,17 @@ wxString LengthToString( const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *aUnit, LENGTH_DEF aValu
void LengthToTextCtrl( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, LENGTH_DEF Value );
LENGTH_DEF LengthFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr );
/* return a String List from a string, with a specific splitter*/
wxArrayString* wxStringSplit( wxString txt, wxChar splitter );
* Function wxStringSplit
* splita \a aString to a string list when split by \a aSplitter.
* @return the list
* @param aString : wxString : a String text
* @param aSplitter : wxChar : the 'split' character
wxArrayString* wxStringSplit( wxString aString, wxChar aSplitter );
* Function To_User_Unit
......@@ -371,16 +420,18 @@ wxArrayString* wxStringSplit( wxString txt, wxChar splitter );
* @param val : double : the given value
* @param internal_unit_value = internal units per inch
double To_User_Unit( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit,
double val,
int internal_unit_value );
double To_User_Unit( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, double val, int internal_unit_value );
* Return in internal units the value "val" given in inch or mm
int From_User_Unit( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, double val, int internal_unit_value );
int From_User_Unit( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit,
double val,
int internal_unit_value );
* Function GenDate
* @return A wsString object containg the date in the format "day month year" like
* "23 jun 2005".
wxString GenDate();
void MyFree( void* pt_mem );
void* MyZMalloc( size_t nb_octets );
void* MyMalloc( size_t nb_octets );
#endif // __INCLUDE__COMMON_H__
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ public:
* Uses data prepared by BuildAirWiresTargetsList()
* @param aDC = the current device context
void TraceAirWiresToTargets( wxDC* DC );
void TraceAirWiresToTargets( wxDC* aDC );
* Function BuildAirWiresTargetsList
......@@ -713,7 +713,10 @@ private:
SCH_NO_CONNECT* AddNoConnect( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition );
// Junction
* Function AddJunction
* adds a new junction at \a aPosition.
SCH_JUNCTION* AddJunction( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aPutInUndoList = false );
......@@ -738,9 +741,26 @@ private:
void OnConvertTextType( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
// Wire, Bus
* Function BeginSegment
* creates a new segment ( WIRE, BUS ) or terminates the current segment in progress.
* If the end of the current segment is on an other segment, place a junction if needed
* and terminates the command. If the end of the current segment is on a pin, terminate
* the command. In all other cases starts a new segment.
void BeginSegment( wxDC* DC, int type );
* Function EndSegment
* called to terminate a bus, wire, or line creation
void EndSegment( wxDC* DC );
* Function DeleteCurrentSegment
* erases the last segment at the current mouse position.
void DeleteCurrentSegment( wxDC* DC );
void DeleteConnection( bool DeleteFullConnection );
......@@ -870,6 +890,10 @@ private:
void EditComponentFieldText( SCH_FIELD* aField, wxDC* aDC );
void RotateField( SCH_FIELD* aField, wxDC* aDC );
* Function PastListOfItems
* pastes a list of items from the block stack.
void PasteListOfItems( wxDC* DC );
/* Undo - redo */
......@@ -967,8 +991,21 @@ private:
void Key( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_ITEM* DrawStruct );
/* Block operations. */
* Function InitBlockPasteInfos
* initializes the parameters used by the block paste command.
void InitBlockPasteInfos();
/* Function HandleBlockEndByPopUp
* performs an end block command from context menu.
* This can be called only after HandleBlockEnd and the current command is block
* move. Execute a command other than block move from the current block move
* selected items list. Due to (minor) problems in undo/redo or/and display block,
* a mirror/rotate command is immediately executed and multiple block commands are
* not allowed (multiple commands are tricky to undo/redo in one time)
void HandleBlockEndByPopUp( int Command, wxDC* DC );
......@@ -1002,6 +1039,13 @@ public:
virtual bool HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
* Function RepeatDrawItem
* repeats the last item placement if the last item was a bus, bus entry,
* label, or component.
* Labels that end with a number will be incremented.
void RepeatDrawItem( wxDC* DC );
void SetRepeatItem( SCH_ITEM* aItem ) { m_itemToRepeat = aItem; }
......@@ -755,6 +755,10 @@ public:
void RecreateBOMFileFromBoard( wxCommandEvent& aEvent );
* Function ExportToGenCAD
* creates a file in GenCAD 1.4 format from the current board.
void ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -1311,6 +1315,13 @@ public:
bool include_fixe );
void LockModule( MODULE* aModule, bool aLocked );
void AutoMoveModulesOnPcb( bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb );
* Function AutoPlaceModule
* automatically places footprints within the confines of the PCB edges.
* The components with the FIXED status are not moved. If the menu is
* calling the placement of 1 module, it will be replaced.
void AutoPlaceModule( MODULE* Module, int place_mode, wxDC* DC );
......@@ -1324,6 +1335,15 @@ public:
int GetOptimalModulePlacement( MODULE* aModule, wxDC* aDC );
void GenModuleOnBoard( MODULE* Module );
* Function Compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule
* displays the module's ratsnest during displacement, and assess the "cost"
* of the position.
* The cost is the longest ratsnest distance with penalty for connections
* approaching 45 degrees.
float Compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule( wxDC* DC );
......@@ -1378,12 +1398,70 @@ public:
void SendMessageToEESCHEMA( BOARD_ITEM* objectToSync );
/* Micro waves functions */
* Function Edit_Gap
* edits the GAP module if it has changed the position and/or size of the pads that
* form the gap get a new value.
void Edit_Gap( wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module );
* Function Create_MuWaveBasicShape
* create a footprint with pad_count pads for micro wave applications.
* This footprint has pad_count pads:
* PAD_SMD, rectangular, H size = V size = current track width.
MODULE* Create_MuWaveBasicShape( const wxString& name, int pad_count );
* Create_MuWaveComponent
* creates a module "GAP" or "STUB" used in micro wave designs.
* This module has 2 pads:
* PAD_SMD, rectangular, H size = V size = current track width.
* the "gap" is isolation created between this 2 pads
MODULE* Create_MuWaveComponent( int shape_type );
MODULE* Create_MuWavePolygonShape();
void Begin_Self( wxDC* DC );
* Function Genre_Self
* creates a self-shaped coil for microwave applications.
* - Length Mself.lng
* - Extremities Mself.m_Start and Mself.m_End
* We must determine:
* Mself.nbrin = number of segments perpendicular to the direction
* (The coil nbrin will demicercles + 1 + 2 1 / 4 circle)
* Mself.lbrin = length of a strand
* Mself.radius = radius of rounded parts of the coil
* = segments extremities connection between him and the coil even
* The equations are
* Mself.m_Size.x = 2 * Mself.radius + Mself.lbrin
* Mself.m_Size.y * = 2 + 2 * Mself.nbrin * Mself.radius
* Mself.lng = 2 * / / connections to the coil
+ (Mself.nbrin-2) * Mself.lbrin / / length of the strands except 1st and last
+ (Mself.nbrin 1) * (PI * Mself.radius) / / length of rounded
* Mself.lbrin + / 2 - Melf.radius * 2) / / length of 1st and last bit
* The constraints are:
* Nbrin >= 2
* Mself.radius < Mself.m_Size.x
* Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.radius * 4 + 2 * Mself.raccord
* Mself.lbrin> Mself.radius * 2
* The calculation is conducted in the following way:
* Initially:
* Nbrin = 2
* Radius = 4 * m_Size.x (arbitrarily fixed value)
* Then:
* Increasing the number of segments to the desired length
* (Radius decreases if necessary)
MODULE* Genere_Self( wxDC* DC );
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file autoplac.cpp
* @brief Routiness to automatically place MODULES on a board.
......@@ -69,10 +94,6 @@ static void CreateKeepOutRectangle( BOARD* Pcb,
static MODULE* PickModule( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* pcbframe, wxDC* DC );
/* Routine to automatically place components in the contour of the PCB
* The components with the FIXED status are not moved. If the menu is
* calling the placement of 1 module, it will be replaced.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::AutoPlaceModule( MODULE* Module, int place_mode, wxDC* DC )
int ii, activ;
......@@ -867,12 +888,6 @@ int TstModuleOnBoard( BOARD* Pcb, MODULE* Module, bool TstOtherSide )
* Display the module's ratsnest during displacement, and
* assess the "cost" of the position.
* The cost is the longest ratsnest distance with penalty for connections
* approaching 45 degrees.
float PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule( wxDC* DC )
double cout, icout;
......@@ -930,11 +945,9 @@ float PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule( wxDC* DC )
/* Draw keep out area of a module. */
/* Build the cost map.
* Function CreateKeepOutRectangle
* builds the cost map.
* Cells ( in Dist mao ) inside the rect x0,y0 a x1,y1 are
* incremented by value aKeepOut
* Cell outside this rectangle, but inside the rectangle
......@@ -1066,8 +1079,10 @@ static bool Tri_RatsModules( MODULE* ref, MODULE* compare )
/* Find the "best" module place
* The criteria of choice are:
* Function PickModule
* find the "best" module place
* The criteria are:
* - Maximum ratsnest with modules already placed
* - Max size, and number of pads max
......@@ -1165,9 +1180,9 @@ static MODULE* PickModule( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* pcbframe, wxDC* DC )
int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
int row, col, nn;
int row, col;
long current_cell, old_cell_H;
int long* pt_cell_V;
std::vector< long > pt_cell_V;
int nbpoints = 0;
......@@ -1176,13 +1191,10 @@ int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
frame->MsgPanel->SetMessage( 57, wxT( "Detect" ), msg, CYAN );
frame->MsgPanel->SetMessage( -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "1" ), CYAN );
// Alloc memory to handle 1 line or 1 column on the routing matrix
nn = MAX( Nrows, Ncols ) * sizeof(*pt_cell_V);
pt_cell_V = (long*) MyMalloc( nn );
/* search 1 : from left to right and top to bottom */
memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn );
pt_cell_V.reserve( MAX( Nrows, Ncols ) );
fill( pt_cell_V.begin(), pt_cell_V.end(), 0 );
// Search from left to right and top to bottom.
for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ )
old_cell_H = 0;
......@@ -1205,13 +1217,14 @@ int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
/* search 2 : from right to left and top to bottom */
// Search from right to left and top to bottom/
frame->MsgPanel->SetMessage( -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "2" ), CYAN );
memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn );
fill( pt_cell_V.begin(), pt_cell_V.end(), 0 );
for( row = 0; row < Nrows; row++ )
old_cell_H = 0;
for( col = Ncols - 1; col >= 0; col-- )
current_cell = GetCell( row, col, BOTTOM ) & NO_CELL_ZONE;
......@@ -1230,9 +1243,9 @@ int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
/* search 3 : from bottom to top and right to left balayage */
// Search from bottom to top and right to left.
frame->MsgPanel->SetMessage( -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "3" ), CYAN );
memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn );
fill( pt_cell_V.begin(), pt_cell_V.end(), 0 );
for( col = Ncols - 1; col >= 0; col-- )
......@@ -1256,9 +1269,9 @@ int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
/* search 4 : from bottom to top and left to right */
// Search from bottom to top and left to right.
frame->MsgPanel->SetMessage( -1, wxEmptyString, wxT( "4" ), CYAN );
memset( pt_cell_V, 0, nn );
fill( pt_cell_V.begin(), pt_cell_V.end(), 0 );
for( col = 0; col < Ncols; col++ )
......@@ -1282,7 +1295,5 @@ int Propagation( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* frame )
MyFree( pt_cell_V );
return nbpoints;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file autorout.h
......@@ -60,6 +85,10 @@ typedef char MATRIX_CELL;
typedef int DIST_CELL;
typedef char DIR_CELL;
class MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD /* header of blocks of MATRIX_CELL */
......@@ -79,8 +108,21 @@ public:
* Function ComputeMatrixSize
* calculates the number of rows and columns of dimensions of \a aPcb for routing and
* automatic calculation of area.
bool ComputeMatrixSize( BOARD* aPcb );
* Function InitBoard
* initializes the data structures.
* @return the amount of memory used or -1 if default.
int InitBoard();
void UnInitBoard();
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file pcbnew/block.cpp
......@@ -58,6 +83,7 @@ static bool blockIncludePcbTexts = true;
static bool blockDrawItems = true;
static bool blockIncludeItemsOnInvisibleLayers = false;
......@@ -149,14 +175,6 @@ void DIALOG_BLOCK_OPTIONS::ExecuteCommand( wxCommandEvent& event )
* Function ReturnBlockCommand
* Returns the block command internat code (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...)
* corresponding to the keys pressed (ALT, SHIFT, SHIFT ALT ..) when
* block command is started by dragging the mouse.
* @param aKey = the key modifiers (Alt, Shift ...)
* @return the block command id (BLOCK_MOVE, BLOCK_COPY...)
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int aKey )
int cmd = 0;
......@@ -196,13 +214,6 @@ int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ReturnBlockCommand( int aKey )
* Function HandleBlockPlace( )
* Called after HandleBlockEnd, when a block command needs to be
* executed after the block is moved to its new place
* (bloc move, drag, copy .. )
* Parameters must be initialized in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
if( !DrawPanel->IsMouseCaptured() )
......@@ -245,7 +256,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false );
if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.GetCount() )
......@@ -253,22 +264,9 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Error in HandleBlockPLace some items left in list" ) );
DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->SetCursor( DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor() );
* Function HandleBlockEnd( )
* Handle the "end" of a block command,
* i.e. is called at the end of the definition of the area of a block.
* depending on the current block command, this command is executed
* or parameters are initialized to prepare a call to HandleBlockPlace
* in GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
* @return false if no item selected, or command finished,
* true if some items found and HandleBlockPlace must be called later
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
bool nextcmd = false; // Will be set to true if a block place is needed
......@@ -277,9 +275,9 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
// If coming here after cancel block, clean up and exit
if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_State == STATE_NO_BLOCK )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString );
return false;
......@@ -368,22 +366,14 @@ bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
if( ! nextcmd )
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DisplayToolMsg( wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
return nextcmd;
/* Block operations: */
* Function Block_SelectItems
* Uses GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate
* select items within the selected block.
* selected items are put in the pick list
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_SelectItems()
int layerMask;
......@@ -598,9 +588,6 @@ static void drawMovingBlock( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& a
* Erase selected block.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Delete()
......@@ -633,7 +620,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Delete()
case PCB_LINE_T: // a segment not on copper layers
case PCB_TEXT_T: // a text on a layer
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like atrack segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like track segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_DIMENSION_T: // a dimension (graphic item)
case PCB_TARGET_T: // a target (graphic item)
......@@ -661,11 +648,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Delete()
* Function Block_Rotate
* Rotate all items within the selected block.
* The rotation center is the center of the block
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Rotate()
wxPoint oldpos;
......@@ -696,7 +678,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Rotate()
/* Move and rotate the track segments */
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like atrack segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like track segment on a copper layer)
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
......@@ -726,11 +708,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Rotate()
* Function Block_Flip
* flips items within the selected block.
* The flip center is the center of the block
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Flip()
#define INVERT( pos ) (pos) = center.y - ( (pos) - center.y )
......@@ -762,7 +739,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Flip()
/* Move and rotate the track segments */
case PCB_TRACE_T: // a track segment (segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like atrack segment on a copper layer)
case PCB_VIA_T: // a via (like track segment on a copper layer)
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
......@@ -792,12 +769,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Flip()
* Function Block_Move
* moves all tracks and segments within the selected block.
* New location is determined by the current offset from the selected block's
* original location.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Move()
......@@ -852,12 +823,6 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Move()
* Function Block_Duplicate
* duplicates all items within the selected block.
* New location is determined by the current offset from the selected block's
* original location.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Block_Duplicate()
wxPoint MoveVector = GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_MoveVector;
/* block_module_editor.cpp */
/* Handle block commands for the footprint editor */
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file block_module_editor.cpp
* @brief Footprint editor block handling implementation.
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
......@@ -194,8 +219,8 @@ bool FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString,
false );
DrawPanel->Refresh( true );
......@@ -264,9 +289,8 @@ void FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_State = STATE_NO_BLOCK;
GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_Command = BLOCK_IDLE;
SetCurItem( NULL );
DrawPanel->SetMouseCapture( NULL, NULL );
DrawPanel->EndMouseCapture( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString, false );
DrawPanel->Refresh( true );
SetToolID( GetToolId(), DrawPanel->GetCurrentCursor(), wxEmptyString );
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file board.cpp
* @brief Functions for autorouting
......@@ -19,10 +44,6 @@
#include "class_pcb_text.h"
* Calculates nrows and ncols, dimensions of the matrix representation of BOARD
* for routing and automatic calculation of area.
bool MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD::ComputeMatrixSize( BOARD* aPcb )
......@@ -51,8 +72,6 @@ bool MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD::ComputeMatrixSize( BOARD* aPcb )
m_BoardSide[0] = m_BoardSide[1] = NULL;
/* initialize the data structures
* returns the RAM size used, or -1 if default
int ii, kk;
......@@ -93,19 +109,19 @@ int MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD::InitBoard()
m_DirSide[kk] = NULL;
/* allocate Board & initialize everything to empty */
m_BoardSide[kk] = (MATRIX_CELL*) MyZMalloc( ii * sizeof(MATRIX_CELL) );
m_BoardSide[kk] = (MATRIX_CELL*) operator new( ii * sizeof(MATRIX_CELL) );
if( m_BoardSide[kk] == NULL )
return -1;
/***** allocate Distances *****/
m_DistSide[kk] = (DIST_CELL*) MyZMalloc( ii * sizeof(DIST_CELL) );
m_DistSide[kk] = (DIST_CELL*) operator new( ii * sizeof(DIST_CELL) );
if( m_DistSide[kk] == NULL )
return -1;
/***** allocate Dir (chars) *****/
m_DirSide[kk] = (char*) MyZMalloc( ii );
m_DirSide[kk] = (char*) operator new( ii );
if( m_DirSide[kk] == NULL )
return -1;
......@@ -128,21 +144,21 @@ void MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD::UnInitBoard()
/***** de-allocate Dir matrix *****/
if( m_DirSide[ii] )
MyFree( m_DirSide[ii] );
delete m_DirSide[ii];
m_DirSide[ii] = NULL;
/***** de-allocate Distances matrix *****/
if( m_DistSide[ii] )
MyFree( m_DistSide[ii] );
delete m_DistSide[ii];
m_DistSide[ii] = NULL;
/**** de-allocate cells matrix *****/
if( m_BoardSide[ii] )
MyFree( m_BoardSide[ii] );
delete m_BoardSide[ii];
m_BoardSide[ii] = NULL;
......@@ -151,10 +167,11 @@ void MATRIX_ROUTING_HEAD::UnInitBoard()
/* Initialize the cell board is set and VIA_IMPOSSIBLE HOLE according to
* the setbacks
* The elements of net_code = net_code will not be occupied as places
* Function PlaceCells
* initializes the cell board is set and VIA_IMPOSSIBLE HOLE according to the setbacks.
* The elements of net_code = net_code will not be occupied as places but only
* For single-sided Routing 1:
* BOTTOM side is used and Route_Layer_BOTTOM = Route_Layer_TOP
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2004-2011 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file export_gencad.cpp
* @brief Export GenCAD 1.4 format.
......@@ -53,6 +78,7 @@ static const wxString GenCAD_Layer_Name[32] =
int offsetX, offsetY;
D_PAD* PadList;
/* 2 helper functions to calculate coordinates of modules in gencad values (
* GenCAD Y axis from bottom to top)
......@@ -68,9 +94,6 @@ static int mapYto( int y )
* Creates an Export file (format GenCAD 1.4) from the current board.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxFileName fn = GetScreen()->GetFileName();
......@@ -612,6 +635,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
// Count items
nbitems = 0;
for( track = pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
......@@ -621,7 +645,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
tracklist = (TRACK**) MyMalloc( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof(TRACK*) );
tracklist = (TRACK**) operator new( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof( TRACK* ) );
nbitems = 0;
......@@ -690,7 +714,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
fputs( "$ENDROUTES\n\n", file );
free( tracklist );
delete tracklist;
......@@ -926,6 +950,5 @@ void FootprintWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
} /* End switch Items type */
......@@ -71,13 +71,11 @@ static bool HasNonSMDPins( MODULE* aModule )
/* Generate the module positions, used component placement.
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
bool doBoardBack = false;
MODULE* module;
LIST_MOD* Liste = 0;
LIST_MOD* list = NULL;
char line[1024];
wxFileName fnFront;
wxFileName fnBack;
......@@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
AppendMsgPanel( _( "Module count" ), msg, RED );
// Sort the list of modules alphabetically
Liste = (LIST_MOD*) MyZMalloc( moduleCount * sizeof(LIST_MOD) );
list = new LIST_MOD[moduleCount];
module = GetBoard()->m_Modules;
......@@ -204,13 +202,13 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( (module->m_Attributs & MOD_CMS) == 0 )
Liste[ii].m_Module = module;
Liste[ii].m_Reference = module->m_Reference->m_Text;
Liste[ii].m_Value = module->m_Value->m_Text;
list[ii].m_Module = module;
list[ii].m_Reference = module->m_Reference->m_Text;
list[ii].m_Value = module->m_Value->m_Text;
qsort( Liste, moduleCount, sizeof(LIST_MOD), ListeModCmp );
qsort( list, moduleCount, sizeof(LIST_MOD), ListeModCmp );
// Write file header
sprintf( line, "### Module positions - created on %s ###\n", TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
......@@ -251,11 +249,11 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
for( int ii = 0; ii < moduleCount; ii++ )
wxPoint module_pos;
wxString ref = Liste[ii].m_Reference;
wxString val = Liste[ii].m_Value;
wxString ref = list[ii].m_Reference;
wxString val = list[ii].m_Value;
sprintf( line, "%-8.8s %-16.16s ", TO_UTF8( ref ), TO_UTF8( val ) );
module_pos = Liste[ii].m_Module->m_Pos;
module_pos = list[ii].m_Module->m_Pos;
module_pos.x -= File_Place_Offset.x;
module_pos.y -= File_Place_Offset.y;
......@@ -263,9 +261,9 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
sprintf( text, " %9.4f %9.4f %8.1f ",
module_pos.x * conv_unit,
module_pos.y * conv_unit,
double(Liste[ii].m_Module->m_Orient) / 10 );
double(list[ii].m_Module->m_Orient) / 10 );
int layer = Liste[ii].m_Module->GetLayer();
int layer = list[ii].m_Module->GetLayer();
wxASSERT( layer==LAYER_N_FRONT || layer==LAYER_N_BACK );
......@@ -303,8 +301,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenModulesPosition( wxCommandEvent& event )
exit: // the only safe way out of here, no returns please.
if( Liste )
MyFree( Liste );
if( list )
delete[] list;
if( switchedLocale )
SetLocaleTo_Default( ); // revert to the current locale
This diff is collapsed.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file queue.cpp
......@@ -41,7 +66,8 @@ void FreeQueue()
while( (p = Save) != NULL )
Save = p->Next; MyFree( p );
Save = p->Next;
delete p;
......@@ -103,7 +129,7 @@ int SetQueue( int r, int c, int side, int d, int a, int r2, int c2 )
Save = p->Next;
else if( ( p = (struct PcbQueue*) MyMalloc( sizeof(PcbQueue) ) ) == NULL )
else if( ( p = (PcbQueue*) operator new( sizeof( PcbQueue ), std::nothrow ) ) == NULL )
return 0;
......@@ -871,25 +871,21 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::BuildAirWiresTargetsList( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItemRef,
/* Function TraceAirWiresToTargets
* This functions shows airwires to nearest connecting points (pads)
* from the current new track end during track creation
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::TraceAirWiresToTargets( wxDC* DC )
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::TraceAirWiresToTargets( wxDC* aDC )
if( DC == NULL )
if( aDC == NULL )
if( s_TargetsLocations.size() == 0 )
GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_XOR );
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_XOR );
for( int ii = 0; ii < (int) s_TargetsLocations.size(); ii++ )
if( ii >= g_MaxLinksShowed )
GRLine( &DrawPanel->m_ClipBox, DC, s_CursorPos, s_TargetsLocations[ii], 0, YELLOW );
GRLine( &DrawPanel->m_ClipBox, aDC, s_CursorPos, s_TargetsLocations[ii], 0, YELLOW );
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004 Jean-Pierre Charras,
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file work.cpp
* @brief Automatic routing routines
......@@ -47,7 +72,7 @@ void InitWork()
while( ( ptr = Head ) != NULL )
Head = ptr->Next;
MyFree( ptr );
delete ptr;
Tail = Current = NULL;
......@@ -78,7 +103,7 @@ int SetWork( int r1,
if( ( p = (CWORK*) MyMalloc( sizeof(CWORK) ) ) != NULL )
if( ( p = (CWORK*) operator new( sizeof(CWORK), std::nothrow ) ) != NULL )
p->FromRow = r1;
p->FromCol = c1;
......@@ -153,7 +178,9 @@ void SortWork()
p->Next = NULL;
if( (r = q0) == NULL ) /* empty list? */
q0 = p;
else /* attach at end */
while( r->Next ) /* search for end */
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