Commit c6efc451 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Added ratsnest for GAL

parent 18616d77
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# OpenGL GAL # OpenGL GAL
gal/opengl/opengl_gal.cpp gal/opengl/opengl_gal.cpp
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#ifndef _HALF_EDGE_DART_
#define _HALF_EDGE_DART_
#include <ttl/halfedge/hetriang.h>
namespace hed {
// Dart class for the half-edge data structure
/** \class Dart
* \brief \b %Dart class for the half-edge data structure.
* See \ref api for a detailed description of how the member functions
* should be implemented.
class Dart {
EdgePtr edge_;
bool dir_; // true if dart is counterclockwise in face
/// Default constructor
Dart() { dir_ = true; }
/// Constructor
Dart(const EdgePtr& edge, bool dir = true) { edge_ = edge; dir_ = dir; }
/// Copy constructor
Dart(const Dart& dart) { edge_ = dart.edge_; dir_ = dart.dir_; }
/// Destructor
~Dart() {}
/// Assignment operator
Dart& operator = (const Dart& dart) {
if (this == &dart)
return *this;
edge_ = dart.edge_;
dir_ = dart.dir_;
return *this;
/// Comparing dart objects
bool operator==(const Dart& dart) const {
if (dart.edge_ == edge_ && dart.dir_ == dir_)
return true;
return false;
/// Comparing dart objects
bool operator!=(const Dart& dart) const {
return !(dart==*this);
/// Maps the dart to a different node
Dart& alpha0() { dir_ = !dir_; return *this; }
/// Maps the dart to a different edge
Dart& alpha1() {
if (dir_) {
edge_ = edge_->getNextEdgeInFace()->getNextEdgeInFace();
dir_ = false;
else {
edge_ = edge_->getNextEdgeInFace();
dir_ = true;
return *this;
/// Maps the dart to a different triangle. \b Note: the dart is not changed if it is at the boundary!
Dart& alpha2() {
if (edge_->getTwinEdge()) {
edge_ = edge_->getTwinEdge();
dir_ = !dir_;
// else, the dart is at the boundary and should not be changed
return *this;
// Utilities not required by TTL
// -----------------------------
/** @name Utilities not required by TTL */
void init(const EdgePtr& edge, bool dir = true) { edge_ = edge; dir_ = dir; }
double x() const { return getNode()->GetX(); } // x-coordinate of source node
double y() const { return getNode()->GetY(); } // y-coordinate of source node
bool isCounterClockWise() const { return dir_; }
const NodePtr& getNode() const { return dir_ ? edge_->getSourceNode() : edge_->getTargetNode(); }
const NodePtr& getOppositeNode() const { return dir_ ? edge_->getTargetNode() : edge_->getSourceNode(); }
EdgePtr& getEdge() { return edge_; }
//@} // End of Utilities not required by TTL
}; // End of hed namespace
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#include <ttl/halfedge/hetriang.h>
#include <ttl/halfedge/hedart.h>
namespace hed {
// Traits class for the half-edge data structure
/** \struct TTLtraits
* \brief \b Traits class (static struct) for the half-edge data structure.
* The member functions are those required by different function templates
* in the TTL. Documentation is given here to explain what actions
* should be carried out on the actual data structure as required by the functions
* in the \ref ttl namespace.
* The source code of \c %HeTraits.h shows how the traits class is implemented for the
* half-edge data structure.
* \see \ref api
struct TTLtraits {
// The actual triangulation object
static Triangulation* triang_;
/** The floating point type used in calculations
* involving scalar products and cross products.
typedef double real_type;
// ------------------------------- Geometric Predicates Group ---------------------------------
/** @name Geometric Predicates */
/** Scalar product between two 2D vectors represented as darts.\n
* ttl_util::scalarProduct2d can be used.
static real_type scalarProduct2d(const Dart& v1, const Dart& v2) {
Dart v10 = v1; v10.alpha0();
Dart v20 = v2; v20.alpha0();
return ttl_util::scalarProduct2d(v10.x()-v1.x(), v10.y()-v1.y(),
v20.x()-v2.x(), v20.y()-v2.y());
/** Scalar product between two 2D vectors.
* The first vector is represented by a dart \e v, and the second
* vector has direction from the source node of \e v to the point \e p.\n
* ttl_util::scalarProduct2d can be used.
static real_type scalarProduct2d(const Dart& v, const NodePtr& p) {
Dart d0 = v; d0.alpha0();
return ttl_util::scalarProduct2d(d0.x() - v.x(), d0.y() - v.y(),
p->GetX() - v.x(), p->GetY() - v.y());
/** Cross product between two vectors in the plane represented as darts.
* The z-component of the cross product is returned.\n
* ttl_util::crossProduct2d can be used.
static real_type crossProduct2d(const Dart& v1, const Dart& v2) {
Dart v10 = v1; v10.alpha0();
Dart v20 = v2; v20.alpha0();
return ttl_util::crossProduct2d(v10.x()-v1.x(), v10.y()-v1.y(),
v20.x()-v2.x(), v20.y()-v2.y());
/** Cross product between two vectors in the plane.
* The first vector is represented by a dart \e v, and the second
* vector has direction from the source node of \e v to the point \e p.
* The z-component of the cross product is returned.\n
* ttl_util::crossProduct2d can be used.
static real_type crossProduct2d(const Dart& v, const NodePtr& p) {
Dart d0 = v; d0.alpha0();
return ttl_util::crossProduct2d(d0.x() - v.x(), d0.y() - v.y(),
p->GetX() - v.x(), p->GetY() - v.y());
/** Let \e n1 and \e n2 be the nodes associated with two darts, and let \e p
* be a point in the plane. Return a positive value if \e n1, \e n2,
* and \e p occur in counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur
* in clockwise order; and zero if they are collinear.
static real_type orient2d(const Dart& n1, const Dart& n2, const NodePtr& p) {
real_type pa[2]; real_type pb[2]; real_type pc[2];
pa[0] = n1.x(); pa[1] = n1.y();
pb[0] = n2.x(); pb[1] = n2.y();
pc[0] = p->GetX(); pc[1] = p->GetY();
return ttl_util::orient2dfast(pa, pb, pc);
/** This is the same predicate as represented with the function above,
* but with a slighty different interface:
* The last parameter is given as a dart where the source node of the dart
* represents a point in the plane.
* This function is required for constrained triangulation.
static real_type orient2d(const Dart& n1, const Dart& n2, const Dart& p) {
real_type pa[2]; real_type pb[2]; real_type pc[2];
pa[0] = n1.x(); pa[1] = n1.y();
pb[0] = n2.x(); pb[1] = n2.y();
pc[0] = p.x(); pc[1] = p.y();
return ttl_util::orient2dfast(pa, pb, pc);
//@} // End of Geometric Predicates Group
// A rationale for directing these functions to traits is:
// e.g., constraints
/* Checks if the edge associated with \e dart should be swapped
* according to the Delaunay criterion.<br>
* \note
* This function is also present in the TTL as ttl::swapTestDelaunay.<br>
* Thus, the function can be implemented simply as:
* \code
* { return ttl::swapTestDelaunay<TTLtraits>(dart); }
* \endcode
//static bool swapTestDelaunay(const Dart& dart) {
// return ttl::swapTestDelaunay<TTLtraits>(dart);
/* Checks if the edge associated with \e dart can be swapped, i.e.,
* if the edge is a diagonal in a (strictly) convex quadrilateral.
* This function is also present as ttl::swappableEdge.
//static bool swappableEdge(const Dart& dart) {
// return ttl::swappableEdge<TTLtraits>(dart);
/* Checks if the edge associated with \e dart should be \e fixed, meaning
* that it should never be swapped. ??? Use when constraints.
//static bool fixedEdge(const Dart& dart) {
// return dart.getEdge()->isConstrained();
// ----------------------- Functions for Delaunay Triangulation Group -------------------------
/** @name Functions for Delaunay Triangulation */
/** Swaps the edge associated with \e dart in the actual data structure.
* <center>
* \image html swapEdge.gif
* </center>
* \param dart
* Some of the functions require a dart as output.
* If this is required by the actual function, the dart should be delivered
* back in a position as seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating)
* the edge CCW; see the figure.
* \note
* - If the edge is \e constrained, or if it should not be swapped for
* some other reason, this function need not do the actual swap of the edge.
* - Some functions in TTL require that \c swapEdge is implemented such that
* darts outside the quadrilateral are not affected by the swap.
static void swapEdge(Dart& dart) {
if (!dart.getEdge()->isConstrained()) triang_->swapEdge(dart.getEdge());
/** Splits the triangle associated with \e dart in the actual data structure into
* three new triangles joining at \e point.
* <center>
* \image html splitTriangle.gif
* </center>
* \param dart
* Output: A CCW dart incident with the new node; see the figure.
static void splitTriangle(Dart& dart, NodePtr point) {
EdgePtr edge = triang_->splitTriangle(dart.getEdge(), point);
//@} // End of Functions for Delaunay Triangulation group
// --------------------------- Functions for removing nodes Group -----------------------------
/** @name Functions for removing nodes */
/** The reverse operation of TTLtraits::splitTriangle.
* This function is only required for functions that involve
* removal of interior nodes; see for example ttl::removeInteriorNode.
* <center>
* \image html reverse_splitTriangle.gif
* </center>
static void reverse_splitTriangle(Dart& dart) {
/** Removes a triangle with an edge at the boundary of the triangulation
* in the actual data structure
static void removeBoundaryTriangle(Dart& d) {
//@} // End of Functions for removing nodes Group
}; // End of hed namespace
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#ifndef _HE_TRIANG_H_
#define _HE_TRIANG_H_
#define TTL_USE_NODE_ID // Each node gets it's own unique id
#define TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG // Each node gets a flag (can be set to true or false)
#include <list>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <ttl/ttl.h>
#include <ttl/ttl_util.h>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// The half-edge data structure
namespace hed {
// Helper typedefs
class Node;
class Edge;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Node> NodePtr;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Edge> EdgePtr;
typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodesContainer;
// Node class for data structures
/** \class Node
* \brief \b Node class for data structures (Inherits from HandleId)
* \note
* - To enable node IDs, TTL_USE_NODE_ID must be defined.
* - To enable node flags, TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG must be defined.
* - TTL_USE_NODE_ID and TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG should only be enabled if this functionality is
* required by the application, because they increase the memory usage for each Node object.
class Node {
/// TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG must be defined
bool flag_;
/// TTL_USE_NODE_ID must be defined
static int id_count;
/// A unique id for each node (TTL_USE_NODE_ID must be defined)
int id_;
int x_, y_;
unsigned int refCount_;
/// Constructor
Node( int x = 0, int y = 0 ) :
flag_( false ),
id_( id_count++ ),
x_( x ), y_( y ), refCount_( 0 ) {}
/// Destructor
~Node() {}
/// Returns the x-coordinate
int GetX() const { return x_; }
/// Returns the y-coordinate
int GetY() const { return y_; }
/// Returns the id (TTL_USE_NODE_ID must be defined)
int Id() const { return id_; }
/// Sets the flag (TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG must be defined)
void SetFlag(bool aFlag) { flag_ = aFlag; }
/// Returns the flag (TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG must be defined)
const bool& GetFlag() const { return flag_; }
void IncRefCount() { refCount_++; }
void DecRefCount() { refCount_--; }
unsigned int GetRefCount() const { return refCount_; }
}; // End of class Node
// Edge class in the half-edge data structure
/** \class Edge
* \brief \b %Edge class in the in the half-edge data structure.
class Edge {
/// Constructor
Edge() : weight_(0)
{ flags_.isLeadingEdge_ = false; flags_.isConstrained_ = false; }
/// Destructor
virtual ~Edge() {}
/// Sets the source node
void setSourceNode(const NodePtr& node) { sourceNode_ = node; }
/// Sets the next edge in face
void setNextEdgeInFace(const EdgePtr& edge) { nextEdgeInFace_ = edge; }
/// Sets the twin edge
void setTwinEdge(const EdgePtr& edge) { twinEdge_ = edge; }
/// Sets the edge as a leading edge
void setAsLeadingEdge(bool val=true) { flags_.isLeadingEdge_ = val; }
/// Checks if an edge is a leading edge
bool isLeadingEdge() const { return flags_.isLeadingEdge_; }
/// Sets the edge as a constrained edge
void setConstrained(bool val=true) { flags_.isConstrained_ = val;
if (twinEdge_) twinEdge_->flags_.isConstrained_ = val; }
/// Checks if an edge is constrained
bool isConstrained() const { return flags_.isConstrained_; }
/// Returns the twin edge
const EdgePtr& getTwinEdge() const { return twinEdge_; };
/// Returns the next edge in face
const EdgePtr& getNextEdgeInFace() const { return nextEdgeInFace_; }
/// Retuns the source node
virtual const NodePtr& getSourceNode() const { return sourceNode_; }
/// Returns the target node
virtual const NodePtr& getTargetNode() const { return getNextEdgeInFace()->getSourceNode(); }
void setWeight( unsigned int weight ) { weight_ = weight; }
unsigned int getWeight() const { return weight_; }
NodePtr sourceNode_;
EdgePtr twinEdge_;
EdgePtr nextEdgeInFace_;
unsigned int weight_;
struct {
bool isLeadingEdge_;
bool isConstrained_;
} flags_;
}; // End of class Edge
/** \class EdgeMST
* \brief \b %Specialization of Edge class to be used for Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm.
class EdgeMST : public Edge
NodePtr target_;
EdgeMST( const NodePtr& source, const NodePtr& target, unsigned int weight = 0 ) :
{ sourceNode_ = source; weight_ = weight; }
~EdgeMST() {};
/// @copydoc Edge::setSourceNode()
const NodePtr& getTargetNode() const { return target_; }
class Dart; // Forward declaration (class in this namespace)
// Triangulation class in the half-edge data structure
/** \class Triangulation
* \brief \b %Triangulation class for the half-edge data structure with adaption to TTL.
class Triangulation {
list<EdgePtr> leadingEdges_; // one half-edge for each arc
void addLeadingEdge(EdgePtr& edge) {
leadingEdges_.push_front( edge );
bool removeLeadingEdgeFromList(EdgePtr& leadingEdge);
void cleanAll();
/// Default constructor
Triangulation() {}
/// Copy constructor
Triangulation(const Triangulation& tr) {
std::cout << "Triangulation: Copy constructor not present - EXIT.";
/// Destructor
~Triangulation() { cleanAll(); }
/// Creates a Delaunay triangulation from a set of points
void createDelaunay(NodesContainer::iterator first,
NodesContainer::iterator last);
/// Creates an initial Delaunay triangulation from two enclosing triangles
// When using rectangular boundary - loop through all points and expand.
// (Called from createDelaunay(...) when starting)
EdgePtr initTwoEnclosingTriangles(NodesContainer::iterator first,
NodesContainer::iterator last);
// These two functions are required by TTL for Delaunay triangulation
/// Swaps the edge associated with diagonal
void swapEdge(EdgePtr& diagonal);
/// Splits the triangle associated with edge into three new triangles joining at point
EdgePtr splitTriangle(EdgePtr& edge, NodePtr& point);
// Functions required by TTL for removing nodes in a Delaunay triangulation
/// Removes the boundary triangle associated with edge
void removeTriangle(EdgePtr& edge); // boundary triangle required
/// The reverse operation of removeTriangle
void reverse_splitTriangle(EdgePtr& edge);
/// Creates an arbitrary CCW dart
Dart createDart();
/// Returns a list of "triangles" (one leading half-edge for each triangle)
const list<EdgePtr>& getLeadingEdges() const { return leadingEdges_; }
/// Returns the number of triangles
int noTriangles() const { return (int)leadingEdges_.size(); }
/// Returns a list of half-edges (one half-edge for each arc)
list<EdgePtr>* getEdges(bool skip_boundary_edges = false) const;
/// Sets flag in all the nodes
void flagNodes(bool flag) const;
/// Returns a list of nodes. This function requires TTL_USE_NODE_FLAG to be defined. \see Node.
list<NodePtr>* getNodes() const;
/// Swaps edges until the triangulation is Delaunay (constrained edges are not swapped)
void optimizeDelaunay();
/// Checks if the triangulation is Delaunay
bool checkDelaunay() const;
/// Returns an arbitrary interior node (as the source node of the returned edge)
EdgePtr getInteriorNode() const;
/// Returns an arbitrary boundary edge
EdgePtr getBoundaryEdge() const;
/// Print edges for plotting with, e.g., gnuplot
void printEdges(std::ofstream& os) const;
}; // End of class Triangulation
}; // End of hed namespace
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#ifndef _TTL_H_
#define _TTL_H_
#include <list>
#include <iterator>
// Debugging
#ifdef DEBUG_TTL
static void errorAndExit(char* message) {
cout << "\n!!! ERROR: " << message << " !!!\n" << endl;
using std::list;
// Next on TOPOLOGY:
// - get triangle strips
// - weighted graph, algorithms using a weight (real) for each edge,
// e.g. an "abstract length". Use for minimum spanning tree
// or some arithmetics on weights?
// - Circulators as defined in CGAL with more STL compliant code
// - analyze in detail locateFace: e.g. detect 0-orbit in case of infinite loop
// around a node etc.
/** \brief Main interface to TTL
* This namespace contains the basic generic algorithms for the TTL,
* the Triangulation Template Library.\n
* Examples of functionality are:
* - Incremental Delaunay triangulation
* - Constrained triangulation
* - Insert/remove nodes and constrained edges
* - Traversal operations
* - Misc. queries for extracting information for visualisation systems etc.
* \par General requirements and assumptions:
* - \e DartType and \e TraitsType should be implemented in accordance with the description
* in \ref api.
* - A \b "Requires:" section in the documentation of a function template
* shows which functionality is required in \e TraitsType to
* support that specific function.\n
* Functionalty required in \e DartType is the same (almost) for all
* function templates; see \ref api and the example referred to.
* - When a reference to a \e dart object is passed to a function in TTL,
* it is assumed that it is oriented \e counterclockwise (CCW) in a triangle
* unless it is explicitly mentioned that it can also be \e clockwise (CW).
* The same applies for a dart that is passed from a function in TTL to
* the users TraitsType class (or struct).
* - When an edge (represented with a dart) is swapped, it is assumed that darts
* outside the quadrilateral where the edge is a diagonal are not affected by
* the swap. Thus, \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge"
* must be implemented in accordance with this rule.
* \par Glossary:
* - General terms are explained in \ref api.
* - \e CCW - counterclockwise
* - \e CW - clockwise
* - \e 0_orbit, \e 1_orbit and \e 2_orbit: A sequence of darts around
* a node, around an edge and in a triangle respectively;
* see ttl::get_0_orbit_interior and ttl::get_0_orbit_boundary
* - \e arc - In a triangulation an arc is equivalent with an edge
* \see
* \ref ttl_util and \ref api
* \author
* �yvind Hjelle,
namespace ttl {
// ----------------------------------- Forward declarations -------------------------------------
#if ((_MSC_VER > 0) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))
// Delaunay Triangulation
// ----------------------
template<class TraitsType, class DartType, class PointType>
bool insertNode(DartType& dart, PointType& point);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeRectangularBoundary(DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeNode(DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeBoundaryNode(DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeInteriorNode(DartType& dart);
// Topological and Geometric Queries
// ---------------------------------
template<class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool locateFaceSimplest(const PointType& point, DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool locateTriangle(const PointType& point, DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool inTriangleSimplest(const PointType& point, const DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool inTriangle(const PointType& point, const DartType& dart);
template<class DartType, class DartListType>
void getBoundary(const DartType& dart, DartListType& boundary);
template<class DartType>
bool isBoundaryEdge(const DartType& dart);
template<class DartType>
bool isBoundaryFace(const DartType& dart);
template<class DartType>
bool isBoundaryNode(const DartType& dart);
template<class DartType>
int getDegreeOfNode(const DartType& dart);
template<class DartType, class DartListType>
void get_0_orbit_interior(const DartType& dart, DartListType& orbit);
template<class DartType, class DartListType>
void get_0_orbit_boundary(const DartType& dart, DartListType& orbit);
template<class DartType>
bool same_0_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2);
template<class DartType>
bool same_1_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2);
template<class DartType>
bool same_2_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2);
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool swappableEdge(const DartType& dart, bool allowDegeneracy = false);
template<class DartType>
void positionAtNextBoundaryEdge(DartType& dart);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool convexBoundary(const DartType& dart);
// Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation
// ------------------------------------
template<class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void optimizeDelaunay(DartListType& elist);
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void optimizeDelaunay(DartListType& elist, const typename DartListType::iterator end);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool swapTestDelaunay(const DartType& dart, bool cycling_check = false);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
void recSwapDelaunay(DartType& diagonal);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType, class ListType>
void swapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode(DartType& dart, ListType& swapped_edges);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType, class ListType>
void swapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode(DartType& dart, ListType& swapped_edges);
template<class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void swapEdgeInList(const typename DartListType::iterator& it, DartListType& elist);
// Constrained Triangulation
// -------------------------
template<class TraitsType, class DartType>
DartType insertConstraint(DartType& dstart, DartType& dend, bool optimize_delaunay);
// ------------------------------- Delaunay Triangulation Group ---------------------------------
/** @name Delaunay Triangulation */
/** Inserts a new node in an existing Delaunay triangulation and
* swaps edges to obtain a new Delaunay triangulation.
* This is the basic function for incremental Delaunay triangulation.
* When starting from a set of points, an initial Delaunay triangulation
* can be created as two triangles forming a rectangle that contains
* all the points.
* After \c insertNode has been called repeatedly with all the points,
* ttl::removeRectangularBoundary can be called to remove triangles
* at the boundary of the triangulation so that the boundary
* form the convex hull of the points.
* Note that this incremetal scheme will run much faster if the points
* have been sorted lexicographically on \e x and \e y.
* \param dart
* An arbitrary CCW dart in the tringulation.\n
* Output: A CCW dart incident to the new node.
* \param point
* A point (node) to be inserted in the triangulation.
* \retval bool
* \c true if \e point was inserted; \c false if not.\n
* If \e point is outside the triangulation, or the input dart is not valid,
* \c false is returned.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::splitTriangle "TraitsType::splitTriangle" (DartType&, const PointType&)
* \using
* - ttl::locateTriangle
* - ttl::recSwapDelaunay
* \note
* - For efficiency reasons \e dart should be close to the insertion \e point.
* \see
* ttl::removeRectangularBoundary
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class PointType>
bool insertNode(DartType& dart, PointType& point) {
bool found = ttl::locateTriangle<TraitsType>(point, dart);
if (!found) {
#ifdef DEBUG_TTL
cout << "ERROR: Triangulation::insertNode: NO triangle found. /n";
return false;
// ??? can we hide the dart? this is not possible if one triangle only
TraitsType::splitTriangle(dart, point);
DartType d1 = dart;
DartType d2 = dart;
// Preserve a dart as output incident to the node and CCW
DartType d3 = dart;
dart = d3; // and see below
//DartType dsav = d3;
//if (!TraitsType::fixedEdge(d1) && !ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d1)) {
if (!ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d1)) {
//if (!TraitsType::fixedEdge(d2) && !ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d2)) {
if (!ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d2)) {
// Preserve the incoming dart as output incident to the node and CCW
//d = dsav.alpha2();
//if (!TraitsType::fixedEdge(d3) && !ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d3)) {
if (!ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d3)) {
return true;
// Private/Hidden function (might change later)
template <class TraitsType, class ForwardIterator, class DartType>
void insertNodes(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last, DartType& dart) {
// Assumes that the dereferenced point objects are pointers.
// References to the point objects are then passed to TTL.
ForwardIterator it;
for (it = first; it != last; ++it) {
bool status = insertNode<TraitsType>(dart, **it);
/** Removes the rectangular boundary of a triangulation as a final step of an
* incremental Delaunay triangulation.
* The four nodes at the corners will be removed and the resulting triangulation
* will have a convex boundary and be Delaunay.
* \param dart
* A CCW dart at the boundary of the triangulation\n
* Output: A CCW dart at the new boundary
* \using
* - ttl::removeBoundaryNode
* \note
* - This function requires that the boundary of the triangulation is
* a rectangle with four nodes (one in each corner).
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeRectangularBoundary(DartType& dart) {
DartType d_next = dart;
DartType d_iter;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
d_iter = d_next;
dart = d_next; // Return a dart at the new boundary
/** Removes the node associated with \e dart and
* updates the triangulation to be Delaunay.
* \using
* - ttl::removeBoundaryNode if \e dart represents a node at the boundary
* - ttl::removeInteriorNode if \e dart represents an interior node
* \note
* - The node cannot belong to a fixed (constrained) edge that is not
* swappable. (An endless loop is likely to occur in this case).
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeNode(DartType& dart) {
if (ttl::isBoundaryNode(dart))
/** Removes the boundary node associated with \e dart and
* updates the triangulation to be Delaunay.
* \using
* - ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode
* - ttl::optimizeDelaunay
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::removeBoundaryTriangle "TraitsType::removeBoundaryTriangle" (Dart&)
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeBoundaryNode(DartType& dart) {
// ... and update Delaunay
// - CCW dart must be given (for remove)
// - No dart is delivered back now (but this is possible if
// we assume that there is not only one triangle left in the triangulation.
// Position at boundary edge and CCW
if (!ttl::isBoundaryEdge(dart)) {
dart.alpha1(); // ensures that next function delivers back a CCW dart (if the given dart is CCW)
list<DartType> swapped_edges;
ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode<TraitsType>(dart, swapped_edges);
// Remove boundary triangles and remove the new boundary from the list
// of swapped edges, see below.
DartType d_iter = dart;
DartType dnext = dart;
bool bend = false;
while (bend == false) {
if (ttl::isBoundaryEdge(dnext))
bend = true; // Stop when boundary
// Generic: Also remove the new boundary from the list of swapped edges
DartType n_bedge = d_iter;
n_bedge.alpha1().alpha0().alpha1().alpha2(); // new boundary edge
// ??? can we avoid find if we do this in swap away?
typename list<DartType>::iterator it;
it = find(swapped_edges.begin(), swapped_edges.end(), n_bedge);
if (it != swapped_edges.end())
// Remove the boundary triangle
d_iter = dnext;
// Optimize Delaunay
typedef list<DartType> DartListType;
ttl::optimizeDelaunay<TraitsType, DartType, DartListType>(swapped_edges);
/** Removes the interior node associated with \e dart and
* updates the triangulation to be Delaunay.
* \using
* - ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode
* - ttl::optimizeDelaunay
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::reverse_splitTriangle "TraitsType::reverse_splitTriangle" (Dart&)
* \note
* - The node cannot belong to a fixed (constrained) edge that is not
* swappable. (An endless loop is likely to occur in this case).
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void removeInteriorNode(DartType& dart) {
// ... and update to Delaunay.
// Must allow degeneracy temporarily, see comments in swap edges away
// Assumes:
// - revese_splitTriangle does not affect darts
// outside the resulting triangle.
// 1) Swaps edges away from the node until degree=3 (generic)
// 2) Removes the remaining 3 triangles and creates a new to fill the hole
// unsplitTriangle which is required
// 3) Runs LOP on the platelet to obtain a Delaunay triangulation
// (No dart is delivered as output)
// Assumes dart is counterclockwise
list<DartType> swapped_edges;
ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode<TraitsType>(dart, swapped_edges);
// The reverse operation of split triangle:
// Make one triangle of the three triangles at the node associated with dart
// TraitsType::
// ???? Not generic yet if we are very strict:
// When calling unsplit triangle, darts at the three opposite sides may
// change!
// Should we hide them longer away??? This is possible since they cannot
// be boundary edges.
// ----> Or should we just require that they are not changed???
// Make the swapped-away edges Delaunay.
// Note the theoretical result: if there are no edges in the list,
// the triangulation is Delaunay already
ttl::optimizeDelaunay<TraitsType, DartType>(swapped_edges);
//@} // End of Delaunay Triangulation Group
// -------------------------- Topological and Geometric Queries Group ---------------------------
/** @name Topological and Geometric Queries */
// Private/Hidden function (might change later)
template <class TopologyElementType, class DartType>
bool isMemberOfFace(const TopologyElementType& topologyElement, const DartType& dart) {
// Check if the given topology element (node, edge or face) is a member of the face
// Assumes:
// - DartType::isMember(TopologyElementType)
DartType dart_iter = dart;
do {
if (dart_iter.isMember(topologyElement))
return true;
} while (dart_iter != dart);
return false;
// Private/Hidden function (might change later)
template <class TraitsType, class NodeType, class DartType>
bool locateFaceWithNode(const NodeType& node, DartType& dart_iter) {
// Locate a face in the topology structure with the given node as a member
// Assumes:
// - TraitsType::orient2d(DartType, DartType, NodeType)
// - DartType::isMember(NodeType)
// - Note that if false is returned, the node might still be in the
// topology structure. Application programmer
// should check all if by hypothesis the node is in the topology structure;
// see doc. on locateTriangle.
bool status = locateFaceSimplest<TraitsType>(node, dart_iter);
if (status == false)
return status;
// True was returned from locateFaceSimplest, but if the located triangle is
// degenerate and the node is on the extension of the edges,
// the node might still be inside. Check if node is a member and return false
// if not. (Still the node might be in the topology structure, see doc. above
// and in locateTriangle(const PointType& point, DartType& dart_iter)
return isMemberOfFace(node, dart_iter);
/** Locates the face containing a given point.
* It is assumed that the tessellation (e.g. a triangulation) is \e regular in the sense that
* there are no holes, the boundary is convex and there are no degenerate faces.
* \param point
* A point to be located
* \param dart
* An arbitrary CCW dart in the triangulation\n
* Output: A CCW dart in the located face
* \retval bool
* \c true if a face is found; \c false if not.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::orient2d "TraitsType::orient2d" (DartType&, DartType&, PointType&)
* \note
* - If \c false is returned, \e point may still be inside a face if the tessellation is not
* \e regular as explained above.
* \see
* ttl::locateTriangle
template <class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool locateFaceSimplest(const PointType& point, DartType& dart) {
// Not degenerate triangles if point is on the extension of the edges
// But inTriangle may be called in case of true (may update to inFace2)
// Convex boundary
// no holes
// convex faces (works for general convex faces)
// Not specialized for triangles, but ok?
// TraitsType::orint2d(PointType) is the half open half-plane defined
// by the dart:
// n1 = dart.node()
// n2 = dart.alpha0().node
// Only the following gives true:
// ((n2->x()-n1->x())*(point.y()-n1->y()) >= (point.x()-n1->x())*(n2->y()-n1->y()))
DartType dart_start;
dart_start = dart;
DartType dart_prev;
DartType d0;
for (;;) {
d0 = dart;
if (TraitsType::orient2d(dart, d0, point) >= 0) {
if (dart == dart_start)
return true; // left to all edges in face
else {
dart_prev = dart;
if (dart == dart_prev)
return false; // iteration to outside boundary
dart_start = dart;
dart.alpha1(); // avoid twice on same edge and ccw in next
/** Locates the triangle containing a given point.
* It is assumed that the triangulation is \e regular in the sense that there
* are no holes and the boundary is convex.
* This function deals with degeneracy to some extent, but round-off errors may still
* lead to a wrong result if triangles are degenerate.
* \param point
* A point to be located
* \param dart
* An arbitrary CCW dart in the triangulation\n
* Output: A CCW dart in the located triangle
* \retval bool
* \c true if a triangle is found; \c false if not.\n
* If \e point is outside the triangulation, in which case \c false is returned,
* then the edge associated with \e dart will be at the boundary of the triangulation.
* \using
* - ttl::locateFaceSimplest
* - ttl::inTriangle
template <class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool locateTriangle(const PointType& point, DartType& dart) {
// The purpose is to have a fast and stable procedure that
// i) avoids concluding that a point is inside a triangle if it is not inside
// ii) avoids infinite loops
// Thus, if false is returned, the point might still be inside a triangle in
// the triangulation. But this will probably only occur in the following cases:
// i) There are holes in the triangulation which causes the procedure to stop.
// ii) The boundary of the triangulation is not convex.
// ii) There might be degenerate triangles interior to the triangulation, or on the
// the boundary, which in some cases might cause the procedure to stop there due
// to the logic of the algorithm.
// It is the application programmer's responsibility to check further if false is
// returned. For example, if by hypothesis the point is inside a triangle
// in the triangulation and and false is returned, then all triangles in the
// triangulation should be checked by the application. This can be done using
// the function:
// bool inTriangle(const PointType& point, const DartType& dart).
// Assumes:
// - crossProduct2d, scalarProduct2d etc., see functions called
bool status = locateFaceSimplest<TraitsType>(point, dart);
if (status == false)
return status;
// There may be degeneracy, i.e., the point might be outside the triangle
// on the extension of the edges of a degenerate triangle.
// The next call returns true if inside a non-degenerate or a degenerate triangle,
// but false if the point coincides with the "supernode" in the case where all
// edges are degenerate.
return inTriangle<TraitsType>(point, dart);
/** Checks if \e point is inside the triangle associated with \e dart.
* A fast and simple function that does not deal with degeneracy.
* \param dart
* A CCW dart in the triangle
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::orient2d "TraitsType::orient2d" (DartType&, DartType&, PointType&)
* \see
* ttl::inTriangle for a more robust function
template <class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool inTriangleSimplest(const PointType& point, const DartType& dart) {
// Fast and simple: Do not deal with degenerate faces, i.e., if there is
// degeneracy, true will be returned if the point is on the extension of the
// edges of a degenerate triangle
DartType d_iter = dart;
DartType d0 = d_iter;
if (!TraitsType::orient2d(d_iter, d0, point) >= 0)
return false;
d0 = d_iter;
if (!TraitsType::orient2d(d_iter, d0, point) >= 0)
return false;
d0 = d_iter;
if (!TraitsType::orient2d(d_iter, d0, point) >= 0)
return false;
return true;
/** Checks if \e point is inside the triangle associated with \e dart.
* This function deals with degeneracy to some extent, but round-off errors may still
* lead to wrong result if the triangle is degenerate.
* \param dart
* A CCW dart in the triangle
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::crossProduct2d "TraitsType::crossProduct2d" (DartType&, PointType&)
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::scalarProduct2d "TraitsType::scalarProduct2d" (DartType&, PointType&)
* \see
* ttl::inTriangleSimplest
template <class TraitsType, class PointType, class DartType>
bool inTriangle(const PointType& point, const DartType& dart) {
// notInE1 && notInE1.neghbour ?
// Returns true if inside (but not necessarily strictly inside)
// Works for degenerate triangles, but not when all edges are degenerate,
// and the point coincides with all nodes;
// then false is always returned.
typedef typename TraitsType::real_type real_type;
DartType dart_iter = dart;
real_type cr1 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(dart_iter, point);
if (cr1 < 0)
return false;
real_type cr2 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(dart_iter, point);
if (cr2 < 0)
return false;
real_type cr3 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(dart_iter, point);
if (cr3 < 0)
return false;
// All cross products are >= 0
// Check for degeneracy
if (cr1 != 0 || cr2 != 0 || cr3 != 0)
return true; // inside non-degenerate face
// All cross-products are zero, i.e. degenerate triangle, check if inside
// Strategy: d.scalarProduct2d >= 0 && alpha0(d).d.scalarProduct2d >= 0 for one of
// the edges. But if all edges are degenerate and the point is on (all) the nodes,
// then "false is returned".
DartType dart_tmp = dart_iter;
real_type sc1 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp,point);
real_type sc2 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp.alpha0(), point);
if (sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0) {
// test for degenerate edge
if (sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0)
return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above)
dart_tmp = dart_iter.alpha0().alpha1();
sc1 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp,point);
sc2 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp.alpha0(),point);
if (sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0) {
// test for degenerate edge
if (sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0)
return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above)
dart_tmp = dart_iter.alpha1();
sc1 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp,point);
sc2 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(dart_tmp.alpha0(),point);
if (sc1 >= 0 && sc2 >= 0) {
// test for degenerate edge
if (sc1 != 0 || sc2 != 0)
return true; // interior to this edge or on a node (but see comment above)
// Not on any of the edges of the degenerate triangle.
// The only possibility for the point to be "inside" is that all edges are degenerate
// and the point coincide with all nodes. So false is returned in this case.
return false;
// Private/Hidden function (might change later)
template <class DartType>
void getAdjacentTriangles(const DartType& dart, DartType& t1, DartType& t2, DartType& t3) {
DartType dart_iter = dart;
// add first
if (dart_iter.alpha2() != dart) {
t1 = dart_iter;
dart_iter = dart;
// add second
DartType dart_prev = dart_iter;
if ((dart_iter.alpha2()) != dart_prev) {
t2 = dart_iter;
dart_iter = dart_prev;
// add third
dart_prev = dart_iter;
if ((dart_iter.alpha2()) != dart_prev)
t3 = dart_iter;
/** Gets the boundary as sequence of darts, where the edges associated with the darts are boundary
* edges, given a dart with an associating edge at the boundary of a topology structure.
* The first dart in the sequence will be the given one, and the others will have the same
* orientation (CCW or CW) as the first.
* Assumes that the given dart is at the boundary.
* \param dart
* A dart at the boundary (CCW or CW)
* \param boundary
* A sequence of darts, where the associated edges are the boundary edges
* \require
* - DartListType::push_back (DartType&)
template <class DartType, class DartListType>
void getBoundary(const DartType& dart, DartListType& boundary) {
// assumes the given dart is at the boundary (by edge)
DartType dart_iter(dart);
boundary.push_back(dart_iter); // Given dart as first element
while (dart_iter != dart) {
// Asumes a fixed point (a boundary edge) is given
template <class DartType>
class boundary_1_Iterator { // i.e. "circulator"
DartType current_;
boundaryEdgeIterator(const DartType& dart) {current_ = dart;}
DartType& operator * () const {return current_;}
void operator ++ () {current_.alpha0(); positionAtNextBoundaryEdge(current_);}
/** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart is at
* the boundary of the triangulation.
* \par Implements:
* \code
* DartType dart_iter = dart;
* if (dart_iter.alpha2() == dart)
* return true;
* else
* return false;
* \endcode
template <class DartType>
bool isBoundaryEdge(const DartType& dart) {
DartType dart_iter = dart;
if (dart_iter.alpha2() == dart)
return true;
return false;
/** Checks if the face associated with \e dart is at
* the boundary of the triangulation.
template <class DartType>
bool isBoundaryFace(const DartType& dart) {
// Strategy: boundary if alpha2(d)=d
DartType dart_iter(dart);
DartType dart_prev;
do {
dart_prev = dart_iter;
if (dart_iter.alpha2() == dart_prev)
return true;
dart_iter = dart_prev; // back again
} while (dart_iter != dart);
return false;
/** Checks if the node associated with \e dart is at
* the boundary of the triangulation.
template <class DartType>
bool isBoundaryNode(const DartType& dart) {
// Strategy: boundary if alpha2(d)=d
DartType dart_iter(dart);
DartType dart_prev;
// If input dart is reached again, then internal node
// If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary
do {
dart_prev = dart_iter;
if (dart_iter == dart_prev)
return true;
} while (dart_iter != dart);
return false;
/** Returns the degree of the node associated with \e dart.
* \par Definition:
* The \e degree (or valency) of a node \e V in a triangulation,
* is defined as the number of edges incident with \e V, i.e.,
* the number of edges joining \e V with another node in the triangulation.
template <class DartType>
int getDegreeOfNode(const DartType& dart) {
DartType dart_iter(dart);
DartType dart_prev;
// If input dart is reached again, then interior node
// If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary
int degree = 0;
bool boundaryVisited = false;
do {
dart_prev = dart_iter;
if (dart_iter == dart_prev) {
if (!boundaryVisited) {
boundaryVisited = true;
// boundary is reached first time, count in the reversed direction
degree++; // count the start since it is not done above
dart_iter = dart;
return degree;
} while (dart_iter != dart);
return degree;
// Modification of getDegreeOfNode:
// Strategy, reverse the list and start in the other direction if the boundary
// is reached. NB. copying of darts but ok., or we could have collected pointers,
// but the memory management.
// NOTE: not symmetry if we choose to collect opposite edges
// now we collect darts with radiating edges
// Remember that we must also copy the node, but ok with push_back
// The size of the list will be the degree of the node
// No CW/CCW since topology only
// Each dart consists of an incident edge and an adjacent node.
// But note that this is only how we interpret the dart in this implementation.
// Given this list, how can we find the opposite edges:
// We can perform alpha1 on each, but for boundary nodes we will get one edge twice.
// But this is will always be the last dart!
// The darts in the list are in sequence and starts with the alpha0(dart)
// alpha0, alpha1 and alpha2
// Private/Hidden function
template <class DartType>
void getNeighborNodes(const DartType& dart, std::list<DartType>& node_list, bool& boundary) {
DartType dart_iter(dart);
dart_iter.alpha0(); // position the dart at an opposite node
DartType dart_prev = dart_iter;
bool start_at_boundary = false;
if (dart_iter == dart_prev)
start_at_boundary = true;
dart_iter = dart_prev; // back again
DartType dart_start = dart_iter;
do {
dart_prev = dart_iter;
if (dart_iter == dart_prev) {
// boundary reached
boundary = true;
if (start_at_boundary == true) {
// add the dart which now is positioned at the opposite boundary
else {
// call the function again such that we start at the boundary
// first clear the list and reposition to the initial node
getNeighborNodes(dart_iter, node_list, boundary);
return; // after one recursive step
} while (dart_iter != dart_start);
boundary = false;
/** Gets the 0-orbit around an interior node.
* \param dart
* A dart (CCW or CW) positioned at an \e interior node.
* \retval orbit
* Sequence of darts with one orbit for each arc. All the darts have the same
* orientation (CCW or CW) as \e dart, and \e dart is the first element
* in the sequence.
* \require
* - DartListType::push_back (DartType&)
* \see
* ttl::get_0_orbit_boundary
template <class DartType, class DartListType>
void get_0_orbit_interior(const DartType& dart, DartListType& orbit) {
DartType d_iter = dart;
while (d_iter != dart) {
/** Gets the 0-orbit around a node at the boundary
* \param dart
* A dart (CCW or CW) positioned at a \e boundary \e node and at a \e boundary \e edge.
* \retval orbit
* Sequence of darts with one orbit for each arc. All the darts, \e exept \e the \e last one,
* have the same orientation (CCW or CW) as \e dart, and \e dart is the first element
* in the sequence.
* \require
* - DartListType::push_back (DartType&)
* \note
* - The last dart in the sequence have opposite orientation compared to the others!
* \see
* ttl::get_0_orbit_interior
template <class DartType, class DartListType>
void get_0_orbit_boundary(const DartType& dart, DartListType& orbit) {
DartType dart_prev;
DartType d_iter = dart;
do {
dart_prev = d_iter;
} while (d_iter != dart_prev);
orbit.push_back(d_iter); // the last one with opposite orientation
/** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 0-orbit, i.e.,
* if they share a node.
* \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW.
* (This function also examines if the the node associated with
* \e d1 is at the boundary, which slows down the function (slightly).
* If it is known that the node associated with \e d1 is an interior
* node and a faster version is needed, the user should implement his/her
* own version.)
template <class DartType>
bool same_0_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2) {
// Two copies of the same dart
DartType d_iter = d2;
DartType d_end = d2;
if (ttl::isBoundaryNode(d_iter)) {
// position at both boundary edges
for (;;) {
if (d_iter == d1)
return true;
if (d_iter == d1)
return true;
if (d_iter == d_end)
return false;
/** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 1-orbit, i.e.,
* if they share an edge.
* \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW.
template <class DartType>
bool same_1_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2) {
DartType d_iter = d2;
// (Also works at the boundary)
if (d_iter == d1 || d_iter.alpha0() == d1 || d_iter.alpha2() == d1 || d_iter.alpha0() == d1)
return true;
return false;
/** Checks if the two darts belong to the same 2-orbit, i.e.,
* if they lie in the same triangle.
* \e d1 and/or \e d2 can be CCW or CW
template <class DartType>
bool same_2_orbit(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2) {
DartType d_iter = d2;
if (d_iter == d1 || d_iter.alpha0() == d1 ||
d_iter.alpha1() == d1 || d_iter.alpha0() == d1 ||
d_iter.alpha1() == d1 || d_iter.alpha0() == d1)
return true;
return false;
// Private/Hidden function
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool degenerateTriangle(const DartType& dart) {
// Check if triangle is degenerate
// Assumes CCW dart
DartType d1 = dart;
DartType d2 = d1;
if (TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1,d2) == 0)
return true;
return false;
/** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart is swappable, i.e., if the edge
* is a diagonal in a \e strictly convex (or convex) quadrilateral.
* \param allowDegeneracy
* If set to true, the function will also return true if the numerical calculations
* indicate that the quadrilateral is convex only, and not necessarily strictly
* convex.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::crossProduct2d "TraitsType::crossProduct2d" (Dart&, Dart&)
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool swappableEdge(const DartType& dart, bool allowDegeneracy) {
// How "safe" is it?
if (isBoundaryEdge(dart))
return false;
// "angles" are at the diagonal
DartType d1 = dart;
DartType d2 = dart;
if (allowDegeneracy) {
if (TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1,d2) < 0.0)
return false;
else {
if (TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1,d2) <= 0.0)
return false;
// Opposite side (still angle at the diagonal)
d1 = dart;
d2 = d1;
if (allowDegeneracy) {
if (TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1,d2) < 0.0)
return false;
else {
if (TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1,d2) <= 0.0)
return false;
return true;
/** Given a \e dart, CCW or CW, positioned in a 0-orbit at the boundary of a tessellation.
* Position \e dart at a boundary edge in the same 0-orbit.\n
* If the given \e dart is CCW, \e dart is positioned at the left boundary edge
* and will be CW.\n
* If the given \e dart is CW, \e dart is positioned at the right boundary edge
* and will be CCW.
* \note
* - The given \e dart must have a source node at the boundary, otherwise an
* infinit loop occurs.
template <class DartType>
void positionAtNextBoundaryEdge(DartType& dart) {
DartType dart_prev;
// If alpha2(d)=d, then boundary
//old convention: dart.alpha0();
do {
dart_prev = dart;
} while (dart != dart_prev);
/** Checks if the boundary of a triangulation is convex.
* \param dart
* A CCW dart at the boundary of the triangulation
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::crossProduct2d "TraitsType::crossProduct2d" (const Dart&, const Dart&)
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool convexBoundary(const DartType& dart) {
list<DartType> blist;
ttl::getBoundary(dart, blist);
int no;
no = (int)blist.size();
typename list<DartType>::const_iterator bit = blist.begin();
DartType d1 = *bit;
DartType d2;
bool convex = true;
for (; bit != blist.end(); ++bit) {
d2 = *bit;
double crossProd = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1, d2);
if (crossProd < 0.0) {
//cout << "!!! Boundary is NOT convex: crossProd = " << crossProd << endl;
convex = false;
return convex;
d1 = d2;
// Check the last angle
d2 = *blist.begin();
double crossProd = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(d1, d2);
if (crossProd < 0.0) {
//cout << "!!! Boundary is NOT convex: crossProd = " << crossProd << endl;
convex = false;
//if (convex)
// cout << "\n---> Boundary is convex\n" << endl;
//cout << endl;
return convex;
//@} // End of Topological and Geometric Queries Group
// ------------------------ Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation Group --------------------------
/** @name Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation */
/** Optimizes the edges in the given sequence according to the
* \e Delaunay criterion, i.e., such that the edge will fullfill the
* \e circumcircle criterion (or equivalently the \e MaxMin
* angle criterion) with respect to the quadrilaterals where
* they are diagonals.
* \param elist
* The sequence of edges
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge" (DartType& \e dart)\n
* \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as
* seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW
* \using
* - ttl::swapTestDelaunay
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void optimizeDelaunay(DartListType& elist) {
optimizeDelaunay<TraitsType, DartType, DartListType>(elist, elist.end());
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void optimizeDelaunay(DartListType& elist, const typename DartListType::iterator end) {
// CCW darts
// Optimize here means Delaunay, but could be any criterion by
// requiring a "should swap" in the traits class, or give
// a function object?
// Assumes that elist has only one dart for each arc.
// Darts outside the quadrilateral are preserved
// For some data structures it is possible to preserve
// all darts when swapping. Thus a preserve_darts_when swapping
// ccould be given to indicate this and we would gain performance by avoiding
// find in list.
// Requires that swap retuns a dart in the "same position when rotated CCW"
// (A vector instead of a list may be better.)
// First check that elist is not empty
if (elist.empty())
// Avoid cycling by more extensive circumcircle test
bool cycling_check = true;
bool optimal = false;
typename DartListType::iterator it;
typename DartListType::iterator end_opt = end;
// Hmm... The following code is trying to derefence an iterator that may
// be invalid. This may lead to debug error on Windows, so we comment out
// this code. Checking elist.empty() above will prevent some
// problems...
// last_opt is passed the end of the "active list"
//typename DartListType::iterator end_opt;
//if (*end != NULL)
// end_opt = end;
// end_opt = elist.end();
while(!optimal) {
optimal = true;
for (it = elist.begin(); it != end_opt; ++it) {
if (ttl::swapTestDelaunay<TraitsType>(*it, cycling_check)) {
// Preserve darts. Potential darts in the list are:
// - The current dart
// - the four CCW darts on the boundary of the quadrilateral
// (the current arc has only one dart)
ttl::swapEdgeInList<TraitsType, DartType>(it, elist);
optimal = false;
} // end if should swap
} // end for
} // end pass
/** Checks if the edge associated with \e dart should be swapped according
* to the \e Delaunay criterion, i.e., the \e circumcircle criterion (or
* equivalently the \e MaxMin angle criterion).
* \param cycling_check
* Must be set to \c true when used in connection with optimization algorithms,
* e.g., optimizeDelaunay. This will avoid cycling and infinite loops in nearly
* neutral cases.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::scalarProduct2d "TraitsType::scalarProduct2d" (DartType&, DartType&)
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::crossProduct2d "TraitsType::crossProduct2d" (DartType&, DartType&)
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
#if ((_MSC_VER > 0) && (_MSC_VER < 1300))//#ifdef _MSC_VER
bool swapTestDelaunay(const DartType& dart, bool cycling_check = false) {
bool swapTestDelaunay(const DartType& dart, bool cycling_check) {
// The general strategy is taken from Cline & Renka. They claim that
// their algorithm insure numerical stability, but experiments show
// that this is not correct for neutral, or almost neutral cases.
// I have extended this strategy (without using tolerances) to avoid
// cycling and infinit loops when used in connection with LOP algorithms;
// see the comments below.
typedef typename TraitsType::real_type real_type;
if (isBoundaryEdge(dart))
return false;
DartType v11 = dart;
DartType v12 = v11;
DartType v22 = dart;
DartType v21 = v22;
real_type cos1 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(v11,v12);
real_type cos2 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(v21,v22);
// "Angles" are opposite to the diagonal.
// The diagonals should be swapped iff (t1+t2) .gt. 180
// degrees. The following two tests insure numerical
// stability according to Cline & Renka. But experiments show
// that cycling may still happen; see the aditional test below.
if (cos1 >= 0 && cos2 >= 0) // both angles are grater or equual 90
return false;
if (cos1 < 0 && cos2 < 0) // both angles are less than 90
return true;
real_type sin1 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(v11,v12);
real_type sin2 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(v21,v22);
real_type sin12 = sin1*cos2 + cos1*sin2;
if (sin12 >= 0) // equality represents a neutral case
return false;
if (cycling_check) {
// situation so far is sin12 < 0. Test if this also
// happens for the swapped edge.
// The numerical calculations so far indicate that the edge is
// not Delaunay and should not be swapped. But experiments show that
// in neutral cases, or almost neutral cases, it may happen that
// the swapped edge may again be found to be not Delaunay and thus
// be swapped if we return true here. This may lead to cycling and
// an infinte loop when used, e.g., in connection with optimizeDelaunay.
// In an attempt to avoid this we test if the swapped edge will
// also be found to be not Delaunay by repeating the last test above
// for the swapped edge.
// We now rely on the general requirement for TraitsType::swapEdge which
// should deliver CCW dart back in "the same position"; see the general
// description. This will insure numerical stability as the next calculation
// is the same as if this function was called again with the swapped edge.
// Cycling is thus impossible provided that the initial tests above does
// not result in ambiguity (and they should probably not do so).
// as if the edge was swapped/rotated CCW
cos1 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(v22,v11);
cos2 = TraitsType::scalarProduct2d(v12,v21);
sin1 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(v22,v11);
sin2 = TraitsType::crossProduct2d(v12,v21);
sin12 = sin1*cos2 + cos1*sin2;
if (sin12 < 0) {
// A neutral case, but the tests above lead to swapping
return false;
return true;
// x
//" / \ "
// / | \ Darts:
//oe2 / | \ oe2 = oppEdge2
// x....|....x
// \ d| d/ d = diagonal (input and output)
// \ | /
// oe1 \ / oe1 = oppEdge1
// x
/** Recursively swaps edges in the triangulation according to the \e Delaunay criterion.
* \param diagonal
* A CCW dart representing the edge where the recursion starts from.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge" (DartType&)\n
* \b Note: Must be implemented such that the darts outside the quadrilateral
* are not affected by the swap.
* \using
* - Calls itself recursively
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void recSwapDelaunay(DartType& diagonal) {
if (!ttl::swapTestDelaunay<TraitsType>(diagonal))
// ??? ttl::swapTestDelaunay also checks if boundary, so this can be optimized
// Get the other "edges" of the current triangle; see illustration above.
DartType oppEdge1 = diagonal;
bool b1;
if (ttl::isBoundaryEdge(oppEdge1))
b1 = true;
else {
b1 = false;
DartType oppEdge2 = diagonal;
bool b2;
if (ttl::isBoundaryEdge(oppEdge2))
b2 = true;
else {
b2 = false;
// Swap the given diagonal
if (!b1)
if (!b2)
/** Swaps edges away from the (interior) node associated with
* \e dart such that that exactly three edges remain incident
* with the node.
* This function is used as a first step in ttl::removeInteriorNode
* \retval dart
* A CCW dart incident with the node
* \par Assumes:
* - The node associated with \e dart is interior to the
* triangulation.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge" (DartType& \e dart)\n
* \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as
* seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW
* \note
* - A degenerate triangle may be left at the node.
* - The function is not unique as it depends on which dart
* at the node that is given as input.
* \see
* ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class ListType>
void swapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode(DartType& dart, ListType& swapped_edges) {
// Same iteration as in fixEdgesAtCorner, but not boundary
DartType dnext = dart;
// Allow degeneracy, otherwise we might end up with degree=4.
// For example, the reverse operation of inserting a point on an
// existing edge gives a situation where all edges are non-swappable.
// Ideally, degeneracy in this case should be along the actual node,
// but there is no strategy for this now.
// ??? An alternative here is to wait with degeneracy till we get an
// infinite loop with degree > 3.
bool allowDegeneracy = true;
int degree = ttl::getDegreeOfNode(dart);
DartType d_iter;
while (degree > 3) {
d_iter = dnext;
if (ttl::swappableEdge<TraitsType>(d_iter, allowDegeneracy)) {
TraitsType::swapEdge(d_iter); // swap the edge away
// Collect swapped edges in the list
// "Hide" the dart on the other side of the edge to avoid it being changed for
// other swaps
DartType swapped_edge = d_iter; // it was delivered back
swapped_edge.alpha2().alpha0(); // CCW (if not at boundary)
// Output, incident to the node
dart = dnext;
/** Swaps edges away from the (boundary) node associated with
* \e dart in such a way that when removing the edges that remain incident
* with the node, the boundary of the triangulation will be convex.
* This function is used as a first step in ttl::removeBoundaryNode
* \retval dart
* A CCW dart incident with the node
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge" (DartType& \e dart)\n
* \b Note: Must be implemented such that \e dart is delivered back in a position as
* seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW
* \par Assumes:
* - The node associated with \e dart is at the boundary of the triangulation.
* \see
* ttl::swapEdgesAwayFromInteriorNode
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class ListType>
void swapEdgesAwayFromBoundaryNode(DartType& dart, ListType& swapped_edges) {
// All darts that are swappable.
// To treat collinear nodes at an existing boundary, we must allow degeneracy
// when swapping to the boundary.
// dart is CCW and at the boundary.
// The 0-orbit runs CCW
// Deliver the dart back in the "same position".
// Assume for the swap in the traits class:
// - A dart on the swapped edge is delivered back in a position as
// seen if it was glued to the edge when swapping (rotating) the edge CCW
//int degree = ttl::getDegreeOfNode(dart);
// Swap swappable edges that radiate from the node away
DartType d_iter = dart; // ???? can simply use dart
d_iter.alpha1().alpha2(); // first not at boundary
DartType d_next = d_iter;
bool bend = false;
bool swapped_next_to_boundary = false;
bool swapped_in_pass = false;
bool allowDegeneracy; // = true;
DartType tmp1, tmp2;
while (!bend) {
if (ttl::isBoundaryEdge(d_next))
bend = true; // then it is CW since alpha2
// To allow removing among collinear nodes at the boundary,
// degenerate triangles must be allowed
// (they will be removed when used in connection with removeBoundaryNode)
tmp1 = d_iter; tmp1.alpha1();
tmp2 = d_iter; tmp2.alpha2().alpha1(); // don't bother with boundary (checked later)
if (ttl::isBoundaryEdge(tmp1) && ttl::isBoundaryEdge(tmp2))
allowDegeneracy = true;
allowDegeneracy = false;
if (ttl::swappableEdge<TraitsType>(d_iter, allowDegeneracy)) {
// Collect swapped edges in the list
// "Hide" the dart on the other side of the edge to avoid it being changed for
// other swapps
DartType swapped_edge = d_iter; // it was delivered back
swapped_edge.alpha2().alpha0(); // CCW
//degree--; // if degree is 2, or bend=true, we are done
swapped_in_pass = true;
if (bend)
swapped_next_to_boundary = true;
if (!bend)
d_iter = d_next;
// Deliver a dart as output in the same position as the incoming dart
if (swapped_next_to_boundary) {
// Assume that "swapping is CCW and dart is preserved in the same position
d_iter.alpha1().alpha0().alpha1(); // CW and see below
else {
d_iter.alpha1(); // CW and see below
ttl::positionAtNextBoundaryEdge(d_iter); // CCW
dart = d_iter; // for next pass or output
// If a dart was swapped in this iteration we must run it more
if (swapped_in_pass)
goto passes;
/** Swap the the edge associated with iterator \e it and update affected darts
* in \e elist accordingly.
* The darts affected by the swap are those in the same quadrilateral.
* Thus, if one want to preserve one or more of these darts on should
* keep them in \e elist.
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class DartListType>
void swapEdgeInList(const typename DartListType::iterator& it, DartListType& elist) {
typename DartListType::iterator it1, it2, it3, it4;
DartType dart(*it);
//typename TraitsType::DartType d1 = dart; d1.alpha2().alpha1();
//typename TraitsType::DartType d2 = d1; d2.alpha0().alpha1();
//typename TraitsType::DartType d3 = dart; d3.alpha0().alpha1();
//typename TraitsType::DartType d4 = d3; d4.alpha0().alpha1();
DartType d1 = dart; d1.alpha2().alpha1();
DartType d2 = d1; d2.alpha0().alpha1();
DartType d3 = dart; d3.alpha0().alpha1();
DartType d4 = d3; d4.alpha0().alpha1();
// Find pinters to the darts that may change.
// ??? Note, this is not very efficient since we must use find, which is O(N),
// four times.
// - Solution?: replace elist with a vector of pair (dart,number)
// and avoid find?
// - make a function for swapping generically?
// - sould we use another container type or,
// - erase them and reinsert?
// - or use two lists?
it1 = find(elist.begin(), elist.end(), d1);
it2 = find(elist.begin(), elist.end(), d2);
it3 = find(elist.begin(), elist.end(), d3);
it4 = find(elist.begin(), elist.end(), d4);
// Update the current dart which may have changed
*it = dart;
// Update darts that may have changed again (if they were present)
// Note that dart is delivered back after swapping
if (it1 != elist.end()) {
d1 = dart; d1.alpha1().alpha0();
*it1 = d1;
if (it2 != elist.end()) {
d2 = dart; d2.alpha2().alpha1();
*it2 = d2;
if (it3 != elist.end()) {
d3 = dart; d3.alpha2().alpha1().alpha0().alpha1();
*it3 = d3;
if (it4 != elist.end()) {
d4 = dart; d4.alpha0().alpha1();
*it4 = d4;
//@} // End of Utilities for Delaunay Triangulation Group
}; // End of ttl namespace scope (but other files may also contain functions for ttl)
// ----------------------------- Constrained Triangulation Group --------------------------------
// Still namespace ttl
#include <ttl/ttl_constr.h>
#endif // _TTL_H_
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#ifndef _TTL_CONSTR_H_
#define _TTL_CONSTR_H_
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
// Debugging
#include <fstream>
static ofstream ofile_constr("qweCons.dat");
//using namespace std;
/** \brief Constrained Delaunay triangulation
* Basic generic algorithms in TTL for inserting a constrained edge between two existing nodes.\n
* See documentation for the namespace ttl for general requirements and assumptions.
* \author
* Øyvind Hjelle,
namespace ttl_constr {
// ??? A constant used to evluate a numerical expression against a user spesified
// roundoff-zero number
static const double ROUNDOFFZERO = 0.0; // 0.1e-15;
/* Checks if \e dart has start and end points in \e dstart and \e dend.
* \param dart
* The dart that should be controlled to see if it's the constraint
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart with the startnode of the constraint as the startnode
* \param dend
* A CCW dart with the endnode of the constraint as the startnode
* \retval bool
* A bool confirming that it's the constraint or not
* \using
* ttl::same_0_orbit
template <class DartType>
bool isTheConstraint(const DartType& dart, const DartType& dstart, const DartType& dend) {
DartType d0 = dart;
d0.alpha0(); // CW
if ((ttl::same_0_orbit(dstart, dart) && ttl::same_0_orbit(dend, d0)) ||
(ttl::same_0_orbit(dstart, d0) && ttl::same_0_orbit(dend, dart))) {
return true;
return false;
/* Checks if \e d1 and \e d2 are on the same side of the line between \e dstart and \e dend.
* (The start nodes of \e d1 and \e d2 represent an edge).
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart with the start node of the constraint as the source node of the dart.
* \param dend
* A CCW dart with the end node of the constraint as the source node of the dart.
* \param d1
* A CCW dart with the first node as the start node of the dart.
* \param d2
* A CCW dart with the other node as the start node of the dart.
* \using
* TraitsType::orient2d
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
bool crossesConstraint(DartType& dstart, DartType& dend, DartType& d1, DartType& d2) {
typename TraitsType::real_type orient_1 = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart,d1,dend);
typename TraitsType::real_type orient_2 = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart,d2,dend);
// ??? Should we refine this? e.g. find if (dstart,dend) (d1,d2) represent the same edge
if ((orient_1 <= 0 && orient_2 <= 0) || (orient_1 >= 0 && orient_2 >= 0))
return false;
return true;
/* Return the dart \e d making the smallest non-negative angle,
* as calculated with: orient2d(dstart, d.alpha0(), dend),
* at the 0-orbit of dstart.
* If (dstart,dend) is a CCW boundary edge \e d will be CW, otherwise CCW (since CCW in)
* at the 0-orbit of dstart.
* \par Assumes:
* - CCW dstart and dend, but returned dart can be CW at the boundary.
* - Boundary is convex?
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart dstart
* \param dend
* A CCW dart dend
* \retval DartType
* The dart \e d making the smallest positive (or == 0) angle
* \using
* ttl::isBoundaryNode
* ttl::positionAtNextBoundaryEdge
* TraitsType::orient2d
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
DartType getAtSmallestAngle(const DartType& dstart, const DartType& dend) {
// - Must boundary be convex???
// - Handle the case where the constraint is already present???
// - Handle dstart and/or dend at the boundary
// (dstart and dend may define a boundary edge)
DartType d_iter = dstart;
if (ttl::isBoundaryNode(d_iter)) {
d_iter.alpha1(); // CW
ttl::positionAtNextBoundaryEdge(d_iter); // CCW (was rotated CW to the boundary)
// assume convex boundary; see comments
DartType d0 = d_iter;
bool ccw = true; // the rotation later
typename TraitsType::real_type o_iter = TraitsType::orient2d(d_iter, d0, dend);
if (o_iter == 0) { // collinear BUT can be on "back side"
d0.alpha1().alpha0(); // CW
if (TraitsType::orient2d(dstart, dend, d0) > 0)
return d_iter; //(=dstart) collinear
else {
// collinear on "back side"
d_iter.alpha1().alpha2(); // assume convex boundary
ccw = true;
else if (o_iter < 0) {
// Prepare for rotating CW and with d_iter CW
ccw = false;
// Set first angle
d0 = d_iter; d0.alpha0();
o_iter = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart, d0, dend);
typename TraitsType::real_type o_next;
// Rotate towards the constraint CCW or CW.
// Here we assume that the boundary is convex.
DartType d_next = d_iter;
for (;;) {
d_next.alpha1(); // CW !!! (if ccw == true)
d0 = d_next; d0.alpha0();
o_next = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart, d0, dend);
if (ccw && o_next < 0) // and o_iter > 0
return d_iter;
else if (!ccw && o_next > 0)
return d_next; // CCW
else if (o_next == 0) {
if (ccw)
return d_next.alpha2(); // also ok if boundary
return d_next;
// prepare next
d_next.alpha2(); // CCW if ccw
d_iter = d_next; // also ok if boundary CCW if ccw == true
/* This function finds all the edges in the triangulation crossing
* the spesified constraint and puts them in a list.
* In the case of collinearity, an attempt is made to detect this.
* The first collinear node between dstart and dend is then returned.
* Strategy:
* - Iterate such that \e d_iter is always strictly "below" the constraint
* as seen with \e dstart to the left and \e dend to the right.
* - Add CCW darts, whose edges intersect the constrait, to a list.
* These edges are found by the orient2d predicate:
* If two nodes of an edge are on opposite sides of the constraint,
* the edge between them intersect.
* - Must handle collinnear cases, i.e., if a node falls on the constraint,
* and possibly restarting collection of edges. Detecting collinearity
* heavily relies on the orient2d predicate which is provided by the
* traits class.
* Action:
* 1) Find cone/opening angle containing \e dstart and \e dend
* 2) Find first edge from the first 0-orbit that intersects
* 3) Check which of the two opposite that intersects
* 1)
* Rotate CCW and find the (only) case where \e d_iter and \e d_next satisfy:
* - orient2d(d_iter, d_iter.alpha0(), dend) > 0
* - orient2d(d_next, d_next.alpha0(), dend) < 0
* - check if we are done, i.e., if (d_next.alpha0() == my_dend)
* - Note also the situation if, e.g., the constraint is a boundary edge in which case
* \e my_dend wil be CW
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart with the startnode of the constraint as the startnode
* \param dend
* A CCW dart with the endnode of the constraint as the startnode
* \param elist
* A list where all the edges crossing the spesified constraint will be put
* \retval dartType
* Returns the next "collinear" starting node such that dend is returned when done.
template <class TraitsType, class DartType, class ListType>
DartType findCrossingEdges(const DartType& dstart, const DartType& dend, ListType& elist) {
const DartType my_start = getAtSmallestAngle<TraitsType>(dstart, dend);
DartType my_end = getAtSmallestAngle<TraitsType>(dend, dstart);
DartType d_iter = my_start;
if (d_iter.alpha0().alpha2() == my_end)
return d_iter; // The constraint is an existing edge and we are done
// Facts/status so far:
// - my_start and my_end are now both CCW and the constraint is not a boundary edge.
// - Further, the constraint is not one single existing edge, but it might be a collection
// of collinear edges in which case we return the current collinear edge
// and calling this function until all are collected.
my_end.alpha1(); // CW! // ??? this is probably ok for testing now?
d_iter = my_start;
d_iter.alpha0().alpha1(); // alpha0 is downwards or along the constraint
// Facts:
// - d_iter is guaranteed to intersect, but can be in start point.
// - d_iter.alpha0() is not at dend yet
typename TraitsType::real_type orient = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart, d_iter, dend);
// Use round-off error/tolerance or rely on the orient2d predicate ???
// Make a warning message if orient != exact 0
if (orient == 0)
return d_iter;
else if (fabs(orient) <= ROUNDOFFZERO) {
cout << "The darts are not exactly colinear, but |d1 x d2| <= " << ROUNDOFFZERO << endl;
return d_iter; // collinear, not done (and not collect in the list)
// Collect intersecting edges
// --------------------------
elist.push_back(d_iter); // The first with interior intersection point
// Facts, status so far:
// - The first intersecting edge is now collected
// (- d_iter.alpha0() is still not at dend)
// d_iter should always be the edge that intersects and be below or on the constraint
// One of the two edges opposite to d_iter must intersect, or we have collinearity
// Note: Almost collinear cases can be handled on the
// application side with orient2d. We should probably
// return an int and the application will set it to zero
for(;;) {
// assume orient have been calc. and collinearity has been tested,
// above the first time and below later
d_iter.alpha2().alpha1(); // 2a same node
DartType d0 = d_iter;
d0.alpha0(); // CW
if (d0 == my_end)
return dend; // WE ARE DONE (but can we enter an endless loop???)
// d_iter or d_iter.alpha0().alpha1() must intersect
orient = TraitsType::orient2d(dstart, d0, dend);
if (orient == 0)
return d0.alpha1();
else if (fabs(orient) <= ROUNDOFFZERO) {
return d0.alpha1(); // CCW, collinear
else if (orient > 0) { // orient > 0 and still below
// This one must intersect!
d_iter = d0.alpha1();
/* This function recives a constrained edge and a list of all the edges crossing a constraint.
* It then swaps the crossing edges away from the constraint. This is done according to a
* scheme suggested by Dyn, Goren & Rippa (slightly modified).
* The resulting triangulation is a constrained one, but not necessarily constrained Delaunay.
* In other to run optimization later to obtain a constrained Delaunay triangulation,
* the swapped edges are maintained in a list.
* Strategy :
* - Situation A: Run through the list and swap crossing edges away from the constraint.
* All the swapped edges are moved to the end of the list, and are "invisible" to this procedure.
* - Situation B: We may come in a situation where none of the crossing edges can be swapped away
* from the constraint.
* Then we follow the strategy of Dyn, Goren & Rippa and allow edges to be swapped,
* even if they are not swapped away from the constraint.
* These edges are NOT moved to the end of the list. They are later swapped to none-crossing
* edges when the locked situation is solved.
* - We keep on swapping edges in Situation B until we have iterated trough the list.
* We then resume Situation A.
* - This is done until the list is virtualy empty. The resulting \c elist has the constraint
* as the last element.
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart dstart
* \param dend
* A CCW dart dend
* \param elist
* A list containing all the edges crossing the spesified constraint
* \using
* ttl::swappableEdge
* ttl::swapEdgeInList
* ttl::crossesConstraint
* ttl::isTheConstraint
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
void transformToConstraint(DartType& dstart, DartType& dend, std::list<DartType>& elist) {
typename list<DartType>::iterator it, used;
// We may enter in a situation where dstart and dend are altered because of a swap.
// (The general rule is that darts inside the actual quadrilateral can be changed,
// but not those outside.)
// So, we need some look-ahead strategies for dstart and dend and change these
// after a swap if necessary.
int dartsInList = (int)elist.size();
if (dartsInList == 0)
bool erase; // indicates if an edge is swapped away from the constraint such that it can be
// moved to the back of the list
bool locked = false;
do {
int noswap = 0;
it = elist.begin();
// counts how many edges that have been swapped per list-cycle
int counter = 1;
while(it != elist.end()) { // ??? change this test with counter > dartsInList
erase = false;
// Check if our virtual end of the list has been crossed. It breaks the
// while and starts all over again in the do-while loop
if (counter > dartsInList)
if (ttl::swappableEdge<TraitsType, DartType>(*it, true)) {
// Dyn & Goren & Rippa 's notation:
// The node assosiated with dart *it is denoted u_m. u_m has edges crossing the constraint
// named w_1, ... , w_r . The other node to the edge assosiated with dart *it is w_s.
// We want to swap from edge u_m<->w_s to edge w_{s-1}<->w_{s+1}.
DartType op1 = *it;
DartType op2 = op1;
op1.alpha1().alpha0(); //finds dart with node w_{s-1}
op2.alpha2().alpha1().alpha0(); // (CW) finds dart with node w_{s+1}
DartType tmp = *it; tmp.alpha0(); // Dart with assosiated node opposite to node of *it allong edge
// If there is a locked situation we swap, even if the result is crossing the constraint
// If there is a looked situation, but we do an ordinary swap, it should be treated as
// if we were not in a locked situation!!
// The flag swap_away indicates if the edge is swapped away from the constraint such that
// it does not cross the constraint.
bool swap_away = (crossesConstraint<TraitsType>(dstart, dend, *it, tmp) &&
!crossesConstraint<TraitsType>(dstart, dend, op1, op2));
if (swap_away || locked) {
// Do a look-ahead to see if dstart and/or dend are in the quadrilateral
// If so, we mark it with a flag to make sure we update them after the swap
// (they may have been changed during the swap according to the general rule!)
bool start = false;
bool end = false;
DartType d = *it;
if (d.alpha1().alpha0() == dstart)
start = true;
d = *it;
if (d.alpha2().alpha1().alpha0().alpha1() == dend)
end = true;
// This is the only place swapping is called when inserting a constraint
ttl::swapEdgeInList<TraitsType, DartType>(it,elist);
// If we, during look-ahead, found that dstart and/or dend were in the quadrilateral,
// we update them.
if (end)
dend = *it;
if (start) {
dstart = *it;
if (swap_away) { // !locked || //it should be sufficient with swap_away ???
erase = true;
if (isTheConstraint(*it, dstart, dend)) {
// Move the constraint to the end of the list
DartType the_constraint = *it;
} //endif
} //endif
} //endif "swappable edge"
// Move the edge to the end of the list if it was swapped away from the constraint
if (erase) {
used = it;
else {
} //end while
if (noswap == 0)
locked = true;
} while (dartsInList != 0);
// We will never enter here. (If elist is empty, we return above).
cout << "??????? ERROR 2, should never enter here ????????????????????????? SKIP ???? " << endl;
}; // End of ttl_constr namespace scope
namespace ttl { // (extension)
/** @name Constrained (Delaunay) Triangulation */
/** Inserts a constrained edge between two existing nodes in a triangulation.
* If the constraint falls on one or more existing nodes and this is detected by the
* predicate \c TraitsType::orient2d, which should return zero in this case, the
* constraint is split. Otherwise a degenerate triangle will be made along
* the constraint.
* \param dstart
* A CCW dart with the start node of the constraint as the source node
* \param dend
* A CCW dart with the end node of the constraint as the source node
* \param optimize_delaunay
* If set to \c true, the resulting triangulation will be
* a \e constrained \e Delaunay \e triangulation. If set to \c false, the resulting
* triangulation will not necessarily be of constrained Delaunay type.
* \retval DartType
* A dart representing the constrained edge.
* \require
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::orient2d "TraitsType::orient2d" (DartType&, DartType&, PointType&)
* - \ref hed::TTLtraits::swapEdge "TraitsType::swapEdge" (DartType&)
* \using
* - ttl::optimizeDelaunay if \e optimize_delaunay is set to \c true
* \par Assumes:
* - The constrained edge must be inside the existing triangulation (and it cannot
* cross the boundary of the triangulation).
template <class TraitsType, class DartType>
DartType insertConstraint(DartType& dstart, DartType& dend, bool optimize_delaunay) {
// Assumes:
// - It is the users responsibility to avoid crossing constraints
// - The constraint cannot cross the boundary, i.e., the boundary must be
// convex in the area of crossing edges.
// - dtart and dend are preserved (same node associated.)
// Find edges crossing the constraint and put them in elist.
// If findCrossingEdges reaches a Node lying on the constraint, this function
// calls itself recursively.
list<DartType> elist;
DartType next_start = ttl_constr::findCrossingEdges<TraitsType>(dstart, dend, elist);
// If there are no crossing edges (elist is empty), we assume that the constraint
// is an existing edge.
// In this case, findCrossingEdges returns the constraint.
// Put the constraint in the list to fit with the procedures below
// (elist can also be empty in the case of invalid input data (the constraint is in
// a non-convex area) but this is the users responsibility.)
//by Thomas Sevaldrud if (elist.size() == 0)
//by Thomas Sevaldrud elist.push_back(next_start);
// findCrossingEdges stops if it finds a node lying on the constraint.
// A dart with this node as start node is returned
// We call insertConstraint recursivly until the received dart is dend
if (!ttl::same_0_orbit(next_start, dend)) {
cout << "RECURSION due to collinearity along constraint" << endl;
insertConstraint<TraitsType,DartType>(next_start, dend, optimize_delaunay);
// Swap edges such that the constraint edge is present in the transformed triangulation.
if (elist.size() > 0) // by Thomas Sevaldrud
ttl_constr::transformToConstraint<TraitsType>(dstart, next_start, elist);
cout << "size of elist = " << elist.size() << endl;
if (elist.size() > 0) {
DartType the_constraint = elist.back();
ofile_constr << the_constraint.x() << " " << the_constraint.y() << " " << 0 << endl;
ofile_constr << the_constraint.x() << " " << the_constraint.y() << " " << 0 << endl << endl;
// Optimize to constrained Delaunay triangulation if required.
typename list<DartType>::iterator end_opt = elist.end();
if (optimize_delaunay) {
// Indicate that the constrained edge, which is the last element in the list,
// should not be swapped
ttl::optimizeDelaunay<TraitsType, DartType>(elist, end_opt);
if(elist.size() == 0) // by Thomas Sevaldrud
return next_start; // by Thomas Sevaldrud
// Return the constraint, which is still the last element in the list
end_opt = elist.end();
return *end_opt;
//@} // End of Constrained Triangulation Group
}; // End of ttl namespace scope (extension)
#endif // _TTL_CONSTR_H_
* Copyright (C) 1998, 2000-2007, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 SINTEF ICT,
* Applied Mathematics, Norway.
* Contact information: E-mail:
* SINTEF ICT, Department of Applied Mathematics,
* P.O. Box 124 Blindern,
* 0314 Oslo, Norway.
* This file is part of TTL.
* TTL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* TTL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with TTL. If not, see
* <>.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public
* License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every data
* file that is created or manipulated using TTL.
* Other Usage
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
* a commercial license. Buying such a license is mandatory as soon as you
* develop commercial activities involving the TTL library without
* disclosing the source code of your own applications.
* This file may be used in accordance with the terms contained in a
* written agreement between you and SINTEF ICT.
#ifndef _TTL_UTIL_H_
#define _TTL_UTIL_H_
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# if _MSC_VER < 1300
# include <minmax.h>
# endif
//using namespace std;
/** \brief Utilities
* This name space contains utility functions for TTL.\n
* Point and vector algebra such as scalar product and cross product
* between vectors are implemented here.
* These functions are required by functions in the \ref ttl namespace,
* where they are assumed to be present in the \ref hed::TTLtraits "TTLtraits" class.
* Thus, the user can call these functions from the traits class.
* For efficiency reasons, the user may consider implementing these
* functions in the the API directly on the actual data structure;
* see \ref api.
* \note
* - Cross product between vectors in the xy-plane delivers a scalar,
* which is the z-component of the actual cross product
* (the x and y components are both zero).
* \see
* ttl and \ref api
* \author
* yvind Hjelle,
namespace ttl_util {
// ------------------------------ Computational Geometry Group ----------------------------------
/** @name Computational geometry */
/** Scalar product between two 2D vectors.
* \par Returns:
* \code
* dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2
* \endcode
template <class real_type>
real_type scalarProduct2d(real_type dx1, real_type dy1, real_type dx2, real_type dy2) {
return dx1*dx2 + dy1*dy2;
/** Cross product between two 2D vectors. (The z-component of the actual cross product.)
* \par Returns:
* \code
* dx1*dy2 - dy1*dx2
* \endcode
template <class real_type>
real_type crossProduct2d(real_type dx1, real_type dy1, real_type dx2, real_type dy2) {
return dx1*dy2 - dy1*dx2;
/** Returns a positive value if the 2D nodes/points \e pa, \e pb, and
* \e pc occur in counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur
* in clockwise order; and zero if they are collinear.
* \note
* - This is a finite arithmetic fast version. It can be made more robust using
* exact arithmetic schemes by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. See
template <class real_type>
real_type orient2dfast(real_type pa[2], real_type pb[2], real_type pc[2]) {
real_type acx = pa[0] - pc[0];
real_type bcx = pb[0] - pc[0];
real_type acy = pa[1] - pc[1];
real_type bcy = pb[1] - pc[1];
return acx * bcy - acy * bcx;
/* Scalar product between 2D vectors represented as darts.
* \par Requires:
* - real_type DartType::x()
* - real_type DartType::y()
template <class TTLtraits, class DartType>
typename TTLtraits::real_type scalarProduct2d(const DartType& d1, const DartType& d2) {
DartType d10 = d1;
DartType d20 = d2;
return scalarProduct2d(d10.x() - d1.x(), d10.y() - d1.y(), d20.x() - d2.x(), d20.y() - d2.y());
/* Scalar product between 2D vectors.
* The first vector is represented by the given dart, and the second vector has
* direction from the node of the given dart - and to the given point.
* \par Requires:
* - real_type DartType::x(), real_type DartType::y()
* - real_type PointType2d::x(), real_type PointType2d::y()
template <class TTLtraits>
typename TTLtraits::real_type scalarProduct2d(const typename TTLtraits::DartType& d,
const typename TTLtraits::PointType2d& p) {
typename TTLtraits::DartType d0 = d;
return scalarProduct2d(d0.x() - d.x(), d0.y() - d.y(), p.x() - d.x(), p.y() - d.y());
/* Cross product between 2D vectors represented as darts.
* \par Requires:
* - real_type DartType::x(), real_type DartType::y()
template <class TTLtraits>
typename TTLtraits::real_type crossProduct2d(const typename TTLtraits::DartType& d1,
const typename TTLtraits::DartType& d2) {
TTLtraits::DartType d10 = d1;
TTLtraits::DartType d20 = d2;
return crossProduct2d(d10.x() - d1.x(), d10.y() - d1.y(), d20.x() - d2.x(), d20.y() - d2.y());
/* Cross product between 2D vectors.
* The first vector is represented by the given dart, and the second vector has
* direction from the node associated with given dart - and to the given point.
* \par Requires:
* - real_type DartType::x()
* - real_type DartType::y()
template <class TTLtraits>
typename TTLtraits::real_type crossProduct2d(const typename TTLtraits::DartType& d,
const typename TTLtraits::PointType2d& p) {
TTLtraits::DartType d0 = d;
return crossProduct2d(d0.x() - d.x(), d0.y() - d.y(), p.x() - d.x(), p.y() - d.y());
// Geometric predicates; see more robust schemes by Jonathan Richard Shewchuk at
/* Return a positive value if the 2d nodes/points \e d, \e d.alpha0(), and
* \e p occur in counterclockwise order; a negative value if they occur
* in clockwise order; and zero if they are collinear. The
* result is also a rough approximation of twice the signed
* area of the triangle defined by the three points.
* \par Requires:
* - DartType::x(), DartType::y(),
* - PointType2d::x(), PointType2d::y()
template <class TTLtraits, class DartType, class PointType2d>
typename TTLtraits::real_type orient2dfast(const DartType& n1, const DartType& n2,
const PointType2d& p) {
return ((n2.x()-n1.x())*(p.y()-n1.y()) - (p.x()-n1.x())*(n2.y()-n1.y()));
//@} // End of Computational geometry
// ---------------------------- Utilities Involving Points Group --------------------------------
/** @name Utilities involving points */
/** Creates random data on the unit square.
* \param noPoints
* Number of random points to be generated
* \param seed
* Initial value for pseudorandom number generator
* \require
* - Constructor \c PointType::PointType(double x, double y).\n
* For example, one can use \c pair<double, double>.
* \note
* - To deduce template argument for PointType the function must be
* called with the syntax: \c createRandomData<MyPoint>(...) where \c MyPoint
* is the actual point type.
template <class PointType>
std::vector<PointType*>* createRandomData(int noPoints, int seed=1) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
srand48((long int)seed);
double x, y;
std::vector<PointType*>* points = new std::vector<PointType*>(noPoints);
typename std::vector<PointType*>::iterator it;
for (it = points->begin(); it != points->end(); ++it) {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
int random = rand();
x = ((double)random/(double)RAND_MAX);
random = rand();
y = ((double)random/(double)RAND_MAX);
*it = new PointType(x,y);
double random = drand48();
x = random;
random = drand48();
y = random;
*it = new PointType(x,y);
return points;
//@} // End of Utilities involving points
}; // End of ttl_util namespace scope
#endif // _TTL_UTIL_H_
...@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public: ...@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ public:
* @param aBoard The BOARD to put into the frame. * @param aBoard The BOARD to put into the frame.
*/ */
void SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard ); virtual void SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard );
BOARD* GetBoard() const BOARD* GetBoard() const
{ {
...@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ public: ...@@ -191,8 +191,6 @@ public:
return m_Pcb; return m_Pcb;
} }
void ViewReloadBoard( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
/** /**
* Function SetFootprintLibTable * Function SetFootprintLibTable
* set the footprint library table to \a aFootprintLibTable. * set the footprint library table to \a aFootprintLibTable.
...@@ -717,8 +715,6 @@ public: ...@@ -717,8 +715,6 @@ public:
void OnUpdateSelectGrid( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ); void OnUpdateSelectGrid( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent );
void OnUpdateSelectZoom( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ); void OnUpdateSelectZoom( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent );
virtual void UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable );
}; };
...@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public: ...@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnQuit( wxCommandEvent& event );
...@@ -603,6 +603,13 @@ public: ...@@ -603,6 +603,13 @@ public:
*/ */
void Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event ); void Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function UseGalCanvas
* Enables/disables GAL canvas.
* @param aEnable determines if GAL should be active or not.
void UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable );
/** /**
* Function ChangeCanvas * Function ChangeCanvas
* switches currently used canvas (default / Cairo / OpenGL). * switches currently used canvas (default / Cairo / OpenGL).
...@@ -888,6 +895,15 @@ public: ...@@ -888,6 +895,15 @@ public:
*/ */
bool Clear_Pcb( bool aQuery ); bool Clear_Pcb( bool aQuery );
/// @copydoc PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard()
void SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard );
* Function ViewReloadBoard
* adds all items from the current board to the VIEW, so they can be displayed by GAL.
void ViewReloadBoard( const BOARD* aBoard ) const;
// Drc control // Drc control
/* function GetDrcController /* function GetDrcController
...@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ set( PCBNEW_CLASS_SRCS ...@@ -211,6 +211,8 @@ set( PCBNEW_CLASS_SRCS
print_board_functions.cpp print_board_functions.cpp
printout_controler.cpp printout_controler.cpp
ratsnest.cpp ratsnest.cpp
# specctra.cpp #moved in pcbcommon lib # specctra.cpp #moved in pcbcommon lib
# specctra_export.cpp # specctra_export.cpp
# specctra_keywords.cpp # specctra_keywords.cpp
...@@ -370,8 +372,8 @@ if( KICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES ) ...@@ -370,8 +372,8 @@ if( KICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES )
polygon polygon
bitmaps bitmaps
gal gal
${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES}
...@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ ...@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
#include <trigo.h> #include <trigo.h>
#include <pcb_painter.h> #include <pcb_painter.h>
#include <worksheet_viewitem.h> #include <worksheet_viewitem.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <ratsnest_viewitem.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h> #include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_dispatcher.h> #include <tool/tool_dispatcher.h>
...@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ const LAYER_NUM PCB_BASE_FRAME::GAL_LAYER_ORDER[] = ...@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ const LAYER_NUM PCB_BASE_FRAME::GAL_LAYER_ORDER[] =
...@@ -171,102 +174,6 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard ) ...@@ -171,102 +174,6 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
{ {
delete m_Pcb; delete m_Pcb;
m_Pcb = aBoard; m_Pcb = aBoard;
if( m_galCanvas )
KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_galCanvas->GetView();
ViewReloadBoard( m_Pcb );
catch( const std::exception& ex )
DBG(printf( "ViewReloadBoard: exception: %s\n", ex.what() );)
// update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
if( m_toolManager )
m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( m_Pcb, view, m_galCanvas->GetViewControls(), this );
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::ViewReloadBoard( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_galCanvas->GetView();
// All of PCB drawing elements should be added to the VIEW
// in order to be displayed
// Load zones
for( int i = 0; i < aBoard->GetAreaCount(); ++i )
view->Add( (KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM*) ( aBoard->GetArea( i ) ) );
// Load drawings
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = aBoard->m_Drawings; drawing; drawing = drawing->Next() )
view->Add( drawing );
// Load tracks
for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
view->Add( track );
// Load modules and its additional elements
for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
// Load module's pads
for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
view->Add( pad );
// Load module's drawing (mostly silkscreen)
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = module->GraphicalItems().GetFirst(); drawing;
drawing = drawing->Next() )
view->Add( drawing );
// Load module's texts (name and value)
view->Add( &module->Reference() );
view->Add( &module->Value() );
// Add the module itself
view->Add( module );
// Segzones (equivalent of ZONE_CONTAINER for legacy boards)
for( SEGZONE* zone = aBoard->m_Zone; zone; zone = zone->Next() )
view->Add( zone );
// Add an entry for the worksheet layout
std::string( aBoard->GetFileName().mb_str() ),
std::string( GetScreenDesc().mb_str() ),
&GetPageSettings(), &GetTitleBlock() );
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
if( screen != NULL )
worksheet->SetSheetNumber( GetScreen()->m_ScreenNumber );
worksheet->SetSheetCount( GetScreen()->m_NumberOfScreens );
view->Add( worksheet );
view->SetPanBoundary( worksheet->ViewBBox() );
view->RecacheAllItems( true );
if( m_galCanvasActive )
} }
...@@ -604,17 +511,6 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::OnUpdateSelectZoom( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent ) ...@@ -604,17 +511,6 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::OnUpdateSelectZoom( wxUpdateUIEvent& aEvent )
} }
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable )
EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( aEnable );
m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( m_Pcb, m_galCanvas->GetView(),
m_galCanvas->GetViewControls(), this );
ViewReloadBoard( m_Pcb );
void PCB_BASE_FRAME::ProcessItemSelection( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) void PCB_BASE_FRAME::ProcessItemSelection( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
{ {
int id = aEvent.GetId(); int id = aEvent.GetId();
...@@ -908,6 +804,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings() ...@@ -908,6 +804,7 @@ void PCB_BASE_FRAME::LoadSettings()
// Apply layer coloring scheme & display options // Apply layer coloring scheme & display options
if( view->GetPainter() ) if( view->GetPainter() )
...@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ ...@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include <pcb_netlist.h> #include <pcb_netlist.h>
#include <reporter.h> #include <reporter.h>
#include <base_units.h> #include <base_units.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <pcbnew.h> #include <pcbnew.h>
#include <colors_selection.h> #include <colors_selection.h>
...@@ -102,11 +103,15 @@ BOARD::BOARD() : ...@@ -102,11 +103,15 @@ BOARD::BOARD() :
m_NetClasses.GetDefault()->SetParams(); m_NetClasses.GetDefault()->SetParams();
SetCurrentNetClass( m_NetClasses.GetDefault()->GetName() ); SetCurrentNetClass( m_NetClasses.GetDefault()->GetName() );
m_ratsnest = new RN_DATA( this );
} }
{ {
delete m_ratsnest;
while( m_ZoneDescriptorList.size() ) while( m_ZoneDescriptorList.size() )
{ {
ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_remove = m_ZoneDescriptorList[0]; ZONE_CONTAINER* area_to_remove = m_ZoneDescriptorList[0];
...@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class MARKER_PCB; ...@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ class MARKER_PCB;
class NETLIST; class NETLIST;
class RN_DATA;
// non-owning container of item candidates when searching for items on the same track. // non-owning container of item candidates when searching for items on the same track.
...@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ private: ...@@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ private:
EDA_RECT m_BoundingBox; EDA_RECT m_BoundingBox;
NETINFO_LIST m_NetInfo; ///< net info list (name, design constraints .. NETINFO_LIST m_NetInfo; ///< net info list (name, design constraints ..
RN_DATA* m_ratsnest;
ZONE_SETTINGS m_zoneSettings; ZONE_SETTINGS m_zoneSettings;
...@@ -355,6 +357,16 @@ public: ...@@ -355,6 +357,16 @@ public:
*/ */
BOARD_ITEM* Remove( BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem ); BOARD_ITEM* Remove( BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem );
* Function GetRatsnest()
* returns list of missing connections between components/tracks.
* @return RATSNEST* is an object that contains informations about missing connections.
RN_DATA* GetRatsnest() const
return m_ratsnest;
/** /**
* Function DeleteMARKERs * Function DeleteMARKERs
* deletes ALL MARKERS from the board. * deletes ALL MARKERS from the board.
...@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@ ...@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@
#include <view/view.h> #include <view/view.h>
#include <painter.h> #include <painter.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <worksheet_viewitem.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <ratsnest_viewitem.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h> #include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tool/tool_dispatcher.h> #include <tool/tool_dispatcher.h>
...@@ -329,6 +336,16 @@ PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PCB_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title, ...@@ -329,6 +336,16 @@ PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PCB_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
SetBoard( new BOARD() ); SetBoard( new BOARD() );
if( m_galCanvas )
ViewReloadBoard( m_Pcb );
// update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
if( m_toolManager )
m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( m_Pcb, m_galCanvas->GetView(),
m_galCanvas->GetViewControls(), this );
// Create the PCB_LAYER_WIDGET *after* SetBoard(): // Create the PCB_LAYER_WIDGET *after* SetBoard():
wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT ); wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont( wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT );
...@@ -522,6 +539,106 @@ PCB_EDIT_FRAME::~PCB_EDIT_FRAME() ...@@ -522,6 +539,106 @@ PCB_EDIT_FRAME::~PCB_EDIT_FRAME()
} }
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
PCB_BASE_FRAME::SetBoard( aBoard );
if( m_galCanvas )
ViewReloadBoard( aBoard );
// update the tool manager with the new board and its view.
if( m_toolManager )
m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( aBoard, m_galCanvas->GetView(),
m_galCanvas->GetViewControls(), this );
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ViewReloadBoard( const BOARD* aBoard ) const
KIGFX::VIEW* view = m_galCanvas->GetView();
// All of PCB drawing elements should be added to the VIEW
// in order to be displayed
// Load zones
for( int i = 0; i < aBoard->GetAreaCount(); ++i )
view->Add( (KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM*) ( aBoard->GetArea( i ) ) );
// Load drawings
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = aBoard->m_Drawings; drawing; drawing = drawing->Next() )
view->Add( drawing );
// Load tracks
for( TRACK* track = aBoard->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
view->Add( track );
// Load modules and its additional elements
for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
// Load module's pads
for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
view->Add( pad );
// Load module's drawing (mostly silkscreen)
for( BOARD_ITEM* drawing = module->GraphicalItems().GetFirst(); drawing;
drawing = drawing->Next() )
view->Add( drawing );
// Load module's texts (name and value)
view->Add( &module->Reference() );
view->Add( &module->Value() );
// Add the module itself
view->Add( module );
// Segzones (equivalent of ZONE_CONTAINER for legacy boards)
for( SEGZONE* zone = aBoard->m_Zone; zone; zone = zone->Next() )
view->Add( zone );
// Add an entry for the worksheet layout
std::string( aBoard->GetFileName().mb_str() ),
std::string( GetScreenDesc().mb_str() ),
&GetPageSettings(), &GetTitleBlock() );
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
if( screen != NULL )
worksheet->SetSheetNumber( GetScreen()->m_ScreenNumber );
worksheet->SetSheetCount( GetScreen()->m_NumberOfScreens );
view->Add( worksheet );
// Add an entry for the ratsnest
RN_DATA* ratsnest = aBoard->GetRatsnest();
view->Add( new KIGFX::RATSNEST_VIEWITEM( ratsnest ) );
view->SetPanBoundary( worksheet->ViewBBox() );
view->RecacheAllItems( true );
if( m_galCanvasActive )
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::isAutoSaveRequired() const bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::isAutoSaveRequired() const
{ {
return GetScreen()->IsSave(); return GetScreen()->IsSave();
...@@ -633,6 +750,17 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event ) ...@@ -633,6 +750,17 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event )
} }
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( bool aEnable )
EDA_DRAW_FRAME::UseGalCanvas( aEnable );
m_toolManager->SetEnvironment( m_Pcb, m_galCanvas->GetView(),
m_galCanvas->GetViewControls(), this );
ViewReloadBoard( m_Pcb );
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SwitchCanvas( wxCommandEvent& aEvent ) void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::SwitchCanvas( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
{ {
int id = aEvent.GetId(); int id = aEvent.GetId();
...@@ -795,7 +923,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::setHighContrastLayer( LAYER_NUM aLayer ) ...@@ -795,7 +923,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::setHighContrastLayer( LAYER_NUM aLayer )
GetNetnameLayer( aLayer ), ITEM_GAL_LAYER( VIAS_VISIBLE ), GetNetnameLayer( aLayer ), ITEM_GAL_LAYER( VIAS_VISIBLE ),
}; };
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( layers ) / sizeof( LAYER_NUM ); ++i ) for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( layers ) / sizeof( LAYER_NUM ); ++i )
...@@ -835,7 +963,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::setTopLayer( LAYER_NUM aLayer ) ...@@ -835,7 +963,7 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::setTopLayer( LAYER_NUM aLayer )
GetNetnameLayer( aLayer ), ITEM_GAL_LAYER( VIAS_VISIBLE ), GetNetnameLayer( aLayer ), ITEM_GAL_LAYER( VIAS_VISIBLE ),
}; };
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( layers ) / sizeof( LAYER_NUM ); ++i ) for( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( layers ) / sizeof( LAYER_NUM ); ++i )
* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file ratsnest_data.cpp
* @brief Class that computes missing connections on a PCB.
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_pad.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/map.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
uint64_t getDistance( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode1, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode2 )
// Drop the least significant bits to avoid overflow
int64_t x = ( aNode1->GetX() - aNode2->GetX() ) >> 16;
int64_t y = ( aNode1->GetY() - aNode2->GetY() ) >> 16;
// We do not need sqrt() here, as the distance is computed only for comparison
return ( x * x + y * y );
bool sortDistance( const RN_NODE_PTR& aOrigin, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode1,
const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode2 )
return getDistance( aOrigin, aNode1 ) < getDistance( aOrigin, aNode2 );
bool sortWeight( const RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge1, const RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge2 )
return aEdge1->getWeight() < aEdge2->getWeight();
bool sortArea( const RN_POLY& aP1, const RN_POLY& aP2 )
return aP1.m_bbox.GetArea() < aP2.m_bbox.GetArea();
bool isEdgeConnectingNode( const RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
return ( aEdge->getSourceNode().get() == aNode.get() ) ||
( aEdge->getTargetNode().get() == aNode.get() );
std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>* kruskalMST( RN_LINKS::RN_EDGE_LIST& aEdges,
const std::vector<RN_NODE_PTR>& aNodes )
unsigned int nodeNumber = aNodes.size();
unsigned int mstExpectedSize = nodeNumber - 1;
unsigned int mstSize = 0;
// The output
std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>* mst = new std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>;
mst->reserve( mstExpectedSize );
// Set tags for marking cycles
boost::unordered_map<RN_NODE_PTR, int> tags;
unsigned int tag = 0;
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NODE_PTR& node, aNodes )
tags[node] = tag++;
// Lists of nodes connected together (subtrees) to detect cycles in the graph
std::vector<std::list<int> > cycles( nodeNumber );
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nodeNumber; ++i )
cycles[i].push_back( i );
// Kruskal algorithm requires edges to be sorted by their weight
aEdges.sort( sortWeight );
while( mstSize < mstExpectedSize && !aEdges.empty() )
RN_EDGE_PTR& dt = *aEdges.begin();
int srcTag = tags[dt->getSourceNode()];
int trgTag = tags[dt->getTargetNode()];
// Check if by adding this edge we are going to join two different forests
if( srcTag != trgTag )
// Update tags
std::list<int>::iterator it, itEnd;
for( it = cycles[trgTag].begin(), itEnd = cycles[trgTag].end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
tags[aNodes[*it]] = srcTag;
// Move nodes that were marked with old tag to the list marked with the new tag
cycles[srcTag].splice( cycles[srcTag].end(), cycles[trgTag] );
if( dt->getWeight() == 0 ) // Skip already existing connections (weight == 0)
mst->push_back( dt );
// Remove the edge that was just processed
aEdges.erase( aEdges.begin() );
// Probably we have discarded some of edges, so reduce the size
mst->resize( mstSize );
return mst;
void RN_NET::validateEdge( RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge )
RN_NODE_PTR source = aEdge->getSourceNode();
RN_NODE_PTR target = aEdge->getTargetNode();
bool valid = true;
// If any of nodes belonging to the edge has the flag set,
// change it to the closest node that has flag cleared
if( source->GetFlag() )
valid = false;
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> closest = GetClosestNodes( source, WITHOUT_FLAG() );
BOOST_FOREACH( RN_NODE_PTR& node, closest )
if( node && node != target )
source = node;
if( target->GetFlag() )
valid = false;
WITHOUT_FLAG without_flag;
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> closest = GetClosestNodes( target, WITHOUT_FLAG() );
BOOST_FOREACH( RN_NODE_PTR& node, closest )
if( node && node != source )
target = node;
// Replace an invalid edge with new, valid one
if( !valid )
aEdge.reset( new RN_EDGE_MST( source, target ) );
const RN_NODE_PTR& RN_LINKS::AddNode( int aX, int aY )
RN_NODE_SET::iterator node;
bool wasNewElement;
boost::tie( node, wasNewElement ) = m_nodes.emplace( boost::make_shared<RN_NODE>( aX, aY ) );
(*node)->IncRefCount(); // TODO use the shared_ptr use_count
return *node;
void RN_LINKS::RemoveNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
aNode->DecRefCount(); // TODO use the shared_ptr use_count
if( aNode->GetRefCount() == 0 )
m_nodes.erase( aNode );
const RN_EDGE_PTR& RN_LINKS::AddConnection( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode1, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode2,
unsigned int aDistance )
m_edges.push_back( boost::make_shared<RN_EDGE_MST>( aNode1, aNode2, aDistance ) );
return m_edges.back();
void RN_LINKS::RemoveConnection( const RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge )
m_edges.remove( aEdge );
void RN_NET::compute()
const RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET& boardNodes = m_links.GetNodes();
const RN_LINKS::RN_EDGE_LIST& boardEdges = m_links.GetConnections();
// Special case that does need so complicated algorithm
if( boardNodes.size() == 2 )
m_rnEdges.reset( new std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>( 0 ) );
// Check if the only possible connection exists
if( boardEdges.size() == 0 )
RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET::iterator last = ++boardNodes.begin();
// There can be only one possible connection, but it is missing
m_rnEdges->push_back( boost::make_shared<RN_EDGE_MST>( *boardNodes.begin(), *last ) );
else if( boardNodes.size() == 1 ) // This case is even simpler
m_rnEdges.reset( new std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>( 0 ) );
// Move and sort (sorting speeds up) all nodes to a vector for the Delaunay triangulation
std::vector<RN_NODE_PTR> nodes( boardNodes.size() );
std::partial_sort_copy( boardNodes.begin(), boardNodes.end(), nodes.begin(), nodes.end() );
TRIANGULATOR triangulator;
triangulator.createDelaunay( nodes.begin(), nodes.end() );
boost::scoped_ptr<RN_LINKS::RN_EDGE_LIST> triangEdges( triangulator.getEdges() );
// Compute weight/distance for edges resulting from triangulation
RN_LINKS::RN_EDGE_LIST::iterator eit, eitEnd;
for( eit = (*triangEdges).begin(), eitEnd = (*triangEdges).end(); eit != eitEnd; ++eit )
(*eit)->setWeight( getDistance( (*eit)->getSourceNode(), (*eit)->getTargetNode() ) );
// Add the currently existing connections list to the results of triangulation
std::copy( boardEdges.begin(), boardEdges.end(), std::front_inserter( *triangEdges ) );
// Get the minimal spanning tree
m_rnEdges.reset( kruskalMST( *triangEdges, nodes ) );
void RN_NET::clearNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>::iterator newEnd;
// Remove all ratsnest edges for associated with the node
newEnd = std::remove_if( m_rnEdges->begin(), m_rnEdges->end(),
boost::bind( isEdgeConnectingNode, _1, aNode ) );
m_rnEdges->resize( std::distance( m_rnEdges->begin(), newEnd ) );
RN_POLY::RN_POLY( const CPolyPt* aBegin, const CPolyPt* aEnd, const ZONE_CONTAINER* aParent,
RN_LINKS& aConnections, const BOX2I& aBBox ) :
m_parent( aParent), m_begin( aBegin ), m_end( aEnd ), m_bbox( aBBox )
m_node = aConnections.AddNode( m_begin->x, m_begin->y );
// Mark it as not feasible as a destination of ratsnest edges
// (edges coming out from a polygon vertex look weird)
m_node->SetFlag( true );
bool RN_POLY::HitTest( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode ) const
long xt = aNode->GetX();
long yt = aNode->GetY();
// If the point lies outside the bounding box, there is no point to check it further
if( !m_bbox.Contains( xt, yt ) )
return false;
long xNew, yNew, xOld, yOld, x1, y1, x2, y2;
bool inside = false;
// For the first loop we have to use the last point as the previous point
xOld = m_end->x;
yOld = m_end->y;
for( const CPolyPt* point = m_begin; point <= m_end; ++point )
xNew = point->x;
yNew = point->y;
// Swap points if needed, so always x2 >= x1
if( xNew > xOld )
x1 = xOld; y1 = yOld;
x2 = xNew; y2 = yNew;
x1 = xNew; y1 = yNew;
x2 = xOld; y2 = yOld;
if( ( xNew < xt ) == ( xt <= xOld ) /* edge "open" at left end */
&& ( yt - y1 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) < ( y2 - y1 ) * ( xt - x1 ) )
inside = !inside;
xOld = xNew;
yOld = yNew;
return inside;
void RN_NET::Update()
// Add edges resulting from nodes being connected by zones
BOOST_FOREACH( RN_EDGE_PTR& edge, *m_rnEdges )
validateEdge( edge );
m_dirty = false;
void RN_NET::AddItem( const D_PAD* aPad )
RN_NODE_PTR nodePtr = m_links.AddNode( aPad->GetPosition().x, aPad->GetPosition().y );
m_pads[aPad] = nodePtr;
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::AddItem( const SEGVIA* aVia )
m_vias[aVia] = m_links.AddNode( aVia->GetPosition().x, aVia->GetPosition().y );
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::AddItem( const TRACK* aTrack )
RN_NODE_PTR start = m_links.AddNode( aTrack->GetStart().x, aTrack->GetStart().y );
RN_NODE_PTR end = m_links.AddNode( aTrack->GetEnd().x, aTrack->GetEnd().y );
m_tracks[aTrack] = m_links.AddConnection( start, end );
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::AddItem( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
// Prepare a list of polygons (every zone can contain one or more polygons)
const std::vector<CPolyPt>& polyPoints = aZone->GetFilledPolysList().GetList();
if( polyPoints.size() == 0 )
// Origin and end of bounding box for a polygon
VECTOR2I origin( polyPoints[0].x, polyPoints[0].y );
VECTOR2I end( polyPoints[0].x, polyPoints[0].y );
int idxStart = 0;
// Extract polygons from zones
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < polyPoints.size(); ++i )
const CPolyPt& point = polyPoints[i];
// Determine bounding box
if( point.x < origin.x )
origin.x = point.x;
else if( point.x > end.x )
end.x = point.x;
if( point.y < origin.y )
origin.y = point.y;
else if( point.y > end.y )
end.y = point.y;
if( point.end_contour )
// The last vertex is enclosing the polygon (it repeats at the beginning and
// at the end), so we skip it
m_zonePolygons[aZone].push_back( RN_POLY( &polyPoints[idxStart], &point, aZone,
m_links, BOX2I( origin, end - origin ) ) );
idxStart = i + 1;
origin.x = polyPoints[idxStart].x;
origin.y = polyPoints[idxStart].y;
end.x = polyPoints[idxStart].x;
end.y = polyPoints[idxStart].y;
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::RemoveItem( const D_PAD* aPad )
RN_NODE_PTR& node = m_pads[aPad];
if( !node )
// Remove edges associated with the node
clearNode( node );
m_links.RemoveNode( node );
m_pads.erase( aPad );
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::RemoveItem( const SEGVIA* aVia )
RN_NODE_PTR& node = m_vias[aVia];
if( !node )
// Remove edges associated with the node
clearNode( node );
m_links.RemoveNode( node );
m_vias.erase( aVia );
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::RemoveItem( const TRACK* aTrack )
RN_EDGE_PTR& edge = m_tracks[aTrack];
if( !edge )
// Save nodes, so they can be cleared later
const RN_NODE_PTR& aBegin = edge->getSourceNode();
const RN_NODE_PTR& aEnd = edge->getTargetNode();
m_links.RemoveConnection( edge );
// Remove nodes associated with the edge. It is done in a safe way, there is a check
// if nodes are not used by other edges.
clearNode( aBegin );
clearNode( aEnd );
m_links.RemoveNode( aBegin );
m_links.RemoveNode( aEnd );
m_tracks.erase( aTrack );
m_dirty = true;
void RN_NET::RemoveItem( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
// Remove all subpolygons that make the zone
std::deque<RN_POLY>& polygons = m_zonePolygons[aZone];
BOOST_FOREACH( RN_POLY& polygon, polygons )
m_links.RemoveNode( polygon.GetNode() );
// Remove all connections added by the zone
std::deque<RN_EDGE_PTR>& edges = m_zoneConnections[aZone];
m_links.RemoveConnection( edge );
m_dirty = true;
const RN_NODE_PTR RN_NET::GetClosestNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode ) const
const RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET& nodes = m_links.GetNodes();
RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET::const_iterator it, itEnd;
unsigned int minDistance = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
RN_NODE_PTR closest;
for( it = nodes.begin(), itEnd = nodes.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
// Obviously the distance between node and itself is the shortest,
// that's why we have to skip it
if( *it != aNode )
unsigned int distance = getDistance( *it, aNode );
if( distance < minDistance )
minDistance = distance;
closest = *it;
return closest;
const RN_NODE_PTR RN_NET::GetClosestNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode, RN_NODE_FILTER aFilter ) const
const RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET& nodes = m_links.GetNodes();
RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET::const_iterator it, itEnd;
unsigned int minDistance = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
RN_NODE_PTR closest;
for( it = nodes.begin(), itEnd = nodes.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
RN_NODE_PTR baseNode = *it;
// Obviously the distance between node and itself is the shortest,
// that's why we have to skip it
if( *it != aNode && aFilter( baseNode ) )
unsigned int distance = getDistance( *it, aNode );
if( distance < minDistance )
minDistance = distance;
closest = *it;
return closest;
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> RN_NET::GetClosestNodes( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode, int aNumber ) const
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> closest;
const RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET& nodes = m_links.GetNodes();
// Copy nodes
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NODE_PTR& node, nodes )
closest.push_back( node );
// Sort by the distance from aNode
closest.sort( boost::bind( sortDistance, aNode, _1, _2 ) );
// Remove the first node (==aNode), as it is surely located within the smallest distance
// Trim the result to the asked size
if( aNumber > 0 )
closest.resize( std::min( (size_t)aNumber, nodes.size() ) );
return closest;
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> RN_NET::GetClosestNodes( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode,
RN_NODE_FILTER aFilter, int aNumber ) const
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> closest;
const RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET& nodes = m_links.GetNodes();
// Copy nodes
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NODE_PTR& node, nodes )
closest.push_back( node );
// Sort by the distance from aNode
closest.sort( boost::bind( sortDistance, aNode, _1, _2 ) );
// Remove the first node (==aNode), as it is surely located within the smallest distance
// Filter out by condition
std::remove_if( closest.begin(), closest.end(), aFilter );
// Trim the result to the asked size
if( aNumber > 0 )
closest.resize( std::min( static_cast<size_t>( aNumber ), nodes.size() ) );
return closest;
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> RN_NET::GetNodes( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem ) const
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> nodes;
switch( aItem->Type() )
case PCB_PAD_T:
const D_PAD* pad = static_cast<const D_PAD*>( aItem );
nodes.push_back( pad ) );
case PCB_VIA_T:
const SEGVIA* via = static_cast<const SEGVIA*>( aItem );
nodes.push_back( via ) );
const TRACK* track = static_cast<const TRACK*>( aItem );
RN_EDGE_PTR edge = track );
nodes.push_back( edge->getSourceNode() );
nodes.push_back( edge->getTargetNode() );
return nodes;
void RN_NET::ClearSimple()
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NODE_PTR& node, m_simpleNodes )
node->SetFlag( false );
void RN_DATA::AddSimple( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem )
int net = aItem->GetNet();
if( net < 1 ) // do not process unconnected items
// Get list of nodes responding to the item
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> nodes = m_nets[net].GetNodes( aItem );
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR>::iterator it, itEnd;
for( it = nodes.begin(), itEnd = nodes.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
m_nets[net].AddSimpleNode( *it );
void RN_DATA::AddSimple( const MODULE* aModule )
for( const D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
AddSimple( pad );
void RN_NET::processZones()
BOOST_FOREACH( std::deque<RN_EDGE_PTR>& edges, m_zoneConnections | boost::adaptors::map_values )
m_links.RemoveConnection( edge );
RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET candidates = m_links.GetNodes();
BOOST_FOREACH( std::deque<RN_POLY>& polygons, m_zonePolygons | boost::adaptors::map_values )
RN_LINKS::RN_NODE_SET::iterator point, pointEnd;
std::deque<RN_POLY>::iterator poly, polyEnd;
// Sorting by area should speed up the processing, as smaller polygons are computed
// faster and may reduce the number of points for further checks
std::sort( polygons.begin(), polygons.end(), sortArea );
for( poly = polygons.begin(), polyEnd = polygons.end(); poly != polyEnd; ++poly )
point = candidates.begin();
pointEnd = candidates.end();
while( point != pointEnd )
if( poly->HitTest( *point ) )
const RN_EDGE_PTR& connection = m_links.AddConnection( poly->GetNode(), *point );
m_zoneConnections[poly->GetParent()].push_back( connection );
// This point already belongs to a polygon, we do not need to check it anymore
point = candidates.erase( point );
pointEnd = candidates.end();
void RN_DATA::updateNet( int aNetCode )
assert( aNetCode < (int) m_nets.size() );
if( aNetCode < 1 )
void RN_DATA::Update( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem )
int net = aItem->GetNet();
if( net < 1 ) // do not process unconnected items
switch( aItem->Type() )
case PCB_PAD_T:
const D_PAD* pad = static_cast<const D_PAD*>( aItem );
m_nets[net].RemoveItem( pad );
m_nets[net].AddItem( pad );
const TRACK* track = static_cast<const TRACK*>( aItem );
m_nets[net].RemoveItem( track );
m_nets[net].AddItem( track );
case PCB_VIA_T:
const SEGVIA* via = static_cast<const SEGVIA*>( aItem );
m_nets[net].RemoveItem( via );
m_nets[net].AddItem( via );
const ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<const ZONE_CONTAINER*>( aItem );
m_nets[net].RemoveItem( zone);
m_nets[net].AddItem( zone );
void RN_DATA::Update( const MODULE* aModule )
for( const D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
int net = pad->GetNet();
if( net > 0 ) // do not process unconnected items
m_nets[net].RemoveItem( pad );
m_nets[net].AddItem( pad );
void RN_DATA::ProcessBoard()
m_nets.resize( m_board->GetNetCount() );
// Iterate over all items that may need to be connected
for( MODULE* module = m_board->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
for( D_PAD* pad = module->Pads().GetFirst(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
m_nets[pad->GetNet()].AddItem( pad );
for( TRACK* track = m_board->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
m_nets[track->GetNet()].AddItem( static_cast<SEGVIA*>( track ) );
else if( track->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T )
m_nets[track->GetNet()].AddItem( track );
for( int i = 0; i < m_board->GetAreaCount(); ++i )
ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = m_board->GetArea( i );
m_nets[zone->GetNet()].AddItem( zone );
void RN_DATA::Recalculate( int aNet )
if( aNet < 0 ) // Recompute everything
// Start with net number 1, as 0 stand for not connected
for( unsigned int i = 1; i < m_board->GetNetCount(); ++i )
if( m_nets[i].IsDirty() )
updateNet( i );
else // Recompute only specific net
updateNet( aNet );
void RN_DATA::ClearSimple()
BOOST_FOREACH( RN_NET& net, m_nets )
* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file ratsnest_data.h
* @brief Class that computes missing connections on a PCB.
#include <ttl/halfedge/hetriang.h>
#include <ttl/halfedge/hetraits.h>
#include <math/box2.h>
#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp>
class BOARD;
class MODULE;
class D_PAD;
class SEGVIA;
class TRACK;
class CPolyPt;
// Preserve KiCad coding style policy
typedef hed::Node RN_NODE;
typedef hed::NodePtr RN_NODE_PTR;
typedef hed::Edge RN_EDGE;
typedef hed::EdgePtr RN_EDGE_PTR;
typedef hed::EdgeMST RN_EDGE_MST;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<hed::EdgeMST> RN_EDGE_MST_PTR;
typedef hed::Triangulation TRIANGULATOR;
///> General interface for filtering out nodes in search functions.
struct RN_NODE_FILTER : public std::unary_function<const RN_NODE_PTR&, bool>
virtual ~RN_NODE_FILTER() {}
virtual bool operator()( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
return true; // By default everything passes
///> Filters out nodes that have the flag set.
bool operator()( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
return !aNode->GetFlag();
///> Functor comparing if two nodes are equal by their coordinates. It is required to make set of
///> shared pointers work properly.
struct RN_NODE_COMPARE : std::binary_function<RN_NODE_PTR, RN_NODE_PTR, bool>
bool operator()( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode1, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode2 ) const
return ( aNode1->GetX() == aNode2->GetX() && aNode1->GetY() == aNode2->GetY() );
///> Functor calculating hash for a given node. It is required to make set of shared pointers
///> work properly.
struct RN_NODE_HASH : std::unary_function<RN_NODE_PTR, std::size_t>
std::size_t operator()( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode ) const
std::size_t hash = 2166136261u;
hash ^= aNode->GetX();
hash *= 16777619;
hash ^= aNode->GetY();
return hash;
* Class RN_LINKS
* Manages data describing nodes and connections for a given net.
class RN_LINKS
// Helper typedefs
typedef boost::unordered_set<RN_NODE_PTR, RN_NODE_HASH, RN_NODE_COMPARE> RN_NODE_SET;
typedef std::list<RN_EDGE_PTR> RN_EDGE_LIST;
* Function AddNode()
* Adds a node with given coordinates and returns pointer to the newly added node. If the node
* existed before, only appropriate pointer is returned.
* @param aX is the x coordinate of a node.
* @param aY is the y coordinate of a node.
* @return Pointer to the node with given coordinates.
const RN_NODE_PTR& AddNode( int aX, int aY );
* Function RemoveNode()
* Removes a node described by a given node pointer.
* @param aNode is a pointer to node to be removed.
void RemoveNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode );
* Function GetNodes()
* Returns the set of currently used nodes.
* @return The set of currently used nodes.
const RN_NODE_SET& GetNodes() const
return m_nodes;
* Function AddConnection()
* Adds a connection between two nodes and of given distance. Edges with distance equal 0 are
* considered to be existing connections. Distance different than 0 means that the connection
* is missing.
* @param aNode1 is the origin node of a new connection.
* @param aNode2 is the end node of a new connection.
* @param aDistance is the distance of the connection (0 means that nodes are actually
* connected, >0 means a missing connection).
const RN_EDGE_PTR& AddConnection( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode1, const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode2,
unsigned int aDistance = 0 );
* Function RemoveConnection()
* Removes a connection described by a given edge pointer.
* @param aEdge is a pointer to edge to be removed.
void RemoveConnection( const RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge );
* Function GetConnections()
* Returns the list of edges that currently connect nodes.
* @return the list of edges that currently connect nodes.
const RN_EDGE_LIST& GetConnections() const
return m_edges;
///> Set of nodes that are used are expected to be connected together.
RN_NODE_SET m_nodes;
///> List of edges that currently connect nodes.
RN_EDGE_LIST m_edges;
* Class RN_POLY
* Describes a single subpolygon (ZONE_CONTAINER is supposed to contain one or more of those) and
* performs fast point-inside-polygon test.
class RN_POLY
RN_POLY( const CPolyPt* aBegin, const CPolyPt* aEnd, const ZONE_CONTAINER* aParent,
RN_LINKS& aConnections, const BOX2I& aBBox );
* Function GetNode()
* Returns node representing a polygon (it has the same coordinates as the first point of its
* bounding polyline.
const RN_NODE_PTR& GetNode() const
return m_node;
* Function GetParent()
* Returns pointer to zone that is the owner of subpolygon.
* @return Pointer to zone that is the owner of subpolygon.
const ZONE_CONTAINER* GetParent() const
return m_parent;
* Function HitTest()
* Tests if selected node is located within polygon boundaries.
* @param aNode is a node to be checked.
* @return True is the node is located within polygon boundaries.
bool HitTest( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode ) const;
///> Owner of this subpolygon.
const ZONE_CONTAINER* m_parent;
///> Pointer to the first point of polyline bounding the polygon.
const CPolyPt* m_begin;
///> Pointer to the last point of polyline bounding the polygon.
const CPolyPt* m_end;
///> Bounding box of the polygon.
BOX2I m_bbox;
///> Node representing a polygon (it has the same coordinates as the first point of its
///> bounding polyline.
RN_NODE_PTR m_node;
friend bool sortArea( const RN_POLY& aP1, const RN_POLY& aP2 );
* Class RN_NET
* Describes ratsnest for a single net.
class RN_NET
///> Default constructor.
RN_NET() : m_dirty( true ), m_visible( true )
* Function SetVisible()
* Sets state of the visibility flag.
* @param aEnabled is new state. True if ratsnest for a given net is meant to be displayed,
* false otherwise.
void SetVisible( bool aEnabled )
m_visible = aEnabled;
* Function IsVisible()
* Returns the visibility flag state.
* @return True if ratsnest for given net is set as visible, false otherwise,
bool IsVisible() const
return m_visible;
* Function MarkDirty()
* Marks ratsnest for given net as 'dirty', ie. requiring recomputation.
void MarkDirty()
m_dirty = true;
* Function IsDirty()
* Returns state of the 'dirty' flag, indicating that ratsnest for a given net is invalid
* and requires an update.
* @return True if ratsnest requires recomputation, false otherwise.
bool IsDirty() const
return m_dirty;
* Function GetUnconnected()
* Returns pointer to a vector of edges that makes ratsnest for a given net.
* @return Pointer to a vector of edges that makes ratsnest for a given net.
const std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>* GetUnconnected() const
return m_rnEdges.get();
* Function Update()
* Recomputes ratsnest for a net.
void Update();
* Function AddItem()
* Adds an appropriate node associated with selected pad, so it is
* taken into account during ratsnest computations.
* @param aPad is a pad for which node is added.
void AddItem( const D_PAD* aPad );
* Function AddItem()
* Adds an appropriate node associated with selected via, so it is
* taken into account during ratsnest computations.
* @param aVia is a via for which node is added.
void AddItem( const SEGVIA* aVia );
* Function AddItem()
* Adds appropriate nodes and edges associated with selected track, so they are
* taken into account during ratsnest computations.
* @param aTrack is a track for which nodes and edges are added.
void AddItem( const TRACK* aTrack );
* Function AddItem()
* Processes zone to split it into subpolygons and adds appropriate nodes for them, so they are
* taken into account during ratsnest computations.
* @param aZone is a zone to be processed.
void AddItem( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone );
* Function RemoveItem()
* Removes all nodes and edges associated with selected pad, so they are not
* taken into account during ratsnest computations anymore.
* @param aPad is a pad for which nodes and edges are removed.
void RemoveItem( const D_PAD* aPad );
* Function RemoveItem()
* Removes all nodes and edges associated with selected via, so they are not
* taken into account during ratsnest computations anymore.
* @param aVia is a via for which nodes and edges are removed.
void RemoveItem( const SEGVIA* aVia );
* Function RemoveItem()
* Removes all nodes and edges associated with selected track, so they are not
* taken into account during ratsnest computations anymore.
* @param aTrack is a track for which nodes and edges are removed.
void RemoveItem( const TRACK* aTrack );
* Function RemoveItem()
* Removes all nodes and edges associated with selected zone, so they are not
* taken into account during ratsnest computations anymore.
* @param aZone is a zone for which nodes and edges are removed.
void RemoveItem( const ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone );
* Function GetNodes()
* Returns list of nodes that are associated with a given item.
* @param aItem is an item for which the list is generated.
* @return List of associated nodes.
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> GetNodes( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem ) const;
* Function GetClosestNode()
* Returns a single node that lies in the shortest distance from a specific node.
* @param aNode is the node for which the closest node is searched.
const RN_NODE_PTR GetClosestNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode ) const;
* Function GetClosestNode()
* Returns a single node that lies in the shortest distance from a specific node and meets
* selected filter criterion..
* @param aNode is the node for which the closest node is searched.
* @param aFilter is a functor that filters nodes.
const RN_NODE_PTR GetClosestNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode, RN_NODE_FILTER aFilter ) const;
* Function GetClosestNodes()
* Returns list of nodes sorted by the distance from a specific node.
* @param aNode is the node for which the closest nodes are searched.
* @param aNumber is asked number of returned nodes. If it is negative then all nodes that
* belong to the same net are returned. If asked number is greater than number of possible
* nodes then the size of list is limited to number of possible nodes.
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> GetClosestNodes( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode, int aNumber = -1 ) const;
* Function GetClosestNodes()
* Returns filtered list of nodes sorted by the distance from a specific node.
* @param aNode is the node for which the closest nodes are searched.
* @param aFilter is a functor that filters nodes.
* @param aNumber is asked number of returned nodes. If it is negative then all nodes that
* belong to the same net are returned. If asked number is greater than number of possible
* nodes then the size of list is limited to number of possible nodes.
std::list<RN_NODE_PTR> GetClosestNodes( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode,
RN_NODE_FILTER aFilter, int aNumber = -1 ) const;
* Function GetEdges()
* Returns pointer to the vector of edges that makes ratsnest for a given net.
* @return Pointer to the vector of edges that makes ratsnest for a given net
const std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>* GetEdges() const
return m_rnEdges.get();
* Function AddSimpleNode()
* Changes drawing mode for a node to simple (ie. one ratsnest line per node).
* @param aNode is a node that changes its drawing mode..
void AddSimpleNode( RN_NODE_PTR& aNode )
m_simpleNodes.push_back( aNode );
aNode->SetFlag( true );
* Function GetSimpleNodes()
* Returns list of nodes for which ratsnest is drawn in simple mode (ie. one
* ratsnest line per node).
* @return list of nodes for which ratsnest is drawn in simple mode.
const std::deque<RN_NODE_PTR>& GetSimpleNodes() const
return m_simpleNodes;
* Function ClearSimple()
* Removes all nodes and edges that are used for displaying ratsnest in simple mode.
void ClearSimple();
///> Validates edge, ie. modifies source and target nodes for an edge
///> to make sure that they are not ones with the flag set.
void validateEdge( RN_EDGE_PTR& aEdge );
///> Removes all ratsnest edges for a given node.
void clearNode( const RN_NODE_PTR& aNode );
///> Adds appropriate edges for nodes that are connected by zones.
void processZones();
///> Recomputes ratsnset from scratch.
void compute();
////> Stores information about connections for a given net.
RN_LINKS m_links;
///> Vector of edges that makes ratsnest for a given net.
boost::shared_ptr< std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR> > m_rnEdges;
///> List of nodes for which ratsnest is drawn in simple mode.
std::deque<RN_NODE_PTR> m_simpleNodes;
///> Flag indicating necessity of recalculation of ratsnest for a net.
bool m_dirty;
///> Map that associates nodes in the ratsnest model to respective nodes.
boost::unordered_map<const D_PAD*, RN_NODE_PTR> m_pads;
///> Map that associates nodes in the ratsnest model to respective vias.
boost::unordered_map<const SEGVIA*, RN_NODE_PTR> m_vias;
///> Map that associates edges in the ratsnest model to respective tracks.
boost::unordered_map<const TRACK*, RN_EDGE_PTR> m_tracks;
///> Map that associates groups of subpolygons in the ratsnest model to their respective zones.
boost::unordered_map<const ZONE_CONTAINER*, std::deque<RN_POLY> > m_zonePolygons;
///> Map that associates groups of edges in the ratsnest model to their respective zones.
boost::unordered_map<const ZONE_CONTAINER*, std::deque<RN_EDGE_PTR> > m_zoneConnections;
///> Visibility flag.
bool m_visible;
* Class RN_DATA
* Stores information about unconnected items for the whole PCB.
class RN_DATA
* Default constructor
* @param aBoard is the board to be processed in order to look for unconnected items.
RN_DATA( const BOARD* aBoard ) : m_board( aBoard ) {}
* Function UpdateItem()
* Updates ratsnest data for an item.
* @param aItem is an item to be updated.
void Update( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem );
* Function UpdateItem()
* Updates ratsnest data for a module.
* @param aItem is a module to be updated.
void Update( const MODULE* aModule );
* Function AddSimple()
* Sets an item to be drawn in simple mode (ie. one line per node, instead of full ratsnest).
* It is used for drawing temporary ratsnest, eg. while moving an item.
* @param aItem is an item to be drawn in simple node.
void AddSimple( const BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem );
* Function AddSimple()
* Sets a module to be drawn in simple mode (ie. one line per node, instead of full ratsnest).
* It is used for drawing temporary ratsnest, eg. while moving a module.
* @param aModule is a module to be drawn in simple node.
void AddSimple( const MODULE* aModule );
* Function ClearSimple()
* Clears the list of nodes for which ratsnest is drawn in simple mode (one line per node).
void ClearSimple();
* Function ProcessBoard()
* Prepares data for computing (computes a list of current nodes and connections). It is
* required to run only once after loading a board.
void ProcessBoard();
* Function Recalculate()
* Recomputes ratsnest for selected net number or all nets that need updating.
* @param aNet is a net number. If it is negative, all nets that need updating are recomputed.
void Recalculate( int aNet = -1 );
* Function GetNets()
* Returns ratsnest grouped by net numbers.
* @return Vector of ratsnest grouped by net numbers.
const std::vector<RN_NET>& GetNets() const
return m_nets;
* Function updateNet()
* Recomputes ratsnest for a single net.
* @param aNetCode is the net number to be recomputed.
void updateNet( int aNetCode );
///> Board to be processed.
const BOARD* m_board;
///> Stores information about ratsnest grouped by net numbers.
std::vector<RN_NET> m_nets;
#endif /* RATSNEST_DATA_H */
* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file ratsnest_viewitem.cpp
* @brief Class that draws missing connections on a PCB.
#include <ratsnest_viewitem.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <gal/graphics_abstraction_layer.h>
#include <layers_id_colors_and_visibility.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
using namespace KIGFX;
EDA_ITEM( NOT_USED ), m_data( aData )
const BOX2I RATSNEST_VIEWITEM::ViewBBox() const
// Make it always visible
BOX2I bbox;
return bbox;
void RATSNEST_VIEWITEM::ViewDraw( int aLayer, GAL* aGal ) const
aGal->SetIsStroke( true );
aGal->SetIsFill( false );
aGal->SetLineWidth( 1.0 );
aGal->SetStrokeColor( COLOR4D( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4 ) );
WITHOUT_FLAG without_flag;
// Draw the temporary ratsnest
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NET& net, m_data->GetNets() )
if( !net.IsVisible() )
// Avoid duplicate destinations for ratsnest lines by storing already used nodes
boost::unordered_set<RN_NODE_PTR> usedDestinations;
// Draw the "dynamic" ratsnest (ie. for objects that may be currently being moved)
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_NODE_PTR& node, net.GetSimpleNodes() )
RN_NODE_PTR dest = net.GetClosestNode( node, without_flag );
if( dest && usedDestinations.find( dest ) == usedDestinations.end() )
VECTOR2D origin( node->GetX(), node->GetY() );
VECTOR2D end( dest->GetX(), dest->GetY() );
aGal->DrawLine( origin, end );
usedDestinations.insert( dest );
// Draw the "static" ratsnest
const std::vector<RN_EDGE_PTR>* edges = net.GetUnconnected();
if( edges == NULL )
BOOST_FOREACH( const RN_EDGE_PTR& edge, *edges )
const RN_NODE_PTR& sourceNode = edge->getSourceNode();
const RN_NODE_PTR& targetNode = edge->getTargetNode();
VECTOR2D source( sourceNode->GetX(), sourceNode->GetY() );
VECTOR2D target( targetNode->GetX(), targetNode->GetY() );
aGal->DrawLine( source, target );
void RATSNEST_VIEWITEM::ViewGetLayers( int aLayers[], int& aCount ) const
aCount = 1;
* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 CERN
* @author Maciej Suminski <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file ratsnest_viewitem.h
* @brief Class that draws missing connections on a PCB.
#include <base_struct.h>
#include <math/vector2d.h>
class GAL;
class RN_DATA;
namespace KIGFX
/// @copydoc VIEW_ITEM::ViewBBox()
const BOX2I ViewBBox() const;
/// @copydoc VIEW_ITEM::ViewDraw()
void ViewDraw( int aLayer, GAL* aGal ) const;
/// @copydoc VIEW_ITEM::ViewGetLayers()
void ViewGetLayers( int aLayers[], int& aCount ) const;
/// @copydoc EDA_ITEM::Show()
void Show( int x, std::ostream& st ) const
///> Object containing ratsnest data.
RN_DATA* m_data;
} // namespace KIGFX
...@@ -26,8 +26,11 @@ ...@@ -26,8 +26,11 @@
#include <class_module.h> #include <class_module.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h> #include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <view/view_controls.h> #include <view/view_controls.h>
#include <ratsnest_data.h>
#include <confirm.h> #include <confirm.h>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
#include "common_actions.h" #include "common_actions.h"
#include "selection_tool.h" #include "selection_tool.h"
#include "move_tool.h" #include "move_tool.h"
...@@ -41,11 +44,6 @@ MOVE_TOOL::MOVE_TOOL() : ...@@ -41,11 +44,6 @@ MOVE_TOOL::MOVE_TOOL() :
} }
void MOVE_TOOL::Reset() void MOVE_TOOL::Reset()
{ {
// The tool launches upon reception of action event ("pcbnew.InteractiveMove") // The tool launches upon reception of action event ("pcbnew.InteractiveMove")
...@@ -111,11 +109,13 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) ...@@ -111,11 +109,13 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
{ {
m_state.Rotate( cursorPos, 900.0 ); m_state.Rotate( cursorPos, 900.0 );>ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );>ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
updateRatsnest( true );
} }
else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::flip ) ) // got flip event? else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::flip ) ) // got flip event?
{ {
m_state.Flip( cursorPos ); m_state.Flip( cursorPos );>ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );>ViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
updateRatsnest( true );
} }
} }
...@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) ...@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
// Drag items to the current cursor position // Drag items to the current cursor position
VECTOR2D movement = ( evt->Position() - dragPosition ); VECTOR2D movement = ( evt->Position() - dragPosition );
m_state.Move( movement ); m_state.Move( movement );
updateRatsnest( true );
} }
else else
{ {
...@@ -153,17 +155,50 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ) ...@@ -153,17 +155,50 @@ int MOVE_TOOL::Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
// Modifications has to be rollbacked, so restore the previous state of items // Modifications has to be rollbacked, so restore the previous state of items>ItemsViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::APPEARANCE );>ItemsViewUpdate( VIEW_ITEM::APPEARANCE );
m_state.RestoreAll(); m_state.RestoreAll();
updateRatsnest( false );
} }
else else
{ {
// Changes are applied, so update the items // Changes are applied, so update the items>ItemsViewUpdate( m_state.GetUpdateFlag() );>ItemsViewUpdate( m_state.GetUpdateFlag() );
m_state.Apply(); m_state.Apply();
} }
RN_DATA* ratsnest = static_cast<BOARD*>( m_toolMgr->GetModel() )->GetRatsnest();
controls->ShowCursor( false ); controls->ShowCursor( false );
controls->SetSnapping( false ); controls->SetSnapping( false );
controls->SetAutoPan( false ); controls->SetAutoPan( false );
return 0; return 0;
} }
void MOVE_TOOL::updateRatsnest( bool aRedraw )
const SELECTION_TOOL::SELECTION& selection = m_selectionTool->GetSelection();
RN_DATA* ratsnest = static_cast<BOARD*>( m_toolMgr->GetModel() )->GetRatsnest();
BOOST_FOREACH( BOARD_ITEM* item, selection.items )
if( item->Type() == PCB_PAD_T || item->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T ||
item->Type() == PCB_VIA_T || item->Type() == PCB_ZONE_AREA_T )
ratsnest->Update( static_cast<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( item ) );
if( aRedraw )
ratsnest->AddSimple( static_cast<BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM*>( item ) );
else if( item->Type() == PCB_MODULE_T )
ratsnest->Update( static_cast<MODULE*>( item ) );
if( aRedraw )
ratsnest->AddSimple( static_cast<MODULE*>( item ) );
...@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ class MOVE_TOOL : public TOOL_INTERACTIVE ...@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ class MOVE_TOOL : public TOOL_INTERACTIVE
{ {
public: public:
/// @copydoc TOOL_INTERACTIVE::Reset() /// @copydoc TOOL_INTERACTIVE::Reset()
void Reset(); void Reset();
...@@ -65,6 +64,8 @@ public: ...@@ -65,6 +64,8 @@ public:
int Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent ); int Main( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent );
private: private:
void updateRatsnest( bool aRedraw );
/// Saves the state of items and allows to restore them /// Saves the state of items and allows to restore them
ITEM_STATE m_state; ITEM_STATE m_state;
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