Commit caa42eaf authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

reverted to former behavior for special situation when hit-test turns up nothing

parent 7fe80baf
......@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ email address.
+ pcbnew
Read-ability formatting, I am playing with a C++ beautifier called uncrustify.
I had to patch it and spent 2 days getting it configured. Patch not
sent upstream yet.
Fixed a bug in "display local ratsnest pad or module": if you had a small
module and the mouse clicked its reference text, the ratnest for
the associated module would not show. The work around was to add
......@@ -126,7 +126,6 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
DrawStruct = PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay();
if( DrawStruct )
Show_1_Ratsnest( DrawStruct, DC );
......@@ -300,14 +300,13 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Show_1_Ratsnest( EDA_BaseStruct* item, wxDC* DC )
if( g_Show_Ratsnest )
return; // Deja Affich�
if( !item )
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_CHEVELU_OK) == 0 )
Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );
if( item )
if( item->m_StructType == TYPEPAD )
pt_pad = (D_PAD*) item;
......@@ -383,6 +382,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Show_1_Ratsnest( EDA_BaseStruct* item, wxDC* DC )
pt_pad = NULL;
/* Effacement complet des selections
* si aucun pad ou module n'a ete localise */
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