m_OptViaType=newwxRadioBox(this,wxID_ANY,_("Default Via Type"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,m_OptViaTypeNChoices,m_OptViaTypeChoices,1,wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS);
m_OptViaType->SetToolTip(_("Select the current via type.\nTrough via is the usual selection"));
m_AllowMicroViaCtrl->SetToolTip(_("Allows or do not allow use of micro vias\nThey are very small vias only from an external copper layer to its near neightbour"));
<propertyname="tooltip">Enter the default via drill diameter
All vias drills not set to a specific drill value will have this drill value.</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Use a specific drill value for all vias that must have a given drill value,
and set the via hole to this specific drill value using the pop up menu.</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Enter the default via drill diameter
All vias drills not set to a specific drill value will have this drill value.</property>
@@ -405,74 +383,6 @@
<propertyname="choices">"Through Via""Blind or Buried Via"</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Use a specific drill value for all vias that must have a given drill value,
and set the via hole to this specific drill value using the pop up menu.</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Allows use of micro vias
They are very small vias only from an external copper layer to its near neightbour
<propertyname="tooltip">Allows or do not allow use of micro vias
They are very small vias only from an external copper layer to its near neightbour</property>
DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS_BASE(wxWindow*parent,wxWindowIDid=wxID_ANY,constwxString&title=_("Tracks and Vias Sizes"),constwxPoint&pos=wxDefaultPosition,constwxSize&size=wxDefaultSize,longstyle=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER);
DIALOG_TRACKS_OPTIONS_BASE(wxWindow*parent,wxWindowIDid=wxID_ANY,constwxString&title=_("Tracks and Vias Sizes"),constwxPoint&pos=wxDefaultPosition,constwxSize&size=wxSize(627,351),longstyle=wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER);